add metadata for dotnet tool and update documentation and tutorials to use this version of the tool, which makes things simpler. The tool can be built using:
nuget pack .\Scripts\NuGet\Coyote.CLI.nuspec -OutputDirectory .\bin\nuget -Version 1.0.5
This results in a new nuget package named "Microsoft.CoyoteTool.1.0.3.nupkg", which can be installed using:
dotnet tool install --global --add-source ./bin/nuget Microsoft.Coyote.CLI
and now you can type "coyote" on the command line.
It is installed here: `C:\Users\Chris\.dotnet\tools\coyote.exe`.
and can be uninstalled with:
dotnet tool uninstall --global Microsoft.Coyote.CLI
Related work items: #2732