Revamp Log interface to eliminate boilerplate and reduce Log-induced exceptions.
This commit is contained in:
@ -242,21 +242,19 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
if (layerError != null)
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Sending request {2}/{3} failed due to layer error (Code: {4}, Message: {5}).",
this, nameof(SendRequestAsync), conversationId, methodName, layerError.error_code,
Log.Site().Error("{0} Sending request {1}/{2} failed due to layer error (Code: {3}, Message: {4}).",
this, conversationId, methodName, layerError.error_code, layerError.message);
return Message.FromError(layerError);
var frame = MessageToFrame(conversationId, methodName, PayloadType.Request, request, layerData);
Log.Debug("{0}.{1}: Sending request {2}/{3}.", this, nameof(SendRequestAsync), conversationId, methodName);
Log.Site().Debug("{0} Sending request {1}/{2}.", this, conversationId, methodName);
var responseTask = responseMap.Add(conversationId);
bool wasSent = await SendFrameAsync(frame);
"{0}.{1}: Sending request {2}/{3} {4}.",
this, nameof(SendRequestAsync), conversationId, methodName, wasSent ? "succeded" : "failed");
Log.Site().Debug("{0} Sending request {1}/{2} {3}.",
this, conversationId, methodName, wasSent ? "succeeded" : "failed");
if (!wasSent)
@ -270,9 +268,8 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
if (!wasCompleted)
"{0}.{1} Unsuccessfully sent request {2}/{3} still received response.",
this, nameof(SendRequestAsync), conversationId, methodName);
Log.Site().Information("{0} Unsuccessfully sent request {1}/{2} still received response.",
this, conversationId, methodName);
@ -288,18 +285,17 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
// If there was a layer error, replace the response with the layer error
if (layerError != null)
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Sending reply for conversation ID {2} failed due to layer error (Code: {3}, Message: {4}).",
this, nameof(SendReplyAsync), conversationId, layerError.error_code, layerError.message);
Log.Site().Error("{0} Sending reply for conversation ID {1} failed due to layer error (Code: {2}, Message: {3}).",
this, conversationId, layerError.error_code, layerError.message);
response = Message.FromError(layerError);
var frame = MessageToFrame(conversationId, null, PayloadType.Response, response, layerData);
Log.Debug("{0}.{1}: Sending reply for conversation ID {2}.", this, nameof(SendReplyAsync), conversationId);
Log.Site().Debug("{0} Sending reply for conversation ID {1}.", this, conversationId);
bool wasSent = await SendFrameAsync(frame);
"{0}.{1}: Sending reply for conversation ID {2} {3}.",
this, nameof(SendReplyAsync), conversationId, wasSent ? "succeded" : "failed");
Log.Site().Debug("{0} Sending reply for conversation ID {1} {2}.",
this, conversationId, wasSent ? "succeedeed" : "failed");
private async Task<bool> SendFrameAsync(Frame frame)
@ -323,8 +319,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
catch (Exception ex) when (ex is IOException || ex is ObjectDisposedException || ex is SocketException)
Log.Error(ex, "{0}.{1}: While writing a Frame to the network: {2}", this, nameof(SendFrameAsync),
Log.Site().Error(ex, "{0} While writing a Frame to the network: {1}", this, ex.Message);
return false;
@ -339,19 +334,18 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
if (layerError != null)
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Sending event {2}/{3} failed due to layer error (Code: {4}, Message: {5}).",
this, nameof(SendEventAsync), conversationId, methodName, layerError.error_code, layerError.message);
Log.Site().Error("{0} Sending event {1}/{2} failed due to layer error (Code: {3}, Message: {4}).",
this, conversationId, methodName, layerError.error_code, layerError.message);
var frame = MessageToFrame(conversationId, methodName, PayloadType.Event, message, layerData);
Log.Debug("{0}.{1}: Sending event {2}/{3}.", this, nameof(SendEventAsync), conversationId, methodName);
Log.Site().Debug("{0} Sending event {1}/{2}.", this, conversationId, methodName);
bool wasSent = await SendFrameAsync(frame);
"{0}.{1}: Sending event {2}/{3} {4}.",
this, nameof(SendEventAsync), conversationId, methodName, wasSent ? "succeded" : "failed");
Log.Site().Debug("{0} Sending event {1}/{2} {3}.",
this, conversationId, methodName, wasSent ? "succeeded" : "failed");
internal Task StartAsync()
@ -428,7 +422,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
case State.Disconnected: // we should never enter this switch in the Disconnected state
Log.Error("Unexpected connection state: {0}", state);
Log.Site().Error("{0} Unexpected connection state: {1}", this, state);
protocolError = ProtocolErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR;
nextState = State.SendProtocolError;
@ -436,8 +430,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
catch (Exception ex) when (state != State.Disconnecting && state != State.Disconnected)
Log.Error(ex, "{0}.{1} Unhandled exception. Current state: {2}",
this, nameof(ConnectionLoop), state);
Log.Site().Error(ex, "{0} Unhandled exception. Current state: {1}", this, state);
// we're in a state where we can attempt to disconnect
protocolError = ProtocolErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR;
@ -445,8 +438,8 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Error(ex, "{0}.{1} Unhandled exception during shutdown. Abandoning connection. Current state: {2}",
this, nameof(ConnectionLoop), state);
Log.Site().Error(ex, "{0} Unhandled exception during shutdown. Abandoning connection. Current state: {1}",
this, state);
break; // the while loop
@ -455,8 +448,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
if (state != State.Disconnected)
Log.Information("{0}.{1} Abandoning connection. Current state: {2}",
this, nameof(ConnectionLoop), state);
Log.Site().Information("{0} Abandoning connection. Current state: {1}", this, state);
@ -477,7 +469,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
Log.Information("Rejecting connection {0} because {1}:{2}",
Log.Site().Information("{0} Rejecting connection because {1}:{2}",
this, disconnectError.error_code, disconnectError.message);
protocolError = ProtocolErrorCode.CONNECTION_REJECTED;
@ -506,8 +498,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
Frame frame = await Frame.ReadAsync(networkStream, shutdownTokenSource.Token);
if (frame == null)
Log.Information("{0}.{1} EOS encountered while waiting for config, so disconnecting.",
this, nameof(DoExpectConfigAsync));
Log.Site().Information("{0} EOS encountered while waiting for config, so disconnecting.", this);
return State.Disconnecting;
@ -528,8 +519,8 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
protocolError = result.ErrorCode ?? ProtocolErrorCode.PROTOCOL_VIOLATED;
