
579 строки
26 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import json
import os
__version__ = '2017.09.19.1'
class BondJson2Cpp:
"""Class encompassing the whole conversion process"""
def __init__(self):
"""Construct the class and set basic structures"""
self.types_map = {
'bool': {'c++type': 'bool', 'def': 'false', 'writer': 'Bool'},
'int8': {'c++type': 'int8_t', 'def': '0', 'writer': 'Int8'},
'int16': {'c++type': 'int16_t', 'def': '0', 'writer': 'Int16'},
'int32': {'c++type': 'int32_t', 'def': '0', 'writer': 'Int32'},
'int64': {'c++type': 'int64_t', 'def': '0', 'writer': 'Int64'},
'uint8': {'c++type': 'uint8_t', 'def': '0', 'writer': 'UInt8'},
'uint16': {'c++type': 'uint16_t', 'def': '0', 'writer': 'UInt16'},
'uint32': {'c++type': 'uint32_t', 'def': '0', 'writer': 'UInt32'},
'uint64': {'c++type': 'uint64_t', 'def': '0', 'writer': 'UInt64'},
'float': {'c++type': 'float', 'def': '0.0f', 'writer': 'Float'},
'double': {'c++type': 'double', 'def': '0.0', 'writer': 'Double'},
'string': {'c++type': 'std::string', 'isset': '!{0}.empty()', 'writer': 'String'},
self.output_file = None
def process_bond_data_types(self):
"""Convert basic Bond types from bond_const.json"""
with open('bond_const.json', 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
except Exception as e:
print('Error loading bond_const.json: {}'.format(e))
return False
print(' Creating BondConstTypes.hpp...')
with open('BondConstTypes.hpp', 'w') as f:
self.output_file = f
self.write_header('bond_const.json', ())
self.wl(0, '')
self.wl(0, 'namespace bond_lite {{')
for d in data['declarations']:
self.wl(0, '')
self.wl(0, 'enum {} {{', d['declName'])
max_len = max(map(lambda c: len(c['constantName']), d['enumConstants']))
for i, c in enumerate(d['enumConstants']):
self.wl(1, '{:{}} = {}{}', c['constantName'], max_len, c['constantValue'], ',' if i < len(d['enumConstants']) - 1 else '')
self.wl(0, '}};')
self.wl(0, '')
self.wl(0, '}} // namespace bond_lite')
self.output_file = None
print(' Done.')
return True
def format_bond_type(self, ft):
"""Return human-readable description of specified Bond type (for comments)"""
if type(ft) is dict:
if ft['type'] == 'user':
return ft['declaration']['declName']
elif ft['type'] == 'vector':
return 'vector<{}>'.format(self.format_bond_type(ft['element']))
elif ft['type'] == 'map':
return 'map<{}, {}>'.format(self.format_bond_type(ft['key']), self.format_bond_type(ft['element']))
raise RuntimeError('Unsupported fieldType {}'.format(ft['type']))
return ft
def get_basic_type_info(self, ft):
"""Return specified type description from self.types_map, raise exception if unknown"""
if ft not in self.types_map:
raise RuntimeError('Unknown field type {}'.format(ft))
return self.types_map[ft]
def format_cpp_type(self, ft):
"""Return C++ code denoting the corresponding C++ type of specified Bond type"""
if type(ft) is dict:
if ft['type'] == 'user':
return self.format_cpp_full_name(ft['declaration'])
elif ft['type'] == 'vector':
etype = self.format_cpp_type(ft['element'])
# Avoid <: digraph
if etype.startswith(':'):
etype = ' ' + etype
return 'std::vector<{}>'.format(etype)
elif ft['type'] == 'map':
ktype = self.format_cpp_type(ft['key'])
etype = self.format_cpp_type(ft['element'])
# Avoid <: digraph
if ktype.startswith(':'):
ktype = ' ' + ktype
return 'std::map<{}, {}>'.format(ktype, etype)
raise RuntimeError('Unsupported fieldType {}'.format(ft['type']))
return self.get_basic_type_info(ft)['c++type']
def format_cpp_bt_const(self, t):
"""Return C++ code denoting BT_xxx type constant for specified type"""
if type(t) is dict:
