61 строка
964 B
61 строка
964 B
# Have Git automatically detect text files and normalize them.
* text=auto
# Explicit listing for files we know to be text
*.bond text
*.cabal text
*.cmake text
*.config text
*.cpp text
*.cs text
*.csproj text
*.css text
*.doxygen text
*.el text
*.expressions text
*.gitattributes text
*.gitignore text
*.gitmodules text
*.gradle text
*.groovy text
*.h text
*.hs text
*.html text
*.iml text
*.java text
*.json text
*.md text
*.name text
*.nuspec text
*.proj text
*.properties text
*.props text
*.ps1 text
*.py text
*.targets text
*.tmLanguage text
*.txt text
*.xml text
*.yaml text
# Some Windows-specific files should always be CRLF.
*.cmd text eol=crlf
*.DotSettings text eol=crlf
*.sln text eol=crlf
# Linux scripts need to always have LF. If not, things like building a
# Docker image from Windows will result in un-runable scripts.
*.sh text eol=lf
*.zsh text eol=lf
# These are binary file types.
*.dat binary
*.pfx binary
*.png binary
*.snk binary