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Unsupported FrameDisposition {2} when waiting for config. ErrorCode: {3})",
this, nameof(DoExpectConfigAsync), result.Disposition, protocolError);
Log.Site().Error("{0} Unsupported FrameDisposition {1} when waiting for config. ErrorCode: {2})",
this, result.Disposition, protocolError);
return State.SendProtocolError;
@ -546,21 +537,19 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
frame = await Frame.ReadAsync(networkStream, shutdownTokenSource.Token);
if (frame == null)
Log.Information("{0}.{1} EOS encountered, so disconnecting.", this,
Log.Site().Information("{0} EOS encountered, so disconnecting.", this);
return State.Disconnecting;
catch (EpoxyProtocolErrorException pex)
Log.Error(pex, "{0}.{1} Protocol error encountered.", this,
Log.Site().Error(pex, "{0} Protocol error encountered.", this);
protocolError = ProtocolErrorCode.PROTOCOL_VIOLATED;
return State.SendProtocolError;
catch (Exception ex) when (ex is IOException || ex is ObjectDisposedException || ex is SocketException)
Log.Error(ex, "{0}.{1} IO error encountered.", this, nameof(DoConnectedAsync));
Log.Site().Error(ex, "{0} IO error encountered.", this);
return State.Disconnecting;
@ -599,7 +588,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
return State.Disconnecting;
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Unsupported FrameDisposition {2}", this, nameof(DoConnectedAsync), result.Disposition);
Log.Site().Error("{0} Unsupported FrameDisposition {1}", this, result.Disposition);
protocolError = ProtocolErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR;
return State.SendProtocolError;
@ -615,20 +604,20 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
Error details = errorDetails;
var frame = MakeProtocolErrorFrame(errorCode, details);
Log.Debug("{0}.{1}: Sending protocol error with code {2} and details {3}.",
this, nameof(DoSendProtocolErrorAsync), errorCode, details == null ? "<null>" : details.error_code + details.message);
Log.Site().Debug("{0} Sending protocol error with code {1} and details {2}.",
this, errorCode, details == null ? "<null>" : details.error_code + details.message);
bool wasSent = await SendFrameAsync(frame);
"{0}.{1}: Sending protocol error with code {2} {3}.",
this, nameof(DoSendProtocolErrorAsync), errorCode, wasSent ? "succeded" : "failed");
"{0} Sending protocol error with code {1} {2}.",
this, errorCode, wasSent ? "succeeded" : "failed");
return State.Disconnecting;
private State DoDisconnect()
Log.Debug("{0}.{1}: Shutting down.", this, nameof(DoDisconnect));
Log.Site().Debug("{0} Shutting down.", this);
@ -673,8 +662,8 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
if (headers.error_code != (int)ErrorCode.OK)
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Received request with a non-zero error code. Conversation ID: {2}",
this, nameof(DispatchRequest), headers.conversation_id);
Log.Site().Error("{0} Received request with a non-zero error code. Conversation ID: {1}",
this, headers.conversation_id);
protocolError = ProtocolErrorCode.PROTOCOL_VIOLATED;
return State.SendProtocolError;
@ -698,9 +687,9 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Receiving request {2}/{3} failed due to layer error (Code: {4}, Message: {5}).",
this, nameof(DispatchRequest), headers.conversation_id, headers.method_name,
layerError.error_code, layerError.message);
Log.Site().Error("{0} Receiving request {1}/{2} failed due to layer error (Code: {3}, Message: {4}).",
this, headers.conversation_id, headers.method_name,
layerError.error_code, layerError.message);
result = Message.FromError(layerError);
@ -731,16 +720,16 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
if (layerError != null)
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Receiving response {2}/{3} failed due to layer error (Code: {4}, Message: {5}).",
this, nameof(DispatchResponse), headers.conversation_id, headers.method_name,
Log.Site().Error("{0} Receiving response {1}/{2} failed due to layer error (Code: {3}, Message: {4}).",
this, headers.conversation_id, headers.method_name,
layerError.error_code, layerError.message);
response = Message.FromError(layerError);
if (!responseMap.Complete(headers.conversation_id, response))
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Response for unmatched request. Conversation ID: {2}",
this, nameof(DispatchResponse), headers.conversation_id);
Log.Site().Error("{0} Response for unmatched request. Conversation ID: {1}",
this, headers.conversation_id);
@ -748,8 +737,8 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
if (headers.error_code != (int)ErrorCode.OK)
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Received event with a non-zero error code. Conversation ID: {2}",
this, nameof(DispatchEvent), headers.conversation_id);
Log.Site().Error("{0} Received event with a non-zero error code. Conversation ID: {1}",
this, headers.conversation_id);
@ -763,8 +752,8 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
if (layerError != null)
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Receiving event {2}/{3} failed due to layer error (Code: {4}, Message: {5}).",
this, nameof(DispatchEvent), headers.conversation_id, headers.method_name,
Log.Site().Error("{0}: Receiving event {1}/{2} failed due to layer error (Code: {3}, Message: {4}).",
this, headers.conversation_id, headers.method_name,
layerError.error_code, layerError.message);
@ -864,7 +853,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
catch (Exception ex) when (ex is IOException || ex is SocketException)
Log.Error(ex, "Exception during connection shutdown");
Log.Site().Error(ex, "Exception during connection shutdown");
stream = null;
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
public override void AddService<T>(T service)
Log.Information("{0}.{1}: Adding {2}.", this, nameof(AddService), typeof(T).Name);
Log.Site().Information("Listener on {0} adding {1}.", ListenEndpoint, typeof(T).Name);
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
private async Task AcceptAsync(CancellationToken t)
Log.Information("{0}.{1}: Accepting connections...", this, nameof(AcceptAsync));
Log.Site().Information("Accepting connections on {0}", ListenEndpoint);
while (!t.IsCancellationRequested)
Socket socket = null;
@ -110,13 +110,11 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
await connection.StartAsync();
Log.Debug("{0}.{1}: Accepted connection from {2}.",
this, nameof(AcceptAsync), connection.RemoteEndPoint);
Log.Site().Debug("Accepted connection from {0}.", connection.RemoteEndPoint);
catch (SocketException ex)
Log.Fatal(ex, "{0}.{1}: Accept failed with error {2}.",
this, nameof(AcceptAsync), ex.SocketErrorCode);
Log.Site().Fatal(ex, "Accept failed with error {0}.", ex.SocketErrorCode);
@ -130,7 +128,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
// connection.
