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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# Building Damage Assessment Model
**Jump to: [Data sources](#data-sources) | [Setup](#setup) | [Data processing](#data-processing) | [Data splits & augmentation](#data-splits-&-augmentation)| [Overview of the model](#overview-of-the-model) | [Running experiments](#running-experiments) | [Results](#results) |**
Natural disasters affect 350 million people each year. Allocating resources such as shelter, medical aid, and food would relieve people of pain most effectively if the impact of the disaster could be assessed in a short time frame after the disaster. The Netherlands Red Cross (NLRC) founded the [510](https://www.510.global/) initiative in 2016 to turn data into timely information and put it in the hands of aid workers. This study was a Microsoft AI for Humanitarian Action project in collaboration with the NLRC 510 global initiative. In this study, we leverage high-resolution satellite imagery to conduct building footprint segmentation and train a classifier to assign each building's damage severity level via an end-to-end deep learning pipeline. Knowing the damage to individual buildings will enable calculating accurately the number of shelters or most impacted areas by natural disasters required in large-scale disaster incidents such as a hurricane.
## Data Sources
We used [xBD dataset](https://xview2.org/), a publicly available dataset, to train and evaluate our proposed network performance. Detailed information about this dataset is provided in ["xBD: A Dataset for Assessing Building Damage from Satellite Imagery"](https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.09296) by Ritwik Gupta et al.
## Dependencies
### Docker
This code uses Docker to allow portability, the only dependency is docker itself, you can get docker from [here] (https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/).
After you have installed, you will just need to run the build command from the root of this project (in the example bellow we add a -t tag, you can use whatever tag you want), same level as the dockerfile is:
docker build . -t nlrc-building-damage-assessment:latest
After the image is build, run the inference code by using below command, passing the parameters with the correspoding values. Use nvidia-docker for using GPUS.
docker run --name "nlrc-model" --rm -v /datadrive/nlrc:/mnt nlrc-building-damage-assessment:latest "--output_dir" "/mnt" "--data_img_dir" "/mnt/dataset" "--data_inference_dict" "/mnt/constants/splits/all_disaster_splits_sliced_img_augmented_20.json" "--data_mean_stddev" "/mnt/constants/splits/all_disaster_mean_stddev_tiles_0_1.json" "--label_map_json" "/mnt/constants/class_lists/xBD_label_map.json" "--model" "/mnt/models/model_best.pth.tar"
## Setup
### Creating the conda environment
At the root directory of this repo, use environment.yml to create a conda virtual environment called `nlrc`:
conda env create --file environment.yml
If you need additional packages, add them in environment.yml and update the environment:
conda env update --name nlrc --file environment.yml --prune
### Installing `ai4eutils`
We make use of the `geospatial` module in the [ai4eutils](https://github.com/microsoft/ai4eutils) repo for some of the data processing steps, so you may need to clone it and add its path to the `PYTHONPATH`:
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/path/to/ai4eutils"
## Data processing
### Generate masks from polygons
We generate pixel masks based on the xBD dataset labels provided as polygons in geoJSON files since the tier3 disasters did not come with masks and the masks for the other disasters had a border value that was likely 0, which would not help to separate the buildings. To do that, we modified the xView baseline repo's [script](https://github.com/DIUx-xView/xView2_baseline/blob/master/utils/mask_polygons.py) for [create_label_masks.py](./data/inspect_masks.ipynb) to generate the masks for entire dataset. Commands that we ran:
python data/create_label_masks.py ./nlrc-damage-assessment/public_datasets/xBD/raw/hold -b 1
python data/create_label_masks.py ./nlrc-damage-assessment/public_datasets/xBD/raw/test -b 1
python data/create_label_masks.py ./nlrc-damage-assessment/public_datasets/xBD/raw/train -b 1
python data/create_label_masks.py ./nlrc-damage-assessment/public_datasets/xBD/raw_tier3 -b 1
python data/create_label_masks.py ./nlrc-damage-assessment/public_datasets/xBD/raw/hold -b 2
python data/create_label_masks.py ./nlrc-damage-assessment/public_datasets/xBD/raw/test -b 2
python data/create_label_masks.py ./nlrc-damage-assessment/public_datasets/xBD/raw/train -b 2
python data/create_label_masks.py ./nlrc-damage-assessment/public_datasets/xBD/raw_tier3 -b 2
Masks for border widths of 1 and 2 were created in case we would like to experiment with both cases. We used a border of 2 but you can see their effects in the notebook [inspect_masks.ipynb](./data/inspect_masks.ipynb) and choose either case that you would prefer.
### Generate smaller image patches
To create smaller patches from xBD original tiles you can use this code: [make_smaller_tiles.py](./data/make_smaller_tiles.py). In the experiments, we cropped 1024x1024 images into 256x256 patches. In this document, we refer to each original 1024x1024 xBD image as a "tile" and any image of smaller size cropped from the original tile is referred to as a "patch".
python data/make_smaller_tiles.py
### Generate npy files
Given the size of the dataset, loading the images one by one from the blob storage is very time-consuming. To resolve this low-speed issue, we loaded the entire dataset once and saved them as one npy file. Then for the experimnets, we loaded the data upfront, which helped with speed-up significantly.
To do that you can use this code: [make_data_shards.py](./data/make_data_shards.py).
We saved the entire xBD dataset into one shard but if more shards are required due to the large size of the data, the same code can be used for that purpose as well.
python ./data/make_data_shards.py
### Data normalization
Normalization for each patch is conducted based on its corresponding tile's mean and standard deviation. To compute mean & standard deviation for each tile, [data/compute_mean_stddev.ipynb](./data/compute_mean_stddev.ipynb) in the `data` dir of this repo can be used a reference.
sample of a file that contains tile-based mean & standard deviation for xBD dataset: [constants/splits/all_disaster_mean_stddev_tiles_0_1.json](./constants/splits/all_disaster_mean_stddev_tiles_0_1.json)
### Constants
The xBD output classes and their numerical class used in the label polygon/masks are documented on the xView2_baseline [repo](https://github.com/DIUx-xView/xView2_baseline/tree/821d9f8b9201ee7952aef13b073c9fd38ce11d4b#output):
0 for no building
1 for building found and classified no-damaged
2 for building found and classified minor-damage
3 for building found and classified major-damage
4 for building found and classified destroyed
We have an extra class, `5`, to denote building features that were "unclassified" in xBD. They need to be discounted during training and evaluation.
[constants/class_lists](./constants/class_lists/) contains files with information about mapping between actual damage category, class labels and color codes used for predicted classes vizulaization.
![Damage class legend](./constants/class_lists/xBD_damage_class_legend.png)
## Data splits & augmentation
To make the split, [data/class_distribution_and_splits.ipynb](./data/class_distribution_and_splits.ipynb) in the `data` dir of this repo can be used a reference.
We do not use the train/test/hold splits that xBD used during the xView2 competition. We retain the folder structure of the datasets (which has train/test/hold as folder names). This JSON is a dictionary where the key is the name of the disaster, and the value is another dict with keys `train`, `val` and `test`, each pointing to a list of file paths, starting from the xBD root directory in the data storage container.
Files with information about dataset splits and their corresponding paths along with the mean and standard deviation for each image tile used for normalization are placed in [constants/splits](./constants/splits/) in this repo. All the splits used in our training are randomized based on the xBD 1024x1024 tiles before being cropped into smaller patches.
Sample of a file that contains xBD 1024x1024 image paths for train/val/test sets split at ratio 80:10:10 can be found via [constants/splits/all_disaster_splits.json](./constants/splits/all_disaster_splits.json)
Sample of a file that contains xBD 256x256 image paths for train/val/test sets split at ratio 80:10:10 where each 1024x1024 xBD tile has been cropped into 20 patches (16 non-overlapping and 4 overlapping patches) can be found via [constants/splits/all_disaster_splits_sliced_img_augmented_20.json](./constants/splits/all_disaster_splits_sliced_img_augmented_20.json)
Sample of a file that contains xBD 1024x1024 image paths for train/val/test sets split at ratio 90:10:0 can be found via [constants/splits/final_mdl_all_disaster_splits.json](./constants/splits/final_mdl_all_disaster_splits.json)
Sample of a file that contains xBD 256x256 image paths for for train/val/test sets split at ratio 90:10:0 where each 1024x1024 xBD tile has been cropped into 20 patches (16 non-overlapping and 4 overlapping): [constants/splits/final_mdl_all_disaster_splits_sliced_img_augmented_20.json](./constants/splits/final_mdl_all_disaster_splits_sliced_img_augmented_20.json)
Note: In our sample split jsons, '/labels/' is part of the string for each image paths. Please note that this component of the string is being replaced with appropriate strings to reflect the correct folder structure in xBD dataset when loading pre- and post-disaster images and their labels masks during training and inference.
As explined above, for our experiments, we used the augmented splits where each 1024x1024 xBD tile has been cropped into 20 patches (16 non-overlapping and 4 overlapping patches). Moreover, during the training, we conduct random vertical and horizontal flipping on-the-fly as implementd in [train/utils/dataset_shard_load.py](./train/utils/dataset_shard_load.py).
## Overview of the model
Our proposed approach shares some characteristics with ["An Attention-Based System for Damage Assessment Using Satellite Imagery"](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2004.06643v1.pdf) by Hanxiang Hao et al. However, we do not incorporate any attention mechanism in the network and we use a fewer number of convolutional layers for the segmentation arm, which is a UNet approach. Details of our architecture are shown below:
![Network Architecture Schema](./images/model.PNG)
<p align="center">
<img src="" width="800"/>
</p> -->
Our proposed model, implemented in this repo, is an end-to-end model, which provides building masks on a pair of pre- & post-disaster satellite imagery along with the level of damage for each detected building, in case of natural disasters.
## Running experiments
### Training
The model needs to be trained sequentially for building detection and damage classification tasks. The loss function has three components for penalizing mistakes on three different predicted outputs of the network that include: (I) building detection on pre-disaster imagery, (II) building detection on post-disaster imagery, and (III) the damage classification output. We use a Siamese approach where for segmentation tasks (I) & (II), the UNet network parameters are shared (shown in the upper and lower arm of the network in the Network Architecture Schema). UNet embeddings of pre- and post-disaster imagery, generated from the encoder part of the model, are differenced and run through several convolutional layers to give the final pixel-wise classification of the damage level for predicted buildings via the middle arm shown in Network Architecture Schema.
To train the network for building detection task, we first avoid penalizing the network for mistakes in the damage classification task by setting the weight for that task equal to 0 (e.g., in config dictionary, set `'weights_loss': [0.5, 0.5, 0] & 'mode': 'bld'`). In this model, if a checkpoint path is provided, the model resumes training based on that, otherwise, it starts training from scratch.
Once model training progresses and reasonable results are achieved for building detection, the training can be stopped and the damage classification task can get started via freezing the parameters of the building segmentation task (e.g., in config dictionary, set `'weights_loss': [0, 0, 1] & 'mode': 'dmg'`). The checkpoint for the best epoch tuned for building segmentation tasks should be provided in the config dictionary to allow proper damage classification results. Please review the config dictionary in [train/train.py](./train/train.py) before running the code.
python train/train.py
The experiment's progress can be monitored via tensorboard.
tensorboard --host --logdir ./outputs/experiment_name/logs/ --port 8009
### Inference
The trained model can be used for inference via the following command. The best trained model file is presented under [models](./models/model_best.pth.tar) directory. Please review the paramters needed in [inference/inference.py](./inference/inference.py) before running the code.
python inference/inference.py --output_dir outputs/ --data_img_dir xBD_sliced_augmented_20_alldisasters/ --data_inference_dict constants/splits/all_disaster_splits_sliced_img_augmented_20.json --data_mean_stddev constants/splits/all_disaster_mean_stddev_tiles_0_1.json --label_map_json constants/class_lists/xBD_label_map.json --model models/model_best.pth.tar
Samples of files that contain input images paths are shown in [constants/splits/final_mdl_all_disaster_splits_sliced_img_augmented_20.json](./constants/splits/final_mdl_all_disaster_splits_sliced_img_augmented_20.json) and [constants/splits/all_disaster_splits_sliced_img_augmented_20.json](./constants/splits/all_disaster_splits_sliced_img_augmented_20.json).
This input file can contain one or multiple image paths for inference.
### Evaluation
During the development phase, our main evaluation metric was pixel based evaluation for both tasks, i.e., building segmentation and damage classification. However, building-level evaluation utilities are also provided in [eval](./eval) folder for your reference. We have incorporated the building-level evaluation metric into the inference code as well. The evaluation results are saved as CSV files. However, please note that the building predicted polygons might be connected in some patches and calculated true positive numbers are extremenly underestimated. Thus, we believe that pixel-level evaluation is a better metric that reflect more fairly on the performace of the model in damaged area detection.
## Results
We show the results on validation and test sets of our splits along with some segmenation maps with damage level.
![Pixel-level evaluation results on several different splits](./images/results_3.PNG)
![Validation sample I visualzization results](./images/results_2.PNG)
![Validation sample II visualzization results](./images/results_1.PNG)

Двоичные данные
constants/class_lists/xBD_damage_class_legend.png Normal file

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
"num_to_name": {
"0": "Background",
"1": "No damage",
"2": "Minor damage",
"3": "Major damage",
"4": "Destroyed",
"5": "Unclassified"
"label_name_to_num": {
"no-damage": 1,
"minor-damage": 2,
"major-damage": 3,
"destroyed": 4,
"un-classified": 5
"num_to_color": {
"0": "black",
"1": "limegreen",
"2": "orange",
"3": "mediumslateblue",
"4": "mediumvioletred",
"5": "lightgray"

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

data/README.md Normal file
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# Data processing
## Generate masks from polygons
We generate pixel masks based on the xBD dataset labels provided as polygons in geoJSON files, since the tier3 disasters did not come with masks and the masks for the other disasters had a border value that was likely 0, which would not help to separate the buildings.
We modified the xView baseline repo's [script](https://github.com/DIUx-xView/xView2_baseline/blob/master/utils/mask_polygons.py) for `create_label_masks.py` to generate the masks for all wind disasters. Running the script only took < 10 minutes. Commands that we ran:
python data/create_label_masks.py /home/lynx/mnt/nlrc-damage-assessment/public_datasets/xBD/raw/hold -b 1
python data/create_label_masks.py /home/lynx/mnt/nlrc-damage-assessment/public_datasets/xBD/raw/test -b 1
python data/create_label_masks.py /home/lynx/mnt/nlrc-damage-assessment/public_datasets/xBD/raw/train -b 1
python data/create_label_masks.py /home/lynx/mnt/nlrc-damage-assessment/public_datasets/xBD/raw_tier3 -b 1
python data/create_label_masks.py /home/lynx/mnt/nlrc-damage-assessment/public_datasets/xBD/raw/hold -b 2
python data/create_label_masks.py /home/lynx/mnt/nlrc-damage-assessment/public_datasets/xBD/raw/test -b 2
python data/create_label_masks.py /home/lynx/mnt/nlrc-damage-assessment/public_datasets/xBD/raw/train -b 2
python data/create_label_masks.py /home/lynx/mnt/nlrc-damage-assessment/public_datasets/xBD/raw_tier3 -b 2
Masks for border width of 1 and 2 were created in case we would like to experiment. You can see their effects in the notebook [inspect_masks.ipynb](./inspect_masks.ipynb).