if t['type'] == 'user':
name = 'BT_' + t['declaration']['tag'].upper()
elif t['type'] == 'vector':
name = 'BT_LIST'
elif t['type'] == 'map':
name = 'BT_MAP'
name = 'BT_' + t['tag'].upper()
elif not t.startswith('BT_'):
name = 'BT_' + t.upper()
name = t
return '{}'.format(name)
def format_cpp_full_name(self, struct, relativeTo=None):
"""Return C++ code denoting the fully-qualified name of specified user type"""
ns = struct['declNamespaces'][0]['name']
skip = 0
if relativeTo is not None:
refNs = relativeTo['declNamespaces'][0]['name']
while skip < len(ns) and skip < len(refNs) and ns[skip] == refNs[skip]:
skip += 1
parts = []
if skip == 0:
return '::'.join(parts)
def format_cpp_field_default(self, f):
"""Return C++ code denoting the default value for specified field"""
fd = f['fieldDefault']
if fd is None:
ft = f['fieldType']
if type(ft) is not dict:
bti = self.get_basic_type_info(ft)
if 'def' in bti:
return bti['def']
return None
elif fd['type'] == 'integer':
return str(fd['value'])
elif fd['type'] == 'float':
return str(fd['value'])
elif fd['type'] == 'enum':
return '{}::{}'.format(self.format_cpp_full_name(f['fieldType']['declaration']), fd['value'])
raise RuntimeError('Unsupported fieldDefault {}'.format(fd))
def wl(self, indent, str, *args):
"""Write a formatted line with requested indentation to the output file"""
if str == '':
# Avoid trailing whitespace on empty lines
self.output_file.write(' ' * 4 * indent + str.format(*args) + '\n')
def write_header(self, input_filename, includes):
"""Write the auto-generated C++ banner and common include lines to specified file"""
self.wl(0, '//------------------------------------------------------------------------------')
self.wl(0, '// This code was generated by a tool.')
self.wl(0, '//')
self.wl(0, '// Tool : bondjson2cpp {}'.format(__version__))
self.wl(0, '// File : {}'.format(input_filename))
self.wl(0, '//')
self.wl(0, '// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost when')
self.wl(0, '// the code is regenerated.')
self.wl(0, '// <auto-generated />')
self.wl(0, '//------------------------------------------------------------------------------')
self.wl(0, '')
self.wl(0, '#pragma once')
for include in includes:
self.wl(0, '#include {}', include)
def write_types(self, declarations):
"""Convert all types declared in the input to C++ and write the output to specified file"""
cur_ns = []
for d in declarations:
if len(d['declNamespaces']) != 1:
raise RuntimeError('More than one entry in declNamespaces')
ns = d['declNamespaces'][0]['name']
while len(cur_ns) > len(ns) or (len(cur_ns) > 0 and cur_ns[-1] != ns[-1]):
self.wl(0, '}} // namespace {}', cur_ns.pop())
if ns != cur_ns:
self.wl(0, '')
while len(ns) > len(cur_ns):
self.wl(0, 'namespace {} {{', cur_ns[-1])
self.wl(0, '')
if d['tag'] == 'Struct':
if len(d['declParams']) != 0:
raise RuntimeError('Struct with declParams that contain something')
if len(d['declAttributes']) != 0:
raise RuntimeError('Struct with declAttributes that contain something')
if d['structBase'] is not None:
raise RuntimeError('Struct with structBase that is not null')
self.wl(0, 'struct {} {{', d['declName'])
# Write fields, possibly with default values (C++11 initialization)
for f in d['structFields']:
self.wl(1, '// {}: {} {} {}', f['fieldOrdinal'], f['fieldModifier'].lower(), self.format_bond_type(f['fieldType']), f['fieldName'])
fd = self.format_cpp_field_default(f)
if fd is None:
self.wl(1, '{} {};', self.format_cpp_type(f['fieldType']), f['fieldName'])
self.wl(1, '{} {} = {};', self.format_cpp_type(f['fieldType']), f['fieldName'], fd)
