Merge branch 'qnikst-warning-cleanup'
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import Data.List
import Data.Function
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Text.Parsec.Pos (initialPos)
import Text.Parsec hiding (many, optional, (<|>))
import Bond.Lexer
@ -42,6 +41,8 @@ newEnvironment = Environment [] []
type Parser a = ParsecT String Symbols (ReaderT Environment IO) a
parseBond :: SourceName
-> String -> ReaderT Environment IO (Either ParseError Bond)
parseBond = runParserT bond $ Symbols [] []
data Bond = Bond [Import] [Namespace] [Declaration]
@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ declaration = do
updateSymbols decl <?> "declaration"
return decl
updateSymbols :: Declaration -> Parser ()
updateSymbols decl = do
(previous, symbols) <- partition (duplicateDeclaration decl) <$> symbols <$> getState
case reconcile previous decl of
@ -103,6 +105,7 @@ updateSymbols decl = do
-- imports multiple times but that would have to depend on canonical file
-- paths which are unreliable.
reconcile [x] y = (x == y, const id)
reconcile _ _ = error "updateSymbols/reconcile: impossible happened."
paramsMatch = (==) `on` (map paramConstraint . declParams)
add x xs u = u { symbols = x:xs }
@ -118,9 +121,9 @@ findSymbol name = doFind <?> "qualified name"
delcMatching namespaces [unqualifiedName] decl =
unqualifiedName == declName decl
&& (not $ null $ intersectBy nsMatching namespaces (declNamespaces decl))
delcMatching _ qualifiedName decl =
takeName qualifiedName == declName decl
&& any ((takeNamespace qualifiedName ==) . nsName) (declNamespaces decl)
delcMatching _ qualifiedName' decl =
takeName qualifiedName' == declName decl
&& any ((takeNamespace qualifiedName' ==) . nsName) (declNamespaces decl)
nsMatching ns1 ns2 =
nsName ns1 == nsName ns2 && (lang1 == lang2 || lang1 == Nothing || lang2 == Nothing)
@ -131,10 +134,10 @@ findStruct :: QualifiedName -> Parser Declaration
findStruct name = doFind <?> "qualified struct name"
doFind = do
symbol <- findSymbol name
case symbol of
Struct {..} -> return symbol
_ -> fail $ "The " ++ show symbol ++ " is invalid in this context. Expected a struct."
symb <- findSymbol name
case symb of
Struct {..} -> return symb
_ -> fail $ "The " ++ show symb ++ " is invalid in this context. Expected a struct."
-- namespace
namespace :: Parser Namespace
@ -189,6 +192,7 @@ view = do
Struct namespaces attr name (declParams decl) (structBase decl) (viewFields decl fields) <$ optional semi
viewFields Struct {..} fields = filter ((`elem` fields) . fieldName) structFields
viewFields _ _ = error "view/viewFields: impossible happened."
-- struct definition parser
struct :: Parser Declaration
@ -204,14 +208,17 @@ struct = do
fields = unique $ braces $ manySortedBy (comparing fieldOrdinal) (field <* semi)
with params e = e { currentParams = params }
unique p = do
fields <- p
case findDuplicates fields of
[] -> return fields
fields' <- p
case findDuplicates fields' of
[] -> return fields'
Field {..}:_ -> fail $ "Duplicate definition of the field with ordinal " ++ show fieldOrdinal
findDuplicates xs = deleteFirstsBy ordinal xs (nubBy ordinal xs)
ordinal = (==) `on` fieldOrdinal
manySortedBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> ParsecT s u m a
-> ParsecT s u m [a]
manySortedBy = manyAccum . insertBy
-- field definition parser
@ -237,8 +244,8 @@ enum :: Parser Declaration
enum = Enum <$> asks currentNamespaces <*> attributes <*> name <*> consts <* optional semi <?> "enum definition"
name = keyword "enum" *> (identifier <?> "enum identifier")
consts = braces (semiOrCommaSepEnd1 const <?> "enum constant")
const = Constant <$> identifier <*> optional value
consts = braces (semiOrCommaSepEnd1 constant <?> "enum constant")
constant = Constant <$> identifier <*> optional value
value = equal *> (fromIntegral <$> integer)
-- basic types parser
@ -276,6 +283,7 @@ basicUserType = do
BT_WString -> True
_ -> scalarType t
typeName (BT_UserDefined decl _) = declName decl
typeName _ = error "basicUserType/typeName: impossible happened."
-- containers parser
complexType :: Parser Type
@ -298,14 +306,14 @@ userType = do
Nothing -> do
decl <- findSymbol name
args <- option [] (angles $ commaSep1 arg)
if length args /= length (params decl)
if length args /= length (params' decl)
fail $ declName decl ++ " requires " ++ (show.length $ declParams decl) ++ " type argument(s)"
return $ BT_UserDefined decl args
params Enum{..} = []
params d = declParams d
params' Enum{..} = []
params' d = declParams d
arg = type_ <|> BT_IntTypeArg <$> (fromIntegral <$> integer)
isParam [name] TypeParam {..} = name == paramName
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module Bond.Schema
, Language(..)
, Namespace(..)
, Attribute(..)
, QualifiedName(..)
