367 строки
8.6 KiB
367 строки
8.6 KiB
// Common Schema 4.0 definition. Generated from Collector Bond definition by applying the following steps:
// 1) Take CommonSchemaEvent.bond and rename it to CsProtocol.bond.
// 2) Remove comments, Bond metadata, BOM-marker, normalize tabs and linebreaks.
// 3) Comment out recursive Ingest.processedIngest field.
// 4) Change namespace to CsProtocol.
// 5) Change CommonSchemaEvent struct name to Record.
// 6) Replace 'nullable' with 'vector'.
// 7) Remove default 'nothing' for strings to avoid maybe<>.
// 8) Remove bonded<>.
namespace CsProtocol;
struct Ingest
1: required int64 time;
2: required string clientIp;
3: optional int64 auth;
4: optional int64 quality;
5: optional int64 uploadTime;
6: optional string userAgent;
7: optional string client;
// 8: optional vector<Ingest> processedIngest;
struct User
1: optional string id;
2: optional string localId;
3: optional string authId;
4: optional string locale;
struct Loc
1: optional string id;
2: optional string country;
3: optional string timezone;
struct Device
1: optional string id;
2: optional string localId;
3: optional string authId;
4: optional string authSecId;
5: optional string deviceClass;
6: optional string orgId;
7: optional string orgAuthId;
8: optional string make;
9: optional string model;
10: optional string authIdEnt;
struct Os
1: optional string locale;
2: optional string expId;
3: optional int32 bootId;
4: optional string name;
5: optional string ver;
struct App
1: optional string expId;
2: optional string userId;
3: optional string env;
4: optional int32 asId;
5: optional string id;
6: optional string ver;
7: optional string locale;
8: optional string name;
9: optional string sesId;
struct Utc
1: optional string stId;
2: optional string aId;
3: optional string raId;
4: optional string op;
5: optional int64 cat;
6: optional int64 flags;
7: optional string sqmId;
9: optional string mon;
10: optional int32 cpId;
11: optional string bSeq;
12: optional string epoch;
13: optional int64 seq;
// cs4.0 fields
14: optional double popSample;
15: optional int64 eventFlags;
16: optional int64 wsId;
17: optional int64 wcmp;
18: optional int64 wPId;
struct M365a
1: optional string enrolledTenantId;
2: optional uint64 msp;
struct Xbl
5: optional map<string, string> claims;
10: optional string nbf;
20: optional string exp;
30: optional string sbx;
40: optional string dty;
50: optional string did;
60: optional string xid;
70: optional uint64 uts;
80: optional string pid;
90: optional string dvr;
100: optional uint32 tid;
110: optional string tvr;
120: optional string sty;
130: optional string sid;
140: optional int64 eid;
150: string ip;
struct Javascript
10: optional string libVer;
15: optional string osName;
20: optional string browser;
21: optional string browserVersion;
25: optional string platform;
30: optional string make;
35: optional string model;
40: optional string screenSize;
45: optional string msfpc;
50: optional string mc1Id;
60: optional uint64 mc1Lu;
70: optional bool isMc1New;
80: optional string ms0;
90: optional string anid;
100: optional string a;
110: optional string msResearch;
120: optional string csrvc;
130: optional string rtCell;
140: optional string rtEndAction;
150: optional string rtPermId;
160: optional string r;
170: optional string wtFpc;
180: optional string omniId;
190: optional string gsfxSession;
200: optional string domain;
210: required bool userConsent;
220: optional string browserLang;
230: optional string serviceName;
999: optional string dnt;
struct Protocol
1: optional int32 metadataCrc;
2: optional vector<vector<string>> ticketKeys;
3: optional string devMake;
4: optional string devModel;
5: optional uint64 msp;
struct Receipts
1: optional int64 originalTime;
2: optional int64 uploadTime;
3: optional string originalName;
4: optional uint64 flags = 0;
struct Net
1: optional string provider;
2: optional string cost;
3: optional string type;
struct Sdk
// NOTE: libVer moved from 1 to 5??