# Default constructor, copy constructor, move constructor, assignment operator,
# move-assignment operator and destructor are created automatically by default.
# operator==
self.wl(1, '')
self.wl(1, 'bool operator==({} const& other) const', d['declName'])
self.wl(1, '{{')
for i, f in enumerate(d['structFields']):
self.wl(2, '{0} ({1} == other.{1}){2}', 'return' if i == 0 else ' &&', f['fieldName'], ';' if i == len(d['structFields']) - 1 else '')
self.wl(1, '}}')
# operator!=
self.wl(1, '')
self.wl(1, 'bool operator!=({} const& other) const', d['declName'])
self.wl(1, '{{')
self.wl(2, 'return !(*this == other);')
self.wl(1, '}}')
# The Boost-Bond also generated swap() method and external swap() function.
# Skipping that for now as C++11 default std::swap() uses move semantics
# and in the end is arguably as good as a dedicated swap implementation.
self.wl(0, '}};')
self.wl(0, '')
elif d['tag'] == 'Enum':
if len(d['declAttributes']) != 0:
raise RuntimeError('Enum and declAttributes contain something')
# Using the same trick as the original Boost-Bond to not leak all enum
# member symbols to the parent namespace.
self.wl(0, 'namespace _bond_enumerators {{')
self.wl(0, 'namespace {} {{', d['declName'])
self.wl(0, 'enum {} {{', d['declName'])
max_len = max(map(lambda c: len(c['constantName']), d['enumConstants']))
for i, c in enumerate(d['enumConstants']):
self.wl(1, '{:{}} = {}{}', c['constantName'], max_len, c['constantValue'], ',' if i < len(d['enumConstants']) - 1 else '')
self.wl(0, '}};')
self.wl(0, '}}')
self.wl(0, '}}')
self.wl(0, 'using namespace _bond_enumerators::{};', d['declName'])
self.wl(0, '')
raise RuntimeError('Unsupported tag {}'.format(d['tag']))
while len(cur_ns) > 0:
self.wl(0, '}} // namespace {}', cur_ns.pop())
def write_item_writer(self, ft, var, indent):
"""Construct C++ code for writing specified variable and write it to the output file"""
if type(ft) is dict:
if ft['type'] == 'user':
if ft['declaration']['tag'] == 'Enum':
# The assumption that the enum is actually INT32 is tested with
# a static_assert generated in write_field_writer() below.
self.wl(indent, 'writer.WriteInt32(static_cast<int32_t>({}));', var)
self.wl(indent, 'Serialize(writer, {}, false);', var)
elif ft['type'] == 'vector':
self.wl(indent, 'writer.WriteContainerBegin({}.size(), {});', var, self.format_cpp_bt_const(ft['element']))
self.wl(indent, 'for (auto const& item{} : {}) {{', indent, var)
self.write_item_writer(ft['element'], 'item{}'.format(indent), indent + 1)
self.wl(indent, '}}')
self.wl(indent, 'writer.WriteContainerEnd();')
elif ft['type'] == 'map':
self.wl(indent, 'writer.WriteMapContainerBegin({}.size(), {}, {});', var, self.format_cpp_bt_const(ft['key']), self.format_cpp_bt_const(ft['element']))
self.wl(indent, 'for (auto const& item{} : {}) {{', indent, var)
self.write_item_writer(ft['key'], 'item{}.first'.format(indent), indent + 1)
self.write_item_writer(ft['element'], 'item{}.second'.format(indent), indent + 1)
self.wl(indent, '}}')
self.wl(indent, 'writer.WriteContainerEnd();')
raise RuntimeError('Unsupported fieldType {}'.format(ft['type']))