, QualifiedName
, takeName
, takeNamespace
, showQualifiedName
@ -43,9 +43,6 @@ import Data.Word
import Data.List
import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
import Data.Monoid
import System.FilePath
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder
import Text.Shakespeare.Text
import Bond.Util
type QualifiedName = [String]
@ -81,6 +78,7 @@ data Type =
BT_UserDefined Declaration [Type]
deriving Eq
scalarType :: Type -> Bool
scalarType BT_Int8 = True
scalarType BT_Int16 = True
scalarType BT_Int32 = True
@ -96,31 +94,39 @@ scalarType (BT_TypeParam (TypeParam _ (Just Value))) = True
scalarType (BT_UserDefined Enum {..} _) = True
scalarType _ = False
metaType :: Type -> Bool
metaType BT_MetaName = True
metaType BT_MetaFullName = True
metaType _ = False
stringType :: Type -> Bool
stringType BT_String = True
stringType BT_WString = True
stringType _ = False
listType :: Type -> Bool
listType (BT_List _) = True
listType (BT_Vector _) = True
listType _ = False
associativeType :: Type -> Bool
associativeType (BT_Set _) = True
associativeType (BT_Map _ _) = True
associativeType _ = False
containerType :: Type -> Bool
containerType f = listType f || associativeType f
structType :: Type -> Bool
structType (BT_UserDefined Struct {} _) = True
structType (BT_UserDefined a@Alias {} args) = structType $ resolveAlias a args
structType _ = False
nullableType :: Type -> Bool
nullableType (BT_Nullable _) = True
nullableType _ = False
metaField :: Field -> Any
metaField Field {..} = Any $ metaType fieldType
data Default =
@ -150,6 +156,13 @@ data Field =
deriving Eq
makeField :: [Attribute]
-> Word16
-> Modifier
-> Type
-> String
-> Maybe Default
-> Field
makeField a o m t n d@(Just DefaultNothing) = Field a o m (BT_Maybe t) n d
makeField a o m t n d = Field a o m t n d
@ -206,6 +219,7 @@ data Declaration =
deriving Eq
showTypeParams :: [TypeParam] -> String
showTypeParams = angles . sepBy ", " show
instance Show Declaration where
@ -226,14 +240,16 @@ mapType f x = f x
foldMapFields :: (Monoid m) => (Field -> m) -> Type -> m
foldMapFields f t = case t of
(BT_UserDefined s@Struct {..} _) -> optional (foldMapFields f) structBase <> foldMap f structFields
(BT_UserDefined Struct {..} _) -> optional (foldMapFields f) structBase <> foldMap f structFields
(BT_UserDefined a@Alias {..} args) -> foldMapFields f $ resolveAlias a args
_ -> mempty
foldMapStructFields :: Monoid m
=> (Field -> m) -> Declaration -> m
foldMapStructFields f s = foldMapFields f $ BT_UserDefined s []
foldMapType :: (Monoid m) => (Type -> m) -> Type -> m
foldMapType f t@(BT_UserDefined decl args) = f t <> foldMap (foldMapType f) args
foldMapType f t@(BT_UserDefined _decl args) = f t <> foldMap (foldMapType f) args
foldMapType f t@(BT_Map key value) = f t <> foldMapType f key <> foldMapType f value
foldMapType f t@(BT_List element) = f t <> foldMapType f element
foldMapType f t@(BT_Vector element) = f t <> foldMapType f element
@ -249,6 +265,7 @@ resolveAlias Alias {..} args = mapType resolveParam $ resolveParam aliasType
resolveParam (BT_TypeParam param) = snd.fromJust $ find ((param ==).fst) paramsArgs
resolveParam x = x
paramsArgs = zip declParams args
resolveAlias _ _ = error "resolveAlias: impossible happened."
duplicateDeclaration :: Declaration -> Declaration -> Bool
duplicateDeclaration left right =
@ -5,16 +5,17 @@
module Bond.Template.Cpp.Apply_cpp (apply_cpp) where
import System.FilePath
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import Text.Shakespeare.Text
import Bond.Schema
import Bond.Template.TypeMapping
import Bond.Template.Util
import Bond.Template.Cpp.Apply_h
import qualified Bond.Template.Cpp.Util as CPP
-- generate the *_apply.cpp file from parsed .bond file
apply_cpp protocols cpp file imports declarations = ("_apply.cpp", [lt|
apply_cpp :: [Protocol] -> MappingContext -> String -> [Import] -> [Declaration] -> (String, Text)
apply_cpp protocols cpp file _imports declarations = ("_apply.cpp", [lt|
#include "#{file}_apply.h"
#include "#{file}_reflection.h"
@ -7,10 +7,12 @@ module Bond.Template.Cpp.Apply_h (apply_h, Protocol(..), apply) where
import System.FilePath
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import Text.Shakespeare.Text
import Bond.Schema
import Bond.Util
import Bond.Template.Util
import Bond.Template.TypeMapping
import qualified Bond.Template.Cpp.Util as CPP
data Protocol =
@ -20,6 +22,7 @@ data Protocol =
-- generate the *_apply.h file from parsed .bond file
apply_h :: [Protocol] -> Maybe String -> MappingContext -> String -> [Import] -> [Declaration] -> (String, Text)
apply_h protocols attribute cpp file imports declarations = ("_apply.h", [lt|
#pragma once
@ -41,6 +44,7 @@ apply_h protocols attribute cpp file imports declarations = ("_apply.h", [lt|
semi = [lt|;|]
-- Apply overloads
apply :: [Protocol] -> Text -> Text -> Declaration -> Text
apply protocols attr body Struct {..} | null declParams = [lt|
// Overloads of Apply function with common transforms for #{declName}.
