
391 строка
12 KiB

param( [string]$wmiquery, [string] $select )
$wmiquery = $wmiquery.Replace('#s',' ').Replace('#q','''').Replace('#k',':').Replace('#c',',').Replace('##','#')
$select = $select.Replace('#s',' ').Replace('#q','''').Replace('#k',':').Replace('#c',',').Replace('##','#')
# Parse the select parameter
$propertyFilter = @()
foreach($p in $select.Split(','))
$p = $p.Split(':')
if( $p[1] -ne 'Device' )
$propertyFilter+= $p[0]
#Create the result set
$results = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]
#deal with one-offs that don't work well over WMI
if( $wmiquery -eq 'Autostart' )
foreach($runOnce in (get-item 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run').GetValueNames())
$hash = @{ Command = (get-item 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run').GetValue($runOnce).ToString() }
$results.Add( $hash )
elseif( $wmiquery -eq 'SMBConfig' )
# Get Smb Config
$smbConfig = Get-SmbServerConfiguration | Select-object -Property $propertyFilter
#Add to results list
elseif( $wmiquery -eq 'Users' )
$users = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[String]
foreach( $user in (get-WmiObject -class Win32_LoggedOnuser | Select Antecedent))
$parts = $user.Antecedent.Split("""")
# If this is not a built-in account
if(( $parts[1] -ne "Window Manager" ) -and (($parts[1] -ne $env:COMPUTERNAME) -or (($parts[3] -notlike "UMFD-*")) -and ($parts[3] -notlike "DWM-*")))
# add to list
$users.Add($parts[1] + "\" + $parts[3])
# Create unique set of users
$users | sort-object -Unique | foreach-object { $results.Add(@{ UserName = $_ }) }
elseif( $wmiquery -eq 'IPConfig' )
$ipconfigs = (Get-NetIPConfiguration)
foreach( $ipconfig in $ipconfigs )
$hash = @{
InterfaceAlias = $ipconfig.InterfaceAlias
Name = $ipconfig.NetProfile.Name
InterfaceDescription = $ipconfig.InterfaceDescription
Status = $ipconfig.NetAdapter.Status
IPV4Address = $ipconfig.IPv4Address.IPAddress
IPV6Address = $ipconfig.IPv6Address.IPAddress
IPV4DefaultGateway = $ipconfig.IPv4DefaultGateway.NextHop
IPV6DefaultGateway = $ipconfig.IPv6DefaultGateway.NextHop
DNSServerList = ($ipconfig.DNSServer.ServerAddresses -join "; ")
elseif( $wmiquery -eq 'Connections' )
$netstat = "$Env:Windir\system32\netstat.exe"
$rawoutput = & $netstat -f
$netstatdata = $rawoutput[3..$rawoutput.count] | ConvertFrom-String | select p2,p3,p4,p5 | where p5 -eq 'established' | select P4
foreach( $data in $netstatdata)
#Add to results list
$hash = @{ Server = $data.P4.Substring(0,$data.P4.LastIndexOf(":")) }
$results.Add($hash )
elseif( $wmiquery -eq 'Updates' )
$Session = [activator]::CreateInstance([type]::GetTypeFromProgID("Microsoft.Update.Session",$null))
$Searcher = $Session.CreateUpdateSearcher()
# Search for any uninstalled updates
$MissingUpdates = $Searcher.Search("DeploymentAction=* and IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software'")
if ($MissingUpdates.Updates.Count -gt 0)
foreach( $Update in $MissingUpdates.Updates )
$KBArticleIDs = ""
foreach( $KB in $Update.KBArticleIDs)
if( $KBAticleIDs.Length -gt 0 )
$KBArticleIDs = $KBArticleIDs + ","
$KBArticleIDs = $KBArticleIDs + "KB$KB"
$SecurityBulletinIDs = ""
foreach( $BulletinID in $Update.SecurityBulletinIDs)
if( $SecurityBulletinIDs.Length -gt 0 )
$SecurityBulletinIDs = $SecurityBulletinIDs + ","
$SecurityBulletinIDs = $SecurityBulletinIDs + $BulletinID
$Categories = ""
foreach( $Category in $Update.Categories)
if( $Categories.Length -gt 0 )
$Categories = $Categories + ","
$Categories = $Categories + $Category.Name
#Add to results list
$hash = @{
Title = $Update.Title
UpdateID = $Update.Identity.UpdateID
KBArticleIDs = $KBArticleIDs
SecurityBulletinIDs = $SecurityBulletinIDs
Categories = $Categories
elseif( $wmiquery -eq 'AppCrash' )
$crashes = get-eventlog -LogName Application -After (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) -InstanceId 1000 -Source 'Application Error'
foreach ($crash in $crashes)
$hash = @{
FileName = $crash.ReplacementStrings[0]
Version = $crash.ReplacementStrings[1]
ReportId = $crash.ReplacementStrings[12]
DateTime = $crash.TimeGenerated.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
elseif( $wmiquery -eq 'Administrators' )
$admins = (get-localgroupmember Administrators)
foreach( $admin in $admins )
$hash = @{
ObjectClass = $admin.ObjectClass
Name = $admin.Name
PrincipalSource = $admin.PrincipalSource