self.wl(indent, 'writer.Write{}({});', self.get_basic_type_info(ft)['writer'], var)
def write_field_writer(self, f, var, indent):
"""Construct C++ code for writing specified field and write it to the output file"""
ft = f['fieldType']
if type(ft) is dict and not (ft['type'] == 'user' and ft['declaration']['tag'] == 'Enum'):
# Composed types
if ft['type'] == 'user':
self.wl(indent, 'writer.WriteFieldBegin({}, {}, nullptr);', self.format_cpp_bt_const(ft), f['fieldOrdinal'])
self.write_item_writer(ft, var, indent)
self.wl(indent, 'writer.WriteFieldEnd();')
elif ft['type'] == 'vector':
self.wl(indent, 'if (!{}.empty()) {{', var)
self.wl(indent + 1, 'writer.WriteFieldBegin({}, {}, nullptr);', self.format_cpp_bt_const(ft), f['fieldOrdinal'])
self.write_item_writer(ft, var, indent + 1)
self.wl(indent + 1, 'writer.WriteFieldEnd();')
self.wl(indent, '}} else {{')
self.wl(indent + 1, 'writer.WriteFieldOmitted({}, {}, nullptr);', self.format_cpp_bt_const(ft), f['fieldOrdinal'])
self.wl(indent, '}}')
elif ft['type'] == 'map':
self.wl(indent, 'if (!{}.empty()) {{', var)
self.wl(indent + 1, 'writer.WriteFieldBegin({}, {}, nullptr);', self.format_cpp_bt_const(ft), f['fieldOrdinal'])
self.write_item_writer(ft, var, indent + 1)
self.wl(indent + 1, 'writer.WriteFieldEnd();')
self.wl(indent, '}} else {{')
self.wl(indent + 1, 'writer.WriteFieldOmitted({}, {}, nullptr);', self.format_cpp_bt_const(ft), f['fieldOrdinal'])
self.wl(indent, '}}')
raise RuntimeError('Unsupported fieldType {}'.format(ft['type']))
# Plain types
if type(ft) is dict:
self.wl(indent, 'static_assert(sizeof({}) == 4, "Invalid size of enum");', var)
bt = self.format_cpp_bt_const('BT_INT32')
bt = self.format_cpp_bt_const(ft)
fd = self.format_cpp_field_default(f)
if fd is not None:
isset = '{} != {}'.format(var, fd)
isset = self.get_basic_type_info(ft)['isset'].format(var)
self.wl(indent, 'if ({}) {{', isset)
self.wl(indent + 1, 'writer.WriteFieldBegin({}, {}, nullptr);', bt, f['fieldOrdinal'])
self.write_item_writer(ft, var, indent + 1)
self.wl(indent + 1, 'writer.WriteFieldEnd();')
self.wl(indent, '}} else {{')
self.wl(indent + 1, 'writer.WriteFieldOmitted({}, {}, nullptr);', bt, f['fieldOrdinal'])
self.wl(indent, '}}')
def write_writers(self, declarations):
"""Construct C++ writers for all structures declared in the input and write the output to specified file"""
self.wl(0, '')
self.wl(0, 'namespace bond_lite {{')
self.wl(0, '')
for d in declarations:
if d['tag'] != 'Struct':
self.wl(0, 'template<typename TWriter>')
self.wl(0, 'void Serialize(TWriter& writer, {} const& value, bool isBase)', self.format_cpp_full_name(d))
self.wl(0, '{{')
self.wl(1, 'writer.WriteStructBegin(nullptr, isBase);')
self.wl(1, '')
for f in d['structFields']:
self.write_field_writer(f, 'value.{}'.format(f['fieldName']), 1)
self.wl(1, '')
self.wl(1, 'writer.WriteStructEnd(isBase);')
self.wl(0, '}}')
self.wl(0, '')
self.wl(0, '}} // namespace bond_lite')
def write_item_reader(self, ft, var, indent):
"""Construct C++ code for reading specified serialized variable and write it to the output file"""
if type(ft) is dict:
if ft['type'] == 'user':
if ft['declaration']['tag'] == 'Enum':