@ -76,8 +80,8 @@ apply protocols attr body Struct {..} | null declParams = [lt|
const bond::bonded<#{declName}>& value)#{body}
#{newlineSep 1 (transcoding transform) protocols}|]
transcoding transform Protocol {protocolReader = fromReader} = [lt|
#{attr}bool Apply(const bond::#{transform}<bond::#{protocolWriter}<bond::OutputBuffer> >& transform,
transcoding transform' Protocol {protocolReader = fromReader} = [lt|
#{attr}bool Apply(const bond::#{transform'}<bond::#{protocolWriter}<bond::OutputBuffer> >& transform,
const bond::bonded<#{declName}, bond::#{fromReader}<bond::InputBuffer>&>& value)#{body}|]
apply _ _ _ _ = mempty
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
module Bond.Template.Cpp.Enum_h (enum_h) where
import System.FilePath
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import Text.Shakespeare.Text
import Bond.Schema
import Bond.Template.TypeMapping
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ import Bond.Template.Util
import qualified Bond.Template.Cpp.Util as CPP
-- generate the *_types.h file from parsed .bond file
enum_h cpp file imports declarations = ("_enum.h", [lt|
enum_h :: MappingContext -> String -> [Import] -> [Declaration] -> (String, Text)
enum_h cpp _file _imports declarations = ("_enum.h", [lt|
#pragma once
#{CPP.openNamespace cpp}
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module Bond.Template.Cpp.Reflection_h (reflection_h) where
import System.FilePath
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import Text.Shakespeare.Text
import Bond.Schema
import Bond.Template.TypeMapping
@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ import Bond.Template.Util
import qualified Bond.Template.Cpp.Util as CPP
-- generate the *_refection.h file from parsed .bond file
reflection_h :: MappingContext -> String -> [Import] -> [Declaration] -> (String, Text)
reflection_h cpp file imports declarations = ("_reflection.h", [lt|
#pragma once
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
module Bond.Template.Cpp.Types_cpp (types_cpp) where
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import Text.Shakespeare.Text
import Bond.Schema
import Bond.Template.TypeMapping
@ -13,7 +14,8 @@ import Bond.Template.Util
import qualified Bond.Template.Cpp.Util as CPP
-- generate the *_types_cpp file from parsed .bond file
types_cpp cpp file imports declarations = ("_types.cpp", [lt|
types_cpp :: MappingContext -> String -> [Import] -> [Declaration] -> (String, Text)
types_cpp cpp file _imports declarations = ("_types.cpp", [lt|
#include "#{file}_reflection.h"
#include <bond/core/exception.h>
@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ types_cpp cpp file imports declarations = ("_types.cpp", [lt|
if null declParams then CPP.schemaMetadata cpp s else mempty
-- global variables for enum name/value conversions
statics e@Enum {..} = [lt|
statics Enum {..} = [lt|
namespace _bond_enumerators
namespace #{declName}
@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ import Bond.Template.Util
import qualified Bond.Template.Cpp.Util as CPP
-- generate the *_types.h file from parsed .bond file
types_h :: [String]
-> Bool
-> Maybe String
-> MappingContext -> String -> [Import] -> [Declaration] -> (String, L.Text)
types_h userHeaders enumHeader allocator cpp file imports declarations = ("_types.h", [lt|
#pragma once
#{newlineBeginSep 0 includeHeader userHeaders}
@ -181,7 +185,7 @@ namespace std
| otherwise = Nothing
-- constructor initializer list from 'base' and 'fields' initializers
initializeList base fields = between colon mempty $ commaLineSep 3 id [base, fields]
initializeList base' fields = between colon mempty $ commaLineSep 3 id [base', fields]
colon = [lt|
: |]
@ -237,6 +241,7 @@ namespace std
allocInitValue i f d = i f d
keyType (BT_Set key) = cppType key
keyType (BT_Map key _) = cppType key
keyType _ = error "allocatorCtor/keyType: impossible happened."
allocParameterized = L.isInfixOf (L.pack alloc) . toLazyText . cppType
-- copy constructor
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
-- Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wwarn #-}
module Bond.Template.Cpp.Util
( openNamespace
@ -21,32 +22,41 @@ module Bond.Template.Cpp.Util
import Text.Shakespeare.Text
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import Bond.Schema
import Bond.Util
import Bond.Template.Util
import Bond.Template.TypeMapping
-- open namespaces
openNamespace :: MappingContext -> Text
openNamespace cpp = newlineSep 0 open $ getNamespace cpp
open n = [lt|namespace #{n}
-- close namespaces in reverse order
closeNamespace :: MappingContext -> Text
closeNamespace cpp = newlineSep 0 close (reverse $ getNamespace cpp)
close n = [lt|} // namespace #{n}|]
structName :: Declaration -> String
structName s@Struct {..} = declName <> structParams s
structName _ = error "structName: impossible happened."
structParams :: Declaration -> String
structParams Struct {..} = angles $ sepBy ", " paramName declParams
structParams _ = error "structName: impossible happened."
