Adding ClassicGEC and FSBOL wrapper
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECIntegrationTests\Tests.fs" Link="Tests.fs" />
<Compile Include="Program.fs" />
<None Include="paket.references" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\CRNEngine\CRNIntegrationTestLib\CRNIntegrationTestLib.fsproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\ClassicGECHTML5\ClassicGECHTML5.csproj" />
<Import Project="..\..\.paket\Paket.Restore.targets" />
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
module Program
open System
open System.Diagnostics
open Expecto
open canopy
open canopy.types
open canopy.classic
open Microsoft.Research.CRNIntegrationTestLib
let main args =
let (dir,groups,timeout,args) = Program.separateArgsDist args
// Start a web server
printfn "Starting 'dotnet serve' on %s" dir
let serverProcess = Process.Start("dotnet", sprintf "serve -d %s" dir)
printfn "'dotnet serve' started, PID = %d" serverProcess.Id
let result =
let url = "http://localhost:8080"
BrowserSetup.configureCanopy timeout
let tests = Tests.tests groups Tests.Worker url
|||| args tests
printfn "Shutting down 'dotnet serve'..."
try serverProcess.Kill() with _ -> ()
if System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached then
printf "Press any key to exit"
System.Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
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<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2" />
<runtime><assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
<assemblyIdentity name="FSharp.Core" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
<assemblyIdentity name="Dynamitey" publicKeyToken="cbf53ea3aeb972c6" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
<assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives" publicKeyToken="adb9793829ddae60" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
<assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers" publicKeyToken="adb9793829ddae60" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
<assemblyIdentity name="Newtonsoft.Json" publicKeyToken="30ad4fe6b2a6aeed" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
<assemblyIdentity name="System.Buffers" publicKeyToken="cc7b13ffcd2ddd51" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
<assemblyIdentity name="System.Collections.Concurrent" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
<assemblyIdentity name="System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager" publicKeyToken="cc7b13ffcd2ddd51" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
<assemblyIdentity name="System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
<assemblyIdentity name="System.Linq" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
<assemblyIdentity name="System.Memory" publicKeyToken="cc7b13ffcd2ddd51" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
<assemblyIdentity name="System.Numerics.Vectors" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
<assemblyIdentity name="System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
<assemblyIdentity name="System.Runtime.Numerics" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
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<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
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<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
namespace ClassicGECCLI.AssemblyInfo
open System.Reflection
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
open System.Runtime.InteropServices
// Le informazioni generali relative a un assembly sono controllate dal seguente
// set di attributi. Modificare i valori di questi attributi per modificare le informazioni
// associate a un assembly.
[<assembly: AssemblyTitle("ClassicGECCLI")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyDescription("")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyCompany("")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyProduct("ClassicGECCLI")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2017")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyCulture("")>]
// Se si imposta ComVisible su false, i tipi in questo assembly non saranno visibili
// ai componenti COM. Se è necessario accedere a un tipo in questo assembly da
// COM, impostare su true l'attributo ComVisible per tale tipo.
[<assembly: ComVisible(false)>]
// Se il progetto viene esposto a COM, il seguente GUID verrà utilizzato come ID della libreria dei tipi
[<assembly: Guid("7b81a30f-f8a4-435d-a53a-9634c7a82686")>]
// Le informazioni sulla versione di un assembly sono costituite dai quattro valori seguenti:
// Versione principale
// Versione secondaria
// Numero di build
// Revisione
// È possibile specificare tutti i valori oppure impostare valori predefiniti per i numeri relativi alla revisione e alla build
// utilizzando l'asterisco (*) come illustrato di seguito:
// [<assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyVersion("")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")>]
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Compile Include="AssemblyInfo.fs" />
<None Include="paket.references" />
<Compile Include="Program.fs" />
<None Include="App.config" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\CRNEngine\CliLibrary\CliLibrary.fsproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\ClassicGECDotNet.fsproj" />
<Reference Include="Oslo.FSharp">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">
<Target Name="Copying Sundials" AfterTargets="AfterBuild" Condition="$(OS) == Windows_NT">
<Exec Command="xcopy /y /q /d "$(SolutionDir)x64\$(Configuration)\SundialsSolver15.dll" "$(OutDir)"" />
<Exec Command="xcopy /y /q /d "$(SolutionDir)x64\$(Configuration)\SundialsSolver15.pdb" "$(OutDir)"" />
<Import Project="..\..\.paket\Paket.Restore.targets" />
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.Classic
open Microsoft.Research.CliLibrary
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
open Argu
type GECArgs =
| Parts of string
| Reactions of string
| DE
| MG of int
| CE
interface IArgParserTemplate with
member s.Usage =
match s with
| Parts _ -> "Parts database"
| Reactions _ -> "Reactions database"
| DE -> "Enumerate possible constructs from the given parts and constraints."
| MG _ -> "Generate CRN model for the nth device enumerated by GEC."
| CE -> "Export the generated CRN model into an SVG image."
let printSVG crn =
printf """<svg xmlns="" height="100%%" width="100%%">
.crnsvgvalue {
text-anchor: end;
stroke: black;
fill: black;
stroke-width: 0;
font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 15px;
.crnsvgrate {
text-anchor: middle;
stroke: black;
fill: black;
stroke-width: 0;
font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 15px;
path.crnsvgrate { stroke-width: 2; fill: none; stroke-linejoin: round }
.crnsvgplus { text-anchor: start }
.crnsvgspeciestext { text-anchor: start }
|> Crn.reactions_to_svg
|> Svg.to_element_string
|> printfn "%s"
printfn "<text>"
crn.all_species ()
|> List.iter (fun s -> match crn.attributes.TryFind with
| None -> ()
| Some a -> printfn "<tspan x=\"400\" dy=\"1.2em\" font-size=\"1.3em\">%s = %s</tspan>" (System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode a.structure |> String.filter(fun c -> c <> '\"')))
printfn "</text>"
printfn "</svg>"
let main args =
// Enforce invariant culture (prevents issues with decimal separators on international systems).
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture <- System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
// Start by extracting the parts and reactions databases from the argument list
let gec_parser = ArgumentParser.Create(programName = "ClassicGEC")
let gec_results = gec_parser.Parse(args, ignoreUnrecognized=true)
let dbParts =
match gec_results.TryGetResult Parts with
| Some f -> System.IO.File.ReadAllText f
| None -> Databases.defaultParts
let dbReactions =
match gec_results.TryGetResult Reactions with
| Some f -> System.IO.File.ReadAllText f
| None -> Databases.defaultReactions
// Here we assume that we are only interested in the first solution, equivalent to how the GUI handles inference from a GEC program
let parser code =
match Main.parse code with
| Program.t.ClassicGec _ ->
let solveResult = GECEngine.solveGEC (ref false) code dbParts dbReactions
let firstSolution = GECEngine.getCrnAssignment solveResult.graph solveResult.solution 0
| Program.t.LogicGec bundle ->
let cle = LogicGEC.cle
if gec_results.Contains DE
// generate all models
LogicGEC.enumerateDevices cle bundle.rules bundle.program
|> (fun p -> p |> (LogicGEC.Instruction.ToString cle) |> String.concat " | ")
|> List.iteri (fun i s -> printfn "Solution %i: %s" i s)
// return empty graph
{ task = None
nodes = Map.empty
edges = Map.empty
expanded =false }
elif gec_results.Contains MG
let i = gec_results.GetResult MG
// get ith model
let solutions = LogicGEC.enumerateDevices cle bundle.rules bundle.program
let max = solutions.Length
if 0 <= i && i < max
// generate ith model
let sol = solutions.Item i
let crn = LogicGEC.generateCRN cle bundle.rules sol
// return IGraph with a single node
let crnSettings = Crn_settings.defaults.from_default_directive_list bundle.settings.directives
if gec_results.Contains CE
then printSVG crn
printf "%s" (crn.to_string ())
printfn "\n"
crn.all_species ()
|> List.iter (fun s -> match crn.attributes.TryFind with
| None -> ()
| Some a -> printfn "%s = %s" (a.structure |> String.filter (fun c -> c <> '"')))
{ task = None
nodes = Map.ofList [sprintf "Model_%i" i, Model.create crnSettings [crn]]
edges = Map.empty
expanded =false }
else failwithf "Input index %i is out of bound, the total number of solutions found is %i" i max
else failwith "Please specify whether to do construct assembly or model generation for the given Logic GEC program."
// Call generic CLI program
let ret = Program.main parser args
with e ->
match e with
| :? Parser.Exception as e -> match e.Errors with
| [| {row=r; column=c; text=t} |] -> printfn "Parsing error at %i, %i: expecting %s" r c t
| _ -> raise e
| _ -> raise e
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio Version 16
VisualStudioVersion = 16.0.30225.117
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
Project("{6EC3EE1D-3C4E-46DD-8F32-0CC8E7565705}") = "CRNEngineDotNet", "..\CRNEngine\CRNEngineDotNet\CRNEngineDotNet.fsproj", "{AE45211A-A65D-4827-A1F9-07A20EB0F154}"
Project("{6EC3EE1D-3C4E-46DD-8F32-0CC8E7565705}") = "Filzbach.FSharp.Portable", "..\Filzbach.FSharp\Filzbach.FSharp.Portable.fsproj", "{2849368F-AC32-4D1E-B6D6-9C52261A5F2D}"
Project("{6EC3EE1D-3C4E-46DD-8F32-0CC8E7565705}") = "ParserCombinators", "..\ParserCombinators\ParserCombinators\ParserCombinators.fsproj", "{DD8FEC26-6D1D-4642-A706-04070B6D5494}"
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "SundialsSolver15", "..\SundialsSolver\SundialsSolver15\SundialsSolver15.vcxproj", "{866880DC-BF1E-4C12-8238-72E7EFF44AFB}"
Project("{6EC3EE1D-3C4E-46DD-8F32-0CC8E7565705}") = "ReactionDiffusion", "..\PDESolvers\ReactionDiffusion\ReactionDiffusion.fsproj", "{529BEDB7-C73A-4A77-BFD9-1628D75C321B}"
Project("{6EC3EE1D-3C4E-46DD-8F32-0CC8E7565705}") = "CRNEngineTests", "..\CRNEngine\CRNEngineTests\CRNEngineTests.fsproj", "{8E0427CB-DD8F-46BE-A5BC-C02CF55F152D}"
Project("{6EC3EE1D-3C4E-46DD-8F32-0CC8E7565705}") = "CliLibrary", "..\CRNEngine\CliLibrary\CliLibrary.fsproj", "{EEF843A3-43F8-4E6B-AB7F-9ADE3A5AF022}"
Project("{6EC3EE1D-3C4E-46DD-8F32-0CC8E7565705}") = "ClassicGECDotNet", "ClassicGECDotNet\ClassicGECDotNet.fsproj", "{74DDCD31-9968-4B9B-8E5D-F07EDB7CE332}"
Project("{6EC3EE1D-3C4E-46DD-8F32-0CC8E7565705}") = "ClassicGECCLI", "ClassicGECCLI\ClassicGECCLI.fsproj", "{7B81A30F-F8A4-435D-A53A-9634C7A82686}"
ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
{866880DC-BF1E-4C12-8238-72E7EFF44AFB} = {866880DC-BF1E-4C12-8238-72E7EFF44AFB}
Project("{6EC3EE1D-3C4E-46DD-8F32-0CC8E7565705}") = "ClassicGECDotNetTests", "ClassicGECDotNetTests\ClassicGECDotNetTests.fsproj", "{EEBFA61A-4235-4C7C-B801-D44958F9D21C}"
Project("{6EC3EE1D-3C4E-46DD-8F32-0CC8E7565705}") = "FSBOLWrapper", "..\FSBOLWrapper\FSBOLWrapper\FSBOLWrapper.fsproj", "{7D875457-2116-4222-89E0-A048792E1213}"
Project("{6EC3EE1D-3C4E-46DD-8F32-0CC8E7565705}") = "MomentClosure", "..\MomentClosure\MomentClosure\MomentClosure.fsproj", "{40A82B6F-9447-4767-BD5B-8D870D3FACFF}"
Project("{6EC3EE1D-3C4E-46DD-8F32-0CC8E7565705}") = "CRNEngineCloudLib", "..\CRNEngine\CRNEngineCloudLib\CRNEngineCloudLib.fsproj", "{B0C5BB1E-CC0C-4D9E-A56A-82891A09653E}"
Project("{6EC3EE1D-3C4E-46DD-8F32-0CC8E7565705}") = "ClassicGECRunAllExamples", "ClassicGECRunAllExamples\ClassicGECRunAllExamples.fsproj", "{B9B04586-11D5-466C-8288-1BC62FC3C382}"
Project("{6EC3EE1D-3C4E-46DD-8F32-0CC8E7565705}") = "ClassicGECTests", "ClassicGECTests\ClassicGECTests.fsproj", "{5B3B81C7-5B7C-460D-B109-5E063133C0AD}"
Project("{6EC3EE1D-3C4E-46DD-8F32-0CC8E7565705}") = "RulesDSD", "..\RulesDSD\RulesDSD\RulesDSD.fsproj", "{22DF9340-8F96-4FBE-8001-675E2E55CB54}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|x64 = Debug|x64
Release|x64 = Release|x64
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{AE45211A-A65D-4827-A1F9-07A20EB0F154}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{AE45211A-A65D-4827-A1F9-07A20EB0F154}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{AE45211A-A65D-4827-A1F9-07A20EB0F154}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{AE45211A-A65D-4827-A1F9-07A20EB0F154}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{2849368F-AC32-4D1E-B6D6-9C52261A5F2D}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{2849368F-AC32-4D1E-B6D6-9C52261A5F2D}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{2849368F-AC32-4D1E-B6D6-9C52261A5F2D}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{2849368F-AC32-4D1E-B6D6-9C52261A5F2D}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
{DD8FEC26-6D1D-4642-A706-04070B6D5494}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{DD8FEC26-6D1D-4642-A706-04070B6D5494}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{DD8FEC26-6D1D-4642-A706-04070B6D5494}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{DD8FEC26-6D1D-4642-A706-04070B6D5494}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{866880DC-BF1E-4C12-8238-72E7EFF44AFB}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{866880DC-BF1E-4C12-8238-72E7EFF44AFB}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{866880DC-BF1E-4C12-8238-72E7EFF44AFB}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{866880DC-BF1E-4C12-8238-72E7EFF44AFB}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
{529BEDB7-C73A-4A77-BFD9-1628D75C321B}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{529BEDB7-C73A-4A77-BFD9-1628D75C321B}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{529BEDB7-C73A-4A77-BFD9-1628D75C321B}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{529BEDB7-C73A-4A77-BFD9-1628D75C321B}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{8E0427CB-DD8F-46BE-A5BC-C02CF55F152D}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{8E0427CB-DD8F-46BE-A5BC-C02CF55F152D}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{8E0427CB-DD8F-46BE-A5BC-C02CF55F152D}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{8E0427CB-DD8F-46BE-A5BC-C02CF55F152D}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{EEF843A3-43F8-4E6B-AB7F-9ADE3A5AF022}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{EEF843A3-43F8-4E6B-AB7F-9ADE3A5AF022}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{EEF843A3-43F8-4E6B-AB7F-9ADE3A5AF022}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{EEF843A3-43F8-4E6B-AB7F-9ADE3A5AF022}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{74DDCD31-9968-4B9B-8E5D-F07EDB7CE332}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{74DDCD31-9968-4B9B-8E5D-F07EDB7CE332}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{74DDCD31-9968-4B9B-8E5D-F07EDB7CE332}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{74DDCD31-9968-4B9B-8E5D-F07EDB7CE332}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{7B81A30F-F8A4-435D-A53A-9634C7A82686}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{7B81A30F-F8A4-435D-A53A-9634C7A82686}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{7B81A30F-F8A4-435D-A53A-9634C7A82686}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{7B81A30F-F8A4-435D-A53A-9634C7A82686}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
{EEBFA61A-4235-4C7C-B801-D44958F9D21C}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{EEBFA61A-4235-4C7C-B801-D44958F9D21C}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{EEBFA61A-4235-4C7C-B801-D44958F9D21C}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{EEBFA61A-4235-4C7C-B801-D44958F9D21C}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{7D875457-2116-4222-89E0-A048792E1213}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{7D875457-2116-4222-89E0-A048792E1213}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{7D875457-2116-4222-89E0-A048792E1213}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{7D875457-2116-4222-89E0-A048792E1213}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{40A82B6F-9447-4767-BD5B-8D870D3FACFF}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{40A82B6F-9447-4767-BD5B-8D870D3FACFF}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{40A82B6F-9447-4767-BD5B-8D870D3FACFF}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{40A82B6F-9447-4767-BD5B-8D870D3FACFF}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{B0C5BB1E-CC0C-4D9E-A56A-82891A09653E}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{B0C5BB1E-CC0C-4D9E-A56A-82891A09653E}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{B0C5BB1E-CC0C-4D9E-A56A-82891A09653E}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{B0C5BB1E-CC0C-4D9E-A56A-82891A09653E}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{B9B04586-11D5-466C-8288-1BC62FC3C382}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{B9B04586-11D5-466C-8288-1BC62FC3C382}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{B9B04586-11D5-466C-8288-1BC62FC3C382}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{B9B04586-11D5-466C-8288-1BC62FC3C382}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
{5B3B81C7-5B7C-460D-B109-5E063133C0AD}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{5B3B81C7-5B7C-460D-B109-5E063133C0AD}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{5B3B81C7-5B7C-460D-B109-5E063133C0AD}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{5B3B81C7-5B7C-460D-B109-5E063133C0AD}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{22DF9340-8F96-4FBE-8001-675E2E55CB54}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{22DF9340-8F96-4FBE-8001-675E2E55CB54}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{22DF9340-8F96-4FBE-8001-675E2E55CB54}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{22DF9340-8F96-4FBE-8001-675E2E55CB54}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE
GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution
SolutionGuid = {CD1A1B77-DF19-4175-9D30-1B36C117F584}
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
namespace ClassicGECDotNet.AssemblyInfo
open System.Reflection
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
open System.Runtime.InteropServices
// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following
// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information
// associated with an assembly.
