2017-09-23 07:03:50 +03:00
#include "CorrelationVector.hpp"
#include "utils/StringUtils.hpp" // for SplitString and AreAllCharactersWhitelisted
#include <vector>
#include <random>
#include <limits>
using std::string;
using std::mutex;
using std::vector;
// Note: CV spec reserves the last character for the "!" suffix identifying sealed values.
// This effectively means we have one less character to use.
// (so 64 is reduced to 63 for v1 and 128 is reduced to 127 for v2).
const size_t CorrelationVector::c_maxCVLength_v1 = 63;
const size_t CorrelationVector::c_baseCVLength_v1 = 16;
const size_t CorrelationVector::c_maxCVLength_v2 = 127;
const size_t CorrelationVector::c_baseCVLength_v2 = 22;
const string CorrelationVector::s_base64CharSet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
const string CorrelationVector::s_base10CharSet = "0123456789";
const string CorrelationVector::s_maxVectorElementValue = "4294967295";
bool CorrelationVector::Initialize(int version)
std::lock_guard<mutex> lock(m_lock);
if (version != 1 && version != 2)
return false;
m_maxLength = (version == 1 ? c_maxCVLength_v1 : c_maxCVLength_v2);
size_t baseLength = (version == 1 ? c_baseCVLength_v1 : c_baseCVLength_v2);
m_currentVector = 0;
m_baseVector = InitializeInternal(baseLength);
m_isInitialized = true;
return true;
void CorrelationVector::Uninitialize()
std::lock_guard<mutex> lock(m_lock);
m_currentVector = 0;
m_baseVector = "";
m_isInitialized = false;
bool CorrelationVector::IsInitialized()
return m_isInitialized;
string CorrelationVector::InitializeInternal(size_t baseLength)
string result = "";
std::random_device randomDevice;
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> base64Dist(0, 63);
for (size_t i = 0; i < baseLength; i++)
result += s_base64CharSet[base64Dist(randomDevice)];
return result;
string CorrelationVector::GetNextValue()
std::lock_guard<mutex> lock(m_lock);
string result = GetValueInternal();
return result;
string CorrelationVector::GetValue()
std::lock_guard<mutex> lock(m_lock);
return GetValueInternal();
string CorrelationVector::GetValueInternal()
if (m_isInitialized)
2019-04-15 22:50:00 +03:00
return m_baseVector + "." + std::to_string(m_currentVector);
2017-09-23 07:03:50 +03:00
2019-04-15 22:50:00 +03:00
return string { };
2017-09-23 07:03:50 +03:00
bool CorrelationVector::Extend()
std::lock_guard<mutex> lock(m_lock);
bool result = false;
if (CanExtendInternal())
m_baseVector = GetValueInternal();
m_currentVector = 0;
result = true;
return result;
bool CorrelationVector::Increment()
std::lock_guard<mutex> lock(m_lock);
return IncrementInternal();
bool CorrelationVector::IncrementInternal()
bool result = false;
if (CanIncrementInternal())
result = true;
return result;
bool CorrelationVector::CanExtend()
std::lock_guard<mutex> lock(m_lock);
return CanExtendInternal();
bool CorrelationVector::CanIncrement()
std::lock_guard<mutex> lock(m_lock);
return CanIncrementInternal();
bool CorrelationVector::CanExtendInternal()
if (!m_isInitialized)
return false;
// extending is appending ".0"
size_t newLength = GetLengthInternal(m_currentVector) + 2;
return (newLength <= m_maxLength);
bool CorrelationVector::CanIncrementInternal()
if (!m_isInitialized)
return false;
if (m_currentVector == std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max())
return false;
// incrementing is adding one to m_currentVector
size_t newLength = GetLengthInternal(m_currentVector + 1);
return (newLength <= m_maxLength);
2017-11-07 01:17:29 +03:00
size_t CorrelationVector::GetLengthInternal(size_t vectorValue)
2017-09-23 07:03:50 +03:00
size_t vectorSize = GetDigitCount(vectorValue);
// base + "." + numeric representation of m_currentVector
return (m_baseVector.length() + 1 + vectorSize);
size_t CorrelationVector::GetDigitCount(size_t value)
size_t digitCount = 1;
while (value > 9)
value /= 10;
return digitCount;
bool CorrelationVector::SetValue(const string& cv)
std::lock_guard<mutex> lock(m_lock);
// handle a special case: the last character could a "!", meaning that the vector is sealed for extension
if ((cv.length() == c_maxCVLength_v1 + 1 || cv.length() == c_maxCVLength_v2 + 1) && cv[cv.length() - 1] == '!')
vector<string> parts;
StringUtils::SplitString(cv, '.', parts);
if (parts.size() == 0)
return false;
size_t maxLength = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < parts.size(); i++)
// the first character group must be a base64 string or a certain length
if (i == 0)
if (parts[i].length() == c_baseCVLength_v1)
maxLength = c_maxCVLength_v1;
else if (parts[i].length() == c_baseCVLength_v2)
maxLength = c_maxCVLength_v2;
return false;
if (!StringUtils::AreAllCharactersWhitelisted(parts[i], s_base64CharSet))
return false;
// all other character groups must be non-empty, decimal digits
if (i != 0 && (parts[i].length() == 0 || !StringUtils::AreAllCharactersWhitelisted(parts[i], s_base10CharSet)))
return false;
// validate the full cV length based on the known cV version
if (cv.length() > maxLength)
return false;
if (parts.size() == 1)
// init with just the base value
m_baseVector = parts[0];
m_currentVector = 0;
size_t lastDot = cv.find_last_of(".");
bool parsingFailed = false;
string vectorString = cv.substr(lastDot + 1, string::npos);
// note: unsigned long is 32-bit on 32-bit arm devices
unsigned long currentVector = 0;
2020-03-17 20:23:05 +03:00
// do a manual string comparison before trying to parse the value to avoid throwing an exception
2017-09-23 07:03:50 +03:00
if (vectorString.length() == 0 ||
vectorString.length() > s_maxVectorElementValue.length() ||
(vectorString.length() == s_maxVectorElementValue.length() && vectorString > s_maxVectorElementValue))
parsingFailed = true;
currentVector = std::stoul(vectorString);
catch (std::invalid_argument&)
parsingFailed = true;
catch (std::out_of_range&)
parsingFailed = true;
if (parsingFailed || currentVector > std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max())
return false;
m_baseVector = cv.substr(0, lastDot);
m_currentVector = currentVector;
m_maxLength = maxLength;
m_isInitialized = true;
return true;