Avoid parsing the same import multiple times
In some scenarios the hierarchy of schemas may be very interconnected and redundant parsing of the same imported files is a huge performance overhead for code generation (this change showed 20x improvement when compiling a sample set of ~900 interconnected schemas).
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,8 +22,11 @@ import Bond.Lexer
import Bond.Schema
import Bond.Schema
-- parser state, mutable and global
-- parser state, mutable and global
-- list of structs, enums and aliases declared in the current and all imported files
data Symbols =
type Symbols = [Declaration]
{ symbols :: [Declaration] -- list of structs, enums and aliases declared in the current and all imported files
, imports :: [FilePath] -- list of imported files
-- parser environment, immutable but contextual
-- parser environment, immutable but contextual
data Environment =
data Environment =
@ -39,7 +42,7 @@ newEnvironment = Environment [] []
type Parser a = ParsecT String Symbols (ReaderT Environment IO) a
type Parser a = ParsecT String Symbols (ReaderT Environment IO) a
parseBond = runParserT bond []
parseBond = runParserT bond $ Symbols [] []
data Bond = Bond [Import] [Namespace] [Declaration]
data Bond = Bond [Import] [Namespace] [Declaration]
@ -63,13 +66,16 @@ import_ = do
setPosition pos
setPosition pos
return i
return i
processImport :: Import -> Parser Bond
processImport :: Import -> Parser()
processImport (Import file) = do
processImport (Import file) = do
Environment { currentFile = currentFile, resolveImport = resolveImport } <- ask
Environment { currentFile = currentFile, resolveImport = resolveImport } <- ask
(path, content) <- liftIO $ resolveImport currentFile file
(path, content) <- liftIO $ resolveImport currentFile file
setInput content
Symbols { imports = imports } <- getState
setPosition $ initialPos path
if path `elem` imports then return () else do
local (\e -> e { currentFile = path }) bond
modifyState (\u -> u { imports = path:imports } )
setInput content
setPosition $ initialPos path
void $ local (\e -> e { currentFile = path }) bond
-- parser for struct, enum or type alias declaration/definition
-- parser for struct, enum or type alias declaration/definition
declaration :: Parser Declaration
declaration :: Parser Declaration
@ -83,7 +89,7 @@ declaration = do
return decl
return decl
updateSymbols decl = do
updateSymbols decl = do
(previous, symbols) <- partition (duplicateDeclaration decl) <$> getState
(previous, symbols) <- partition (duplicateDeclaration decl) <$> symbols <$> getState
case reconcile previous decl of
case reconcile previous decl of
(False, _) -> fail $ "The " ++ show decl ++ " has been previously defined as " ++ show (head previous)
(False, _) -> fail $ "The " ++ show decl ++ " has been previously defined as " ++ show (head previous)
(True, f) -> modifyState (f symbols)
(True, f) -> modifyState (f symbols)
@ -98,14 +104,14 @@ updateSymbols decl = do
-- paths which are unreliable.
-- paths which are unreliable.
reconcile [x] y = (x == y, const id)
reconcile [x] y = (x == y, const id)
paramsMatch = (==) `on` (map paramConstraint . declParams)
paramsMatch = (==) `on` (map paramConstraint . declParams)
add x xs _ = x:xs
add x xs u = u { symbols = x:xs }
findSymbol :: QualifiedName -> Parser Declaration
findSymbol :: QualifiedName -> Parser Declaration
findSymbol name = doFind <?> "qualified name"
findSymbol name = doFind <?> "qualified name"
doFind = do
doFind = do
namespaces <- asks currentNamespaces
namespaces <- asks currentNamespaces
symbols <- getState
Symbols { symbols = symbols } <- getState
case find (delcMatching namespaces name) symbols of
case find (delcMatching namespaces name) symbols of
Just decl -> return decl
Just decl -> return decl
Nothing -> fail $ "Unknown symbol: " ++ showQualifiedName name
Nothing -> fail $ "Unknown symbol: " ++ showQualifiedName name
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