Log.Information("{0}.{1}: Shutting down.", this, nameof(AcceptAsync));
Log.Site().Information("Shutting down connection on {0}", ListenEndpoint);
private static void ShutdownSocketSafe(Socket socket)
@ -143,7 +141,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
catch (SocketException ex)
// We tried to cleanly shutdown the socket, oh well.
Log.Debug(ex, "Exception encountered when shutting down a socket.");
Log.Site().Debug(ex, "Exception encountered when shutting down a socket.");
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
Log.Debug("{0}.{1}: Processing {2} framelets.", nameof(EpoxyProtocol), nameof(Classify), frame.Count);
Log.Site().Debug("Processing {0} framelets.", frame.Count);
var state = ClassifyState.ExpectFirstFramelet;
EpoxyHeaders headers = null;
@ -284,8 +284,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Unhandled state {2}. Dropping frame.",
nameof(EpoxyProtocol), nameof(Classify), state);
Log.Site().Error("Unhandled state {0}. Dropping frame.", state);
return new ClassifyResult
Disposition = FrameDisposition.Indeterminate
@ -302,7 +301,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
if (frame.Framelets.Count == 0)
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Frame was empty.", nameof(EpoxyProtocol), nameof(TransitionExpectFirstFramelet));
Log.Site().Error("Frame was empty.");
errorCode = ProtocolErrorCode.MALFORMED_DATA;
return ClassifyState.MalformedFrame;
@ -319,8 +318,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
return ClassifyState.ExpectProtocolError;
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Frame began with invalid FrameletType {2}.",
nameof(EpoxyProtocol), nameof(TransitionExpectEpoxyHeaders), frame.Framelets[0].Type);
Log.Site().Error("Frame began with invalid FrameletType {0}.", frame.Framelets[0].Type);
errorCode = ProtocolErrorCode.MALFORMED_DATA;
return ClassifyState.MalformedFrame;
@ -347,15 +345,13 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Didn't get a valid {2}.",
nameof(EpoxyProtocol), nameof(TransitionExpectEpoxyHeaders), nameof(EpoxyHeaders));
Log.Site().Error("Didn't get a valid {0}.", nameof(EpoxyHeaders));
errorCode = ProtocolErrorCode.MALFORMED_DATA;
return ClassifyState.MalformedFrame;
Log.Debug("{0}.{1}: Deserialized {2} with conversation ID {3} and payload type {4}.",
nameof(EpoxyProtocol), nameof(TransitionExpectEpoxyHeaders), nameof(EpoxyHeaders),
headers.conversation_id, headers.payload_type);
Log.Site().Debug("Deserialized {0} with conversation ID {1} and payload type {2}.",
nameof(EpoxyHeaders), headers.conversation_id, headers.payload_type);
return ClassifyState.ExpectOptionalLayerData;
@ -373,8 +369,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
if (frame.Count < 2)
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Frame did not continue with LayerData or PayloadData.",
nameof(EpoxyProtocol), nameof(TransitionExpectEpoxyHeaders));
Log.Site().Error("Frame did not continue with LayerData or PayloadData.");
errorCode = ProtocolErrorCode.MALFORMED_DATA;
return ClassifyState.MalformedFrame;
@ -388,15 +383,14 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
if (framelet.Type != FrameletType.LayerData)
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Frame did not continue with LayerData or PayloadData.",
nameof(EpoxyProtocol), nameof(TransitionExpectOptionalLayerData));
Log.Site().Error("Frame did not continue with LayerData or PayloadData.");
errorCode = ProtocolErrorCode.MALFORMED_DATA;
return ClassifyState.MalformedFrame;
layerData = framelet.Contents;
Log.Debug("{0}.{1}: Extracted {2}-byte layer data in conversation ID {3}.",
nameof(EpoxyProtocol), nameof(TransitionExpectOptionalLayerData), layerData.Count, headers.conversation_id);
Log.Site().Debug("Extracted {0}-byte layer data in conversation ID {1}.",
layerData.Count, headers.conversation_id);
return ClassifyState.ExpectPayload;
@ -416,8 +410,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
if (payloadDataIndex >= frame.Count)
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Frame did not continue with PayloadData.",
nameof(EpoxyProtocol), nameof(TransitionExpectEpoxyHeaders));
Log.Site().Error("Frame did not continue with PayloadData.");
errorCode = ProtocolErrorCode.MALFORMED_DATA;
return ClassifyState.MalformedFrame;
@ -425,15 +418,14 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
var framelet = frame.Framelets[payloadDataIndex];
if (framelet.Type != FrameletType.PayloadData)
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Frame did not continue with PayloadData.",
nameof(EpoxyProtocol), nameof(TransitionExpectEpoxyHeaders));
Log.Site().Error("Frame did not continue with PayloadData.");
errorCode = ProtocolErrorCode.MALFORMED_DATA;
return ClassifyState.MalformedFrame;
payload = framelet.Contents;
Log.Debug("{0}.{1}: Extracted {2}-byte payload in conversation ID {3}.",
nameof(EpoxyProtocol), nameof(TransitionExpectPayload), payload.Count, headers.conversation_id);
Log.Site().Debug("Extracted {0}-byte payload in conversation ID {1}.",
payload.Count, headers.conversation_id);
return ClassifyState.ExpectEndOfFrame;
@ -453,8 +445,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Frame had trailing framelets.",
nameof(EpoxyProtocol), nameof(TransitionExpectEndOfFrame));
Log.Site().Error("Frame had trailing framelets.");
errorCode = ProtocolErrorCode.MALFORMED_DATA;
return ClassifyState.MalformedFrame;
@ -475,8 +466,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
case PayloadType.Event:
return ClassifyState.ValidFrame;
