{ "name": "azuredatastudio-postgresql", "displayName": "PostgreSQL", "version": "0.2.6", "publisher": "Microsoft", "description": "PostgreSQL extension for Azure Data Studio", "aiKey": "c2c974c2-f342-42c8-b85b-b79436a86603", "icon": "images/extension-icon.png", "repository": { "url": "https://github.com/Microsoft/azuredatastudio-postgresql" }, "license": "MIT", "activationEvents": [ "*" ], "main": "./out/main", "extensionDependencies": [ "vscode.sql" ], "scripts": { "compile": "gulp build", "package": "gulp package:online", "package-offline": "gulp package:offline" }, "contributes": { "grammars": [ { "injectTo": [ "source.sql" ], "scopeName": "source.pgsql-injection.sql", "path": "./syntaxes/pgsql-injection.json" } ], "outputChannels": [ "PGSQL" ], "snippets": [ { "language": "sql", "path": "./snippets/pgsql.json" } ], "configuration": { "type": "object", "title": "PGSQL configuration", "properties": { "pgsql.logDebugInfo": { "type": "boolean", "default": false, "description": "[Optional] Log debug output to the VS Code console (Help -> Toggle Developer Tools)" }, "pgsql.enabled": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "[Optional] Enable PostgreSQL support (currently in development)" }, "pgsql.debugSourcePath": { "type": [ "string", "null" ], "default": null, "description": "[Optional] Path to the source directory of the PostgreSQL Tools Service, for debugging" }, "pgsql.useDebugSource": { "type": "boolean", "default": false, "description": "[Optional] Enable running the PGSQL extension via the path set in pgsql.debugSourcePath" }, "pgsql.enableStartupDebugging": { "type": "boolean", "default": false, "description": "[Optional] Whether to make the PostgreSQL Tools Service wait for a debugger to attach when starting" }, "pgsql.debugServerPort": { "type": "number", "default": 3000, "description": "[Optional] The port to run the PostgreSQL Tools Service remote debugger on (default 3000)" }, "pgsql.defaultDatabase": { "type": "string", "default": "postgres", "description": "The default database to use when creating a new PostgreSQL connection" }, "pgsql.format.keywordCase": { "type": [ "string", "null" ], "description": "[Optional] Changes how keywords are formatted. Allowed values are 'upper', 'lower' and 'capitalize'.", "default": null, "enum": [ null, "upper", "lower", "capitalize" ] }, "pgsql.format.identifierCase": { "type": [ "string", "null" ], "description": "[Optional] Changes how identifiers are formatted. Allowed values are 'upper', 'lower' and 'capitalize'.", "default": null, "enum": [ null, "upper", "lower", "capitalize" ] }, "pgsql.format.stripComments": { "type": "boolean", "default": false, "description": "[Optional] If true comments are removed from the statements" }, "pgsql.format.reindent": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "[Optional] If true the indentations of the statements are changed." } } }, "connectionProvider": { "protocolVersion": "1.0", "providerName": "PGSQL", "providerId": "PGSQL", "displayName": "PostgreSQL", "azureResource": "OssRdbms", "connectionOptions": [ { "specialValueType": "connectionName", "isIdentity": true, "name": "connectionName", "displayName": "Name (optional)", "description": "Custom name of the connection", "groupName": "Source", "valueType": "string", "defaultValue": null, "objectType": null, "categoryValues": null, "isRequired": false, "isArray": false }, { "name": "host", "displayName": "Server name", "description": "Name of 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"displayName": "User name", "description": "Indicates the user ID to be used when connecting to the data source", "valueType": "string", "specialValueType": "userName", "isIdentity": true, "isRequired": true, "groupName": "Security" }, { "name": "password", "displayName": "Password", "description": "Indicates the password to be used when connecting to the data source", "valueType": "password", "specialValueType": "password", "isIdentity": true, "isRequired": true, "groupName": "Security" }, { "name": "hostaddr", "displayName": "Host IP address", "description": "IP address of the server", "valueType": "string", "isIdentity": true, "groupName": "Server", "defaultValue": null }, { "name": "port", "displayName": "Port", "description": "Port number for the server", "valueType": "number", "isIdentity": true, "groupName": "Server", "defaultValue": null }, { "name": "connectTimeout", "displayName": "Connect timeout", "description": "Seconds to wait before timing out when connecting", 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