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# The current Azure Pipeline image does not contain all the Visual Studio packages necessary to build ClientTelemetry on
# ARM64. This script updates VS 2017 Enterprise installation to include those packages. (Installation takes ~10 minutes.)
$vs_exe_download_url = "https://aka.ms/vs/15/release/vs_enterprise.exe"
$vs_exe = "vs_enterprise.exe"
$vs_path = """C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise"""
# Components to install
$components = @(
function Show-Configuration {
$installer_exe = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vs_installer.exe"
$config_file = "install.vsconfig"
Write-Output "Reading installation configuration..."
Start-Process -FilePath $installer_exe -ArgumentList "export", "--installPath", $vs_path, "--config", $config_file, "--quiet" -Wait
Write-Output "...done!"
Get-Content $config_file | ForEach-Object { Write-Output $_ }
Write-Output "Downloading installer..."
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $vs_exe_download_url -OutFile $vs_exe
Write-Output "...done!"
Write-Output "Updating installer..."
Start-Process -FilePath $vs_exe -ArgumentList "--installPath", $vs_path, "--wait", "--quiet", "--norestart", "--update" -Wait
Write-Output "...done!"
# Print configuration pre-update (useful for debugging but sometimes hangs)
Write-Output "Adding components..."
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$component_args = "--installPath", $vs_path, "--wait", "--quiet", "--norestart"
foreach ($component in $components) {
Write-Output $component
$component_args.Add("--add") | Out-Null
$component_args.Add($component) | Out-Null
Start-Process -FilePath $vs_exe -ArgumentList $component_args -Wait
Write-Output "...done!"
# Print configuration post-update (useful for debugging but sometimes hangs)