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@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
"pre_areas": {
"guatemala-volcano": {
"no-subtype": 555083.5836875269
"hurricane-florence": {
"no-subtype": 11596718.672202773
"hurricane-harvey": {
"no-subtype": 64235072.75402863
"hurricane-matthew": {
"no-subtype": 9551591.73552839
"hurricane-michael": {
"no-subtype": 43913489.5134971
"mexico-earthquake": {
"no-subtype": 52658622.98346215
"midwest-flooding": {
"no-subtype": 13892135.398812711
"palu-tsunami": {
"no-subtype": 33203878.023979597
"santa-rosa-wildfire": {
"no-subtype": 25924688.820611726
"socal-fire": {
"no-subtype": 23049244.366123896
"joplin-tornado": {
"no-subtype": 16040713.727818588
"lower-puna-volcano": {
"no-subtype": 1674418.6473476125
"moore-tornado": {
"no-subtype": 24100625.420579486
"nepal-flooding": {
"no-subtype": 18686861.90131992
"pinery-bushfire": {
"no-subtype": 3616593.3513660347
"portugal-wildfire": {
"no-subtype": 14850977.596319549
"sunda-tsunami": {
"no-subtype": 8411636.819834696
"tuscaloosa-tornado": {
"no-subtype": 16399750.244178453
"woolsey-fire": {
"no-subtype": 5507821.958937849
"post_areas": {
"guatemala-volcano": {
"no-damage": 424233.6886453207,
"minor-damage": 29976.136637258915,
"destroyed": 13941.99039685283,
"major-damage": 24967.16713784182,
"un-classified": 61147.989949917406
"hurricane-florence": {
"no-damage": 8602392.32303186,
"minor-damage": 576109.6347002991,
"un-classified": 626750.2712243387,
"major-damage": 1699878.4674861634,
"destroyed": 68945.8519562309
"hurricane-harvey": {
"major-damage": 19476393.610768512,
"minor-damage": 7644750.508543043,
"no-damage": 35160357.23794543,
"un-classified": 1108755.1759903177,
"destroyed": 689618.9005291539
"hurricane-matthew": {
"minor-damage": 5636593.268183401,
"no-damage": 1638989.3645763558,
"major-damage": 1236911.176751667,
"destroyed": 751569.3877616163,
"un-classified": 269248.90720901743
"hurricane-michael": {
"no-damage": 25807328.226440027,
"minor-damage": 10552598.155848961,
"un-classified": 177777.65172964666,
"major-damage": 6311634.324490453,
"destroyed": 987272.8873742732
"mexico-earthquake": {
"no-damage": 52106590.83687903,
"minor-damage": 293567.94942568743,
"un-classified": 71036.76478397334,
"major-damage": 80656.76917687584,
"destroyed": 5357.650044842722
"midwest-flooding": {
"no-damage": 13088260.501154136,
"un-classified": 188512.98368551358,
"destroyed": 128263.53270132157,
"major-damage": 215626.0213974825,
"minor-damage": 245182.62643771025
"palu-tsunami": {
"no-damage": 28429408.79366035,
"destroyed": 3327823.8268332803,
"major-damage": 1111737.3222539243,
"un-classified": 266830.25486142916,
"minor-damage": 831.4207079555346
"santa-rosa-wildfire": {
"no-damage": 18173724.881392688,
"destroyed": 7355765.6933949385,
"un-classified": 21348.4592846757,
"major-damage": 169763.6860384565,
"minor-damage": 157051.30029256907
"socal-fire": {
"no-damage": 20839832.579554196,
"un-classified": 238065.398824969,
"destroyed": 1707512.377862279,
"minor-damage": 95134.90757587964,
"major-damage": 117743.7346977082
"joplin-tornado": {
"destroyed": 2858702.8832999812,
"minor-damage": 2451123.516412556,
"major-damage": 1490180.1164239356,
"un-classified": 305713.5343858696,
"no-damage": 8902980.181803767
"lower-puna-volcano": {
"un-classified": 92873.13689085834,
"no-damage": 1278018.0225500248,
"minor-damage": 28325.978727244514,
"destroyed": 258886.20300476396,
"major-damage": 12627.194320518138
"moore-tornado": {
"no-damage": 20858990.4921232,
"un-classified": 162590.68324451018,
"destroyed": 1321422.0560918555,
"minor-damage": 1123501.9486039935,
"major-damage": 583883.1525602402
"nepal-flooding": {
"no-damage": 13396893.557653563,
"un-classified": 494409.1431600371,
"minor-damage": 2526383.940554102,
"major-damage": 2167094.243345501,
"destroyed": 82101.82189437859
"pinery-bushfire": {
"un-classified": 68172.28891898633,
"no-damage": 3330864.1249928013,
"major-damage": 56681.20608206688,
"destroyed": 110390.71678650305,
"minor-damage": 43455.85213152673
"portugal-wildfire": {
"no-damage": 13827027.478102874,
"un-classified": 253977.52260864992,
"destroyed": 467906.2358453642,
"minor-damage": 81083.11611925096,
"major-damage": 189985.77147544394
"sunda-tsunami": {
"no-damage": 6957184.433223553,
"un-classified": 1339309.6059006073,
"destroyed": 54783.33837448994,
"major-damage": 46925.12787137661
"tuscaloosa-tornado": {
"no-damage": 12509748.859454736,
"un-classified": 377831.00611432316,
"minor-damage": 1915863.4168710771,
"destroyed": 877805.9944712821,
"major-damage": 690388.5966991772
"woolsey-fire": {
"destroyed": 1230804.3924022317,
"minor-damage": 81576.74220822704,
"no-damage": 4069087.176166785,
"major-damage": 81166.70944708213,
"un-classified": 33949.60325156282
"pre_counts": {
"guatemala-volcano": {
"no-subtype": 991
"hurricane-florence": {
"no-subtype": 11548
"hurricane-harvey": {
"no-subtype": 37955
"hurricane-matthew": {
"no-subtype": 23964
"hurricane-michael": {
"no-subtype": 35501
"mexico-earthquake": {
"no-subtype": 51473
"midwest-flooding": {
"no-subtype": 13896
"palu-tsunami": {
"no-subtype": 55789
"santa-rosa-wildfire": {
"no-subtype": 21955
"socal-fire": {
"no-subtype": 18969
"joplin-tornado": {
"no-subtype": 15352
"lower-puna-volcano": {
"no-subtype": 3410
"moore-tornado": {
"no-subtype": 22958
"nepal-flooding": {
"no-subtype": 43265
"pinery-bushfire": {
"no-subtype": 5961
"portugal-wildfire": {
"no-subtype": 23413
"sunda-tsunami": {
"no-subtype": 16947
"tuscaloosa-tornado": {
"no-subtype": 15006
"woolsey-fire": {
"no-subtype": 7015
"post_counts": {
"guatemala-volcano": {
"no-damage": 731,
"minor-damage": 26,
"destroyed": 33,
"major-damage": 23,
"un-classified": 178
"hurricane-florence": {
"no-damage": 8466,
"minor-damage": 232,
"un-classified": 820,
"major-damage": 1949,
"destroyed": 81
"hurricane-harvey": {
"major-damage": 13378,
"minor-damage": 4510,
"no-damage": 18638,
"un-classified": 581,
"destroyed": 848
"hurricane-matthew": {
"minor-damage": 12331,
"no-damage": 4058,
"major-damage": 2717,
"destroyed": 3524,
"un-classified": 1334
"hurricane-michael": {
"no-damage": 22692,
"minor-damage": 8292,
"un-classified": 373,
"major-damage": 2919,
"destroyed": 1225
"mexico-earthquake": {
"no-damage": 51084,
"minor-damage": 221,
"un-classified": 111,
"major-damage": 54,
"destroyed": 3
"midwest-flooding": {
"no-damage": 12819,
"un-classified": 473,
"destroyed": 165,
"major-damage": 193,
"minor-damage": 246
"palu-tsunami": {
"no-damage": 46796,
"destroyed": 7203,
"major-damage": 1178,
"un-classified": 611,
"minor-damage": 1
"santa-rosa-wildfire": {
"no-damage": 15843,
"destroyed": 5810,
"un-classified": 86,
"major-damage": 95,
"minor-damage": 121
"socal-fire": {
"no-damage": 15697,
"un-classified": 693,
"destroyed": 2333,
"minor-damage": 136,
"major-damage": 110
"joplin-tornado": {
"destroyed": 3274,
"minor-damage": 2192,
"major-damage": 1005,
"un-classified": 656,
"no-damage": 8225
"lower-puna-volcano": {
"un-classified": 554,
"no-damage": 2277,
"minor-damage": 49,
"destroyed": 504,
"major-damage": 26
"moore-tornado": {
"no-damage": 19453,
"un-classified": 586,
"destroyed": 1584,
"minor-damage": 886,
"major-damage": 449
"nepal-flooding": {
"no-damage": 31225,
"un-classified": 1683,
"minor-damage": 5134,
"major-damage": 4721,
"destroyed": 502
"pinery-bushfire": {
"un-classified": 524,
"no-damage": 5027,
"major-damage": 99,
"destroyed": 229,
"minor-damage": 82
"portugal-wildfire": {
"no-damage": 20787,
"un-classified": 1064,
"destroyed": 1090,
"minor-damage": 176,
"major-damage": 296
"sunda-tsunami": {
"no-damage": 14078,
"un-classified": 2590,
"destroyed": 179,
"major-damage": 100
"tuscaloosa-tornado": {
"no-damage": 10499,
"un-classified": 908,
"minor-damage": 2036,
"destroyed": 1097,
"major-damage": 466
"woolsey-fire": {
"destroyed": 1876,
"minor-damage": 189,
"no-damage": 4638,
"major-damage": 126,
"un-classified": 186

Различия файлов скрыты, потому что одна или несколько строк слишком длинны

data/compute_mean_stddev.ipynb Normal file

Различия файлов скрыты, потому что одна или несколько строк слишком длинны

data/create_label_masks.py Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
For each label json file, flat in one directory, outputs a 2D raster of labels.
Have to run this for different root directories containing `labels` and `images` folders.
Manually fill out the disaster name (prefix to file names) in DISASTERS_OF_INTEREST at the top of the script.
Masks will be generated for these disasters only.
Sample invocation:
python data/create_label_masks.py /home/lynx/data -b 2
This script borrows code and functions from
Below is their copyright statement:
# xView2 #
# Copyright 2019 Carnegie Mellon University. #
# Released under a MIT (SEI)-style license, please see LICENSE.md or contact permission@sei.cmu.edu for full terms. #
# [DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A] This material has been approved for public release and unlimited distribution. Please see Copyright notice for non-US Government use #
# and distribution. #
# This Software includes and/or makes use of the following Third-Party Software subject to its own license: #
# 1. SpaceNet (https://github.com/motokimura/spacenet_building_detection/blob/master/LICENSE) Copyright 2017 Motoki Kimura. #
# DM19-0988 #
import argparse
import json
import os
# documentation for cv2 fillPoly https://docs.opencv.org/master/d6/d6e/group__imgproc__draw.html#ga8c69b68fab5f25e2223b6496aa60dad5
from cv2 import fillPoly, imwrite
import numpy as np
from shapely import wkt
from shapely.geometry import mapping, Polygon
from skimage.io import imread
from tqdm import tqdm
# keep as a tuple, not a list
# add a _ at the end of the disaster-name so they are prefix-free
DISASTERS_OF_INTEREST = ('guatemala-volcano_', 'hurricane-florence_', 'hurricane-harvey_', 'mexico-earthquake_', 'midwest-flooding_', 'palu-tsunami_', 'santa-rosa-wildfire_', 'socal-fire_', 'lower-puna-volcano_', 'nepal-flooding_', 'pinery-bushfire_', 'portugal-wildfire_', 'sunda-tsunami_', 'woolsey-fire_')
# running from repo root
with open('constants/class_lists/xBD_label_map.json') as label_map_file:
LABEL_NAME_TO_NUM = json.load(label_map_file)['label_name_to_num']
def get_dimensions(file_path):
""" Returns (width, height, channels) of the image at file_path
pil_img = imread(file_path)
img = np.array(pil_img)
w, h, c = img.shape
return (w, h, c)
def read_json(json_path):
with open(json_path) as f:
j = json.load(f)
return j
def get_feature_info(feature):
"""Reading coordinate and category information from the label json file
feature: a python dictionary of json labels
Returns a dict mapping the uid of the polygon to a tuple
(numpy array of coords, numerical category of the building)
props = {}
for feat in feature['features']['xy']:
# read the coordinates
feat_shape = wkt.loads(feat['wkt'])
coords = list(mapping(feat_shape)['coordinates'][0]) # a new, independent geometry with coordinates copied
# determine the damage type
if 'subtype' in feat['properties']:
damage_class = feat['properties']['subtype']
damage_class = 'no-damage' # usually for pre images - assign them to the no-damage class
damage_class_num = LABEL_NAME_TO_NUM[damage_class] # get the numerical label
# maps to (numpy array of coords, numerical category of the building)
props[feat['properties']['uid']] = (np.array(coords, np.int32), damage_class_num)
return props
def mask_polygons_together_with_border(size, polys, border):
size: A tuple of (width, height, channels)
polys: A dict of feature uid: (numpy array of coords, numerical category of the building), from
border: Pixel width to shrink each shape by to create some space between adjacent shapes
a dict of masked polygons with the shapes filled in from cv2.fillPoly
# For each WKT polygon, read the WKT format and fill the polygon as an image
mask_img = np.zeros(size, np.uint8) # 0 is the background class
for uid, tup in polys.items():
# poly is a np.ndarray
poly, damage_class_num = tup
# blank = np.zeros(size, np.uint8)
# Creating a shapely polygon object out of the numpy array
polygon = Polygon(poly)
# Getting the center points from the polygon and the polygon points
(poly_center_x, poly_center_y) = polygon.centroid.coords[0]
polygon_points = polygon.exterior.coords
# Setting a new polygon with each X,Y manipulated based off the center point
shrunk_polygon = []
for (x, y) in polygon_points:
if x < poly_center_x:
x += border
elif x > poly_center_x:
x -= border
if y < poly_center_y:
y += border
elif y > poly_center_y:
y -= border
shrunk_polygon.append([x, y])
# Transforming the polygon back to a np.ndarray
ns_poly = np.array(shrunk_polygon, np.int32)
# Filling the shrunken polygon to add a border between close polygons
# Assuming there is no overlap!
fillPoly(mask_img, [ns_poly], (damage_class_num, damage_class_num, damage_class_num))
mask_img = mask_img[:, :, 0].squeeze()
print(f'shape of final mask_img: {mask_img.shape}')
return mask_img
def mask_tiles(images_dir, label_paths, targets_dir, border_width, overwrite_target):
for label_path in tqdm(label_paths):
tile_id = os.path.basename(label_path).split('.json')[0] # just the file name without extension
image_path = os.path.join(images_dir, f'{tile_id}.png')
target_path = os.path.join(targets_dir, f'{tile_id}_b{border_width}.png')
if os.path.exists(target_path) and not overwrite_target:
# read the label json
label_json = read_json(label_path)
# read the image and get its size
tile_size = get_dimensions(image_path)
# read in the polygons from the json file
polys = get_feature_info(label_json)
mask_img = mask_polygons_together_with_border(tile_size, polys, border_width)
imwrite(target_path, mask_img)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Create masks for each label json file for disasters specified at the top of the script.')
help=('Path to the directory that contains both the `images` and `labels` folders. '
'The `targets_border{border_width}` folder will be created if it does not already exist.')
'-b', '--border_width',
'-o', '--overwrite_target',
help='flag if we want to generate all targets anew',
args = parser.parse_args()
images_dir = os.path.join(args.root_dir, 'images')
labels_dir = os.path.join(args.root_dir, 'labels')
assert os.path.exists(args.root_dir), 'root_dir does not exist'
assert os.path.isdir(args.root_dir), 'root_dir needs to be path to a directory'
assert os.path.exists(images_dir), 'root_dir does not contain the folder `images`'
assert os.path.exists(labels_dir), 'root_dir does not contain the folder `labels`'
assert args.border_width >= 0, 'border_width < 0'
assert args.border_width < 5, 'specified border_width is > 4 pixels - are you sure?'
assert isinstance(DISASTERS_OF_INTEREST, tuple)
assert i.endswith('_')
print(f'Disasters to create the masks for: {DISASTERS_OF_INTEREST}')
targets_dir = os.path.join(args.root_dir, f'targets_border{args.border_width}')
print(f'A targets directory is at {targets_dir}')
os.makedirs(targets_dir, exist_ok=True)
# list out label files for the disaster of interest
li_label_fn = os.listdir(labels_dir)
li_label_fn = sorted([i for i in li_label_fn if i.endswith('.json')])
li_label_paths = [os.path.join(labels_dir, i) for i in li_label_fn if i.startswith(DISASTERS_OF_INTEREST)]
print(f'{len(li_label_fn)} label jsons found in labels_dir, '
f'{len(li_label_paths)} are for the disasters of interest.')
mask_tiles(images_dir, li_label_paths, targets_dir, args.border_width, args.overwrite_target)
if __name__ == '__main__':

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@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
import logging
from PIL import Image
import cv2
from glob import glob
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
import torchvision.transforms.functional as TF
from skimage import transform
from torchvision import transforms
import random
class DisasterDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, data_dir, data_dir_ls, data_mean_stddev, transform:bool, normalize:bool):
self.data_dir = data_dir
self.dataset_sub_dir = data_dir_ls
self.data_mean_stddev = data_mean_stddev
self.transform = transform
self.normalize = normalize
def __len__(self):
return len(self.dataset_sub_dir)
def __getitem__(self, i):
imgs_dir = self.data_dir + self.dataset_sub_dir[i].replace('labels', 'images')
masks_dir = self.data_dir + self.dataset_sub_dir[i].replace('labels', 'targets_border2')
idx = imgs_dir
img_suffix = '_' + imgs_dir.split('_')[-1]
mask_suffix = '_' + masks_dir.split('_')[-1]
pre_img_tile_name = imgs_dir[0:-1*(len(img_suffix))] + '_pre_disaster'
pre_img_file_name = imgs_dir[0:-1*(len(img_suffix))] + '_pre_disaster' + img_suffix
pre_img_file = glob(pre_img_file_name + '.*')
mask_file_name = masks_dir[0:-1*(len(mask_suffix))] + '_pre_disaster_b2' + mask_suffix
mask_file = glob(mask_file_name + '.*')
post_img_tile_name = pre_img_tile_name.replace('pre', 'post')
post_img_file_name = pre_img_file_name.replace('pre', 'post')
post_img_file = glob(post_img_file_name + '.*')
damage_class_file_name = mask_file_name.replace('pre', 'post')
damage_class_file = glob(damage_class_file_name + '.*')
assert len(mask_file) == 1, \
f'Either no mask or multiple masks found for the ID {idx}: {mask_file_name}'
assert len(pre_img_file) == 1, \
f'Either no image or multiple images found for the ID {idx}: {pre_img_file_name}'
assert len(post_img_file) == 1, \
f'Either no post disaster image or multiple images found for the ID {idx}: {post_img_file_name}'
assert len(damage_class_file) == 1, \
f'Either no damage class image or multiple images found for the ID {idx}: {damage_class_file_name}'
mask = cv2.imread(mask_file[0], cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
pre_img = cv2.imread(pre_img_file[0])
post_img = cv2.imread(post_img_file[0])
damage_class = cv2.imread(damage_class_file[0], cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
assert pre_img.shape[0] == mask.shape[0], \
f'Image and building mask {idx} should be the same size, but are {pre_img.shape} and {mask.shape}'
assert mask.size == damage_class.size, \
f'Image and damage classes mask {idx} should be the same size, but are {mask.size} and {damage_class.size}'
assert pre_img.size == post_img.size, \
f'Pre_ & _post disaster Images {idx} should be the same size, but are {pre_img.size} and {post_img.size}'
data = {'pre_image': pre_img, 'post_image': post_img, 'building_mask': mask, 'damage_mask': damage_class, 'pre_img_tile_name': pre_img_tile_name}
return data