1: optional string ver;
2: optional string epoch;
3: optional int64 seq;
4: optional string installId;
5: optional string libVer;
struct Cloud
1: optional string fullEnvName;
2: optional string location;
3: optional string environment;
4: optional string deploymentUnit;
5: optional string name;
6: optional string roleInstance;
7: optional string role;
struct Service
1: optional string name;
2: optional string role;
3: optional string roleVersion;
struct Cs
1: optional string sig;
struct Mscv
1: optional string cV;
struct IntWeb
1: optional string mc1Id;
2: optional string msfpc;
3: optional string anid;
4: optional string serviceName;
5: optional map<string, string> mscom;
struct IntService
1: optional string fullEnvName;
2: optional string location;
3: optional string environment;
4: optional string deploymentUnit;
5: optional string name;
struct Web
10: optional string browser;
20: optional string browserVer;
30: optional string screenRes;
40: optional string domain;
50: required bool userConsent;
60: optional string browserLang;
70: optional bool isManual;
enum ValueKind
ValueInt64 = 0,
ValueUInt64 = 1,
ValueInt32 = 2,
ValueUInt32 = 3,
ValueDouble = 4,
ValueString = 5,
ValueBool = 6,
ValueDateTime = 7,
ValueGuid = 8,
ValueArrayInt64 = 9,
ValueArrayUInt64 = 10,
ValueArrayInt32 = 11,
ValueArrayUInt32 = 12,
ValueArrayDouble = 13,
ValueArrayString = 14,
ValueArrayBool = 15,
ValueArrayDateTime = 16,
ValueArrayGuid = 17
enum PIIKind
NotSet = 0,
DistinguishedName = 1,
GenericData = 2,
IPV4Address = 3,
IPv6Address = 4,
MailSubject = 5,
PhoneNumber = 6,
QueryString = 7,
SipAddress = 8,
SmtpAddress = 9,
Identity = 10,
Uri = 11,
Fqdn = 12,
IPV4AddressLegacy = 13
struct PII
1: optional PIIKind Kind = NotSet;
enum CustomerContentKind
NotSet = 0,
GenericContent = 1
struct CustomerContent
1: optional CustomerContentKind Kind = NotSet;
struct Attributes
1: optional vector<PII> pii;
2: optional vector<CustomerContent> customerContent;
struct Value
1: optional ValueKind type = ValueString;
2: optional vector<Attributes> attributes;
3: optional string stringValue;
4: optional int64 longValue; // all integer types, data time, bool is represented here
5: optional double doubleValue;
6: optional vector<vector<uint8>> guidValue;
10: optional vector<vector<string>> stringArray;
11: optional vector<vector<int64>> longArray; // all vectors of integer types, data time, bool are represented here
12: optional vector<vector<double>> doubleArray;
13: optional vector<vector<vector<uint8>>> guidArray;
struct Data
1: optional map<string, Value> properties;
struct Record
1: required string ver;
2: required string name;
3: required int64 time;
4: optional double popSample = 100.0;
5: optional string iKey;
6: optional int64 flags;
7: optional string cV;
20: optional vector<Ingest> extIngest;
21: optional vector<Protocol> extProtocol;
22: optional vector<User> extUser;
23: optional vector<Device> extDevice;
24: optional vector<Os> extOs;
25: optional vector<App> extApp;
26: optional vector<Utc> extUtc;
27: optional vector<Xbl> extXbl;
28: optional vector<Javascript> extJavascript;
29: optional vector<Receipts> extReceipts;
31: optional vector<Net> extNet;
32: optional vector<Sdk> extSdk;
33: optional vector<Loc> extLoc;
34: optional vector<Cloud> extCloud;
35: optional vector<Service> extService;
36: optional vector<Cs> extCs;
37: optional vector<M365a> extM365a;
41: optional vector<Data> ext;
42: optional vector<Mscv> extMscv;
43: optional vector<IntWeb> extIntWeb;
44: optional vector<IntService> extIntService;
45: optional vector<Web> extWeb;
51: optional map<string, string> tags;
60: optional string baseType;
61: optional vector<Data> baseData;
70: vector<Data> data;