template<unsignedshortT>voidFunction2(Type2<T>&x){}// expected-note{{candidate function [with T = 42] not viable: expects an l-value for 1st argument}}
structType3<boolTy::b,"3">t3;// expected-error{{value of type 'const char [2]' is not implicitly convertible to 'typename Type3Helper<(boolTy)false>::Ty' (aka 'boolTy')}}
structType4<charTy::c,"4">t4;// expected-error{{value of type 'const char [2]' is not implicitly convertible to 'typename Type4Helper<(charTy)'\x0'>::Ty' (aka 'charTy')}}
structType5<scharTy::c,"5">t5;// expected-error{{value of type 'const char [2]' is not implicitly convertible to 'typename Type5Helper<(scharTy)'\x0'>::Ty' (aka 'scharTy')}}
structType6<ucharTy::c,"6">t6;// expected-error{{value of type 'const char [2]' is not implicitly convertible to 'typename Type6Helper<(ucharTy)'\x0'>::Ty' (aka 'ucharTy')}}
structType7<wcharTy::c,"7">t7;// expected-error{{value of type 'const char [2]' is not implicitly convertible to 'typename Type7Helper<(wcharTy)L'\x0'>::Ty' (aka 'wcharTy')}}
structType8<char16Ty::c,"8">t8;// expected-error{{value of type 'const char [2]' is not implicitly convertible to 'typename Type8Helper<(char16Ty)u'\x0'>::Ty' (aka 'char16Ty')}}
structType9<char32Ty::c,"9">t9;// expected-error{{value of type 'const char [2]' is not implicitly convertible to 'typename Type9Helper<(char32Ty)u'\x0'>::Ty' (aka 'char32Ty')}}