data/inspect_masks.ipynb Normal file

Различия файлов скрыты, потому что одна или несколько строк слишком длинны

data/make_data_shards.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
This is an additional pre-processing step after tile_and_mask.py to cut chips out of the tiles
and store them in large numpy arrays, so they can all be loaded in memory during training.
The train and val splits will be stored separately to distinguish them.
This is an improvement on the original approach of chipping during training using LandsatDataset, but it is an
extra step, so each new experiment requiring a different input size/set of channels would need to re-run
this step. Data augmentation is still added on-the-fly.
Example invocation:
export AZUREML_DATAREFERENCE_wcsorinoquia=/boto_disk_0/wcs_data/tiles/full_sr_median_2013_2014
python data/make_chip_shards.py --config_module_path training_wcs/experiments/elevation/elevation_2_config.py --out_dir /boto_disk_0/wcs_data/shards/full_sr_median_2013_2014_elevation
import argparse
import importlib
import os
import sys
import math
import numpy as np
from dataset_shard_save import DisasterDataset
from train_utils import load_json_files, dump_json_files
from tqdm import tqdm
config = {'num_shards': 1,
'out_dir': './xBD_sliced_augmented_20_alldisasters_final_mdl_npy/',
'data_dir': './xBD_sliced_augmented_20_alldisasters/',
'data_splits_json': './nlrc.building-damage-assessment/constants/splits/final_mdl_all_disaster_splits_sliced_img_augmented_20.json',
'data_mean_stddev': './nlrc.building-damage-assessment/constants/splits/all_disaster_mean_stddev_tiles_0_1.json'}
def load_dataset():
splits = load_json_files(config['data_splits_json'])
data_mean_stddev = load_json_files(config['data_mean_stddev'])
train_ls = []
val_ls = []
test_ls = []
for item, val in splits.items():
train_ls += val['train']
val_ls += val['val']
test_ls += val['test']
xBD_train = DisasterDataset(config['data_dir'], train_ls, data_mean_stddev, transform=False, normalize=True)
xBD_val = DisasterDataset(config['data_dir'], val_ls, data_mean_stddev, transform=False, normalize=True)
xBD_test = DisasterDataset(config['data_dir'], test_ls, data_mean_stddev, transform=False, normalize=True)
print('xBD_disaster_dataset train length: {}'.format(len(xBD_train)))
print('xBD_disaster_dataset val length: {}'.format(len(xBD_val)))
print('xBD_disaster_dataset test length: {}'.format(len(xBD_test)))
return xBD_train, xBD_val, xBD_test
def create_shard(dataset, num_shards):
"""Iterate through the dataset to produce shards of chips as numpy arrays, for imagery input and labels.
dataset: an instance of LandsatDataset, which when iterated, each item contains fields
'chip' and 'chip_label'
data = {'pre_image': pre_img, 'post_image': post_img, 'building_mask': mask, 'damage_mask': damage_class}
num_shards: number of numpy arrays to store all chips in
returns a 2-tuple, where
- the first item is a list of numpy arrays of dimension (num_chips, channel, height, width) with
dtype float for the input imagery chips
- the second item is a list of numpy arrays of dimension (num_chips, height, width) with
dtype int for the label chips.
pre_image_chips, post_image_chips, bld_mask_chips, dmg_mask_chips, pre_img_tile_name_chips = [], [], [], [], []
for item in tqdm(dataset):
# not using chip_id and chip_for_display fields
num_chips = len(pre_image_chips)
print(f'Created {num_chips} chips.')
items_per_shards = math.ceil(num_chips / num_shards)
shard_idx = []
for i in range(num_shards):
(i * items_per_shards, (1 + i) * items_per_shards)
print('Stacking imagery and label chips into shards')
pre_image_chip_shards, post_image_chip_shards, bld_mask_chip_shards, dmg_mask_chip_shards, pre_img_tile_name_chip_shards = [], [], [], [], []
for begin_idx, end_idx in shard_idx:
if begin_idx < num_chips:
pre_image_chip_shard = pre_image_chips[begin_idx:end_idx]
pre_image_chip_shard = np.stack(pre_image_chip_shard, axis=0)
print(f'dim of input chip shard is {pre_image_chip_shard.shape}, dtype is {pre_image_chip_shard.dtype}')
post_image_chip_shard = post_image_chips[begin_idx:end_idx]
post_image_chip_shard = np.stack(post_image_chip_shard, axis=0)
print(f'dim of input chip shard is {post_image_chip_shard.shape}, dtype is {post_image_chip_shard.dtype}')
bld_mask_chip_shard = bld_mask_chips[begin_idx:end_idx]
bld_mask_chip_shard = np.stack(bld_mask_chip_shard, axis=0)
print(f'dim of label chip shard is {bld_mask_chip_shard.shape}, dtype is {bld_mask_chip_shard.dtype}')
dmg_mask_chip_shard = dmg_mask_chips[begin_idx:end_idx]
dmg_mask_chip_shard = np.stack(dmg_mask_chip_shard, axis=0)
print(f'dim of label chip shard is {dmg_mask_chip_shard.shape}, dtype is {dmg_mask_chip_shard.dtype}')
pre_img_tile_name_chip_shard = pre_img_tile_name_chips[begin_idx:end_idx]
pre_img_tile_name_chip_shard = np.stack(pre_img_tile_name_chip_shard, axis=0)
print(f'dim of pre_img_tile_name_chip_shard chip shard is {pre_img_tile_name_chip_shard.shape}, dtype is {pre_img_tile_name_chip_shard.dtype}')
return (pre_image_chip_shards, post_image_chip_shards, bld_mask_chip_shards, dmg_mask_chip_shards, pre_img_tile_name_chip_shards)
def save_shards(out_dir, set_name, pre_image_chip_shards, post_image_chip_shards, bld_mask_chip_shards, dmg_mask_chip_shards, pre_img_tile_name_chip_shards):
for i_shard, (pre_image_chip_shard, post_image_chip_shard, bld_mask_chip_shard, dmg_mask_chip_shard, pre_img_tile_name_chip_shard) in enumerate(zip(pre_image_chip_shards, post_image_chip_shards, bld_mask_chip_shards, dmg_mask_chip_shards, pre_img_tile_name_chip_shards)):
shard_path = os.path.join(out_dir, f'{set_name}_pre_image_chips_{i_shard}.npy')
np.save(shard_path, pre_image_chip_shard)
print(f'Saved {shard_path}')
shard_path = os.path.join(out_dir, f'{set_name}_post_image_chips_{i_shard}.npy')
np.save(shard_path, post_image_chip_shard)
print(f'Saved {shard_path}')
shard_path = os.path.join(out_dir, f'{set_name}_bld_mask_chips_{i_shard}.npy')
np.save(shard_path, bld_mask_chip_shard)
print(f'Saved {shard_path}')
shard_path = os.path.join(out_dir, f'{set_name}_dmg_mask_chips_{i_shard}.npy')
np.save(shard_path, dmg_mask_chip_shard)
print(f'Saved {shard_path}')
shard_path = os.path.join(out_dir, f'{set_name}_pre_img_tile_chips_{i_shard}.npy')
np.save(shard_path, pre_img_tile_name_chip_shard)
print(f'Saved {shard_path}')
def main():
out_dir = config['out_dir']
os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
train_set, val_set, test_set = load_dataset()
print('Iterating through the training set to generate chips...')
train_pre_image_chip_shards, train_post_image_chip_shards, train_bld_mask_chip_shards, train_dmg_mask_chip_shards, train_pre_img_tile_name_chip_shards = create_shard(train_set, config['num_shards'])
save_shards(out_dir, 'train', train_pre_image_chip_shards, train_post_image_chip_shards, train_bld_mask_chip_shards, train_dmg_mask_chip_shards, train_pre_img_tile_name_chip_shards)
del train_pre_image_chip_shards
del train_post_image_chip_shards
del train_bld_mask_chip_shards
del train_dmg_mask_chip_shards
print('Iterating through the val set to generate chips...')
val_pre_image_chip_shards, val_post_image_chip_shards, val_bld_mask_chip_shards, val_dmg_mask_chip_shards, val_pre_img_tile_name_chip_shards = create_shard(val_set, config['num_shards'])
save_shards(out_dir, 'val', val_pre_image_chip_shards, val_post_image_chip_shards, val_bld_mask_chip_shards, val_dmg_mask_chip_shards, val_pre_img_tile_name_chip_shards)
del val_pre_image_chip_shards
del val_post_image_chip_shards
del val_bld_mask_chip_shards
del val_dmg_mask_chip_shards
if __name__ == '__main__':

data/make_smaller_tiles.py Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
import copy
import json
import logging
import os
import random
import sys
from glob import glob
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from PIL import Image
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
import torchvision.transforms.functional as TF
config = {
'batch_size': 1,
'data_dir': './xBD/',
'sliced_data_dir': './final_mdl_all_disaster_splits/',
'disaster_splits_json': './nlrc.building-damage-assessment/constants/splits/final_mdl_all_disaster_splits.json',
'disaster_splits_json_sliced': './nlrc.building-damage-assessment/constants/splits/final_mdl_all_disaster_splits_sliced_img_augmented_20.json'
format='{asctime} {levelname} {message}',
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
def main():
xBD_train, xBD_val, xBD_test = load_dataset()
train_loader = DataLoader(xBD_train, batch_size=config['batch_size'], shuffle=False, num_workers=8)
test_loader = DataLoader(xBD_test, batch_size=config['batch_size'], shuffle=False, num_workers=8)
val_loader = DataLoader(xBD_val, batch_size=config['batch_size'], shuffle=False, num_workers=8)
with ThreadPool(3) as pool:
loaders = [
('TRAIN', train_loader),
('TEST', test_loader),
('VAL', val_loader)
pool.starmap(iterate_and_slice, loaders)
def iterate_and_slice(split_name: str, data_loader: DataLoader):
for batch_idx, data in enumerate(data_loader):
logging.info(f'{split_name}: batch_idx {batch_idx} sliced into 20 images.')
logging.info(f'Done for split {split_name}')
def load_dataset():
splits_all_disasters = load_json_files(config['disaster_splits_json'])
sliced_data_json = copy.deepcopy(splits_all_disasters)
train_ls = []
val_ls = []
test_ls = []
for disaster_name, splits in splits_all_disasters.items():
logging.info(f'disaster_name: {disaster_name}.')
l = len(splits['train'])
logging.info(f'training set number of tiles: {l}.')
train_ls += splits['train']
val_ls += splits['val']
test_ls += splits['test']
for disaster_name, splits in sliced_data_json.items():
new_vals_tr = []
new_vals_ts = []
new_vals_val = []
for slice_sub in range(0,20):
new_vals_tr += [sub + '_' + str(slice_sub) for sub in sliced_data_json[disaster_name]['train']]
new_vals_ts += [sub + '_' + str(slice_sub) for sub in sliced_data_json[disaster_name]['test']]
new_vals_val += [sub + '_' + str(slice_sub) for sub in sliced_data_json[disaster_name]['val']]
logging.info(f'disaster_name: {disaster_name}.')
logging.info(f'training set number of chips: {len(new_vals_tr)}.')
sliced_data_json[disaster_name]['train'] = new_vals_tr
sliced_data_json[disaster_name]['test'] = new_vals_ts
sliced_data_json[disaster_name]['val'] = new_vals_val
dump_json_files(config['disaster_splits_json_sliced'], sliced_data_json)
logging.info(f'train dataset length before cropping: {len(train_ls)}.')
xBD_train = SliceDataset(config['data_dir'], train_ls, config['sliced_data_dir'])
logging.info(f'train dataset length after cropping: {len(xBD_train)}.')
logging.info(f'test dataset length before cropping: {len(test_ls)}.')
xBD_test = SliceDataset(config['data_dir'], test_ls, config['sliced_data_dir'])
logging.info(f'test dataset length after cropping: {len(xBD_test)}.')
logging.info(f'val dataset length before cropping: {len(val_ls)}.')
xBD_val = SliceDataset(config['data_dir'], val_ls, config['sliced_data_dir'])
logging.info(f'val dataset length after cropping: {len(xBD_val)}.')
print('xBD_disaster_dataset train length: {}'.format(len(xBD_train)))
print('xBD_disaster_dataset val length: {}'.format(len(xBD_val)))
print('xBD_disaster_dataset test length: {}'.format(len(xBD_test)))
return xBD_train, xBD_val, xBD_test
def load_json_files(json_filename):
with open(json_filename) as f:
file_content = json.load(f)
return file_content
def dump_json_files(json_filename, my_dict):
with open(json_filename, 'w') as f:
json.dump(my_dict, f, indent=4)
class SliceDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, data_dir, data_dir_ls, sliced_data_dir, mask_suffix=''):
data_dir: root xBD directory
data_dir_ls: list of all tiles in this split, across different disasters
sliced_data_dir: output directory for chips
self.data_dir = data_dir
self.data_dir_ls = data_dir_ls
self.sliced_data_dir = sliced_data_dir
def __len__(self):
return len(self.data_dir_ls)
def slice_tile(self, mask, pre_img, post_img, damage_class):
img_h = pre_img.size[0]
img_w = pre_img.size[1]
h_idx = [0, 256, 512, 768]
w_idx = [0, 256, 512, 768]
img_h = 256
img_w = 256
sliced_sample_dic = {}
counter = 0
for i in h_idx:
for j in w_idx:
mask_sub = TF.crop(mask, i, j, img_h, img_w)
pre_img_sub = TF.crop(pre_img, i, j, img_h, img_w)
post_img_sub = TF.crop(post_img, i, j, img_h, img_w)
damage_class_sub = TF.crop(damage_class, i, j, img_h, img_w)
sliced_sample_dic[str(counter)] = {'mask': mask_sub, 'pre_img': pre_img_sub, 'post_img': post_img_sub, 'damage_class': damage_class_sub}
counter += 1
# pick 4 random slices from each tile
for item in range(0,4):
i = random.randint(5, h_idx[-1]-5)
j = random.randint(5, w_idx[-1]-5)
mask_sub = TF.crop(mask, i, j, img_h, img_w)
pre_img_sub = TF.crop(pre_img, i, j, img_h, img_w)
post_img_sub = TF.crop(post_img, i, j, img_h, img_w)
damage_class_sub = TF.crop(damage_class, i, j, img_h, img_w)
sliced_sample_dic[str(counter)] = {'mask': mask_sub, 'pre_img': pre_img_sub, 'post_img': post_img_sub, 'damage_class': damage_class_sub}
counter += 1
return sliced_sample_dic
def __getitem__(self, i):
imgs_dir = os.path.join(self.data_dir, self.data_dir_ls[i].replace('labels', 'images'))
masks_dir = os.path.join(self.data_dir, self.data_dir_ls[i].replace('labels', 'targets_border2'))
idx = imgs_dir
pre_img_file_name = imgs_dir + '_pre_disaster'
pre_img_file = glob(pre_img_file_name + '.*')
mask_file_name = masks_dir + '_pre_disaster_b2'
mask_file = glob(mask_file_name + '.*')
post_img_file_name = pre_img_file_name.replace('pre', 'post')
post_img_file = glob(post_img_file_name + '.*')
damage_class_file_name = mask_file_name.replace('pre', 'post')
damage_class_file = glob(damage_class_file_name + '.*')
assert len(mask_file) == 1, \
f'Either no mask or multiple masks found for the ID {idx}: {mask_file}'
assert len(pre_img_file) == 1, \
f'Either no image or multiple images found for the ID {idx}: {pre_img_file}'
assert len(post_img_file) == 1, \
f'Either no post disaster image or multiple images found for the ID {idx}: {post_img_file}'
assert len(damage_class_file) == 1, \
f'Either no damage class image or multiple images found for the ID {idx}: {damage_class_file}'
mask = Image.open(mask_file[0])
pre_img = Image.open(pre_img_file[0])
post_img = Image.open(post_img_file[0])
damage_class = Image.open(damage_class_file[0])
assert pre_img.size == mask.size, \
f'Image and building mask {idx} should be the same size, but are {pre_img.size} and {mask.size}'
assert pre_img.size == damage_class.size, \
f'Image and damage classes mask {idx} should be the same size, but are {pre_img.size} and {damage_class.size}'
assert pre_img.size == post_img.size, \
f'Pre & post disaster Images {idx} should be the same size, but are {pre_img.size} and {post_img.size}'
sliced_sample_dic = self.slice_tile(mask, pre_img, post_img, damage_class)
for item, val in sliced_sample_dic.items():
os.path.split(mask_file[0].replace(self.data_dir, self.sliced_data_dir))[0],
val['mask'].save(mask_file[0].replace(self.data_dir, self.sliced_data_dir).replace('.png', '_' + item + '.png'))
file_name = mask_file[0].replace(self.data_dir, self.sliced_data_dir).replace('.png', '_' + item + '.png')
os.path.split(pre_img_file[0].replace(self.data_dir, self.sliced_data_dir))[0],
val['pre_img'].save(pre_img_file[0].replace(self.data_dir, self.sliced_data_dir).replace('.png', '_' + item + '.png'))
os.path.split(post_img_file[0].replace(self.data_dir, self.sliced_data_dir))[0],
val['post_img'].save(post_img_file[0].replace(self.data_dir, self.sliced_data_dir).replace('.png', '_' + item + '.png'))
os.path.split(damage_class_file[0].replace(self.data_dir, self.sliced_data_dir))[0],
val['damage_class'].save(damage_class_file[0].replace(self.data_dir, self.sliced_data_dir).replace('.png', '_' + item + '.png'))
return {
'pre_image': TF.to_tensor(pre_img),
'post_image': TF.to_tensor(post_img),
'building_mask': TF.to_tensor(mask),
'damage_mask': TF.to_tensor(damage_class)
if __name__ == "__main__":

