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# CUDA directory contains bin/ and lib/ directories that we need.
CUDA_DIR := /usr/local/cuda
# CUDA architecture setting.
CUDA_ARCH := -gencode arch=compute_20,code=sm_20 \
-gencode arch=compute_20,code=sm_21 \
-gencode arch=compute_30,code=sm_30 \
-gencode arch=compute_35,code=sm_35
# MKL directory contains include/ and lib/ directions that we need.
MKL_DIR := /opt/intel/mkl
# NOTE: this is required only if you will compile the matlab interface.
# MATLAB directory should contain the mex binary in /bin
MATLAB_DIR := /usr/local
# NOTE: this is required only if you will compile the python interface.
# We need to be able to find Python.h and numpy/arrayobject.h.
PYTHON_INCLUDES := /usr/include/python2.7 \
# We need to be able to find or .dylib.
PYTHON_LIB := /usr/local/lib
# Whatever else you find you need goes here.
INCLUDE_DIRS := $(PYTHON_INCLUDES) /usr/local/include
LIBRARY_DIRS := $(PYTHON_LIB) /usr/lib /usr/local/lib
# For OS X, use clang++.
CXX := /usr/bin/g++
# For OS X 10.9, use libstdc++ instead of libc++ for CUDA compatibility.
#CXXFLAGS := -stdlib=libstdc++
BUILD_DIR := build
DISTRIBUTE_DIR := distribute