API naming for LG (#1883)
* rename lg * rename templates property to items * rename * rename * Updated Templates to look like a collection * Fixed unit tests Co-authored-by: Steven Ickman <stevenic@microsoft.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License.
import { Activity, SuggestedActions, Attachment, ActivityTypes, ActionTypes, CardAction } from 'botframework-schema';
import { MessageFactory } from './messageFactory';
import { CardFactory } from './cardFactory';
* The ActivityFactory
* to generate text and then uses simple markdown semantics like chatdown to create Activity.
export class ActivityFactory {
private static readonly lgType = 'lgType';
private static readonly errorPrefix = '[ERROR]';
private static readonly warningPrefix = '[WARNING]';
private static adaptiveCardType: string = CardFactory.contentTypes.adaptiveCard;
private static readonly genericCardTypeMapping: Map<string, string> = new Map<string, string>
[ 'herocard', CardFactory.contentTypes.heroCard ],
[ 'thumbnailcard', CardFactory.contentTypes.thumbnailCard ],
[ 'audiocard', CardFactory.contentTypes.audioCard ],
[ 'videocard', CardFactory.contentTypes.videoCard ],
[ 'animationcard', CardFactory.contentTypes.animationCard ],
[ 'signincard', CardFactory.contentTypes.signinCard ],
[ 'oauthcard', CardFactory.contentTypes.oauthCard ],
[ 'receiptcard', CardFactory.contentTypes.receiptCard ],
private static readonly activityProperties: string[] = ['type','id','timestamp','localTimestamp','localTimezone','callerId',
private static readonly cardActionProperties: string[] = ['type','title','image','text','displayText','value','channelData'];
* Generate the activity.
* @param lgResult string result from languageGenerator.
public static fromObject(lgResult: any): Partial<Activity> {
const diagnostics: string[] = this.checkLGResult(lgResult);
const errors: string[] = diagnostics.filter((u: string): boolean => u.startsWith(this.errorPrefix));
if (errors !== undefined && errors.length > 0) {
throw new Error(`${ errors.join('\n') }`);
if (typeof lgResult === 'string') {
const structuredLGResult: any = this.parseStructuredLGResult(lgResult.trim());
return structuredLGResult === undefined ?
return this.buildActivityFromLGStructuredResult(lgResult);
* check the LG result before generate an Activity.
* @param lgResult lg output.
* @returns Diagnostic list.
public static checkLGResult(lgResult: any): string[] {
if (lgResult === undefined) {
return [this.buildDiagnostic('LG output is empty', false)];
if (typeof lgResult === 'string') {
if (!lgResult.startsWith('{') || !lgResult.endsWith('}')) {
return [this.buildDiagnostic('LG output is not a json object, and will fallback to string format.', false)];
let lgStructuredResult: any = undefined;
try {
lgStructuredResult = JSON.parse(lgResult);
} catch (error) {
return [this.buildDiagnostic('LG output is not a json object, and will fallback to string format.', false)];
return this.checkStructuredResult(lgStructuredResult);
} else {
return this.checkStructuredResult(lgResult);
* Given a lg result, create a text activity. This method will create a MessageActivity from text.
* @param text lg text output.
private static buildActivityFromText(text: string): Partial<Activity> {
const msg: Partial<Activity> = {
type: ActivityTypes.Message,
text: text,
speak: text
return msg;
* Given a structured lg result, create an activity. This method will create an MessageActivity from object
* @param lgValue lg output.
private static buildActivityFromLGStructuredResult(lgValue: any): Partial<Activity> {
let activity: Partial<Activity> = {};
const type: string = this.getStructureType(lgValue);
if (this.genericCardTypeMapping.has(type) || type === 'attachment') {
activity = MessageFactory.attachment(this.getAttachment(lgValue));
} else if (type === 'activity') {
activity = this.buildActivity(lgValue);
return activity;
private static buildActivity(messageValue: any): Partial<Activity> {
let activity: Partial<Activity> = { type: ActivityTypes.Message };
for (const key of Object.keys(messageValue)) {
const property: string = key.trim();
if (property === this.lgType) {
const value: any = messageValue[key];
switch (property.toLowerCase()) {
case 'attachments':
activity.attachments = this.getAttachments(value);
case 'suggestedactions':
activity.suggestedActions = this.getSuggestions(value);
var properties = this.activityProperties.map((u: string): string => u.toLowerCase());
if (properties.includes(property.toLowerCase()))
var realPropertyName = this.activityProperties[properties.indexOf(property.toLowerCase())];
activity[realPropertyName] = value;
} else {
activity[property.toLowerCase()] = value;
return activity;
private static getSuggestions(suggestionsValue: any): SuggestedActions {
const actions: any[] = this.normalizedToList(suggestionsValue);
const suggestedActions: SuggestedActions = {
actions : this.getCardActions(actions),
to: []
return suggestedActions;
private static getButtons(buttonsValue: any): CardAction[] {
const actions: any[] = this.normalizedToList(buttonsValue);
return this.getCardActions(actions);
private static getCardActions(actions: any[]): CardAction[] {
return actions.map((u: any): CardAction => this.getCardAction(u));
private static getCardAction(action: any): CardAction
let cardAction: CardAction;
if (typeof action === 'string') {
cardAction = { type: ActionTypes.ImBack, value: action, title: action, channelData: undefined };
} else {
const type: string = this.getStructureType(action);
cardAction = {
type: ActionTypes.ImBack,
title: '',
value: ''
if (type === 'cardaction') {
for (const key of Object.keys(action)) {
const property: string = key.trim();
if (property === this.lgType) {
const value: any = action[key];
switch (property.toLowerCase()) {
case 'displaytext':
cardAction.displayText = value;
case 'channeldata':
cardAction.channelData = value;
cardAction[property.toLowerCase()] = value;
return cardAction;
private static getAttachments(input: any): Attachment[] {
const attachments: Attachment[] = [];
const attachmentsJsonList: any[] = this.normalizedToList(input);
for (const attachmentsJson of attachmentsJsonList) {
if (typeof attachmentsJson === 'object') {
return attachments;
private static getAttachment(input: any): Attachment {
let attachment: Attachment = {
contentType: ''
const type: string = this.getStructureType(input);
if (this.genericCardTypeMapping.has(type)) {
attachment = this.getCardAttachment(this.genericCardTypeMapping.get(type), input);
} else if (type === 'adaptivecard') {
attachment = CardFactory.adaptiveCard(input);
} else if (type === 'attachment') {
attachment = this.getNormalAttachment(input);
} else {
attachment = {contentType: type, content: input};
return attachment;
private static getNormalAttachment(input: any): Attachment {
const attachment: Attachment = {contentType:''};
for (const key of Object.keys(input)) {
const property: string = key.trim();
const value: any = input[key];
switch (property.toLowerCase()) {
case 'contenttype':
const type: string = value.toString().toLowerCase();
if (this.genericCardTypeMapping.has(type)) {
attachment.contentType = this.genericCardTypeMapping.get(type);
} else if (type === 'adaptivecard') {
attachment.contentType = this.adaptiveCardType;
} else {
attachment.contentType = type;
case 'contenturl':
attachment.contentUrl = value;
case 'thumbnailurl':
attachment.thumbnailUrl = value;
attachment[property.toLowerCase()] = value;
return attachment;
private static getCardAttachment(type: string, input: any): Attachment {
const card: any = {};
for (const key of Object.keys(input)) {
const property: string = key.trim().toLowerCase();
const value: any = input[key];
switch (property) {
case 'tap':
card[property] = this.getCardAction(value);
case 'image':
case 'images':
if (type === CardFactory.contentTypes.heroCard || type === CardFactory.contentTypes.thumbnailCard) {
if (!('images' in card)) {
card['images'] = [];
const imageList: string[] = this.normalizedToList(value).map((u): string => u.toString());
imageList.forEach( (u): any => card['images'].push({url : u}));
} else {
card['image'] = {url: value.toString()};
case 'media':
if (!('media' in card)) {
card['media'] = [];
const mediaList: string[] = this.normalizedToList(value).map((u): string => u.toString());
mediaList.forEach( (u): any => card['media'].push({url : u}));
case 'buttons':
if (!('buttons' in card)) {
card['buttons'] = [];
const buttons: any[] = this.getButtons(value);
buttons.forEach( (u): any => card[property].push(u));
case 'autostart':
case 'shareable':
case 'autoloop':
const boolValue: boolean = this.getValidBooleanValue(value.toString());
if (boolValue !== undefined) {
card[property] = boolValue;
case 'connectionname':
card['connectionName'] = value;
card[property.toLowerCase()] = value;
const attachment: Attachment = {
contentType: type,
content: card
return attachment;
private static normalizedToList(item: any): any[] {
if (item === undefined) {
return [];
} else if (Array.isArray(item)) {
return item;
} else {
return [item];
private static parseStructuredLGResult(lgStringResult: string): any
let lgStructuredResult: any = undefined;
if (lgStringResult === undefined || lgStringResult === '') {
return undefined;
lgStringResult = lgStringResult.trim();
if (lgStringResult === '' || !lgStringResult.startsWith('{') || !lgStringResult.endsWith('}')) {
return undefined;
try {
lgStructuredResult = JSON.parse(lgStringResult);
} catch (error) {
return undefined;
return lgStructuredResult;
private static checkStructuredResult(input: any): string[] {
const result: string[] = [];
const type: string = this.getStructureType(input);
if (this.genericCardTypeMapping.has(type) || type === 'attachment') {
} else if (type === 'activity') {
} else {
const diagnosticMessage: string = (type === undefined || type === '') ?
`'${ this.lgType }' does not exist in lg output json object.`
: `Type '${ type }' is not supported currently.`;
return result;
private static checkActivity(input: any): string[] {
const result: string[] = [];
let activityType: string = undefined;
if ('type' in input) {
activityType = input['type'].toString().trim();
return result;
private static checkActivityType(activityType: string): string[] {
if (activityType !== undefined) {
if (!Object.values(ActivityTypes).map((u: string): string => u.toLowerCase()).includes(activityType.toLowerCase())) {
return [this.buildDiagnostic(`'${ activityType }' is not a valid activity type.`)];
return [];
private static checkActivityPropertyName(input: any): string[] {
const invalidProperties: string[] = [];
for (const property of Object.keys(input)) {
if (property === this.lgType) {
if (!this.activityProperties.map((u: string): string => u.toLowerCase()).includes(property.toLowerCase())) {
if (invalidProperties.length > 0) {
return [this.buildDiagnostic(`'${ invalidProperties.join(',') }' not support in Activity.`, false)];
return [];
private static checkActivityProperties(input: any): string[] {
const result: string[] = [];
for (const key of Object.keys(input)) {
const property: string = key.trim();
const value: any = input[key];
switch (property.toLowerCase()) {
case 'attachments':
case 'suggestedactions':
return result;
private static checkSuggestions(value: any): string[] {
const actions: any[] = this.normalizedToList(value);
return this.checkCardActions(actions);
private static checkButtons(value: any): string[] {
const actions: any[] = this.normalizedToList(value);
return this.checkCardActions(actions);
private static checkCardActions(actions: any[]): string[] {
const result: string[] = [];
actions.forEach((u: any): void => { result.push(...this.checkCardAction(u)); });
return result;
private static checkCardAction(value: any): string[] {
const result: string[] = [];
if (typeof value === 'string') {
return result;
if (typeof value === 'object') {
const type: string = this.getStructureType(value);
if (type !== 'cardaction') {
result.push(this.buildDiagnostic(`'${ type }' is not card action type.`, false));
} else {
if ('type' in value) {
} else {
result.push(this.buildDiagnostic(`'${ value }' is not a valid card action format.`, false));
return result;
private static checkCardActionPropertyName(input: any): string[] {
const invalidProperties: string[] = [];
for (const property of Object.keys(input)) {
if (property === this.lgType) {
if (!this.cardActionProperties.map((u: string): string => u.toLowerCase()).includes(property.toLowerCase())) {
if (invalidProperties.length > 0) {
return [this.buildDiagnostic(`'${ invalidProperties.join(',') }' not support in card action.`, false)];
return [];
private static checkCardActionType(cardActionType: string): string[] {
const result: string[] = [];
if (!cardActionType) {
return result;
if (!Object.values(ActionTypes).map((u: string): string => u.toLowerCase()).includes(cardActionType.toLowerCase())) {
return [this.buildDiagnostic(`'${ cardActionType }' is not a valid card action type.`)];
return result;
private static checkAttachments(value: any): string[] {
const result: string[] = [];
const attachmentsJsonList: any[] = this.normalizedToList(value);
for (const attachmentsJson of attachmentsJsonList) {
if (typeof attachmentsJson === 'object') {
return result;
private static checkAttachment(value: any): string[] {
const result: string[] = [];
const type: string = this.getStructureType(value);
if (this.genericCardTypeMapping.has(type)) {
} else if (type === 'adaptivecard') {
// check adaptivecard format
} else if (type === 'attachment') {
// Check attachment format
} else {
result.push(this.buildDiagnostic(`'${ type }' is not an attachment type.`, false));
return result;
private static checkCardAttachment(input: any): string[] {
const result: string[] = [];
for (const key of Object.keys(input)) {
const property: string = key.trim().toLowerCase();
const value: any = input[key];
switch (property) {
case 'buttons':
case 'autostart':
case 'shareable':
case 'autoloop':
const boolValue: boolean = this.getValidBooleanValue(value.toString());
if (boolValue === undefined) {
result.push(this.buildDiagnostic(`'${ value.toString() }' is not a boolean value.`));
return result;
private static getStructureType(input: any): string {
let result = '';
if (input && typeof input === 'object') {
if (this.lgType in input) {
result = input[this.lgType].toString();
} else if ('type' in input) {
// Adaptive card type
result = input['type'].toString();
return result.trim().toLowerCase();
private static getValidBooleanValue(boolValue: string): boolean{
if (boolValue.toLowerCase() === 'true')
return true;
else if (boolValue.toLowerCase() === 'false')
return false;
return undefined;
private static buildDiagnostic(message: string, isError: boolean = true): string {
message = message === undefined ? '' : message;
return isError ? this.errorPrefix + message : this.warningPrefix + message;
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
export * from 'botframework-schema';
export * from './activityFactory';
export * from './appCredentials';
export * from './activityHandler';
export * from './activityHandlerBase';
@ -94,19 +94,19 @@ For NodeJS, add botbuilder-lg
Load the template manager with your .lg file
let lgFile = new LGParser.parseFile(filePath, importResolver?, expressionParser?);
let templates = new Templates.parseFile(filePath, importResolver?, expressionParser?);
When you need template expansion, call the LGFile and pass in the relevant template name
When you need template expansion, call the templates and pass in the relevant template name
await turnContext.sendActivity(lgFile.evaluateTemplate("<TemplateName>", entitiesCollection));
await turnContext.sendActivity(templates.evaluate("<TemplateName>", entitiesCollection));
If your template needs specific entity values to be passed for resolution/ expansion, you can pass them in on the call to `evaluateTemplate`
await turnContext.sendActivity(lgFile.evaluateTemplate("WordGameReply", { GameName = "MarcoPolo" } ));
await turnContext.sendActivity(templates.evaluate("WordGameReply", { GameName = "MarcoPolo" } ));
@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
* @module botbuilder-lg
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License.
import { ActivityTypes, ActionTypes } from 'botbuilder-core';
import { CardFactory } from 'botbuilder-core';
import { Diagnostic, DiagnosticSeverity } from './diagnostic';
import { Range } from './range';
import { Position } from './position';
import { Evaluator } from './evaluator';
* Structure LG result checker.
export class ActivityChecker {
public static readonly genericCardTypeMapping: Map<string, string> = new Map<string, string>
[ 'herocard', CardFactory.contentTypes.heroCard ],
[ 'thumbnailcard', CardFactory.contentTypes.thumbnailCard ],
[ 'audiocard', CardFactory.contentTypes.audioCard ],
[ 'videocard', CardFactory.contentTypes.videoCard ],
[ 'animationcard', CardFactory.contentTypes.animationCard ],
[ 'signincard', CardFactory.contentTypes.signinCard ],
[ 'oauthcard', CardFactory.contentTypes.oauthCard ],
[ 'receiptcard', CardFactory.contentTypes.receiptCard ],
public static readonly activityProperties: string[] = ['type','id','timestamp','localTimestamp','localTimezone','callerId',
public static readonly cardActionProperties: string[] = ['type','title','image','text','displayText','value','channelData'];
* check the LG result before generate an Activity.
* @param lgResult lg output.
* @returns Diagnostic list.
public static check(lgResult: any): Diagnostic[] {
if (lgResult === undefined) {
return [this.buildDiagnostic('LG output is empty', false)];
if (typeof lgResult === 'string') {
if (!lgResult.startsWith('{') || !lgResult.endsWith('}')) {
return [this.buildDiagnostic('LG output is not a json object, and will fallback to string format.', false)];
let lgStructuredResult: any = undefined;
try {
lgStructuredResult = JSON.parse(lgResult);
} catch (error) {
return [this.buildDiagnostic('LG output is not a json object, and will fallback to string format.', false)];
return this.checkStructuredResult(lgStructuredResult);
} else {
return this.checkStructuredResult(lgResult);
public static checkStructuredResult(input: any): Diagnostic[] {
const result: Diagnostic[] = [];
const type: string = this.getStructureType(input);
if (ActivityChecker.genericCardTypeMapping.has(type) || type === 'attachment') {
} else if (type === 'activity') {
} else {
const diagnosticMessage: string = (type === undefined || type === '') ?
