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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Language.LUIS.Runtime.Models;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
namespace Microsoft.Bot.Builder.AI.Luis
// Utility functions used to extract and transform data from Luis SDK
internal static class LuisUtil
internal const string _metadataKey = "$instance";
internal static string NormalizedIntent(string intent) => intent.Replace('.', '_').Replace(' ', '_');
internal static IDictionary<string, IntentScore> GetIntents(LuisResult luisResult)
if (luisResult.Intents != null)
return luisResult.Intents.ToDictionary(
i => NormalizedIntent(i.Intent),
i => new IntentScore { Score = i.Score ?? 0 });
return new Dictionary<string, IntentScore>()
new IntentScore() { Score = luisResult.TopScoringIntent.Score ?? 0 }
internal static JObject ExtractEntitiesAndMetadata(IList<EntityModel> entities, IList<CompositeEntityModel> compositeEntities, bool verbose, string utterance)
var entitiesAndMetadata = new JObject();
if (verbose)
entitiesAndMetadata[_metadataKey] = new JObject();
var compositeEntityTypes = new HashSet<string>();
// We start by populating composite entities so that entities covered by them are removed from the entities list
if (compositeEntities != null && compositeEntities.Any())
compositeEntityTypes = new HashSet<string>(compositeEntities.Select(ce => ce.ParentType));
entities = compositeEntities.Aggregate(entities, (current, compositeEntity) => PopulateCompositeEntityModel(compositeEntity, current, entitiesAndMetadata, verbose, utterance));
foreach (var entity in entities)
// we'll address composite entities separately
if (compositeEntityTypes.Contains(entity.Type))
AddProperty(entitiesAndMetadata, ExtractNormalizedEntityName(entity), ExtractEntityValue(entity));
if (verbose)
AddProperty((JObject)entitiesAndMetadata[_metadataKey], ExtractNormalizedEntityName(entity), ExtractEntityMetadata(entity, utterance));
return entitiesAndMetadata;
internal static JToken Number(dynamic value)
if (value == null)
return null;
return long.TryParse((string)value, out var longVal) ?
new JValue(longVal) :
new JValue(double.Parse((string)value));
internal static JToken ExtractEntityValue(EntityModel entity)
if (entity.Type.StartsWith("builtin.geographyV2."))
var subtype = entity.Type.Substring(20);
return new JObject(
new JProperty("type", subtype),
new JProperty("location", entity.Entity));
#pragma warning disable IDE0007 // Use implicit type
else if (entity.AdditionalProperties == null || !entity.AdditionalProperties.TryGetValue("resolution", out dynamic resolution))
#pragma warning restore IDE0007 // Use implicit type
return entity.Entity;
else if (entity.Type.StartsWith("builtin.datetime."))
return JObject.FromObject(resolution);
else if (entity.Type.StartsWith("builtin.datetimeV2."))
if (resolution.values == null || resolution.values.Count == 0)
return JArray.FromObject(resolution);
var resolutionValues = (IEnumerable<dynamic>)resolution.values;
var type = resolution.values[0].type;
var timexes = resolutionValues.Select(val => val.timex);
var distinctTimexes = timexes.Distinct();
return new JObject(new JProperty("type", type), new JProperty("timex", JArray.FromObject(distinctTimexes)));
else if (entity.Type.StartsWith("builtin.ordinalV2"))
return new JObject(
new JProperty("relativeTo", resolution.relativeTo),
new JProperty("offset", Number(resolution.offset)));
switch (entity.Type)
case "builtin.number":
case "builtin.ordinal": return Number(resolution.value);
case "builtin.percentage":
var svalue = (string)resolution.value;
if (svalue.EndsWith("%"))
svalue = svalue.Substring(0, svalue.Length - 1);
return Number(svalue);
case "builtin.age":
case "builtin.dimension":
case "builtin.currency":
case "builtin.temperature":
var units = (string)resolution.unit;
var val = Number(resolution.value);
var obj = new JObject();
if (val != null)
obj.Add("number", val);
obj.Add("units", units);
return obj;
return resolution.value ?? (resolution.values != null ? JArray.FromObject(resolution.values) : resolution);
internal static JObject ExtractEntityMetadata(EntityModel entity, string utterance)
var start = (int)entity.StartIndex;
var end = (int)entity.EndIndex + 1;
dynamic obj = JObject.FromObject(new
startIndex = start,
endIndex = end,
text = entity.Entity.Length == end - start ? entity.Entity : utterance.Substring(start, end - start),
type = entity.Type,
if (entity.AdditionalProperties != null)
if (entity.AdditionalProperties.TryGetValue("score", out var score))
obj.score = (double)score;
#pragma warning disable IDE0007 // Use implicit type
if (entity.AdditionalProperties.TryGetValue("resolution", out dynamic resolution) && resolution.subtype != null)
#pragma warning restore IDE0007 // Use implicit type
obj.subtype = resolution.subtype;
return obj;
internal static string ExtractNormalizedEntityName(EntityModel entity)
// Type::Role -> Role
var type = entity.Type.Split(':').Last();
if (type.StartsWith("builtin.datetimeV2."))