template :: Declaration -> Text
template d = if null $ declParams d then mempty else [lt|template <typename #{params}>
params = sepBy ", typename " paramName $ declParams d
-- attribute initializer
attributeInit :: [Attribute] -> Text
attributeInit [] = "bond::reflection::Attributes()"
attributeInit xs = [lt|boost::assign::map_list_of<std::string, std::string>#{newlineBeginSep 5 attrNameValue xs}|]
@ -54,6 +64,7 @@ attributeInit xs = [lt|boost::assign::map_list_of<std::string, std::string>#{new
-- modifier tag type for a field
modifierTag :: Field -> Text
modifierTag Field {..} = [lt|bond::reflection::#{modifier fieldType fieldModifier}_field_modifier|]
modifier BT_MetaName _ = [lt|required_optional|]
@ -62,6 +73,7 @@ modifierTag Field {..} = [lt|bond::reflection::#{modifier fieldType fieldModifie
modifier _ Required = [lt|required|]
modifier _ _ = [lt|optional|]
defaultValue :: MappingContext -> Type -> Default -> Text
defaultValue _ BT_WString (DefaultString x) = [lt|L"#{x}"|]
defaultValue _ BT_String (DefaultString x) = [lt|"#{x}"|]
defaultValue _ BT_Float (DefaultFloat x) = [lt|#{x}f|]
@ -75,11 +87,15 @@ defaultValue _ _ (DefaultBool False) = "false"
defaultValue _ _ (DefaultInteger x) = [lt|#{x}|]
defaultValue _ _ (DefaultFloat x) = [lt|#{x}|]
defaultValue _ _ (DefaultNothing) = mempty
defaultValue _ _ _ = error "defaultValue: impossible happened."
enumValue :: ToText a => MappingContext -> Type -> a -> Text
enumValue cpp (BT_UserDefined e@Enum {..} _) x =
[lt|#{getGlobalQualifiedName cppTypeMapping $ getDeclNamespace cpp e}::_bond_enumerators::#{declName}::#{x}|]
enumValue _ _ _ = error "enumValue: impossible happened."
-- schema metadata static member definitions
schemaMetadata :: MappingContext -> Declaration -> Text
schemaMetadata cpp s@Struct {..} = [lt|
#{template s}const bond::Metadata #{structName s}::Schema::metadata
= #{structName s}::Schema::GetMetadata();#{newlineBeginSep 1 staticDef structFields}|]
@ -101,14 +117,18 @@ schemaMetadata cpp s@Struct {..} = [lt|
explicitDefault d@(DefaultFloat _) = staticCast d
explicitDefault d = defaultValue cpp fieldType d
staticCast d = [lt|static_cast<#{getTypeName cpp fieldType}>(#{defaultValue cpp fieldType d})|]
schemaMetadata _ _ = error "schemaMetadata: impossible happened."
defaultedFunctions, rvalueReferences :: Text
defaultedFunctions = [lt|BOND_NO_CXX11_DEFAULTED_FUNCTIONS|]
rvalueReferences = [lt|BOND_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES|]
ifndef :: ToText a => a -> Text -> Text
ifndef m = between [lt|
#ifndef #{m}|] [lt|
enumDefinition :: Declaration -> Text
enumDefinition Enum {..} = [lt|enum #{declName}
#{commaLineSep 3 constant enumConstants}
@ -116,4 +136,5 @@ enumDefinition Enum {..} = [lt|enum #{declName}
constant Constant {..} = [lt|#{constantName}#{optional value constantValue}|]
value x = [lt| = #{x}|]
enumDefinition _ = error "enumDefinition: impossible happened."
@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
module Bond.Template.Cs.Types_cs (types_cs) where
import System.FilePath
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import Text.Shakespeare.Text
import Bond.Schema
import Bond.Util
@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ import Bond.Template.Util
import qualified Bond.Template.Cs.Util as CS
-- generate the *_types.cs file from parsed .bond file
types_cs readOnly useFields cs file imports declarations = ("_types.cs", [lt|
types_cs :: Bool -> Bool -> MappingContext -> String -> [Import] -> [Declaration] -> (String, Text)
types_cs readOnly useFields cs _file _imports declarations = ("_types.cs", [lt|
namespace #{csNamespace}
@ -12,13 +12,16 @@ module Bond.Template.Cs.Util
, disableReSharperWarnings
) where
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import Text.Shakespeare.Text
import Bond.Version
import Bond.Schema
import Bond.Template.TypeMapping
import Bond.Template.Util
disableReSharperWarnings :: Text
disableReSharperWarnings = [lt|
#region ReSharper warnings
// ReSharper disable PartialTypeWithSinglePart
@ -31,6 +34,7 @@ disableReSharperWarnings = [lt|
-- C# field/property attributes
propertyAttributes :: MappingContext -> Field -> Text
propertyAttributes cs Field {..} =
schemaAttributes 2 fieldAttributes
<> [lt|[global::Bond.Id(#{fieldOrdinal})#{typeAttribute}#{modifierAttribute fieldType fieldModifier}]|]
@ -48,6 +52,7 @@ propertyAttributes cs Field {..} =
modifierAttribute _ _ = mempty
-- C# class/struct/interface attributes
typeAttributes :: MappingContext -> Declaration -> Text
typeAttributes cs s@Struct {..} =
optionalTypeAttributes cs s
<> [lt|[global::Bond.Schema]
@ -58,9 +63,12 @@ typeAttributes cs s@Struct {..} =
typeAttributes cs e@Enum {..} =
optionalTypeAttributes cs e
<> generatedCodeAttr
typeAttributes _ _ = error "typeAttributes: impossible happened."