`'${ Evaluator.LGType }' does not exist in lg output json object.`
: `Type '${ type }' is not supported currently.`;
return result;
private static checkActivity(input: any): Diagnostic[] {
const result: Diagnostic[] = [];
let activityType: string = undefined;
if ('type' in input) {
activityType = input['type'].toString().trim();
return result;
private static checkActivityType(activityType: string): Diagnostic[] {
if (activityType !== undefined) {
if (!Object.values(ActivityTypes).map((u: string): string => u.toLowerCase()).includes(activityType.toLowerCase())) {
return [this.buildDiagnostic(`'${ activityType }' is not a valid activity type.`)];
return [];
private static checkActivityPropertyName(input: any): Diagnostic[] {
const invalidProperties: string[] = [];
for (const property of Object.keys(input)) {
if (property === Evaluator.LGType) {
if (!ActivityChecker.activityProperties.map((u: string): string => u.toLowerCase()).includes(property.toLowerCase())) {
if (invalidProperties.length > 0) {
return [this.buildDiagnostic(`'${ invalidProperties.join(',') }' not support in Activity.`, false)];
return [];
private static checkActivityProperties(input: any): Diagnostic[] {
const result: Diagnostic[] = [];
for (const key of Object.keys(input)) {
const property: string = key.trim();
const value: any = input[key];
switch (property.toLowerCase()) {
case 'attachments':
case 'suggestedactions':
return result;
private static checkSuggestions(value: any): Diagnostic[] {
const actions: any[] = this.normalizedToList(value);
return this.checkCardActions(actions);
private static checkButtons(value: any): Diagnostic[] {
const actions: any[] = this.normalizedToList(value);
return this.checkCardActions(actions);
private static checkCardActions(actions: any[]): Diagnostic[] {
const result: Diagnostic[] = [];
actions.forEach((u: any): void => { result.push(...this.checkCardAction(u)); });
return result;
private static checkCardAction(value: any): Diagnostic[] {
const result: Diagnostic[] = [];
if (typeof value === 'string') {
return result;
if (typeof value === 'object') {
const type: string = this.getStructureType(value);
if (type !== 'cardaction') {
result.push(this.buildDiagnostic(`'${ type }' is not card action type.`, false));
} else {
if ('type' in value) {
} else {
result.push(this.buildDiagnostic(`'${ value }' is not a valid card action format.`, false));
return result;
private static checkCardActionPropertyName(input: any): Diagnostic[] {
const invalidProperties: string[] = [];
for (const property of Object.keys(input)) {
if (property === Evaluator.LGType) {
if (!ActivityChecker.cardActionProperties.map((u: string): string => u.toLowerCase()).includes(property.toLowerCase())) {
if (invalidProperties.length > 0) {
return [this.buildDiagnostic(`'${ invalidProperties.join(',') }' not support in card action.`, false)];
return [];
private static checkCardActionType(cardActionType: string): Diagnostic[] {
const result: Diagnostic[] = [];
if (!cardActionType) {
return result;
if (!Object.values(ActionTypes).map((u: string): string => u.toLowerCase()).includes(cardActionType.toLowerCase())) {
return [this.buildDiagnostic(`'${ cardActionType }' is not a valid card action type.`)];
return result;
private static checkAttachments(value: any): Diagnostic[] {
const result: Diagnostic[] = [];
const attachmentsJsonList: any[] = this.normalizedToList(value);
for (const attachmentsJson of attachmentsJsonList) {
if (typeof attachmentsJson === 'object') {
return result;
private static checkAttachment(value: any): Diagnostic[] {
const result: Diagnostic[] = [];
const type: string = this.getStructureType(value);
if (ActivityChecker.genericCardTypeMapping.has(type)) {
} else if (type === 'adaptivecard') {
// check adaptivecard format
} else if (type === 'attachment') {
// Check attachment format
} else {
result.push(this.buildDiagnostic(`'${ type }' is not an attachment type.`, false));
return result;
private static checkCardAttachment(input: any): Diagnostic[] {
const result: Diagnostic[] = [];
for (const key of Object.keys(input)) {
const property: string = key.trim().toLowerCase();
const value: any = input[key];
switch (property) {
case 'buttons':
case 'autostart':
case 'shareable':
case 'autoloop':
const boolValue: boolean = this.getValidBooleanValue(value.toString());
if (boolValue === undefined) {
result.push(this.buildDiagnostic(`'${ value.toString() }' is not a boolean value.`));
return result;
private static getStructureType(input: any): string {
let result = '';
if (input !== undefined) {
if (Evaluator.LGType in input) {
result = input[Evaluator.LGType].toString();
} else if ('type' in input) {
// Adaptive card type
result = input['type'].toString();
return result.trim().toLowerCase();
private static getValidBooleanValue(boolValue: string): boolean{
if (boolValue.toLowerCase() === 'true')
return true;
else if (boolValue.toLowerCase() === 'false')
return false;
return undefined;
private static buildDiagnostic(message: string, isError: boolean = true): Diagnostic {
message = message === undefined ? '' : message;
const emptyRange: Range = new Range(new Position(0, 0), new Position(0, 0));
return isError ? new Diagnostic(emptyRange, message, DiagnosticSeverity.Error)
: new Diagnostic(emptyRange, message, DiagnosticSeverity.Warning);
private static normalizedToList(item: any): any[] {
if (item === undefined) {
return [];
} else if (Array.isArray(item)) {
return item;
} else {
return [item];
@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
* @module botbuilder-lg
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License.
import { Activity, SuggestedActions, Attachment, ActivityTypes, ActionTypes, CardAction } from 'botframework-schema';
import { MessageFactory, CardFactory } from 'botbuilder-core';
import { Diagnostic, DiagnosticSeverity } from './diagnostic';
import { ActivityChecker } from './activityChecker';
import { Evaluator } from './evaluator';
* The ActivityFactory
* to generate text and then uses simple markdown semantics like chatdown to create Activity.
export class ActivityFactory {
private static adaptiveCardType: string = CardFactory.contentTypes.adaptiveCard;
* Generate the activity.
* @param lgResult string result from languageGenerator.
public static createActivity(lgResult: any): Partial<Activity> {
const diagnostics: Diagnostic[] = ActivityChecker.check(lgResult);
const errors: Diagnostic[] = diagnostics.filter((u: Diagnostic): boolean => u.severity === DiagnosticSeverity.Error);
if (errors !== undefined && errors.length > 0) {
throw new Error(`${ errors.join('\n') }`);
if (typeof lgResult === 'string') {
const structuredLGResult: any = this.parseStructuredLGResult(lgResult.trim());
return structuredLGResult === undefined ?
return this.buildActivityFromLGStructuredResult(lgResult);
* Given a lg result, create a text activity. This method will create a MessageActivity from text.
* @param text lg text output.
private static buildActivityFromText(text: string): Partial<Activity> {
return MessageFactory.text(text, text);
* Given a structured lg result, create an activity. This method will create an MessageActivity from object
* @param lgValue lg output.
private static buildActivityFromLGStructuredResult(lgValue: any): Partial<Activity> {
let activity: Partial<Activity> = {};
const type: string = this.getStructureType(lgValue);
if (ActivityChecker.genericCardTypeMapping.has(type) || type === 'attachment') {
activity = MessageFactory.attachment(this.getAttachment(lgValue));
} else if (type === 'activity') {
activity = this.buildActivity(lgValue);
return activity;
private static buildActivity(messageValue: any): Partial<Activity> {
let activity: Partial<Activity> = { type: ActivityTypes.Message };
for (const key of Object.keys(messageValue)) {
const property: string = key.trim();
if (property === Evaluator.LGType) {
const value: any = messageValue[key];
switch (property.toLowerCase()) {
case 'attachments':
activity.attachments = this.getAttachments(value);
case 'suggestedactions':
activity.suggestedActions = this.getSuggestions(value);
var properties = ActivityChecker.activityProperties.map((u: string): string => u.toLowerCase());
if (properties.includes(property.toLowerCase()))
var realPropertyName = ActivityChecker.activityProperties[properties.indexOf(property.toLowerCase())];
activity[realPropertyName] = value;
} else {
activity[property.toLowerCase()] = value;
return activity;
private static getSuggestions(suggestionsValue: any): SuggestedActions {
const actions: any[] = this.normalizedToList(suggestionsValue);
const suggestedActions: SuggestedActions = {
actions : this.getCardActions(actions),
to: []
return suggestedActions;
private static getButtons(buttonsValue: any): CardAction[] {
const actions: any[] = this.normalizedToList(buttonsValue);
return this.getCardActions(actions);
private static getCardActions(actions: any[]): CardAction[] {
return actions.map((u: any): CardAction => this.getCardAction(u));
private static getCardAction(action: any): CardAction
let cardAction: CardAction;
if (typeof action === 'string') {
cardAction = { type: ActionTypes.ImBack, value: action, title: action, channelData: undefined };
} else {
const type: string = this.getStructureType(action);
cardAction = {
type: ActionTypes.ImBack,
title: '',
value: ''
if (type === 'cardaction') {
for (const key of Object.keys(action)) {
const property: string = key.trim();
if (property === Evaluator.LGType) {
const value: any = action[key];
switch (property.toLowerCase()) {
case 'displaytext':
cardAction.displayText = value;
case 'channeldata':
cardAction.channelData = value;
cardAction[property.toLowerCase()] = value;
return cardAction;
private static getStructureType(input: any): string {
let result = '';
if (input && typeof input === 'object') {
if (Evaluator.LGType in input) {
result = input[Evaluator.LGType].toString();
} else if ('type' in input) {
// Adaptive card type
result = input['type'].toString();
return result.trim().toLowerCase();
private static getAttachments(input: any): Attachment[] {
const attachments: Attachment[] = [];
const attachmentsJsonList: any[] = this.normalizedToList(input);
for (const attachmentsJson of attachmentsJsonList) {
if (typeof attachmentsJson === 'object') {
return attachments;
private static getAttachment(input: any): Attachment {
let attachment: Attachment = {
contentType: ''
const type: string = this.getStructureType(input);
if (ActivityChecker.genericCardTypeMapping.has(type)) {
attachment = this.getCardAttachment(ActivityChecker.genericCardTypeMapping.get(type), input);
} else if (type === 'adaptivecard') {
attachment = CardFactory.adaptiveCard(input);
} else if (type === 'attachment') {
attachment = this.getNormalAttachment(input);
} else {
attachment = {contentType: type, content: input};
return attachment;
private static getNormalAttachment(input: any): Attachment {
const attachment: Attachment = {contentType:''};
for (const key of Object.keys(input)) {
const property: string = key.trim();
const value: any = input[key];
switch (property.toLowerCase()) {
case 'contenttype':
const type: string = value.toString().toLowerCase();
if (ActivityChecker.genericCardTypeMapping.has(type)) {
attachment.contentType = ActivityChecker.genericCardTypeMapping.get(type);
} else if (type === 'adaptivecard') {
attachment.contentType = this.adaptiveCardType;
} else {
attachment.contentType = type;
case 'contenturl':
attachment.contentUrl = value;
case 'thumbnailurl':
attachment.thumbnailUrl = value;
attachment[property.toLowerCase()] = value;
return attachment;
private static getCardAttachment(type: string, input: any): Attachment {
const card: any = {};
for (const key of Object.keys(input)) {
const property: string = key.trim().toLowerCase();
const value: any = input[key];
switch (property) {
case 'tap':
card[property] = this.getCardAction(value);
case 'image':
case 'images':
if (type === CardFactory.contentTypes.heroCard || type === CardFactory.contentTypes.thumbnailCard) {
if (!('images' in card)) {
card['images'] = [];
const imageList: string[] = this.normalizedToList(value).map((u): string => u.toString());
imageList.forEach( (u): any => card['images'].push({url : u}));
} else {
card['image'] = {url: value.toString()};
case 'media':
if (!('media' in card)) {
card['media'] = [];
const mediaList: string[] = this.normalizedToList(value).map((u): string => u.toString());
mediaList.forEach( (u): any => card['media'].push({url : u}));
case 'buttons':
if (!('buttons' in card)) {
card['buttons'] = [];
const buttons: any[] = this.getButtons(value);
buttons.forEach( (u): any => card[property].push(u));
case 'autostart':
case 'shareable':
case 'autoloop':
const boolValue: boolean = this.getValidBooleanValue(value.toString());
if (boolValue !== undefined) {
card[property] = boolValue;
case 'connectionname':
card['connectionName'] = value;
card[property.toLowerCase()] = value;
const attachment: Attachment = {
contentType: type,
content: card
return attachment;
private static getValidBooleanValue(boolValue: string): boolean{
if (boolValue.toLowerCase() === 'true')
return true;
else if (boolValue.toLowerCase() === 'false')
return false;
return undefined;
private static normalizedToList(item: any): any[] {
if (item === undefined) {
return [];
} else if (Array.isArray(item)) {
return item;
} else {
return [item];
private static parseStructuredLGResult(lgStringResult: string): any
let lgStructuredResult: any = undefined;
if (lgStringResult === undefined || lgStringResult === '') {
return undefined;
lgStringResult = lgStringResult.trim();
if (lgStringResult === '' || !lgStringResult.startsWith('{') || !lgStringResult.endsWith('}')) {
return undefined;
try {
lgStructuredResult = JSON.parse(lgStringResult);
} catch (error) {
return undefined;
return lgStructuredResult;
@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ import { EvaluationTarget } from './evaluationTarget';
import { Evaluator } from './evaluator';
import * as lp from './generated/LGFileParser';
import { LGFileParserVisitor } from './generated/LGFileParserVisitor';
import { LGTemplate } from './lgTemplate';
import { LGExtensions } from './lgExtensions';
import { Template } from './template';
import { TemplateExtensions } from './templateExtensions';
import { AnalyzerResult } from './analyzerResult';
import {LGErrors} from './lgErrors';
import {TemplateErrors} from './templateErrors';
* Analyzer engine. To to get the static analyzer results.
@ -24,16 +24,16 @@ export class Analyzer extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<AnalyzerResult> implement
* Templates.
public readonly templates: LGTemplate[];
public readonly templates: Template[];
private readonly templateMap: {[name: string]: LGTemplate};
private readonly templateMap: {[name: string]: Template};
private readonly evalutationTargetStack: EvaluationTarget[] = [];
private readonly _expressionParser: ExpressionParserInterface;
public constructor(templates: LGTemplate[], expressionParser: ExpressionParser) {
public constructor(templates: Template[], expressionParser: ExpressionParser) {
this.templates = templates;
this.templateMap = keyBy(templates, (t: LGTemplate): string => t.name);
this.templateMap = keyBy(templates, (t: Template): string => t.name);
// create an evaluator to leverage its customized function look up for checking
const evaluator: Evaluator = new Evaluator(this.templates, expressionParser);
@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ export class Analyzer extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<AnalyzerResult> implement
public analyzeTemplate(templateName: string): AnalyzerResult {
if (!(templateName in this.templateMap)) {
throw new Error(LGErrors.templateNotExist(templateName));
throw new Error(TemplateErrors.templateNotExist(templateName));
if (this.evalutationTargetStack.find((u: EvaluationTarget): boolean => u.templateName === templateName) !== undefined) {
throw new Error(`${ LGErrors.loopDetected } ${ this.evalutationTargetStack.reverse()
throw new Error(`${ TemplateErrors.loopDetected } ${ this.evalutationTargetStack.reverse()
.map((u: EvaluationTarget): string => u.templateName)
.join(' => ') }`);
@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ export class Analyzer extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<AnalyzerResult> implement
const values = ctx.keyValueStructureValue();
for (const value of values) {
if (LGExtensions.isPureExpression(value).hasExpr) {
if (TemplateExtensions.isPureExpression(value).hasExpr) {
} else {
const exprs = value.EXPRESSION_IN_STRUCTURE_BODY();
for (const expr of exprs) {
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ export class Analyzer extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<AnalyzerResult> implement
private analyzeExpression(exp: string): AnalyzerResult {
const result: AnalyzerResult = new AnalyzerResult();
exp = LGExtensions.trimExpression(exp);
exp = TemplateExtensions.trimExpression(exp);
const parsed: Expression = this._expressionParser.parse(exp);
const references: readonly string[] = Extensions.references(parsed);
@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
import { ANTLRErrorListener, RecognitionException, Recognizer } from 'antlr4ts';
import { Diagnostic, DiagnosticSeverity } from './diagnostic';
import { LGException } from './lgException';
import { TemplateException } from './templateException';
import { Position } from './position';
import { Range } from './range';
import { LGErrors } from './lgErrors';
import { TemplateErrors } from './templateErrors';
* LG parser error listener.
@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ export class ErrorListener implements ANTLRErrorListener<any> {
const startPosition: Position = new Position(line, charPositionInLine);
const stopPosition: Position = new Position(line, charPositionInLine + offendingSymbol.stopIndex - offendingSymbol.startIndex + 1);
const range: Range = new Range(startPosition, stopPosition);
const diagnostic: Diagnostic = new Diagnostic(range, LGErrors.syntaxError, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, this.source);
const diagnostic: Diagnostic = new Diagnostic(range, TemplateErrors.syntaxError, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, this.source);
throw new LGException(diagnostic.toString(), [diagnostic]);
throw new TemplateException(diagnostic.toString(), [diagnostic]);
@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ import { CustomizedMemory } from './customizedMemory';
import { EvaluationTarget } from './evaluationTarget';
import * as lp from './generated/LGFileParser';
import { LGFileParserVisitor } from './generated/LGFileParserVisitor';
import { LGTemplate } from './lgTemplate';
import { Template } from './template';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import { LGExtensions } from './lgExtensions';
import { LGErrors } from './lgErrors';
import { TemplateExtensions } from './templateExtensions';
import { TemplateErrors } from './templateErrors';
* Evaluation runtime engine
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ export class Evaluator extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<any> implements LGFilePa
* Templates.
public readonly templates: LGTemplate[];
public readonly templates: Template[];
* Expression parser.
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ export class Evaluator extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<any> implements LGFilePa
* TemplateMap.