Log.Warning("{0}.{1}: Received unrecognized payload type {2}.",
nameof(EpoxyProtocol), nameof(TransitionFrameComplete), headers.payload_type);
Log.Site().Warning("Received unrecognized payload type {0}.", headers.payload_type);
errorCode = ProtocolErrorCode.NOT_SUPPORTED;
return ClassifyState.MalformedFrame;
@ -522,8 +512,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
if (frame.Count != 1)
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Config frame had trailing framelets.",
nameof(EpoxyProtocol), nameof(TransitionExpectConfig));
Log.Site().Error("Config frame had trailing framelets.");
errorCode = ProtocolErrorCode.MALFORMED_DATA;
return ClassifyState.MalformedFrame;
@ -541,8 +530,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Didn't get a valid {2}.",
nameof(EpoxyProtocol), nameof(TransitionExpectConfig), nameof(EpoxyConfig));
Log.Site().Error("Didn't get a valid {0}.", nameof(EpoxyConfig));
errorCode = ProtocolErrorCode.MALFORMED_DATA;
return ClassifyState.MalformedFrame;
@ -570,19 +558,15 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Didn't get a valid {2}.",
nameof(EpoxyProtocol), nameof(TransitionExpectProtocolError), nameof(ProtocolError));
Log.Site().Error("Didn't get a valid {0}.", nameof(ProtocolError));
return ClassifyState.ErrorInErrorFrame;
Log.Debug("{0}.{1}: Deserialized {2} with code {3}.",
nameof(EpoxyProtocol), nameof(TransitionExpectProtocolError), nameof(ProtocolError),
Log.Site().Debug("Deserialized {0} with code {1}.", nameof(ProtocolError), error.error_code);
if (frame.Count > 1)
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Frame had trailing framelets.",
nameof(EpoxyProtocol), nameof(TransitionExpectProtocolError));
Log.Site().Error("Frame had trailing framelets.");
return ClassifyState.ErrorInErrorFrame;
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
public async Task<EpoxyConnection> ConnectToAsync(IPEndPoint endpoint, CancellationToken ct)
Log.Information("{0}.{1}: Connecting to {2}.", nameof(EpoxyTransport), nameof(ConnectToAsync), endpoint);
Log.Site().Information("Connecting to {0}.", endpoint);
Socket socket = MakeClientSocket();
await Task.Factory.FromAsync(socket.BeginConnect, socket.EndConnect, endpoint, state: null);
@ -86,8 +86,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
if (framelets.Count == UInt16.MaxValue)
var message = LogUtil.ErrorAndReturnFormatted("{0}.{1}: Exceeded maximum allowed count of framelets.",
nameof(Frame), nameof(Add));
var message = Log.Site().ErrorAndReturnFormatted("Exceeded maximum allowed count of framelets.");
throw new InvalidOperationException(message);
@ -99,8 +98,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
catch (OverflowException oex)
var message = LogUtil.ErrorAndReturnFormatted("{0}.{1}: Exceeded maximum size of frame.",
nameof(Frame), nameof(Add));
var message = Log.Site().ErrorAndReturnFormatted("Exceeded maximum size of frame.");
throw new InvalidOperationException(message, oex);
@ -152,7 +150,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Epoxy
catch (Exception ex) when (ex is IOException || ex is ObjectDisposedException)
Log.Error(ex, "{0}.{1}: Failed to write entire frame", nameof(Frame), nameof(WriteAsync));
Log.Site().Error(ex, "Failed to write entire frame.");
@ -189,8 +189,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Error(ex, "{0}.{1}: Exception in handler for connection {2}: {3}",
nameof(Listener), nameof(OnDisconnected), args.Connection, ex.Message);
Log.Site().Error(ex, "Exception in handler for connection {0}: {1}", args.Connection, ex.Message);
args.DisconnectError = Transport.MakeInternalServerError(ex);
@ -221,8 +220,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Error(ex, "{0}.{1}: Exception in handler for connection {2}: {3}",
nameof(Listener), nameof(OnDisconnected), args.Connection, ex.Message);
Log.Site().Error(ex, "Exception in handler for connection {0}: {1}", args.Connection, ex.Message);
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
namespace Bond.Comm
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
/// <summary>
/// Represents the severity of a log message. Severities compare with <
@ -22,40 +23,44 @@ namespace Bond.Comm
/// Once passed to <see cref="Log.SetHandler"/>, will receive callbacks for
/// messages logged by Bond.
/// </summary>
public interface LogHandler
public interface ILogHandler
/// <summary>
/// Invoked for each log message that Bond wants to log.
/// Invoked for each log message that Bond generates. Messages below
/// Bond's <see cref="Log.DropBelow"/> will not result in calls to this
/// function.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="severity">The severity of the log message.</param>
/// <param name="message">Bond's log message, including the location in
/// the code that generated it.</param>
/// <param name="severity">The level the message was logged at.</param>
/// <param name="exception">
/// The exception that is associated with the log message. May be
/// <c>null</c>.
/// </param>
/// <param name="format">The format string.</param>
/// <param name="args">The format string arguments.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// It is the responsibility of the LogHandler to format the message.
/// </remarks>
void Handle(LogSeverity severity, Exception exception, string format, object[] args);
void Handle(string message, LogSeverity severity, Exception exception);
/// <summary>
/// Implement a <see cref="LogHandler"/> and pass it to
/// Implement a <see cref="ILogHandler"/> and pass it to
/// <see cref="SetHandler"/> to receive log messages.