[<assembly: AssemblyTitle("ClassicGECDotNet")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyDescription("")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyCompany("")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyProduct("ClassicGECDotNet")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2017")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyCulture("")>]
// Setting ComVisible to false makes the types in this assembly not visible
// to COM components. If you need to access a type in this assembly from
// COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type.
[<assembly: ComVisible(false)>]
// The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM
[<assembly: Guid("74ddcd31-9968-4b9b-8e5d-f07edb7ce332")>]
// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:
// Major Version
// Minor Version
// Build Number
// Revision
// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers
// by using the '*' as shown below:
// [<assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyVersion("")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")>]
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
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<None Include="paket.references" />
<Compile Include="logicGEC.fs" />
<Compile Include="options.fsi" />
<Compile Include="options.fs" />
<Compile Include="keywords.fs" />
<Compile Include="ast.fs" />
<Compile Include="subst.fsi" />
<Compile Include="subst.fs" />
<Compile Include="gecspecies.fs" />
<Compile Include="gecreaction.fsi" />
<Compile Include="gecreaction.fs" />
<Compile Include="directivesParser.fs" />
<Compile Include="settings.fs" />
<Compile Include="database.fsi" />
<Compile Include="database.fs" />
<Compile Include="cssubst.fsi" />
<Compile Include="cssubst.fs" />
<Compile Include="solver.fsi" />
<Compile Include="solver.fs" />
<Compile Include="NumUtil.fs" />
<Compile Include="trans.fs" />
<Compile Include="hypothesis.fs" />
<Compile Include="program.fs" />
<Compile Include="main.fs" />
<Compile Include="transCrn.fs" />
<Compile Include="gec.fs" />
<Compile Include="Databases.fs" />
<Compile Include="jsapi.fs" />
<Content Include="app.config" />
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<ProjectReference Include="..\..\FSBOLWrapper\FSBOLWrapper\FSBOLWrapper.fsproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\ParserCombinators\ParserCombinators\ParserCombinators.fsproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\PDESolvers\ReactionDiffusion\ReactionDiffusion.fsproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\RulesDSD\RulesDSD\RulesDSD.fsproj" />
<Reference Include="Oslo.FSharp">
<Import Project="..\..\.paket\Paket.Restore.targets" />
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.Databases
let defaultParts = "i723017,pcr,codes(xylR;0.001)
i723024, pcr, codes(phzM;0.001)
e0040, pcr, codes(gfp;0.01)
c0099, pcr, codes(cviR;0.01)
i723025, pcr, codes(phzS;0.001)
i723028, pcr, codes(pca;0.001)
c0051, pcr, codes(cI;0.01)
c0040, pcr, codes(tetR;0.01)
c0080, pcr, codes(araC;0.01)
c0012, pcr, codes(lacI;0.01)
cunknown2, pcr, codes(unknown2;0.001)
c0061, pcr, codes(luxI;0.01)
c0062, pcr, codes(luxR;0.01)
c0079, pcr, codes(lasR;0.01)
c0078, pcr, codes(lasI;0.01)
cunknown3, pcr, codes(ccdB;0.005)
cunknown4, pcr, codes(ccdA;0.1)
i723020, prom, pos(toluene::xylR;0.001; 0.001; 1.0); con(0.0001)
r0051, prom, neg(cI; 1.0; 0.5; 0.00005); con(0.12)
r0040, prom, neg(tetR; 1.0; 0.5; 0.00005); con(0.09)
runknown1, prom, neg(unknown1; 1.0; 0.005; 0.001); con(0.04)
r0080, prom, neg(araC; 1.0; 0.000001; 0.0001); pos(araC::arabinose; 0.001; 0.001; 1.0); con(0.1)
r0011, prom, neg(lacI; 1.0; 0.5; 0.00005); con(0.1)
r0062, prom, pos(lasR::m3OC12HSL; 1.0; 0.8; 0.1); pos(luxR::m3OC6HSL; 1.0; 0.8; 0.1); con(0.01)
r0090, prom, pos(lasR::m3OC12HSL; 1.0; 0.8; 0.1); con(0.01)
r0099, prom, pos(cviR::m3OC6HSL; 1.0; 0.8; 0.1); con(0.01)
b0034, rbs, rate(0.1)
b0015, ter
cunknown5, pcr, codes(ccdA2; 10.0)
runknown5, prom, con(10.0)
j06504, pcr, codes(mCherry; 0.1)
prpr, device, components[pr; rbs34; eyfp; ter1; pr; rbs34; ecfp; ter1]
drPcat, device, components[pCat; rbs34; luxR; rbs34; lasR; ter1; pLas81; rbs34; eyfp; ter1; plux76; rbs34; ecfp; ter1]
drRS100S32, device, components[pTet; rbss100; luxR; ter1; pLac; rbs32; lasR; ter1; pLas81; rbs34; eyfp; ter1; plux76; rbs34; ecfp; ter1]
drR33S32, device, components[pTet; rbs33; luxR; ter1; pLac; rbs32; lasR; ter1; pLas81; rbs34; eyfp; ter1; plux76; rbs34; ecfp; ter1]
drR33S175, device, components[pTet; rbs33; luxR; ter1; pLac; rbsS175; lasR; ter1; pLas81; rbs34; eyfp; ter1; plux76; rbs34; ecfp; ter1]
relayP76LasI, device, components[pLux76; rbs900; lasI; l3s2p21]
relayP81LuxI, device, components[pLas81; rbs32; luxI; l3s2p21]
pBadYFP, device, components[pBad; rbs34; eyfp; l3s2p21]
lactonase, device, components[pBad; rbs34; aiia; l3s2p21]"
let defaultReactions = "toluene + xylR ->{1.0} toluene::xylR
phzM ~ pca ->{1.0} metPCA
phzS ~ metPCA ->{1.0} pyo
luxR + m3OC6HSL ->{0.5} luxR::m3OC6HSL
lasR + m3OC12HSL ->{0.5} lasR::m3OC12HSL
cviR + m3OC6HSL ->{0.5} cviR::m3OC6HSL
cviR + m3OC12HSL ->{0.5} cviR::m3OC12HSL
luxI ~ ->{1.0} m3OC6HSL
lasI ~ ->{1.0} m3OC12HSL
ccdA ~ ccdB ->{1.0}
c[m3OC6HSL] ->{0.5} m3OC6HSL
m3OC6HSL ->{0.5} c[m3OC6HSL]
c[m3OC12HSL] ->{0.5} m3OC12HSL
m3OC12HSL ->{0.5} c[m3OC12HSL]
luxR::m3OC6HSL ->{1.0} luxR + m3OC6HSL
cviR::m3OC6HSL ->{1.0} cviR + m3OC6HSL
cviR::m3OC12HSL ->{1.0} cviR + m3OC12HSL
lasR::m3OC12HSL ->{1.0} lasR + m3OC12HSL
ccdA2 ~ ccdB ->{0.00001}
lacI + iptg ->{1.0} lacI::iptg
tetR + aTc ->{1.0} tetR::aTc"
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.NumUtil
#if JavaScript
open WebSharper
[<Inline "isFinite($0)">]
let isNum s = let d = ref 0.0 in (System.Double.TryParse(s, d))
#if JavaScript
[<Inline "parseFloat($0)">]
let parse_double s =
let d = ref 0.0 in
if System.Double.TryParse(s, d)
then !d
else System.Double.NaN
let case_double f v s =
let d = parse_double s in
if System.Double.IsNaN d
then v
else f d
@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.TransCrn
open Microsoft.Research.GEC.Trans
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
open Api
open Parser
let separator = "_"
let spReplace (str:string) =
let private newStr = // ref (fun () -> "Fixme")
let count = ref 0
(fun () -> count := !count + 1; string !count)
let rec newVar =
"sp" + newStr() + "_"
let indexInitial (initial:Initial<Species,Expression.t<_>>) (str:string)=
//let newSpeciesName = newVar + ((spReplace + separator + (spReplace str))
let newSpeciesName = ((spReplace + separator + (spReplace str))
let newSpecies = Species.create(newSpeciesName)
let newInitial = {initial with species = newSpecies}
let indexReaction (reaction:Reaction<Species,_,_>) (str:string)=
let ncatalysts = reaction.catalysts |> (fun (x) ->
//let newSpName = newVar + ((spReplace + separator + (spReplace str))
let newSpName = ((spReplace + separator + (spReplace str))
let nreactants = reaction.reactants |> (fun (x) ->
//let newSpName = newVar + ((spReplace + separator + (spReplace str))
let newSpName = ((spReplace + separator + (spReplace str))
let nproducts = reaction.products |> (fun (x) ->
//let newSpName = newVar + ((spReplace + separator + (spReplace str))
let newSpName = ((spReplace + separator + (spReplace str))
let nreaction = {reaction with catalysts = ncatalysts; reactants = nreactants; products=nproducts}
let compInitial (initial:Initial<Species,Expression.t<_>>) (str:string) =
//let newSpName = newVar + ((spReplace str) + separator + (spReplace
let newSpName = ((spReplace str) + separator + (spReplace
let newSpecies = Species.create(newSpName)
let newInitial = {initial with species = newSpecies}
let compReaction (reaction:Reaction<Species,_,_>) (str:string)=
let ncatalysts = reaction.catalysts |> (fun (x) ->
//let newSpName = newVar + ((spReplace str) + separator + (spReplace
let newSpName = ((spReplace str) + separator + (spReplace
let nreactants = reaction.reactants |> (fun (x) ->
//let newSpName = newVar + ((spReplace str) + separator + (spReplace
let newSpName = ((spReplace str) + separator + (spReplace
let nproducts = reaction.products |> (fun (x) ->
//let newSpName = newVar + ((spReplace str) + separator + (spReplace
let newSpName = ((spReplace str) + separator + (spReplace
let nreaction = {reaction with catalysts = ncatalysts; reactants = nreactants; products=nproducts}
let createComplexSpecies (sp:string list) =
if sp.IsEmpty then
//let species = sp |> List.reduce (fun a b -> (a + "-" + b)) |> Species.create
let species = sp |> List.reduce (fun a b ->
//newVar + ((spReplace a) + separator + (spReplace b))) |> Species.create
((spReplace a) + separator + (spReplace b))) |> Species.create
let createComplexSpeciesWithEmptyCheck (sp:string list) =
if sp.IsEmpty then
//let species = sp |> List.reduce (fun a b -> (newVar + ((spReplace a) + separator + (spReplace b)))) |> Species.create
let species = sp |> List.reduce (fun a b -> (((spReplace a) + separator + (spReplace b)))) |> Species.create
let createComplexSpeciesList (sp:string list list) =
if sp.IsEmpty then
|> (fun(x) -> createComplexSpeciesWithEmptyCheck(x))
|> List.filter (fun x ->
match x with
| None -> false
| Some(_) -> true)
|> (fun x -> x.Value)
let createComplexCompSpecies (sp:string list) (comp:string)=
//let spName = sp |> List.reduce (fun a b -> (a + "-" + b))
let spName = sp |> List.reduce (fun a b -> ((spReplace a) + separator + (spReplace b)))
//let species = Species.create(comp + "[" + spName + "]")
//let newSpName = newVar + ((spReplace comp) + separator + spName)
let newSpName = ((spReplace comp) + separator + spName)
let species = Species.create(newSpName)
let rec createCrnReactions (lbsProg:tLBSProg) (reactions:Reaction<_,_,_> list) (initials:Initial<_,_> list) =
match lbsProg with
| LBSPar(prog1,prog2) ->
let (reactions1,initials1) = createCrnReactions prog1 [] []
let (reactions2,initials2) = createCrnReactions prog2 [] []
| LBSInitPop(initVal,value) ->
//let species = initVal |> List.reduce (fun a b -> (newVar + (spReplace a) + separator + (spReplace b))) |> Species.create
let species = initVal |> List.reduce (fun a b -> ((spReplace a) + separator + (spReplace b))) |> Species.create
let initial = Initial.create(false, (Expression.Float value), species, None, None)
| LBSCopy(index,prog) ->
let (reactions1,initials1) = createCrnReactions prog [] []
let rinitials = initials1 |> (fun(x) -> indexInitial x (index.ToString()))
let rreactions = reactions1 |> (fun(x) -> indexReaction x (index.ToString()))
| LBSComp(comp,prog) ->
let (reactions1,initials1) = createCrnReactions prog [] []
let rinitials = initials1 |> (fun(x) -> compInitial x comp)
let rreactions = reactions1 |> (fun(x) -> compReaction x comp)
| LBSCompDec(comp,prog) ->
let (reactions1,initials1) = createCrnReactions prog [] []
let rinitials = initials1 |> (fun(x) -> compInitial x comp)
let rreactions = reactions1 |> (fun(x) -> compReaction x comp)
| LBSReac(enzymes,reactants,products,rate,massAction) ->
let rreactants = createComplexSpeciesList(reactants) //|> Mset.from_list
let renzymes = createComplexSpeciesList(enzymes) //|> Mset.from_list
let rproducts = createComplexSpeciesList(products) //|> Mset.from_list
if massAction then
//check if anything is empty
let reaction = Reaction.create(renzymes, rreactants, !-> (Expression.Key rate ), rproducts)
(reaction:: reactions,initials)
(*let baseIdParserNoSpaces = (Parser.many1Satisfy Parser.isLetter .>>. Parser.manySatisfy (fun c -> Parser.isLetter c || Parser.isDigit c || c = '_'|| c = '-' || c = '\'') |>> fun (a,b) -> a + b) <?> "an identifier"
let baseIdParser = baseIdParserNoSpaces .>> Parser.spaces
let speciesparser = baseIdParser |>> fun (x) -> (Species.create(x))
let speciesExpParser = Expression.parse speciesparser
let exp_from_string (s:string) = Parser.from_string speciesExpParser s
let exp = exp_from_string rate
let reaction = Reaction.create_functional renzymes rreactants exp None rproducts
(reaction:: reactions,initials)*)
| LBSDegReac(reactants,rate) ->
let rreactants = createComplexSpeciesList(reactants)
let reaction = Reaction.create([], rreactants, !-> (Expression.Key rate), [])
| LBSTrans(complex1,complex2,compartment,rate,direction) ->
if direction = Ast.In then
let reaction = Reaction.create([], [(createComplexSpecies complex1)], !-> (Expression.Key rate), [(createComplexCompSpecies complex2 compartment)])
let reaction = Reaction.create([], [(createComplexCompSpecies complex1 compartment)], !-> (Expression.Key rate), [(createComplexSpecies complex2)])
| LBSReacAbstraction((enzymes,reactants,products,rate,massAction),prog1) ->
let rreactants = createComplexSpeciesList(reactants) //|> Mset.from_list
let renzymes = createComplexSpeciesList(enzymes) //|> Mset.from_list
let rproducts = createComplexSpeciesList(products) //|> Mset.from_list
let (reactions1,initials1) = createCrnReactions prog1 [] []
if massAction then
let reaction = Reaction.create(renzymes, rreactants, !-> (Expression.Key rate), rproducts)
| _ -> ([],[]) //This is basically LBSNil,
let create (lbsProg:tLBSProg) =
let (reactions,initials) = createCrnReactions lbsProg List.empty List.empty
let (crn:Crn) = {Crn.empty with reactions = reactions; initials = initials}
let gcrn = Crn.group_reactions crn
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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<runtime><assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
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<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
Defines the abstract syntax tree data types for GEC.