public readonly templateMap: { [name: string]: LGTemplate };
public readonly templateMap: { [name: string]: Template };
private readonly evaluationTargetStack: EvaluationTarget[] = [];
private readonly strictMode: boolean;
@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ export class Evaluator extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<any> implements LGFilePa
public static readonly fromFileFunctionName = 'fromFile';
public static readonly templateFunctionName = 'template';
public static readonly isTemplateFunctionName = 'isTemplate';
private static readonly ReExecuteSuffix = '!';
public static readonly ReExecuteSuffix = '!';
public constructor(templates: LGTemplate[], expressionParser: ExpressionParser, strictMode: boolean = false) {
public constructor(templates: Template[], expressionParser: ExpressionParser, strictMode: boolean = false) {
this.templates = templates;
this.templateMap = keyBy(templates, (t: LGTemplate): string => t.name);
this.templateMap = keyBy(templates, (t: Template): string => t.name);
this.strictMode = strictMode;
// generate a new customzied expression parser by injecting the templates as functions
@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ export class Evaluator extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<any> implements LGFilePa
({reExecute, pureTemplateName: templateName} = this.parseTemplateName(inputTemplateName));
if (!(templateName in this.templateMap)) {
throw new Error(LGErrors.templateNotExist(templateName));
throw new Error(TemplateErrors.templateNotExist(templateName));
if (this.evaluationTargetStack.some((u: EvaluationTarget): boolean => u.templateName === templateName)) {
throw new Error(`${ LGErrors.loopDetected } ${ this.evaluationTargetStack.reverse()
throw new Error(`${ TemplateErrors.loopDetected } ${ this.evaluationTargetStack.reverse()
.map((u: EvaluationTarget): string => u.templateName)
.join(' => ') }`);
@ -148,14 +148,14 @@ export class Evaluator extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<any> implements LGFilePa
const result = [];
for(const item of values) {
if (LGExtensions.isPureExpression(item).hasExpr) {
result.push(this.evalExpression(LGExtensions.isPureExpression(item).expression, ctx));
if (TemplateExtensions.isPureExpression(item).hasExpr) {
result.push(this.evalExpression(TemplateExtensions.isPureExpression(item).expression, ctx));
} else {
let itemStringResult = '';
for(const node of item.children) {
switch ((node as TerminalNode).symbol.type) {
itemStringResult += LGExtensions.evalEscape(node.text);
itemStringResult += TemplateExtensions.evalEscape(node.text);
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ export class Evaluator extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<any> implements LGFilePa
public visitNormalTemplateString(ctx: lp.NormalTemplateStringContext): string {
const prefixErrorMsg = LGExtensions.getPrefixErrorMessage(ctx);
const prefixErrorMsg = TemplateExtensions.getPrefixErrorMessage(ctx);
const result: any[] = [];
for (const node of ctx.children) {
const innerNode: TerminalNode = node as TerminalNode;
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ export class Evaluator extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<any> implements LGFilePa
case lp.LGFileParser.DASH:
case lp.LGFileParser.ESCAPE_CHARACTER:
case lp.LGFileParser.EXPRESSION:
result.push(this.evalExpression(innerNode.text, ctx, prefixErrorMsg));
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ export class Evaluator extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<any> implements LGFilePa
var templateName = this.parseTemplateName(inputTemplateName).pureTemplateName;
if (!(templateName in this.templateMap)) {
throw new Error(LGErrors.templateNotExist(templateName));
throw new Error(TemplateErrors.templateNotExist(templateName));
const parameters: string[] = this.templateMap[templateName].parameters;
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ export class Evaluator extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<any> implements LGFilePa
parameters.map((e: string, i: number): void => newScope[e] = args[i]);
const memory = currentScope as CustomizedMemory;
if (!memory) {
throw new Error(LGErrors.invalidMemory);
throw new Error(TemplateErrors.invalidMemory);
return new CustomizedMemory(memory.globalMemory, SimpleObjectMemory.wrap(newScope));
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ export class Evaluator extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<any> implements LGFilePa
private evalExpressionInCondition(exp: string, context?: ParserRuleContext, errorPrefix: string = ''): boolean {
exp = LGExtensions.trimExpression(exp);
exp = TemplateExtensions.trimExpression(exp);
let result: any;
let error: string;
({value: result, error: error} = this.evalByAdaptiveExpression(exp, this.currentTarget().scope));
@ -349,12 +349,12 @@ export class Evaluator extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<any> implements LGFilePa
else if (!result)
childErrorMsg += LGErrors.nullExpression(exp);
childErrorMsg += TemplateErrors.nullExpression(exp);
if (context)
errorMsg += LGErrors.errorExpression(context.text, this.currentTarget().templateName, errorPrefix);
errorMsg += TemplateErrors.errorExpression(context.text, this.currentTarget().templateName, errorPrefix);
if (this.evaluationTargetStack.length > 0)
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ export class Evaluator extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<any> implements LGFilePa
private evalExpression(exp: string, context?: ParserRuleContext, errorPrefix: string = ''): any
exp = LGExtensions.trimExpression(exp);
exp = TemplateExtensions.trimExpression(exp);
let result: any;
let error: string;
({value: result, error: error} = this.evalByAdaptiveExpression(exp, this.currentTarget().scope));
@ -389,12 +389,12 @@ export class Evaluator extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<any> implements LGFilePa
else if (result === undefined)
childErrorMsg += LGErrors.nullExpression(exp);
childErrorMsg += TemplateErrors.nullExpression(exp);
if (context)
errorMsg += LGErrors.errorExpression(context.text, this.currentTarget().templateName, errorPrefix);
errorMsg += TemplateErrors.errorExpression(context.text, this.currentTarget().templateName, errorPrefix);
if (this.evaluationTargetStack.length > 0)
@ -464,12 +464,12 @@ export class Evaluator extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<any> implements LGFilePa
private readonly fromFile = (): any => (args: readonly any[]): any => {
const filePath: string = LGExtensions.normalizePath(args[0].toString());
const filePath: string = TemplateExtensions.normalizePath(args[0].toString());
const resourcePath: string = this.getResourcePath(filePath);
const stringContent = fs.readFileSync(resourcePath, 'utf-8');
const result = this.wrappedEvalTextContainsExpression(stringContent, Evaluator.expressionRecognizeReverseRegex);
return LGExtensions.evalEscape(result);
return TemplateExtensions.evalEscape(result);
private getResourcePath(filePath: string): string {
@ -482,8 +482,8 @@ export class Evaluator extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<any> implements LGFilePa
if (inBrowser) {
throw new Error('relative path is not support in browser.');
const template: LGTemplate = this.templateMap[this.currentTarget().templateName];
const sourcePath: string = LGExtensions.normalizePath(template.source);
const template: Template = this.templateMap[this.currentTarget().templateName];
const sourcePath: string = TemplateExtensions.normalizePath(template.source);
let baseFolder: string = __dirname;
if (path.isAbsolute(sourcePath)) {
baseFolder = path.dirname(sourcePath);
@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ export class Evaluator extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<any> implements LGFilePa
// Validate return type
if (children0.returnType !== ReturnType.Object && children0.returnType !== ReturnType.String) {
throw new Error(LGErrors.errorTemplateNameformat(children0.toString()));
throw new Error(TemplateErrors.errorTemplateNameformat(children0.toString()));
// Validate more if the name is string constant
@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ export class Evaluator extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<any> implements LGFilePa
private checkTemplateReference(templateName: string, children: Expression[]): void{
if (!(templateName in this.templateMap))
throw new Error(LGErrors.templateNotExist(templateName));
throw new Error(TemplateErrors.templateNotExist(templateName));
var expectedArgsCount = this.templateMap[templateName].parameters.length;
@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ export class Evaluator extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<any> implements LGFilePa
if (actualArgsCount !== 0 && expectedArgsCount !== actualArgsCount)
throw new Error(LGErrors.argumentMismatch(templateName, expectedArgsCount, actualArgsCount));
throw new Error(TemplateErrors.argumentMismatch(templateName, expectedArgsCount, actualArgsCount));
@ -550,18 +550,7 @@ export class Evaluator extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<any> implements LGFilePa
private readonly validTemplateReference = (expression: Expression): void => {
const templateName: string = expression.type;
if (!(templateName in this.templateMap)) {
throw new Error(`no such template '${ templateName }' to call in ${ expression }`);
const expectedArgsCount: number = this.templateMap[templateName].parameters.length;
const actualArgsCount: number = expression.children.length;
if (expectedArgsCount !== actualArgsCount) {
throw new Error(LGErrors.argumentMismatch(templateName, expectedArgsCount, actualArgsCount));
return this.checkTemplateReference(expression.type, expression.children);
private parseTemplateName(templateName: string): { reExecute: boolean; pureTemplateName: string } {
@ -7,16 +7,18 @@
import { AbstractParseTreeVisitor, TerminalNode } from 'antlr4ts/tree';
import { ParserRuleContext } from 'antlr4ts/ParserRuleContext';
import { ExpressionFunctions, EvaluatorLookup, Expression, ExpressionParser, ExpressionEvaluator, ReturnType, SimpleObjectMemory } from 'adaptive-expressions';
import { ExpressionFunctions, EvaluatorLookup, Expression, ExpressionParser, ExpressionEvaluator, ReturnType, SimpleObjectMemory, ExpressionType, Constant } from 'adaptive-expressions';
import { keyBy } from 'lodash';
import { EvaluationTarget } from './evaluationTarget';
import { Evaluator } from './evaluator';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as lp from './generated/LGFileParser';
import { LGFileParserVisitor } from './generated/LGFileParserVisitor';
import { LGTemplate } from './lgTemplate';
import { LGExtensions } from './lgExtensions';
import { Template } from './template';
import { TemplateExtensions } from './templateExtensions';
import { CustomizedMemory } from './customizedMemory';
import { LGErrors } from './lgErrors';
import { TemplateErrors } from './templateErrors';
* LG template expander.
@ -25,21 +27,21 @@ export class Expander extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<string[]> implements LGFi
* Templates.
public readonly templates: LGTemplate[];
public readonly templates: Template[];
* TemplateMap.
public readonly templateMap: {[name: string]: LGTemplate};
public readonly templateMap: {[name: string]: Template};
private readonly evaluationTargetStack: EvaluationTarget[] = [];
private readonly expanderExpressionParser: ExpressionParser;
private readonly evaluatorExpressionParser: ExpressionParser;
private readonly strictMode: boolean;
public constructor(templates: LGTemplate[], expressionParser: ExpressionParser, strictMode: boolean = false) {
public constructor(templates: Template[], expressionParser: ExpressionParser, strictMode: boolean = false) {
this.templates = templates;
this.templateMap = keyBy(templates, (t: LGTemplate): string => t.name);
this.templateMap = keyBy(templates, (t: Template): string => t.name);
this.strictMode = strictMode;
// generate a new customzied expression parser by injecting the template as functions
@ -55,11 +57,11 @@ export class Expander extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<string[]> implements LGFi
public expandTemplate(templateName: string, scope: any): string[] {
if (!(templateName in this.templateMap)) {
throw new Error(LGErrors.templateNotExist(templateName));
throw new Error(TemplateErrors.templateNotExist(templateName));
if (this.evaluationTargetStack.find((u: EvaluationTarget): boolean => u.templateName === templateName)) {
throw new Error(`${ LGErrors.loopDetected } ${ this.evaluationTargetStack.reverse()
throw new Error(`${ TemplateErrors.loopDetected } ${ this.evaluationTargetStack.reverse()
.map((u: EvaluationTarget): string => u.templateName)
.join(' => ') }`);
@ -126,14 +128,14 @@ export class Expander extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<string[]> implements LGFi
if (value.length > 1) {
const valueList = [];
for (const item of value) {
const id = LGExtensions.newGuid();
const id = TemplateExtensions.newGuid();
templateRefValues.set(id, item);
expandedResult.forEach((x): any[] => x[property] = valueList);
} else {
const id = LGExtensions.newGuid();
const id = TemplateExtensions.newGuid();
expandedResult.forEach((x): string => x[property] = id);
templateRefValues.set(id, value[0]);
@ -184,14 +186,14 @@ export class Expander extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<string[]> implements LGFi
let result: any[] = [];
for (const item of values) {
if (LGExtensions.isPureExpression(item).hasExpr) {
result.push(this.evalExpression(LGExtensions.isPureExpression(item).expression, ctx));
if (TemplateExtensions.isPureExpression(item).hasExpr) {
result.push(this.evalExpression(TemplateExtensions.isPureExpression(item).expression, ctx));
} else {
let itemStringResult = [''];
for (const node of item.children) {
switch ((node as TerminalNode).symbol.type) {
itemStringResult = this.stringArrayConcat(itemStringResult, [LGExtensions.evalEscape(node.text)]);
itemStringResult = this.stringArrayConcat(itemStringResult, [TemplateExtensions.evalEscape(node.text)]);
const errorPrefix = `Property '${ ctx.STRUCTURE_IDENTIFIER().text }':`;
@ -248,7 +250,7 @@ export class Expander extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<string[]> implements LGFi
public visitNormalTemplateString(ctx: lp.NormalTemplateStringContext): string[] {
var prefixErrorMsg = LGExtensions.getPrefixErrorMessage(ctx);
var prefixErrorMsg = TemplateExtensions.getPrefixErrorMessage(ctx);
let result: string[] = [''];
for (const node of ctx.children) {
const innerNode: TerminalNode = node as TerminalNode;
@ -258,7 +260,7 @@ export class Expander extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<string[]> implements LGFi
case lp.LGFileParser.DASH:
case lp.LGFileParser.ESCAPE_CHARACTER:
result = this.stringArrayConcat(result, [LGExtensions.evalEscape(innerNode.text)]);
result = this.stringArrayConcat(result, [TemplateExtensions.evalEscape(innerNode.text)]);
case lp.LGFileParser.EXPRESSION: {
result = this.stringArrayConcat(result, this.evalExpression(innerNode.text, ctx, prefixErrorMsg));
@ -310,7 +312,7 @@ export class Expander extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<string[]> implements LGFi
private evalExpressionInCondition(exp: string, context?: ParserRuleContext, errorPrefix: string = ''): boolean {
exp = LGExtensions.trimExpression(exp);
exp = TemplateExtensions.trimExpression(exp);
let result: any;
let error: string;
({value: result, error: error} = this.evalByAdaptiveExpression(exp, this.currentTarget().scope));
@ -326,12 +328,12 @@ export class Expander extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<string[]> implements LGFi
else if (!result)
childErrorMsg += LGErrors.nullExpression(exp);
childErrorMsg += TemplateErrors.nullExpression(exp);
if (context)
errorMsg += LGErrors.errorExpression(context.text, this.currentTarget().templateName, errorPrefix);
errorMsg += TemplateErrors.errorExpression(context.text, this.currentTarget().templateName, errorPrefix);
if (this.evaluationTargetStack.length > 0)
@ -349,7 +351,7 @@ export class Expander extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<string[]> implements LGFi
private evalExpression(exp: string, context: ParserRuleContext, errorPrefix: string = ''): string[] {
exp = LGExtensions.trimExpression(exp);
exp = TemplateExtensions.trimExpression(exp);
let result: any;
let error: string;
({value: result, error: error} = this.evalByAdaptiveExpression(exp, this.currentTarget().scope));
@ -365,12 +367,12 @@ export class Expander extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<string[]> implements LGFi
else if (result === undefined)
childErrorMsg += LGErrors.nullExpression(exp);
childErrorMsg += TemplateErrors.nullExpression(exp);
if (context !== undefined)
errorMsg += LGErrors.errorExpression(context.text, this.currentTarget().templateName, errorPrefix);
errorMsg += TemplateErrors.errorExpression(context.text, this.currentTarget().templateName, errorPrefix);
if (this.evaluationTargetStack.length > 0)
@ -412,21 +414,46 @@ export class Expander extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<string[]> implements LGFi
private readonly customizedEvaluatorLookup = (baseLookup: EvaluatorLookup, isExpander: boolean): any => (name: string): ExpressionEvaluator => {
const prebuiltPrefix = 'prebuilt.';
const standardFunction = baseLookup(name);
if (name.startsWith(prebuiltPrefix)) {
return baseLookup(name.substring(prebuiltPrefix.length));
if (standardFunction !== undefined) {
return standardFunction;
if (name.startsWith('lg.')) {
name = name.substring(3);
if (this.templateMap[name]) {
var templateName = this.parseTemplateName(name).pureTemplateName;
if (templateName in this.templateMap) {
if (isExpander) {
return new ExpressionEvaluator(name, ExpressionFunctions.apply(this.templateExpander(name)), ReturnType.String, this.validTemplateReference);
return new ExpressionEvaluator(templateName, ExpressionFunctions.apply(this.templateExpander(name)), ReturnType.Object, this.validTemplateReference);
} else {
return new ExpressionEvaluator(name, ExpressionFunctions.apply(this.templateEvaluator(name)), ReturnType.String, this.validTemplateReference);
return new ExpressionEvaluator(templateName, ExpressionFunctions.apply(this.templateEvaluator(name)), ReturnType.Object, this.validTemplateReference);
return baseLookup(name);
if (name === Evaluator.templateFunctionName) {
return new ExpressionEvaluator(Evaluator.templateFunctionName, ExpressionFunctions.apply(this.templateFunction()), ReturnType.Object, this.validateTemplateFunction);
if (name === Evaluator.fromFileFunctionName) {
return new ExpressionEvaluator(Evaluator.fromFileFunctionName, ExpressionFunctions.apply(this.fromFile()), ReturnType.Object, ExpressionFunctions.validateUnaryString);
if (name === Evaluator.activityAttachmentFunctionName) {
return new ExpressionEvaluator(
(expr): void => ExpressionFunctions.validateOrder(expr, undefined, ReturnType.Object, ReturnType.String));
if (name === Evaluator.isTemplateFunctionName) {
return new ExpressionEvaluator(Evaluator.isTemplateFunctionName, ExpressionFunctions.apply(this.isTemplate()), ReturnType.Boolean, ExpressionFunctions.validateUnaryString);
return undefined;
private readonly templateEvaluator = (templateName: string): any => (args: readonly any[]): string => {
@ -444,21 +471,6 @@ export class Expander extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<string[]> implements LGFi
return this.expandTemplate(templateName, newScope);
private readonly validTemplateReference = (expression: Expression): void => {
const templateName: string = expression.type;
if (!this.templateMap[templateName]) {
throw new Error(LGErrors.templateNotExist(templateName));
const expectedArgsCount: number = this.templateMap[templateName].parameters.length;
const actualArgsCount: number = expression.children.length;
if (expectedArgsCount !== actualArgsCount) {
throw new Error(LGErrors.argumentMismatch(templateName, expectedArgsCount, actualArgsCount));
private reconstructExpression(expanderExpression: Expression, evaluatorExpression: Expression, foundPrebuiltFunction: boolean): Expression {
if (this.templateMap[expanderExpression.type]) {
if (foundPrebuiltFunction) {
@ -474,4 +486,110 @@ export class Expander extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<string[]> implements LGFi
return expanderExpression;
private readonly isTemplate = (): any => (args: readonly any[]): boolean => {
const templateName = args[0].toString();
return templateName in this.templateMap;
private readonly fromFile = (): any => (args: readonly any[]): any => {
const filePath: string = TemplateExtensions.normalizePath(args[0].toString());
const resourcePath: string = this.getResourcePath(filePath);
const stringContent = fs.readFileSync(resourcePath, 'utf-8');
return stringContent;
//const result = this.wrappedEvalTextContainsExpression(stringContent, Evaluator.expressionRecognizeReverseRegex);
//return TemplateExtensions.evalEscape(result);
private getResourcePath(filePath: string): string {
let resourcePath: string;
if (path.isAbsolute(filePath)) {
resourcePath = filePath;
} else {
// relative path is not support in broswer environment
const inBrowser: boolean = typeof window !== 'undefined';
if (inBrowser) {
throw new Error('relative path is not support in browser.');
const template: Template = this.templateMap[this.currentTarget().templateName];
const sourcePath: string = TemplateExtensions.normalizePath(template.source);
let baseFolder: string = __dirname;
if (path.isAbsolute(sourcePath)) {
baseFolder = path.dirname(sourcePath);
resourcePath = path.join(baseFolder, filePath);
return resourcePath;
private readonly activityAttachment = (): any => (args: readonly any[]): any => {
return {
[Evaluator.LGType]: 'attachment',
contenttype: args[1].toString(),
content: args[0]
private readonly templateFunction = (): any => (args: readonly any[]): any => {
const templateName: string = args[0];
const newScope: any = this.constructScope(templateName, args.slice(1));
const value: string[] = this.expandTemplate(templateName, newScope);
const randomNumber: number = Math.floor(Math.random() * value.length);
return value[randomNumber];
private readonly validateTemplateFunction = (expression: Expression): void => {
const children0: Expression = expression.children[0];
// Validate return type
if (children0.returnType !== ReturnType.Object && children0.returnType !== ReturnType.String) {
throw new Error(TemplateErrors.errorTemplateNameformat(children0.toString()));
// Validate more if the name is string constant
if (children0.type === ExpressionType.Constant) {
const templateName: string = (children0 as Constant).value;
this.checkTemplateReference(templateName, expression.children.slice(1));
private checkTemplateReference(templateName: string, children: Expression[]): void{
if (!(templateName in this.templateMap))
throw new Error(TemplateErrors.templateNotExist(templateName));
var expectedArgsCount = this.templateMap[templateName].parameters.length;
var actualArgsCount = children.length;
if (actualArgsCount !== 0 && expectedArgsCount !== actualArgsCount)
throw new Error(TemplateErrors.argumentMismatch(templateName, expectedArgsCount, actualArgsCount));
private readonly validTemplateReference = (expression: Expression): void => {
return this.checkTemplateReference(expression.type, expression.children);
private parseTemplateName(templateName: string): { reExecute: boolean; pureTemplateName: string } {
if (!templateName) {
throw new Error('template name is empty.');
if (templateName.endsWith(Evaluator.ReExecuteSuffix)) {
return {reExecute:true, pureTemplateName: templateName.substr(0, templateName.length - Evaluator.ReExecuteSuffix.length)};
} else {
return {reExecute:false, pureTemplateName: templateName};
@ -10,23 +10,23 @@ import { AbstractParseTreeVisitor, TerminalNode } from 'antlr4ts/tree';
import { keyBy } from 'lodash';
import * as lp from './generated/LGFileParser';
import { LGFileParserVisitor } from './generated/LGFileParserVisitor';
import { LGTemplate } from './lgTemplate';
import { Template } from './template';
* Lg template extracter.
export class Extractor extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<Map<string, any>> implements LGFileParserVisitor<Map<string, any>> {
public readonly templates: LGTemplate[];
public readonly templateMap: {[name: string]: LGTemplate};
public constructor(templates: LGTemplate[]) {
public readonly templates: Template[];
public readonly templateMap: {[name: string]: Template};
public constructor(templates: Template[]) {
this.templates = templates;
this.templateMap = keyBy(templates, (t: LGTemplate): string => t.name);
this.templateMap = keyBy(templates, (t: Template): string => t.name);
public extract(): Map<string, any>[] {
const result: Map<string, any>[] = [];
this.templates.forEach((template: LGTemplate): any => {
this.templates.forEach((template: Template): any => {
@ -5,26 +5,25 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License.
export * from './lgFile';
export * from './templates';
export * from './evaluator';
export * from './lgParser';
export * from './templateParser';
export * from './generated';
export * from './staticChecker';
export * from './analyzer';
export * from './lgTemplate';
export * from './template';
export * from './diagnostic';
export * from './lgException';
export * from './templateException';
export * from './extractor';
export * from './lgImport';
export * from './templateImport';
export * from './range';
export * from './position';
export * from './evaluationTarget';
export * from './activityFactory';
export * from './activityChecker';
export * from './lgExtensions';
export * from './templateExtensions';
export * from './analyzerResult';
export * from './lgErrors';
export * from './templateErrors';
export * from './evaluator';
export * from './errorListener';
export * from './customizedMemory';
export * from './expander';
export * from './multiLanguageLG';
@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
import { Templates } from './templates';
* @module botbuilder-lg
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License.
export class MultiLanguageLG {
public languageFallbackPolicy: {};
public lgPerLocale: Map<string, Templates>;
private readonly locales = [
public constructor(localeLGFiles: Map<string, string>) {
this.lgPerLocale = new Map<string, Templates>();
this.languageFallbackPolicy = this.getDefaultPolicy();
if (!localeLGFiles) {
throw new Error(`input is empty`);
for (const filesPerLocale of localeLGFiles.entries()) {
this.lgPerLocale.set(filesPerLocale[0], Templates.parseFile(filesPerLocale[1]));
public generate(template: string, data?: object, locale?: string): any {
if (!template) {
throw new Error('template is empty');
if (!locale) {
locale = '';
if (this.lgPerLocale.has(locale)) {
return this.lgPerLocale.get(locale).evaluateText(template, data);
} else {
let locales: string[] = [''];
if (!(locale in this.languageFallbackPolicy)) {
if (!('' in this.languageFallbackPolicy)) {
throw Error(`No supported language found for ${ locale }`);
} else {
locales = this.languageFallbackPolicy[locale];
for (const fallBackLocale of locales) {
if (this.lgPerLocale.has(fallBackLocale)) {
return this.lgPerLocale.get(fallBackLocale).evaluateText(template, data);
throw new Error(`No LG responses found for locale: ${ locale }`);
private getDefaultPolicy(): any {
var result = {};
for (const locale of this.locales) {
let lang = locale.toLowerCase();
const fallback: string[] = [];
while (lang) {
const i = lang.lastIndexOf('-');
if (i > 0) {
lang = lang.substr(0, i);
} else {
result[locale] = fallback;
return result;
@ -12,24 +12,24 @@ import { Diagnostic, DiagnosticSeverity } from './diagnostic';
import { Evaluator } from './evaluator';
import * as lp from './generated/LGFileParser';
import { LGFileParserVisitor } from './generated/LGFileParserVisitor';
import { LGFile } from './lgFile';
import { LGErrors } from './lgErrors';
import { Templates } from './templates';
import { TemplateErrors } from './templateErrors';
import { Position } from './position';
import { Range } from './range';
import { LGExtensions } from './lgExtensions';
import { TemplateExtensions } from './templateExtensions';
/// <summary>
/// LG managed code checker.