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@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Class to visualize raster mask labels and hardmax or softmax model predictions, for semantic segmentation tasks.
import json
import os
from io import BytesIO
from typing import Union, Tuple
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image, ImageColor
class RasterLabelVisualizer(object):
"""Visualizes raster mask labels and predictions."""
def __init__(self, label_map: Union[str, dict]):
"""Constructs a raster label visualizer.
label_map: a path to a JSON file containing a dict, or a dict. The dict needs to have two fields:
num_to_name {
numerical category (str or int) : display name (str)
num_to_color {
numerical category (str or int) : color representation (an object that matplotlib.colors recognizes
as a color; additionally a (R, G, B) tuple or list with uint8 values will also be parsed)
if isinstance(label_map, str):
assert os.path.exists(label_map)
with open(label_map) as f:
label_map = json.load(f)
assert 'num_to_name' in label_map
assert isinstance(label_map['num_to_name'], dict)
assert 'num_to_color' in label_map
assert isinstance(label_map['num_to_color'], dict)
self.num_to_name = RasterLabelVisualizer._dict_key_to_int(label_map['num_to_name'])
self.num_to_color = RasterLabelVisualizer._dict_key_to_int(label_map['num_to_color'])
assert len(self.num_to_color) == len(self.num_to_name)
self.num_classes = len(self.num_to_name)
# check for duplicate names or colors
assert len(set(self.num_to_color.values())) == self.num_classes, 'There are duplicate colors in the colormap'
assert len(set(self.num_to_name.values())) == self.num_classes, \
'There are duplicate class names in the colormap'
self.num_to_color = RasterLabelVisualizer.standardize_colors(self.num_to_color)
# create the custom colormap according to colors defined in label_map
required_colors = []
# key is originally a string
for num, color_name in sorted(self.num_to_color.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]): # num already cast to int
rgb = mcolors.to_rgb(mcolors.CSS4_COLORS[color_name])
# mcolors.to_rgb is to [0, 1] values; ImageColor.getrgb gets [1, 255] values
self.colormap = mcolors.ListedColormap(required_colors)
# vmin and vmax appear to be inclusive,
# so if there are a total of 34 classes, class 0 to class 33 each maps to a color
self.normalizer = mcolors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=self.num_classes - 1)
self.color_matrix = self._make_color_matrix()
def _dict_key_to_int(d: dict) -> dict:
return {int(k): v for k, v in d.items()}
def _make_color_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Creates a color matrix of dims (num_classes, 3), where a row corresponds to the RGB values of each class.
matrix = []
for num, color in sorted(self.num_to_color.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
rgb = RasterLabelVisualizer.matplotlib_color_to_uint8_rgb(color)
matrix = np.array(matrix)
assert matrix.shape == (self.num_classes, 3)
return matrix
def standardize_colors(num_to_color: dict) -> dict:
"""Return a new dict num_to_color with colors verified. uint8 RGB tuples are converted to a hex string
as matplotlib.colors do not accepted uint8 intensity values"""
new = {}
for num, color in num_to_color.items():
if mcolors.is_color_like(color):
new[num] = color
# try to see if it's a (r, g, b) tuple or list of uint8 values
assert len(color) == 3 or len(
color) == 4, f'Color {color} is specified as a tuple or list but is not of length 3 or 4'
for c in color:
assert isinstance(c, int) and 0 < c < 256, f'RGB value {c} is out of range'
new[num] = RasterLabelVisualizer.uint8_rgb_to_hex(color[0], color[1], color[3]) # drop any alpha values
assert len(new) == len(num_to_color)
return new
def uint8_rgb_to_hex(r: int, g: int, b: int) -> str:
"""Convert RGB values in uint8 to a hex color string
return f'#{r:02x}{g:02x}{b:02x}'
def matplotlib_color_to_uint8_rgb(color: Union[str, tuple, list]) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
"""Converts any matplotlib recognized color representation to (R, G, B) uint intensity values
Need to use matplotlib, which recognizes different color formats, to convert to hex,
then use PIL to convert to uint8 RGB. matplotlib does not support the uint8 RGB format
color_hex = mcolors.to_hex(color)
color_rgb = ImageColor.getcolor(color_hex, 'RGB') # '#DDA0DD' to (221, 160, 221); alpha silently dropped
return color_rgb
def get_tiff_colormap(self) -> dict:
"""Returns the object to pass to rasterio dataset object's write_colormap() function,
which is a dict mapping int values to a tuple of (R, G, B)
See https://rasterio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/color.html for writing the TIFF colormap
colormap = {}
for num, color in self.num_to_color.items():
# uint8 RGB required by TIFF
colormap[num] = RasterLabelVisualizer.matplotlib_color_to_uint8_rgb(color)
return colormap
def get_tool_colormap(self) -> str:
"""Returns a string that is a JSON of a list of items specifying the name and color
of classes. Example:
{"name": "Water", "color": "#0000FF"},
{"name": "Tree Canopy", "color": "#008000"},
{"name": "Field", "color": "#80FF80"},
{"name": "Built", "color": "#806060"}
classes = []
for num, name in sorted(self.num_to_name.items(), key=lambda x: int(x[0])):
color = self.num_to_color[num]
color_hex = mcolors.to_hex(color)
'name': name,
'color': color_hex
classes = json.dumps(classes, indent=4)
return classes
def plot_colortable(name_to_color: dict, title: str, sort_colors: bool = False, emptycols: int = 0) -> plt.Figure:
function taken from https://matplotlib.org/3.1.0/gallery/color/named_colors.html
cell_width = 212
cell_height = 22
swatch_width = 70
margin = 12
topmargin = 40
# Sort name_to_color by hue, saturation, value and name.
if sort_colors is True:
by_hsv = sorted((tuple(mcolors.rgb_to_hsv(mcolors.to_rgb(color))),
for name, color in name_to_color.items())
names = [name for hsv, name in by_hsv]
names = list(name_to_color)
n = len(names)
ncols = 4 - emptycols
nrows = n // ncols + int(n % ncols > 0)
width = cell_width * 4 + 2 * margin
height = cell_height * nrows + margin + topmargin
dpi = 80 # other numbers don't seem to work well
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(width / dpi, height / dpi), dpi=dpi)
fig.subplots_adjust(margin / width, margin / height,
(width - margin) / width, (height - topmargin) / height)
ax.set_xlim(0, cell_width * 4)
ax.set_ylim(cell_height * (nrows - 0.5), -cell_height / 2.)
ax.set_title(title, fontsize=24, loc='left', pad=10)
for i, name in enumerate(names):
row = i % nrows
col = i // nrows
y = row * cell_height
swatch_start_x = cell_width * col
swatch_end_x = cell_width * col + swatch_width
text_pos_x = cell_width * col + swatch_width + 7
ax.text(text_pos_x, y, name, fontsize=14,
ax.hlines(y, swatch_start_x, swatch_end_x,
color=name_to_color[name], linewidth=18)
return fig
def plot_color_legend(self, legend_title: str = 'Categories') -> plt.Figure:
"""Builds a legend of color block, numerical categories and names of the categories.
a matplotlib.pyplot Figure
label_map = {}
for num, color in self.num_to_color.items():
label_map['{} {}'.format(num, self.num_to_name[num])] = color
fig = RasterLabelVisualizer.plot_colortable(label_map, legend_title, sort_colors=False, emptycols=3)
return fig
def show_label_raster(self, label_raster: Union[Image.Image, np.ndarray],
size: Tuple[int, int] = (10, 10)) -> Tuple[Image.Image, BytesIO]:
"""Visualizes a label mask or hardmax predictions of a model, according to the category color map
provided when the class was initialized.
The label_raster provided needs to contain values in [0, num_classes].
label_raster: 2D numpy array or PIL Image where each number indicates the pixel's class
size: matplotlib size in inches (h, w)
(im, buf) - PIL image of the matplotlib figure, and a BytesIO buf containing the matplotlib Figure
saved as a PNG
if not isinstance(label_raster, np.ndarray):
label_raster = np.asarray(label_raster)
label_raster = label_raster.squeeze()
assert len(label_raster.shape) == 2, 'label_raster provided has more than 2 dimensions after squeezing'
# min of 0, which is usually empty / no label
assert np.min(label_raster) >= 0, f'Invalid value for class label: {np.min(label_raster)}'
# non-empty, actual class labels start at 1
assert np.max(label_raster) <= self.num_classes, f'Invalid value for class label: {np.max(label_raster)}'
_ = plt.figure(figsize=size)
_ = plt.imshow(label_raster, cmap=self.colormap, norm=self.normalizer, interpolation='none')
buf = BytesIO()
plt.savefig(buf, format='png')
im = Image.open(buf)
return im, buf
def visualize_matrix(matrix: np.ndarray) -> Image.Image:
"""Shows a 2D matrix of RGB or greyscale values as a PIL Image.
matrix: a (H, W, 3) or (H, W) numpy array, representing a colored or greyscale image
a PIL Image object
assert len(matrix.shape) in [2, 3]
image = Image.fromarray(matrix)
return image
def visualize_softmax_predictions(self, softmax_preds: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Visualizes softmax probabilities in RGB according to the class label's assigned colors
softmax_preds: numpy array of dimensions (batch_size, num_classes, H, W) or (num_classes, H, W)
numpy array of size ((batch_size), H, W, 3). You may need to roll the last axis to in-front before
writing to TIFF
ValueError when the dimension of softmax_preds is not compliant
assert len(softmax_preds.shape) == 4 or len(softmax_preds.shape) == 3
# row the num_classes dimension to the end
if len(softmax_preds.shape) == 4:
assert softmax_preds.shape[1] == self.num_classes
softmax_preds_transposed = np.transpose(softmax_preds, axes=(0, 2, 3, 1))
elif len(softmax_preds.shape) == 3:
assert softmax_preds.shape[0] == self.num_classes
softmax_preds_transposed = np.transpose(softmax_preds, axes=(1, 2, 0))
raise ValueError('softmax_preds does not have the required length in the dimension of the classes')
# ((batch_size), H, W, num_classes) @ (num_classes * 3) = ((batch_size), H, W, 3)
colored_view = softmax_preds_transposed @ self.color_matrix
return colored_view

docker-compose.yml Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
build: .
image: "nlrc-building-damage-assessment:latest"
- type: bind
source: ${dataset_path}
target: "/inference_files/dataset/"

dockerfile Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
FROM nvidia/cuda:11.0-cudnn8-devel-ubuntu18.04
# Miniconda archive to install
ARG miniconda_version="4.9.2"
ARG miniconda_checksum="122c8c9beb51e124ab32a0fa6426c656"
ARG conda_version="4.9.2"
ENV CONDA_DIR=/opt/conda \
SHELL=/bin/bash \
LANG=en_US.UTF-8 \
ENV MINICONDA_VERSION="${miniconda_version}" \
# General OS dependencies
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -yq --no-install-recommends \
wget \
apt-utils \
unzip \
bzip2 \
ca-certificates \
sudo \
locales \
fonts-liberation \
unattended-upgrades \
run-one \
nano \
libgl1-mesa-glx \
&& apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Miniconda installation
RUN wget --quiet https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-py38_${MINICONDA_VERSION}-Linux-x86_64.sh && \
echo "${miniconda_checksum} *Miniconda3-py38_${MINICONDA_VERSION}-Linux-x86_64.sh" | md5sum -c - && \
/bin/bash Miniconda3-py38_${MINICONDA_VERSION}-Linux-x86_64.sh -f -b -p $CONDA_DIR && \
rm Miniconda3-py38_${MINICONDA_VERSION}-Linux-x86_64.sh && \
# Conda configuration see https://conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/configuration.html
echo "conda ${CONDA_VERSION}" >> $CONDA_DIR/conda-meta/pinned && \
conda install --quiet --yes "conda=${CONDA_VERSION}" && \
conda install --quiet --yes pip && \
conda update --all --quiet --yes && \
conda clean --all -f -y && \
rm -rf /home/$NB_USER/.cache/yarn
# Inference code
WORKDIR /inference_files
COPY . /inference_files/
RUN /opt/conda/bin/conda init bash
RUN conda env create --file environment.yml
ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/conda/envs/nlrc/bin/python", "./inference/inference.py"]

environment.yml Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
name: nlrc
- defaults
- conda-forge
- nvidia
- pytorch
- python==3.7.9
- pip==21.0.1
- rasterio==1.1.0
- gdal==3.0.2
- jupyterlab==3.0.7
- numpy==1.20.1
- nb_conda_kernels==2.3.1
- tqdm==4.56.2
- humanfriendly==9.1
- geopandas==0.8.1
- shapely==1.7.1
- scikit-learn==0.23.2
- tensorboard>=1.15
- tensorflow>=1.15.0
- pytorch
- torchvision
- cudatoolkit=11.1
- pip:
- azure-storage-blob==12.7.1
- opencv-python==
- pandas==1.1.5
- matplotlib==3.3.4
- scikit-image==0.17.2

eval/__ init __.py Normal file
Просмотреть файл

Различия файлов скрыты, потому что одна или несколько строк слишком длинны

eval/eval_building_level.py Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Input a set of raster model output files (same format as the masks) and original polygon JSON files, produces
polygonized versions of the model output and compute metrics based on an IoU threshold.
TODO: we need the outer loop to iterate over tiles, and to draw confusion matrices etc.
import json
import os
from typing import List, Tuple
from collections.abc import Iterable
from collections import defaultdict
import cv2
import rasterio.features
import numpy as np
import shapely.geometry
from shapely.geometry import mapping, Polygon
from PIL import Image
from data.create_label_masks import get_feature_info, read_json
all_classes = set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
allowed_classes = set([1, 2, 3, 4]) # 5 is Unclassified, not used during evaluation
def _evaluate_tile(pred_polygons_and_class: list,
label_polygons_and_class: list,
iou_threshold: float=0.5):
- For each predicted polygon, we find the maximum value of IoU it has with any ground truth
polygon within the tile. This ground truth polygon is its "match".
- Using the threshold IoU specified (typically and by default 0.5), if a prediction has
overlap above the threshold AND the correct class, it is considered a true positive.
All other predictions, no matter what their IOU is with any gt, are false positives.
- Note that it is possible for one ground truth polygon to be the match for
multiple predictions, especially if the IoU threshold is low, but each prediction
only has one matching ground truth polygon.
- For ground truth polygon not matched by any predictions, it is a false negative.
- Given the TP, FP, and FN counts for each class, we can calculate the precision and recall
for each tile *for each class*.
- To plot a confusion table, we output two lists, one for the predictions and one for the
ground truth polygons (because the set of polygons to confuse over are not the same...)
1. For the list of predictions, each item is associated with the ground truth class of
the polygon that it matched, or a "false positive" attribute.
2. For the list of ground truth polygons, each is associated with the predicted class of
the polygon it matched, or a "false negative" attribute.
pred_polygons_and_class: list of tuples of shapely Polygon representing the geometry of the prediction,
and the predicted class
label_polygons_and_class: list of tuples of shapely Polygon representing the ground truth geometry,
and the class
allowed_classes: which classes should be evaluated
iou_threshold: Intersection over union threshold above which a predicted polygon is considered
true positive
results: a dict of dicts, keyed by the class number, and points to a dict with counts of
true positives "tp", false positives "fp", and false negatives "fn"
list_preds: a list with one entry for each prediction. Each entry is of the form
{'pred': 3, 'label': 3}. This information is for a confusion matrix based on the
predicted polygons.
list_labels: same as list_preds, while each entry corresponds to a ground truth polygon.
The value for 'pred' is None if this polygon is a false negative.
# the matched label polygon's IoU with the pred polygon, and the label polygon's index
pred_max_iou_w_label = [(0.0, None)] * len(pred_polygons_and_class)
for i_pred, (pred_poly, pred_class) in enumerate(pred_polygons_and_class):
# cannot skip pred_class if it's not in the allowed list, as the list above relies on their indices
for i_label, (label_poly, label_class) in enumerate(label_polygons_and_class):
if not pred_poly.is_valid:
pred_poly = pred_poly.buffer(0)
if not label_poly.is_valid:
label_poly = label_poly.buffer(0)
intersection = pred_poly.intersection(label_poly)
union = pred_poly.union(label_poly) # they should not have zero area
iou = intersection.area / union.area
if iou > pred_max_iou_w_label[i_pred][0]:
pred_max_iou_w_label[i_pred] = (iou, i_label)
results = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) # class: {tp, fp, fn} counts
results[-1] = len(pred_polygons_and_class)
i_label_polygons_matched = set()
list_preds = []
list_labels = []
for i_pred, (pred_poly, pred_class) in enumerate(pred_polygons_and_class):
if pred_class not in allowed_classes:
max_iou, matched_i_label = pred_max_iou_w_label[i_pred]
item = {
'pred': pred_class,
'label': label_polygons_and_class[matched_i_label][1] if matched_i_label is not None else None
if matched_i_label is not None:
if max_iou > iou_threshold and label_polygons_and_class[matched_i_label][1] == pred_class:
# true positive
results[pred_class]['tp'] += 1
for cls in allowed_classes:
if cls != pred_class:
results[cls]['tn'] += 1
# false positive - all other predictions
results[pred_class]['fp'] += 1 # note that it is a FP for the prediction's class
# print(matched_i_label)
##results[matched_i_label]['fn'] += 1 # note that it is a FP for the prediction's class
# calculate the number of false negatives - how many label polygons are not matched by any predictions
for i_label, (label_poly, label_class) in enumerate(label_polygons_and_class):
if label_class not in allowed_classes:
if i_label not in i_label_polygons_matched:
results[label_class]['fn'] += 1
'pred': None,
'label': label_class
return results, list_preds, list_labels
def get_label_and_pred_polygons_for_tile_json_input(path_label_json, path_pred_mask):
For each tile, cast the polygons specified in the label JSON file to shapely Polygons, and
polygonize the prediction mask.
path_label_json: path to the label JSON file provided by xBD
path_pred_mask: path to the PNG or TIFF mask predicted by the model, where each pixel is one
of the allowed classes.
pred_polygons_and_class: list of tuples of shapely Polygon representing the geometry of the prediction,
and the predicted class
label_polygons_and_class: list of tuples of shapely Polygon representing the ground truth geometry,
and the class
assert path_label_json.endswith('.json')
# get the label polygons
label_json = read_json(path_label_json)
polys = get_feature_info(label_json)
label_polygons_and_class = [] # tuples of (shapely polygon, damage_class_num)
for uid, tup in polys.items():
poly, damage_class_num = tup # poly is a np.ndarray
polygon = Polygon(poly)
if damage_class_num in allowed_classes:
label_polygons_and_class.append((polygon, damage_class_num))
# polygonize the prediction mask
# 1. Detect the connected components by all non-background classes to determine the predicted
# building blobs first (if we do this per class, a building with some pixels predicted to be
# in another class will result in more buildings than connected components)
mask_pred = np.asarray(Image.open(path_pred_mask))
assert len(mask_pred.shape) == 2, 'mask should be 2D only.'
background_and_others_mask = np.where(mask_pred > 0, 1, 0).astype(np.int16) # all non-background classes become 1
# rasterio.features.shapes:
# default is 4-connected for connectivity - see https://www.mathworks.com/help/images/pixel-connectivity.html
# specify the `mask` parameter, otherwise the background will be returned as a shape
connected_components = rasterio.features.shapes(background_and_others_mask, mask=mask_pred > 0)
polygons = []
for component_geojson, pixel_val in connected_components:
# reference: https://shapely.readthedocs.io/en/stable/manual.html#python-geo-interface
shape = shapely.geometry.shape(component_geojson)
assert isinstance(shape, Polygon)
if shape.area >20:
# 2. The majority class for each building blob is assigned to be that building's predicted class.
polygons_by_class = []
for c in all_classes:
# default is 4-connected for connectivity
shapes = rasterio.features.shapes(mask_pred, mask=mask_pred == c)
for shape_geojson, pixel_val in shapes:
shape = shapely.geometry.shape(shape_geojson)
assert isinstance(shape, Polygon)
polygons_by_class.append((shape, int(pixel_val)))
# we take the class of the shape with the maximum overlap with the building polygon to be the class of the building - majority vote
polygons_max_overlap = [0.0] * len(polygons) # indexed by polygon_i
polygons_max_overlap_class = [None] * len(polygons)
assert isinstance(polygons, list) # need the order constant
for polygon_i, polygon in enumerate(polygons):
for shape, shape_class in polygons_by_class:
if not shape.is_valid:
shape = shape.buffer(0)
if not polygon.is_valid:
polygon = polygon.buffer(0)
intersection_area = polygon.intersection(shape).area
if intersection_area > polygons_max_overlap[polygon_i]:
polygons_max_overlap[polygon_i] = intersection_area
polygons_max_overlap_class[polygon_i] = shape_class
pred_polygons_and_class = [] # include all classes
for polygon_i, (max_overlap_area, clss) in enumerate(zip(polygons_max_overlap, polygons_max_overlap_class)):
(polygons[polygon_i], clss)
return pred_polygons_and_class, label_polygons_and_class
def get_label_and_pred_polygons_for_tile_mask_input(label_mask, path_pred_mask):
For each tile, polygonize the prediction and label mask.
label_mask: array that contains label mask
path_pred_mask: path to the PNG or TIFF mask predicted by the model, where each pixel is one
of the allowed classes.
pred_polygons_and_class: list of tuples of shapely Polygon representing the geometry of the prediction,
and the predicted class
label_polygons_and_class: list of tuples of shapely Polygon representing the ground truth geometry,
and the class
# polygonize the label mask
# mask_label = np.asarray(Image.open(path_label_mask))
label_polygons_and_class = [] # tuples of (shapely polygon, damage_class_num)
# print('label_mask')
# print(label_mask.shape)
for c in all_classes:
# default is 4-connected for connectivity
shapes = rasterio.features.shapes(label_mask, mask=label_mask == c)
for shape_geojson, pixel_val in shapes:
shape = shapely.geometry.shape(shape_geojson)
assert isinstance(shape, Polygon)
label_polygons_and_class.append((shape, int(pixel_val)))
# polygonize the prediction mask
# 1. Detect the connected components by all non-background classes to determine the predicted
# building blobs first (if we do this per class, a building with some pixels predicted to be
# in another class will result in more buildings than connected components)
mask_pred = np.asarray(Image.open(path_pred_mask))
# mask_pred = cv2.medianBlur(mask_pred, 17)
# print('mask_pred')
# print(mask_pred.shape)
assert len(mask_pred.shape) == 2, 'mask should be 2D only.'
background_and_others_mask = np.where(mask_pred > 0, 1, 0).astype(np.int16) # all non-background classes become 1
# rasterio.features.shapes:
# default is 4-connected for connectivity - see https://www.mathworks.com/help/images/pixel-connectivity.html
# specify the `mask` parameter, otherwise the background will be returned as a shape
connected_components = rasterio.features.shapes(background_and_others_mask, mask=mask_pred > 0)
polygons = []
for component_geojson, pixel_val in connected_components:
# reference: https://shapely.readthedocs.io/en/stable/manual.html#python-geo-interface
shape = shapely.geometry.shape(component_geojson)
assert isinstance(shape, Polygon)
if shape.area >20:
# 2. The majority class for each building blob is assigned to be that building's predicted class.
polygons_by_class = []
for c in all_classes:
# default is 4-connected for connectivity
shapes = rasterio.features.shapes(mask_pred, mask=mask_pred == c)
for shape_geojson, pixel_val in shapes:
shape = shapely.geometry.shape(shape_geojson)
assert isinstance(shape, Polygon)
polygons_by_class.append((shape, int(pixel_val)))
# we take the class of the shape with the maximum overlap with the building polygon to be the class of the building - majority vote
polygons_max_overlap = [0.0] * len(polygons) # indexed by polygon_i
polygons_max_overlap_class = [None] * len(polygons)
assert isinstance(polygons, list) # need the order constant
for polygon_i, polygon in enumerate(polygons):
for shape, shape_class in polygons_by_class:
if not shape.is_valid:
shape = shape.buffer(0)
if not polygon.is_valid:
polygon = polygon.buffer(0)
intersection_area = polygon.intersection(shape).area
if intersection_area > polygons_max_overlap[polygon_i]:
polygons_max_overlap[polygon_i] = intersection_area
polygons_max_overlap_class[polygon_i] = shape_class
pred_polygons_and_class = [] # include all classes
for polygon_i, (max_overlap_area, clss) in enumerate(zip(polygons_max_overlap, polygons_max_overlap_class)):
(polygons[polygon_i], clss)
return pred_polygons_and_class, label_polygons_and_class