Also defines compiler exceptions.
Author: Michael Pedersen.
Copyright © Microsoft Research, 2009.
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.Ast
//open Microsoft.Research.ModellingEngine
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
// exceptions for compilation errors.
//type pos = {l1 : int; c1 : int; l2 : int; c2 : int}
//exception CompilerEx of string
//exception CompilerExPos of string * pos
// values can be names or variables (collectively identifiers), floats or wild cards;
// or more recently, algebraic expressions for functional rate expressions in promoter properties.
type value =
| IdVal of string
| FloatVal of float
| WildCardVal
| AlgebraicExp of aexp
// in order to parse actual parameter lists without conflicts, we allow "abstract complexes"
// to contain any value, including floats, and rely on a type system to filter out bad uses.
and abstractComplex = value list
// properties:
and prop = string * abstractComplex list
// arithmetic expressions (very basic for now):
and aexp = //| ValAExp of value
| FloatAExp of float
| IdAExp of string
| PlusAExp of aexp * aexp
| MinusAExp of aexp * aexp
| MulAExp of aexp * aexp
| DivAExp of aexp * aexp
| PowAExp of aexp * aexp
// direction for transport reactions (in or out of compartment):
type direction = In | Out
// predicate operators for quantitative constraints:
type op = Gt | Lt | Eq
// programmes:
type prog =
| Nil
| Brick of value * string * prop list
| Device of string
| Reac of abstractComplex list * abstractComplex list * abstractComplex list * value * bool
| Trans of abstractComplex * abstractComplex * string * value * bool * direction
| TemplateInv of string * abstractComplex list
| Seq of prog * prog
| Par of prog * prog
| Comp of string * prog
| New of string * prog
| TemplateDef of string * string list * prog * prog
| Constraint of aexp * op * aexp
| Rate of value * float
| InitPop of abstractComplex * float
| Copy of int * prog * bool * bool // first bool indicates par/seq, second bool indicates simonly
// directives:
type gecSimpleSpecies = CompartmentSpecies of string * abstractComplex
| SimpleSpecies of abstractComplex
type gecSpecies = gecSimpleSpecies list
type gecNumPoints = Default | IntPoints of int | AllPoints
type kinetics =
| Contextual_kinetics
| Stochastic_kinetics
| Deterministic_kinetics
let string_of_kinetics = function
| Contextual_kinetics -> "contextual"
| Stochastic_kinetics -> "stochastic"
| Deterministic_kinetics -> "deterministic"
type directive =
| SAMPLE of float * gecNumPoints
| TIME of Time
| CONCENTRATION of Concentration
| SCALE of float
| PLOT of gecSimpleSpecies Key Expression.t list
| KINETICS of kinetics
(* ************************************************************************************************************ *)
(* String representation of a species complex. *)
let complexString xs = Lib.string_of_list "::" xs
(* String representation of a species in a compartment. *)
let compartmentString c x = c + Lib.brack x
(* String representation of an operator. *)
let stringOfOp = function
| Gt -> ">"
| Lt -> "<"
| Eq -> "="
(* String representation of an expression. *)
let rec stringOfAExp = function
| FloatAExp f -> Lib.display_float f
| IdAExp id -> id
| PlusAExp (e1,e2) -> (stringOfAExp e1) + "+" + (stringOfAExp e2)
| MinusAExp (e1,e2) -> (stringOfAExp e1) + "-" + (stringOfAExp e2)
| MulAExp (e1,e2) -> (stringOfAExp e1) + "*" + (stringOfAExp e2)
| DivAExp (e1,e2) -> (stringOfAExp e1) + "/" + (stringOfAExp e2)
| PowAExp (e1,e2) -> (stringOfAExp e1) + "^" + (stringOfAExp e2)
(* String representation of an expression. *)
let rec lbsStringOfAExp = function
| FloatAExp f -> Lib.display_float f
| IdAExp id -> id
| PlusAExp (e1,e2) -> "(" + (lbsStringOfAExp e1) + "+" + (lbsStringOfAExp e2) + ")"
| MinusAExp (e1,e2) -> "(" + (lbsStringOfAExp e1) + "--" + (lbsStringOfAExp e2) + ")"
| MulAExp (e1,e2) -> (lbsStringOfAExp e1) + "*" + (lbsStringOfAExp e2)
| DivAExp (e1,e2) -> (lbsStringOfAExp e1) + "/" + (lbsStringOfAExp e2)
| PowAExp (e1,e2) -> (lbsStringOfAExp e1) + "^" + (lbsStringOfAExp e2)
(* String representation of a value. *)
let stringOfValue = function
| IdVal x -> x
| FloatVal f -> Lib.display_float f
| WildCardVal -> "_"
| AlgebraicExp aexp -> stringOfAExp aexp
(* String representation of an abstract complex. *)
let abstractComplexString vs = Lib.string_of_list stringOfValue "::" vs
(* Are two complexes equal? *)
let complexesEqual (xs:string list) (ys:string list) = Lib.is_permutation (=) xs ys
(* Produce a string representation of a "gecSpecies". *)
let stringOfGecSimpleSpecies (g:gecSimpleSpecies) : string =
(* Produce a string representation of a "gecSimpleSpecies". *)
let stringOfGecSimpleSpecies (g:gecSimpleSpecies) : string =
match g with
| SimpleSpecies ac -> abstractComplexString ac
| CompartmentSpecies (c,ac) -> compartmentString c (abstractComplexString ac)
stringOfGecSimpleSpecies g
(* Produce the source code representation of a directive. *)
let stringOfDirective (d:directive) : string =
match d with
| SAMPLE(f,io) -> "directive sample " + (Lib.display_float f) + (match io with Default -> "" | IntPoints i -> " " + (string i) | AllPoints -> " all")
| TIME u -> "directive time " + u.to_string
| CONCENTRATION u -> "directive concentration " + u.to_string
| ABSTOLERANCE f -> "directive abstolerance " + (Lib.display_float f)
| RELTOLERANCE f -> "directive reltolerance " + (Lib.display_float f)
| SCALE f -> "directive scale " + (Lib.display_float f)
| PLOT ps -> "directive plot " + (Lib.string_of_list (Expression.to_string (Key.to_string stringOfGecSimpleSpecies)) "; " ps)
| KINETICS k -> "directive kinetics " + string_of_kinetics k
Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера
Загрузить разницу
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
module GEC.Characterization
open System.Collections.Generic
type GrowthModels = Gompertz =0| Richards =1 | Logistic =2
type GrowthModelType = {
mu: float;
lag: float;
tm: float;
K: float;
res: int;
model: (int * float -> float);
type DataTypes = Data | Gain | Blank | Negative
type Well = {
Row: char;
Col: int;
Content: string;
Colony: string;
DataType: DataTypes;
Condition: Map<string,double>;
Signals: double[][];
SignalNames: string[];
T: double[];
GrowthModel: GrowthModelType option;
Filter: int -> bool; //given an signal array index, is this part of the selection
SteadyStates: Map<(string*string),(double*double)>;
Activity: Map<(string*string),double>;
type Plate = {
Name: string;
Data: seq<Well>;
Blanks: Map<string,double>;
Conditions: Map<string,double[]>;
Cname: string;
C: double[]; //conditions
Properties: double[][][]; //computed or measured properties
PropertyNames: string[]; //name of properties
Gain: Map<string*string,double>;
log: string;
type ModelTypes =
| Constitutive = 0
| Linear = 1
| Michaelis_Menten_Activation = 2
| Michaelis_Menten_Repression = 3
| Michaelis_Menten_General = 4
| Dimer_Activation = 5
| Dimer_Repression =6
| Dimer_General = 7
| Hill_Activation = 8
| Hill_Repression = 9
| Hill_General = 10
| Sequential_Binding = 11
type ResponseTypes =
| EYFP_OD = 1
| ECFP_OD = 2
| mu = 3
| K = 4
| lag = 5
| EYFP_mRFP1 = 6
| ECFP_mRFP1 = 7
| mRFP1_OD = 8
type Parameter = {
pname: string;
value: double;
dist: double[];
log: bool;
type Model = {
modelType: ModelTypes;
AIC: double;
BIC: double;
CIC: double; //rename this information criterion to the right abbreviation
model: int * double -> double;
res: int;
parameters: Parameter[];
X: double[];
bayestable: List<double[]>;
val string_of_response: ResponseTypes -> string
val LoadPlate: string -> Plate
val getSignal: Well * string -> double[] * double[] //return signal over time
val getSignals: Well * string * string -> double[] * double[] //return signal over time
val getFluorescence: Well -> double[] * seq<string*double[]>
val getFOd: Well -> double[] * seq<string*double[]>
val getFF: Well*string -> double[] * seq<string*double[]>
val Characterize: Plate*GrowthModels -> Plate
val ComputeProperties: string -> seq<string*double> -> Plate -> Plate
val FilterByDevice : Plate -> string -> Plate
val getKeys: Map<'a,'b> -> seq<'a>
val CharacterizeModel: seq<double*double[]>*ModelTypes -> Model
val getProperties: Plate*string -> seq<double*double[]>
val MergePlates: Plate * Plate -> Plate
val DataOutput: Plate -> string
val EmptyPlate: Plate
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.Cssubst
open Microsoft.Research.GEC
//open Microsoft.Research.ModellingEngine
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
(* ************************************************************************************************************ *)
(* A "context-sensitive" substitution has four parts. *)
type t = { theta:Subst.t; (* The actual substitution. *)
rho: string list; (* The variables on which "theta" must be injective. *)
sigma: string list list; (* Species names used in the current context. *)
tau: string list list } (* Species names excluded for use. *)
(* The "empty" context-sensitive substitution. *)
let empty = { theta=Subst.empty; rho=[]; sigma=[]; tau=[] }
(* Make a context-sensitive substitution. *)
let make (theta:Subst.t) (rho:string list) (sigma:string list list) (tau:string list list) : t =
{ theta=theta; rho=rho; sigma=sigma; tau=tau }
let printListDisplay (f:'a -> string) (xs:'a list) = "[" + (Lib.string_of_list f "; " xs) + "]"
(* Produce a string representation of a context-sensitive substitution. *)
let display (cs:t) =
"{ theta = " + (Subst.display cs.theta) + ";" + Lib.newline +
" rho = " + (printListDisplay cs.rho) + ";" + Lib.newline +
" sigma = " + (printListDisplay Ast.complexString cs.sigma) + ";" + Lib.newline +
" tau = " + (printListDisplay Ast.complexString cs.tau) + " }"
(* Check that a given element of the "csSubst" type satisfies the 2 criteria for a context-sensitive substitution. *)
let isOK (cs:t) =
let check_ii () =
// Assume that cs.rho contains no duplicates...
match Lib.find_duplicate Subst.targetEq ( (fun x -> Subst.find x cs.theta) cs.rho) with
| None -> true
| Some _ -> false
let check_iii () = Lib.disjoint Ast.complexesEqual cs.sigma cs.tau in
(check_ii ()) && (check_iii ())
(* Get the "normal" substitution out of a context-sensitive one. *)
let getSubst (cs:t) : Subst.t = cs.theta
(* ************************************************************************************************************ *)
(* "Merge" two context-sensitive substitutions together, and test to see if the result is
also a context-sensitive substitution. *)
let merge (cs1:t) (cs2:t) : t option =
match (Subst.union cs1.theta cs2.theta) with
| None -> None
| Some theta ->
let cs12 = { theta = theta;
rho = Lib.remove_duplicates (=) (cs1.rho @ cs2.rho);
sigma = Lib.remove_duplicates Ast.complexesEqual (cs1.sigma @ cs2.sigma);
tau = Lib.remove_duplicates Ast.complexesEqual (cs1.tau @ cs2.tau) }
if isOK cs12 then Some cs12 else None
(* Compose two lists of context-sensitive substitutions by only retaining those elements of the
"cartesian product" which satisfy the criteria. *)
let compose (css1:t list) (css2:t list) : t list =
(* NB: we don't form the entire cartesian product - it could get quite big.
Instead, have two nested loops with an accumulator running through them.
TO DO: this could be put into CPS to make it tail-recursive... *)
let rec loop (acc:t list) (css1:t list) =
match css1 with
| [] -> acc
| (cs1::css1) ->
let rec loop2 (acc:t list) (css2:t list) =
match css2 with
| [] -> acc
| (cs2::css2) ->
match merge cs1 cs2 with
| None -> loop2 acc css2
| Some cs12 -> loop2 (acc@[cs12]) css2
let acc = loop2 acc css2 in
loop acc css1
loop [] css1
(* Erase the "context" data in a context-sensitive substitution. *)
let eraseContext (cs:t) : t = { theta=cs.theta; rho=[]; sigma=[]; tau=[] }
(* Check whether a context-sensitive substitution satisfies a list of arithmetic constraints. *)
let satisfiesConstraints (cs:t) (ks:(Ast.aexp*Ast.op*Ast.aexp) list) : bool =
Lib.forall (Subst.satisfiesConstraint cs.theta) ks
(* Produce a "varAss" (variable assignments) from a context-sensitive substitution. *)
let mkVarAss (cs:t) = Subst.mkVarAss cs.theta
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.Cssubst
open Microsoft.Research.GEC
//open Microsoft.Research.ModellingEngine
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
(* ************************************************************************************************************ *)
(* Type for "context-sensitive" substitutions. *)
type t
(* The "empty" context-sensitive substitution. *)
val empty : t
(* Make a context-sensitive substitution. *)
val make : Subst.t -> string list -> string list list -> string list list -> t
(* Produce a string representation of a context-sensitive substitution. *)
val display : t -> string
(* Check that a given element of the "csSubst" type satisfies the 2 criteria for a context-sensitive substitution. *)
val isOK : t -> bool
(* Get the "normal" substitution out of a context-sensitive one. *)
val getSubst : t -> Subst.t
(* ************************************************************************************************************ *)
(* "Merge" two context-sensitive substitutions together, and test to see if the result is
also a context-sensitive substitution. *)
val merge : t -> t -> t option
(* Compose two lists of context-sensitive substitutions by only retaining those elements of the
"cartesian product" which satisfy the criteria. *)
val compose : t list -> t list -> t list
(* Erase the "context" data in a context-sensitive substitution. *)
val eraseContext : t -> t
(* Check whether a context-sensitive substitution satisfies a list of arithmetic constraints. *)
val satisfiesConstraints : t -> (Ast.aexp * Ast.op * Ast.aexp) list -> bool
(* Produce a "varAss" (variable assignments) from a context-sensitive substitution. *)
val mkVarAss : t -> (string * string) list * (string * string) list * (string * string) list
@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.Database
open Microsoft.Research.GEC
open Microsoft.Research.FSBOLWrapper
open FSBOL
open FSBOL.Annotation
open FSBOL.ComponentDefinition
open FSBOL.ModuleDefinition
open FSBOL.FunctionalComponent
open FSBOL.Participation
open FSBOL.Interaction
open FSBOL.SBOLDocument
open FSBOL.TopLevel
open Parser
open System.Diagnostics
//open Microsoft.Research.ModellingEngine
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
(* ************************************************************************************************* *)
(* The different kinds of property that part types can have. *)
type device = string * string list
type pcrProperty = CODES of string list * float
type promProperty = POS of string list * float * float * float
| NEG of string list * float * float * float
| CON of float
| FRATE of Ast.aexp
type rbsProperty = RATE of float
(* An encoding of part types, along with their properties. *)
type partType = PCR of pcrProperty
| PROM of promProperty list
| RBS of rbsProperty
let fold_string_list (strList:string list) (folder:string) =
match strList.Length with
| 0 -> ""
| 1 -> strList.Head
| _ -> strList.Tail |> List.fold (fun f s -> (f + folder + s)) strList.Head
let device_to_string (d:device) =
let (devname,deviceComps) = d
devname + "[" + (fold_string_list deviceComps ";") + "]"
(* Produce a string representation of a part type. *)
let string_of_partType (pt:partType) =
let string_of_promProperty = function
| POS(zs,q1,q2,q3) -> "pos(" + (Ast.complexString zs) + ", " + (Lib.display_float q1) + ", " + (Lib.display_float q2) + ", " + (Lib.display_float q3) + ")"
| NEG(zs,q1,q2,q3) -> "neg(" + (Ast.complexString zs) + ", " + (Lib.display_float q1) + ", " + (Lib.display_float q2) + ", " + (Lib.display_float q3) + ")"
| CON(q) -> "con(" + (Lib.display_float q) + ")"
| FRATE(a) -> "frate(" + (Ast.stringOfAExp a) + ")"
match pt with
| PCR(CODES(zs,q)) -> "pcr<codes(" + (Ast.complexString zs) + ", " + (Lib.display_float q) + ")>"
| PROM(pps) -> "prom<" + (Lib.string_of_list string_of_promProperty ", " pps) + ">"
| RBS(RATE(q)) -> "rbs<rate(" + (Lib.display_float q) + ")>"
| TER -> "ter"
(* Compute FS(Q+t). *)
let speciesInPartType (qt:partType) : string list list =
let getPromPropertySpeciesNames = function POS(xs,_,_,_) | NEG(xs,_,_,_) -> [xs] | _ -> [] in
let snames = match qt with
| PCR(CODES(xs,_)) -> [xs]
| PROM(pps) -> Lib.collect_union Ast.complexesEqual getPromPropertySpeciesNames pps
| RBS _ | TER -> []
Lib.remove_duplicates (=) snames
(* ************************************************************************************************* *)
(* A "database" consists of a "parts database" and a "reaction database".