generatedCodeAttr :: Text
generatedCodeAttr = [lt|[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("gbc", "#{majorVersion}.#{minorVersion}")]|]
optionalTypeAttributes :: MappingContext -> Declaration -> Text
optionalTypeAttributes cs decl =
schemaAttributes 1 (declAttributes decl)
<> namespaceAttribute
@ -71,18 +79,21 @@ optionalTypeAttributes cs decl =
-- Attributes defined by the user in the schema
schemaAttributes :: Int64 -> [Attribute] -> Text
schemaAttributes indent = newlineSepEnd indent schemaAttribute
schemaAttribute Attribute {..} =
[lt|[global::Bond.Attribute("#{getIdlQualifiedName attrName}", "#{attrValue}")]|]
-- generic type parameter constraints
paramConstraints :: [TypeParam] -> Text
paramConstraints = newlineBeginSep 2 constraint
constraint (TypeParam _ Nothing) = mempty
constraint (TypeParam name (Just Value)) = [lt|where #{name} : struct|]
-- Initial value for C# field/property or Nothing if C# implicit default is OK
defaultValue :: MappingContext -> Field -> Maybe Text
defaultValue cs Field {fieldDefault = Nothing, ..} = implicitDefault fieldType
newInstance t = Just [lt|new #{getInstanceTypeName cs t}()|]
@ -107,8 +118,9 @@ defaultValue cs Field {fieldDefault = (Just def), ..} = explicitDefault def
explicitDefault (DefaultInteger x) = Just [lt|#{x}|]
explicitDefault (DefaultFloat x) = Just $ floatLiteral fieldType x
floatLiteral BT_Float x = [lt|#{x}F|]
floatLiteral BT_Double x = [lt|#{x}|]
floatLiteral BT_Float y = [lt|#{y}F|]
floatLiteral BT_Double y = [lt|#{y}|]
floatLiteral _ _ = error "defaultValue/floatLiteral: impossible happened."
explicitDefault (DefaultBool True) = Just "true"
explicitDefault (DefaultBool False) = Just "false"
explicitDefault (DefaultString x) = Just [lt|"#{x}"|]
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Bond.Template.CustomMapping
( parseAliasMapping
, parseNamespaceMapping
( parseAliasMappings
, parseNamespaceMappings
, AliasMapping(..)
, Fragment(..)
, NamespaceMapping(..)
@ -30,19 +30,26 @@ data NamespaceMapping = NamespaceMapping
, toNamespace :: QualifiedName
whitespace :: Parsec SourceName u String
whitespace = many (char ' ') <?> "whitespace"
identifier :: Parsec SourceName u String
identifier = many1 (alphaNum <|> char '_') <?> "identifier"
qualifiedName :: Parsec SourceName u [String]
qualifiedName = sepBy1 identifier (char '.') <?> "qualified name"
symbol :: String -> Parsec SourceName u String
symbol s = whitespace *> string s <* whitespace
equal :: Parsec SourceName u String
equal = symbol "="
integer :: Parsec SourceName u Integer
integer = decimal <$> many1 digit <?> "decimal number"
decimal = foldl (\x d -> 10 * x + toInteger (digitToInt d)) 0
-- parse alias mapping specification from the command line --using flags
-- e.g.: --using="OrderedSet=SortedSet<{0}>"
parseAliasMapping :: [String] -> IO [AliasMapping]
parseAliasMapping = mapM parseAliasMapping
parseAliasMappings :: [String] -> IO [AliasMapping]
parseAliasMappings = mapM parseAliasMapping
parseAliasMapping s = case parse aliasMapping s s of
Left err -> fail $ show err
@ -55,8 +62,8 @@ parseAliasMapping = mapM parseAliasMapping
-- parse namespace mapping specification from the command line --namespace flags
-- e.g.: --namespace="bond="
parseNamespaceMapping :: [String] -> IO [NamespaceMapping]
parseNamespaceMapping = mapM parseNamespaceMapping
parseNamespaceMappings :: [String] -> IO [NamespaceMapping]
parseNamespaceMappings = mapM parseNamespaceMapping
parseNamespaceMapping s = case parse namespaceMapping s s of
Left err -> fail $ show err
@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards #-}
module Bond.Template.TypeMapping
( newMappingContext
, findAliasMapping
( findAliasMapping
, setTypeMapping
, setNamespaces
, cppTypeMapping
@ -22,6 +21,7 @@ module Bond.Template.TypeMapping
, getDeclQualifiedTypeName
, getTypeName
, getInstanceTypeName
, MappingContext(..)
