
344 строки
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Source EULA. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as url from 'url';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import got from 'got';
const ROOT_DIR = path.join(path.dirname(url.fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)), '..');
const MICROSOFT_SQLOPS_DOWNLOADPAGE = 'Microsoft.SQLOps.DownloadPage';
const MICROSOFT_VISUALSTUDIO_SERVICES_VSIXPACKAGE = 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.VSIXPackage';
* This file is for validating the extension gallery files to ensure that they adhere to the expected schema defined in
* It would be ideal to use the actual parsing logic ADS uses for more thorough validation and automatic updates if the schema ever
* changes, but given how unlikely that is this is fine for now.
* Note that while most checks are falsy checks some specifically check for undefined when an empty string or 0 is
* an expected value.
* You can run this manually from the command line with :
* node scripts/validateGalleries.js
* Validate the extension gallery json according to
* interface IRawGalleryQueryResult {
* results: {
* extensions: IRawGalleryExtension[];
* resultMetadata: {
* metadataType: string;
* metadataItems: {
* name: string;
* count: number;
* }[];
* }[]
* }[];
* }
async function validateExtensionGallery(galleryFilePath) {
let galleryJson;
try {
galleryJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(galleryFilePath).toString());
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(`Unable to parse extension gallery file ${galleryFilePath} : ${err}`);
if (!galleryJson.results || !galleryJson.results[0]) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - results invalid`);
await validateResults(galleryFilePath, galleryJson.results[0]);
* Validate results blob according to
* {
* extensions: IRawGalleryExtension[];
* resultMetadata: {
* metadataType: string;
* metadataItems: {
* name: string;
* count: number;
* }[];
* }[]
* }
async function validateResults(galleryFilePath, resultsJson) {
if (!resultsJson.extensions || !resultsJson.extensions.length) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - No extensions\n${JSON.stringify(resultsJson)}`)
for (const extension of resultsJson.extensions) {
await validateExtension(galleryFilePath, extension);
if (!resultsJson.resultMetadata || !resultsJson.resultMetadata.length) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - No resultMetadata\n${JSON.stringify(resultsJson)}`)
resultsJson.resultMetadata.forEach(resultMetadata => validateResultMetadata(galleryFilePath, resultsJson.extensions.length, resultMetadata));
* Validate extension blob according to
* interface IRawGalleryExtension {
* extensionId: string;
* extensionName: string;
* displayName: string;
* shortDescription: string;
* publisher: { displayName: string, publisherId: string, publisherName: string; };
* versions: IRawGalleryExtensionVersion[];
* statistics: IRawGalleryExtensionStatistics[];
* flags: string;
* }
async function validateExtension(galleryFilePath, extensionJson) {
if (!extensionJson.extensionId) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - No extensionId\n${JSON.stringify(extensionJson)}`)
let extensionName = extensionJson.extensionName;
if (!extensionName) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - No extensionName\n${JSON.stringify(extensionJson)}`)
if (!extensionJson.displayName) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - No displayName\n${JSON.stringify(extensionJson)}`)
if (!extensionJson.shortDescription) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - No shortDescription\n${JSON.stringify(extensionJson)}`)
if (!extensionJson.publisher || !extensionJson.publisher.displayName || !extensionJson.publisher.publisherId || !extensionJson.publisher.publisherName) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - Invalid publisher\n${JSON.stringify(extensionJson)}`)
if (!extensionJson.versions || !extensionJson.versions.length) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - Invalid versions\n${JSON.stringify(extensionJson)}`)
for (const version of extensionJson.versions) {
await validateVersion(galleryFilePath, extensionName, version);