/// </summary>
export class StaticChecker extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<Diagnostic[]> implements LGFileParserVisitor<Diagnostic[]> {
private readonly baseExpressionParser: ExpressionParser;
private readonly lgFile: LGFile;
private readonly templates: Templates;
private visitedTemplateNames: string[];
private _expressionParser: ExpressionParserInterface;
public constructor(lgFile: LGFile, expressionParser?: ExpressionParser) {
public constructor(templates: Templates, expressionParser?: ExpressionParser) {
this.lgFile = lgFile;
this.templates = templates;
this.baseExpressionParser = expressionParser || new ExpressionParser();
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ export class StaticChecker extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<Diagnostic[]> implem
private get expressionParser(): ExpressionParserInterface {
if (this._expressionParser === undefined) {
// create an evaluator to leverage it's customized function look up for checking
var evaluator = new Evaluator(this.lgFile.allTemplates, this.baseExpressionParser);
var evaluator = new Evaluator(this.templates.allTemplates, this.baseExpressionParser);
this._expressionParser = evaluator.expressionParser;
@ -52,14 +52,14 @@ export class StaticChecker extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<Diagnostic[]> implem
this.visitedTemplateNames = [];
var result = [];
if (this.lgFile.allTemplates.length === 0)
if (this.templates.allTemplates.length === 0)
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.noTemplate, DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, undefined, false));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.noTemplate, DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, undefined, false));
return result;
this.lgFile.templates.forEach((t): Diagnostic[] => result = result.concat(this.visit(t.parseTree)));
this.templates.toArray().forEach((t): Diagnostic[] => result = result.concat(this.visit(t.parseTree)));
return result;
@ -69,25 +69,25 @@ export class StaticChecker extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<Diagnostic[]> implem
var templateNameLine = context.templateNameLine();
var errorTemplateName = templateNameLine.errorTemplateName();
if (errorTemplateName) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.invalidTemplateName, undefined, errorTemplateName, false));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.invalidTemplateName, undefined, errorTemplateName, false));
} else {
var templateName = context.templateNameLine().templateName().text;
if (this.visitedTemplateNames.includes(templateName)) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.duplicatedTemplateInSameTemplate(templateName),undefined, templateNameLine));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.duplicatedTemplateInSameTemplate(templateName),undefined, templateNameLine));
} else {
for (const reference of this.lgFile.references) {
var sameTemplates = reference.templates.filter((u): boolean => u.name === templateName);
for (const reference of this.templates.references) {
var sameTemplates = reference.toArray().filter((u): boolean => u.name === templateName);
for(const sameTemplate of sameTemplates) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic( LGErrors.duplicatedTemplateInDiffTemplate(sameTemplate.name, sameTemplate.source), undefined, templateNameLine));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic( TemplateErrors.duplicatedTemplateInDiffTemplate(sameTemplate.name, sameTemplate.source), undefined, templateNameLine));
if (result.length > 0) {
return result;
} else if (!context.templateBody()) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.noTemplateBody(templateName), DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, context.templateNameLine()));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.noTemplateBody(templateName), DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, context.templateNameLine()));
} else {
result = result.concat(this.visit(context.templateBody()));
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ export class StaticChecker extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<Diagnostic[]> implem
const errorTemplateStr: lp.ErrorTemplateStringContext = templateStr.errorTemplateString();
if (errorTemplateStr) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.invalidTemplateBody, undefined, errorTemplateStr));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.invalidTemplateBody, undefined, errorTemplateStr));
} else {
result = result.concat(this.visit(templateStr));
@ -116,20 +116,20 @@ export class StaticChecker extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<Diagnostic[]> implem
let result: Diagnostic[] = [];
if (context.structuredBodyNameLine().errorStructuredName() !== undefined) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.invalidStrucName, undefined, context.structuredBodyNameLine()));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.invalidStrucName, undefined, context.structuredBodyNameLine()));
if (context.structuredBodyEndLine() === undefined) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.missingStrucEnd, undefined, context));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.missingStrucEnd, undefined, context));
const bodys = context.structuredBodyContentLine();
if (!bodys || bodys.length === 0) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.emptyStrucContent, undefined, context));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.emptyStrucContent, undefined, context));
} else {
for (const body of bodys) {
if (body.errorStructureLine() !== undefined) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.invalidStrucBody, undefined, body.errorStructureLine()));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.invalidStrucBody, undefined, body.errorStructureLine()));
} else if (body.objectStructureLine() !== undefined) {
result = result.concat(this.checkExpression(body.objectStructureLine().text, body.objectStructureLine()));
} else {
@ -163,41 +163,41 @@ export class StaticChecker extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<Diagnostic[]> implem
if (node.text.split(' ').length - 1 > 1) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.invalidWhitespaceInCondition, undefined, conditionNode));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.invalidWhitespaceInCondition, undefined, conditionNode));
if (idx === 0 && !ifExpr) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.notStartWithIfInCondition, DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, conditionNode));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.notStartWithIfInCondition, DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, conditionNode));
if (idx > 0 && ifExpr) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.multipleIfInCondition, undefined, conditionNode));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.multipleIfInCondition, undefined, conditionNode));
if (idx === ifRules.length - 1 && !elseExpr) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.notEndWithElseInCondition, DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, conditionNode));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.notEndWithElseInCondition, DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, conditionNode));
if (idx > 0 && idx < ifRules.length - 1 && !elseIfExpr) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.invalidMiddleInCondition, undefined, conditionNode));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.invalidMiddleInCondition, undefined, conditionNode));
if (!elseExpr) {
if (ifRule.ifCondition().EXPRESSION().length !== 1) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.invalidExpressionInCondition,undefined, conditionNode));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.invalidExpressionInCondition,undefined, conditionNode));
} else {
const errorPrefix = `Condition '` + conditionNode.EXPRESSION(0).text + `': `;
result = result.concat(this.checkExpression(ifRule.ifCondition().EXPRESSION(0).text, conditionNode, errorPrefix));
} else {
if (ifRule.ifCondition().EXPRESSION().length !== 0) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.extraExpressionInCondition, undefined, conditionNode));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.extraExpressionInCondition, undefined, conditionNode));
if (ifRule.normalTemplateBody() !== undefined) {
result = result.concat(this.visit(ifRule.normalTemplateBody()));
} else {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.missingTemplateBodyInCondition, undefined, conditionNode));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.missingTemplateBodyInCondition, undefined, conditionNode));
idx = idx + 1;
@ -221,33 +221,33 @@ export class StaticChecker extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<Diagnostic[]> implem
caseExpr ? switchCaseStat.CASE() :
if (node.text.split(' ').length - 1 > 1) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.invalidWhitespaceInSwitchCase, undefined, switchCaseStat));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.invalidWhitespaceInSwitchCase, undefined, switchCaseStat));
if (idx === 0 && !switchExpr) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.notStartWithSwitchInSwitchCase, undefined, switchCaseStat));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.notStartWithSwitchInSwitchCase, undefined, switchCaseStat));
if (idx > 0 && switchExpr) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.multipleSwithStatementInSwitchCase, undefined, switchCaseStat));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.multipleSwithStatementInSwitchCase, undefined, switchCaseStat));
if (idx > 0 && idx < length - 1 && !caseExpr) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.invalidStatementInMiddlerOfSwitchCase, undefined, switchCaseStat));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.invalidStatementInMiddlerOfSwitchCase, undefined, switchCaseStat));
if (idx === length - 1 && (caseExpr || defaultExpr)) {
if (caseExpr) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.notEndWithDefaultInSwitchCase, DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, switchCaseStat));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.notEndWithDefaultInSwitchCase, DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, switchCaseStat));
} else {
if (length === 2) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.missingCaseInSwitchCase, DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, switchCaseStat));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.missingCaseInSwitchCase, DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, switchCaseStat));
if (switchExpr || caseExpr) {
if (switchCaseStat.EXPRESSION().length !== 1) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.invalidExpressionInSwiathCase, undefined, switchCaseStat));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.invalidExpressionInSwiathCase, undefined, switchCaseStat));
} else {
let errorPrefix = switchExpr ? 'Switch' : 'Case';
errorPrefix += ` '${ switchCaseStat.EXPRESSION(0).text }': `;
@ -255,14 +255,14 @@ export class StaticChecker extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<Diagnostic[]> implem
} else {
if (switchCaseStat.EXPRESSION().length !== 0 || switchCaseStat.TEXT().length !== 0) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.extraExpressionInSwitchCase, undefined, switchCaseStat));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.extraExpressionInSwitchCase, undefined, switchCaseStat));
if (caseExpr || defaultExpr) {
if (iterNode.normalTemplateBody()) {
result = result.concat(this.visit(iterNode.normalTemplateBody()));
} else {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.missingTemplateBodyInSwitchCase, undefined, switchCaseStat));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.missingTemplateBodyInSwitchCase, undefined, switchCaseStat));
idx = idx + 1;
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ export class StaticChecker extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<Diagnostic[]> implem
public visitNormalTemplateString(context: lp.NormalTemplateStringContext): Diagnostic[] {
const prefixErrorMsg = LGExtensions.getPrefixErrorMessage(context);
const prefixErrorMsg = TemplateExtensions.getPrefixErrorMessage(context);
let result: Diagnostic[] = [];
for (const expression of context.EXPRESSION()) {
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ export class StaticChecker extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<Diagnostic[]> implem
const multiLineSuffix = context.MULTILINE_SUFFIX();
if (multiLinePrefix !== undefined && multiLineSuffix === undefined) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.noEndingInMultiline, undefined, context));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.noEndingInMultiline, undefined, context));
return result;
@ -295,14 +295,14 @@ export class StaticChecker extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<Diagnostic[]> implem
private checkExpression(exp: string, context: ParserRuleContext, prefix: string = ''): Diagnostic[] {
const result: Diagnostic[] = [];
if(!exp.endsWith('}')) {
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(LGErrors.noCloseBracket, undefined, context));
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(TemplateErrors.noCloseBracket, undefined, context));
} else {
exp = LGExtensions.trimExpression(exp);
exp = TemplateExtensions.trimExpression(exp);
try {
} catch (e) {
const errorMsg = prefix + LGErrors.expressionParseError(exp) + e.message;
const errorMsg = prefix + TemplateErrors.expressionParseError(exp) + e.message;
result.push(this.buildLGDiagnostic(errorMsg, undefined, context));
return result;
@ -319,6 +319,6 @@ export class StaticChecker extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<Diagnostic[]> implem
const range = new Range(startPosition, stopPosition);
message = (this.visitedTemplateNames.length > 0 && includeTemplateNameInfo)? `[${ this.visitedTemplateNames[this.visitedTemplateNames.length - 1] }]`+ message : message;
return new Diagnostic(range, message, severity, this.lgFile.id);
return new Diagnostic(range, message, severity, this.templates.id);
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import { ParametersContext, TemplateDefinitionContext, TemplateNameContext, File
* Here is a data model that can easily understanded and used as the context or all kinds of visitors
* wether it's evalator, static checker, anayler.. etc
export class LGTemplate {
export class Template {
* Name of the template, what's followed by '#' in a LG file
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
* Centralized LG errors.
export class LGErrors {
export class TemplateErrors {
public static readonly noTemplate: string = `LG file must have at least one template definition. `;
public static readonly invalidTemplateName: string = `Invalid template name. Template name should start with letter/number/_ and can only contains letter/number/_/./-. `;
@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ import { Diagnostic } from './diagnostic';
* LG Exception that contains diagnostics.
export class LGException extends Error {
export class TemplateException extends Error {
private diagnostics: Diagnostic[];
public constructor(m: string, diagnostics: Diagnostic[]) {
this.diagnostics = diagnostics;
Object.setPrototypeOf(this, LGException .prototype);
Object.setPrototypeOf(this, TemplateException .prototype);
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import { TerminalNode } from 'antlr4ts/tree';
* Extension methods for LG.
export class LGExtensions {
export class TemplateExtensions {
* trim expression. ${abc} => abc, ${a == {}} => a == {}.
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import { ImportDefinitionContext } from './generated/LGFileParser';
* Here is a data model that can help users understand and use the LG import definition in LG files easily.
export class LGImport {
export class TemplateImport {
* Description of the import, what's included by '[]' in a lg file.
@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ import { CommonTokenStream } from 'antlr4ts/CommonTokenStream';
import { ErrorListener } from './errorListener';
import { LGFileLexer } from './generated/LGFileLexer';
import { FileContext, ImportDefinitionContext, LGFileParser, ParagraphContext, TemplateDefinitionContext, OptionsDefinitionContext } from './generated/LGFileParser';
import { LGImport } from './lgImport';
import { LGTemplate } from './lgTemplate';
import { LGFile } from './lgFile';
import { TemplateImport } from './templateImport';
import { Template } from './template';
import { Templates } from './templates';
import { StaticChecker } from './staticChecker';
import { LGExtensions } from './lgExtensions';
import { LGException } from './lgException';
import { TemplateExtensions } from './templateExtensions';
import { TemplateException } from './templateException';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import { Diagnostic, DiagnosticSeverity } from './diagnostic';
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export declare type ImportResolverDelegate = (source: string, resourceId: string
* LG Parser
export class LGParser {
export class TemplateParser {
/// <summary>
/// option regex.
@ -43,70 +43,69 @@ export class LGParser {
* @param expressionParser Expression parser for evaluating expressions.
* @returns new lg file.
public static parseFile(filePath: string, importResolver?: ImportResolverDelegate, expressionParser?: ExpressionParser): LGFile {
const fullPath = LGExtensions.normalizePath(filePath);
public static parseFile(filePath: string, importResolver?: ImportResolverDelegate, expressionParser?: ExpressionParser): Templates {
const fullPath = TemplateExtensions.normalizePath(filePath);
const content = fs.readFileSync(fullPath, 'utf-8');
return LGParser.parseText(content, fullPath, importResolver, expressionParser);
return TemplateParser.parseText(content, fullPath, importResolver, expressionParser);
* Parser to turn lg content into a LGFile.
* Parser to turn lg content into a Templates.
* @param content text content contains lg templates.
* @param id id is the identifier of content. If importResolver is undefined, id must be a full path string.
* @param importResolver resolver to resolve LG import id to template text.
* @param expressionParser Expression parser for evaluating expressions.
* @returns entity.
public static parseText(content: string, id: string = '', importResolver?: ImportResolverDelegate, expressionParser?: ExpressionParser): LGFile {
importResolver = importResolver || LGParser.defaultFileResolver;
let lgFile = new LGFile();
lgFile.content = content;
lgFile.id = id;
lgFile.importResolver = importResolver;
public static parseText(content: string, id: string = '', importResolver?: ImportResolverDelegate, expressionParser?: ExpressionParser): Templates {
importResolver = importResolver || TemplateParser.defaultFileResolver;
let templates = new Templates();
templates.content = content;
templates.id = id;
templates.importResolver = importResolver;
if (expressionParser) {
lgFile.expressionParser = expressionParser;
templates.expressionParser = expressionParser;
let diagnostics: Diagnostic[] = [];
try {
const parsedResult = LGParser.antlrParse(content, id);
lgFile.templates = parsedResult.templates;
lgFile.imports = parsedResult.imports;
lgFile.options = parsedResult.options;
const parsedResult = TemplateParser.antlrParse(content, id);
parsedResult.templates.forEach(t => templates.push(t));
templates.imports = parsedResult.imports;
templates.options = parsedResult.options;
diagnostics = diagnostics.concat(parsedResult.invalidTemplateErrors);
lgFile.references = this.getReferences(lgFile, importResolver);
const semanticErrors = new StaticChecker(lgFile, lgFile.expressionParser).check();
templates.references = this.getReferences(templates, importResolver);
const semanticErrors = new StaticChecker(templates, templates.expressionParser).check();
diagnostics = diagnostics.concat(semanticErrors);
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof LGException) {
if (err instanceof TemplateException) {
diagnostics = diagnostics.concat(err.getDiagnostic());
} else {
diagnostics.push(this.buildDiagnostic(err.Message, undefined, id));
lgFile.diagnostics = diagnostics;
templates.diagnostics = diagnostics;
return lgFile;
return templates;
/// <summary>
/// Parser to turn lg content into a LGFile based on the original LGFile.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="content">Text content contains lg templates.</param>
/// <param name="lgFile">original LGFile.</param>
/// <returns>new LGFile entity.</returns>
public static parseTextWithRef(content: string, lgFile: LGFile): LGFile {
if (!lgFile) {
throw Error(`LGFile`);
* Parser to turn lg content into a Templates based on the original Templates.
* @param content Text content contains lg templates.