elseif ($wmiquery.StartsWith("File(") )
$first = $wmiquery.IndexOf("'")+1
$last = $wmiquery.LastIndexOf("'")
$fileSpec = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables( $wmiquery.Substring($first, $last-$first))
foreach( $file in (Get-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Path $filespec))
$fileHash = ""
$fileHash = (get-filehash -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Path $file).Hash
$hash = @{
FileName = $file.FullName
Mode = $file.Mode
LastWriteTime = $file.LastWriteTimeUtc.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
Size = $file.Length
Version = $file.VersionInfo.ProductVersion
Hash = $fileHash
elseif ($wmiquery.StartsWith("EventLog(") )
$first = $wmiquery.IndexOf("'")+1
$last = $wmiquery.LastIndexOf("'")
$logName = $wmiquery.Substring($first, $last-$first)
$events = get-eventlog -LogName $logName -Newest 50
foreach ($event in $events)
$hash = @{
DateTime = $event.TimeGenerated.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
EntryType = $event.EntryType
Source = $event.Source
EventID = $Event.EventID
Message = $Event.Message
elseif ($wmiquery.StartsWith("CcmLog(") )
$first = $wmiquery.IndexOf("'")+1
$last = $wmiquery.LastIndexOf("'")
$logFileName = $wmiquery.Substring($first, $last-$first)
$ccmlogdir = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CCM\Logging\@Global' -Name LogDirectory).LogDirectory
$logPath = (join-path $ccmlogdir ($logFileName+".log"))
#verify format of file name
if(( $logFileName -match '[\w\d-_@]+' ) -and ([System.IO.File]::Exists($logPath)))
$lines = (get-content -path $logpath -Tail 50)
[regex]$ccmLog = '<!\[LOG\[(?<logtext>.*)\]LOG\]!><\s*time\s*\=\s*"(?<time>\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)[^"]+"\s+date\s*\=\s*"(?<date>[^"]+)"\s+component\s*\=\s*"(?<component>[^"]*)"\s+context\s*\=\s*"(?<context>[^"]*)"\s+type\s*\=\s*"(?<type>[^"]+)"\s+thread\s*\=\s*"(?<thread>[^"]+)"\s+file\s*\=\s*"(?<file>[^"]+)"\s*>'
foreach( $line in $lines )
$m = $ccmLog.Match($line)
if( $m.Success -eq $true )
$hash = @{
LogText = $m.Groups["logtext"].Value
DateTime = ([DateTime]($m.Groups["date"].Value +' '+ $m.Groups["time"].Value)).ToUniversalTime()
Component = $m.Groups["component"].Value
Context = $m.Groups["context"].Value
Type = $m.Groups["type"].Value
Thread = $m.Groups["thread"].Value
File = $m.Groups["file"].Value
elseif ($wmiquery.StartsWith("Registry(") )
$first = $wmiquery.IndexOf("'")+1
$last = $wmiquery.LastIndexOf("'")
$regSpec = $wmiquery.Substring($first, $last-$first)
$result = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]
foreach( $regKey in (Get-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Path $regSpec) )
foreach( $regValue in $regKey.Property )
$hash = @{
Property = $regValue
Value = $regKey.GetValue($regValue).ToString()
$namespace = "root/cimv2"
# if there is a namespace
if( ($wmiquery.StartsWith("root/")) -and ($wmiquery.Contains(":")))
$seperator = $wmiquery.IndexOf(":")
$namespace = $wmiquery.Substring(0, $seperator)
$wmiquery = $wmiquery.Substring($seperator+1)
# Execute the query
$wmiresult = (get-wmiobject -query $wmiquery -Namespace $namespace)
# create result set
$result = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]
foreach( $obj in $wmiresult )
$hash = @{}
foreach( $prop in $propertyFilter )
if( $obj.Properties[$prop].Type -eq "DateTime" )
$hash[$prop] = [System.Management.ManagementDateTimeconverter]::ToDateTime($obj[$prop]).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
$hash[$prop] = $obj[$prop]
#format the result as an xml
$sb = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
$sw = New-Object System.IO.StringWriter($sb)
$writer = New-Object System.Xml.XmlTextWriter($sw)
foreach( $obj in $results )
foreach( $prop in $propertyFilter )
$Value = $obj."$prop"
if( $Value -ne $null)
$writer.WriteAttributeString("$prop", $Value.ToString() )
$Bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($sb.ToString())
if( $Bytes.Length -lt 4096 )
return [Convert]::ToBase64String($Bytes)
# Otherwise compress
[System.IO.MemoryStream] $output = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream
$gzipStream = New-Object System.IO.Compression.GzipStream $output, ([IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Compress)
$gzipStream.Write( $Bytes, 0, $Bytes.Length )
return [Convert]::ToBase64String($output.ToArray())