Различия файлов скрыты, потому что одна или несколько строк слишком длинны

Двоичные данные
eval/test_data/joplin-tornado_00000050_post_disaster_b1.png Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.


Ширина:  |  Высота:  |  Размер: 7.6 KiB

Различия файлов скрыты, потому что одна или несколько строк слишком длинны

Двоичные данные
eval/test_data/joplin-tornado_00000050_pre_disaster_b1.png Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.


Ширина:  |  Высота:  |  Размер: 7.1 KiB

Двоичные данные
eval/test_data/test_tile_0.png Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.


Ширина:  |  Высота:  |  Размер: 3.4 KiB

Двоичные данные
images/model.png Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.


Ширина:  |  Высота:  |  Размер: 396 KiB

Двоичные данные
images/results_1.PNG Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.


Ширина:  |  Высота:  |  Размер: 2.0 MiB

Двоичные данные
images/results_2.PNG Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.


Ширина:  |  Высота:  |  Размер: 1.9 MiB

Двоичные данные
images/results_3.PNG Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.


Ширина:  |  Высота:  |  Размер: 189 KiB

inference/inference.py Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
import os
import sys
SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.expanduser(__file__))))
sys.path.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, PACKAGE_PARENT)))
import json
import torch
import argparse
import logging
import pandas as pd
from PIL import Image
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import torch.nn as nn
from datetime import datetime
from torchvision import transforms
from data.raster_label_visualizer import RasterLabelVisualizer
from models.end_to_end_Siam_UNet import SiamUnet
from utils.datasets import DisasterDataset
from eval.eval_building_level import _evaluate_tile, get_label_and_pred_polygons_for_tile_mask_input, allowed_classes
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
config = {'labels_dmg': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
'labels_bld': [0, 1]}
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Building Damage Assessment Inference')
parser.add_argument('--output_dir', type=str, required=True, help='Path to an empty directory where outputs will be saved. This directory will be created if it does not exist.')
parser.add_argument('--data_img_dir', type=str, required=True, help='Path to a directory that contains input images.')
parser.add_argument('--data_inference_dict', type=str, required=True, help='Path to a json file that contains a dict of path information for each individual image to be used for inference.')
parser.add_argument('--data_mean_stddev', type=str, required=True, help='Path to a json file that contains mean and stddev for each tile used for normalization of each image patch.')
parser.add_argument('--label_map_json', type=str, required=True, help='Path to a json file that contains information between actual labels and encoded labels for classification task.')
parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, required=True, help='Path to a trained model to be used for inference.')
parser.add_argument('--gpu', type=str, default="cuda:0", help='GPU to run on.')
parser.add_argument('--experiment_name', type=str, default='infer', help='Choose a name for each inference test folder.')
parser.add_argument('--num_chips_to_viz', type=int, default=1, help='Number of patches to visualize in tensorboard for monitoring.')
args = parser.parse_args()
format='{asctime} {levelname} {message}',
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
logging.info(f'Using PyTorch version {torch.__version__}.')
device = torch.device(args.gpu if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
logging.info(f'Using device: {device}.')
def main():
eval_results_val_dmg = pd.DataFrame(columns=['class', 'precision', 'recall', 'f1', 'accuracy'])
eval_results_val_dmg_building_level = pd.DataFrame(columns=['class', 'precision', 'recall', 'f1', 'accuracy'])
eval_results_val_bld = pd.DataFrame(columns=['class', 'precision', 'recall', 'f1', 'accuracy'])
# set up directories
logger_dir = os.path.join(args.output_dir, args.experiment_name, 'logs')
os.makedirs(logger_dir, exist_ok=True)
evals_dir = os.path.join(args.output_dir, args.experiment_name, 'evals')
os.makedirs(evals_dir, exist_ok=True)
output_dir = os.path.join(args.output_dir, args.experiment_name, 'output')
os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)
# initialize logger instances
logger_test= SummaryWriter(log_dir=logger_dir)
# load test data
global test_dataset, test_loader, labels_set_dmg, labels_set_bld, viz
label_map = load_json_files(args.label_map_json)
viz = RasterLabelVisualizer(label_map=label_map)
test_dataset, samples_idx_list = load_dataset()
labels_set_dmg = config['labels_dmg']
labels_set_bld = config['labels_bld']
#load model and its state from the given checkpoint
model = SiamUnet()
checkpoint_path = args.model
if checkpoint_path and os.path.isfile(checkpoint_path):
logging.info('Loading checkpoint from {}'.format(checkpoint_path))
checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location=device)
model = model.to(device=device)
logging.info(f"Using checkpoint at epoch {checkpoint['epoch']}, val f1 is {checkpoint.get('val_f1_avg', 'Not Available')}")
logging.info('No valid checkpoint is provided.')
# inference
logging.info(f'Start model inference ...')
inference_start_time = datetime.now()
confusion_mtrx_df_val_dmg, confusion_mtrx_df_val_bld, confusion_mtrx_df_val_dmg_building_level = validate(test_dataset, model, logger_test, samples_idx_list, evals_dir)
inference_duration = datetime.now() - inference_start_time
logging.info((f'inference duration is {inference_duration.total_seconds()} seconds'))
logging.info(f'compute actual metrics for model evaluation based on validation set ...')
# damage level eval validation (pixelwise)
eval_results_val_dmg = compute_eval_metrics(labels_set_dmg, confusion_mtrx_df_val_dmg, eval_results_val_dmg)
f1_harmonic_mean = 0
metrics = 'f1'
for index, row in eval_results_val_dmg.iterrows():
if (int(row['class']) in labels_set_dmg[1:]) & (metrics == 'f1'):
f1_harmonic_mean += 1.0/(row[metrics]+1e-10)
f1_harmonic_mean = 4.0/f1_harmonic_mean
eval_results_val_dmg = eval_results_val_dmg.append({'class':'harmonic-mean-of-all', 'precision':'-', 'recall':'-', 'f1':f1_harmonic_mean, 'accuracy':'-'}, ignore_index=True)
# damage level eval validation (building-level)
eval_results_val_dmg_building_level = compute_eval_metrics(labels_set_dmg, confusion_mtrx_df_val_dmg_building_level, eval_results_val_dmg_building_level)
f1_harmonic_mean = 0
metrics = 'f1'
for index, row in eval_results_val_dmg_building_level.iterrows():
if (int(row['class']) in labels_set_dmg[1:]) & (metrics == 'f1'):
f1_harmonic_mean += 1.0/(row[metrics]+1e-10)
f1_harmonic_mean = 4.0/f1_harmonic_mean
eval_results_val_dmg_building_level = eval_results_val_dmg_building_level.append({'class':'harmonic-mean-of-all', 'precision':'-', 'recall':'-', 'f1':f1_harmonic_mean, 'accuracy':'-'}, ignore_index=True)
# bld detection eval validation (pixelwise)
eval_results_val_bld = compute_eval_metrics(labels_set_bld, confusion_mtrx_df_val_bld, eval_results_val_bld)
# save confusion metrices
confusion_mtrx_df_val_bld.to_csv(os.path.join(evals_dir, 'confusion_mtrx_bld.csv'), index=False)
confusion_mtrx_df_val_dmg.to_csv(os.path.join(evals_dir, 'confusion_mtrx_dmg.csv'), index=False)
confusion_mtrx_df_val_dmg_building_level.to_csv(os.path.join(evals_dir, 'confusion_mtrx_dmg_building_level.csv'), index=False)
# save evalution metrics
eval_results_val_bld.to_csv(os.path.join(evals_dir, 'eval_results_bld.csv'), index=False)
eval_results_val_dmg.to_csv(os.path.join(evals_dir, 'eval_results_dmg.csv'), index=False)
eval_results_val_dmg_building_level.to_csv(os.path.join(evals_dir, 'eval_results_dmg_building_level.csv'), index=False)
def validate(loader, model, logger_test, samples_idx_list, evals_dir):
Evaluate the model on dataset of the loader
softmax = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1)
model.eval() # put model to evaluation mode
confusion_mtrx_df_val_dmg = pd.DataFrame(columns=['img_idx', 'class', 'true_pos', 'true_neg', 'false_pos', 'false_neg', 'total'])
confusion_mtrx_df_val_bld = pd.DataFrame(columns=['img_idx', 'class', 'true_pos', 'true_neg', 'false_pos', 'false_neg', 'total'])
confusion_mtrx_df_val_dmg_building_level = pd.DataFrame(columns=['img_idx', 'class', 'true_pos', 'true_neg', 'false_pos', 'false_neg', 'total'])
with torch.no_grad():
for img_idx, data in enumerate(tqdm(loader)): # assume batch size is 1
c = data['pre_image'].size()[0]
h = data['pre_image'].size()[1]
w = data['pre_image'].size()[2]
x_pre = data['pre_image'].reshape(1, c, h, w).to(device=device)
x_post = data['post_image'].reshape(1, c, h, w).to(device=device)
y_seg = data['building_mask'].to(device=device)
y_cls = data['damage_mask'].to(device=device)
scores = model(x_pre, x_post)
# compute accuracy for segmenation model on pre_ images
preds_seg_pre = torch.argmax(softmax(scores[0]), dim=1)
# modify damage prediction based on UNet arm predictions
for c in range(0,scores[2].shape[1]):
scores[2][:,c,:,:] = torch.mul(scores[2][:,c,:,:], preds_seg_pre)
preds_cls = torch.argmax(softmax(scores[2]), dim=1)
path_pred_mask = data['preds_img_dir'] +'.png'
logging.info('save png image for damage level predictions: ' + path_pred_mask)
im = Image.fromarray(preds_cls.cpu().numpy()[0,:,:].astype(np.uint8))
if not os.path.exists(os.path.split(data['preds_img_dir'])[0]):
logging.info(f'saved image size: {preds_cls.size()}')
# compute building-level confusion metrics
pred_polygons_and_class, label_polygons_and_class = get_label_and_pred_polygons_for_tile_mask_input(y_cls.cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8), path_pred_mask)
results, list_preds, list_labels = _evaluate_tile(pred_polygons_and_class, label_polygons_and_class, allowed_classes, 0.1)
total_objects = results[-1]
for label_class in results:
if label_class != -1:
true_pos_cls = results[label_class]['tp'] if 'tp' in results[label_class].keys() else 0
true_neg_cls = results[label_class]['tn'] if 'tn' in results[label_class].keys() else 0
false_pos_cls = results[label_class]['fp'] if 'fp' in results[label_class].keys() else 0
false_neg_cls = results[label_class]['fn'] if 'fn' in results[label_class].keys() else 0
confusion_mtrx_df_val_dmg_building_level = confusion_mtrx_df_val_dmg_building_level.append({'img_idx':img_idx, 'class':label_class, 'true_pos':true_pos_cls, 'true_neg':true_neg_cls, 'false_pos':false_pos_cls, 'false_neg':false_neg_cls, 'total':total_objects}, ignore_index=True)
# compute comprehensive pixel-level comfusion metrics
confusion_mtrx_df_val_dmg = compute_confusion_mtrx(confusion_mtrx_df_val_dmg, img_idx, labels_set_dmg, preds_cls, y_cls, y_seg)
confusion_mtrx_df_val_bld = compute_confusion_mtrx(confusion_mtrx_df_val_bld, img_idx, labels_set_bld, preds_seg_pre, y_seg, [])
# add viz results to logger
if img_idx in samples_idx_list:
prepare_for_vis(img_idx, logger_test, model, device, softmax)
return confusion_mtrx_df_val_dmg, confusion_mtrx_df_val_bld, confusion_mtrx_df_val_dmg_building_level
def load_dataset():
splits = load_json_files(args.data_inference_dict)
data_mean_stddev = load_json_files(args.data_mean_stddev)
test_ls = []
for item, val in splits.items():
test_ls += val['test']
test_dataset = DisasterDataset(args.data_img_dir, test_ls, data_mean_stddev, transform=False, normalize=True)
logging.info('xBD_disaster_dataset test length: {}'.format(len(test_dataset)))
assert len(test_dataset) > 0
samples_idx_list = get_sample_images(test_dataset)
logging.info('items selected for viz: {}'.format(samples_idx_list))
return test_dataset, samples_idx_list
def compute_eval_metrics(labels_set, confusion_mtrx_df, eval_results):
for cls in labels_set:
class_idx = (confusion_mtrx_df['class']==cls)
precision = confusion_mtrx_df.loc[class_idx,'true_pos'].sum()/(confusion_mtrx_df.loc[class_idx,'true_pos'].sum() + confusion_mtrx_df.loc[class_idx,'false_pos'].sum() + sys.float_info.epsilon)
recall = confusion_mtrx_df.loc[class_idx,'true_pos'].sum()/(confusion_mtrx_df.loc[class_idx,'true_pos'].sum() + confusion_mtrx_df.loc[class_idx,'false_neg'].sum() + sys.float_info.epsilon)
f1 = 2 * (precision * recall)/(precision + recall + sys.float_info.epsilon)
accuracy = (confusion_mtrx_df.loc[class_idx,'true_pos'].sum() + confusion_mtrx_df.loc[class_idx,'true_neg'].sum())/(confusion_mtrx_df.loc[class_idx,'total'].sum() + sys.float_info.epsilon)
eval_results = eval_results.append({'class':cls, 'precision':precision, 'recall':recall, 'f1':f1, 'accuracy':accuracy}, ignore_index=True)
return eval_results
def compute_confusion_mtrx(confusion_mtrx_df, img_idx, labels_set, y_preds, y_true, y_true_bld_mask):
for cls in labels_set[1:]:
confusion_mtrx_df = compute_confusion_mtrx_class(confusion_mtrx_df, img_idx, labels_set, y_preds, y_true, y_true_bld_mask, cls)
return confusion_mtrx_df
def compute_confusion_mtrx_class(confusion_mtrx_df, img_idx, labels_set, y_preds, y_true, y_true_bld_mask, cls):
y_true_binary = y_true.detach().clone()
y_preds_binary = y_preds.detach().clone()
if len(labels_set) > 2:
# convert to 0/1
y_true_binary[y_true_binary != cls] = -1
y_preds_binary[y_preds_binary != cls] = -1
y_true_binary[y_true_binary == cls] = 1
y_preds_binary[y_preds_binary == cls] = 1
y_true_binary[y_true_binary == -1] = 0
y_preds_binary[y_preds_binary == -1] = 0
# compute confusion metric
true_pos_cls = ((y_true_binary == y_preds_binary) & (y_true_binary == 1) & (y_true_bld_mask == 1)).float().sum().item()
false_neg_cls = ((y_true_binary != y_preds_binary) & (y_true_binary == 1) & (y_true_bld_mask == 1)).float().sum().item()
true_neg_cls = ((y_true_binary == y_preds_binary) & (y_true_binary == 0) & (y_true_bld_mask == 1)).float().sum().item()
false_pos_cls = ((y_true_binary != y_preds_binary) & (y_true_binary == 0) & (y_true_bld_mask == 1)).float().sum().item()
# compute total pixels
total_pixels = y_true_bld_mask.float().sum().item()
# compute confusion metric
true_pos_cls = ((y_true_binary == y_preds_binary) & (y_true_binary == 1)).float().sum().item()
false_neg_cls = ((y_true_binary != y_preds_binary) & (y_true_binary == 1)).float().sum().item()
true_neg_cls = ((y_true_binary == y_preds_binary) & (y_true_binary == 0)).float().sum().item()
false_pos_cls = ((y_true_binary != y_preds_binary) & (y_true_binary == 0)).float().sum().item()
# compute total pixels
total_pixels = 1
for item in y_true_binary.size():
total_pixels *= item
confusion_mtrx_df = confusion_mtrx_df.append({'class':cls, 'img_idx':img_idx, 'true_pos':true_pos_cls, 'true_neg':true_neg_cls, 'false_pos':false_pos_cls, 'false_neg':false_neg_cls, 'total':total_pixels}, ignore_index=True)
return confusion_mtrx_df
def prepare_for_vis(item, logger, model, device, softmax):
iteration = 0
data = test_dataset[item]
c = data['pre_image'].size()[0]
h = data['pre_image'].size()[1]
w = data['pre_image'].size()[2]
pre = data['pre_image'].reshape(1, c, h, w)
post = data['post_image'].reshape(1, c, h, w)
scores = model(pre.to(device=device), post.to(device=device))
preds_seg_pre = torch.argmax(softmax(scores[0]), dim=1)
preds_seg_post = torch.argmax(softmax(scores[1]), dim=1)
# modify damage prediction based on UNet arm predictions
for c in range(0,scores[2].shape[1]):
scores[2][:,c,:,:] = torch.mul(scores[2][:,c,:,:], preds_seg_pre)
# visualize predictions and add to tensorboard
tag = 'pr_bld_mask_pre_test_id_' + str(item)
logger.add_image(tag, preds_seg_pre, iteration, dataformats='CHW')
tag = 'pr_bld_mask_post_test_id_' + str(item)
logger.add_image(tag, preds_seg_post, iteration, dataformats='CHW')
tag = 'pr_dmg_mask_test_id_' + str(item)
im, buf = viz.show_label_raster(torch.argmax(softmax(scores[2]), dim=1).cpu().numpy(), size=(5, 5))
preds_cls = transforms.ToTensor()(transforms.ToPILImage()(np.array(im)).convert("RGB"))
logger.add_image(tag, preds_cls, iteration, dataformats='CHW')
# visualize GT and add to tensorboard
pre = data['pre_image']
tag = 'gt_img_pre_test_id_' + str(item)
logger.add_image(tag, data['pre_image_orig'], iteration, dataformats='CHW')
post = data['post_image']
tag = 'gt_img_post_test_id_' + str(item)
logger.add_image(tag, data['post_image_orig'], iteration, dataformats='CHW')
gt_seg = data['building_mask'].reshape(1, h, w)
tag = 'gt_bld_mask_test_id_' + str(item)
logger.add_image(tag, gt_seg, iteration, dataformats='CHW')
im, buf = viz.show_label_raster(np.array(data['damage_mask']), size=(5, 5))
gt_cls = transforms.ToTensor()(transforms.ToPILImage()(np.array(im)).convert("RGB"))
tag = 'gt_dmg_mask_test_id_' + str(item)
logger.add_image(tag, gt_cls, iteration, dataformats='CHW')
def get_sample_images(dataset):
assert len(dataset) > args.num_chips_to_viz
samples_idx_list = []
from random import randint
for sample_idx in range(0, args.num_chips_to_viz):
value = randint(0, len(dataset))
return samples_idx_list
def load_json_files(json_filename):
with open(json_filename) as f:
file_content = json.load(f)
return file_content
def dump_json_files(json_filename, my_dict):
with open(json_filename, 'w') as f:
json.dump(my_dict, f, indent=4)
if __name__ == "__main__":