* @param originalTemplates original templates
public static parseTextWithRef(content: string, originalTemplates: Templates): Templates {
if (!originalTemplates) {
throw Error(`templates is empty`);
const id = 'inline content';
let newLgFile = new LGFile();
newLgFile.content = content;
newLgFile.id = id;
newLgFile.importResolver = lgFile.importResolver;
let newTemplates = new Templates();
newTemplates.content = content;
newTemplates.id = id;
newTemplates.importResolver = originalTemplates.importResolver;
let diagnostics: Diagnostic[] = [];
try {
const antlrResult = this.antlrParse(content, id);
@ -114,36 +113,36 @@ export class LGParser {
const imports = antlrResult.imports;
const invalidTemplateErrors = antlrResult.invalidTemplateErrors;
const options = antlrResult.options;
newLgFile.templates = templates;
newLgFile.imports = imports;
newLgFile.options = options;
templates.forEach(t => newTemplates.push(t));
newTemplates.imports = imports;
newTemplates.options = options;
diagnostics = diagnostics.concat(invalidTemplateErrors);
newLgFile.references = this.getReferences(newLgFile, newLgFile.importResolver)
newTemplates.references = this.getReferences(newTemplates, newTemplates.importResolver)
var semanticErrors = new StaticChecker(newLgFile).check();
var semanticErrors = new StaticChecker(newTemplates).check();
diagnostics = diagnostics.concat(semanticErrors);
catch (err) {
if (err instanceof LGException) {
if (err instanceof TemplateException) {
diagnostics = diagnostics.concat(err.getDiagnostic());
} else {
diagnostics.push(this.buildDiagnostic(err.Message, undefined, id));
newLgFile.diagnostics = diagnostics;
newTemplates.diagnostics = diagnostics;
return newLgFile;
return newTemplates;
public static defaultFileResolver(sourceId: string, resourceId: string): { content: string; id: string } {
let importPath = LGExtensions.normalizePath(resourceId);
let importPath = TemplateExtensions.normalizePath(resourceId);
if (!path.isAbsolute(importPath)) {
// get full path for importPath relative to path which is doing the import.
importPath = LGExtensions.normalizePath(path.join(path.dirname(sourceId), importPath));
importPath = TemplateExtensions.normalizePath(path.join(path.dirname(sourceId), importPath));
if (!fs.existsSync(importPath) || !fs.statSync(importPath).isFile()) {
throw Error(`Could not find file: ${ importPath }`);
@ -153,25 +152,25 @@ export class LGParser {
return { content, id: importPath };
private static antlrParse(text: string, id: string = ''): { templates: LGTemplate[]; imports: LGImport[]; invalidTemplateErrors: Diagnostic[]; options: string[]} {
private static antlrParse(text: string, id: string = ''): { templates: Template[]; imports: TemplateImport[]; invalidTemplateErrors: Diagnostic[]; options: string[]} {
const fileContext: FileContext = this.getFileContentContext(text, id);
const templates: LGTemplate[] = this.extractLGTemplates(fileContext, text, id);
const imports: LGImport[] = this.extractLGImports(fileContext, id);
const templates: Template[] = this.extractLGTemplates(fileContext, text, id);
const imports: TemplateImport[] = this.extractLGImports(fileContext, id);
const invalidTemplateErrors: Diagnostic[] = this.getInvalidTemplateErrors(fileContext, id);
const options: string[] = this.extractLGOptions(fileContext);
return { templates, imports, invalidTemplateErrors, options};
private static getReferences(file: LGFile, importResolver: ImportResolverDelegate): LGFile[] {
var resourcesFound = new Set<LGFile>();
private static getReferences(file: Templates, importResolver: ImportResolverDelegate): Templates[] {
var resourcesFound = new Set<Templates>();
this.resolveImportResources(file, resourcesFound, importResolver);
return Array.from(resourcesFound);
private static resolveImportResources(start: LGFile, resourcesFound: Set<LGFile>, importResolver: ImportResolverDelegate): void {
var resourceIds = start.imports.map((lg: LGImport): string => lg.id);
private static resolveImportResources(start: Templates, resourcesFound: Set<Templates>, importResolver: ImportResolverDelegate): void {
var resourceIds = start.imports.map((lg: TemplateImport): string => lg.id);
for (const id of resourceIds) {
@ -181,15 +180,15 @@ export class LGParser {
const path = result.id;
const notExist = Array.from(resourcesFound).filter((u): boolean => u.id === path).length === 0;
if (notExist) {
var childResource = LGParser.parseText(content, path, importResolver, start.expressionParser);
var childResource = TemplateParser.parseText(content, path, importResolver, start.expressionParser);
this.resolveImportResources(childResource, resourcesFound, importResolver);
catch (err) {
if (err instanceof LGException) {
if (err instanceof TemplateException) {
throw err;
} else {
throw new LGException(err.message, [this.buildDiagnostic(err.message, undefined, start.id)]);
throw new TemplateException(err.message, [this.buildDiagnostic(err.message, undefined, start.id)]);
@ -263,7 +262,7 @@ export class LGParser {
return parser.file();
private static extractLGTemplates(file: FileContext, lgfileContent: string, source: string = ''): LGTemplate[] {
private static extractLGTemplates(file: FileContext, lgfileContent: string, source: string = ''): Template[] {
if (!file) {
return [];
@ -272,10 +271,10 @@ export class LGParser {
.map((x: ParagraphContext): TemplateDefinitionContext => x.templateDefinition())
.filter((x: TemplateDefinitionContext): boolean => x !== undefined);
return templates.map((x: TemplateDefinitionContext): LGTemplate => new LGTemplate(x, lgfileContent, source));
return templates.map((x: TemplateDefinitionContext): Template => new Template(x, lgfileContent, source));
private static extractLGImports(file: FileContext, source: string = ''): LGImport[] {
private static extractLGImports(file: FileContext, source: string = ''): TemplateImport[] {
if (!file) {
return [];
@ -284,6 +283,6 @@ export class LGParser {
.map((x: ParagraphContext): ImportDefinitionContext => x.importDefinition())
.filter((x: ImportDefinitionContext): boolean => x !== undefined);
return imports.map((x: ImportDefinitionContext): LGImport => new LGImport(x, source));
return imports.map((x: ImportDefinitionContext): TemplateImport => new TemplateImport(x, source));
@ -6,31 +6,24 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License.
import { LGTemplate } from './lgTemplate';
import { LGImport } from './lgImport';
import { Template } from './template';
import { TemplateImport } from './templateImport';
import { Diagnostic, DiagnosticSeverity } from './diagnostic';
import { ExpressionParser } from 'adaptive-expressions';
import { ImportResolverDelegate } from './lgParser';
import { ImportResolverDelegate } from './templateParser';
import { Evaluator } from './evaluator';
import { Expander } from './expander';
import { Analyzer } from './analyzer';
import { LGParser } from './lgParser';
import { TemplateParser } from './templateParser';
import { AnalyzerResult } from './analyzerResult';
import { LGErrors } from './lgErrors';
import { LGExtensions } from './lgExtensions';
import { TemplateErrors } from './templateErrors';
import { TemplateExtensions } from './templateExtensions';
/// <summary>
/// LG entrance, including properties that LG file has, and evaluate functions.
/// </summary>
export class LGFile {
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets templates that this LG file contains directly.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// templates that this LG file contains directly.
/// </value>
public templates: LGTemplate[];
export class Templates implements Iterable<Template> {
private items: Template[];
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets import elements that this LG file contains directly.
@ -38,7 +31,7 @@ export class LGFile {
/// <value>
/// import elements that this LG file contains directly.
/// </value>
public imports: LGImport[];
public imports: TemplateImport[];
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets diagnostics.
@ -57,7 +50,7 @@ export class LGFile {
/// <value>
/// all references that this LG file has from Imports
/// </value>
public references: LGFile[];
public references: Templates[];
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets LG content.
@ -99,16 +92,16 @@ export class LGFile {
/// </value>
public options: string[];
public constructor(templates?: LGTemplate[],
imports?: LGImport[],
public constructor(items?: Template[],
imports?: TemplateImport[],
diagnostics?: Diagnostic[],
references?: LGFile[],
references?: Templates[],
content?: string,
id?: string,
expressionParser?: ExpressionParser,
importResolverDelegate?: ImportResolverDelegate,
options?: string[]) {
this.templates = templates || [];
this.items = items || [];
this.imports = imports || [];
this.diagnostics = diagnostics || [];
this.references = references || [];
@ -119,6 +112,37 @@ export class LGFile {
this.options = options || [];
* Returns a new iterator for the template collection.
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<Template> {
let index = 0;
return {
next: (): IteratorResult<Template> => {
if (index < this.items.length) {
return { done: false, value: this.items[index++] };
} else {
return { done: true, value: undefined };
* Returns a reference to the internal list of collection templates.
public toArray(): Template[] {
return this.items;
* Appends 1 or more templates to the collection.
* @param args List of templates to add.
public push(...args: Template[]): void {
args.forEach(t => this.items.push(t));
/// <summary>
/// Gets a value indicating whether lG parser/checker/evaluate strict mode.
/// If strict mode is on, expression would throw exception instead of return
@ -139,9 +163,9 @@ export class LGFile {
/// <value>
/// All templates from current lg file and reference lg files.
/// </value>
public get allTemplates(): LGTemplate[] {
let result = this.templates;
this.references.forEach((ref): LGTemplate[] => result = result.concat(ref.templates));
public get allTemplates(): Template[] {
let result = this.items;
this.references.forEach((ref): Template[] => result = result.concat(ref.items));
return Array.from(new Set(result));
@ -157,13 +181,37 @@ export class LGFile {
return Array.from(new Set(result));
* parse a file and return LG file.
* @param filePath LG absolute file path..
* @param importResolver resolver to resolve LG import id to template text.
* @param expressionParser Expression parser for evaluating expressions.
* @returns new lg file.
public static parseFile(filePath: string, importResolver?: ImportResolverDelegate, expressionParser?: ExpressionParser): Templates {
return TemplateParser.parseFile(filePath, importResolver, expressionParser);
* Parser to turn lg content into a Templates.
* @param content text content contains lg templates.
* @param id id is the identifier of content. If importResolver is undefined, id must be a full path string.
* @param importResolver resolver to resolve LG import id to template text.
* @param expressionParser Expression parser for evaluating expressions.
* @returns entity.
public static parseText(content: string, id: string = '', importResolver?: ImportResolverDelegate, expressionParser?: ExpressionParser): Templates {
return TemplateParser.parseText(content, id, importResolver, expressionParser);
/// <summary>
/// Evaluate a template with given name and scope.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="templateName">Template name to be evaluated.</param>
/// <param name="scope">The state visible in the evaluation.</param>
/// <returns>Evaluate result.</returns>
public evaluateTemplate(templateName: string, scope?: object): any {
public evaluate(templateName: string, scope?: object): any {
const evaluator = new Evaluator(this.allTemplates, this.expressionParser, this.strictMode);
@ -203,7 +251,7 @@ export class LGFile {
/// <param name="inlineStr">inline string which will be evaluated.</param>
/// <param name="scope">scope object or JToken.</param>
/// <returns>Evaluate result.</returns>
public evaluate(inlineStr: string, scope?: object): any
public evaluateText(inlineStr: string, scope?: object): any
if (inlineStr === undefined)
@ -213,7 +261,7 @@ export class LGFile {
// wrap inline string with "# name and -" to align the evaluation process
const fakeTemplateId = LGExtensions.newGuid();
const fakeTemplateId = TemplateExtensions.newGuid();
const multiLineMark = '```';
inlineStr = !(inlineStr.trim().startsWith(multiLineMark) && inlineStr.includes('\n'))
@ -221,8 +269,8 @@ export class LGFile {
const newContent = `#${ fakeTemplateId } \r\n - ${ inlineStr }`;
const newLgFile = LGParser.parseTextWithRef(newContent, this);
return newLgFile.evaluateTemplate(fakeTemplateId, scope);
const newTemplates = TemplateParser.parseTextWithRef(newContent, this);
return newTemplates.evaluate(fakeTemplateId, scope);
@ -232,8 +280,8 @@ export class LGFile {
* @param templateBody new template body.
* @returns new lg file.
public updateTemplate(templateName: string, newTemplateName: string, parameters: string[], templateBody: string): LGFile {
const template: LGTemplate = this.templates.find((u: LGTemplate): boolean => u.name === templateName);
public updateTemplate(templateName: string, newTemplateName: string, parameters: string[], templateBody: string): Templates {
const template: Template = this.items.find((u: Template): boolean => u.name === templateName);
if (template === undefined) {
return this;
@ -247,7 +295,7 @@ export class LGFile {
({startLine, stopLine} = template.getTemplateRange());
const newContent: string = this.replaceRangeContent(this.content, startLine, stopLine, content);
this.initialize(LGParser.parseText(newContent, this.id, this.importResolver));
this.initialize(TemplateParser.parseText(newContent, this.id, this.importResolver));
return this;
@ -259,16 +307,16 @@ export class LGFile {
* @param templateBody new template body.
* @returns new lg file.
public addTemplate(templateName: string, parameters: string[], templateBody: string): LGFile {
const template: LGTemplate = this.templates.find((u: LGTemplate): boolean => u.name === templateName);
public addTemplate(templateName: string, parameters: string[], templateBody: string): Templates {
const template: Template = this.items.find((u: Template): boolean => u.name === templateName);
if (template !== undefined) {
throw new Error(LGErrors.templateExist(templateName));
throw new Error(TemplateErrors.templateExist(templateName));
const templateNameLine: string = this.buildTemplateNameLine(templateName, parameters);
const newTemplateBody: string = this.convertTemplateBody(templateBody);
const newContent = `${ this.content.trimRight() }\r\n\r\n${ templateNameLine }\r\n${ newTemplateBody }\r\n`;
this.initialize(LGParser.parseText(newContent, this.id, this.importResolver));
this.initialize(TemplateParser.parseText(newContent, this.id, this.importResolver));
return this;
@ -278,8 +326,8 @@ export class LGFile {
* @param templateName which template should delete.
* @returns return the new lg file.
public deleteTemplate(templateName: string): LGFile {
const template: LGTemplate = this.templates.find((u: LGTemplate): boolean => u.name === templateName);
public deleteTemplate(templateName: string): Templates {
const template: Template = this.items.find((u: Template): boolean => u.name === templateName);
if (template === undefined) {
return this;
@ -290,7 +338,7 @@ export class LGFile {
({startLine, stopLine} = template.getTemplateRange());
const newContent: string = this.replaceRangeContent(this.content, startLine, stopLine, undefined);
this.initialize(LGParser.parseText(newContent, this.id, this.importResolver));
this.initialize(TemplateParser.parseText(newContent, this.id, this.importResolver));
return this;
@ -402,16 +450,16 @@ export class LGFile {
private initialize(lgfile: LGFile): void {
this.templates = lgfile.templates;
this.imports = lgfile.imports;
this.diagnostics = lgfile.diagnostics;
this.references = lgfile.references;
this.content = lgfile.content;
this.importResolver = lgfile.importResolver;
this.id = lgfile.id;
this.expressionParser = lgfile.expressionParser;
this.options = lgfile.options;
private initialize(templates: Templates): void {
this.items = templates.items;
this.imports = templates.imports;
this.diagnostics = templates.diagnostics;
this.references = templates.references;
this.content = templates.content;
this.importResolver = templates.importResolver;
this.id = templates.id;
this.expressionParser = templates.expressionParser;
this.options = templates.options;
private checkErrors(): void {
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
const { LGParser, ActivityChecker } = require('../lib');
const assert = require('assert');
function getTemplateEngine(){
const filePath = `${ __dirname }/testData/examples/DiagnosticStructuredLG.lg`;
return LGParser.parseFile(filePath);
function getDiagnostics(templateName, data){
const lgfile = getTemplateEngine();
const lgResult = lgfile.evaluateTemplate(templateName, data);
return ActivityChecker.check(lgResult);
describe('ActivityCheckerTest', function() {
it('inlineActivityChecker', function() {
const diagnostics = ActivityChecker.check('Not a valid json');
assert(diagnostics.length === 1);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].severity, 1);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].message, 'LG output is not a json object, and will fallback to string format.');
it('emptyActivityChecker', function() {
const diagnostics = ActivityChecker.check('{}');
assert(diagnostics.length === 1);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].severity, 0);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].message, `'lgType' does not exist in lg output json object.`);
it('ErrorStructuredType', function() {
const diagnostics = getDiagnostics('ErrorStructuredType', undefined);
assert(diagnostics.length === 1);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].severity, 0);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].message, `Type 'mystruct' is not supported currently.`);
it('ErrorActivityType', function() {
const diagnostics = getDiagnostics('ErrorActivityType', undefined);
assert(diagnostics.length === 2);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].severity, 0);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].message, `'xxx' is not a valid activity type.`);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[1].severity, 1);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[1].message, `'invalidproperty' not support in Activity.`);
it('ErrorMessage', function() {
const diagnostics = getDiagnostics('ErrorMessage', undefined);
assert(diagnostics.length === 5);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].severity, 1);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].message, `'attachment,suggestedaction' not support in Activity.`);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[1].severity, 1);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[1].message, `'mystruct' is not card action type.`);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[2].severity, 0);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[2].message, `'yyy' is not a valid card action type.`);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[3].severity, 0);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[3].message, `'notsure' is not a boolean value.`);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[4].severity, 1);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[4].message, `'mystruct' is not an attachment type.`);
@ -1,23 +1,49 @@
const { LGParser, ActivityFactory } = require('../lib');
const { Templates } = require('../lib');
const {ActivityFactory} = require('botbuilder-core')
const assert = require('assert');
function getTemplateEngine(){
function getTemplates(){
const filePath = `${ __dirname }/testData/examples/NormalStructuredLG.lg`;
return LGParser.parseFile(filePath);
return Templates.parseFile(filePath);
function getActivity(templateName, data){
const lgFile = getTemplateEngine();
const lgResult = lgFile.evaluateTemplate(templateName, data);
return ActivityFactory.createActivity(lgResult);
const templates = getTemplates();
const lgResult = templates.evaluate(templateName, data);
return ActivityFactory.fromObject(lgResult);
function getDiagnostics(templateName, data){
const filePath = `${ __dirname }/testData/examples/DiagnosticStructuredLG.lg`;
const templates = Templates.parseFile(filePath);
const lgResult = templates.evaluate(templateName, data);
return ActivityFactory.checkLGResult(lgResult) ;
describe('ActivityFactoryTest', function() {
it('inlineActivityFactory', function() {
let result = ActivityFactory.createActivity('text');
let result = ActivityFactory.fromObject('text');
assert(result.text === 'text');
assert(result.speak === 'text');
assert(result.inputHint === undefined);
const data = {
title: 'titleContent',
text: 'textContent'
let cnt = 0;
const tmpl = getTemplates();
for (let t of tmpl) {
const cardActionLgResult = tmpl.evaluateText('${HerocardWithCardAction()}', data);
result = ActivityFactory.fromObject(cardActionLgResult);
it('NotSupportStructuredType', function() {