A "parts database" is just a mapping of part identifiers (i.e. strings) to their part types.
A "reaction database" is just a list of reactions. *)
type 'a entry = { value:'a; enabled:bool; comments:string }
type t = { parts:partType entry Stringmap.t; devices: device list; reactions:Gecreaction.t entry list }
let partTypeToSBOL (name:string) (p:partType entry)=
let role = match p.value with
| PROM _ -> Role.Promoter
| RBS _ -> Role.RBS
| PCR _ -> Role.CDS
| TER -> Role.Terminator
let renamedName = name.Replace("::","_")
let gecSO = ""
(*let RB = gecSO + "RB"
let RUB = gecSO + "RUB"
let RTB = gecSO + "RTB"
let RT = gecSO + "RT"
let R = gecSO + "R"
let RD = gecSO + "RD"
let P = gecSO + "P"*)
let RB = "RB"
let RUB = "RUB"
let RTB = "RTB"
let RT = "RT"
let R = "R"
let RD = "RD"
let P = "P"
let annotations:Annotation list =
match p.value with
| PROM(a) ->
let propAnnotations =
a |> promprop ->
match promprop with
| POS(p,rb,rub,rtb) ->
let compositeName = p |> List.reduce(fun a b -> a + "::" + b)
[Helper.create_string_annotation (Name(P)) compositeName ;
Helper.create_double_annotation (Name(RB)) rb;
Helper.create_double_annotation (Name(RUB)) rub;
Helper.create_double_annotation (Name(RTB)) rtb]
| NEG(p,rb,rub,rtb) ->
let compositeName = p |> List.reduce(fun a b -> a + "::" + b)
[Helper.create_string_annotation (Name(P)) compositeName;
Helper.create_double_annotation (Name(RB)) rb;
Helper.create_double_annotation (Name(RUB)) rub;
Helper.create_double_annotation (Name(RTB)) rtb]
| CON(rt) ->
[Helper.create_double_annotation (Name(RT)) rt]
| _ -> [])
|> (fun i ->
let na = NestedAnnotation(Name("PromoterProperty" + i.ToString() + "Annotations"),gecSO + "PromoterProperties",propAnnotations.Item(i))
Annotation(Name("PromoterProperty" + i.ToString()),AnnotationValue.NestedAnnotation(na)))
| RBS(RATE(r)) -> [Helper.create_double_annotation (Name(R)) r]
| PCR(CODES(codes,rd)) ->
let compositeName = codes |> List.reduce(fun a b -> a + "::" + b)
[Helper.create_string_annotation (Name(P)) compositeName;
Helper.create_double_annotation (Name(RD)) rd]
| TER -> []
let version = "1"
let persistentId = "" + renamedName + "/"
let uri = persistentId + renamedName + "/" + version + "/"
let c = new ComponentDefinition(uri,Some(renamedName),Some(renamedName),Some(version),Some(persistentId),[],[ComponentDefinitionType.DNA],[role],[],[],[],[])
c.annotations <- annotations
let createProteinCDs (tableList:((string*(partType entry))list)) =
let partTypes = tableList
|> (fun (x,y) -> y.value)
let promProts = partTypes
|> List.choose ( fun x ->
match x with
| PROM(props) -> Some props
| _ -> None)
|> (fun props ->
props |> prop ->
match prop with
| POS(p,rb,rub,rtb) -> Some(p |> List.reduce(fun a b -> a + "::" + b))
| NEG(p,rb,rub,rtb) -> Some(p |> List.reduce(fun a b -> a + "::" + b))
| _ -> None
) |> List.concat
|> List.filter (fun x->
match x with
| Some(_) -> true
| None -> false
) |> (fun x -> x.Value)
let cdsProts = partTypes
|> List.choose (fun x ->
match x with
| PCR(CODES(prots,r)) -> Some (prots,r)
| _ -> None
) |> (fun (prots,r) ->
prots |> List.reduce(fun a b -> a + "::" + b)
let prots = (promProts@cdsProts) |> Set.ofList |> List.ofSeq
prots |> protName ->
let renamedProt = protName.Replace("::","_")
let version = "1"
let persistentId = "" + renamedProt + "/"
let uri = persistentId + renamedProt + "/" + version + "/"
new ComponentDefinition(uri,Some(renamedProt),Some(renamedProt),Some(version),Some(persistentId),[],[ComponentDefinitionType.Protein],[],[],[],[],[]))
let createModuleDefinitions (cds:ComponentDefinition list) (tableList:((string*(partType entry))list))=
let urlPrefix = ""
let version = "1"
let findCDwithURI (uri:string) =
match cds |> List.tryFind (fun cd -> cd.uri = uri) with
| Some (x) -> x
| None -> failwith "Error. This CD should have been created in an earlier step"
let findCDwithDisplayID (display:string) =
let displayIdsMatch (cdDisplayId:string option) (display:string) =
match cdDisplayId with
| Some(d) -> (d=display)
| None -> failwith "Error. This CD should have a displayId created in an earlier step"
match cds |> List.tryFind (fun cd -> displayIdsMatch (cd.displayId) display) with
| Some(x) -> x
| None -> failwith "Error. This CD should have been created in an earlier step"
let pcrs = tableList
|> List.choose (fun (name,x) ->
match x.value with
| PCR(CODES(prots,r)) -> Some(name,prots,r)
| _ -> None
let proms = tableList
|> List.choose (fun (name,x) ->
match x.value with
| PROM(props) -> Some(name,props)
| _ -> None
let mds =
pcrs |> (fun (pcrName,prots,r) ->
let compositeName = prots |> List.reduce(fun a b -> a + "_" + b)
let mdsinProms =
proms |>
|||| (promName,props) ->
let mdsInProps =
props |> prop ->
match prop with
| POS(regList,_,_,_) ->
let compositeReg = regList |> List.reduce(fun a b -> a + "_" + b)
if compositeReg = compositeName then
let pcr_cd = findCDwithDisplayID pcrName
let prot_cd = findCDwithDisplayID compositeReg
let prom_cd = findCDwithDisplayID promName
let compoundNameProd = pcrName + "_" + compositeName
let mdProd_name = compoundNameProd + "_production_md"
let mdProd_perId = urlPrefix + "/" + mdProd_name + "/"
let mdProd_uri = mdProd_perId + version + "/"
let fc_pcr_name = pcrName + "_FC"
let fc_pcr_perId = urlPrefix + fc_pcr_name + "/"
let fc_pcr_uri = fc_pcr_perId + version + "/"
let fc_prot_name = compositeName + "_protein_FC"
let fc_prot_perId = urlPrefix + fc_prot_name + "/"
let fc_prot_uri = fc_pcr_perId + version + "/"
let fc_pcr = new FunctionalComponent(fc_pcr_uri,Some(fc_pcr_name),Some(fc_pcr_name),Some(version),Some(fc_pcr_perId),pcr_cd.uri,ComponentInstance.Access.Private,[],Direction.InOut)
let fc_prot = new FunctionalComponent(fc_prot_uri,Some(fc_prot_name),Some(fc_prot_name),Some(version),Some(fc_prot_perId),prot_cd.uri,ComponentInstance.Access.Private,[],Direction.InOut)
let part_pcr_name = pcrName+"_participation"
let part_pcr_perId = urlPrefix + part_pcr_name + "/"
let part_pcr_uri = part_pcr_perId + version + "/"
let part_prot_name = compositeName+"prot_participation"
let part_prot_perId = urlPrefix + part_prot_name + "/"
let part_prot_uri = part_prot_perId + version + "/"
let part_pcr = new Participation(part_pcr_uri,Some(part_pcr_name),Some(part_pcr_name),Some(version),Some(part_pcr_perId),[ParticipationRole.Template],fc_pcr)
let part_prot = new Participation(part_prot_uri, Some(part_prot_name),Some(part_prot_name),Some(version),Some(part_prot_perId),[ParticipationRole.Product],fc_prot)
let interactionProd_name = compoundNameProd + "_production_interaction"
let interactionProd_perId = mdProd_perId + "/" + interactionProd_name + "/"
let interactionProd_uri = interactionProd_perId + version + "/"
let interactionProd = new Interaction(interactionProd_uri,Some(interactionProd_name),Some(interactionProd_name),Some(version),Some(interactionProd_perId),[InteractionType.GeneticProduction],[part_pcr;part_prot])
let mdProd = new ModuleDefinition(mdProd_uri,Some(mdProd_name),Some(mdProd_name),Some(version),Some(mdProd_perId),[],[],[],[interactionProd],[fc_pcr;fc_prot],[])
let compoundNameStim = compositeName + "_" + promName
let mdStim_name = compoundNameStim + "_stimulation_md"
let mdStim_perId = urlPrefix + "/" + mdStim_name + "/"
let mdStim_uri = mdStim_perId + "/" + version + "/"
let fc_complex_name = compositeName + "_complex_FC"
let fc_complex_perId = urlPrefix + fc_complex_name + "/"
let fc_complex_uri = fc_pcr_perId + version + "/"
let fc_prom_name = promName + "_FC"
let fc_prom_perId = urlPrefix + fc_prom_name + "/"
let fc_prom_uri = fc_prom_perId + version + "/"
let fc_complex = new FunctionalComponent(fc_complex_uri,Some(fc_complex_name),Some(fc_complex_name),Some(version),Some(fc_complex_perId),prot_cd.uri,ComponentInstance.Access.Private,[],Direction.InOut)
let fc_prom = new FunctionalComponent(fc_prom_uri,Some(fc_prom_name),Some(fc_prom_name),Some(version),Some(fc_prom_perId),prom_cd.uri,ComponentInstance.Access.Private,[],Direction.InOut)
let part_complex_name = compositeName+"complex_participation"
let part_complex_perId = urlPrefix + part_complex_name + "/"
let part_complex_uri = part_complex_perId + version + "/"
let part_prom_name = pcrName+"_participation"
let part_prom_perId = urlPrefix + part_prom_name + "/"
let part_prom_uri = part_prom_perId + version + "/"
let part_complex = new Participation(part_complex_uri,Some(part_complex_name),Some(part_complex_name),Some(version),Some(part_complex_perId),[ParticipationRole.Stimulator],fc_complex)
let part_prom = new Participation(part_prom_uri,Some(part_prom_name),Some(part_prom_name),Some(version),Some(part_prom_perId),[ParticipationRole.Stimulated],fc_prom)
let interactionStim_name = compoundNameStim + "_stimulation_interaction"
let interactionStim_perId = mdStim_perId + "/" + interactionStim_name + "/"
let interactionStim_uri = interactionStim_perId + "/" + version + "/"
let interactionStim = new Interaction(interactionStim_uri,Some(interactionStim_name),Some(interactionStim_name),Some(version),Some(interactionStim_perId),[InteractionType.Stimulation],[part_complex;part_prom])
let mdStim = new ModuleDefinition(mdStim_uri,Some(mdStim_name),Some(mdStim_name),Some(version),Some(mdStim_perId),[],[],[],[interactionStim],[fc_complex;fc_prom],[])
| NEG(regList,_,_,_) ->
let compositeReg = regList |> List.reduce(fun a b -> a + "::" + b)
if compositeReg = compositeName then
let pcr_cd = findCDwithDisplayID pcrName
let prot_cd = findCDwithDisplayID compositeReg
let prom_cd = findCDwithDisplayID promName
let compoundNameProd = pcrName + "_" + compositeName
let mdProd_name = compoundNameProd + "_production_md"
let mdProd_perId = urlPrefix + "/" + mdProd_name + "/"
let mdProd_uri = mdProd_perId + version + "/"
let fc_pcr_name = pcrName + "_FC"
let fc_pcr_perId = urlPrefix + fc_pcr_name + "/"
let fc_pcr_uri = fc_pcr_perId + version + "/"
let fc_prot_name = compositeName + "_protein_FC"
let fc_prot_perId = urlPrefix + fc_prot_name + "/"
let fc_prot_uri = fc_pcr_perId + version + "/"
let fc_pcr = new FunctionalComponent(fc_pcr_uri,Some(fc_pcr_name),Some(fc_pcr_name),Some(version),Some(fc_pcr_perId),pcr_cd.uri,ComponentInstance.Access.Private,[],Direction.InOut)
let fc_prot = new FunctionalComponent(fc_prot_uri,Some(fc_prot_name),Some(fc_prot_name),Some(version),Some(fc_prot_perId),prot_cd.uri,ComponentInstance.Access.Private,[],Direction.InOut)
let part_pcr_name = pcrName+"_participation"
let part_pcr_perId = urlPrefix + part_pcr_name + "/"
let part_pcr_uri = part_pcr_perId + version + "/"
let part_prot_name = compositeName+"prot_participation"
let part_prot_perId = urlPrefix + part_prot_name + "/"
let part_prot_uri = part_prot_perId + version + "/"
let part_pcr = new Participation(part_pcr_uri,Some(part_pcr_name),Some(part_pcr_name),Some(version),Some(part_pcr_perId),[ParticipationRole.Template],fc_pcr)
let part_prot = new Participation(part_prot_uri, Some(part_prot_name),Some(part_prot_name),Some(version),Some(part_prot_perId),[ParticipationRole.Product],fc_prot)
let interactionProd_name = compoundNameProd + "_production_interaction"
let interactionProd_perId = mdProd_perId + "/" + interactionProd_name + "/"
let interactionProd_uri = interactionProd_perId + version + "/"
let interactionProd = new Interaction(interactionProd_uri,Some(interactionProd_name),Some(interactionProd_name),Some(version),Some(interactionProd_perId),[InteractionType.GeneticProduction],[part_pcr;part_prot])
let mdProd = new ModuleDefinition(mdProd_uri,Some(mdProd_name),Some(mdProd_name),Some(version),Some(mdProd_perId),[],[],[],[interactionProd],[fc_pcr;fc_prot],[])
let compoundNameInh = compositeName + "_" + promName
let mdInh_name = compoundNameInh + "_inhibition_md"
let mdInh_perId = urlPrefix + "/" + mdInh_name + "/"
let mdInh_uri = mdInh_perId + "/" + version + "/"
let fc_complex_name = compositeName + "_complex_FC"
let fc_complex_perId = urlPrefix + fc_complex_name + "/"
let fc_complex_uri = fc_pcr_perId + version + "/"
let fc_prom_name = promName + "_FC"
let fc_prom_perId = urlPrefix + fc_prom_name + "/"
let fc_prom_uri = fc_prom_perId + version + "/"
let fc_complex = new FunctionalComponent(fc_complex_uri,Some(fc_complex_name),Some(fc_complex_name),Some(version),Some(fc_complex_perId),prot_cd.uri,ComponentInstance.Access.Private,[],Direction.InOut)
let fc_prom = new FunctionalComponent(fc_prom_uri,Some(fc_prom_name),Some(fc_prom_name),Some(version),Some(fc_prom_perId),prom_cd.uri,ComponentInstance.Access.Private,[],Direction.InOut)
let part_complex_name = compositeName+"complex_participation"
let part_complex_perId = urlPrefix + part_complex_name + "/"
let part_complex_uri = part_complex_perId + version + "/"
let part_prom_name = pcrName+"_participation"
let part_prom_perId = urlPrefix + part_prom_name + "/"
let part_prom_uri = part_prom_perId + version + "/"
let part_complex = new Participation(part_complex_uri,Some(part_complex_name),Some(part_complex_name),Some(version),Some(part_complex_perId),[ParticipationRole.Inhibitor],fc_complex)
let part_prom = new Participation(part_prom_uri,Some(part_prom_name),Some(part_prom_name),Some(version),Some(part_prom_perId),[ParticipationRole.Inhibited],fc_prom)
let interactionInh_name = compoundNameInh + "_inhibition_interaction"
let interactionInh_perId = mdInh_perId + "/" + interactionInh_name + "/"
let interactionInh_uri = interactionInh_perId + "/" + version + "/"
let interactionInh = new Interaction(interactionInh_uri,Some(interactionInh_name),Some(interactionInh_name),Some(version),Some(interactionInh_perId),[InteractionType.Inhibition],[part_complex;part_prom])
let mdInh = new ModuleDefinition(mdInh_uri,Some(mdInh_name),Some(mdInh_name),Some(version),Some(mdInh_perId),[],[],[],[interactionInh],[fc_complex;fc_prom],[])
| _ -> None)
|> List.filter (fun optionX ->
match optionX with
| Some (_) -> true
| None -> false)
|> fun x -> x.Value)
if mdsInProps.IsEmpty then
mdsInProps |> List.reduce (fun a b -> a@b)
if mdsinProms.IsEmpty then
mdsinProms |>List.reduce (fun a b -> a@b)
if mds.IsEmpty then
mds |>List.reduce (fun a b -> a@b)
let convertTableToSBOLDocument (table:t) =
let cds = |> List.ofSeq |> (fun (x) -> (x.Key,x.Value)) |> (fun (name,part) -> partTypeToSBOL name part)
let protCds = createProteinCDs ( |> List.ofSeq |> (fun x -> (x.Key,x.Value)))
let allCds = (cds@protCds)
let mds = createModuleDefinitions allCds ( |> List.ofSeq |> (fun x -> (x.Key,x.Value)))
