baseBranch: main changeKinds: internal: versionType: none title: Internal description: Internal changes that are not user facing fix: versionType: patch title: Bug Fix description: Fixes to existing features dependencies: versionType: patch title: Bump dependencies description: Bumps dependencies feature: versionType: minor title: Feature description: Adds new features deprecation: versionType: minor title: Deprecation description: Change that deprecate an existing feature but is not breaking. breaking: versionType: major title: Breaking Change description: Changes that break existing features versionPolicies: - name: typespec type: lockstep step: minor packages: - "@typespec/compiler" - "@typespec/http" - "@typespec/versioning" - "@typespec/rest" - "@typespec/openapi" - "@typespec/openapi3" - "@typespec/protobuf" - "@typespec/prettier-plugin-typespec" - "@typespec/eslint-plugin" - "@typespec/html-program-viewer" - "@typespec/json-schema" - "@typespec/internal-build-utils" - "typespec-vs" - "typespec-vscode" - "@typespec/library-linter" changelog: ["@chronus/github/changelog", { repo: "microsoft/typespec" }] ignore: - "@typespec/http-client-csharp" - "@typespec/http-client-java" changedFiles: - "!**/*.md" - "!**/*.test.ts"