/// </summary>
public static class Log
public class Log
private static LogHandler handler;
/// <summary>
/// Messages below DropBelow will not be passed to the <see cref="ILogHandler"/>.
/// </summary>
public static LogSeverity DropBelow { get; set; } = LogSeverity.Information;
private static ILogHandler handler;
/// <summary>
/// Sets a <see cref="LogHandler"/> to receive Bond log messages.
/// Sets a <see cref="ILogHandler"/> to receive Bond log messages.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="newHandler">The handler to add.</param>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">
/// Thrown when there is another handler registered.
/// </exception>
public static void SetHandler(LogHandler newHandler)
public static void SetHandler(ILogHandler newHandler)
if (newHandler == null)
@ -64,13 +69,13 @@ namespace Bond.Comm
if (handler != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"Attempted to add a {nameof(LogHandler)} when there already was one");
$"Attempted to add a {nameof(ILogHandler)} when there already was one");
handler = newHandler;
/// <summary>
/// Removes the existing <see cref="LogHandler"/>.
/// Removes the existing <see cref="ILogHandler"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// May be called even if there is no existing handler.
@ -80,86 +85,154 @@ namespace Bond.Comm
handler = null;
public static void Fatal(Exception exception, string format, params object[] args)
internal static string Format(
string fileName, int lineNumber, string methodName,
string format, object[] args)
return string.Concat(
fileName, ":", lineNumber, " - ", methodName, " - ",
string.Format(format, args));
const string Unknown = "<unknown>";
string filePath;
int lineNumber;
string memberName;
bool used;
/// <summary>
/// The only correct way to log is to call Log.Site().{Debug, Information, ...}. Site() returns an object that
/// captures your callsite and exposes the different log levels. Do not use the object returned by Site() to log
/// twice. (We detect this and throw an exception.) Do not call Site() anywhere but the line you want to log from.
/// (We cannot detect this, so you will just get incorrect callsite information.)
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A Log instance that will let you log exactly one message.</returns>
public static Log Site(
[CallerFilePath] string filePath = Unknown,
[CallerLineNumber] int lineNumber = 0,
[CallerMemberName] string memberName = Unknown)
return new Log
filePath = filePath,
lineNumber = lineNumber,
memberName = memberName
private void LogMessage(
LogSeverity severity, Exception exception,
string format, object[] args)
if (severity < DropBelow) { return; }
// It's relatively easy to make mistakes in the variadic logging functions that will throw a FormatException
// inside Format(). This is not a good reason to interrupt normal control flow or kill a service.
// If that happens, catch the exception, log the message format and params that caused the exception, and
// log at high severity regardless.
string message;
message = Format(filePath, lineNumber, memberName, format, args);
catch (FormatException fe)
severity = severity < LogSeverity.Error ? LogSeverity.Error : severity;
// nulls in args will be logged as empty strings.
var argsStr = "[" + string.Join(", ", args) + "]";
const string formatExceptionFormat = "Log call threw {0}({1}) with format \"{2}\" and args {3}";
message = Format(filePath, lineNumber, memberName, formatExceptionFormat,
new object[] {nameof(FormatException), fe.Message, format, argsStr});
handler?.Handle(message, severity, exception);
private void CheckReuse()
if (!used)
used = true;
var message =
$"An instance of {nameof(Log)} was used twice. First use: {filePath}:{lineNumber} - {memberName}";
throw new InvalidOperationException(message);
public void Fatal(Exception exception, string format, params object[] args)
LogMessage(LogSeverity.Fatal, exception, format, args);
public static void Fatal(string format, params object[] args)
public void Fatal(string format, params object[] args)
LogMessage(LogSeverity.Fatal, null, format, args);
Fatal(null, format, args);
public static void Error(Exception exception, string format, params object[] args)
public void Error(Exception exception, string format, params object[] args)
LogMessage(LogSeverity.Error, exception, format, args);
public static void Error(string format, params object[] args)
public void Error(string format, params object[] args)
LogMessage(LogSeverity.Error, null, format, args);
Error(null, format, args);
public static void Warning(Exception exception, string format, params object[] args)
public void Warning(Exception exception, string format, params object[] args)
LogMessage(LogSeverity.Warning, exception, format, args);
public static void Warning(string format, params object[] args)
public void Warning(string format, params object[] args)
LogMessage(LogSeverity.Warning, null, format, args);
Warning(null, format, args);
public static void Information(Exception exception, string format, params object[] args)
public void Information(Exception exception, string format, params object[] args)
LogMessage(LogSeverity.Information, exception, format, args);
public static void Information(string format, params object[] args)
public void Information(string format, params object[] args)
LogMessage(LogSeverity.Information, null, format, args);
Information(null, format, args);
public static void Debug(Exception exception, string format, params object[] args)
public void Debug(Exception exception, string format, params object[] args)
LogMessage(LogSeverity.Debug, exception, format, args);
public static void Debug(string format, params object[] args)
public void Debug(string format, params object[] args)
LogMessage(LogSeverity.Debug, null, format, args);
Debug(null, format, args);
private static void LogMessage(LogSeverity severity, Exception exception, string format, object[] args)
public string FatalAndReturnFormatted(Exception exception, string format, params object[] args)
handler?.Handle(severity, exception, format, args);
public class LogUtil
public static string FatalAndReturnFormatted(Exception exception, string format, params object[] args)
Log.Fatal(exception, format, args);
Fatal(exception, format, args);
return string.Format(format, args);
public static string FatalAndReturnFormatted(string format, params object[] args)
public string FatalAndReturnFormatted(string format, params object[] args)
Log.Fatal(null, format, args);
return FatalAndReturnFormatted(null, format, args);
public string ErrorAndReturnFormatted(Exception exception, string format, params object[] args)
Error(exception, format, args);
return string.Format(format, args);
public static string ErrorAndReturnFormatted(Exception exception, string format, params object[] args)
public string ErrorAndReturnFormatted(string format, params object[] args)
Log.Error(exception, format, args);
return string.Format(format, args);
public static string ErrorAndReturnFormatted(string format, params object[] args)
Log.Error(null, format, args);
return string.Format(format, args);
return ErrorAndReturnFormatted(null, format, args);
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm
/// Once passed to <see cref="Metrics.SetHandler"/>, will receive callbacks
/// when new metrics are emitted by Bond.