) where
import Data.List
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import Bond.Util
import Bond.Template.Util
import Bond.Template.CustomMapping
data Context = Context
data MappingContext = MappingContext
{ typeMapping :: TypeMapping
, aliasMapping :: [AliasMapping]
, namespaceMapping :: [NamespaceMapping]
@ -53,23 +53,21 @@ data TypeMapping = TypeMapping
, elementMapping :: TypeMapping
type TypeNameBuilder = Reader Context Builder
type TypeNameBuilder = Reader MappingContext Builder
newMappingContext = Context
setTypeMapping :: Context -> TypeMapping -> Context
setTypeMapping :: MappingContext -> TypeMapping -> MappingContext
setTypeMapping c m = c { typeMapping = m }
setNamespaces :: Context -> [Namespace] -> Context
setNamespaces :: MappingContext -> [Namespace] -> MappingContext
setNamespaces c n = c { namespaces = n }
getNamespace :: Context -> QualifiedName
getNamespace c@Context {..} = resolveNamespace c namespaces
getNamespace :: MappingContext -> QualifiedName
getNamespace c@MappingContext {..} = resolveNamespace c namespaces
getIdlNamespace :: Context -> QualifiedName
getIdlNamespace c@Context {..} = findNamespace c namespaces
getIdlNamespace :: MappingContext -> QualifiedName
getIdlNamespace c@MappingContext {..} = findNamespace c namespaces
getDeclNamespace :: Context -> Declaration -> QualifiedName
getDeclNamespace :: MappingContext -> Declaration -> QualifiedName
getDeclNamespace c = resolveNamespace c . declNamespaces
getQualifiedName :: TypeMapping -> QualifiedName -> Builder
@ -81,18 +79,19 @@ getIdlQualifiedName = sep "."
getGlobalQualifiedName :: TypeMapping -> QualifiedName -> Builder
getGlobalQualifiedName m@TypeMapping {..} = (global <>) . getQualifiedName m
getDeclQualifiedTypeName :: Context -> Declaration -> Builder
getDeclQualifiedTypeName :: MappingContext -> Declaration -> Builder
getDeclQualifiedTypeName c = getGlobalQualifiedName (typeMapping c) . declQualifiedName c
getTypeName :: Context -> Type -> Builder
getTypeName c t = fix $ runReader (typeName t) c
getTypeName :: MappingContext -> Type -> Builder
getTypeName c t = fix' $ runReader (typeName t) c
fix = fixSyntax $ typeMapping c
fix' = fixSyntax $ typeMapping c
getInstanceTypeName :: Context -> Type -> Builder
getInstanceTypeName :: MappingContext -> Type -> Builder
getInstanceTypeName c t = runReader (instanceTypeName t) c
-- type mappings for different languages/variants
cppTypeMapping :: TypeMapping
cppTypeMapping = TypeMapping
@ -102,6 +101,7 @@ cppTypeMapping = TypeMapping
cppCustomAllocTypeMapping :: ToText a => a -> TypeMapping
cppCustomAllocTypeMapping alloc = TypeMapping
@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ cppCustomAllocTypeMapping alloc = TypeMapping
(cppCustomAllocTypeMapping alloc)
(cppCustomAllocTypeMapping alloc)
csTypeMapping :: TypeMapping
csTypeMapping = TypeMapping
@ -120,6 +121,7 @@ csTypeMapping = TypeMapping
csInterfaceTypeMapping :: TypeMapping
csInterfaceTypeMapping = TypeMapping
@ -129,8 +131,10 @@ csInterfaceTypeMapping = TypeMapping
csInterfaceInstanceTypeMapping :: TypeMapping
csInterfaceInstanceTypeMapping = csInterfaceTypeMapping {mapType = csType}
csAnnotatedTypeMapping :: TypeMapping
csAnnotatedTypeMapping = TypeMapping
@ -158,6 +162,7 @@ infixr 6 <<>
pureText :: ToText a => a -> TypeNameBuilder
pureText = pure . toText
commaSepTypeNames :: [Type] -> TypeNameBuilder
commaSepTypeNames [] = return mempty
commaSepTypeNames [x] = typeName x
commaSepTypeNames (x:xs) = typeName x <<>> ", " <>> commaSepTypeNames xs
@ -176,16 +181,17 @@ elementTypeName = localWith elementMapping . typeName
instanceTypeName :: Type -> TypeNameBuilder
instanceTypeName = localWith instanceMapping . typeName
resolveNamespace :: Context -> [Namespace] -> QualifiedName
resolveNamespace c@Context {..} ns = maybe namespace toNamespace $ find ((namespace ==) . fromNamespace) namespaceMapping
resolveNamespace :: MappingContext -> [Namespace] -> QualifiedName
resolveNamespace c@MappingContext {..} ns = maybe namespace toNamespace $ find ((namespace ==) . fromNamespace) namespaceMapping
namespace = findNamespace c ns
-- last namespace that is language-neutral or matches the language of the context's type mapping
findNamespace Context {..} ns =
findNamespace :: MappingContext -> [Namespace] -> QualifiedName
findNamespace MappingContext {..} ns =
nsName . last . filter (maybe True (language typeMapping ==) . nsLanguage) $ ns
declQualifiedName :: Context -> Declaration -> QualifiedName