let collections =
(allCds |> (fun x -> x :> TopLevel))
@ (mds|> (fun x -> x :> TopLevel))
(* The "empty" database. *)
let empty = { parts=Stringmap.empty; devices = []; reactions=[] }
(* Produce a string representation of a database entry. *)
let string_of_entry (display:'a -> string) (entry:'a entry) : string =
let enabledStr = if entry.enabled then "[*] " else "[ ] " in
let valueStr = display entry.value in
let commentsStr = if entry.comments = "" then "" else " (Comments: \"" + entry.comments + "\")" in
enabledStr + valueStr + commentsStr
(* Produce a string representation of a database. *)
let display (db:t) : string =
let partsString = Stringmap.fold (fun str x entry -> str + Lib.newline + x + " : " + (string_of_entry string_of_partType entry)) "" in
let reactionsString = Lib.fold_left (fun str entry -> str + Lib.newline + (string_of_entry Gecreaction.display entry)) "" db.reactions in
"PARTS:" + partsString + Lib.newline + Lib.newline +
"REACTIONS:" + reactionsString + Lib.newline
(* Find out the part type for an identifer (if it exists). *)
let findPart (db:t) (id:string) : partType option =
match Stringmap.tryFind id with
| Some entry -> Some entry.value
| None -> None
(* ************************************************************************************************* *)
(* Functions for adding entries to the database. *)
(* Convert an abstractComplex into a string list, assuming it is "simple" (i.e. just strings...) *)
let convertSimpleComplex (vs:Ast.abstractComplex) : string list =
let convertSimpleValue (v:Ast.value) : string =
match v with
| Ast.IdVal x -> x
| _ -> failwith ("Only strings are allowed in species names in the database " + Lib.paren("found " + Ast.stringOfValue v))
|||| convertSimpleValue vs
(* Get a float from an Ast.value. *)
let getValueFloat (v:Ast.value) =
match v with
| Ast.FloatVal f -> f
| _ -> failwith ("Only float rates are allowed in the database " + Lib.paren("found " + Ast.stringOfValue v))
type parser = Parser.t<t>
type partParser = Parser.t<t>
let createEntry (id:string, part:partType) =
let entry:partType entry = {value = part;enabled = true;comments = ""}
let createTable (partMapList:(string*partType)list) (devicelist:device list)=
let tableMap = partMapList |> createEntry
{parts = Stringmap.of_list(tableMap); reactions=[]; devices = devicelist}
let TAB = "\t"
let COMMA = ","
let SEMICOLON = ";"
let delimiter = COMMA //Primary delimiter
let sDelimiter = SEMICOLON //Secondary Delimiter used to separate elements or values within a cell
let NEWLINE = Parser.newline
let lookaheadLinebreak = Parser.pTry (Parser.linebreak >>. Parser.failParser "" <|> Parser.satisfy Parser.isWhiteSpace >>. preturn ())
let spacesnlb :t<string> = fun st ->
match many (commentLine <|> commentMultiline () <|> lookaheadLinebreak) <| st with
| OkEmpty (_, st') -> OkEmpty ("", st')
| OkConsumed (_, st') -> OkEmpty ("", st')
| FailEmpty _ -> OkEmpty ("", st)
| FailConsumed (e, p) -> FailConsumed (e, p)
let kwnlb s = pstring s .>> spacesnlb
let bracketnlb l r = Parser.between ( l) (Parser.spaces >>. kwnlb r)
let bracketNoSpace l r = Parser.between (Parser.pstring l) (Parser.spaces >>. Parser.pstring r)
let sqbracketNoSpace a = bracketnlb "[" "]" a
let parenNoSpace a = bracketnlb "(" ")" a
//let nameGEC = (Parser.many1Satisfy Parser.isLetter .>>. Parser.manySatisfy (fun c -> Parser.isLetter c || Parser.isDigit c || c = '_'|| c = '-' || c = '\'') |>> fun (a,b) -> a + b) <?> "an identifier"
let parsePos = "pos" >>. parenNoSpace(GecSpecies.parse_species .>> sDelimiter .>>. Parser.pfloat .>> sDelimiter .>>. Parser.pfloat .>> sDelimiter .>>. Parser.pfloat) |>> fun(((regBy,rb),rub),rtb) -> POS(regBy,rb,rub,rtb)
let parseNeg = "neg" >>. parenNoSpace(GecSpecies.parse_species .>> sDelimiter .>>. Parser.pfloat .>> sDelimiter .>>. Parser.pfloat .>> sDelimiter .>>. Parser.pfloat) |>> fun(((regBy,rb),rub),rtb) -> NEG(regBy,rb,rub,rtb)
let parseCon = "con" >>. parenNoSpace (Parser.pfloat) |>> fun (rt:float) -> CON(rt)
let parsePromProperties = Parser.choice[
let parseCodes = "codes" >>. parenNoSpace (GecSpecies.parse_species .>> sDelimiter .>>. Parser.pfloat) |>> fun ((codes:string list), rd:float) -> CODES(codes,rd)
(*let parseConstitutiveProm = parseCon |>> fun (con:promProperty) -> PROM([con])
let parseRegulatedProm = ( "pos" <|> "neg") .>>. parenNoSpace (nameGEC .>> sDelimiter .>>. Parser.pfloat .>> sDelimiter .>>. Parser.pfloat .>> sDelimiter .>>. Parser.pfloat) .>> sDelimiter .>>. parseCon |>> fun ((regType:string,((((regBy:string list),rb:float),rub:float),rtb:float)),conProp:promProperty) ->
match regType with
| "pos" -> PROM([POS(regBy,rb,rub,rtb);conProp])
| "neg" -> PROM([NEG(regBy,rb,rub,rtb);conProp])
| _ -> failwith ""*)
let parseRate = "rate" >>. parenNoSpace (Parser.pfloat) |>> fun(r:float) -> RATE(r)
let pdevicedelim = "|" <|> ";"
let (parse_device:t<device>) = .>> Parser.spaces .>> "=" .>>. Parser.sqBrackets( Parser.sepBy ( .>> Parser.spaces) pdevicedelim)
let deviceParser = "devices" >>.
(Parser.sqBrackets (Parser.many parse_device)) .>> Parser.spaces
type dnacomponent =
| Part of string * partType
| Device of device
let parse_deviceComponents = "components" >>. sqbracketNoSpace (Parser.sepBy ( .>> Parser.spaces) pdevicedelim)
let partParser =
|||| .>> delimiter >>= fun n ->
Parser.choice [
|||| "prom" >>. delimiter >>. (Parser.sepBy parsePromProperties sDelimiter) |>> fun(props) -> Part(n,PROM(props))
|||| "rbs" >>. delimiter >>. parseRate |>> fun(rate) -> Part(n,RBS(rate))
|||| "pcr" >>. delimiter >>. parseCodes |>> fun(codes) -> Part(n,PCR(codes))
pstring "ter" |>> fun (_) -> Part(n, TER)
|||| "device" >>. delimiter >>. parse_deviceComponents |>> fun (components) -> Device(n,components)
let fileParser = (Parser.sepBy partParser NEWLINE)
let parse = fileParser .>> Parser.eof |>> fun(components) ->
let partComponents = components |> List.choose
(fun x ->
match x with
| Part(x,y) -> Some(x,y)
| _ -> None)
let deviceList = components |> List.choose
(fun x ->
match x with
| Device(x) -> Some(x)
| _ -> None)
createTable partComponents deviceList
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.Database
open Microsoft.Research.GEC
open FSBOL.ComponentDefinition
open FSBOL.ModuleDefinition
open FSBOL.SBOLDocument
//open Microsoft.Research.ModellingEngine
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
open Parser
(* ************************************************************************************************* *)
(* Devices. *)
type device = string * string list
(* The different kinds of property that part types can have. *)
type pcrProperty = CODES of string list * float
type promProperty = POS of string list * float * float * float
| NEG of string list * float * float * float
| CON of float
| FRATE of Ast.aexp
type rbsProperty = RATE of float
(* An encoding of part types, along with their properties. *)
type partType = PCR of pcrProperty
| PROM of promProperty list
| RBS of rbsProperty
(* Compute FS(Q^t). *)
val speciesInPartType : partType -> string list list
(* ************************************************************************************************* *)
(* A "database" consists of a "parts database" and a "reaction database".
A "parts database" is just a mapping of part identifiers (i.e. strings) to their part types.
A "reaction database" is just a list of reactions. *)
type 'a entry = { value:'a; enabled:bool; comments:string }
type t = { parts:partType entry Stringmap.t; devices: device list; reactions:Gecreaction.t entry list }
val partTypeToSBOL: string -> (partType entry) -> ComponentDefinition
val createModuleDefinitions: (ComponentDefinition list) -> ((string*(partType entry))list) -> (ModuleDefinition list)
val convertTableToSBOLDocument: t -> SBOLDocument
val createProteinCDs: (string * (partType entry)) list -> ComponentDefinition list
(* The "empty" database. *)
val empty : t
(* Produce a string representation of a database. *)
val display : t -> string
(* Add a part to the database (part id must be unique). *)
//val addPart : t -> bool -> string -> string -> string -> string -> t
(* Add a reaction to the database. *)
//val addReaction : t -> bool -> string -> string -> t
type parser = Parser.t<t>
val parse : parser
type dnacomponent =
| Part of string * partType
| Device of device
val partParser: Parser.t<dnacomponent>
@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.DirectivesParser
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
open Parser
(************* Legacy CRN parser **************************************)
(* The code to parse directives in this section is duplicated from
SLConversion in Classic DSD. The original Lex grammar for the
Silver Light version of CRN and DSD were also duplicated
(ModellingEngineDotNet had its own parser.mly file, which was copied
and modified over in SLDNADotNet). The grammar for CRN directives
and species should be the same, but since there might
be subtle differences in the two copies of the mly files,
the conversion tool is also duplicated here. *)
// utilities
let spaces = Parser.spaces
let choice = Parser.choice
let kw =
let preturn = Parser.preturn
let spFloat = Parser.pfloat .>> spaces
let spInt = Parser.pint32 .>> spaces
let spBool = choice [ kw "true" >>. preturn true
; kw "false" >>. preturn false] .>> spaces
let spName = .>> spaces
let paren = Parser.paren
let braces = Parser.braces
let sqBrackets = Parser.sqBrackets
let sepBy = Parser.sepBy
let sepBy1 = Parser.sepBy1
let fpMsg = "Floating point conversion not supported"
type crnModuleDefinition = (string * string list)
type crnInstructions = ((crnModuleDefinition * Instruction list) list) * Instruction list
type settings = {settings:Crn_settings<Functional>; crn: crnInstructions option; overrideCrn: bool}
type oldSimMode = JIT
| OSLO of bool (* is stiff? *)
| SUNDIALS of bool (* is stiff? *)
| CME_OSLO_OR_SUNDIALS of bool (* is stiff? *) (* the parser is ambiguous on "cme" *)
| LNA_OSLO of bool (* is stiff? *)
type SpParam = Burnin of int32
| SpSamples of int32
| Thin of int32
| SeparateNoise of bool
| NoiseModel of int
| Prune of bool
type CoreElem = CoreW of float
| CoreI of float
| CoreO of float
type PointElem = PointX of float
| PointY of float
| PointW of float
| PointV of float
type ParSpace = ParReal | ParLog
type ParVar = ParFixed | ParRandomized | ParInitVal
type ParItem = ParAssign of string * float * float * float
| ParItem of string * float * float * float * ParSpace * ParVar
type SweepVar = SweepVar of string list * Value list list
type SweepItem = NamedSweep of string * SweepVar list
| UnnamedSweep of SweepVar
type KMode = KContextual | KStochastic | KDeterministic
type VerMode = Encoding of int32
| Abstraction of int32
| Enumeration of int32
| PopBound of int32
| DummyRxn of bool
| EnfInitial of bool
type oldDirective = Samples of float option * float option * int32 option // start, end, points
| DurationPoints of float option * float option * int32 option // start, end, points
| Scale of float
| Plot of Expression.t<Species> list
| Simulation of oldSimMode
| RelTolerance of float
| Tolerance of float // maps to abstolerance in deterministic
| Seed of int32
// | SpecMax of Species.t * int32
| OldTime of Time
| Concentration of Concentration
| Dt of float
| XMax of float
| Nx of int32
| Theta of float
| Params of ParItem list
| Sweeps of SweepItem list
| FitRun of SpParam list
| Kinectics of KMode
| Crn of crnInstructions * bool
// | Verification of VerMode
// | StabilityCorrection of float
// | CoaxialDAngle of float
// | DoubleCoaxialDAngle of float
// | Temperature of float
// | TerminalDAngle of float
// Tokens
let SAMPLE = kw "sample"
let ALL = kw "all"
let PLOT = kw "plot"
let POINTS = kw "points"
let DURATION = kw "duration"
let SCALE = kw "scale"
let SEED = kw "seed"
let SIMULATION = kw "simulation"
let DETERMINISTICSTIFF = kw "deterministicstiff"
let RELTOLERANCE = kw "reltolerance"
let TOLERANCE = kw "tolerance" <|> kw "abstolerance"
let EVENT = kw "event"
let SPECMAX = kw "specmax"
let TIME = kw "time"
let CONCENTRATION = kw "concentration"
let DT = kw "dt"
let XMAX = kw "xmax"
let NX = kw "nx"
let THETA = kw "theta"
let COAXIALDANGLE = kw "coaxialDangle"
let DOUBLECOAXIALDANGLE = kw "doubleCoaxialDangle"
let COAXIALCORRECTION = kw "coaxialCorrection"
let TEMPERATURE = kw "temperature"
let TERMINALDANGLE = kw "terminalDangle"
let SPATIALIC = kw "spatialic"
let SPATIALBC = kw "spatialbc"
let SPATIALPLOT = kw "spatialplot"
//let COMPILATION = kw "compilation"
let DECLARE = kw "declare"
let DEFAULTDIFFUSION = kw "defaultdiffusion"
let DIFFUSION = kw "diffusion"
let LEAKS = kw "leaks"
let PINLEAK = kw "pinleak"
let PINLEAKS = kw "pinleaks"
let LENGTHS = kw "lengths"
let MIGRATE = kw "migrate"
let LOCALCONCENTRATIONS = kw "localconcentrations"
let POLYMERS = kw "polymers"
let SEQUENCERATES = kw "sequenceRates"
let STABILITYCORRECTION = kw "stabilityCorrection"
let TAU = kw "tau"
let TOEHOLDS = kw "toeholds"
let UNPRODUCTIVE = kw "unproductive"
let VERIFICATION = kw "verification"
let FIT = kw "fit"
let FITRUN = kw "fit_run"
let KINETICS = kw "kinetics"
let PARAMETERS = kw "parameters"
let PLOTWINDOW = kw "plotwindow"
let PREDICATES = kw "predicates"
let SWEEP = kw "sweep"
let CRN = kw "crn"
let OVERRIDE = kw "override"
let COMMA = kw ","
let SEMI = kw ";"
let AT = kw "@"
let UNDERSCORE = kw "_"
let SUM = kw "sum"
let SUB = kw "sub"
let DIFF = kw "diff"
let PROD = kw "prod"
let DIV = kw "div"
let EQUAL = kw "="
let DLBRACKET = kw "[["
let DRBRACKET = kw "]]"
let BAR = kw "|"
(* each function below parses a specific "directive" string *)
// samples directive
let dirSamples =
SAMPLE >>. Expression.parse spFloat >>= fun x ->
choice [ COMMA >>. Expression.parse spFloat >>= fun y ->
choice [ ALL >>. preturn (Some (Expression.eval id x), Some (Expression.eval id y), Some 0)
; spInt >>= fun z -> preturn (Some (Expression.eval id x), Some (Expression.eval id y), Some z)
; preturn (Some (Expression.eval id x), Some (Expression.eval id y), None) ]
; ALL >>. preturn (None, Some (Expression.eval id x), Some 0)
; spInt >>= fun y -> preturn (None, Some (Expression.eval id x), Some y)
; preturn (None, Some (Expression.eval id x), None) ]
>>= (Samples >> preturn) // wraps the result inside Samples
// duration directive
let dirDuration =
DURATION >>. spFloat >>= fun x ->
choice [ COMMA >>. spFloat >>= fun y ->
choice [ POINTS >>.