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inference/utils/datasets.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
import logging
from PIL import Image
from glob import glob
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
import torchvision.transforms.functional as TF
from torchvision import transforms
import random
import os
class DisasterDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, data_dir, data_dir_ls, data_mean_stddev, transform:bool, normalize:bool):
self.data_dir = data_dir
self.dataset_sub_dir = data_dir_ls
self.data_mean_stddev = data_mean_stddev
self.transform = transform
self.normalize = normalize
def __len__(self):
return len(self.dataset_sub_dir)
def apply_transform(self, mask, pre_img, post_img, damage_class):
apply tranformation functions on PIL images
if random.random() > 0.5:
# Resize
img_h = pre_img.size[0]
img_w = pre_img.size[1]
resize = transforms.Resize(size=(int(round(1.016*img_h)), int(round(1.016*img_w))))
mask = resize(mask)
pre_img = resize(pre_img)
post_img = resize(post_img)
damage_class = resize(damage_class)
# Random crop
i, j, h, w = transforms.RandomCrop.get_params(pre_img, output_size=(img_h, img_w))
mask = TF.crop(mask, i, j, h, w)
pre_img = TF.crop(pre_img, i, j, h, w)
post_img = TF.crop(post_img, i, j, h, w)
damage_class = TF.crop(damage_class, i, j, h, w)
# Random horizontal flipping
if random.random() > 0.5:
mask = TF.hflip(mask)
pre_img = TF.hflip(pre_img)
post_img = TF.hflip(post_img)
damage_class = TF.hflip(damage_class)
# Random vertical flipping
if random.random() > 0.5:
mask = TF.vflip(mask)
pre_img = TF.vflip(pre_img)
post_img = TF.vflip(post_img)
damage_class = TF.vflip(damage_class)
return mask, pre_img, post_img, damage_class
def __getitem__(self, i):
imgs_dir = os.path.join(self.data_dir ,self.dataset_sub_dir[i].replace('labels', 'images'))
imgs_dir_tile = self.dataset_sub_dir[i].replace('labels', 'images')
masks_dir = os.path.join(self.data_dir, self.dataset_sub_dir[i].replace('labels', 'targets_border2'))
preds_dir = os.path.join(self.data_dir ,self.dataset_sub_dir[i].replace('labels', 'predictions'))
idx = imgs_dir
img_suffix = '_' + imgs_dir.split('_')[-1]
img_suffix_tile = '_' + imgs_dir_tile.split('_')[-1]
mask_suffix = '_' + masks_dir.split('_')[-1]
pre_img_tile_name = imgs_dir_tile[0:-1*(len(img_suffix_tile))] + '_pre_disaster'
pre_img_file_name = imgs_dir[0:-1*(len(img_suffix))] + '_pre_disaster' + img_suffix
pre_img_file = glob(pre_img_file_name + '.*')
mask_file_name = masks_dir[0:-1*(len(mask_suffix))] + '_pre_disaster_b2' + mask_suffix
mask_file = glob(mask_file_name + '.*')
post_img_tile_name = pre_img_tile_name.replace('pre', 'post')
post_img_file_name = pre_img_file_name.replace('pre', 'post')
post_img_file = glob(post_img_file_name + '.*')
damage_class_file_name = mask_file_name.replace('pre', 'post')
damage_class_file = glob(damage_class_file_name + '.*')
assert len(mask_file) == 1, \
f'Either no mask or multiple masks found for the ID {idx}: {mask_file_name}'
assert len(pre_img_file) == 1, \
f'Either no image or multiple images found for the ID {idx}: {pre_img_file_name}'
assert len(post_img_file) == 1, \
f'Either no post disaster image or multiple images found for the ID {idx}: {post_img_file_name}'
assert len(damage_class_file) == 1, \
f'Either no damage class image or multiple images found for the ID {idx}: {damage_class_file_name}'
mask = Image.open(mask_file[0])
pre_img = Image.open(pre_img_file[0])
post_img = Image.open(post_img_file[0])
damage_class = Image.open(damage_class_file[0])
assert pre_img.size == mask.size, \
f'Image and building mask {idx} should be the same size, but are {pre_img.size} and {mask.size}'
assert pre_img.size == damage_class.size, \
f'Image and damage classes mask {idx} should be the same size, but are {pre_img.size} and {damage_class.size}'
assert pre_img.size == post_img.size, \
f'Pre_ & _post disaster Images {idx} should be the same size, but are {pre_img.size} and {post_img.size}'
if self.transform is True:
mask, pre_img, post_img, damage_class = self.apply_transform(mask, pre_img, post_img, damage_class)
# copy original image for viz
pre_img_orig = pre_img
post_img_orig = post_img
if self.normalize is True:
# normalize the images based on a tilewise mean & std dev --> pre_
mean_pre = self.data_mean_stddev[pre_img_tile_name][0]
stddev_pre = self.data_mean_stddev[pre_img_tile_name][1]
norm_pre = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Normalize(mean=mean_pre, std=stddev_pre)
pre_img = norm_pre(np.array(pre_img).astype(dtype='float64')/255.0)
# normalize the images based on a tilewise mean & std dev --> post_
mean_post = self.data_mean_stddev[post_img_tile_name][0]
stddev_post = self.data_mean_stddev[post_img_tile_name][1]
norm_post = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Normalize(mean=mean_post, std=stddev_post)
post_img = norm_post(np.array(post_img).astype(dtype='float64')/255.0)
# convert eveything to arrays
pre_img = np.array(pre_img)
post_img = np.array(post_img)
mask = np.array(mask)
damage_class = np.array(damage_class)
# replace non-classified pixels with background
damage_class = np.where(damage_class==5, 0, damage_class)
return {'pre_image': torch.from_numpy(pre_img).type(torch.FloatTensor), 'post_image': torch.from_numpy(post_img).type(torch.FloatTensor), 'building_mask': torch.from_numpy(mask).type(torch.LongTensor), 'damage_mask': torch.from_numpy(damage_class).type(torch.LongTensor), 'pre_image_orig': transforms.ToTensor()(pre_img_orig), 'post_image_orig': transforms.ToTensor()(post_img_orig), 'img_file_idx':imgs_dir[0:-1*(len(img_suffix))].split('/')[-1] + img_suffix, 'preds_img_dir':preds_dir}

models/__ init __.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
from collections import OrderedDict
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
class SiamUnet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_channels=3, out_channels_s=2, out_channels_c=5, init_features=16):
super(SiamUnet, self).__init__()
features = init_features
# UNet layers
self.encoder1 = SiamUnet._block(in_channels, features, name="enc1")
self.pool1 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.encoder2 = SiamUnet._block(features, features * 2, name="enc2")
self.pool2 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.encoder3 = SiamUnet._block(features * 2, features * 4, name="enc3")
self.pool3 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.encoder4 = SiamUnet._block(features * 4, features * 8, name="enc4")
self.pool4 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.bottleneck = SiamUnet._block(features * 8, features * 16, name="bottleneck")
self.upconv4 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(features * 16, features * 8, kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.decoder4 = SiamUnet._block((features * 8) * 2, features * 8, name="dec4")
self.upconv3 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(features * 8, features * 4, kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.decoder3 = SiamUnet._block((features * 4) * 2, features * 4, name="dec3")
self.upconv2 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(features * 4, features * 2, kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.decoder2 = SiamUnet._block((features * 2) * 2, features * 2, name="dec2")
self.upconv1 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(features * 2, features, kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.decoder1 = SiamUnet._block(features * 2, features, name="dec1")
self.conv_s = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=features, out_channels=out_channels_s, kernel_size=1)
# Siamese classifier layers
self.upconv4_c = nn.ConvTranspose2d(features * 16, features * 8, kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.conv4_c = SiamUnet._block(features * 16, features * 16, name="conv4")
self.upconv3_c = nn.ConvTranspose2d(features * 16, features * 4, kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.conv3_c = SiamUnet._block(features * 8, features * 8, name="conv3")
self.upconv2_c = nn.ConvTranspose2d(features * 8, features * 2, kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.conv2_c = SiamUnet._block(features * 4, features * 4, name="conv2")
self.upconv1_c = nn.ConvTranspose2d(features * 4, features, kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.conv1_c = SiamUnet._block(features * 2, features * 2, name="conv1")
self.conv_c = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=features * 2, out_channels=out_channels_c, kernel_size=1)
def forward(self, x1, x2):
# UNet on x1
enc1_1 = self.encoder1(x1)
enc2_1 = self.encoder2(self.pool1(enc1_1))
enc3_1 = self.encoder3(self.pool2(enc2_1))
enc4_1 = self.encoder4(self.pool3(enc3_1))
bottleneck_1 = self.bottleneck(self.pool4(enc4_1))
dec4_1 = self.upconv4(bottleneck_1)
dec4_1 = torch.cat((dec4_1, enc4_1), dim=1)
dec4_1 = self.decoder4(dec4_1)
dec3_1 = self.upconv3(dec4_1)
dec3_1 = torch.cat((dec3_1, enc3_1), dim=1)
dec3_1 = self.decoder3(dec3_1)
dec2_1 = self.upconv2(dec3_1)
dec2_1 = torch.cat((dec2_1, enc2_1), dim=1)
dec2_1 = self.decoder2(dec2_1)
dec1_1 = self.upconv1(dec2_1)
dec1_1 = torch.cat((dec1_1, enc1_1), dim=1)
dec1_1 = self.decoder1(dec1_1)
# UNet on x2
enc1_2 = self.encoder1(x2)
enc2_2 = self.encoder2(self.pool1(enc1_2))
enc3_2 = self.encoder3(self.pool2(enc2_2))
enc4_2 = self.encoder4(self.pool3(enc3_2))
bottleneck_2 = self.bottleneck(self.pool4(enc4_2))
dec4_2 = self.upconv4(bottleneck_2)
dec4_2 = torch.cat((dec4_2, enc4_2), dim=1)
dec4_2 = self.decoder4(dec4_2)
dec3_2 = self.upconv3(dec4_2)
dec3_2 = torch.cat((dec3_2, enc3_2), dim=1)
dec3_2 = self.decoder3(dec3_2)
dec2_2 = self.upconv2(dec3_2)
dec2_2 = torch.cat((dec2_2, enc2_2), dim=1)
dec2_2 = self.decoder2(dec2_2)
dec1_2 = self.upconv1(dec2_2)
dec1_2 = torch.cat((dec1_2, enc1_2), dim=1)
dec1_2 = self.decoder1(dec1_2)
# Siamese
dec1_c = bottleneck_2 - bottleneck_1
dec1_c = self.upconv4_c(dec1_c) # features * 16 -> features * 8
diff_2 = enc4_2 - enc4_1 # features * 16 -> features * 8
dec2_c = torch.cat((diff_2, dec1_c), dim=1) #512
dec2_c = self.conv4_c(dec2_c)
dec2_c = self.upconv3_c(dec2_c) # 512->256
diff_3 = enc3_2 - enc3_1
dec3_c = torch.cat((diff_3, dec2_c), dim=1) # ->512
dec3_c = self.conv3_c(dec3_c)
dec3_c = self.upconv2_c(dec3_c) #512->256
diff_4 = enc2_2 - enc2_1
dec4_c = torch.cat((diff_4, dec3_c), dim=1) #
dec4_c = self.conv2_c(dec4_c)
dec4_c = self.upconv1_c(dec4_c)
diff_5 = enc1_2 - enc1_1
dec5_c = torch.cat((diff_5, dec4_c), dim=1)
dec5_c = self.conv1_c(dec5_c)
return self.conv_s(dec1_1), self.conv_s(dec1_2), self.conv_c(dec5_c)
def _block(in_channels, features, name):
return nn.Sequential(
name + "conv1",
(name + "norm1", nn.BatchNorm2d(num_features=features)),
(name + "relu1", nn.ReLU(inplace=True)),
name + "conv2",
(name + "norm2", nn.BatchNorm2d(num_features=features)),
(name + "relu2", nn.ReLU(inplace=True)),

