* chg kernel_name = cv to = python3 for nb tests
* nb test update for not azuremlnotebooks
* add not azuremlnotebooks
* add tags for reponame and branch in python cmd
* stage badges from AzureML tests
* Adding notebook 24, hyperparameter tuning and tests for it
* Adding the right command in yml to pass parameters for notebook 24
* Modifying tests based on PR request by removing params from conftest, renaming image and also adding timeout since the default timeout is 60 mins and pipeline is taking more than it
* Removing fixtures for epochs and max_concurrent_runs
* Adding badge
* Moved reference for environment.yml from classification folder to root folder to match file move
* add badge to readme, update some recoto cv comments
* runs all unit tests (except notebooks which will be in a parallel pipeline)
* added test README.md
* commit to MY branch this time
* initial support for example pipeline with Azureml
* update to use cvbp-keyvault values for az login and subscriptionid
* update cvpb-keyvault from AzureKevVaultSecrets
* in variable use var group name not keyvault, so =AzureMLConfig
* typo on sptenant
* chg pr:none to avoid triggers while debugging
* remove creation of conda env file, cv has the file in the repo
* chg to .ci/submit_azureml_pytest.py
* set addtopath: true for python
* check_output_custom is in and only one python line in bash
* add more dbg info
* debug .ci being hidden
* add more debug statements
* more dbg
* try ; instead of &&
* add contents of env-setup.yml
* fix cut n paste
* pass in rg and wsname to submit... in yml
* update rg to cvbp_project_resources and wsname to cvws
* chg location of run_pytest.py to .ci
* turn dbg on
* use latest submit_azureml_pytest.py
* add logging
* chg def for run_pytest.py argparse
* more dbg
* chg junit str in debug routine check_output_custom
* chg junit str to help dbg
* chg back to subprocess.run
* update for CV repo
* debug
* debug
* debug
* add PR triggers for staging and master
* removed batch featurization
* more edits
* updated notebook tests
* added function comments
* improved set builder function
* cleaned up 01 notebook
* small edits to notebooks
* added data tests
* added metric tests
* Added last similarity tests
* Adjusted notebooks 21 and 22 to reflect new separate web service testing and workspace creation notebooks
* Added pre-reqs section back + changed variable names to lower case + removed amount of money spent + adjusted table of content and sections numbering
* Replaced from_config() by setup()
* multilabel notebook (#133)
* multilabel notebook
* multilabell notebook
* add python file
* testS
* flake8 & black updates
* update multilabel notebook and utils
* 01/03 notebooks
* update 01 and 02 to fast inference params
* added multilabel support to 03_notebook
* fix tests
* update to multilabel
* Hard negative sampling notebook (#132)
* Initial refactor
- All python scripts under utils_cv are clean
- All files under classification (notebooks and tools-scripts)
and tests need fix
* refactor gpu util
* datapath
* test refactor
* widgets
* fix tests. fix 00 10 21 notebooks
* Update 22 notebook. Add nbconverted files
* python version
* Root readme.md
* faq
* change test filenames otherwise they fail
* conftest update
* Fix result widget import
* Fix 01 notebook widget import
* Refactor widget.py and misc.py
* negative mining notebook
* Data loading
* data loading
* Initial training result
* Add results
* nb convertion
* add example images
* image rotation fix
* Update notebook with new data
* Fix typo
* Update images
* Revise reviews
* update images
* update notebook with new figures
* Notebook update, Add tests
* Add test docstring
* Changed text + removed testing section + reduced table of content + put intro, pre-reqs and library import together + removed reference to user interface in note # 23
* update to readme, fixing link and typo (#158)
* Update README.md (#157)
forcing merge as it is just minor updates on the readme.