choice [ ALL >>. preturn (Some x, Some y, Some 0)
; spInt >>= fun z -> preturn (Some x, Some y, Some z) ]
; preturn (Some x, Some y, None) ]
; POINTS >>. choice [ ALL >>. preturn (None, Some x, Some 0)
; spInt >>= fun y -> preturn (None, Some x, Some y) ]
; preturn (None, Some x, None) ]
>>= (DurationPoints >> preturn )
// seed directive
let dirSeed = SEED >>. spInt >>= (Seed >> preturn)
// old molecule parser
// TODO: double check that "--(cogs)" | "--(+ cogs)" | "--(cogs+)" is not used anymore
// plots
// TODO check empty plot "()" is parsed correctly with many or sepBy, double check that many1 or sepBy1 is not misused
let pPlot pSpecies = Expression.parse pSpecies
// plots directive
let pPlots pSpecies sp = Parser.sepBy1 (pPlot pSpecies) SEMI sp
let dirPlot pSpecies = PLOT >>. pPlots pSpecies >>= (Plot >> preturn)
let curry f (a, b) = f a b
//let dirSpecMax = SPECMAX >>. DSDParser.speciesParser .>>. spInt >>= (SpecMax >> preturn)
let dirTime =
let s = Time.Seconds 1.0
let m = Time.Seconds 6.0
let h = Time.Seconds 3.6
let d = Time.Seconds 8.64
let ret = OldTime >> preturn
TIME >>. choice [ kw "seconds" >>. ret s
; kw "s" >>. ret s
; kw "minutes" >>. ret m
; kw "m" >>. ret m
; kw "hours" >>. ret h
; kw "h" >>. ret h
; kw "days" >>. ret d
; kw "d" >>. ret d ]
let dirConcentration =
let m = Concentration.Molar 0
let mM = Concentration.Molar -3
let uM = Concentration.Molar -6
let nM = Concentration.Molar -9
let pM = Concentration.Molar -12
let fM = Concentration.Molar -15
let aM = Concentration.Molar -18
let zM = Concentration.Molar -21
let yM = Concentration.Molar -24
let ret = Concentration >> preturn
CONCENTRATION >>. choice [ kw "molar" >>. ret m
; kw "M" >>. ret m
; kw "milimolar" >>. ret mM
; kw "mM" >>. ret mM
; kw "millimolar" >>. ret mM
; kw "micromolar" >>. ret uM
; kw "uM" >>. ret uM
; kw "nanomolar" >>. ret nM
; kw "nM" >>. ret nM
; kw "picomolar" >>. ret pM
; kw "pM" >>. ret pM
; kw "femtomolar" >>. ret fM
; kw "fM" >>. ret fM
; kw "attomolar" >>. ret aM
; kw "aM" >>. ret aM
; kw "zeptomolar" >>. ret zM
; kw "zM" >>. ret zM
; kw "yoctomolar" >>. ret yM
; kw "yM" >>. ret yM ]
let dirRelativeTolerance = RELTOLERANCE >>. spFloat >>= (RelTolerance >> preturn)
let dirTolerance = TOLERANCE >>. spFloat >>= (Tolerance >> preturn)
let dirScale = SCALE >>. spFloat >>= (Scale >> preturn)
// simulation
let dirSimulation =
SIMULATION >>. choice [ kw "jit" >>. preturn (Simulation JIT)
; kw "stochastic" >>. preturn (Simulation SSA)
; kw "deterministicstiff" >>. preturn (Simulation (OSLO true))
; kw "deterministic" >>. preturn (Simulation (OSLO false))
; kw "spatial1d" >>. preturn (Simulation (SPACIAL_PERIODIC 1))
; kw "spatial2d" >>. preturn (Simulation (SPACIAL_PERIODIC 2))
; kw "sundials" >>. preturn (Simulation (SUNDIALS false))
; kw "sundialsstiff" >>. preturn (Simulation (SUNDIALS true))
; kw "cme" >>. preturn (Simulation (CME_OSLO_OR_SUNDIALS false))
; kw "cmestiff" >>. preturn (Simulation (CME_OSLO_OR_SUNDIALS true))
; kw "lna" >>. preturn (Simulation (LNA_OSLO false))
; kw "lnastiff" >>. preturn (Simulation (LNA_OSLO true)) ]
let dirDT = DT >>. spFloat >>= (Dt >> preturn)
let dirXMax = XMAX >>. spFloat >>= (XMax >> preturn)
let dirNX = NX >>. spInt >>= (Nx >> preturn)
let dirTheta = THETA >>. spFloat >>= (Theta >> preturn)
// spatial directives
// TODO: Add spatial directives
let spatialErrorMsg _ = failwith "spatial directives not supported"
let dirSpatialic = SPATIALIC >>= spatialErrorMsg
let dirSpatialbc = SPATIALBC >>= spatialErrorMsg
let dirSpatialPlot = SPATIALPLOT >>= spatialErrorMsg
let dirDiffusion = DIFFUSION >>= spatialErrorMsg
let dirDefaultDiffusion = DEFAULTDIFFUSION >>= spatialErrorMsg
// parameters
let paramP =
let f n x y z pType = choice
[ kw "fixedvar" >>. preturn (ParItem (n, x, y, z, pType, ParFixed))
; kw "fixed" >>. preturn (ParItem (n, x, y, z, pType, ParFixed))
; kw "randomized" >>. preturn (ParItem (n, x, y, z, pType, ParRandomized))
; kw "random" >>. preturn (ParItem (n, x, y, z, pType, ParRandomized))
; kw "init" >>. preturn (ParItem (n, x, y, z, pType, ParInitVal))
; kw "initval" >>. preturn (ParItem (n, x, y, z, pType, ParInitVal)) ]
spName >>= fun n ->
choice [ EQUAL >>. spFloat >>= fun f -> preturn (ParAssign (n, f, f, f))
; COMMA >>. Parser.paren (spFloat .>> COMMA .>>. spFloat) .>> COMMA .>>. spFloat .>> COMMA
>>= fun ((x,y), z) ->
choice [ kw "realspace" >>. COMMA >>. f n x y z ParReal
; kw "real" >>. COMMA >>. f n x y z ParReal
; kw "log" >>. COMMA >>. f n x y z ParLog
; kw "logspace" >>. COMMA >>. f n x y z ParLog ] ]
let dirParameters = PARAMETERS >>. Parser.sqBrackets (sepBy1 paramP SEMI) >>= (Params >> preturn)
// sweeps
let namesList = Parser.sepBy1 spName COMMA
let valList = Parser.sepBy1 (Expression.parse spName) COMMA
let valListP = Parser.paren valList
let valTuples = Parser.sepBy1 valListP COMMA
let varSweep = choice [ Parser.paren namesList .>> EQUAL .>>. Parser.sqBrackets valTuples
>>= (SweepVar >> preturn)
; spName .>> EQUAL .>>. Parser.sqBrackets valList >>= fun (n, xs) ->
preturn (SweepVar ([n], (fun x -> [x]) xs)) ]
let combSweep = Parser.sepBy1 varSweep COMMA
let dirSweep =
choice [ paren namesList .>> EQUAL .>>. sqBrackets valTuples >>=
(SweepVar >> UnnamedSweep >> (fun x -> [x]) >> Sweeps >> preturn)
; spName .>> EQUAL >>= fun n ->
choice [ braces combSweep >>= (fun x -> preturn (Sweeps [NamedSweep (n, x)]))
; sqBrackets valList >>= (fun x -> preturn (Sweeps [UnnamedSweep (SweepVar ([n], [x]))])) ] ]
let dirCrn =
CRN >>. Parser.choice[
OVERRIDE >>. Parser.braces (Instruction.parse Species.parse Crn_settings.defaults) |>> fun x -> Crn(x,true)
Parser.braces (Instruction.parse Species.parse Crn_settings.defaults) |>> fun x -> Crn(x,false)
// fit
let dirFit = FIT >>= fun _ -> failwith "fit not supported"
// fit run
let fitElem =
choice [ kw "burnin" >>. EQUAL >>. spInt >>= (Burnin >> preturn)
; kw "samples" >>. EQUAL >>. spInt >>= (SpSamples >> preturn)
; kw "thin" >>. EQUAL >>. spInt >>= (Thin >> preturn) // TODO: default = findintdef "thin" 10 t
; kw "separatenoise" >>. EQUAL >>. spBool >>= (SeparateNoise >> preturn) // TODO: default = findbooldef true t
; kw "noisemodel" >>. EQUAL >>. spInt >>= (NoiseModel >> preturn) // TODO: Constant t
; kw "prune" >>. EQUAL >>. spBool >>= (Prune >> preturn) // TODO: default true t }
let fitRecord = braces (sepBy1 fitElem SEMI)
let dirFitRun sp = (FITRUN >>. fitRecord >>= (FitRun >> preturn)) sp
// plot window, kinectics
let dirPlotWindow = PLOTWINDOW >>= fun _ -> failwith "plot window not supported"
let dirKinectics = KINETICS >>. choice [ kw "contextual" >>. preturn (Kinectics KContextual)
; kw "stochastic" >>. preturn (Kinectics KStochastic)
; kw "deterministic" >>. preturn (Kinectics KDeterministic) ]
// verification
let dirVerification = VERIFICATION >>= fun _ -> failwith "verification not supported"
let pOldDirectives pSpecies = [ dirConcentration
; dirDT
; dirDefaultDiffusion
; dirDiffusion
; dirDuration
; dirFit
; dirFitRun
; dirKinectics
; dirNX
; dirParameters
; dirPlot pSpecies
; dirPlotWindow
; dirRelativeTolerance
; dirSamples
; dirScale
; dirSeed
; dirSimulation
; dirSpatialbc
; dirSpatialic
; dirSpatialPlot
; dirSweep
; dirTheta
; dirTime
; dirTolerance
; dirVerification
; dirXMax
; dirCrn]
let oldDirective pSpecies = choice (pOldDirectives pSpecies)
let oldToCrnParam param =
match param with
| ParAssign (n, f1, f2, f3) ->
let par : Parameter =
{ name = n
; value = f3
; prior = Some { interval = Interval.Real
; variation = Variation.Fixed
; distribution = Distribution.Uniform {min = f1; max = f2} } }
| ParItem (n, f1, f2, f3, parSpace, parVar) ->
let pr : Prior = { interval = match parSpace with
| ParReal -> Interval.Real
| ParLog -> Interval.Log
; variation = match parVar with
| ParFixed -> Variation.Fixed
| ParRandomized -> Variation.Random
| ParInitVal -> Variation.Initial2
; distribution = Distribution.Uniform {min = f1; max = f2}}
let par : Parameter = { name = n
; value = f3
; prior = Some pr }
let oldToCrnSweepVar (SweepVar (names, values)) : Assignment =
{ variables = names
; values = values }
let sweep_id = ref 0
let new_sweep_name () =
let id = !sweep_id + 1 in
sweep_id := id
"sweep_" + id.ToString() // the hard-coded "sweep_" is from the old DNA solution
let oldToCrnSweep (sweep:SweepItem) =
match sweep with
| UnnamedSweep sweep -> let newName = new_sweep_name()
Sweep.create(newName,[oldToCrnSweepVar sweep])
| NamedSweep (n, sweeps) -> let asns = oldToCrnSweepVar sweeps
let fromOpt m x = match m with
| None -> x
| Some y -> y
let updateSettings (cs : settings ) oldDir =
match oldDir with
| Samples (startOpt, endOpt, pointsOpt)
| DurationPoints (startOpt, endOpt, pointsOpt) ->
{cs with settings = {cs.settings with simulation = {cs.settings.simulation with points = fromOpt pointsOpt cs.settings.simulation.points
; initial = fromOpt startOpt cs.settings.simulation.initial
; final = fromOpt endOpt}}}
| Scale f -> { cs with settings = {cs.settings with stochastic = { cs.settings.stochastic with scale = f }}}
| Plot ps -> { cs with settings = {cs.settings with simulation = { cs.settings.simulation with plots = ( Key.Species) ps @ cs.settings.simulation.plots}}}
| Simulation smode ->
{cs with settings = {cs.settings with simulator =
match smode with
| JIT -> Simulator.SSA
| SSA -> Simulator.SSA
| OSLO _ -> Simulator.Oslo
| SUNDIALS _ -> Simulator.Sundials
| LNA_OSLO _ -> Simulator.LNA
; deterministic = {
cs.settings.deterministic with
stiff = match smode with
| OSLO isStiff -> isStiff
| LNA_OSLO isStiff -> isStiff
| SUNDIALS isStiff -> isStiff
| CME_OSLO_OR_SUNDIALS isStiff -> isStiff
| SSA -> false
| JIT -> false
; simulation = cs.settings.simulation
}} // TODO: add dimensions to spatial settings
| RelTolerance f -> { cs with settings = {cs.settings with deterministic = { cs.settings.deterministic with reltolerance = f }}}
| Tolerance f -> { cs with settings = {cs.settings with deterministic = { cs.settings.deterministic with abstolerance = f }}}
| Seed i -> { cs with settings = {cs.settings with simulation = { cs.settings.simulation with seed = Some i}}}
| OldTime _ -> cs
| Concentration _ -> cs
| Dt f -> { cs with settings = {cs.settings with spatial = { cs.settings.spatial with dt = f }}}
| XMax f -> { cs with settings = {cs.settings with spatial = { cs.settings.spatial with xmax = f }}}
| Nx i -> { cs with settings = {cs.settings with spatial = { cs.settings.spatial with nx = i }}}
| Theta _ -> failwith "theta directive not supported in the spatial simulator"
| Params ps -> { cs with settings = {cs.settings with parameters = oldToCrnParam ps }}
| Sweeps ss -> { cs with settings = {cs.settings with sweeps = oldToCrnSweep ss }}
| FitRun ps ->
let updateSpSet (inf:Inference_settings) spParam =
match spParam with
| Burnin i -> { inf with burnin = i}
| SpSamples i -> { inf with samples = i}
| Thin i -> { inf with thin = i }
| SeparateNoise b -> { inf with noise_parameter = if b
then Noise_parameter.Multiple
else Noise_parameter.Random}
| NoiseModel i -> { inf with noise_model = match i with
| 0 -> Noise_model.Constant
| 1 -> Noise_model.Proportional
| _ -> failwith "Unrecognised noise model. Use linear or proportional." }
| Prune b -> { inf with prune = b}
{ cs with settings = {cs.settings with inference = List.fold updateSpSet cs.settings.inference ps }}
| Kinectics kmode ->
{ cs with settings =
{cs.settings with
simulation =
{cs.settings.simulation with
kinetics =
match kmode with
| KContextual -> Kinetics.Contextual
| KStochastic -> Kinetics.Stochastic
| KDeterministic -> Kinetics.Deterministic } }}
| Crn (instructions,ovveride) -> {cs with crn = Some(instructions); overrideCrn = ovveride}
let parseOldDirectives pSpecies : Parser.t<settings> =
Parser.many ( "directive" >>. oldDirective pSpecies)
.>> spaces
>>= (fun oldSettings -> let def : settings = {settings=Crn_settings.defaults;crn=None;overrideCrn=false}
let settings = List.fold updateSettings def oldSettings
preturn settings)
(* legacy CRN parser, parses the body of a CRN written in the Silver Light tool's syntax.