declQualifiedName :: MappingContext -> Declaration -> QualifiedName
declQualifiedName c decl = getDeclNamespace c decl ++ [declName decl]
declQualifiedTypeName :: Declaration -> TypeNameBuilder
@ -200,7 +206,7 @@ declTypeName decl = do
then pureText $ declName decl
else declQualifiedTypeName decl
findAliasMapping :: Context -> Declaration -> Maybe AliasMapping
findAliasMapping :: MappingContext -> Declaration -> Maybe AliasMapping
findAliasMapping ctx a = find isSameAlias $ aliasMapping ctx
aliasDeclName = declQualifiedName ctx a
@ -248,23 +254,27 @@ cppType (BT_UserDefined a@Alias {..} args) = aliasTypeName a args
cppType (BT_UserDefined decl args) = declQualifiedTypeName decl <<>> (angles <$> commaSepTypeNames args)
-- C++ type mapping with custom allocator
cppTypeCustomAlloc :: Builder -> Type -> TypeNameBuilder
cppTypeCustomAlloc alloc BT_String = pure $ "std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, typename " <> alloc <> "::rebind<char>::other>"
cppTypeCustomAlloc alloc BT_WString = pure $ "std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, typename " <> alloc <> "::rebind<wchar_t>::other>"
cppTypeCustomAlloc alloc BT_MetaName = cppTypeCustomAlloc alloc BT_String
cppTypeCustomAlloc alloc BT_MetaFullName = cppTypeCustomAlloc alloc BT_String
cppTypeCustomAlloc alloc (BT_List element) = "std::list<" <>> elementTypeName element <<>> ", " <>> allocator alloc element <<> ">"
cppTypeCustomAlloc alloc (BT_Nullable element) | structType element = "bond::nullable<" <>> elementTypeName element <<> ", " <> alloc <> ">"
cppTypeCustomAlloc alloc (BT_Nullable element) = "bond::nullable<" <>> elementTypeName element <<> ">"
cppTypeCustomAlloc _lloc (BT_Nullable element) = "bond::nullable<" <>> elementTypeName element <<> ">"
cppTypeCustomAlloc alloc (BT_Vector element) = "std::vector<" <>> elementTypeName element <<>> ", " <>> allocator alloc element <<> ">"
cppTypeCustomAlloc alloc (BT_Set element) = "std::set<" <>> elementTypeName element <<>> comparer element <<>> allocator alloc element <<> ">"
cppTypeCustomAlloc alloc (BT_Map key value) = "std::map<" <>> elementTypeName key <<>> ", " <>> elementTypeName value <<>> comparer key <<>> pairAllocator alloc key value <<> ">"
cppTypeCustomAlloc _ t = cppType t
comparer :: Type -> TypeNameBuilder
comparer t = ", std::less<" <>> elementTypeName t <<> ">, "
allocator :: Builder -> Type -> TypeNameBuilder
allocator alloc element =
"typename " <>> alloc <>> "::rebind<" <>> elementTypeName element <<> ">::other"
pairAllocator :: Builder -> Type -> Type -> TypeNameBuilder
pairAllocator alloc key value =
"typename " <>> alloc <>> "::rebind<" <>> "std::pair<const " <>> elementTypeName key <<>> ", " <>> elementTypeName value <<> "> >::other"
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
-- Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Bond.Template.Util
( toText
@ -21,16 +22,14 @@ module Bond.Template.Util
, doubleLineSepEnd
) where
import System.FilePath
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Word
import Data.String
import Data.Text.Lazy (justifyRight)
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text, justifyRight)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder
import Text.Shakespeare.Text
import Bond.Version
import Bond.Util
import Bond.Schema
instance ToText Word16 where
toText = toText . show
@ -41,27 +40,36 @@ instance ToText Double where
instance ToText Integer where
toText = toText . show
mconcatMap :: Monoid b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> b
mconcatMap f = foldr (mappend . f) mempty
mconcatFor :: Monoid b => [a] -> (a -> b) -> b
mconcatFor m f = mconcatMap f m
sep :: ToText t => Builder -> [t] -> Builder
sep s = sepBy s toText
commaSep :: ToText t => [t] -> Builder
commaSep = sepBy ", " toText
indent :: Int64 -> Text
indent n = justifyRight (4 * n) ' ' ""
commaLine :: Int64 -> Text
commaLine n = [lt|,
#{indent n}|]
newLine :: Int64 -> Text
newLine n = [lt|
#{indent n}|]
doubleLine :: Int64 -> Text
doubleLine n = [lt|
#{indent n}|]
newlineSep, commaLineSep, newlineSepEnd, newlineBeginSep, doubleLineSep
, doubleLineSepEnd :: Int64 -> (t -> Text) -> [t] -> Text
newlineSep = sepBy . newLine
commaLineSep = sepBy . commaLine
newlineSepEnd = sepEndBy . newLine
@ -69,6 +77,7 @@ newlineBeginSep = sepBeginBy . newLine
doubleLineSep = sepBy . doubleLine
doubleLineSepEnd = sepEndBy . doubleLine
commonHeader :: ToText a => a -> Text
commonHeader file = [lt|
// This code was generated by a tool.
