зеркало из https://github.com/microsoft/caffe.git
added matcaffe_demo for the VGG models (RGB input)
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
function [scores, maxlabel] = matcaffe_demo_vgg(im, use_gpu, model_def_file, model_file, mean_file)
% scores = matcaffe_demo(im, use_gpu)
% Demo of the matlab wrapper using the ILSVRC network.
% input
% im color image as uint8 HxWx3
% use_gpu 1 to use the GPU, 0 to use the CPU
% output
% scores 1000-dimensional ILSVRC score vector
% You may need to do the following before you start matlab:
% $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64:/usr/local/cuda-5.5/lib64
% $ export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6
% Or the equivalent based on where things are installed on your system
% Usage:
% im = imread('../../examples/images/cat.jpg');
% scores = matcaffe_demo(im, 1);
% [score, class] = max(scores);
% Five things to be aware of:
% caffe uses row-major order
% matlab uses column-major order
% caffe uses BGR color channel order
% matlab uses RGB color channel order
% images need to have the data mean subtracted
% Data coming in from matlab needs to be in the order
% [width, height, channels, images]
% where width is the fastest dimension.
% Here is the rough matlab for putting image data into the correct
% format:
% % convert from uint8 to single
% im = single(im);
% % reshape to a fixed size (e.g., 227x227)
% im = imresize(im, [IMAGE_DIM IMAGE_DIM], 'bilinear');
% % permute from RGB to BGR and subtract the data mean (already in BGR)
% im = im(:,:,[3 2 1]) - data_mean;
% % flip width and height to make width the fastest dimension
% im = permute(im, [2 1 3]);
% If you have multiple images, cat them with cat(4, ...)
% The actual forward function. It takes in a cell array of 4-D arrays as
% input and outputs a cell array.
% init caffe network (spews logging info)
matcaffe_init(use_gpu, model_def_file, model_file);
% prepare oversampled input
% input_data is Height x Width x Channel x Num
input_data = {prepare_image(im, mean_file)};
% do forward pass to get scores
% scores are now Width x Height x Channels x Num
scores = caffe('forward', input_data);
scores = scores{1};
% size(scores)
scores = squeeze(scores);
% scores = mean(scores,2);
% [~,maxlabel] = max(scores);
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
function images = prepare_image(im, mean_file)
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
IMAGE_DIM = 256;
d = load(mean_file);
IMAGE_MEAN = d.image_mean;
% resize to fixed input size
im = single(im);
if size(im, 1) < size(im, 2)
im = imresize(im, [IMAGE_DIM NaN]);
im = imresize(im, [NaN IMAGE_DIM]);
% oversample (4 corners, center, and their x-axis flips)
images = zeros(CROPPED_DIM, CROPPED_DIM, 3, 10, 'single');
indices_y = [0 size(im,1)-CROPPED_DIM] + 1;
indices_x = [0 size(im,2)-CROPPED_DIM] + 1;
center_y = floor(indices_y(2) / 2)+1;
center_x = floor(indices_x(2) / 2)+1;
curr = 1;
for i = indices_y
for j = indices_x
images(:, :, :, curr) = ...
permute(im(i:i+CROPPED_DIM-1, j:j+CROPPED_DIM-1, :)-IMAGE_MEAN, [2 1 3]);
images(:, :, :, curr+5) = images(end:-1:1, :, :, curr);
curr = curr + 1;
images(:,:,:,5) = ...
permute(im(center_y:center_y+CROPPED_DIM-1,center_x:center_x+CROPPED_DIM-1,:)-IMAGE_MEAN, ...
[2 1 3]);
images(:,:,:,10) = images(end:-1:1, :, :, curr);
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