The parser is parametric to the species, to allow species names such as '"<a b c>"'
for testing purposes in Classic DSD. *)
(*type instruction =
| Reaction of Reaction<Species,Value,Functional>
| Initial of Initial<Species,Value>
let convert_instructions (instructions:instruction list) =
let f (reactions,initials) command =
match command with
| Reaction reaction -> reaction::reactions, initials
| Initial initial -> reactions, initial::initials
let reactions, initials = List.fold f ([],[]) instructions
List.rev reactions, List.rev initials
let create_from_instructions (settings:Crn_settings<Functional>) (instructions:instruction list) =
let reactions,initials = convert_instructions instructions
Crn.create "" settings reactions initials Stringmap.empty
let parse_legacy_SL pSpecies =
let zeroVal (init : float) = Expression.Float init
let zero = Expression.Float 0.0
let unitVal = Expression.Float 1.0
// base parsers
let pValue = Expression.parse ( .>> Parser.spaces)
let pExpr = Expression.parse (Key.parse pSpecies)
// crn parsers
let pInitial iv = Initial.parse pSpecies pValue zero (zeroVal iv) |>> Initial
let pConstant iv = "constant" >>. pSpecies .>>. pValue >>= fun (sp, v) ->
Parser.preturn (Initial.create(true, v, sp, (zeroVal iv), None) |> Initial)
let pEvent = "event" >>. pSpecies .>>. pValue .>> "@" .>>. pValue
>>= fun ((sp, amount), time) -> Parser.preturn (Initial.create(false, amount, sp, time, None) |> Initial)
let pReaction = Reaction.parse pSpecies pValue pExpr unitVal |>> Reaction
let pLine iv = (pConstant iv <|> pEvent <|> pInitial iv) <|> pReaction
let pBar = "|"
// full CRN parser
parseOldDirectives pSpecies >>= fun settings ->
Parser.spaces >>. Parser.opt pBar
>>. Parser.sepBy (pLine settings.settings.simulation.initial) pBar
|>> create_from_instructions settings.settings*)
@ -0,0 +1,783 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.GECEngine
open System
open Microsoft.Research.GEC
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
//open Microsoft.Research.ModellingEngine
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
open FSBOL
open FSBOL.JsonSerializer
open FSBOL.SBOLDocument
open FSBOL.TopLevel
open FSBOL.ComponentDefinition
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.InferenceSiteGraph
open Microsoft.Research.GEC.Trans
open Microsoft.Research.GEC.Settings
open Microsoft.Research.GEC.Program
open Microsoft.Research.FSBOLWrapper
(* Main GUI datatype. *)
type t = {
solution:(Ast.directive list * Main.tSolution * Trans.gecConstraint list * Trans.tArithmeticConstraints * string list) option
let empty = {options = Options.default_options; database = Database.empty; solution = None}
(* *** Get/set GUI options. *)
(* Get or set the "options" part of the GUI data structure. *)
let getOptions (gec:t) = gec.options
let setOptions (opts:Options.t) (gec:t) = {gec with options = opts}
(* Get, set or erase the "solution" part of the GUI data structure. *)
let setSolution (ds:Ast.directive list) (sol:Main.tSolution) (prologConstraints:Trans.gecConstraint list) (arithmeticConstraints:Trans.tArithmeticConstraints)
(log:string list) (gec:t) = {gec with solution = Some (ds, sol,prologConstraints,arithmeticConstraints,log)}
let getSolution (gec:t) = gec.solution
let eraseSolution (gec:t) = {gec with solution = None}
(* Access the parts and reactions database. *)
let getDatabase (gec:t) = gec.database
let setDatabase (db:Database.t) (gec:t) = {gec with database = db}
(* Produce a string representation of the results of the translation process, for debugging purposes... *)
let getDebuggingOutput (g:t) =
match (getSolution g) with
| None -> ""
| Some (ds, sol,prologConstraints,arithmeticConstraints,log) ->
let bbTemplatesDebug = Lib.string_of_list (fun xs -> "[" + (Lib.string_of_list "; " xs) + "]") Lib.newline sol.bbDevices in
let prologConstraintsDebug = Lib.string_of_list Trans.printConstraint Lib.newline prologConstraints in
let arithmeticConstraintsDebug = Lib.string_of_list Trans.stringOfArithmeticConstraint Lib.newline arithmeticConstraints in
let lbsProgDebug = Trans.lbsProgToStr sol.lbsProgram [] in // is empty list OK here for varDefs?
let rateDecsDebug = Lib.string_of_list (fun (r,f) -> r + " |==> " + (Lib.display_float f)) Lib.newline sol.rateDecs in
let varAssDebug = sol.getVarAssString() in
let databaseDebug = Database.display (getDatabase g) in
let logDebug = Lib.string_of_list Lib.newline log in
let directivesDebug = match ds with [] -> "" | ds -> Lib.string_of_list Ast.stringOfDirective Lib.newline ds in
"bbTemplates:" + Lib.newline +
"============" + Lib.newline +
bbTemplatesDebug + Lib.newline + Lib.newline +
"rateDecs:" + Lib.newline +
"=========" + Lib.newline +
rateDecsDebug + Lib.newline + Lib.newline +
"varAss:" + Lib.newline +
"=======" + Lib.newline +
varAssDebug + Lib.newline + Lib.newline +
"Arithmetic constraints:" + Lib.newline +
"=======================" + Lib.newline +
arithmeticConstraintsDebug + Lib.newline + Lib.newline +
"Database:" + Lib.newline +
"=========" + Lib.newline +
databaseDebug + Lib.newline + Lib.newline +
"lbsProg:" + Lib.newline +
"========" +
lbsProgDebug + Lib.newline + Lib.newline +
"directives:" + Lib.newline +
directivesDebug + Lib.newline + Lib.newline +
"PROLOG Constraints:" + Lib.newline +
"============" + Lib.newline +
prologConstraintsDebug + Lib.newline + Lib.newline +
"log:" + Lib.newline +
"====" + Lib.newline +
logDebug + Lib.newline
(* LBS program text. *)
let getGECProgramText (g:t) = Options.getGECProgramText (getOptions g)
let setGECProgramText (s:string) (g:t) = setOptions (Options.setGECProgramText s (getOptions g)) g
(* Option to enable simulation-only reactions. *)
let getSimulationOnlyReactionsOption (g:t) = Options.getSimulationOnlyReactions (getOptions g)
let setSimulationOnlyReactionsOption (b:bool) (g:t) = setOptions (Options.setSimulationOnlyReactions b (getOptions g)) g
(* *** Access other information from the datatypes. *)
(* Have the options changed enough to warrant recompilation? *)
let identicalOptions (gold:t) (gnew:t) =
((getGECProgramText gold) = (getGECProgramText gnew)) &&
((getSimulationOnlyReactionsOption gold) = (getSimulationOnlyReactionsOption gnew)) &&
((getDatabase gold) = (getDatabase gnew))
(* Maybe prefix some directives onto an LBS program. *)
let prefixDirectives (ds:Ast.directive list) (body:string) =
match ds with
| [] -> body
| ds -> (Lib.string_of_list Ast.stringOfDirective Lib.newline ds) + Lib.newline + Lib.newline + body
(* Get the "default" LBS program, i.e. with general reactions (no substitution applied). *)
let getDefaultLBSProgram (g:t) =
match (getSolution g) with
| Some(ds,sol,_,_,_) -> Some(prefixDirectives ds (sol.getProgramDefault()))
| None -> None
(* Get a particular LBS program instance, corresponding to a particular set of variable instantiations. *)
let getLBSProgramInstance (num:int) (g:t) =
match (getSolution g) with
| Some(ds,sol,_,_,_) ->
let ds = (Subst.applyToDirective (List.item num sol.substs)) ds in
Some(prefixDirectives ds (sol.getProgramInstance(num)))
| None -> None
(* Get a particular species instance. *)
let getSpeciesAssignment (num:int) (g:t) =
match (getSolution g) with
| Some(_,sol,_,_,_) -> sol.getSpecAss(num)
| None -> ""
(* Get a particular devices instance. *)
let getDevicesInstance (num:int) (g:t) =
match (getSolution g) with
| Some(_,sol,_,_,_) -> sol.getDevicesInstance(num)
| None -> ""
(* Get a particular devices instance as a string list list *)
let getDevicesInstanceStructured (num:int) (g:t) =
match (getSolution g) with
| Some(_,sol,_,_,_) -> sol.getDevicesInstanceStructured(num)
| None -> List.toArray([])
(* Get the number of solutions. *)
let getNumSolutions (g:t) =
match (getSolution g) with
| Some(_,sol,_,_,_) -> sol.numSolutions
| None -> 0
(* Get the directives text (if any). *)
let getDirectives (g:t) =
match (getSolution g) with
| Some(ds,_,_,_,_) -> Some ds
| None -> None
(* Process a GEC program. *)
let reduce_gecprog (prog:Ast.prog) =
let rec reduce (p:Ast.prog)=
match p with
| Ast.Par(p1,p2) ->
let rp1 = reduce p1
let rp2 = reduce p2
match rp1 with
| Ast.Nil ->
match rp2 with
| Ast.Nil -> Ast.Nil
| _ -> rp2
| _ ->
match rp2 with
| Ast.Nil -> rp1
| _ -> Ast.Par(rp1,rp2)
| Ast.Seq(p1,p2) ->
let rp1 = reduce p1
let rp2 = reduce p2
match rp1 with
| Ast.Nil ->
match rp2 with
| Ast.Nil -> Ast.Nil
| _ -> rp2
| _ ->
match rp2 with
| Ast.Nil -> rp1
| _ -> Ast.Seq(rp1,rp2)
| Ast.Comp(c,p1) -> Ast.Comp(c,reduce p1)
| Ast.New(n,p1) -> Ast.New(n,reduce p1)
| Ast.TemplateDef(tname,targs,p1,p2) -> Ast.TemplateDef(tname,targs,reduce p1, reduce p2)
| Ast.Copy(i,p1,b1,b2) -> Ast.Copy(i,reduce p1,b1,b2)
| _ -> p
reduce prog
let unroll_gecprog (gecprog:ClassicProgram) =
let template_prog = gecprog.templates
let rec unroll_templates (prog:Ast.prog) =
match prog with
| Ast.TemplateDef(tempname,tempargs,body,next) ->
match next with
| Ast.TemplateDef(_) -> [(tempname,tempargs,body)]@(unroll_templates next)
| Ast.Nil -> [(tempname,tempargs,body)]
| _ -> failwith "Top Templates should not have anything other than TemplateDef and Nil in the recursive structure."
| Ast.Nil -> []
| _ -> failwith "Top Templates should not have anything other than TemplateDef and Nil in the recursive structure."
let templates = unroll_templates template_prog
let find_key (map) key=
map |> List.tryFind(fun (x,y:Ast.abstractComplex) -> x = key)
let rec sub_exp (e:Ast.aexp) (map) =
match e with
| Ast.FloatAExp _ -> e
| Ast.IdAExp(s) ->
match (find_key (map) s) with
| Some(mkey,mval_list) ->
match mval_list with
| [mval] ->
match mval with
| Ast.IdVal(id) -> Ast.IdAExp(id)
| Ast.FloatVal(f) -> Ast.FloatAExp(f)
| Ast.AlgebraicExp(exp) -> exp
| _ -> failwith "Shouldn't really see a wild card in template invocation?"
| _ -> failwith "Improper Template Invocation"
| None -> e
| Ast.PlusAExp(p1,p2) -> Ast.PlusAExp(sub_exp p1 map,sub_exp p2 map)
| Ast.MinusAExp(p1,p2) -> Ast.MinusAExp(sub_exp p1 map,sub_exp p2 map)
| Ast.MulAExp(p1,p2) -> Ast.MulAExp(sub_exp p1 map,sub_exp p2 map)
| Ast.DivAExp(p1,p2) -> Ast.DivAExp(sub_exp p1 map,sub_exp p2 map)
| Ast.PowAExp(p1,p2) -> Ast.PowAExp(sub_exp p1 map,sub_exp p2 map)
let sub_value (v:Ast.value) (map) =
match v with
| Ast.IdVal (x) ->
match (find_key map x) with
| Some(mkey,mval_list) ->
match mval_list with
| [mval] -> mval
| _ -> failwith "Improper Template Invocation"
| None -> v
| Ast.FloatVal f -> v
| Ast.WildCardVal -> v
| Ast.AlgebraicExp exp -> Ast.AlgebraicExp(sub_exp exp map)
let sub_abstractcomplex (ac:Ast.abstractComplex) (map) =
match ac with
| [Ast.IdVal(id)] ->
match (find_key map id) with
| Some(mkey,mval) -> mval
| None -> ac
| _ -> ac
let sub_string (s:string) (map) =
match (find_key map s) with
| Some(mkey,mval) ->
match mval with
| [Ast.IdVal(id)] -> id
| _ -> failwith "Improper Template Invocation - Compartment name"
| None -> s
let rec sub_prog (prog:Ast.prog) (map) =
match prog with
| Ast.Brick(v,btype,props) ->
let sv = sub_value v map
let sprops =
props |> (fun (x,y) ->
let sy = y |> (fun z ->
match z with
| [Ast.IdVal(id)] ->
match (find_key (map) id) with
| Some(mkey,mval) -> mval
| None -> z
| _ -> z)
| Ast.Reac(enz,reac,prod,rate,sim) ->
let senz = enz |> (fun x -> sub_abstractcomplex x map)
let sreac = reac |> (fun x -> sub_abstractcomplex x map)
let sprod = prod |> (fun x -> sub_abstractcomplex x map)
Ast.Reac(senz,sreac,sprod,sub_value rate map,sim)
| Ast.Trans(reac,prod,comp,rate,sim,dir) -> Ast.Trans(sub_abstractcomplex reac map,sub_abstractcomplex prod map,sub_string comp map,sub_value rate map,sim,dir)
| Ast.TemplateInv(tname,targs) -> //This maybe a corner case
let sargs = targs |> (fun x -> sub_abstractcomplex x map)
| Ast.Seq(s1,s2) -> Ast.Seq(sub_prog s1 map,sub_prog s2 map)
| Ast.Par(s1,s2) -> Ast.Par(sub_prog s1 map,sub_prog s2 map)
| Ast.Comp(s,cprog) -> Ast.Comp(sub_string s map,sub_prog cprog map)
| Ast.New(n,nprog) -> Ast.New(sub_string n map,sub_prog nprog map)
| Ast.Constraint(c1,op,c2) -> Ast.Constraint(sub_exp c1 map,op,sub_exp c2 map)
| Ast.Rate(v,rate) -> Ast.Rate(sub_value v map,rate)
| Ast.Copy(i,cprog,b1,b2) -> Ast.Copy(i,sub_prog cprog map,b1,b2)
| _ -> prog
let rec unroll_prog (prog:Ast.prog) (templates)=
match prog with
| Ast.TemplateInv(tempname,args) ->
match (templates |> List.tryFind (fun(x,y,z) -> x = tempname)) with
| Some(tname,targs,tprog) ->
let subs = targs args
let sprog = sub_prog tprog subs
unroll_prog sprog templates
| None ->
failwith ("Template " + tempname + " not defined")
| Ast.TemplateDef(name,args,body,next) ->
let unroll_body = unroll_prog body templates //This maybe optional?