/// </summary>
public interface MetricsHandler
public interface IMetricsHandler
/// <summary>
/// Will be called once at the end of each connection.
@ -20,38 +20,38 @@ namespace Bond.Comm
/// <summary>
/// Implement a <see cref="MetricsHandler"/> and pass it to
/// Implement a <see cref="IMetricsHandler"/> and pass it to
/// <see cref="Metrics.SetHandler"/> to receive metrics objects showing
/// what Bond is doing and where it's spending time.
/// </summary>
public static class Metrics
private static MetricsHandler handler;
private static IMetricsHandler handler;
/// <summary>
/// Sets a <see cref="MetricsHandler"/> to receive Bond metrics.
/// Sets a <see cref="IMetricsHandler"/> to receive Bond metrics.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="newHandler">The handler to add.</param>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">
/// Thrown when there is another handler registered.
/// </exception>
public static void SetHandler(MetricsHandler newHandler)
public static void SetHandler(IMetricsHandler newHandler)
if (newHandler == null)
throw new ArgumentException($"Attempted to set a null {nameof(MetricsHandler)}");
throw new ArgumentException($"Attempted to set a null {nameof(IMetricsHandler)}");
if (handler != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Attempted to set a {nameof(MetricsHandler)} when there already was one");
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Attempted to set a {nameof(IMetricsHandler)} when there already was one");
handler = newHandler;
/// <summary>
/// Removes the existing <see cref="MetricsHandler"/>.
/// Removes the existing <see cref="IMetricsHandler"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// May be called even if there is no existing handler.
@ -87,8 +87,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Layers
error_code = (int)ErrorCode.UnhandledLayerError,
Log.Error(ex, "{0}.{1}: While handling layer {2}: {3}",
nameof(LayerStack<TLayerData>), nameof(OnSendImpl), layerIndex, ex.Message);
Log.Site().Error(ex, "While handling layer {0}: {1}", layerIndex, ex.Message);
@ -113,8 +112,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Layers
error_code = (int)ErrorCode.UnhandledLayerError
Log.Error(ex, "{0}.{1}: While handling layer {2}: {3}",
nameof(LayerStack<TLayerData>), nameof(OnReceiveImpl), layerIndex, ex.Message);
Log.Site().Error(ex, "While handling layer {0}: {1}", layerIndex, ex.Message);
@ -141,8 +139,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Layers
error_code = (int)ErrorCode.UnhandledLayerError
Log.Error(ex, "{0}.{1}: While unmarshaling layer data: {2}",
nameof(LayerStack<TLayerData>), nameof(DeserializeLayerData), ex.Message);
Log.Site().Error(ex, "While unmarshaling layer data: {0}", ex.Message);
realLayerData = new TLayerData();
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Layers
error = layerStack.OnSend(messageType, sendContext, out layerData);
if (error != null)
Log.Warning("{0}.{1}: Layer error occurred sending message of type {2} (Code: {3} Message: {4}).",
nameof(LayerStackUtils), nameof(ProcessOnSend), messageType, error.error_code, error.message);
Log.Site().Warning("Layer error occurred sending message of type {0} (Code: {1} Message: {2}).",
messageType, error.error_code, error.message);
@ -32,15 +32,15 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Layers
if (layerData == null)
Log.Warning("{0}.{1}: Layer stack present but no layer data received.", nameof(LayerStackUtils), nameof(ProcessOnReceive));
Log.Site().Warning("Layer stack present but no layer data received.");
error = layerStack.OnReceive(messageType, receiveContext, layerData);
if (error != null)
Log.Warning("{0}.{1}: Layer error occurred receiving message of type {2} (Code: {3} Message: {4}).",
nameof(LayerStackUtils), nameof(ProcessOnReceive), messageType, error.error_code, error.message);
Log.Site().Warning("Layer error occurred receiving message of type {0} (Code: {1} Message: {2}).",
messageType, error.error_code, error.message);
return error;
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Service
public void Register(IService service)
public void Register<T>(T service) where T : IService
var methodNames = new SortedSet<string>();
@ -93,8 +93,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Service
Log.Information("{0}.{1}: Registered {2} with methods: {3}",
nameof(ServiceHost), nameof(Register), nameof(service), string.Join(", ", methodNames));
Log.Site().Information("Registered {0} with methods: {1}", typeof(T).Name, string.Join(", ", methodNames));
public void Deregister<T>(T service) where T : IService
@ -106,8 +105,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Service
Log.Information("{0}.{1}: Deregistered {2} with methods: {3}",
nameof(ServiceHost), nameof(Deregister), typeof (T).Name);
Log.Site().Information("Deregistered {0}.", typeof(T).Name);
public async Task<IMessage> DispatchRequest(
@ -116,8 +114,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Service
var totalTime = Stopwatch.StartNew();
Stopwatch serviceTime = null;
var requestMetrics = StartRequestMetrics(methodName, connectionMetrics);
Log.Information("{0}.{1}: Got request [{2}] from {3}.",
nameof(ServiceHost), nameof(DispatchRequest), methodName, context.Connection);
Log.Site().Information("Got request [{0}] from {1}.", methodName, context.Connection);
ServiceMethodInfo methodInfo;
@ -127,7 +124,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Service
var errorMessage = "Got request for unknown method [" + methodName + "].";
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: {2}", nameof(ServiceHost), nameof(DispatchRequest), errorMessage);
var error = new Error
message = errorMessage,
@ -143,7 +140,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Service
ServiceCallbackType.RequestResponse + ", but it was registered as " +
methodInfo.CallbackType + ".";
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: {2}", nameof(ServiceHost), nameof(DispatchRequest), errorMessage);
