fix [#2868](https://github.com/microsoft/typespec/issues/2868) - Change meaning of `@body` to mean this is the body and nothing will be excluded(show warning on containing metadata) - Add new `@bodyRoot` which has the same purpose as the old `@body`( Allows changing where the body is resolved from but allows mixing with metadata. - Add new `@bodyIgnore` which allows a property to be ignored from the body - Provide a new body resolution common function for request and response also fix #2075 ## Examples from original issue 1. [Inconsitency between request and response](https://cadlplayground.z22.web.core.windows.net/prs/2945/?c=aW1wb3J0ICJAdHlwZXNwZWMvaHR0cCI7Cgp1c2luZyBUeXBlU3BlYy5IdHRwOwoKLyoqCiAqIEJhc2VsaW5lIDE6IEhhdsQqYEBoZWFkZXJgIHByb3BlcnR5IG9ubHkgaW4gcmVxdWVzdMYLc3BvbnNlxAl1bMUTbm8gYm9kecRXUscpxBA6IHZvaWTGFnPFM80WLwpAcm91dGUoIi9i5wCNIikKQGdldCBvcCDIEygg5wCWIGN1c3RvbUjFDTogc3RyaW5nKToge90hIH0g6gD0Q2Fz5QDwQWRkxBtgQHZpc2liaWxpdHlgIHRv9AEBYmVoYXZlIGRpZmZlcmVudGx5IGZvcukBEGFuZOkBES7yAQB7ff8A%2FuUA%2FmNhc2UxIikKb3AgxQso6wCYKCJub%2BQBGOkA5XjuAPvfKsUqIH3vAQMy%2BgEDbm9uIGFubm90YXRlZOoBB%2BoB7GVtcOQBF%2FUB7%2FQA78UU7wDtMuoA7TL1AO3%2FAOXMIuUA3Q%3D%3D&e=%40typespec%2Fopenapi3&options=%7B%7D) 2. [Inconsitency between different ways](https://cadlplayground.z22.web.core.windows.net/prs/2945/?c=aW1wb3J0ICJAdHlwZXNwZWMvaHR0cCI7CtIZdmVyc2lvbmluZyI7Cgp1c2luZyBUeXBlU3BlYy5IdHRwO9AVVskyOwoKQHNlcnZpY2UKQMdJZWQoxyFzKQpuYW1lc3BhY2UgTXlTxik7CmVudW0gyCQgewogIHYxLMQGMiwKfQoKQHJvdXRlKCJ0MSIpIG9wIHQxKCk6IHZvaWQ7IC8vIDIwNMUNyigyxygyxCh7fccmMM8mM8cmM8UmQGhlYWRlciBmb286IHN0cmluZ9g5NMc5NMY5dmlzaWJpbGl0eSgiZ2F0ZXdheSIp30jFSDXHSDXcSP8AmMxQNsdQNsVQ1THGFiJhYmMifco5N8c5N8U5QGFkZOsBtC52MvMAzsR6IGluIHYxykc4x0c430fFRyzpANpvdGhlcthe&e=%40typespec%2Fopenapi3&options=%7B%7D) ## Breaking changes Azure spec PR showing scale of breaking changes https://github.com/Azure/azure-rest-api-specs/pull/27897 ### `@body` means this is the body This change makes it that using `@body` will mean exactly this is the body and everything underneath will be included, including metadata properties. It will log a warning explaining that. ```tsp op a1(): {@body _: {@header foo: string, other: string} }; ^ warning header in a body, it will not be included as a header. ``` Solution use `@bodyRoot` as the goal is only to change where to resolve the body from. ```tsp op a1(): {@bodyRoot _: {@header foo: string, other: string} }; ``` ### Empty model after removing metadata and visibility property result in void always This means the following case have changed from returning `{}` to no body ```tsp op b1(): {}; op b2(): {@visibility("none") prop: string}; op b3(): {@added(Versions.v2) prop: string}; ``` Workaround: Use explicit `@body` ```tsp op b1(): {@body _: {}}; op b2(): {@body _: {@visibility("none") prop: string}}; op b3(): {@body _: {@added(Versions.v2) prop: string}}; ``` ### Status code always 200 except if response is explicitly `void` ```tsp op c1(): {@header foo: string}; // status code 200 (used to be 204) ``` Solution: Add explicit `@statusCode` ```tsp op c1(): {@header foo: string, @statusCode _: 204}; op c1(): {@header foo: string, ...NoContent}; // or spread common model ``` ### Properties are not automatically omitted if everything was removed from metadata or visibility ```tsp op d1(): {headers: {@header foo: string}}; // body will be {headers: {}} ``` Solution: use `@bodyIgnore` ```tsp op d1(): {@bodyIgnore headers: {@header foo: string}}; // body will be {headers: {}} ``` --------- Co-authored-by: Mark Cowlishaw <markcowl@microsoft.com> |
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