___TERMS_OF_SERVICE___ By creating or modifying this file you agree to Google Tag Manager's Community Template Gallery Developer Terms of Service available at https://developers.google.com/tag-manager/gallery-tos (or such other URL as Google may provide), as modified from time to time. ___INFO___ { "type": "TAG", "id": "cvt_temp_public_id", "version": 1, "securityGroups": [], "displayName": "Microsoft Clarity - Official", "categories": ["ANALYTICS", "HEAT_MAP", "SESSION_RECORDING"], "brand": { "id": "Microsoft", "displayName": "Microsoft", "thumbnail": "\u003d" }, "description": "Clarity is a user behavior analytics tool, which helps you understand how users are interacting with your website. Supported features include:\nSession Recordings\nHeatmaps\nML Insights", "containerContexts": [ "WEB" ] } ___TEMPLATE_PARAMETERS___ [ { "type": "TEXT", "name": "projectId", "displayName": "Clarity Project Id", "simpleValueType": true, "help": "Copy your clarity project Id here. You can find it in the project Url from the browser. Example: https://clarity.microsoft.com/projects/view/\"projectId\"/", "valueValidators": [ { "type": "NON_EMPTY", "errorMessage": "You must provide a clarity project Id" }, { "type": "REGEX", "args": [ "[0-9a-z]+" ], "errorMessage": "Incorrect project Id. You can find it in the project Url from the browser. Example: https://clarity.microsoft.com/projects/view/\"projectId\"/" } ] }, { "type": "GROUP", "name": "advanced", "displayName": "Custom Options", "groupStyle": "ZIPPY_CLOSED", "subParams": [ { "type": "GROUP", "name": "custom_id", "displayName": "Custom Identifiers", "groupStyle": "NO_ZIPPY", "subParams": [ { "type": "TEXT", "name": "userId", "displayName": "Custom Id", "simpleValueType": true, "help": "Custom id such as an email, can help you view the user journey across browsers and devices", "valueHint": "user@domain.com" }, { "type": "TEXT", "name": "sessionId", "displayName": "Session Id", "simpleValueType": true, "help": "Custom session id to help you filter for this session later", "enablingConditions": [ { "paramName": "userId", "paramValue": "", "type": "PRESENT" } ], "valueHint": "custom-session-id" }, { "type": "TEXT", "name": "pageId", "displayName": "Page Id", "simpleValueType": true, "help": "Custom page id to help you filter for this page later", "enablingConditions": [ { "paramName": "userId", "paramValue": "", "type": "PRESENT" } ], "valueHint": "custom-page-id" }, { "type": "TEXT", "name": "friendlyName", "displayName": "Friendly Name", "simpleValueType": true, "help": "Friendly name for the user", "enablingConditions": [ { "paramName": "userId", "paramValue": "", "type": "PRESENT" } ], "valueHint": "Mona" } ], "help": "Custom Identifiers are informational data values about site visitors", "enablingConditions": [] }, { "type": "SIMPLE_TABLE", "name": "custom_tag", "displayName": "Custom Tag", "simpleTableColumns": [ { "defaultValue": "", "displayName": "Key", "name": "key", "type": "TEXT", "valueHint": "" }, { "defaultValue": "", "displayName": "Value", "name": "value", "type": "TEXT", "valueValidators": [ { "type": "STRING_LENGTH", "args": [ 1, 255 ] } ], "valueHint": "" } ], "help": "Custom tags are customizable filters that allow you to analyze recordings and heatmaps in different directions", "valueValidators": [] } ] } ] ___SANDBOXED_JS_FOR_WEB_TEMPLATE___ // Require the necessary APIs const injectScript = require('injectScript'); const queryPermission = require('queryPermission'); const createArgumentsQueue = require('createArgumentsQueue'); const encodeUri = require('encodeUri'); //const log = require('logToConsole'); // Create clarity const const clarity = createArgumentsQueue('clarity', 'clarity.q'); const customTags = data.custom_tag || []; const friendlyName = data.friendlyName || ''; const sessionId = data.sessionId || ''; const pageId = data.pageId || ''; // Reconstruct customer clarity script URL const url = "https://www.clarity.ms/tag/"+encodeUri(data.projectId)+"?ref=gtm"; // Handle Success const onCustomerSuccess = () => { data.gtmOnSuccess(); }; // Handle Failure const onCustomerFailure = () => { data.gtmOnFailure(); }; // If the URL input by the user matches the permissions set for the template, // inject the script with the onSuccess and onFailure methods as callbacks. if (queryPermission('inject_script', "https://www.clarity.ms")) { for(var i=0; i < customTags.length; i++){ clarity('set', customTags[i].key, customTags[i].value); } if(data.userId){ clarity("identify", data.userId, sessionId, pageId, friendlyName); } injectScript(url, onCustomerSuccess, onCustomerFailure); } else { data.gtmOnFailure(); } ___WEB_PERMISSIONS___ [ { "instance": { "key": { "publicId": "inject_script", "versionId": "1" }, "param": [ { "key": "urls", "value": { "type": 2, "listItem": [ { "type": 1, "string": "https://www.clarity.ms/*" } ] } } ] }, "clientAnnotations": { "isEditedByUser": true }, "isRequired": true }, { "instance": { "key": { "publicId": "access_globals", "versionId": "1" }, "param": [ { "key": "keys", "value": { "type": 2, "listItem": [ { "type": 3, "mapKey": [ { "type": 1, "string": "key" }, { "type": 1, "string": "read" }, { "type": 1, "string": "write" }, { "type": 1, "string": "execute" } ], "mapValue": [ { "type": 1, "string": "clarity" }, { "type": 8, "boolean": true }, { "type": 8, "boolean": true }, { "type": 8, "boolean": true } ] }, { "type": 3, "mapKey": [ { "type": 1, "string": "key" }, { "type": 1, "string": "read" }, { "type": 1, "string": "write" }, { "type": 1, "string": "execute" } ], "mapValue": [ { "type": 1, "string": "clarity.q" }, { "type": 8, "boolean": true }, { "type": 8, "boolean": true }, { "type": 8, "boolean": true } ] } ] } } ] }, "clientAnnotations": { "isEditedByUser": true }, "isRequired": true } ] ___TESTS___ scenarios: [] ___NOTES___ Created on 2/2/2021, 12:41:15 PM