
103 строки
4.1 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
[ValidateSet("net8.0", "net6.0", "net462")]
[string]$framework = "net8.0",
[ValidateSet("all", "runtime", "rewriting", "testing", "actors", "actors-testing", "tools")]
[string]$test = "all",
[string]$filter = "",
[string]$logger = "",
[ValidateSet("quiet", "minimal", "normal", "detailed", "diagnostic")]
[string]$v = "normal",
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot/common.psm1 -Force
$all_frameworks = (Get-Variable "framework").Attributes.ValidValues
$targets = [ordered]@{
"runtime" = "Tests.Runtime"
"rewriting" = "Tests.Rewriting"
"testing" = "Tests.BugFinding"
"actors" = "Tests.Actors"
"actors-testing" = "Tests.Actors.BugFinding"
"tools" = "Tests.Tools"
# Find that paths to the installed .NET runtime.
$dotnet = "dotnet"
$dotnet_runtime_path = FindDotNetRuntimePath -dotnet $dotnet -runtime "NETCore"
$aspnet_runtime_path = FindDotNetRuntimePath -dotnet $dotnet -runtime "AspNetCore"
$runtime_version = FindDotNetRuntimeVersion -dotnet_runtime_path $dotnet_runtime_path
# NOTE: we do some hacks to get around a known issue with dotnet tool
# command being available after locally being restored.
# Example:
# Restore the local ilverify tool.
&dotnet nuget locals all --clear
&dotnet tool restore
&dotnet tool install dotnet-ilverify --version 8.0.0
&dotnet tool list
$ilverify = "dotnet ilverify"
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('COYOTE_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT', '1')
# Run all enabled tests.
Write-Comment -text "Running the Coyote tests." -color "blue"
foreach ($kvp in $targets.GetEnumerator()) {
if (($test -ne "all") -and ($test -ne $($kvp.Name))) {
$frameworks = Get-ChildItem -Path "$PSScriptRoot/../Tests/$($kvp.Value)/bin" | `
Where-Object Name -CIn $all_frameworks | Select-Object -expand Name
foreach ($f in $frameworks) {
if ((-not $ci.IsPresent) -and ($f -ne $framework)) {
$target = "$PSScriptRoot/../Tests/$($kvp.Value)/$($kvp.Value).csproj"
if ($f -eq "net8.0") {
$AssemblyName = GetAssemblyName($target)
$command = [IO.Path]::Combine($PSScriptRoot, "..", "Tests", $($kvp.Value), "bin", "net8.0", "$AssemblyName.dll")
$command = $command + ' -r "' + [IO.Path]::Combine( `
$PSScriptRoot, "..", "Tests", $($kvp.Value), "bin", "net8.0", "*.dll") + '"'
$command = $command + ' -r "' + [IO.Path]::Combine($PSScriptRoot, "..", "bin", "net8.0", "*.dll") + '"'
$command = $command + ' -r "' + [IO.Path]::Combine($dotnet_runtime_path, $runtime_version, "*.dll") + '"'
$command = $command + ' -r "' + [IO.Path]::Combine($aspnet_runtime_path, $runtime_version, "*.dll") + '"'
Invoke-ToolCommand -tool $ilverify -cmd $command -error_msg "found corrupted assembly rewriting"
Invoke-DotnetTest -dotnet $dotnet -project $($kvp.Name) -target $target `
-filter $filter -logger $logger -framework $f -verbosity $v
if ($cli.IsPresent -and $IsWindows) {
Write-Comment -text "Running the Coyote CLI NuGet tool installation test." -color "blue"
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$temp_path = "bin/temp"
$cli_tool_path = "$PSScriptRoot/../$temp_path"
New-Item -Path $cli_tool_path -ItemType Directory -Force | out-null
if (Test-Path $cli_tool_path/coyote.exe) {
Write-Comment -text "Uninstalling the Microsoft.Coyote.CLI package."
dotnet tool uninstall Microsoft.Coyote.CLI --tool-path $temp_path
Write-Comment -text "Installing the Microsoft.Coyote.CLI package."
dotnet tool install --add-source $PSScriptRoot/../bin/nuget Microsoft.Coyote.CLI --no-cache --tool-path $temp_path
$help = (& "$cli_tool_path/coyote" -?) -join '\n'
Remove-Item $cli_tool_path -Recurse
if (!$help.Contains("coyote [command] [options]")) {
Write-Error "### Unexpected output from coyote command"
Write-Error $help
Exit 1
Write-Comment -text "Done." -color "green"