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A JavaScript caching library for reducing build time.

🔌 Easy to install: Simply wrap your build commands inside backfill -- [command]
☁️ Remote cache: Store your cache on Azure Blob or as an npm package
⚙️ Fully configurable: Smart defaults with cross-package and per-package configuration and environment variable overrides

backfill is under active development and should probably not be used in production, yet. We will initially focus on stability improvements. We will then look into various optimization strategies, adding more customization, and introducing an API for only running scripts in packages that have changed and skipping others altogether. This is particularly useful for tests (such as Jest) and for other dev tools that simply don't need to run if nothing has changed.


When you're working in a multi-package repo you don't want to re-build packages that haven't changed. By wrapping your build scripts inside backfill you enable storing and fetching of build output to and from a local or remote cache.

Backfill is based on two concepts:

  1. Hashing: It will hash the files of a package, its dependencies and the build command
  2. Caching: Using the hash key, it will look for build output from a local or remote cache. If there's a match, it will backfill the package using the cache. Otherwise, it will run the build command and persist the output to the cache.


Install backfill using yarn:

$ yarn add --dev backfill

Or npm:

$ npm install --save-dev backfill


backfill -- [command]

Typically you would wrap your npm scripts inside backfill, like this:

  "name": "package",
  "scripts": {
    "build": "backfill -- tsc -b"


Backfill can only bring back build output from the folders it was asked to cache. A package that modifies or adds files outside of the cached folder will not be brought back to the same state as when it was initially built. To help you debug this you can add --audit to your backfill command. It will listen to all file changes in your repo (it assumes you're in a git repo) while running the build command and then report on any files that got changed outside of the cache folder.


Backfill will look for backfill.config.js in the package it was called from and among parent folders recursively and then combine those configs together.

To configure backfill, simply export a config object with the properties you wish to override:

module.exports = {
  cacheStorageConfig: {
    provider: "azure-blob",
    options: { ... }

The default configuration object is:

  cacheStorageConfig: { provider: "local" },
  clearOutputFolder: false,
  hashGlobs: ["**/*", "!**/node_modules/**", "!lib/**", "!**/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo"],
  internalCacheFolder: "node_modules/.cache/backfill",
  logFolder: "node_modules/.cache/backfill",
  logLevel: "info",
  mode: "READ_WRITE",
  name: "[name-of-package]",
  outputFolder: "lib",
  packageRoot: "path/to/package",
  producePerformanceLogs: false,
  validateOutput: false

The outputFolder is the folder you want to cache. It can either be a string or an array of strings. outputFolder should be expressed as a relative path from the root of each package. If you want to cache package-a/lib, for instance, you'd write outputFolder: "lib". If you also want to cache the pacakge/a/dist/bundles folder, you'd write outputFolder: ["lib", "dist/bundles"].

The configuration type is:

export type Config = {
  cacheStorageConfig: CacheStorageConfig;
  clearOutputFolder: boolean;
  hashGlobs: HashGlobs;
  internalCacheFolder: string;
  logFolder: string;
  logLevel: LogLevels;
  name: string;
  outputFolder: string | string[];
  packageRoot: string;
  performanceReportName?: string;
  producePerformanceLogs: boolean;
  validateOutput: boolean;

Environment variable

You can override configuration with environment variables. Backfill will also look for a .env-file in the root of your repository, and load those into the environment. This can be useful when you don't want to commit keys and secrets to your remote cache, or if you want to commit a read-only cache access key in the repo and override with a write and read access key in the PR build, for instance.

See getEnvConfig() in ./packages/config/src/envConfig.ts.

Set up remote cache

Microsoft Azure Blog Storage

To cache to a Microsoft Azure Blog Storage you need to provide a connection string and the container name. If you are configuring via backfill.config.js, you can use the following syntax:

module.exports = {
  cacheStorageConfig: {
    provider: "azure-blob",
    options: {
      connectionString: "...",
      container: "..."

You can also configure Microsoft Azure Blog Storage using environment variables.


Npm package

To cache to an NPM package you need to provide a package name and the registry URL of your package feed. This feed should probably be private. If you are configuring via backfill.config.js, you can use the following syntax:

module.exports = {
  cacheStorageConfig: {
    provider: "npm",
    options: {
      npmPackageName: "...",
      registryUrl: "..."

You can also provide a path to the .npmrc user config file, to provide auth details related to your package feed using the npmrcUserconfig field in options.

You can also configure NPM package cache using environment variables.


Performance Logs

You can optionally output performance logs to disk. If turned on, backfill will output a log file after each run with performance metrics. Each log file is formatted as a JSON file. You can turn performance logging by setting producePerformanceLogs: true in backfill.config.js.


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