Двоичные данные
models/model_best.pth.tar Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

train/train.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,704 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
import os
import sys
import math
import torch
import shutil
import logging
import torchvision
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import torch.nn as nn
from datetime import datetime
from torchvision import transforms
from time import localtime, strftime
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
from utils.raster_label_visualizer import RasterLabelVisualizer
from models.end_to_end_Siam_UNet import SiamUnet
from utils.train_utils import AverageMeter
from utils.train_utils import load_json_files, dump_json_files
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import ReduceLROnPlateau
from utils.dataset_shard_load import DisasterDataset
config = {'labels_dmg': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
'labels_bld': [0, 1],
'weights_seg': [1, 15],
'weights_damage': [1, 35, 70, 150, 120],
'weights_loss': [0, 0, 1],
'mode': 'dmg',
'init_learning_rate': 0.0005,#dmg: 0.005, #UNet: 0.01,
'device': 'cuda:2',
'epochs': 1500,
'batch_size': 32,
'num_chips_to_viz': 1,
'experiment_name': 'train_UNet', #train_dmg
'out_dir': './nlrc_outputs/',
'data_dir_shards': './xBD_sliced_augmented_20_alldisasters_final_mdl_npy/',
'shard_no': 0,
'disaster_splits_json': './nlrc.building-damage-assessment/constants/splits/final_mdl_all_disaster_splits_sliced_img_augmented_20.json',
'disaster_mean_stddev': './nlrc.building-damage-assessment/constants/splits/all_disaster_mean_stddev_tiles_0_1.json',
'label_map_json': './nlrc.building-damage-assessment/constants/class_lists/xBD_label_map.json',
'starting_checkpoint_path': './nlrc_outputs/UNet_all_data_dmg/checkpoints/checkpoint_epoch120_2021-06-30-10-28-49.pth.tar'}
format='{asctime} {levelname} {message}',
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
logging.info(f'Using PyTorch version {torch.__version__}.')
device = torch.device(config['device'] if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
logging.info(f'Using device: {device}.')
def main():
global viz, labels_set_dmg, labels_set_bld
global xBD_train, xBD_val
global train_loader, val_loader, test_loader
global weights_loss, mode
xBD_train, xBD_val = load_dataset()
train_loader = DataLoader(xBD_train, batch_size=config['batch_size'], shuffle=True, num_workers=8, pin_memory=False)
val_loader = DataLoader(xBD_val, batch_size=config['batch_size'], shuffle=False, num_workers=8, pin_memory=False)
label_map = load_json_files(config['label_map_json'])
viz = RasterLabelVisualizer(label_map=label_map)
labels_set_dmg = config['labels_dmg']
labels_set_bld = config['labels_bld']
mode = config['mode']
eval_results_tr_dmg = pd.DataFrame(columns=['epoch', 'class', 'precision', 'recall', 'f1', 'accuracy'])
eval_results_tr_bld = pd.DataFrame(columns=['epoch', 'class', 'precision', 'recall', 'f1', 'accuracy'])
eval_results_val_dmg = pd.DataFrame(columns=['epoch', 'class', 'precision', 'recall', 'f1', 'accuracy'])
eval_results_val_bld = pd.DataFrame(columns=['epoch', 'class', 'precision', 'recall', 'f1', 'accuracy'])
# set up directories
checkpoint_dir = os.path.join(config['out_dir'], config['experiment_name'], 'checkpoints')
os.makedirs(checkpoint_dir, exist_ok=True)
logger_dir = os.path.join(config['out_dir'], config['experiment_name'], 'logs')
os.makedirs(logger_dir, exist_ok=True)
evals_dir = os.path.join(config['out_dir'], config['experiment_name'], 'evals')
os.makedirs(evals_dir, exist_ok=True)
config_dir = os.path.join(config['out_dir'], config['experiment_name'], 'configs')
os.makedirs(config_dir, exist_ok=True)
dump_json_files(os.path.join(config_dir,'config.txt') , config)
# define model
model = SiamUnet().to(device=device)
# resume from a checkpoint if provided
starting_checkpoint_path = config['starting_checkpoint_path']
if starting_checkpoint_path and os.path.isfile(starting_checkpoint_path):
logging.info('Loading checkpoint from {}'.format(starting_checkpoint_path))
checkpoint = torch.load(starting_checkpoint_path, map_location=device)
#don't load the optimizer settings so that a newly specified lr can take effect
if mode == 'dmg':
model = freeze_model_param(model)
# monitor model
logger_model = SummaryWriter(log_dir=logger_dir)
for tag, value in model.named_parameters():
tag = tag.replace('.', '/')
logger_model.add_histogram(tag, value.data.cpu().numpy(), global_step=0)
for tag, value in model.named_parameters():
tag = tag.replace('.', '/')
logger_model.add_histogram(tag, value.data.cpu().numpy(), global_step=1)
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters()), lr=config['init_learning_rate'])
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=config['init_learning_rate'])
starting_epoch = checkpoint['epoch'] + 1 # we did not increment epoch before saving it, so can just start here
best_acc = checkpoint.get('best_f1', 0.0)
logging.info(f'Loaded checkpoint, starting epoch is {starting_epoch}, '
f'best f1 is {best_acc}')
logging.info('No valid checkpoint is provided. Start to train from scratch...')
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=config['init_learning_rate'])
starting_epoch = 1
best_acc = 0.0
scheduler = ReduceLROnPlateau(optimizer, mode='min', patience=2000, verbose=True)
# define loss functions and weights on classes
weights_seg_tf = torch.FloatTensor(config['weights_seg'])
weights_damage_tf = torch.FloatTensor(config['weights_damage'])
weights_loss = config['weights_loss']
criterion_seg_1 = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(weight=weights_seg_tf).to(device=device)
criterion_seg_2 = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(weight=weights_seg_tf).to(device=device)
criterion_damage = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(weight=weights_damage_tf).to(device=device)
# initialize logger instances
logger_train = SummaryWriter(log_dir=logger_dir)
logger_val = SummaryWriter(log_dir=logger_dir)
logger_test= SummaryWriter(log_dir=logger_dir)
logging.info('Log image samples')
logging.info('Get sample chips from train set...')
sample_train_ids = get_sample_images(which_set='train')
logging.info('Get sample chips from val set...')
sample_val_ids = get_sample_images(which_set='val')
epoch = starting_epoch
step_tr = 1
epochs = config['epochs']
while (epoch <= epochs):
###### train
logger_train.add_scalar( 'learning_rate', optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"], epoch)
logging.info(f'Model training for epoch {epoch}/{epochs}')
train_start_time = datetime.now()
model, optimizer, step_tr, confusion_mtrx_df_tr_dmg, confusion_mtrx_df_tr_bld = train(train_loader, model, criterion_seg_1, criterion_seg_2, criterion_damage, optimizer, epochs, epoch, step_tr, logger_train, logger_val, sample_train_ids, sample_val_ids, device)
train_duration = datetime.now() - train_start_time
logger_train.add_scalar('time_training', train_duration.total_seconds(), epoch)
logging.info(f'Compute actual metrics for model evaluation based on training set ...')
# damage level eval train
eval_results_tr_dmg = compute_eval_metrics(epoch, labels_set_dmg, confusion_mtrx_df_tr_dmg, eval_results_tr_dmg)
eval_results_tr_dmg_epoch = eval_results_tr_dmg.loc[eval_results_tr_dmg['epoch'] == epoch,:]
f1_harmonic_mean = 0
for metrics in ['f1']:
for index, row in eval_results_tr_dmg_epoch.iterrows():
if int(row['class']) in labels_set_dmg[1:]:
logger_train.add_scalar( 'tr_dmg_class_' + str(int(row['class'])) + '_' + str(metrics), row[metrics], epoch)
if metrics == 'f1':
f1_harmonic_mean += 1.0/(row[metrics]+1e-10)
f1_harmonic_mean = 4.0/f1_harmonic_mean
logger_train.add_scalar( 'tr_dmg_harmonic_mean_f1', f1_harmonic_mean, epoch)
# bld level eval train
eval_results_tr_bld = compute_eval_metrics(epoch, labels_set_bld, confusion_mtrx_df_tr_bld, eval_results_tr_bld)
eval_results_tr_bld_epoch = eval_results_tr_bld.loc[eval_results_tr_bld['epoch'] == epoch,:]
for metrics in ['f1']:
for index, row in eval_results_tr_bld_epoch.iterrows():
if int(row['class']) in labels_set_dmg[1:]:
logger_train.add_scalar( 'tr_bld_class_' + str(int(row['class'])) + '_' + str(metrics), row[metrics], epoch)
####### validation
logging.info(f'Model validation for epoch {epoch}/{epochs}')
eval_start_time = datetime.now()
confusion_mtrx_df_val_dmg, confusion_mtrx_df_val_bld, losses_val = validation(val_loader, model, criterion_seg_1, criterion_seg_2, criterion_damage, epochs, epoch, logger_val)
eval_duration = datetime.now() - eval_start_time
# decay Learning Rate
logger_val.add_scalar('time_validation', eval_duration.total_seconds(), epoch)
logging.info(f'Compute actual metrics for model evaluation based on validation set ...')
# damage level eval validation
eval_results_val_dmg = compute_eval_metrics(epoch, labels_set_dmg, confusion_mtrx_df_val_dmg, eval_results_val_dmg)
eval_results_val_dmg_epoch = eval_results_val_dmg.loc[eval_results_val_dmg['epoch'] == epoch,:]
f1_harmonic_mean = 0
for metrics in ['f1']:
for index, row in eval_results_val_dmg_epoch.iterrows():
if int(row['class']) in labels_set_dmg[1:]:
logger_val.add_scalar( 'val_dmg_class_' + str(int(row['class'])) + '_' + str(metrics), row[metrics], epoch)
if metrics == 'f1':
f1_harmonic_mean += 1.0/(row[metrics]+1e-10)
f1_harmonic_mean = 4.0/f1_harmonic_mean
logger_val.add_scalar( 'val_dmg_harmonic_mean_f1', f1_harmonic_mean, epoch)
# bld level eval validation
eval_results_val_bld = compute_eval_metrics(epoch, labels_set_bld, confusion_mtrx_df_val_bld, eval_results_val_bld)
eval_results_val_bld_epoch = eval_results_val_bld.loc[eval_results_val_bld['epoch'] == epoch,:]
for metrics in ['f1']:
for index, row in eval_results_val_bld_epoch.iterrows():
if int(row['class']) in labels_set_bld[1:]:
logger_val.add_scalar( 'val_bld_class_' + str(int(row['class'])) + '_' + str(metrics), row[metrics], epoch)
####### compute average accuracy across all classes to select the best model
val_acc_avg = f1_harmonic_mean
is_best = val_acc_avg > best_acc
best_acc = max(val_acc_avg, best_acc)
logging.info(f'Saved checkpoint for epoch {epoch}. Is it the highest f1 checkpoint so far: {is_best}\n')
'epoch': epoch,
'state_dict': model.state_dict(),
'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict(),
'val_f1_avg': val_acc_avg,
'best_f1': best_acc}, is_best, checkpoint_dir)
# log execution time for this epoch
logging.info((f'epoch training duration is {train_duration.total_seconds()} seconds;'
f'epoch evaluation duration is {eval_duration.total_seconds()} seconds'))
epoch += 1
def train(loader, model, criterion_seg_1, criterion_seg_2, criterion_damage, optimizer, epochs, epoch, step_tr, logger_train, logger_val, sample_train_ids, sample_val_ids, device):
Train the model on dataset of the loader
confusion_mtrx_df_tr_dmg = pd.DataFrame(columns=['epoch', 'batch_idx', 'class', 'true_pos', 'true_neg', 'false_pos', 'false_neg', 'total_pixels'])
confusion_mtrx_df_tr_bld = pd.DataFrame(columns=['epoch', 'batch_idx', 'class', 'true_pos', 'true_neg', 'false_pos', 'false_neg', 'total_pixels'])
losses_tr = AverageMeter()
loss_seg_pre = AverageMeter()
loss_seg_post = AverageMeter()
loss_dmg = AverageMeter()
for batch_idx, data in enumerate(tqdm(loader)):
x_pre = data['pre_image'].to(device=device) # move to device, e.g. GPU
x_post = data['post_image'].to(device=device)
y_seg = data['building_mask'].to(device=device)
y_cls = data['damage_mask'].to(device=device)
scores = model(x_pre, x_post)
# modify damage prediction based on UNet arm
softmax = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1)
preds_seg_pre = torch.argmax(softmax(scores[0]), dim=1)
for c in range(0,scores[2].shape[1]):
scores[2][:,c,:,:] = torch.mul(scores[2][:,c,:,:], preds_seg_pre)
loss = weights_loss[0]*criterion_seg_1(scores[0], y_seg) + weights_loss[1]*criterion_seg_2(scores[1], y_seg) + weights_loss[2]*criterion_damage(scores[2], y_cls)
loss_seg_pre_tr = criterion_seg_1(scores[0], y_seg)
loss_seg_post_tr = criterion_seg_2(scores[1], y_seg)
loss_dmg_tr = criterion_damage(scores[2], y_cls)
losses_tr.update(loss.item(), x_pre.size(0))
loss_seg_pre.update(loss_seg_pre_tr.item(), x_pre.size(0))
loss_seg_post.update(loss_seg_post_tr.item(), x_pre.size(0))
loss_dmg.update(loss_dmg_tr.item(), x_pre.size(0))
loss.backward() # compute gradients
# compute predictions & confusion metrics
softmax = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1)
preds_seg_pre = torch.argmax(softmax(scores[0]), dim=1)
preds_seg_post = torch.argmax(softmax(scores[1]), dim=1)
preds_cls = torch.argmax(softmax(scores[2]), dim=1)
confusion_mtrx_df_tr_dmg = compute_confusion_mtrx(confusion_mtrx_df_tr_dmg, epoch, batch_idx, labels_set_dmg, preds_cls, y_cls, y_seg)
confusion_mtrx_df_tr_bld = compute_confusion_mtrx(confusion_mtrx_df_tr_bld, epoch, batch_idx, labels_set_bld, preds_seg_pre, y_seg, [])
# logging image viz
prepare_for_vis(sample_train_ids, logger_train, model, 'train', epoch, device, softmax)
prepare_for_vis(sample_val_ids, logger_val, model, 'val', epoch, device, softmax)
step_tr += 1
logger_train.add_scalars('loss_tr', {'_total':losses_tr.avg, '_seg_pre': loss_seg_pre.avg, '_seg_post': loss_seg_post.avg, '_dmg': loss_dmg.avg}, epoch)
return model, optimizer, step_tr, confusion_mtrx_df_tr_dmg, confusion_mtrx_df_tr_bld
def validation(loader, model, criterion_seg_1, criterion_seg_2, criterion_damage, epochs, epoch, logger_val):
Evaluate the model on dataset of the loader
confusion_mtrx_df_val_dmg = pd.DataFrame(columns=['epoch', 'batch_idx', 'class', 'true_pos', 'true_neg', 'false_pos', 'false_neg', 'total_pixels'])
confusion_mtrx_df_val_bld = pd.DataFrame(columns=['epoch', 'batch_idx', 'class', 'true_pos', 'true_neg', 'false_pos', 'false_neg', 'total_pixels'])
losses_val = AverageMeter()
loss_seg_pre = AverageMeter()
loss_seg_post = AverageMeter()
loss_dmg = AverageMeter()
with torch.no_grad():
for batch_idx, data in enumerate(tqdm(loader)):
x_pre = data['pre_image'].to(device=device) # move to device, e.g. GPU
x_post = data['post_image'].to(device=device)
y_seg = data['building_mask'].to(device=device)
y_cls = data['damage_mask'].to(device=device)
model.eval() # put model to evaluation mode
scores = model(x_pre, x_post)
# modify damage prediction based on UNet arm
softmax = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1)
preds_seg_pre = torch.argmax(softmax(scores[0]), dim=1)
for c in range(0,scores[2].shape[1]):
scores[2][:,c,:,:] = torch.mul(scores[2][:,c,:,:], preds_seg_pre)
loss = weights_loss[0]*criterion_seg_1(scores[0], y_seg) + weights_loss[1]*criterion_seg_2(scores[1], y_seg) + weights_loss[2]*criterion_damage(scores[2], y_cls)
loss_seg_pre_val = criterion_seg_1(scores[0], y_seg)
loss_seg_post_val = criterion_seg_2(scores[1], y_seg)
loss_dmg_val = criterion_damage(scores[2], y_cls)
losses_val.update(loss.item(), x_pre.size(0))
loss_seg_pre.update(loss_seg_pre_val.item(), x_pre.size(0))
loss_seg_post.update(loss_seg_post_val.item(), x_pre.size(0))
loss_dmg.update(loss_dmg_val.item(), x_pre.size(0))
# compute predictions & confusion metrics
softmax = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1)
preds_seg_pre = torch.argmax(softmax(scores[0]), dim=1)
preds_seg_post = torch.argmax(softmax(scores[1]), dim=1)
preds_cls = torch.argmax(softmax(scores[2]), dim=1)
confusion_mtrx_df_val_dmg = compute_confusion_mtrx(confusion_mtrx_df_val_dmg, epoch, batch_idx, labels_set_dmg, preds_cls, y_cls, y_seg)
confusion_mtrx_df_val_bld = compute_confusion_mtrx(confusion_mtrx_df_val_bld, epoch, batch_idx, labels_set_bld, preds_seg_pre, y_seg, [])
logger_val.add_scalars('loss_val', {'_total': losses_val.avg, '_seg_pre': loss_seg_pre.avg, '_seg_post': loss_seg_post.avg, '_dmg': loss_dmg.avg}, epoch)
return confusion_mtrx_df_val_dmg, confusion_mtrx_df_val_bld, losses_val.avg
def compute_eval_metrics(epoch, labels_set, confusion_mtrx_df, eval_results):
for cls in labels_set:
class_idx = (confusion_mtrx_df['class']==cls)
precision = confusion_mtrx_df.loc[class_idx,'true_pos'].sum()/(confusion_mtrx_df.loc[class_idx,'true_pos'].sum() + confusion_mtrx_df.loc[class_idx,'false_pos'].sum())
recall = confusion_mtrx_df.loc[class_idx,'true_pos'].sum()/(confusion_mtrx_df.loc[class_idx,'true_pos'].sum() + confusion_mtrx_df.loc[class_idx,'false_neg'].sum())
f1 = 2 * (precision * recall)/(precision + recall)
accuracy = (confusion_mtrx_df.loc[class_idx,'true_pos'].sum() + confusion_mtrx_df.loc[class_idx,'true_neg'].sum())/(confusion_mtrx_df.loc[class_idx,'total_pixels'].sum())
eval_results = eval_results.append({'epoch':epoch, 'class':cls, 'precision':precision, 'recall':recall, 'f1':f1, 'accuracy':accuracy}, ignore_index=True)
return eval_results
def compute_confusion_mtrx(confusion_mtrx_df, epoch, batch_idx, labels_set, y_preds, y_true, y_true_bld_mask):
for cls in labels_set[1:]:
confusion_mtrx_df = compute_confusion_mtrx_class(confusion_mtrx_df, epoch, batch_idx, labels_set, y_preds, y_true, y_true_bld_mask, cls)
return confusion_mtrx_df
def compute_confusion_mtrx_class(confusion_mtrx_df, epoch, batch_idx, labels_set, y_preds, y_true, y_true_bld_mask, cls):
y_true_binary = y_true.detach().clone()
y_preds_binary = y_preds.detach().clone()
if len(labels_set) > 2:
# convert to 0/1
y_true_binary[y_true_binary != cls] = -1
y_preds_binary[y_preds_binary != cls] = -1
y_true_binary[y_true_binary == cls] = 1
y_preds_binary[y_preds_binary == cls] = 1
y_true_binary[y_true_binary == -1] = 0
y_preds_binary[y_preds_binary == -1] = 0
# compute confusion metric
true_pos_cls = ((y_true_binary == y_preds_binary) & (y_true_binary == 1) & (y_true_bld_mask == 1)).float().sum().item()
false_neg_cls = ((y_true_binary != y_preds_binary) & (y_true_binary == 1) & (y_true_bld_mask == 1)).float().sum().item()
true_neg_cls = ((y_true_binary == y_preds_binary) & (y_true_binary == 0) & (y_true_bld_mask == 1)).float().sum().item()
false_pos_cls = ((y_true_binary != y_preds_binary) & (y_true_binary == 0) & (y_true_bld_mask == 1)).float().sum().item()
# compute total pixels
total_pixels = y_true_bld_mask.float().sum().item()
# compute confusion metric
true_pos_cls = ((y_true_binary == y_preds_binary) & (y_true_binary == 1)).float().sum().item()
false_neg_cls = ((y_true_binary != y_preds_binary) & (y_true_binary == 1)).float().sum().item()
true_neg_cls = ((y_true_binary == y_preds_binary) & (y_true_binary == 0)).float().sum().item()
false_pos_cls = ((y_true_binary != y_preds_binary) & (y_true_binary == 0)).float().sum().item()
# compute total pixels
total_pixels = 1
for item in y_true_binary.size():
total_pixels *= item
confusion_mtrx_df = confusion_mtrx_df.append({'epoch':epoch, 'class':cls, 'batch_idx':batch_idx, 'true_pos':true_pos_cls, 'true_neg':true_neg_cls, 'false_pos':false_pos_cls, 'false_neg':false_neg_cls, 'total_pixels':total_pixels}, ignore_index=True)
return confusion_mtrx_df
def save_checkpoint(state, is_best, checkpoint_dir='../checkpoints'):
checkpoint_dir is used to save the best checkpoint if this checkpoint is best one so far
checkpoint_path = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir,
f"{strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S', localtime())}.pth.tar")
torch.save(state, checkpoint_path)
if is_best:
shutil.copyfile(checkpoint_path, os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, 'model_best.pth.tar'))
def get_sample_images(which_set='train'):
Get a deterministic set of images in the specified set (train or val) by using the dataset and
not the dataloader. Only works if the dataset is not IterableDataset.
which_set: one of 'train' or 'val'
samples: a dict with keys 'chip' and 'chip_label', pointing to torch Tensors of
dims (num_chips_to_visualize, channels, height, width) and (num_chips_to_visualize, height, width)
assert which_set == 'train' or which_set == 'val'
dataset = xBD_train if which_set == 'train' else xBD_val
num_to_skip = 1 # first few chips might be mostly blank
assert len(dataset) > num_to_skip + config['num_chips_to_viz']
keep_every = math.floor((len(dataset) - num_to_skip) / config['num_chips_to_viz'])
samples_idx_list = []
for sample_idx in range(num_to_skip, len(dataset), keep_every):
return samples_idx_list
def prepare_for_vis(sample_train_ids, logger, model, which_set, iteration, device, softmax):
for item in sample_train_ids:
data = xBD_train[item] if which_set == 'train' else xBD_val[item]
c = data['pre_image'].size()[0]
h = data['pre_image'].size()[1]
w = data['pre_image'].size()[2]
pre = data['pre_image'].reshape(1, c, h, w)
post = data['post_image'].reshape(1, c, h, w)
scores = model(pre.to(device=device), post.to(device=device))
preds_seg_pre = torch.argmax(softmax(scores[0]), dim=1)
preds_seg_post = torch.argmax(softmax(scores[1]), dim=1)
# modify damage prediction based on UNet arm
for c in range(0,scores[2].shape[1]):
scores[2][:,c,:,:] = torch.mul(scores[2][:,c,:,:], preds_seg_pre)
# add to tensorboard
tag = 'pr_bld_mask_pre_train_id_' + str(item) if which_set == 'train' else 'pr_bld_mask_pre_val_id_' + str(item)
logger.add_image(tag, preds_seg_pre, iteration, dataformats='CHW')
tag = 'pr_bld_mask_post_train_id_' + str(item) if which_set == 'train' else 'pr_bld_mask_post_val_id_' + str(item)
logger.add_image(tag, preds_seg_post, iteration, dataformats='CHW')
tag = 'pr_dmg_mask_train_id_' + str(item) if which_set == 'train' else 'pr_dmg_mask_val_id_' + str(item)
im, buf = viz.show_label_raster(torch.argmax(softmax(scores[2]), dim=1).cpu().numpy(), size=(5, 5))
preds_cls = transforms.ToTensor()(transforms.ToPILImage()(np.array(im)).convert("RGB"))
logger.add_image(tag, preds_cls, iteration, dataformats='CHW')
if iteration == 1:
pre = data['pre_image']
tag = 'gt_img_pre_train_id_' + str(item) if which_set == 'train' else 'gt_img_pre_val_id_' + str(item)
logger.add_image(tag, data['pre_image_orig'], iteration, dataformats='CHW')
post = data['post_image']
tag = 'gt_img_post_train_id_' + str(item) if which_set == 'train' else 'gt_img_post_val_id_' + str(item)
logger.add_image(tag, data['post_image_orig'], iteration, dataformats='CHW')
gt_seg = data['building_mask'].reshape(1, h, w)
tag = 'gt_bld_mask_train_id_' + str(item) if which_set == 'train' else 'gt_bld_mask_val_id_' + str(item)
logger.add_image(tag, gt_seg, iteration, dataformats='CHW')
im, buf = viz.show_label_raster(np.array(data['damage_mask']), size=(5, 5))
gt_cls = transforms.ToTensor()(transforms.ToPILImage()(np.array(im)).convert("RGB"))
tag = 'gt_dmg_mask_train_id_' + str(item) if which_set == 'train' else 'gt_dmg_mask_val_id_' + str(item)
logger.add_image(tag, gt_cls, iteration, dataformats='CHW')
def load_dataset():
splits = load_json_files(config['disaster_splits_json'])
data_mean_stddev = load_json_files(config['disaster_mean_stddev'])
train_ls = []
val_ls = []
for item, val in splits.items():
train_ls += val['train']
val_ls += val['val']
xBD_train = DisasterDataset(config['data_dir_shards'], config['shard_no'], 'train', data_mean_stddev, transform=True, normalize=True)
xBD_val = DisasterDataset(config['data_dir_shards'], config['shard_no'], 'val', data_mean_stddev, transform=False, normalize=True)
print('xBD_disaster_dataset train length: {}'.format(len(xBD_train)))
print('xBD_disaster_dataset val length: {}'.format(len(xBD_val)))
return xBD_train, xBD_val
def model_summary(model):
print("Layer_name"+"\t"*7+"Number of Parameters")
model_parameters = [layer for layer in model.parameters() if layer.requires_grad]
layer_name = [child for child in model.children()]
j = 0
total_params = 0
for i in layer_name:
param = 0
bias = (i.bias is not None)
bias = False
if not bias:
param =model_parameters[j].numel()+model_parameters[j+1].numel()
j = j+2
param =model_parameters[j].numel()
j = j+1
print(f"Total Params:{total_params}")
def freeze_model_param(model):
for i in [0, 3]:
model.encoder1[i].weight.requires_grad = False
model.encoder2[i].weight.requires_grad = False
model.encoder3[i].weight.requires_grad = False
model.encoder4[i].weight.requires_grad = False
model.bottleneck[i].weight.requires_grad = False
model.decoder4[i].weight.requires_grad = False
model.decoder3[i].weight.requires_grad = False
model.decoder2[i].weight.requires_grad = False
model.decoder1[i].weight.requires_grad = False
for i in [1, 4]:
model.encoder1[i].weight.requires_grad = False
model.encoder1[i].bias.requires_grad = False
model.encoder2[i].weight.requires_grad = False
model.encoder2[i].bias.requires_grad = False
model.encoder3[i].weight.requires_grad = False
model.encoder3[i].bias.requires_grad = False
model.encoder4[i].weight.requires_grad = False
model.encoder4[i].bias.requires_grad = False
model.bottleneck[i].weight.requires_grad = False
model.bottleneck[i].bias.requires_grad = False
model.decoder4[i].weight.requires_grad = False
model.decoder4[i].bias.requires_grad = False
model.decoder3[i].weight.requires_grad = False
model.decoder3[i].bias.requires_grad = False
model.decoder2[i].weight.requires_grad = False
model.decoder2[i].bias.requires_grad = False
model.decoder1[i].weight.requires_grad = False
model.decoder1[i].bias.requires_grad = False
model.upconv4.weight.requires_grad = False
model.upconv4.bias.requires_grad = False
model.upconv3.weight.requires_grad = False
model.upconv3.bias.requires_grad = False
model.upconv2.weight.requires_grad = False
model.upconv2.bias.requires_grad = False
model.upconv1.weight.requires_grad = False
model.upconv1.bias.requires_grad = False
model.conv_s.weight.requires_grad = False
model.conv_s.bias.requires_grad = False
return model
def print_network(model):
print('model summary')
for name, p in model.named_parameters():
def reinitialize_Siamese(model):
return model
def init_weights(m):
if type(m) == nn.Linear:
def test(loader, model, epoch):
Evaluate the model on test dataset of the loader
softmax = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1)
model.eval() # put model to evaluation mode
confusion_mtrx_df_test_dmg = pd.DataFrame(columns=['img_idx', 'class', 'true_pos', 'true_neg', 'false_pos', 'false_neg', 'total_pixels'])
confusion_mtrx_df_test_bld = pd.DataFrame(columns=['img_idx', 'class', 'true_pos', 'true_neg', 'false_pos', 'false_neg', 'total_pixels'])
with torch.no_grad():
for batch_idx, data in enumerate(tqdm(loader)):
c = data['pre_image'].size()[0]
h = data['pre_image'].size()[1]
w = data['pre_image'].size()[2]
x_pre = data['pre_image'].reshape(1, c, h, w).to(device=device)
x_post = data['post_image'].reshape(1, c, h, w).to(device=device)
y_seg = data['building_mask'].to(device=device)
y_cls = data['damage_mask'].to(device=device)
scores = model(x_pre, x_post)
preds_seg_pre = torch.argmax(softmax(scores[0]), dim=1)
preds_seg_post = torch.argmax(softmax(scores[1]), dim=1)
for c in range(0,scores[2].shape[1]):
scores[2][:,c,:,:] = torch.mul(scores[2][:,c,:,:], preds_seg_pre)
preds_cls = torch.argmax(softmax(scores[2]), dim=1)
# compute comprehensive comfusion metrics
confusion_mtrx_df_test_dmg = compute_confusion_mtrx(confusion_mtrx_df_test_dmg, epoch, batch_idx, labels_set_dmg, preds_cls, y_cls, y_seg)
confusion_mtrx_df_test_bld = compute_confusion_mtrx(confusion_mtrx_df_test_bld, epoch, batch_idx, labels_set_bld, preds_seg_pre, y_seg, [])
return confusion_mtrx_df_test_dmg, confusion_mtrx_df_test_bld
if __name__ == "__main__":

