Форкнуть 0

263 строки
7.6 KiB

#include "encryption.h"
// get the file size
int get_file_size(FILE* file, size_t* _file_size)
int ret = 0;
long int oldpos = 0;
oldpos = ftell(file);
ret = fseek(file, 0L, SEEK_END);
if (ret != 0)
goto exit;
*_file_size = (size_t)ftell(file);
fseek(file, oldpos, SEEK_SET);
return ret;
// Compare file1 and file2: return 0 if the first file1.size bytes of the file2
// is equal to file1's contents Otherwise it returns 1
int compare_2_files(const char* first_file, const char* second_file)
int ret = 0;
std::ifstream f1(first_file, std::ios::binary);
std::ifstream f2(second_file, std::ios::binary);
std::vector<uint8_t> f1_data_bytes = std::vector<uint8_t>(
std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(f1), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
std::vector<uint8_t> f2_data_bytes = std::vector<uint8_t>(
std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(f2), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
std::vector<uint8_t>::iterator f1iterator = f1_data_bytes.begin();
std::vector<uint8_t>::iterator f2iterator = f2_data_bytes.begin();
// compare files
for (; f1iterator != f1_data_bytes.end() - 1; ++f1iterator, ++f2iterator)
if (!(*f1iterator == *f2iterator))
ret = 1;
std::cout << "Host: two files are " << ((ret == 0) ? "equal" : "not equal")
<< std::endl;
return ret;
int encrypt_file(
oe_enclave_t* enclave,
bool encrypt,
const char* input_file,
const char* output_file)
oe_result_t result;
int ret = 0;
FILE* src_file = NULL;
FILE* dest_file = NULL;
unsigned char* r_buffer = NULL;
unsigned char* w_buffer = NULL;
size_t bytes_read;
size_t bytes_written;
size_t src_file_size = 0;
size_t src_data_size = 0;
size_t leftover_bytes = 0;
size_t bytes_left = 0;
size_t requested_read_size = 0;
// allocate read/write buffers
r_buffer = new unsigned char[DATA_BLOCK_SIZE];
if (r_buffer == NULL)
ret = 1;
goto exit;
w_buffer = new unsigned char[DATA_BLOCK_SIZE];
if (w_buffer == NULL)
std::cerr << "Host: w_buffer allocation error" << std::endl;
ret = 1;
goto exit;
// open source and dest files
src_file = fopen(input_file, "rb");
if (!src_file)
std::cout << "Host: fopen " << input_file << " failed." << std::endl;
ret = 1;
goto exit;
ret = get_file_size(src_file, &src_file_size);
if (ret != 0)
ret = 1;
goto exit;
src_data_size = src_file_size;
dest_file = fopen(output_file, "wb");
if (!dest_file)
std::cerr << "Host: fopen " << output_file << " failed." << std::endl;
ret = 1;
goto exit;
// Initialize the encryptor inside the enclave
// Parameters: encrypt: a bool value to set the encryptor mode, true for
// encryption and false for decryption
result = initialize_encryptor(enclave, &ret, encrypt);
if (result != OE_OK)
ret = 1;
goto exit;
if (ret != 0)
goto exit;
leftover_bytes = src_data_size % CIPHER_BLOCK_SIZE;
std::cout << "Host: leftover_bytes " << leftover_bytes << std::endl;
// Encrypt each block in the source file and write to the dest_file. Process
// all the blocks except the last one if its size is not a multiple of
// CIPHER_BLOCK_SIZE when padding is needed
bytes_left = src_data_size;
if (leftover_bytes)
bytes_left = src_data_size - leftover_bytes;
requested_read_size = DATA_BLOCK_SIZE;
std::cout << "Host: start " << (encrypt ? "encrypting" : "decrypting") << std::endl;
// It loops through DATA_BLOCK_SIZE blocks one at a time then followed by
// processing the last remaining multiple of CIPHER_BLOCK_SIZE blocks. This
// loop makes sure all the data is processed except leftover_bytes bytes in
// the end.
while (
(bytes_read = fread(
r_buffer, sizeof(unsigned char), requested_read_size, src_file)) &&
bytes_read > 0)
// Request for the enclave to encrypt or decrypt _input_buffer. The
// block size (bytes_read), needs to be a multiple of CIPHER_BLOCK_SIZE.
// In this sample, DATA_BLOCK_SIZE is used except the last block, which
// will have to pad it to be a multiple of CIPHER_BLOCK_SIZE.
result = encrypt_block(
enclave, &ret, encrypt, r_buffer, w_buffer, bytes_read);
if (result != OE_OK)
std::cerr << "encrypt_block error 1" << std::endl;
ret = 1;
goto exit;
if (ret != 0)
std::cerr << "encrypt_block error 1" << std::endl;
goto exit;
if ((bytes_written = fwrite(
w_buffer, sizeof(unsigned char), bytes_read, dest_file)) !=
std::cerr << "Host: fwrite error " << output_file << std::endl;
ret = 1;
goto exit;
bytes_left -= bytes_written;
if (bytes_left == 0)
if (bytes_left < DATA_BLOCK_SIZE)
requested_read_size = bytes_left;
if (encrypt)
// The CBC mode for AES assumes that we provide data in blocks of
// CIPHER_BLOCK_SIZE bytes. This sample uses PKCS#5 padding. Pad the
// whole CIPHER_BLOCK_SIZE block if leftover_bytes is zero. Pad the
// (CIPHER_BLOCK_SIZE - leftover_bytes) bytes if leftover_bytes is
// non-zero.
size_t padded_byte_count = 0;
unsigned char plaintext_padding_buf[CIPHER_BLOCK_SIZE];
unsigned char ciphertext_padding_buf[CIPHER_BLOCK_SIZE];
memset(ciphertext_padding_buf, 0, CIPHER_BLOCK_SIZE);
memset(plaintext_padding_buf, 0, CIPHER_BLOCK_SIZE);
if (leftover_bytes == 0)
padded_byte_count = CIPHER_BLOCK_SIZE;
padded_byte_count = CIPHER_BLOCK_SIZE - leftover_bytes;
std::cout << "Host: Working the last block" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Host: padded_byte_count " << padded_byte_count << std::endl;
std::cout << "Host: leftover_bytes " << leftover_bytes << std::endl;
bytes_read = fread(
sizeof(unsigned char),
if (bytes_read != leftover_bytes)
goto exit;
// PKCS5 Padding
(void*)(plaintext_padding_buf + leftover_bytes),
result = encrypt_block(
if (result != OE_OK)
ret = 1;
goto exit;
if (ret != 0)
goto exit;
bytes_written = fwrite(
sizeof(unsigned char),
if (bytes_written != CIPHER_BLOCK_SIZE)
goto exit;
std::cout << "Host: done " << (encrypt ? "encrypting" : "decrypting") << std::endl;
// close files
delete[] r_buffer;
delete[] w_buffer;
std::cout << "Host: called close_encryptor" << std::endl;
result = close_encryptor(enclave);
if (result != OE_OK)
ret = 1;
return ret;