@ -235,6 +261,35 @@ describe('ActivityFactoryTest', function() {
let result = getActivity('SuggestedActionsReference', data);
it('CheckOutPutNotFromStructuredLG', function() {
let diagnostics = ActivityFactory.checkLGResult('Not a valid json');
assert(diagnostics.length === 1);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0], '[WARNING]LG output is not a json object, and will fallback to string format.');
diagnostics = ActivityFactory.checkLGResult('{}');
assert(diagnostics.length === 1);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0], `[ERROR]'lgType' does not exist in lg output json object.`);
it('CheckStructuredLGDiagnostics', function() {
let diagnostics = getDiagnostics('ErrorStructuredType', undefined);
assert(diagnostics.length === 1);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0], `[ERROR]Type 'mystruct' is not supported currently.`);
diagnostics = getDiagnostics('ErrorActivityType', undefined);
assert(diagnostics.length === 2);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0], `[ERROR]'xxx' is not a valid activity type.`);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[1], `[WARNING]'invalidproperty' not support in Activity.`);
diagnostics = getDiagnostics('ErrorMessage', undefined);
assert(diagnostics.length === 5);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0], `[WARNING]'attachment,suggestedaction' not support in Activity.`);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[1], `[WARNING]'mystruct' is not card action type.`);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[2], `[ERROR]'yyy' is not a valid card action type.`);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[3], `[ERROR]'notsure' is not a boolean value.`);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[4], `[WARNING]'mystruct' is not an attachment type.`);
function assertSuggestedActionsReferenceActivity(activity) {
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
const { MultiLanguageLG } = require(`../`);
const assert = require(`assert`);
describe('MultilanguageLGTest', function() {
it('TestMultiLanguageLG', function() {
const localPerFile = new Map();
localPerFile.set('en', `${ __dirname }/testData/MultiLanguage/a.en.lg`);
localPerFile.set('', `${ __dirname }/testData/MultiLanguage/a.lg`);
const generator = new MultiLanguageLG(localPerFile);
// fallback to "a.en.lg"
let result = generator.generate('${templatec()}', undefined, 'en-us');
assert.strictEqual(result, 'from a.en.lg');
// "a.en.lg" is used
result = generator.generate('${templatec()}', undefined, 'en');
assert.strictEqual(result, 'from a.en.lg');
// locale "fr" has no entry file, default file "a.lg" is used
result = generator.generate('${templatec()}', undefined, 'fr');
assert.strictEqual(result, 'from a.lg');
// "a.lg" is used
result = generator.generate('${templatec()}');
assert.strictEqual(result, 'from a.lg');
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
const { LGParser } = require('../');
const { Templates } = require('../');
const { SimpleObjectMemory, ExpressionParser, ExpressionFunctions, Expression } = require('adaptive-expressions');
const assert = require('assert');
const fs = require('fs');
@ -9,89 +9,100 @@ function GetExampleFilePath(fileName) {
describe('LG', function() {
it('TestEnumeration', function () {
let cnt = 0;
let templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('2.lg'));
for (let t of templates) {
assert.strictEqual(typeof t, 'object');
assert.strictEqual(t.name, 'wPhrase');
assert.strictEqual(cnt, 1);
it('TestBasic', function() {
let LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('2.lg'));
let evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('wPhrase');
let templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('2.lg'));
let evaled = templates.evaluate('wPhrase');
const options = ['Hi', 'Hello', 'Hiya'];
assert.strictEqual(options.includes(evaled), true, `The result ${ evaled } is not in those options [${ options.join(',') }]`);
it('TestBasicTemplateReference', function() {
let LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('3.lg'));
let evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('welcome-user', undefined);
let templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('3.lg'));
let evaled = templates.evaluate('welcome-user', undefined);
const options = ['Hi', 'Hello', 'Hiya', 'Hi :)', 'Hello :)', 'Hiya :)'];
assert.strictEqual(options.includes(evaled), true, `The result ${ evaled } is not in those options [${ options.join(',') }]`);
it('TestBasicTemplateRefAndEntityRef', function() {
let LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('4.lg'));
let templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('4.lg'));
let userName = 'DL';
let evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('welcome-user', { userName: userName });
let evaled = templates.evaluate('welcome-user', { userName: userName });
const options = ['Hi', 'Hello', 'Hiya ', 'Hi :)', 'Hello :)', 'Hiya :)'];
assert.strictEqual(evaled.includes(userName), true, `The result ${ evaled } does not contiain ${ userName }`);
it('TestBasicConditionalTemplate', function() {
let LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('5.lg'));
let templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('5.lg'));
let evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('time-of-day-readout', { timeOfDay: 'morning' });
let evaled = templates.evaluate('time-of-day-readout', { timeOfDay: 'morning' });
assert.strictEqual(evaled === 'Good morning' || evaled === 'Morning! ', true, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('time-of-day-readout', { timeOfDay: 'evening' });
evaled = templates.evaluate('time-of-day-readout', { timeOfDay: 'evening' });
assert.strictEqual(evaled === 'Good evening' || evaled === 'Evening! ', true, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
it('TestBasicConditionalTemplateWithoutDefault', function() {
let LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('5.lg'));
let templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('5.lg'));
let evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('time-of-day-readout-without-default', { timeOfDay: 'morning' });
let evaled = templates.evaluate('time-of-day-readout-without-default', { timeOfDay: 'morning' });
assert.strictEqual(evaled === 'Good morning' || evaled === 'Morning! ', true, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('time-of-day-readout-without-default2', { timeOfDay: 'morning' });
evaled = templates.evaluate('time-of-day-readout-without-default2', { timeOfDay: 'morning' });
assert.strictEqual(evaled === 'Good morning' || evaled === 'Morning! ', true, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('time-of-day-readout-without-default2', { timeOfDay: 'evening' });
evaled = templates.evaluate('time-of-day-readout-without-default2', { timeOfDay: 'evening' });
assert.strictEqual(evaled, undefined, `Evaled is ${ evaled } which should be undefined.`);
it('TestBasicTemplateRefWithParameters', function() {
let LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('6.lg'));
let templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('6.lg'));
let evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('welcome', undefined);
let evaled = templates.evaluate('welcome', undefined);
const options1 = ['Hi DongLei :)', 'Hey DongLei :)', 'Hello DongLei :)'];
assert.strictEqual(options1.includes(evaled), true, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
const options2 = ['Hi DL :)', 'Hey DL :)', 'Hello DL :)'];
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('welcome', { userName: 'DL' });
evaled = templates.evaluate('welcome', { userName: 'DL' });
assert.strictEqual(options2.includes(evaled), true, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
it('TestBasicSwitchCaseTemplate', function() {
let LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('switchcase.lg'));
let evaled1 = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('greetInAWeek', { day: 'Saturday' });
let templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('switchcase.lg'));
let evaled1 = templates.evaluate('greetInAWeek', { day: 'Saturday' });
assert.strictEqual(evaled1 === 'Happy Saturday!', true, `Evaled is ${ evaled1 }`);
let evaled3 = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('greetInAWeek', { day: 'Monday' });
let evaled3 = templates.evaluate('greetInAWeek', { day: 'Monday' });
assert.strictEqual(evaled3 === 'Work Hard!', true, `Evaled is ${ evaled3 }`);
it('TestBasicListSupport', function() {
let LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('BasicList.lg'));
let templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('BasicList.lg'));
let evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('BasicJoin', { items: ['1'] });
let evaled = templates.evaluate('BasicJoin', { items: ['1'] });
assert.strictEqual(evaled, '1', `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('BasicJoin', { items: ['1', '2'] });
evaled = templates.evaluate('BasicJoin', { items: ['1', '2'] });
assert.strictEqual(evaled, '1, 2', `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('BasicJoin', { items: ['1', '2', '3'] });
evaled = templates.evaluate('BasicJoin', { items: ['1', '2', '3'] });
assert.strictEqual(evaled, '1, 2 and 3', `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
it('TestBasicExtendedFunctions', function() {
let LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('6.lg'));
let templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('6.lg'));
const alarms = [
time: '7 am',
@ -103,18 +114,18 @@ describe('LG', function() {
let evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('ShowAlarmsWithForeach', { alarms: alarms });
let evaled = templates.evaluate('ShowAlarmsWithForeach', { alarms: alarms });
assert.strictEqual(evaled === 'You have 2 alarms, 7 am at tomorrow and 8 pm at tomorrow', true, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('ShowAlarmsWithLgTemplate', { alarms: alarms });
evaled = templates.evaluate('ShowAlarmsWithLgTemplate', { alarms: alarms });
assert.strictEqual(evaled === 'You have 2 alarms, 7 am at tomorrow and 8 pm at tomorrow', true, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('ShowAlarmsWithDynamicLgTemplate', { alarms: alarms, templateName: 'ShowAlarm' });
evaled = templates.evaluate('ShowAlarmsWithDynamicLgTemplate', { alarms: alarms, templateName: 'ShowAlarm' });
assert.strictEqual(evaled === 'You have 2 alarms, 7 am at tomorrow and 8 pm at tomorrow', true, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
it('TestCaseInsensitive', function() {
let LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('CaseInsensitive.lg'));
let templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('CaseInsensitive.lg'));
const alarms = [
time: '7 am',
@ -126,83 +137,83 @@ describe('LG', function() {
let evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('ShowAlarms', { alarms: alarms });
let evaled = templates.evaluate('ShowAlarms', { alarms: alarms });
assert.strictEqual(evaled === 'You have two alarms', true, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
let evaled1 = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('greetInAWeek', { day: 'Saturday' });
let evaled1 = templates.evaluate('greetInAWeek', { day: 'Saturday' });
assert.strictEqual(evaled1 === 'Happy Saturday!', true, `Evaled is ${ evaled1 }`);
it('TestListWithOnlyOneElement', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('8.lg'));
var evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('ShowTasks', { recentTasks: ['Task1'] });
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('8.lg'));
var evaled = templates.evaluate('ShowTasks', { recentTasks: ['Task1'] });
assert.strictEqual(evaled === 'Your most recent task is Task1. You can let me know if you want to add or complete a task.', true, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
it('TestTemplateNameWithDotIn', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('TemplateNameWithDot.lg'));
var evaled1 = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('Hello.World', '');
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('TemplateNameWithDot.lg'));
var evaled1 = templates.evaluate('Hello.World', '');
assert.strictEqual(evaled1 === 'Hello World', true, `Evaled is ${ evaled1 }`);
var evaled2 = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('Hello', '');
var evaled2 = templates.evaluate('Hello', '');
assert.strictEqual(evaled2 === 'Hello World', true, `Evaled is ${ evaled2 }`);
it('TestMultiLine', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('MultilineTextForAdaptiveCard.lg'));
var evaled1 = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('wPhrase', '');
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('MultilineTextForAdaptiveCard.lg'));
var evaled1 = templates.evaluate('wPhrase', '');
var options1 = ['\r\ncardContent\r\n', 'hello', '\ncardContent\n'];
assert.strictEqual(options1.includes(evaled1), true, `1.Evaled is ${ evaled1 }`);
var evaled2 = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('nameTemplate', { name: 'N' });
var evaled2 = templates.evaluate('nameTemplate', { name: 'N' });
var options2 = ['\r\nN\r\n', 'N', '\nN\n'];
assert.strictEqual(options2.includes(evaled2), true, `2.Evaled is ${ evaled2 }`);
var evaled3 = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('adaptivecardsTemplate', '');
var evaled3 = templates.evaluate('adaptivecardsTemplate', '');
var evaled4 = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('refTemplate', '');
var evaled4 = templates.evaluate('refTemplate', '');
var options4 = ['\r\nhi\r\n', '\nhi\n'];
assert.strictEqual(options4.includes(evaled4), true, `4.Evaled is ${ evaled4 }`);
it('TestTemplateRef', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('TemplateRef.lg'));
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('TemplateRef.lg'));
var scope = { time: 'morning', name: 'Dong Lei' };
var evaled1 = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('Hello', scope);
var evaled1 = templates.evaluate('Hello', scope);
assert.strictEqual(evaled1, 'Good morning Dong Lei', `Evaled is ${ evaled1 }`);
it('TestEscapeCharacter', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('EscapeCharacter.lg'));
var evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('wPhrase', undefined);
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('EscapeCharacter.lg'));
var evaled = templates.evaluate('wPhrase', undefined);
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'Hi \r\n\t[]{}\\', 'Happy path failed.');
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('otherEscape', undefined);
evaled = templates.evaluate('otherEscape', undefined);
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'Hi y ', 'Happy path failed.');
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('escapeInExpression', undefined);
evaled = templates.evaluate('escapeInExpression', undefined);
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'Hi hello\\\\');
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('escapeInExpression2', undefined);
evaled = templates.evaluate('escapeInExpression2', undefined);
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'Hi hello\'');
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('escapeInExpression3', undefined);
evaled = templates.evaluate('escapeInExpression3', undefined);
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'Hi hello"');
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('escapeInExpression4', undefined);
evaled = templates.evaluate('escapeInExpression4', undefined);
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'Hi hello"');
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('escapeInExpression5', undefined);
evaled = templates.evaluate('escapeInExpression5', undefined);
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'Hi hello\n');
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('escapeInExpression6', undefined);
evaled = templates.evaluate('escapeInExpression6', undefined);
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'Hi hello\n');
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('showTodo', { todos: ['A', 'B', 'C'] });
evaled = templates.evaluate('showTodo', { todos: ['A', 'B', 'C'] });
assert.strictEqual(evaled.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'), '\n Your most recent 3 tasks are\n * A\n* B\n* C\n ');
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('showTodo', undefined);
evaled = templates.evaluate('showTodo', undefined);
assert.strictEqual(evaled.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'), '\n You don\'t have any "t\\\\odo\'".\n ');
@ -237,8 +248,8 @@ describe('LG', function() {
for (const testItem of testData) {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('Analyzer.lg'));
var evaled1 = LGFile.analyzeTemplate(testItem.name);
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('Analyzer.lg'));
var evaled1 = templates.analyzeTemplate(testItem.name);
var variableEvaled = evaled1.Variables;
var variableEvaledOptions = testItem.variableOptions;
assert.strictEqual(variableEvaled.length, variableEvaledOptions.length);
@ -251,119 +262,119 @@ describe('LG', function() {
it('TestlgTemplateFunction', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('lgTemplate.lg'));
var evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('TemplateC', '');
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('lgTemplate.lg'));
var evaled = templates.evaluate('TemplateC', '');
var options = ['Hi', 'Hello'];
assert.strictEqual(options.includes(evaled), true);
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('TemplateD', { b: 'morning' });
evaled = templates.evaluate('TemplateD', { b: 'morning' });
options = ['Hi morning', 'Hello morning'];
assert.strictEqual(options.includes(evaled), true);
it('TestTemplateAsFunction', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('TemplateAsFunction.lg'));
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('TemplateAsFunction.lg'));
var evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('Test2');
var evaled = templates.evaluate('Test2');
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'hello world', `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('Test3');
evaled = templates.evaluate('Test3');
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'hello world', `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('Test4');
evaled = templates.evaluate('Test4');
assert.strictEqual(evaled.trim(), 'hello world', `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('dupNameWithTemplate');
evaled = templates.evaluate('dupNameWithTemplate');
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 2, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
it('TestAnalyzelgTemplateFunction', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('lgTemplate.lg'));
var evaled = LGFile.analyzeTemplate('TemplateD');
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('lgTemplate.lg'));
var evaled = templates.analyzeTemplate('TemplateD');
var variableEvaled = evaled.Variables;
var options = ['b'];
assert.strictEqual(variableEvaled.length, options.length);
options.forEach(e => assert.strictEqual(variableEvaled.includes(e), true));
it('TestImportLgFiles', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('importExamples/import.lg'));
it('TestImporttemplatess', function() {
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('importExamples/import.lg'));
// Assert 6.lg is imported only once when there are several relative paths which point to the same file.
// Assert import cycle loop is handled well as expected when a file imports itself.
assert.strictEqual(LGFile.allTemplates.length, 14);
assert.strictEqual(templates.allTemplates.length, 14);
const options1 = ['Hi', 'Hello', 'Hey'];
var evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('basicTemplate');
var evaled = templates.evaluate('basicTemplate');
assert.strictEqual(options1.includes(evaled), true, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
const options2 = ['Hi DongLei :)', 'Hey DongLei :)', 'Hello DongLei :)'];
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('welcome');
evaled = templates.evaluate('welcome');
assert.strictEqual(options2.includes(evaled), true, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
const options3 = ['Hi DL :)', 'Hey DL :)', 'Hello DL :)'];
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('welcome', { userName: 'DL' });
evaled = templates.evaluate('welcome', { userName: 'DL' });
assert.strictEqual(options3.includes(evaled), true, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
const options4 = ['Hi 2', 'Hello 2'];
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('basicTemplate2');
evaled = templates.evaluate('basicTemplate2');
assert.strictEqual(options4.includes(evaled), true, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
const options5 = ['Hi 2', 'Hello 2'];
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('template3');
evaled = templates.evaluate('template3');
assert.strictEqual(options5.includes(evaled), true, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
// Assert 6.lg of relative path is imported from text.