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@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
import logging
from PIL import Image
import cv2
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
import torchvision.transforms.functional as TF
from torchvision import transforms
import random
import os
class DisasterDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, data_dir, i_shard, set_name, data_mean_stddev, transform:bool, normalize:bool):
self.data_dir = data_dir
self.transform = transform
self.normalize = normalize
self.data_mean_stddev = data_mean_stddev
shard_path = os.path.join(data_dir, f'{set_name}_pre_image_chips_{i_shard}.npy')
self.pre_image_chip_shard = np.load(shard_path)
logging.info(f'pre_image_chips loaded{self.pre_image_chip_shard.shape}')
shard_path = os.path.join(data_dir, f'{set_name}_post_image_chips_{i_shard}.npy')
self.post_image_chip_shard = np.load(shard_path)
logging.info(f'post_image_chips loaded{self.post_image_chip_shard.shape}')
shard_path = os.path.join(data_dir, f'{set_name}_bld_mask_chips_{i_shard}.npy')
self.bld_mask_chip_shard = np.load(shard_path)
logging.info(f'bld_mask_chips loaded{self.bld_mask_chip_shard.shape}')
shard_path = os.path.join(data_dir, f'{set_name}_dmg_mask_chips_{i_shard}.npy')
self.dmg_mask_chip_shard = np.load(shard_path)
logging.info(f'dmg_mask_chips loaded{self.dmg_mask_chip_shard.shape}')
shard_path = os.path.join(data_dir, f'{set_name}_pre_img_tile_chips_{i_shard}.npy')
self.pre_img_tile_chip_shard = np.load(shard_path)
logging.info(f'pre_img_tile_chips loaded{self.pre_img_tile_chip_shard.shape}')
def __len__(self):
return len(self.pre_image_chip_shard)
def apply_transform(self, mask, pre_img, post_img, damage_class):
apply tranformation functions on cv2 arrays
# Random horizontal flipping
if random.random() > 0.5:
mask = cv2.flip(mask, flipCode=1)
pre_img = cv2.flip(pre_img, flipCode=1)
post_img = cv2.flip(post_img, flipCode=1)
damage_class = cv2.flip(damage_class, flipCode=1)
# Random vertical flipping
if random.random() > 0.5:
mask = cv2.flip(mask, flipCode=0)
pre_img = cv2.flip(pre_img, flipCode=0)
post_img = cv2.flip(post_img, flipCode=0)
damage_class = cv2.flip(damage_class, flipCode=0)
return mask, pre_img, post_img, damage_class
def __getitem__(self, i):
pre_img = self.pre_image_chip_shard[i]
post_img = self.post_image_chip_shard[i]
mask = self.bld_mask_chip_shard[i]
damage_class= self.dmg_mask_chip_shard[i]
# copy original image for viz
pre_img_orig = pre_img
post_img_orig = post_img
if self.transform is True:
mask, pre_img, post_img, damage_class = self.apply_transform(mask, pre_img, post_img, damage_class)
if self.normalize is True:
pre_img_tile_name = self.pre_img_tile_chip_shard[i]
post_img_tile_name = pre_img_tile_name.replace('pre', 'post')
# normalize the images based on a tilewise mean & std dev --> pre_
mean_pre = self.data_mean_stddev[pre_img_tile_name][0]
stddev_pre = self.data_mean_stddev[pre_img_tile_name][1]
norm_pre = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Normalize(mean=mean_pre, std=stddev_pre)
pre_img = norm_pre(np.array(pre_img).astype(dtype='float64')/255.0)
# normalize the images based on a tilewise mean & std dev --> post_
mean_post = self.data_mean_stddev[post_img_tile_name][0]
stddev_post = self.data_mean_stddev[post_img_tile_name][1]
norm_post = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Normalize(mean=mean_post, std=stddev_post)
post_img = norm_post(np.array(post_img).astype(dtype='float64')/255.0)
pre_img = np.array(transforms.ToTensor()(pre_img)).astype(dtype='float64')/255.0
post_img = np.array(transforms.ToTensor()(post_img)).astype(dtype='float64')/255.0
# convert eveything to arrays
pre_img = np.array(pre_img)
post_img = np.array(post_img)
mask = np.array(mask)
damage_class = np.array(damage_class)
# replace non-classified pixels with background
damage_class = np.where(damage_class==5, 0, damage_class)
return {'pre_image': torch.from_numpy(pre_img).type(torch.FloatTensor), 'post_image': torch.from_numpy(post_img).type(torch.FloatTensor), 'building_mask': torch.from_numpy(mask).type(torch.LongTensor), 'damage_mask': torch.from_numpy(damage_class).type(torch.LongTensor), 'pre_image_orig': transforms.ToTensor()(pre_img_orig), 'post_image_orig': transforms.ToTensor()(post_img_orig)}

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
import json
def load_json_files(json_filename):
with open(json_filename) as f:
file_content = json.load(f)
return file_content
def dump_json_files(json_filename, my_dict):
with open(json_filename, 'w') as f:
json.dump(my_dict, f, indent=4)
class AverageMeter(object):
"""Computes and stores the average and current value
def __init__(self):
def reset(self):
self.val = 0
self.avg = 0
self.sum = 0
self.count = 0
def update(self, val, n=1):
val: mini-batch loss or accuracy value
n: mini-batch size
self.val = val
self.sum += val * n
self.count += n
self.avg = self.sum / self.count