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[doc] minor edits to convolution layer in tutorial
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@ -28,41 +28,41 @@ In contrast, other layers (with few exceptions) ignore the spatial structure of
* CUDA GPU implementation: `./src/caffe/layers/convolution_layer.cu`
* Options (`ConvolutionParameter convolution_param`)
- Required: `num_output` (`c_o`), the number of filters
- Required: `kernel_size` or (`kernel_h`, `kernel_w`), specifies height & width of each filter
- Required: `kernel_size` (or `kernel_h` and `kernel_w`), specifies height and width of each filter
- Strongly recommended (default `type: 'constant' value: 0`): `weight_filler`
- Optional (default `true`): `bias_term`, specifies whether to learn and apply a set of additive biases to the filter outputs
- Optional (default 0): `pad` or (`pad_h`, `pad_w`), specifies the number of pixels to (implicitly) add to each side of the input
- Optional (default 1): `stride` or (`stride_h`, `stride_w`), specifies the intervals at which to apply the filters to the input
- Optional (default 1): `group` (g). If g > 1, we restrict the connectivity of each filter to a subset of the input. Specifically, the input and output channels are separated to g groups separately, and the i-th output group channels will be only connected to the i-th input group channels.
- Optional (default 0): `pad` (or `pad_h` and `pad_w`), specifies the number of pixels to (implicitly) add to each side of the input
- Optional (default 1): `stride` (or `stride_h` and `stride_w`), specifies the intervals at which to apply the filters to the input
- Optional (default 1): `group` (g). If g > 1, we restrict the connectivity of each filter to a subset of the input. Specifically, the input and output channels are separated into g groups, and the $$i$$th output group channels will be only connected to the $$i$$th input group channels.
* Input
- `n * c_i * h_i * w_i`
* Output
- `n * c_o * h_o * w_o`, where `h_o = (h_i + 2 * pad_h - kernel_h) / stride_h + 1` and `w_o` likewise.
* Sample (as seen in `./examples/imagenet/imagenet_train_val.prototxt`)
layers {
name: "conv1"
bottom: "data"
top: "conv1"
blobs_lr: 1 # learning rate multiplier for the filters
blobs_lr: 2 # learning rate multiplier for the biases
weight_decay: 1 # weight decay multiplier for the filters
weight_decay: 0 # weight decay multiplier for the biases
convolution_param {
num_output: 96 # learn 96 filters
kernel_size: 11 # each filter is 11x11
stride: 4 # step 4 pixels between each filter application
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian" # initialize the filters from a Gaussian
std: 0.01 # distribution with stdev 0.01 (default mean: 0)
bias_filler {
type: "constant" # initialize the biases to zero (0)
value: 0
layers {
name: "conv1"
bottom: "data"
top: "conv1"
blobs_lr: 1 # learning rate multiplier for the filters
blobs_lr: 2 # learning rate multiplier for the biases
weight_decay: 1 # weight decay multiplier for the filters
weight_decay: 0 # weight decay multiplier for the biases
convolution_param {
num_output: 96 # learn 96 filters
kernel_size: 11 # each filter is 11x11
stride: 4 # step 4 pixels between each filter application
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian" # initialize the filters from a Gaussian
std: 0.01 # distribution with stdev 0.01 (default mean: 0)
bias_filler {
type: "constant" # initialize the biases to zero (0)
value: 0
The `CONVOLUTION` layer convolves the input image with a set of learnable filters, each producing one feature map in the output image.
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