LGFile = LGParser.parseText(`# basicTemplate\r\n- Hi\r\n- Hello\r\n[import](./6.lg)`, GetExampleFilePath('xx.lg'));
templates = Templates.parseText(`# basicTemplate\r\n- Hi\r\n- Hello\r\n[import](./6.lg)`, GetExampleFilePath('xx.lg'));
assert.strictEqual(LGFile.allTemplates.length, 8);
assert.strictEqual(templates.allTemplates.length, 8);
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('basicTemplate');
evaled = templates.evaluate('basicTemplate');
assert.strictEqual(options1.includes(evaled), true, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('welcome');
evaled = templates.evaluate('welcome');
assert.strictEqual(options2.includes(evaled), true, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('welcome', { userName: 'DL' });
evaled = templates.evaluate('welcome', { userName: 'DL' });
assert.strictEqual(options3.includes(evaled), true, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
it('TestRegex', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('Regex.lg'));
var evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('wPhrase');
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('Regex.lg'));
var evaled = templates.evaluate('wPhrase');
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'Hi');
var evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('wPhrase', {name: 'jack'});
var evaled = templates.evaluate('wPhrase', {name: 'jack'});
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'Hi jack');
var evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('wPhrase', {name: 'morethanfive'});
var evaled = templates.evaluate('wPhrase', {name: 'morethanfive'});
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'Hi');
it('TestExpandTemplate', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('Expand.lg'));
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('Expand.lg'));
// without scope
var evaled = LGFile.expandTemplate('FinalGreeting');
var evaled = templates.expandTemplate('FinalGreeting');
assert.strictEqual(evaled.length, 4, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
let expectedResults = ['Hi Morning', 'Hi Evening', 'Hello Morning', 'Hello Evening'];
expectedResults.forEach(x => assert(evaled.includes(x)));
// with scope
evaled = LGFile.expandTemplate('TimeOfDayWithCondition', { time: 'evening'});
evaled = templates.expandTemplate('TimeOfDayWithCondition', { time: 'evening'});
assert.strictEqual(evaled.length, 2, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
expectedResults = ['Hi Evening', 'Hello Evening'];
expectedResults.forEach(x => assert(evaled.includes(x)));
// with scope
evaled = LGFile.expandTemplate('greetInAWeek', {day:'Sunday'});
evaled = templates.expandTemplate('greetInAWeek', {day:'Sunday'});
assert.strictEqual(evaled.length, 2, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
expectedResults = ['Nice Sunday!', 'Happy Sunday!'];
expectedResults.forEach(x => assert(evaled.includes(x)));
it('TestExpandTemplateWithRef', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('Expand.lg'));
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('Expand.lg'));
const alarms = [
@ -376,14 +387,14 @@ describe('LG', function() {
var evaled = LGFile.expandTemplate('ShowAlarmsWithLgTemplate', {alarms});
var evaled = templates.expandTemplate('ShowAlarmsWithLgTemplate', {alarms});
assert.strictEqual(evaled.length, 2, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
assert.strictEqual(evaled[0], 'You have 2 alarms, they are 8 pm at tomorrow', `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
assert.strictEqual(evaled[1], 'You have 2 alarms, they are 8 pm of tomorrow', `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
it('TestExpandTemplateWithRefInMultiLine', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('Expand.lg'));
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('Expand.lg'));
const alarms = [
@ -396,7 +407,7 @@ describe('LG', function() {
var evaled = LGFile.expandTemplate('ShowAlarmsWithMultiLine', {alarms});
var evaled = templates.expandTemplate('ShowAlarmsWithMultiLine', {alarms});
assert.strictEqual(evaled.length, 2, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
const eval1Options = ['\r\nYou have 2 alarms.\r\nThey are 8 pm at tomorrow\r\n', '\nYou have 2 alarms.\nThey are 8 pm at tomorrow\n'];
const eval2Options = ['\r\nYou have 2 alarms.\r\nThey are 8 pm of tomorrow\r\n', '\nYou have 2 alarms.\nThey are 8 pm of tomorrow\n'];
@ -405,7 +416,7 @@ describe('LG', function() {
it('TestExpandTemplateWithFunction', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('Expand.lg'));
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('Expand.lg'));
const alarms = [
@ -418,7 +429,7 @@ describe('LG', function() {
var evaled = LGFile.expandTemplate('ShowAlarmsWithForeach', {alarms});
var evaled = templates.expandTemplate('ShowAlarmsWithForeach', {alarms});
assert.strictEqual(evaled.length, 1, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
const evalOptions = [
'You have 2 alarms, 7 am at tomorrow and 8 pm at tomorrow',
@ -429,31 +440,31 @@ describe('LG', function() {
evaled = LGFile.expandTemplate('T2');
evaled = templates.expandTemplate('T2');
assert.strictEqual(evaled.length, 1, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
assert(evaled[0] === '3' || evaled[0] === '5');
evaled = LGFile.expandTemplate('T3');
evaled = templates.expandTemplate('T3');
assert.strictEqual(evaled.length, 1, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
assert(evaled[0] === '3' || evaled[0] === '5');
evaled = LGFile.expandTemplate('T4');
evaled = templates.expandTemplate('T4');
assert.strictEqual(evaled.length, 1, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
assert(evaled[0] === 'ey' || evaled[0] === 'el');
it('TestInlineEvaluate', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('2.lg'));
var evaled = LGFile.evaluate('hello');
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('2.lg'));
var evaled = templates.evaluateText('hello');
assert.strictEqual('hello', evaled);
evaled = LGFile.evaluate('${wPhrase()}');
evaled = templates.evaluateText('${wPhrase()}');
var options =[ 'Hi', 'Hello', 'Hiya' ];
assert.strictEqual(options.includes(evaled), true);
var errMessage = '';
try {
} catch (e) {
errMessage = e.toString();
@ -463,77 +474,77 @@ describe('LG', function() {
it('TestEvalExpression', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('EvalExpression.lg'));
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('EvalExpression.lg'));
const userName = 'MS';
var evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('template1', {userName});
var evaled = templates.evaluate('template1', {userName});
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'Hi MS', `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('template2', {userName});
evaled = templates.evaluate('template2', {userName});
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'Hi MS', `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('template3', {userName});
evaled = templates.evaluate('template3', {userName});
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'HiMS', `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
const options1 = ['\r\nHi MS\r\n', '\nHi MS\n'];
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('template4', { userName});
evaled = templates.evaluate('template4', { userName});
assert.strictEqual(options1.includes(evaled), true, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
const options2 = ['\r\nHiMS\r\n', '\nHiMS\n'];
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('template5', { userName});
evaled = templates.evaluate('template5', { userName});
assert.strictEqual(options2.includes(evaled), true, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('template6', {userName});
evaled = templates.evaluate('template6', {userName});
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'goodmorning', `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
it('TestLGResource', function() {
var lgResource = LGParser.parseText(fs.readFileSync(GetExampleFilePath('2.lg'), 'utf-8'));
var templates = Templates.parseText(fs.readFileSync(GetExampleFilePath('2.lg'), 'utf-8'));
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.templates.length, 1);
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.imports.length, 0);
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.templates[0].name, 'wPhrase');
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.templates[0].body.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'), '> this is an in-template comment\n- Hi\n- Hello\n- Hiya\n- Hi');
assert.strictEqual(templates.toArray().length, 1);
assert.strictEqual(templates.imports.length, 0);
assert.strictEqual(templates.toArray()[0].name, 'wPhrase');
assert.strictEqual(templates.toArray()[0].body.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'), '> this is an in-template comment\n- Hi\n- Hello\n- Hiya\n- Hi');
lgResource = lgResource.addTemplate('newtemplate', ['age', 'name'], '- hi ');
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.templates.length, 2);
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.imports.length, 0);
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.templates[1].name, 'newtemplate');
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.templates[1].parameters.length, 2);
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.templates[1].parameters[0], 'age');
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.templates[1].parameters[1], 'name');
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.templates[1].body.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'), '- hi \n');
templates = templates.addTemplate('newtemplate', ['age', 'name'], '- hi ');
assert.strictEqual(templates.toArray().length, 2);
assert.strictEqual(templates.imports.length, 0);
assert.strictEqual(templates.toArray()[1].name, 'newtemplate');
assert.strictEqual(templates.toArray()[1].parameters.length, 2);
assert.strictEqual(templates.toArray()[1].parameters[0], 'age');
assert.strictEqual(templates.toArray()[1].parameters[1], 'name');
assert.strictEqual(templates.toArray()[1].body.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'), '- hi \n');
lgResource = lgResource.addTemplate('newtemplate2', undefined, '- hi2 ');
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.templates.length, 3);
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.templates[2].name, 'newtemplate2');
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.templates[2].body.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'), '- hi2 \n');
templates = templates.addTemplate('newtemplate2', undefined, '- hi2 ');
assert.strictEqual(templates.toArray().length, 3);
assert.strictEqual(templates.toArray()[2].name, 'newtemplate2');
assert.strictEqual(templates.toArray()[2].body.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'), '- hi2 \n');
lgResource = lgResource.updateTemplate('newtemplate', 'newtemplateName', ['newage', 'newname'], '- new hi\r\n#hi');
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.templates.length, 3);
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.imports.length, 0);
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.templates[1].name, 'newtemplateName');
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.templates[1].parameters.length, 2);
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.templates[1].parameters[0], 'newage');
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.templates[1].parameters[1], 'newname');
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.templates[1].body.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'), '- new hi\n- #hi\n');
templates = templates.updateTemplate('newtemplate', 'newtemplateName', ['newage', 'newname'], '- new hi\r\n#hi');
assert.strictEqual(templates.toArray().length, 3);
assert.strictEqual(templates.imports.length, 0);
assert.strictEqual(templates.toArray()[1].name, 'newtemplateName');
assert.strictEqual(templates.toArray()[1].parameters.length, 2);
assert.strictEqual(templates.toArray()[1].parameters[0], 'newage');
assert.strictEqual(templates.toArray()[1].parameters[1], 'newname');
assert.strictEqual(templates.toArray()[1].body.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'), '- new hi\n- #hi\n');
lgResource = lgResource.updateTemplate('newtemplate2', 'newtemplateName2', ['newage2', 'newname2'], '- new hi\r\n#hi2');
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.templates.length, 3);
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.imports.length, 0);
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.templates[2].name, 'newtemplateName2');
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.templates[2].body.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'), '- new hi\n- #hi2\n');
templates = templates.updateTemplate('newtemplate2', 'newtemplateName2', ['newage2', 'newname2'], '- new hi\r\n#hi2');
assert.strictEqual(templates.toArray().length, 3);
assert.strictEqual(templates.imports.length, 0);
assert.strictEqual(templates.toArray()[2].name, 'newtemplateName2');
assert.strictEqual(templates.toArray()[2].body.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'), '- new hi\n- #hi2\n');
lgResource = lgResource.deleteTemplate('newtemplateName');
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.templates.length, 2);
templates = templates.deleteTemplate('newtemplateName');
assert.strictEqual(templates.toArray().length, 2);
lgResource = lgResource.deleteTemplate('newtemplateName2');
assert.strictEqual(lgResource.templates.length, 1);
templates = templates.deleteTemplate('newtemplateName2');
assert.strictEqual(templates.toArray().length, 1);
it('TestMemoryScope', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('MemoryScope.lg'));
var evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('T1', { turn: { name: 'Dong', count: 3 } });
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('MemoryScope.lg'));
var evaled = templates.evaluate('T1', { turn: { name: 'Dong', count: 3 } });
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'Hi Dong, welcome to Seattle, Seattle is a beautiful place, how many burgers do you want, 3?');
const objscope = {
@ -545,55 +556,55 @@ describe('LG', function() {
var scope = new SimpleObjectMemory(objscope);
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('AskBread', scope);
evaled = templates.evaluate('AskBread', scope);
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'Which Bread, A or B do you want?');
it('TestStructuredTemplate', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('StructuredTemplate.lg'));
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('StructuredTemplate.lg'));
var evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('AskForAge.prompt');
var evaled = templates.evaluate('AskForAge.prompt');
assert.equal(evaled.text, evaled.speak);
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('AskForAge.prompt2');
evaled = templates.evaluate('AskForAge.prompt2');
if (evaled.text.includes('how old')){
assert.deepStrictEqual(evaled, JSON.parse('{"lgType":"Activity","text":"how old are you?","suggestedactions":["10","20","30"]}'));
} else {
assert.deepStrictEqual(evaled, JSON.parse('{"lgType":"Activity","text":"what\'s your age?","suggestedactions":["10","20","30"]}'));
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('AskForAge.prompt3');
evaled = templates.evaluate('AskForAge.prompt3');
assert.deepStrictEqual(evaled, JSON.parse('{"lgType":"Activity","text":"${GetAge()}","suggestions":["10 | cards","20 | cards"]}'));
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('T1');
evaled = templates.evaluate('T1');
assert.deepStrictEqual(evaled, JSON.parse('{"lgType":"Activity","text":"This is awesome","speak":"foo bar I can also speak!"}'));
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('ST1');
evaled = templates.evaluate('ST1');
assert.deepStrictEqual(evaled, JSON.parse('{"lgType":"MyStruct","text":"foo","speak":"bar"}'));
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('AskForColor');
evaled = templates.evaluate('AskForColor');
assert.deepStrictEqual(evaled, JSON.parse('{"lgType":"Activity","suggestedactions":[{"lgType":"MyStruct","speak":"bar","text":"zoo"},{"lgType":"Activity","speak":"I can also speak!"}]}'));
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('MultiExpression');
evaled = templates.evaluate('MultiExpression');
assert.equal(evaled, '{"lgType":"Activity","speak":"I can also speak!"} {"lgType":"MyStruct","text":"hi"}');
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('StructuredTemplateRef');
evaled = templates.evaluate('StructuredTemplateRef');
assert.deepStrictEqual(evaled, JSON.parse('{"lgType":"MyStruct","text":"hi"}'));
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('MultiStructuredRef');
evaled = templates.evaluate('MultiStructuredRef');
assert.deepStrictEqual(evaled, JSON.parse('{"lgType":"MyStruct","list":[{"lgType":"SubStruct","text":"hello"},{"lgType":"SubStruct","text":"world"}]}'));
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('templateWithSquareBrackets', {manufacturer: {Name : 'Acme Co'}});
evaled = templates.evaluate('templateWithSquareBrackets', {manufacturer: {Name : 'Acme Co'}});
assert.deepStrictEqual(evaled, JSON.parse('{"lgType":"Struct","text":"Acme Co"}'));
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('ValueWithEqualsMark', {name : 'Jack'});
evaled = templates.evaluate('ValueWithEqualsMark', {name : 'Jack'});
assert.deepStrictEqual(evaled, JSON.parse('{"lgType":"Activity","text":"Hello! welcome back. I have your name = Jack"}'));
it('TestEvaluateOnce', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('EvaluateOnce.lg'));
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('EvaluateOnce.lg'));
var evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('templateWithSameParams', { param: 'ms' });
var evaled = templates.evaluate('templateWithSameParams', { param: 'ms' });
assert.notEqual(evaled, undefined);
const resultList = evaled.split(' ');
@ -602,29 +613,29 @@ describe('LG', function() {
assert.equal(resultList[0], resultList[1]);
// maybe has different values
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('templateWithDifferentParams', { param1: 'ms', param2: 'newms' });
evaled = templates.evaluate('templateWithDifferentParams', { param1: 'ms', param2: 'newms' });
it('TestConditionExpression', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('ConditionExpression.lg'));
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('ConditionExpression.lg'));
var evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('conditionTemplate', { num: 1 });
var evaled = templates.evaluate('conditionTemplate', { num: 1 });
assert.equal(evaled, 'Your input is one');
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('conditionTemplate', { num: 2 });
evaled = templates.evaluate('conditionTemplate', { num: 2 });
assert.equal(evaled, 'Your input is two');
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('conditionTemplate', { num: 3 });
evaled = templates.evaluate('conditionTemplate', { num: 3 });
assert.equal(evaled, 'Your input is three');
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('conditionTemplate', { num: 4 });
evaled = templates.evaluate('conditionTemplate', { num: 4 });
assert.equal(evaled, 'Your input is not one, two or three');
it('TestExpandTemplateWithStructuredLG', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('StructuredTemplate.lg'));
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('StructuredTemplate.lg'));
var evaled = LGFile.expandTemplate('AskForAge.prompt');
var evaled = templates.expandTemplate('AskForAge.prompt');
assert.strictEqual(evaled.length, 4, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
let expectedResults = [
@ -635,7 +646,7 @@ describe('LG', function() {
expectedResults.forEach( u => assert(evaled.includes(u)));
evaled = LGFile.expandTemplate('ExpanderT1');
evaled = templates.expandTemplate('ExpanderT1');
assert.strictEqual(evaled.length, 4, `Evaled is ${ evaled }`);
expectedResults = [
@ -648,35 +659,35 @@ describe('LG', function() {
it('TestExpressionextract', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('ExpressionExtract.lg'));
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('ExpressionExtract.lg'));
var evaled1 = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('templateWithBrackets');
var evaled2 = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('templateWithBrackets2');
var evaled3 = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('templateWithBrackets3').toString().trim();
var evaled1 = templates.evaluate('templateWithBrackets');
var evaled2 = templates.evaluate('templateWithBrackets2');
var evaled3 = templates.evaluate('templateWithBrackets3').toString().trim();
let espectedResult = 'don\'t mix {} and \'{}\'';
assert.strictEqual(evaled1, espectedResult);
assert.strictEqual(evaled2, espectedResult);
assert.strictEqual(evaled3, espectedResult);
evaled1 = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('templateWithQuotationMarks');
evaled2 = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('templateWithQuotationMarks2');
evaled3 = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('templateWithQuotationMarks3').toString().trim();
evaled1 = templates.evaluate('templateWithQuotationMarks');
evaled2 = templates.evaluate('templateWithQuotationMarks2');
evaled3 = templates.evaluate('templateWithQuotationMarks3').toString().trim();
espectedResult = 'don\'t mix {"} and ""\'"';
assert.strictEqual(evaled1, espectedResult);
assert.strictEqual(evaled2, espectedResult);
assert.strictEqual(evaled3, espectedResult);
evaled1 = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('templateWithUnpairedBrackets1');
evaled2 = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('templateWithUnpairedBrackets12');
evaled3 = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('templateWithUnpairedBrackets13').toString().trim();
evaled1 = templates.evaluate('templateWithUnpairedBrackets1');
evaled2 = templates.evaluate('templateWithUnpairedBrackets12');
evaled3 = templates.evaluate('templateWithUnpairedBrackets13').toString().trim();
espectedResult = '{prefix 5 sufix';
assert.strictEqual(evaled1, espectedResult);
assert.strictEqual(evaled2, espectedResult);
assert.strictEqual(evaled3, espectedResult);
evaled1 = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('templateWithUnpairedBrackets2');
evaled2 = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('templateWithUnpairedBrackets22');
evaled3 = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('templateWithUnpairedBrackets23').toString().trim();
evaled1 = templates.evaluate('templateWithUnpairedBrackets2');
evaled2 = templates.evaluate('templateWithUnpairedBrackets22');
evaled3 = templates.evaluate('templateWithUnpairedBrackets23').toString().trim();
espectedResult = 'prefix 5 sufix}';
assert.strictEqual(evaled1, espectedResult);
assert.strictEqual(evaled2, espectedResult);
@ -684,81 +695,81 @@ describe('LG', function() {
it('TestEmptyArrayAndObject', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('EmptyArrayAndObject.lg'));
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('EmptyArrayAndObject.lg'));
var evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('template', {list:[], obj: {}});
var evaled = templates.evaluate('template', {list:[], obj: {}});
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'list and obj are both empty');
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('template', {list:[], obj:new Map()});
evaled = templates.evaluate('template', {list:[], obj:new Map()});
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'list and obj are both empty');
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('template', {list:['hi'], obj: {}});
evaled = templates.evaluate('template', {list:['hi'], obj: {}});
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'obj is empty');
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('template', {list:[], obj: {a: 'a'}});
evaled = templates.evaluate('template', {list:[], obj: {a: 'a'}});
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'list is empty');
const map = new Map();
map.set('a', 'a');
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('template', {list:[], obj: map});
evaled = templates.evaluate('template', {list:[], obj: map});
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'list is empty');
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('template', {list:[{}], obj : {a : 'a'}});
evaled = templates.evaluate('template', {list:[{}], obj : {a : 'a'}});
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'list and obj are both not empty.');
it('TestNullTolerant', function() {
var lgFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('NullTolerant.lg'));
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('NullTolerant.lg'));
var evaled = lgFile.evaluateTemplate('template1');
var evaled = templates.evaluate('template1');
assert.strictEqual('null', evaled);
evaled = lgFile.evaluateTemplate('template2');
evaled = templates.evaluate('template2');
assert.strictEqual(`result is 'null'`, evaled);
var jObjEvaled = lgFile.evaluateTemplate('template3');
var jObjEvaled = templates.evaluate('template3');
assert.strictEqual('null', jObjEvaled['key1']);
it('TestIsTemplateFunction', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('IsTemplate.lg'));
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('IsTemplate.lg'));
var evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('template2', {templateName:'template1'});
var evaled = templates.evaluate('template2', {templateName:'template1'});
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'template template1 exists');
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('template2', {templateName:'wPhrase'});
evaled = templates.evaluate('template2', {templateName:'wPhrase'});
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'template wPhrase exists');
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('template2', {templateName:'xxx'});
evaled = templates.evaluate('template2', {templateName:'xxx'});
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'template xxx does not exist');
it('TestStringInterpolation', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('StringInterpolation.lg'));
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('StringInterpolation.lg'));
var evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('simpleStringTemplate');
var evaled = templates.evaluate('simpleStringTemplate');
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'say hi');
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('StringTemplateWithVariable', {w:'world'});
evaled = templates.evaluate('StringTemplateWithVariable', {w:'world'});
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'hello world');
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('StringTemplateWithMixing', {name:'jack'});
evaled = templates.evaluate('StringTemplateWithMixing', {name:'jack'});
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'I know your name is jack');