# The assumption that the enum is actually INT32 is tested with
# a static_assert generated in write_field_reader() below.
self.wl(indent, 'int32_t item{};', indent)
self.wl(indent, 'if (!reader.ReadInt32(item{})) {{', indent)
self.wl(indent + 1, 'return false;')
self.wl(indent, '}}')
etype = self.format_cpp_type(ft)
# Avoid <: digraph
if etype.startswith(':'):
etype = ' ' + etype
self.wl(indent, '{} = static_cast<{}>(item{});', var, etype, indent)
self.wl(indent, 'if (!Deserialize(reader, {}, false)) {{', var)
self.wl(indent + 1, 'return false;')
self.wl(indent, '}}')
elif ft['type'] == 'vector':
self.wl(indent, 'uint32_t size{};', indent)
self.wl(indent, 'uint8_t type{};', indent)
self.wl(indent, 'if (!reader.ReadContainerBegin(size{0}, type{0})) {{', indent)
self.wl(indent + 1, 'return false;')
self.wl(indent, '}}')
self.wl(indent, 'if (type{} != {}) {{', indent, self.format_cpp_bt_const(ft['element']))
self.wl(indent + 1, 'return false;')
self.wl(indent, '}}')
self.wl(indent, '{}.resize(size{});', var, indent)
self.wl(indent, 'for (unsigned i{0} = 0; i{0} < size{0}; i{0}++) {{', indent)
self.write_item_reader(ft['element'], '{}[i{}]'.format(var, indent), indent + 1)
self.wl(indent, '}}')
self.wl(indent, 'if (!reader.ReadContainerEnd()) {{')
self.wl(indent + 1, 'return false;')
self.wl(indent, '}}')
elif ft['type'] == 'map':
self.wl(indent, 'uint32_t size{};', indent)
self.wl(indent, 'uint8_t keyType{}, valueType{};', indent, indent)
self.wl(indent, 'if (!reader.ReadMapContainerBegin(size{0}, keyType{0}, valueType{0})) {{', indent)
self.wl(indent + 1, 'return false;')
self.wl(indent, '}}')
self.wl(indent, 'if (keyType{0} != {1} || valueType{0} != {2}) {{', indent, self.format_cpp_bt_const(ft['key']), self.format_cpp_bt_const(ft['element']))
self.wl(indent + 1, 'return false;')
self.wl(indent, '}}')
self.wl(indent, 'for (unsigned i{0} = 0; i{0} < size{0}; i{0}++) {{', indent)
self.wl(indent + 1, '{} key{};', self.format_cpp_type(ft['key']), indent)
self.write_item_reader(ft['key'], 'key{}'.format(indent), indent + 1)
self.write_item_reader(ft['element'], '{}[key{}]'.format(var, indent), indent + 1)
self.wl(indent, '}}')
self.wl(indent, 'if (!reader.ReadContainerEnd()) {{')
self.wl(indent + 1, 'return false;')
self.wl(indent, '}}')
raise RuntimeError('Unsupported fieldType {}'.format(ft['type']))
self.wl(indent, 'if (!reader.Read{}({})) {{', self.get_basic_type_info(ft)['writer'], var)
self.wl(indent + 1, 'return false;')
self.wl(indent, '}}')
def write_field_reader(self, f, var, indent):
"""Construct C++ code for reading specified serialized field and write it to the output file"""
ft = f['fieldType']
if type(ft) is dict and not (ft['type'] == 'user' and ft['declaration']['tag'] == 'Enum'):
# Composed types
if ft['type'] == 'user':
self.write_item_reader(ft, var, indent)
elif ft['type'] == 'vector':
self.write_item_reader(ft, var, indent)
elif ft['type'] == 'map':
self.write_item_reader(ft, var, indent)
raise RuntimeError('Unsupported fieldType {}'.format(ft['type']))
# Plain types
if type(ft) is dict:
self.wl(indent, 'static_assert(sizeof({}) == 4, "Invalid size of enum");', var)
bt = self.format_cpp_bt_const('BT_INT32')
bt = self.format_cpp_bt_const(ft)
self.write_item_reader(ft, var, indent)
def write_readers(self, declarations):
"""Construct C++ readers for all structures declared in the input and write the output to specified file"""