var error = new Error
message = errorMessage,
@ -152,7 +149,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Service
return Message.FromError(error);
IMessage result = null;
IMessage result;
@ -163,8 +160,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Service
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Error(ex, "{0}.{1}: Failed to complete method [{2}]. With exception: {3}",
nameof(ServiceHost), nameof(DispatchRequest), methodName, ex.Message);
Log.Site().Error(ex, "Failed to complete method [{0}]. With exception: {1}", methodName, ex.Message);
result = Message.FromError(Transport.MakeInternalServerError(ex));
@ -180,25 +176,22 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Service
var totalTime = Stopwatch.StartNew();
Stopwatch serviceTime = null;
var requestMetrics = StartRequestMetrics(methodName, connectionMetrics);
Log.Information("{0}.{1}: Got event [{2}] from {3}.",
nameof(ServiceHost), nameof(DispatchEvent), methodName, context.Connection);
Log.Site().Information("Got event [{0}] from {1}.", methodName, context.Connection);
ServiceMethodInfo methodInfo;
lock (dispatchTableLock)
if (!dispatchTable.TryGetValue(methodName, out methodInfo))
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Got request for unknown method [{2}].",
nameof(ServiceHost), nameof(DispatchEvent), methodName);
Log.Site().Error("Got request for unknown method [{0}].", methodName);
if (methodInfo.CallbackType != ServiceCallbackType.Event)
Log.Error("{0}.{1}: Method [{2}] invoked as if it were {3}, but it was registered as {4}.",
nameof(ServiceHost), nameof(DispatchEvent), methodName, ServiceCallbackType.Event,
Log.Site().Error("Method [{0}] invoked as if it were {1}, but it was registered as {2}.",
methodName, ServiceCallbackType.Event, methodInfo.CallbackType);
@ -209,8 +202,7 @@ namespace Bond.Comm.Service
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Error(ex, "{0}.{1}: Failed to complete method [{2}]. With exception: {3}",
nameof(ServiceHost), nameof(DispatchEvent), methodName, ex.Message);
Log.Site().Error(ex, "Failed to complete method [{0}]. With exception: {1}", methodName, ex.Message);
FinishRequestMetrics(requestMetrics, totalTime, serviceTime);
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ namespace UnitTest.Interfaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using Bond.Comm;
using NUnit.Framework;
@ -12,17 +13,17 @@ namespace UnitTest.Interfaces
public class LogTests
private class TestLogHandler : LogHandler
private class TestLogHandler : ILogHandler
public LogSeverity? LastMessageSeverity;
public string LastMessage;
public Exception LastException;
public int MessagesHandled;
public void Handle(LogSeverity severity, Exception exception, string format, params object[] args)
public void Handle(string message, LogSeverity severity, Exception exception)
LastMessageSeverity = severity;
LastMessage = string.Format(format, args);
LastMessage = message;
LastException = exception;
@ -49,26 +50,26 @@ namespace UnitTest.Interfaces
private readonly List<LogSeverity> allSeverities = Enum.GetValues(typeof(LogSeverity)).Cast<LogSeverity>().ToList();
private readonly List<LogSeverity> allSeverities = Enum.GetValues(typeof(LogSeverity)).Cast<LogSeverity>().OrderBy(x => x).ToList();
private readonly Dictionary<LogSeverity, Action<string, object[]>> levelLoggers =
new Dictionary<LogSeverity, Action<string, object[]>>
{ LogSeverity.Debug, Log.Debug },
{ LogSeverity.Information, Log.Information },
{ LogSeverity.Warning, Log.Warning },
{ LogSeverity.Error, Log.Error },
{ LogSeverity.Fatal, Log.Fatal },
{ LogSeverity.Debug, (message, args) => Log.Site().Debug(message, args) },
{ LogSeverity.Information, (message, args) => Log.Site().Information(message, args) },
{ LogSeverity.Warning, (message, args) => Log.Site().Warning(message, args) },
{ LogSeverity.Error, (message, args) => Log.Site().Error(message, args) },
{ LogSeverity.Fatal, (message, args) => Log.Site().Fatal(message, args) },
private readonly Dictionary<LogSeverity, Action<Exception, string, object[]>> exceptionLevelLoggers =
new Dictionary<LogSeverity, Action<Exception, string, object[]>>
{ LogSeverity.Debug, Log.Debug },
{ LogSeverity.Information, Log.Information },
{ LogSeverity.Warning, Log.Warning },
{ LogSeverity.Error, Log.Error },
{ LogSeverity.Fatal, Log.Fatal },
{ LogSeverity.Debug, (ex, message, args) => Log.Site().Debug(ex, message, args) },
{ LogSeverity.Information, (ex, message, args) => Log.Site().Information(ex, message, args) },
{ LogSeverity.Warning, (ex, message, args) => Log.Site().Warning(ex, message, args) },
{ LogSeverity.Error, (ex, message, args) => Log.Site().Error(ex, message, args) },
{ LogSeverity.Fatal, (ex, message, args) => Log.Site().Fatal(ex, message, args) },
private static Tuple<string, object[]> MakeMessage(LogSeverity severity, bool withException)
@ -80,6 +81,8 @@ namespace UnitTest.Interfaces
public void SetUp()
// Tests that exercise filtering enable it themselves.
Log.DropBelow = LogSeverity.Debug;
handler = new TestLogHandler();
@ -93,20 +96,10 @@ namespace UnitTest.Interfaces
public void SeveritiesAreSorted()
var severitiesAscending = new List<LogSeverity>(new[]
var numSeverities = severitiesAscending.Count;
// Make sure this list is complete.
CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(allSeverities, severitiesAscending);
var lower = severitiesAscending.GetRange(0, numSeverities - 1);
var higher = severitiesAscending.GetRange(1, numSeverities - 1);
// Assumes allSeverities is sorted.
var numSeverities = allSeverities.Count;
var lower = allSeverities.GetRange(0, numSeverities - 1);
var higher = allSeverities.GetRange(1, numSeverities - 1);
var pairs = lower.Zip(higher, (l, h) => new Tuple<LogSeverity, LogSeverity>(l, h));
foreach (var pair in pairs)
@ -131,7 +124,7 @@ namespace UnitTest.Interfaces
// Clear the handler registered by SetUp().