type = "datetime";
else if (type.StartsWith("builtin.currency"))
type = "money";
else if (type.StartsWith("builtin.geographyV2"))
type = "geographyV2";
else if (type.StartsWith("builtin.ordinalV2"))
type = "ordinalV2";
else if (type.StartsWith("builtin."))
type = type.Substring(8);
var role = entity.AdditionalProperties != null && entity.AdditionalProperties.ContainsKey("role") ? (string)entity.AdditionalProperties["role"] : string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(role))
type = role;
return type.Replace('.', '_').Replace(' ', '_');
internal static IList<EntityModel> PopulateCompositeEntityModel(CompositeEntityModel compositeEntity, IList<EntityModel> entities, JObject entitiesAndMetadata, bool verbose, string utterance)
var childrenEntites = new JObject();
var childrenEntitiesMetadata = new JObject();
if (verbose)
childrenEntites[_metadataKey] = new JObject();
// This is now implemented as O(n^2) search and can be reduced to O(2n) using a map as an optimization if n grows
var compositeEntityMetadata = entities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Type == compositeEntity.ParentType && e.Entity == compositeEntity.Value);
// This is an error case and should not happen in theory
if (compositeEntityMetadata == null)
return entities;
if (verbose)
childrenEntitiesMetadata = ExtractEntityMetadata(compositeEntityMetadata, utterance);
childrenEntites[_metadataKey] = new JObject();
var coveredSet = new HashSet<EntityModel>();
foreach (var child in compositeEntity.Children)
foreach (var entity in entities)
// We already covered this entity
if (coveredSet.Contains(entity))
// This entity doesn't belong to this composite entity
if (child.Type != entity.Type || !CompositeContainsEntity(compositeEntityMetadata, entity) || child.Value != entity.Entity)
// Add to the set to ensure that we don't consider the same child entity more than once per composite
AddProperty(childrenEntites, ExtractNormalizedEntityName(entity), ExtractEntityValue(entity));
if (verbose)
AddProperty((JObject)childrenEntites[_metadataKey], ExtractNormalizedEntityName(entity), ExtractEntityMetadata(entity, utterance));
AddProperty(entitiesAndMetadata, ExtractNormalizedEntityName(compositeEntityMetadata), childrenEntites);
if (verbose)
AddProperty((JObject)entitiesAndMetadata[_metadataKey], ExtractNormalizedEntityName(compositeEntityMetadata), childrenEntitiesMetadata);
// filter entities that were covered by this composite entity
return entities.Except(coveredSet).ToList();
internal static bool CompositeContainsEntity(EntityModel compositeEntityMetadata, EntityModel entity)
=> entity.StartIndex >= compositeEntityMetadata.StartIndex &&
entity.EndIndex <= compositeEntityMetadata.EndIndex;
/// <summary>
/// If a property doesn't exist add it to a new array, otherwise append it to the existing array.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="obj">Object in which the property will be added.</param>
/// <param name="key">Key of the property.</param>
/// <param name="value">Value for the property.</param>
internal static void AddProperty(JObject obj, string key, JToken value)
if (value != null)
if (((IDictionary<string, JToken>)obj).ContainsKey(key))
obj[key] = new JArray(value);
internal static void AddProperties(LuisResult luis, RecognizerResult result)
if (luis.SentimentAnalysis != null)
result.Properties.Add("sentiment", new JObject(
new JProperty("label", luis.SentimentAnalysis.Label),
new JProperty("score", luis.SentimentAnalysis.Score)));