self.wl(0, '')
self.wl(0, 'namespace bond_lite {{')
self.wl(0, '')
for d in declarations:
if d['tag'] != 'Struct':
self.wl(0, 'template<typename TReader>')
self.wl(0, 'bool Deserialize(TReader& reader, {}& value, bool isBase)', self.format_cpp_full_name(d))
self.wl(0, '{{')
self.wl(1, 'if (!reader.ReadStructBegin(isBase)) {{')
self.wl(2, 'return false;')
self.wl(1, '}}')
self.wl(1, '')
self.wl(1, 'uint8_t type;')
self.wl(1, 'uint16_t id;')
self.wl(1, 'for (;;) {{')
self.wl(2, 'if (!reader.ReadFieldBegin(type, id)) {{')
self.wl(3, 'return false;')
self.wl(2, '}}')
self.wl(2, '')
self.wl(2, 'if (type == {} || type == {}) {{', self.format_cpp_bt_const('BT_STOP'), self.format_cpp_bt_const('BT_STOP_BASE'))
self.wl(3, 'if (isBase != (type == {})) {{', self.format_cpp_bt_const('BT_STOP_BASE'))
self.wl(4, 'return false;')
self.wl(3, '}}')
self.wl(3, 'break;')
self.wl(2, '}}')
self.wl(2, '')
self.wl(2, 'switch (id) {{')
for f in d['structFields']:
self.wl(3, 'case {}: {{', f['fieldOrdinal'])
self.write_field_reader(f, 'value.{}'.format(f['fieldName']), 4)
self.wl(4, 'break;')
self.wl(3, '}}')
self.wl(3, '')
self.wl(3, 'default:')
self.wl(4, 'return false;')
self.wl(2, '}}')
self.wl(2, '')
self.wl(2, 'if (!reader.ReadFieldEnd()) {{')
self.wl(3, 'return false;')
self.wl(2, '}}')
self.wl(1, '}}')
self.wl(1, '')
self.wl(1, 'if (!reader.ReadStructEnd(isBase)) {{')
self.wl(2, 'return false;')
self.wl(1, '}}')
self.wl(1, '')
self.wl(1, 'return true;')
self.wl(0, '}}')
self.wl(0, '')
self.wl(0, '}} // namespace bond_lite')
def process(self, input_filename):
"""Process one input JSON schema file and create output C++ files"""
with open(input_filename, 'r') as f:
input_json = json.load(f)
except Exception as e:
print('Error loading input file: {}'.format(e))
declarations = sorted(input_json['declarations'], key=lambda x: x['declNamespaces'])
input_noext = os.path.splitext(input_filename)[0]
print(' Creating {}_types.hpp...'.format(input_noext))
with open(input_noext + '_types.hpp', 'w') as f:
self.output_file = f
self.write_header(input_filename, ('<cstdint>', '<string>', '<vector>', '<map>'))
self.output_file = None
print(' Creating {}_writers.hpp...'.format(input_noext))
with open(input_noext + '_writers.hpp', 'w') as f:
self.output_file = f
self.write_header(input_filename, ('"BondConstTypes.hpp"',))
self.output_file = None
print(' Creating {}_readers.hpp...'.format(input_noext))
with open(input_noext + '_readers.hpp', 'w') as f:
self.output_file = f
self.write_header(input_filename, ('"BondConstTypes.hpp"',))
self.output_file = None
print(' Done.')
def main():
print('-*- bondjson2cpp - version {} -*-\n'.format(__version__))
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Convert Bond JSON schema to C++ headers for use with Bond lite serializer.',
epilog='For each input Schema.json, output files Schema_types.hpp, Schema_writers.hpp and ' +
'Schema_readers.hpp will be created (or overwritten). bond_const.json (generated from ' +
'bond_const.bond) has to be in the current directory too.'
parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + __version__)
parser.add_argument('input', metavar='Schema.json', type=str, nargs='+',
help='Bond JSON schema, generated by `gbc schema ...`')
args = parser.parse_args()
processor = BondJson2Cpp()
if not processor.process_bond_data_types():
for f in args.input:
if __name__ == '__main__':