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('StringTemplateWithJson', {h:'hello', w: 'world'});
evaled = templates.evaluate('StringTemplateWithJson', {h:'hello', w: 'world'});
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'get \'h\' value : hello');
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('StringTemplateWithEscape');
evaled = templates.evaluate('StringTemplateWithEscape');
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'just want to output ${bala\`bala}');
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('StringTemplateWithTemplateRef');
evaled = templates.evaluate('StringTemplateWithTemplateRef');
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'hello jack , welcome. nice weather!');
it('TestMemoryAccessPath', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('MemoryAccess.lg'));
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('MemoryAccess.lg'));
const scope = {
myProperty: {
@ -776,21 +787,21 @@ describe('LG', function() {
// this evaulate will hit memory access twice
// first for "property", and get "p1", from local
// sencond for "turn.property[p1].enum" and get "p1enum" from global
var evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('T1', scope);
var evaled = templates.evaluate('T1', scope);
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'p1enum');
// this evaulate will hit memory access twice
// first for "myProperty.name", and get "p1", from global
// sencond for "turn.property[p1].enum" and get "p1enum" from global
evaled = LGFile.evaluateTemplate('T3', scope);
evaled = templates.evaluate('T3', scope);
assert.strictEqual(evaled, 'p1enum');
it('TestReExecute', function() {
var LGFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('ReExecute.lg'));
var templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('ReExecute.lg'));
// may be has different values
LGFile.evaluateTemplate('templateWithSameParams', {param1:'ms', param2:'newms'});
templates.evaluate('templateWithSameParams', {param1:'ms', param2:'newms'});
it('TestCustomFunction', function() {
@ -804,11 +815,11 @@ describe('LG', function() {
return Expression.lookup(func);
let lgFile = LGParser.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('CustomFunction.lg'), undefined, parser);
assert.equal(lgFile.expressionParser, parser);
let result = lgFile.evaluateTemplate('template', {});
let templates = Templates.parseFile(GetExampleFilePath('CustomFunction.lg'), undefined, parser);
assert.equal(templates.expressionParser, parser);
let result = templates.evaluate('template', {});
assert.strictEqual(result, 3);
result = lgFile.evaluateTemplate('callSub', {});
result = templates.evaluate('callSub', {});
assert.strictEqual(result, 12);
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
const { LGParser, DiagnosticSeverity, LGErrors } = require(`../`);
const { Templates, DiagnosticSeverity, TemplateErrors } = require(`../`);
const assert = require(`assert`);
const fs = require(`fs`);
function GetExceptionExampleFilePath(fileName) {
return `${ __dirname }/testData/exceptionExamples/` + fileName;
@ -8,12 +7,12 @@ function GetExceptionExampleFilePath(fileName) {
function GetLGFile(fileName) {
var filePath = GetExceptionExampleFilePath(fileName);
return LGParser.parseFile(filePath);
return Templates.parseFile(filePath);
function GetDiagnostics(fileName) {
var filePath = GetExceptionExampleFilePath(fileName);
return LGParser.parseFile(filePath).diagnostics;
return Templates.parseFile(filePath).diagnostics;
describe(`LGExceptionTest`, function() {
@ -21,25 +20,25 @@ describe(`LGExceptionTest`, function() {
var diagnostics = GetDiagnostics(`ConditionFormatError.lg`);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics.length, 10);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].severity, DiagnosticSeverity.Warning);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].message.includes(LGErrors.notEndWithElseInCondition), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].message.includes(TemplateErrors.notEndWithElseInCondition), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[1].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[1].message.includes(LGErrors.invalidExpressionInCondition), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[1].message.includes(TemplateErrors.invalidExpressionInCondition), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[2].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[2].message.includes(LGErrors.multipleIfInCondition), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[2].message.includes(TemplateErrors.multipleIfInCondition), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, diagnostics[3].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[3].message.includes(LGErrors.notEndWithElseInCondition), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[3].message.includes(TemplateErrors.notEndWithElseInCondition), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[4].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[4].message.includes(LGErrors.extraExpressionInCondition), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[4].message.includes(TemplateErrors.extraExpressionInCondition), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[5].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[5].message.includes(LGErrors.multipleIfInCondition), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[5].message.includes(TemplateErrors.multipleIfInCondition), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[6].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[6].message.includes(LGErrors.invalidMiddleInCondition), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[6].message.includes(TemplateErrors.invalidMiddleInCondition), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[7].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[7].message.includes(LGErrors.invalidWhitespaceInCondition), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[7].message.includes(TemplateErrors.invalidWhitespaceInCondition), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[8].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[8].message.includes(LGErrors.invalidWhitespaceInCondition), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[8].message.includes(TemplateErrors.invalidWhitespaceInCondition), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, diagnostics[9].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[9].message.includes(LGErrors.notStartWithIfInCondition), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[9].message.includes(TemplateErrors.notStartWithIfInCondition), true);
it(`TestDuplicatedTemplates`, function() {
@ -47,18 +46,18 @@ describe(`LGExceptionTest`, function() {
assert.strictEqual(2, diagnostics.length);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[0].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].message.includes(LGErrors.duplicatedTemplateInSameTemplate('template1')), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].message.includes(TemplateErrors.duplicatedTemplateInSameTemplate('template1')), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[1].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[1].message.includes(LGErrors.duplicatedTemplateInSameTemplate('template1')), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[1].message.includes(TemplateErrors.duplicatedTemplateInSameTemplate('template1')), true);
var lgFile = GetLGFile(`DuplicatedTemplates.lg`);
var allDiagnostics = lgFile.allDiagnostics;
var templates = GetLGFile(`DuplicatedTemplates.lg`);
var allDiagnostics = templates.allDiagnostics;
assert.strictEqual(4, allDiagnostics.length);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, allDiagnostics[0].severity);
assert.strictEqual(allDiagnostics[0].message.includes(LGErrors.duplicatedTemplateInSameTemplate('template1')), true);
assert.strictEqual(allDiagnostics[0].message.includes(TemplateErrors.duplicatedTemplateInSameTemplate('template1')), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, allDiagnostics[1].severity);
assert.strictEqual(allDiagnostics[1].message.includes(LGErrors.duplicatedTemplateInSameTemplate('template1')), true);
assert.strictEqual(allDiagnostics[1].message.includes(TemplateErrors.duplicatedTemplateInSameTemplate('template1')), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, allDiagnostics[2].severity);
assert.strictEqual(allDiagnostics[2].message.includes(`Duplicated definitions found for template: 'basicTemplate'`), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, allDiagnostics[3].severity);
@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ describe(`LGExceptionTest`, function() {
assert.strictEqual(1, diagnostics.length);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, diagnostics[0].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].message.includes(LGErrors.noTemplateBody('template')), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].message.includes(TemplateErrors.noTemplateBody('template')), true);
it(`TestErrorStructuredTemplate`, function() {
@ -88,15 +87,15 @@ describe(`LGExceptionTest`, function() {
assert.strictEqual(5, diagnostics.length);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[0].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].message.includes(LGErrors.invalidStrucBody), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].message.includes(TemplateErrors.invalidStrucBody), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[1].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[1].message.includes(LGErrors.emptyStrucContent), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[1].message.includes(TemplateErrors.emptyStrucContent), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[2].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[2].message.includes(`Error occurred when parsing expression 'NOTemplate()'. NOTemplate does not have an evaluator`), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[3].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[3].message.includes(`Error occurred when parsing expression 'NOTemplate()'. NOTemplate does not have an evaluator`), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[4].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[4].message.includes(LGErrors.invalidStrucName), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[4].message.includes(TemplateErrors.invalidStrucName), true);
it(`TestErrorTemplateName`, function() {
@ -106,7 +105,7 @@ describe(`LGExceptionTest`, function() {
for(const diagnostic of diagnostics)
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostic.severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostic.message.includes(LGErrors.invalidTemplateName), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostic.message.includes(TemplateErrors.invalidTemplateName), true);
@ -133,7 +132,7 @@ describe(`LGExceptionTest`, function() {
assert.strictEqual(1, diagnostics.length);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[0].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].message.includes(LGErrors.noEndingInMultiline), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].message.includes(TemplateErrors.noEndingInMultiline), true);
it(`TestNoNormalTemplateBody`, function() {
@ -141,11 +140,11 @@ describe(`LGExceptionTest`, function() {
assert.strictEqual(3, diagnostics.length);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, diagnostics[0].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].message.includes(LGErrors.notEndWithElseInCondition), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].message.includes(TemplateErrors.notEndWithElseInCondition), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[1].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[1].message.includes(LGErrors.missingTemplateBodyInCondition), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[1].message.includes(TemplateErrors.missingTemplateBodyInCondition), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[2].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[2].message.includes(LGErrors.missingTemplateBodyInCondition), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[2].message.includes(TemplateErrors.missingTemplateBodyInCondition), true);
it(`TestNoTemplateRef`, function() {
@ -166,76 +165,76 @@ describe(`LGExceptionTest`, function() {
assert.strictEqual(14, diagnostics.length);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[0].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].message.includes(LGErrors.invalidWhitespaceInSwitchCase), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].message.includes(TemplateErrors.invalidWhitespaceInSwitchCase), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[1].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[1].message.includes(LGErrors.multipleSwithStatementInSwitchCase), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[1].message.includes(TemplateErrors.multipleSwithStatementInSwitchCase), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[2].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[2].message.includes(LGErrors.notStartWithSwitchInSwitchCase), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[2].message.includes(TemplateErrors.notStartWithSwitchInSwitchCase), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, diagnostics[3].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[3].message.includes(LGErrors.missingCaseInSwitchCase), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[3].message.includes(TemplateErrors.missingCaseInSwitchCase), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[4].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[4].message.includes(LGErrors.invalidStatementInMiddlerOfSwitchCase), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[4].message.includes(TemplateErrors.invalidStatementInMiddlerOfSwitchCase), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, diagnostics[5].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[5].message.includes(LGErrors.notEndWithDefaultInSwitchCase), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[5].message.includes(TemplateErrors.notEndWithDefaultInSwitchCase), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[6].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[6].message.includes(LGErrors.extraExpressionInSwitchCase), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[6].message.includes(TemplateErrors.extraExpressionInSwitchCase), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[7].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[7].message.includes(LGErrors.missingTemplateBodyInSwitchCase), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[7].message.includes(TemplateErrors.missingTemplateBodyInSwitchCase), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[8].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[8].message.includes((LGErrors.extraExpressionInSwitchCase)), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[8].message.includes((TemplateErrors.extraExpressionInSwitchCase)), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[9].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[9].message.includes(LGErrors.missingTemplateBodyInSwitchCase), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[9].message.includes(TemplateErrors.missingTemplateBodyInSwitchCase), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[10].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[10].message.includes(LGErrors.invalidExpressionInSwiathCase), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[10].message.includes(TemplateErrors.invalidExpressionInSwiathCase), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Error, diagnostics[11].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[11].message.includes(LGErrors.extraExpressionInSwitchCase), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[11].message.includes(TemplateErrors.extraExpressionInSwitchCase), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, diagnostics[12].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[12].message.includes(LGErrors.missingCaseInSwitchCase), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[12].message.includes(TemplateErrors.missingCaseInSwitchCase), true);
assert.strictEqual(DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, diagnostics[13].severity);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[13].message.includes(LGErrors.notEndWithDefaultInSwitchCase), true);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[13].message.includes(TemplateErrors.notEndWithDefaultInSwitchCase), true);
it(`TestLoopDetected`, function() {
var lgFile = GetLGFile(`LoopDetected.lg`);
var templates = GetLGFile(`LoopDetected.lg`);
assert.throws(() => lgFile.evaluateTemplate(`wPhrase`), Error(`Loop detected: welcome-user => wPhrase[wPhrase] Error occurred when evaluating '-\${wPhrase()}'. [welcome-user] Error occurred when evaluating '-\${welcome-user()}'. `));
assert.throws(() => templates.evaluate(`wPhrase`), Error(`Loop detected: welcome-user => wPhrase[wPhrase] Error occurred when evaluating '-\${wPhrase()}'. [welcome-user] Error occurred when evaluating '-\${welcome-user()}'. `));
assert.throws(() => lgFile.analyzeTemplate(`wPhrase`), Error('Loop detected: welcome-user => wPhrase'),);
assert.throws(() => templates.analyzeTemplate(`wPhrase`), Error('Loop detected: welcome-user => wPhrase'),);
it(`AddTextWithWrongId`, function() {
var diagnostics = LGParser.parseText(`[import](xx.lg) \r\n # t \n - hi`, `a.lg`).diagnostics;
var diagnostics = Templates.parseText(`[import](xx.lg) \r\n # t \n - hi`, `a.lg`).diagnostics;
assert.strictEqual(1, diagnostics.length);
assert.strictEqual(diagnostics[0].message.includes(`Could not find file`), true);
it(`TestErrorExpression`, function() {
var lgFile = GetLGFile(`ErrorExpression.lg`);
assert.throws(() => lgFile.evaluateTemplate(`template1`), Error(`first(createArray(1, 2)) is neither a string nor a null object.[template1] Error occurred when evaluating '-\${length(first(createArray(1,2)))}'. `));
var templates = GetLGFile(`ErrorExpression.lg`);
assert.throws(() => templates.evaluate(`template1`), Error(`first(createArray(1, 2)) is neither a string nor a null object.[template1] Error occurred when evaluating '-\${length(first(createArray(1,2)))}'. `));
it('TestRunTimeErrors', function() {
var lgFile = GetLGFile('RunTimeErrors.lg');
var templates = GetLGFile('RunTimeErrors.lg');
assert.throws(() => lgFile.evaluateTemplate(`template1`), Error(`'dialog.abc' evaluated to null. [template1] Error occurred when evaluating '-I want \${dialog.abc}'. `));
assert.throws(() => templates.evaluate(`template1`), Error(`'dialog.abc' evaluated to null. [template1] Error occurred when evaluating '-I want \${dialog.abc}'. `));
assert.throws(() => lgFile.evaluateTemplate(`prebuilt1`), Error(`'dialog.abc' evaluated to null.[prebuilt1] Error occurred when evaluating '-I want \${foreach(dialog.abc, item, template1())}'. `));
assert.throws(() => templates.evaluate(`prebuilt1`), Error(`'dialog.abc' evaluated to null.[prebuilt1] Error occurred when evaluating '-I want \${foreach(dialog.abc, item, template1())}'. `));
assert.throws(() => lgFile.evaluateTemplate(`template2`), Error(`'dialog.abc' evaluated to null. [template1] Error occurred when evaluating '-I want \${dialog.abc}'. [template2] Error occurred when evaluating '-With composition \${template1()}'. `));
assert.throws(() => templates.evaluate(`template2`), Error(`'dialog.abc' evaluated to null. [template1] Error occurred when evaluating '-I want \${dialog.abc}'. [template2] Error occurred when evaluating '-With composition \${template1()}'. `));
assert.throws(() => lgFile.evaluateTemplate('conditionalTemplate1', { dialog : true }), Error(`'dialog.abc' evaluated to null. [template1] Error occurred when evaluating '-I want \${dialog.abc}'. [conditionalTemplate1] Condition '\${dialog}': Error occurred when evaluating '-I want \${template1()}'. `));
assert.throws(() => templates.evaluate('conditionalTemplate1', { dialog : true }), Error(`'dialog.abc' evaluated to null. [template1] Error occurred when evaluating '-I want \${dialog.abc}'. [conditionalTemplate1] Condition '\${dialog}': Error occurred when evaluating '-I want \${template1()}'. `));
assert.throws(() => lgFile.evaluateTemplate(`conditionalTemplate2`), Error(`'dialog.abc' evaluated to null. [conditionalTemplate2] Condition '\${dialog.abc}': Error occurred when evaluating '-IF :\${dialog.abc}'. `));
assert.throws(() => templates.evaluate(`conditionalTemplate2`), Error(`'dialog.abc' evaluated to null. [conditionalTemplate2] Condition '\${dialog.abc}': Error occurred when evaluating '-IF :\${dialog.abc}'. `));
assert.throws(() => lgFile.evaluateTemplate(`structured1`), Error(`'dialog.abc' evaluated to null. [structured1] Property 'Text': Error occurred when evaluating 'Text=I want \${dialog.abc}'. `));
assert.throws(() => templates.evaluate(`structured1`), Error(`'dialog.abc' evaluated to null. [structured1] Property 'Text': Error occurred when evaluating 'Text=I want \${dialog.abc}'. `));
assert.throws(() => lgFile.evaluateTemplate(`structured2`), Error(`'dialog.abc' evaluated to null. [template1] Error occurred when evaluating '-I want \${dialog.abc}'. [structured2] Property 'Text': Error occurred when evaluating 'Text=I want \${template1()}'. `));
assert.throws(() => templates.evaluate(`structured2`), Error(`'dialog.abc' evaluated to null. [template1] Error occurred when evaluating '-I want \${dialog.abc}'. [structured2] Property 'Text': Error occurred when evaluating 'Text=I want \${template1()}'. `));
assert.throws(() => lgFile.evaluateTemplate(`structured3`), Error(`'dialog.abc' evaluated to null. [template1] Error occurred when evaluating '-I want \${dialog.abc}'. [structured2] Property 'Text': Error occurred when evaluating 'Text=I want \${template1()}'. [structured3] Error occurred when evaluating '\${structured2()}'. `))
assert.throws(() => templates.evaluate(`structured3`), Error(`'dialog.abc' evaluated to null. [template1] Error occurred when evaluating '-I want \${dialog.abc}'. [structured2] Property 'Text': Error occurred when evaluating 'Text=I want \${template1()}'. [structured3] Error occurred when evaluating '\${structured2()}'. `))
assert.throws(() => lgFile.evaluateTemplate(`switchcase1`, { turn : { testValue : 1 } }), Error(`'dialog.abc' evaluated to null. [switchcase1] Case '\${1}': Error occurred when evaluating '-I want \${dialog.abc}'. `));
assert.throws(() => templates.evaluate(`switchcase1`, { turn : { testValue : 1 } }), Error(`'dialog.abc' evaluated to null. [switchcase1] Case '\${1}': Error occurred when evaluating '-I want \${dialog.abc}'. `));
assert.throws(() => lgFile.evaluateTemplate(`switchcase2`, { turn : { testValue : 0 } }), Error(`'dialog.abc' evaluated to null. [switchcase2] Case 'Default': Error occurred when evaluating '-I want \${dialog.abc}'. `));
assert.throws(() => templates.evaluate(`switchcase2`, { turn : { testValue : 0 } }), Error(`'dialog.abc' evaluated to null. [switchcase2] Case 'Default': Error occurred when evaluating '-I want \${dialog.abc}'. `));
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# templatec
- from a.en.lg
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# templatec
- from a.lg
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
# Greeting
- Hi
- Hello
- Morning
- Evening
# FinalGreeting
- ${Greeting()} ${TimeOfDay()}
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- Morning
- Evening
- Afternoon
# TimeOfDayWithCondition
- IF: ${time == 'morning'}
- Have a good morning
- ELSEIF: ${time == 'evening'}
- Have a good evening
- Have a good afternoon
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
# Greeting
- Hey
- Hi
# TimeOfDayWithCondition
- IF: ${time == 'morning'}
- ${Greeting()} Morning
- ELSEIF: ${time == 'evening'}
- ${Greeting()} Evening
- ${Greeting()} Afternoon
# greetInAWeek
- SWITCH: ${day}
- CASE: ${'Saturday'}
- Happy Saturday!
- Nice Saturday!
- CASE: ${'Sunday'}
- Happy Sunday!
- Nice Sunday!
- Work Hard!
- Weekend soon!
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
# ST2
Speak = bar
Text = zoo
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
# ST2
Speak = hello
Text = world
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
> Error template
# template
> No match rule
# template2
- IF: ${foo == 'bar'}
- ok
# template3
-CASE: ${'bar'}
- bar
# template4
- SWITCH:${foo}
- default:
# template(param1 param2)
- hello
@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
> Text and Speak should get the same result
# AskForAge.prompt
Text = ${GetAge()}
> this is a comment about this specific property
Speak = ${GetAge()}
# GetAge
- how old are you?
- what's your age?
> With '|' you are making attachments a list.
# AskForAge.prompt2
Text = ${GetAge()}
SuggestedActions = 10 | 20 | 30
> You can use '\' as an escape character
# AskForAge.prompt3
Text = ${GetAge()}
Suggestions = 10 \| cards | 20 \| cards
> Tab and whitespace is support in front of property
> can access the property of another structured result
> and whitespace inb front of the end square bracket is allowed
# T1
Text = ${T2()}
Speak = foo bar ${T3().speak}
# T2
- This is awesome
# T3
Speak = I can also speak!
> use a pure to get the structured, but remember, with the same property, original one would be hold
> so, the result of Text would be 'foo' but not 'zoo'
# ST1
Text = foo
# ST2
Speak = bar
Text = zoo
> each item can also be a structure
# AskForColor
SuggestedActions = ${ST2()} | ${T3()}
> if you use multi structures in a normal template body, the result would be a string result
> but not a list with two items
# MultiExpression
- ${T3()} ${T4()}
> template can ref to another steuctured template
# StructuredTemplateRef
- ${T4()}
# T4
Text = hi
> if you want to re-use the structured, foreach function is a good way
# MultiStructuredRef
list = ${foreach(createArray('hello','world'), x, T5(x))}
# T5(text)
Text = ${text}
# ExpanderT1
Text = ${ExpanderT2()}
# ExpanderT2
- Hi
- Hello
# ExpanderT3
Speak = ${GetAge()}
Text = zoo
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
# ShowAlarm(alarm)
- ${alarm.time} at ${alarm.date}
- ${alarm.time} of ${alarm.date}
# ShowAlarmsWithForeach
- IF: ${count(alarms) == 1}
- You have one alarm ${ShowAlarm(alarms[0])}
- ELSEIF: ${count(alarms) == 2}
- You have ${count(alarms)} alarms, ${join(foreach(alarms, alarm, ShowAlarm(alarm)), ', ', ' and ')}
- You don't have any alarms
# ShowAlarmsWithLgTemplate
- IF: ${count(alarms) == 1}
- You have one alarm ${ShowAlarm(alarms[0])}
- ELSEIF: ${count(alarms) == 2}
- You have ${count(alarms)} alarms, they are ${ShowAlarm(alarms[1])}
- You don't have any alarms
# ShowAlarmsWithMultiLine
You have ${count(alarms)} alarms.
They are ${ShowAlarm(alarms[1])}
# bookTransportTicket
- CASE: ${'Flight'}
- Flight ticket booked
- CASE: ${'Train'}
- Train ticket booked
- Shuttle ticket booked
# T1
- Hey
- Hello
# T2
- ${length(T1())}
# T3
- ${count(T1())}
# T4
- ${substring(T1(), 1, 2)}
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