@ -16,8 +16,11 @@ module Bond.Util
) where
import Data.Monoid
import Data.String (IsString)
sepEndBy s f [] = mempty
sepEndBy :: (Monoid a, Eq a)
=> a -> (t -> a) -> [t] -> a
sepEndBy _ _ [] = mempty
sepEndBy s f (x:xs)
| next == mempty = rest
| otherwise = next <> s <> rest
@ -25,7 +28,9 @@ sepEndBy s f (x:xs)
next = f x
rest = sepEndBy s f xs
sepBeginBy s f [] = mempty
sepBeginBy :: (Monoid a, Eq a)
=> a -> (t -> a) -> [t] -> a
sepBeginBy _ _ [] = mempty
sepBeginBy s f (x:xs)
| next == mempty = rest
| otherwise = s <> next <> rest
@ -33,7 +38,9 @@ sepBeginBy s f (x:xs)
next = f x
rest = sepBeginBy s f xs
sepBy s f [] = mempty
sepBy :: (Monoid a, Eq a)
=> a -> (t -> a) -> [t] -> a
sepBy _ _ [] = mempty
sepBy s f (x:xs)
| null xs = next
| next == mempty = rest
@ -45,10 +52,14 @@ sepBy s f (x:xs)
optional :: (Monoid m) => (a -> m) -> Maybe a -> m
optional = maybe mempty
between :: (Monoid a, Eq a) => a -> a -> a -> a
between l r m
| m == mempty = mempty
| otherwise = l <> m <> r
angles, brackets, braces, parens
:: (Monoid a, IsString a, Eq a)
=> a -> a
angles m = between "<" ">" m
brackets m = between "[" "]" m
braces m = between "{" "}" m
@ -6,5 +6,7 @@ module Bond.Version
, minorVersion
) where
majorVersion :: String
majorVersion = "3"
minorVersion :: String
minorVersion = "02"
@ -15,8 +15,10 @@ import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Loops (firstM)
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import GHC.Conc (getNumProcessors, setNumCapabilities)
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as L
import Bond.Parser
import Bond.Schema (Declaration, Import)
import Bond.Template.Util
import Bond.Template.Cpp.Reflection_h
import Bond.Template.Cpp.Types_h
@ -39,6 +41,7 @@ main = do
Cs {..} -> csCodegen options
_ -> print options
setJobs :: Maybe Int -> IO ()
setJobs Nothing = return ()
setJobs (Just n)
| n > 0 = setNumCapabilities n
@ -47,16 +50,17 @@ setJobs (Just n)
-- if n is less than 0 use that many fewer jobs than processors
setNumCapabilities $ max 1 (numProc + n)
concurrentlyFor_ :: [a] -> (a -> IO b) -> IO ()
concurrentlyFor_ = (void .) . flip mapConcurrently
cppCodegen :: Options -> IO()
cppCodegen (Cpp {..}) = do
aliasMapping <- parseAliasMapping using
namespaceMapping <- parseNamespaceMapping namespace
aliasMapping <- parseAliasMappings using
namespaceMapping <- parseNamespaceMappings namespace
let typeMapping = case allocator of
Nothing -> cppTypeMapping
Just a -> cppCustomAllocTypeMapping a
let mappingContext = newMappingContext typeMapping aliasMapping namespaceMapping []
let mappingContext = MappingContext typeMapping aliasMapping namespaceMapping []
concurrentlyFor_ files $ codeGen output_dir import_dir mappingContext $
[ reflection_h
, types_cpp
@ -73,19 +77,27 @@ cppCodegen (Cpp {..}) = do
, (Fast, Protocol "FastBinaryReader" "FastBinaryWriter")
, (Simple, Protocol "SimpleBinaryReader" "SimpleBinaryWriter")
cppCodegen _ = error "cppCodegen: impossible happened."
csCodegen :: Options -> IO()
csCodegen (Cs {..}) = do
aliasMapping <- parseAliasMapping using
namespaceMapping <- parseNamespaceMapping namespace
aliasMapping <- parseAliasMappings using
namespaceMapping <- parseNamespaceMappings namespace
let typeMapping = if collection_interfaces then csInterfaceTypeMapping else csTypeMapping
let mappingContext = newMappingContext typeMapping aliasMapping namespaceMapping []
let mappingContext = MappingContext typeMapping aliasMapping namespaceMapping []
concurrentlyFor_ files $ codeGen output_dir import_dir mappingContext
[ types_cs readonly_properties fields
csCodegen _ = error "csCodegen: impossible happened."
codeGen :: FilePath
-> [FilePath]
-> MappingContext
-> [MappingContext -> String -> [Import] -> [Declaration] -> (String, Text)]
-> FilePath
-> IO ()
codeGen outputDir importDirs mappingContext templates file = do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
input <- readFileUtf8 file
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ module Options (getOptions, Options(..), ApplyOptions(..)) where
import Bond.Version
import System.Console.CmdArgs
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit (Mode(..))
data ApplyOptions =
Compact |
@ -45,6 +44,7 @@ data Options
deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)
cpp :: Options
cpp = Cpp
{ files = def &= typFile &= args
, import_dir = def &= typDir &= help "Add the directory to import search path"
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ cpp = Cpp
name "c++" &=
help "Generate C++ code"
cs :: Options
cs = Cs
{ collection_interfaces = def &= help "Use interfaces rather than concrete collection types"
, readonly_properties = def &= help "Generate private property setters"
@ -69,9 +70,11 @@ cs = Cs
name "c#" &=
help "Generate C# code"
mode :: Mode (CmdArgs Options)
mode = cmdArgsMode $ modes [cpp, cs] &=
program "gbc" &=
help "Compile Bond schema definition file and generate specified output" &=
summary ("Bond Compiler " ++ majorVersion ++ "." ++ minorVersion ++ ", (C) Microsoft")
getOptions :: IO Options
getOptions = cmdArgsRun mode
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