if (!extensionJson.statistics || extensionJson.statistics.length === undefined) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - Invalid statistics\n${JSON.stringify(extensionJson)}`)
extensionJson.statistics.forEach(statistics => validateExtensionStatistics(galleryFilePath, extensionName, statistics));
if (extensionJson.flags === undefined) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - No flags\n${JSON.stringify(extensionJson)}`)
* Validate an extension statistics blob according to
* interface IRawGalleryExtensionStatistics {
* statisticName: string;
* value: number;
* }
function validateExtensionStatistics(galleryFilePath, extensionName, extensionStatisticsJson) {
if (!extensionStatisticsJson.statisticName) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - ${extensionName} - Invalid statisticName\n${JSON.stringify(extensionStatisticsJson)}`)
if (extensionStatisticsJson.value === undefined) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - ${extensionName} - Invalid value\n${JSON.stringify(extensionStatisticsJson)}`)
* Validate an extension version blob according to
* interface IRawGalleryExtensionVersion {
* version: string;
* lastUpdated: string;
* assetUri: string;
* fallbackAssetUri: string;
* files: IRawGalleryExtensionFile[];
* properties?: IRawGalleryExtensionProperty[];
* }
async function validateVersion(galleryFilePath, extensionName, extensionVersionJson) {
if (!extensionVersionJson.version) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - ${extensionName} - No version\n${JSON.stringify(extensionVersionJson)}`)
if (extensionVersionJson.lastUpdated === undefined) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - ${extensionName} - No last updated\n${JSON.stringify(extensionVersionJson)}`)
if ((new Date(extensionVersionJson.lastUpdated)).toString() === 'Invalid Date') {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - ${extensionName} - Last updated value '${extensionVersionJson.lastUpdated}' is invalid. It must be in the format MM/DD/YYYY\n${JSON.stringify(extensionVersionJson)}`)
if (extensionVersionJson.assetUri === undefined) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - ${extensionName} - No asset URI\n${JSON.stringify(extensionVersionJson)}`)
if (!extensionVersionJson.fallbackAssetUri) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - ${extensionName} - No fallbackAssetUri\n${JSON.stringify(extensionVersionJson)}`)
if (!extensionVersionJson.files || !extensionVersionJson.files[0]) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - ${extensionName} - Invalid version files\n${JSON.stringify(extensionVersionJson)}`)
validateHasRequiredAssets(galleryFilePath, extensionName, extensionVersionJson.files);
for (const file of extensionVersionJson.files) {
await validateExtensionFile(galleryFilePath, extensionName, file);
if ( && { => validateExtensionProperty(galleryFilePath, extensionName, property));
const azdataEngineVersion = => property.key === 'Microsoft.AzDataEngine' && (property.value.startsWith('>=') || property.value === '*'))
if (!azdataEngineVersion) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - ${extensionName} - No valid Microsoft.AzdataEngine property found. Value must be either * or >=x.x.x where x.x.x is the minimum Azure Data Studio version the extension requires\n${JSON.stringify(}`)
const vscodeEngineVersion = => property.key === 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.Engine');
if (vscodeEngineVersion && vscodeEngineVersion.value.startsWith('>=') && azdataEngineVersion.value.startsWith('>=')) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - ${extensionName} - Both Microsoft.AzDataEngine and Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.Engine should not have minimum versions. Each Azure Data Studio version is tied to a specific VS Code version and so having both is redundant.`)
} else {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - ${extensionName} - No properties, extensions must have an AzDataEngine version defined`)
* Validates that an extension version has the expected files for displaying in the gallery.
* There are some existing 3rd party extensions that don't have all the files, but that's ok for now.
* Going forward all new extensions should provide these files.