@ -152,10 +145,10 @@ namespace UnitTest.Interfaces
var formatArgs = MakeMessage(severity, withException: false);
var format = formatArgs.Item1;
var args = formatArgs.Item2;
var formatted = string.Format(format, args);
var message = string.Format(format, args);
logger(format, args);
Assert.AreEqual(severity, handler.LastMessageSeverity);
Assert.AreEqual(formatted, handler.LastMessage);
StringAssert.Contains(message, handler.LastMessage);
Assert.AreEqual(messagesLogged + 1, handler.MessagesHandled);
@ -164,10 +157,10 @@ namespace UnitTest.Interfaces
formatArgs = MakeMessage(severity, withException: true);
format = formatArgs.Item1;
args = formatArgs.Item2;
formatted = string.Format(format, args);
message = string.Format(format, args);
exceptionLogger(exception, format, args);
Assert.AreEqual(severity, handler.LastMessageSeverity);
Assert.AreEqual(formatted, handler.LastMessage);
StringAssert.Contains(message, handler.LastMessage);
Assert.AreEqual(severity, ((TestException) handler.LastException).Severity);
Assert.AreEqual(messagesLogged + 1, handler.MessagesHandled);
@ -176,6 +169,43 @@ namespace UnitTest.Interfaces
public void DropBelow()
const LogSeverity dropBelow = LogSeverity.Warning;
Log.DropBelow = dropBelow;
var messagesHandled = handler.MessagesHandled;
// Assumes allSeverities is sorted.
foreach (var severity in allSeverities)
var message = "level " + severity;
levelLoggers[severity](message, new object[0]);
if (severity < dropBelow)
Assert.AreEqual(messagesHandled, handler.MessagesHandled);
StringAssert.Contains(message, handler.LastMessage);
Assert.AreEqual(severity, handler.LastMessageSeverity);
Assert.AreEqual(messagesHandled + 1, handler.MessagesHandled);
messagesHandled = handler.MessagesHandled;
public void LogContext()
// There are two statements on this line so that expectedLineNumber will be correct for the Warning().
Log.Site().Warning("context"); var expectedLineNumber = new StackFrame(0, true).GetFileLineNumber();
StringAssert.Contains(nameof(LogTests) + ".cs:" + expectedLineNumber, handler.LastMessage);
StringAssert.Contains(nameof(LogContext), handler.LastMessage);
public void FatalWithFormatted()
@ -186,10 +216,10 @@ namespace UnitTest.Interfaces
var format = formatArgs.Item1;
var args = formatArgs.Item2;
var formatted = string.Format(format, args);
var messageReturned = LogUtil.FatalAndReturnFormatted(format, args);
var messageReturned = Log.Site().FatalAndReturnFormatted(format, args);
Assert.AreEqual(LogSeverity.Fatal, handler.LastMessageSeverity);
Assert.AreEqual(formatted, handler.LastMessage);
Assert.AreEqual(messageReturned, handler.LastMessage);
StringAssert.Contains(formatted, handler.LastMessage);
StringAssert.Contains(messageReturned, handler.LastMessage);
Assert.AreEqual(messagesLogged + 1, handler.MessagesHandled);
@ -199,13 +229,46 @@ namespace UnitTest.Interfaces
format = formatArgs.Item1;
args = formatArgs.Item2;
formatted = string.Format(format, args);
messageReturned = LogUtil.FatalAndReturnFormatted(exception, format, args);
messageReturned = Log.Site().FatalAndReturnFormatted(exception, format, args);
Assert.AreEqual(LogSeverity.Fatal, handler.LastMessageSeverity);
Assert.AreEqual(formatted, handler.LastMessage);
Assert.AreEqual(messageReturned, handler.LastMessage);
StringAssert.Contains(formatted, handler.LastMessage);
StringAssert.Contains(messageReturned, handler.LastMessage);
Assert.AreEqual(LogSeverity.Fatal, ((TestException)handler.LastException).Severity);
Assert.AreEqual(messagesLogged + 1, handler.MessagesHandled);
public void FormatExceptionIsSuppressedAndLogged()
const string format = "{0}, but there's nothing to put here: {1}";
const string somestr = "any string goes here";
// Messages below Error should be raised to Error.
Log.Site().Debug(format, somestr);
Assert.AreEqual(LogSeverity.Error, handler.LastMessageSeverity);
StringAssert.Contains(format, handler.LastMessage);
StringAssert.Contains(somestr, handler.LastMessage);
StringAssert.Contains("Log call threw", handler.LastMessage);
// Messages above Error should be left at their original severity.
Log.Site().Fatal(format, somestr);
Assert.AreEqual(LogSeverity.Fatal, handler.LastMessageSeverity);
StringAssert.Contains(format, handler.LastMessage);
StringAssert.Contains(somestr, handler.LastMessage);
StringAssert.Contains("Log call threw", handler.LastMessage);
public void LogInstanceReuseThrows()
var logInstance = Log.Site();
logInstance.Warning("This should be fine.");
Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => logInstance.Warning("This should throw."));
@ -7,13 +7,10 @@ namespace Bond.Examples.Logging
using Bond.Comm;
public class ConsoleLogger : LogHandler
public class ConsoleLogger : ILogHandler
public void Handle(LogSeverity severity, Exception exception, String format, params object[] args)
public void Handle(string message, LogSeverity severity, Exception exception)
if (severity < LogSeverity.Information) { return; }
var message = string.Format(format, args);
Console.WriteLine($"[bond] {severity.ToString().ToUpper()}: {message}");
if (exception != null)
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
@ -54,4 +54,4 @@
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Bond.Examples.Metrics
using Bond.Comm;
public class ConsoleMetricsHandler : MetricsHandler
public class ConsoleMetricsHandler : IMetricsHandler
public void Handle(ConnectionMetrics metrics)
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
@ -45,4 +45,4 @@
<Reference Include="System" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
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