99adc8cc0f | ||
OneSdkSampleApp | ||
Sample | ||
Solutions | ||
Sysroot | ||
bondlite | ||
docs | ||
lib | ||
linktest | ||
sqlite | ||
sqliteUWP | ||
tests | ||
tools | ||
uap-cpp | ||
zlib | ||
.gitattributes | ||
.gitignore | ||
CMakeLists.txt | ||
README.md | ||
RunOACR.bat | ||
build-Win32Debug.bat | ||
build-Win32Release.bat | ||
build-all.bat | ||
build-x64Debug.bat | ||
build-x64Release.bat | ||
build.properties | ||
codeflow.bat | ||
ivy.xml | ||
uncrustify.cfg | ||
uncrustify.ignore |
Aria C++ V2 SDK
SDK Information
- Dave Tryon (Dave.Tryon@microsoft.com)
- Sanjay Gautam (sanjayga@microsoft.com)
- saahme (Sajeed Ahmed)
- ariaesdks (ARIA SDK Team)
- Should be used only after the dev build passed and you want your change into master
- Pull Request is needed to push to Master, at least 1 person needs to be added for approval. Please add aria sdk team (ariaesdks@microsoft.com)
- Any push will trigger a new build -
- This should be clean green but if it's red, no problem just go ahead and fix it
- Fell free to push to dev once your feature is done. We encourage you to use build\ branch first
- Any push will trigger a new build -
- Create a new branch for each feature you are working on or you just want to check some changes you made
- Any new branch or change to this branch will not trigger any build -
- Create a new branch under build\ folder if you want an automatic build to be triggered online.
- This allows you to test local changes with no need of an environment setup
- Any push will trigger a new [build]https://msasg.visualstudio.com/Shared%20Data/Mobile%20Analytics%20-%20Mobile%20SDKs/_build/index?context=allDefinitions&path=%5CAriaSDK%5CC&definitionId=1754&_a=completed)
Best Practice:
- User your own branch per feature. Once it can build locally, push it to dev so MSASG vso will build to all supported platforms
- Code practices:
- Follow the code that is written in the file you are modifying.
- Do not refactor code that is already written unless, refactoring is the name of the game
- Some Guildines
Supported platforms:
- Windows
- Visual Studio 2015 or higher
- Google Test Adapter
- Pushing to dev will trigger all C++ dev build
- Pushing to master will trigger only the C++ master build
- Pushing to build\<branch_name> will trigger only the C++ features build
- Install the Deps
- run: AriaSDK.sln solution and build & use Google Test Adapter to run the tests
- run: build-all.bat from command line and it will build
- Note: On at least one instance, the location for the windows SDK headers had to be manually specified (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.x\shared) in the VC++ Include Directories
Running tests
- Google Test Adapter (Just to run/debug the tests inside Visual Studio)
Run Tests:
- Run Tests from Visual Studio or from command line. See build-win32Debug.bat for more information
Test Result:
- You will see them in Visual Studio