function validateHasRequiredAssets(galleryFilePath, extensionName, filesJson) {
// VSIXPackage or DownloadPage
const vsixFile = filesJson.find(file => file.assetType === MICROSOFT_VISUALSTUDIO_SERVICES_VSIXPACKAGE);
const downloadPageFile = filesJson.find(file => file.assetType === MICROSOFT_SQLOPS_DOWNLOADPAGE);
if (vsixFile && downloadPageFile) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - ${extensionName} - Can not have both VSIXPackage and DownloadPage file`);
} else if (!vsixFile && !downloadPageFile) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - ${extensionName} - Must have file with either VSIXPackage or DownloadPage assetType`);
// Icon
const iconFile = filesJson.find(file => file.assetType === 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Icons.Default');
const noIconExtensions = ['poor-sql-formatter', 'qpi']; // Not all 3rd party extensions have icons so allow existing ones to pass for now
if (!iconFile && noIconExtensions.find(ext => ext === extensionName) === undefined) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - ${extensionName} - Must have an icon file`);
// Details
const detailsFile = filesJson.find(file => file.assetType === 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Content.Details');
if (!detailsFile) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - ${extensionName} - Must have a details file (README)`);
// Manifest
const noManifestExtensions = ['plan-explorer', 'sql-prompt']; // Not all 3rd party extensions have manifests so allow existing ones to pass for now
const manifestFile = filesJson.find(file => file.assetType === 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.Manifest');
if (!manifestFile && noManifestExtensions.find(ext => ext === extensionName) === undefined) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - ${extensionName} - Must have a manifest file (package.json)`);
// License
const noLicenseExtensions = ['sp_executesqlToSQL', 'simple-data-scripter', 'db-snapshot-creator']; // Not all 3rd party extensions have license files to link to so allow existing ones to pass for now
const licenseFile = filesJson.find(file => file.assetType === 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Content.License');
if (!licenseFile && noLicenseExtensions.find(ext => ext === extensionName) === undefined) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - ${extensionName} - Must have a license file`);
* Validate an extension property blob according to
* interface IRawGalleryExtensionProperty {
* key: string;
* value: string;
* }
function validateExtensionProperty(galleryFilePath, extensionName, extensionPropertyJson) {
if (!extensionPropertyJson.key) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - ${extensionName} - No key\n${JSON.stringify(extensionPropertyJson)}`)
if (extensionPropertyJson.value === undefined) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - ${extensionName} - No value\n${JSON.stringify(extensionPropertyJson)}`)
// The set of asset types that are required to be hosted by either us or Github due to potential CORS issues loading
// content in ADS from other sources.
const hostedAssetTypes = new Set([
const allowedHosts = [
* Validate an extension file blob according to
* interface IRawGalleryExtensionFile {
* assetType: string;
* source: string;
* }
* Will also validate that the source URL provided is valid.
async function validateExtensionFile(galleryFilePath, extensionName, extensionFileJson) {
if (!extensionFileJson.assetType) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - ${extensionName} - No assetType\n${JSON.stringify(extensionFileJson)}`)
if (!extensionFileJson.source) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - ${extensionName} - No source\n${JSON.stringify(extensionFileJson)}`)
// Waka-time link is hitting rate limit for the download link so just ignore this one for now.
if (extensionName === 'vscode-wakatime' && extensionFileJson.assetType === MICROSOFT_SQLOPS_DOWNLOADPAGE) {
if (hostedAssetTypes.has(extensionFileJson.assetType) && !allowedHosts.find(host => extensionFileJson.source.startsWith(host))) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - ${extensionName} - The asset ${extensionFileJson.source} (${extensionFileJson.assetType}) is required to be hosted either on Github or by the Azure Data Studio team. If the asset is hosted on Github it must use a URL. If the asset cannot be hosted on Github then please reply in the PR with links to the assets and a team member will handle moving them.`);
// Validate the source URL
try {
const response = await got(extensionFileJson.source);
if (response.statusCode !== 200) {
throw new Error(`${response.statusCode}: ${response.statusMessage}`);
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - ${extensionName} - Error fetching ${extensionFileJson.assetType} with URL ${extensionFileJson.source}. ${err}`);
* Validate a result metadata blob according to
* {
* metadataType: string;
* metadataItems: {
* name: string;
* count: number;
* }
function validateResultMetadata(galleryFilePath, extensionCount, resultMetadataJson) {
if (!resultMetadataJson.metadataType) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - No metadataType\n${JSON.stringify(resultMetadataJson)}`)
if (!resultMetadataJson.metadataItems || !resultMetadataJson.metadataItems.length) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - Invalid metadataItems\n${JSON.stringify(resultMetadataJson)}`)
resultMetadataJson.metadataItems.forEach(metadataItem => {
if (! {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - No name\n${JSON.stringify(metadataItem)}`)
if (metadataItem.count === undefined) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - No count\n${JSON.stringify(metadataItem)}`)
// Extra check here for validating that the total count of extensions is correct
if ( === 'TotalCount' && metadataItem.count !== extensionCount) {
throw new Error(`${galleryFilePath} - Invalid TotalCount, this needs to be updated if adding/removing a new extension. Actual count : ${extensionCount}\n${JSON.stringify(metadataItem)}`)
await Promise.all([
validateExtensionGallery(path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'extensionsGallery.json')),
validateExtensionGallery(path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'extensionsGallery-insider.json'))