unroll_prog next ((name,args,unroll_body)::templates)
| Ast.Seq(s1,s2) ->
let u_s1 = unroll_prog s1 templates
let u_s2 = unroll_prog s2 templates
| Ast.Par(p1,p2) ->
let u_p1 = unroll_prog p1 templates
let u_p2 = unroll_prog p2 templates
| Ast.Comp (name,prog) ->
let u_prog = unroll_prog prog templates
| Ast.New(n,prog) ->
let u_prog = unroll_prog prog templates
| Ast.Copy(i,prog,b1,b2) ->
let u_prog = unroll_prog prog templates
| _ -> prog
let unrolled_top = reduce_gecprog (unroll_prog gecprog.prog templates)
let unrolled_systems = |> x -> {x with prog = reduce_gecprog (unroll_prog x.prog templates)})
{gecprog with prog = unrolled_top; systems = unrolled_systems}
let translate_systems_to_prog (gecprog:ClassicProgram) =
let systems = |> (fun x -> Ast.Comp(,x.prog))
let parsystems = Program.fold_parallel systems
let top_prog = gecprog.prog
match parsystems with
| Ast.Nil -> top_prog
| _ ->
match top_prog with
| Ast.Nil -> parsystems
| _ -> Ast.Par(top_prog,parsystems)
exception CompileException of string * exn
let modify_crn (crn:Crn) (settings:Gec_settings) crnSettings=
let instructions = settings.crn
let overrideCrn = settings.overrideCrn
if overrideCrn then
//Crn.create_from_instructions crnSettings instructions
(*let basecrn = {crn with settings=crnSettings}.saturate_initials()
let instCrn = Crn.create_from_instructions crnSettings instructions
let reactions' = basecrn.reactions@instCrn.reactions
//let attributes = instCrn.attributes
let attributes' = instCrn.attributes
|> Map.toList
|> List.fold (fun (acc:Stringmap.t<Attributes>) (x,y) -> acc.Add(x,y)) basecrn.attributes
let initials' = basecrn.initials@instCrn.initials
{basecrn with reactions=reactions';attributes=attributes';initials=initials'}*)
type solve_result = { solution : t
; graph : InferenceSiteGraph.IGraph
; sbol : SBOLDocument
; crnString: string}
let getLBSSystems (gecprog:ClassicProgram) (lbs:tLBSProg) =
let systems =
let system_names = systems |> (fun x ->
let rec lbsSystem lbs =
match lbs with
| LBSComp(comp,prog) ->
if (system_names |> List.contains comp) then
| LBSPar(p1,p2) ->
(lbsSystem p1)@(lbsSystem p2)
| LBSReacAbstraction(_,prog) -> lbsSystem prog
| LBSCompDec(comp,prog) -> lbsSystem prog
| LBSCopy(i,prog) -> lbsSystem prog
| _ -> []
let rec lbsTop lbs =
match lbs with
| LBSComp(comp,prog) ->
if (system_names |> List.contains comp) then
| LBSPar(p1,p2) ->
LBSPar(lbsTop p1,lbsTop p2)
| LBSReacAbstraction(x,prog) -> LBSReacAbstraction(x,lbsTop prog)
| LBSCompDec(comp,prog) -> LBSCompDec(comp,lbsTop prog)
| LBSCopy(i,prog) -> LBSCopy(i,lbsTop prog)
| _ -> lbs
(lbsTop lbs,lbsSystem lbs)
let create_inference_graph (crnSettings:Crn_settings<Functional>) (gecprog:ClassicProgram) (top_crn:(Crn option * crnInstructions)) (system_crn_map) (db)=
let dir_str = Program.crnSettings_to_string crnSettings
let modules_str = Program.modules_to_string crnSettings.simulation.initial gecprog.modules
let devices_str = Lib.string_of_list (fun x -> Program.deviceDefinition_to_string x) "\n" gecprog.devices
let top_prog_str = Program.crn_contents_to_string crnSettings.simulation.initial top_crn
let system_strings =
|> (fun sys ->
match (system_crn_map |> List.tryFind(fun (x,crn) -> x = with
| Some(_,crn) -> Program.system_to_string crn gecprog.modules gecprog.devices sys db
| None -> failwith ("Unexpected error. System name not found in to_string method for: " +
let system_str = Lib.string_of_list (fun x -> x) "\n" system_strings
let ig_str =
match gecprog.graph with
| [] ->
match system_crn_map with
| [] -> "" //"node node0 { }"
| _ ->
let system_names = system_crn_map |> (fun (x,y) -> x)
"node node0 { systems = [" + (Lib.string_of_list (fun x -> x) ";" system_names) + "] }"
| _ -> Lib.string_of_list (fun x -> Program.igElement_to_string x) "\n" gecprog.graph
dir_str + modules_str + devices_str + top_prog_str + system_str + ig_str
let getSBOLAssignment (bbTemplates:Trans.tBbDevices) (table:Database.t) (substs:Subst.t list) (index:int)=
let assignment = substs.Item(index)
let findPart (id:string) =
match Stringmap.tryFind id with
| Some entry -> Some entry.value
| None -> None
let IdExists (id:string) =
match findPart id with
| Some(_) -> true
| None -> false
let createTUAssignment (tu:string list) =
let createCDAssignment (p:string) =
let partName =
match (IdExists p) with
| true ->
| false ->
match assignment.Item(p) with
| Subst.PART(partVal) -> partVal
| _ -> failwith "Can't find the part in the substitution. Some error occurred."
let part =
match Stringmap.tryFind partName with
| Some entry -> entry
| None -> failwith "Can't find the part in the database. Some error occurred."
let cd = Database.partTypeToSBOL partName part
let cdList = tu |> (fun x -> (createCDAssignment x))
let urlPrefix = ""
let tuList = [0..(bbTemplates.Length-1)] |>
|||| (fun indx ->
let a = (createTUAssignment (bbTemplates.Item(indx)))
let cdList = a |> (fun (x,y) -> x)
let partEntryList = a |> (fun(x,y) -> y)
let tu =
let tuName = ("tu" + indx.ToString())
let perId = urlPrefix + "/" + tuName
let version = "1"
GECHelper.createHigherFunction tuName perId version cdList
let partCDList = tuList |> (x,y,z) -> x)
let partCDs = match partCDList.Length with
| 0 -> []
| 1 -> partCDList.Head
| _ -> partCDList |> List.reduce (fun a b -> a@b)
let tuCDs = tuList |> (x,y,z) -> y)
let partsUsedList =
let a = tuList |> (fun (x,y,z) -> z)
match a.Length with
| 0 -> []
| 1 -> a.Head
| _ -> a |> List.reduce (fun b c -> b@c)
let partIdList = partsUsedList |> (x,y) -> x) |> Seq.ofList |> List.ofSeq
let partEntryList =
partIdList |> (x) ->
partsUsedList |> List.find (fun (a,b) -> a=x)
(*let protList = partEntryList
|> (fun (x,y) -> y)
|> (fun entry -> entry.value)
|> List.filter (fun partEntry ->
match partEntry with
| Database.PCR(_) -> true
| _ -> false
|> (fun (Database.PCR(x))-> x)*)
let protCDs = Database.createProteinCDs partEntryList
let mdList = Database.createModuleDefinitions (partCDs@protCDs) partEntryList //|> (fun x -> TopLevel.ModuleDefinition(x))
let device =
let name = "device"
let perid = urlPrefix + "/" + name
let version = "1"
//GECHelper.createHigherFunction name perid version tuCDs
GECHelper.createHigherFunction name perid version partCDs
//let allCDs = List.rev(device::( List.rev(tuCDs) @ List.rev(partCDs@protCDs)))
let allCDs = List.rev(device::( (*List.rev(tuCDs) @*) List.rev(partCDs@protCDs)))
let s = SBOLDocument(
(allCDs |> (fun x -> x :> TopLevel))
//@ (mdList |> (fun x -> x :> TopLevel))
let solveGEC (cancel_flag:bool ref) (program:string) (dbParts:string) (dbReactions:string) : solve_result =
let db_from_string (s:string) = Parser.from_string Database.parse s
let partstable =
db_from_string dbParts
with e ->
raise (CompileException ("parts", e))
let reactionListParser = Parser.sepBy Gecreaction.parseReaction Parser.newline
let reactiondb_from_string (s:string) = Parser.from_string reactionListParser s
let createReactionEntry reaction =
let (reactionEntry:Gecreaction.t Database.entry) ={value=reaction;enabled=true;comments=""}
let reactiondb =
reactiondb_from_string dbReactions |> (fun(x) -> createReactionEntry(x))
with e ->
raise (CompileException ("reactions", e))
let table = {partstable with reactions = reactiondb}
let options = Options.setGECProgramText program Options.default_options
let guioptions = setOptions options empty
let gui = setDatabase table guioptions
match Main.parse (getGECProgramText gui) with
| LogicGec _ -> failwith "Logic GEC program not supported yet."
| ClassicGec gecprog ->
let ugecprog = unroll_gecprog gecprog
let prog = translate_systems_to_prog ugecprog
let ds = ugecprog.settings.directives |> Settings.convert_crn_to_gec_directives
let (bbTemplates, prologConstraints, lbsProg, rateDecs, substitutions, arithmeticConstraints, log) =
Trans.translate0 prog (getSimulationOnlyReactionsOption gui) (getDatabase gui)
let varAss = Cssubst.mkVarAss substitutions
let substs = Cssubst.getSubst substitutions
(* Put the results into a Main.tSolution data structure. *)
let sol = { Main.bbDevices = bbTemplates;
Main.lbsProgram = lbsProg;
Main.rateDecs = rateDecs;
Main.varAss = varAss;
Main.substs = substs;
Main.error = None;
Main.numSolutions = List.length varAss }
let solution = setSolution ds sol prologConstraints arithmeticConstraints log gui
let (toplbs,lbsSystems) = getLBSSystems ugecprog lbsProg
let crnSettings = Crn_settings.defaults.from_default_directive_list ugecprog.settings.directives
let top_crn = TransCrn.create toplbs |> (fun x -> modify_crn x ugecprog.settings crnSettings)
let system_crn_map = lbsSystems
|> (fun x ->
let systems =
match x with
| Trans.LBSComp(compname,prog) ->
let crn = TransCrn.create x
match (systems |> List.tryFind (fun y -> = compname)) with
| Some(res) -> (compname,modify_crn crn res.settings crnSettings)
| None -> failwith ("Unexpected error. System " + compname + " not found.")
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected LBS Comparment encountered")
let crnString = create_inference_graph crnSettings ugecprog top_crn system_crn_map table
let igraph = Parser.from_string InferenceSiteGraph.parse crnString
let (varAss',subst') =
match sol.numSolutions with
| 0 ->
match igraph.nodes.Count with
| 0 -> failwith "This should never happen"
| 1 ->
let model = igraph.nodes |> Map.toSeq |> Seq.head |> snd
match ( && ( with
| true -> ([],[])
| false -> ([[],[],[]],[Map.empty])
| _ -> ([[],[],[]],[Map.empty])
| _ -> (sol.varAss,sol.substs)
let solution' =
match solution.solution with
| Some(a,sol,b,c,d) ->
let sol' = {sol with Main.varAss = varAss'; Main.numSolutions = varAss'.Length; Main.substs = subst'}
| None -> None
let sbol =
match solution' with
| Some(dir,sol,gecConst,arthConst,_) -> getSBOLAssignment sol.bbDevices table sol.substs 0
| None -> Database.convertTableToSBOLDocument table
{ solution = {solution with solution = solution'}
; graph = igraph
; sbol = sbol
; crnString = crnString}
with e ->
raise (CompileException ("code", e))
let rec evaluateExpression (exp:Expression.t<_>) (smap:Subst.t) =
match exp with
| Expression.Key(key) ->
if key = "RMRNADeg" then
if not (smap.ContainsKey(key)) then
float key
with e ->
failwith "Key not found in substitution"
raise(CompileException ("code", e))
match smap.Item(key) with
| Subst.NUMBER(fl) -> fl
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected format in the map"
| Expression.Float(fl) -> fl
| Expression.Times(times) ->
times |> List.fold (fun acc x -> acc*(evaluateExpression x smap)) 1.0
| Expression.Divide(divide) ->
let d1 = evaluateExpression divide.div1 smap
let d2 = evaluateExpression divide.div2 smap
if d2 = 0.0 then
failwith "Divide by 0 error."
| Expression.Power(pow) ->
let b = evaluateExpression pow.base_ smap
let pow = evaluateExpression pow.exponent smap
| Expression.Plus(plus) ->
plus |> List.fold (fun acc x -> acc+(evaluateExpression x smap)) 0.0
| Expression.Minus(minus) ->
let sub1 = evaluateExpression minus.sub1 smap
let sub2 = evaluateExpression minus.sub2 smap
sub1 - sub2
| Expression.Absolute(abs) ->
let vabs = evaluateExpression abs smap
if vabs < 0.0 then
(vabs * (-1.0))
| Expression.Log(log) ->
let l = evaluateExpression log smap
| Expression.Modulo(modulo) ->
let div = evaluateExpression modulo.div smap
let modul = evaluateExpression modulo.modulo smap
| Expression.If(bexp1,bexp2,bexp3) ->
failwith "unexpected expression type"
let assignReverseRate (rxn:Reaction<Species,Value,Functional>) (smap:Subst.t) =
match rxn.reverse with
| Some(Rate.MassAction(exp:Expression.t<string>)) ->
match exp with
| Expression.Key(rate) ->
if rate = "RMRNADeg" then
{rxn with reverse = Some(Rate.MassAction(Expression.Float(0.001)))}
if not (smap.ContainsKey(rate)) then
let mfloat = ref 0.0f
match Single.TryParse(rate, mfloat) with
| true -> {rxn with reverse = Some(Rate.MassAction (Expression.Float(float !mfloat)))}
| false -> rxn
let mfloat = float rate
{rxn with reverse = Some(Rate.MassAction (Expression.Float(mfloat)))}
with e ->
failwith "Key not found in substitution"
raise(CompileException ("code", e))*)
match smap.Item(rate) with
| Subst.NUMBER(fl) ->
{rxn with reverse = Some(Rate.MassAction(Expression.Float(fl)))}
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected format in the map"
| _ ->
let value = evaluateExpression exp smap
{rxn with reverse = Some(Rate.MassAction(Expression.Float(value)))}
with e ->
raise(CompileException ("code", e))
| Some(Rate.Function(e)) -> rxn //This case is encountered when userdefined CRNs are substituted.
| None -> rxn
let assignReaction (rxn:Reaction<Species,Value,Functional>) (smap:Subst.t) =
match rxn.rate with
| Rate.MassAction(exp:Expression.t<string>) ->
match exp with
| Expression.Key(rate) ->
if rate = "RMRNADeg" then
let newRxn = {rxn with rate = (Rate.MassAction (Expression.Float(0.001)))}
assignReverseRate newRxn smap
if not (smap.ContainsKey(rate)) then
let mfloat = ref 0.0f
match Single.TryParse(rate, mfloat) with
| true ->
let newRxn = {rxn with reverse = Some(Rate.MassAction (Expression.Float(float !mfloat)))}
assignReverseRate newRxn smap
| false -> rxn
let mfloat = float rate
let newRxn = {rxn with rate = (Rate.MassAction (Expression.Float(mfloat)))}
assignReverseRate newRxn smap
with e ->
failwith "Key not found in substitution"
raise(CompileException ("code", e))*)
let newRate = match smap.Item(rate) with
| Subst.NUMBER(fl) -> fl
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected format in the map"
let newRxn = {rxn with rate = (Rate.MassAction (Expression.Float(newRate)))}
assignReverseRate newRxn smap
| _ ->
let value = evaluateExpression exp smap
let newRxn = {rxn with rate = (Rate.MassAction(Expression.Float(value)))}
assignReverseRate newRxn smap
with e ->
raise(CompileException ("code", e))
| Rate.Function(e) -> rxn //This case is encountered when userdefined CRNs are substituted.
type solution_result = { model : InferenceSiteGraph.IGraph
; sbol : SBOLDocument }
let getCrnAssignment (igraph:InferenceSiteGraph.IGraph) (gecSol:t) (index:int) : solution_result =
if gecSol.solution.IsNone then
failwith "No solution found"
let (dirlist,sol,constraints,aritconstraints,d) = gecSol.solution.Value
let substitution = sol.substs.Item(index)
let sbol = getSBOLAssignment sol.bbDevices gecSol.database sol.substs index
let assign_crn (crn:Crn) =
let assignedReactions = crn.reactions |> x -> assignReaction x substitution)
{crn with reactions = assignedReactions}
let nodes' = igraph.nodes |> (fun k node ->
{node with top = (assign_crn; systems = ( |> (fun x -> assign_crn x))})
{ model = {igraph with nodes = nodes'} ; sbol = sbol }
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.Gecreaction
open Microsoft.Research.GEC
open Parser
//open Microsoft.Research.ModellingEngine
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
open System.Diagnostics
(* A type for "database reactions", which records some of the structure of complexes. *)
type normalReacData = { catalysts: string list list;
reactants: string list list;
products: string list list;
rate: float }
type transportReacData = { reactant: string list;
product: string list;
rate: float;
compartment: string;
direction: Ast.direction }
type t = Normal of normalReacData
| Transport of transportReacData
(* Functions to create GEC reaction datatypes. *)
let makeNormal (catalysts:string list list) (reactants:string list list) (products:string list list) (rate:float) =
Normal {catalysts=catalysts; reactants=reactants; products=products; rate=rate}
let makeTransport (reactant:string list) (product:string list) (rate:float) (compartment:string) (direction:Ast.direction) =
Transport {reactant=reactant; product=product; rate=rate; compartment=compartment; direction=direction}
(* Decide whether a reaction is a normal or a transport reaction... *)
let isNormal (r:t) = match r with Normal r -> Some (r.catalysts, r.reactants, r.products, r.rate) | _ -> None
let isTransport (r:t) = match r with Transport r -> Some (r.reactant, r.product, r.rate, r.compartment, r.direction) | _ -> None
(* Produce a string representation of a GEC reaction. *)
let display (r:t) : string =
let mkStr xss = Lib.string_of_list Ast.complexString " + " xss in
match r with
| Normal r -> let prefix = match r.catalysts with [] -> "" | _ -> (mkStr r.catalysts) + " ~ " in
prefix + (mkStr r.reactants) + " ->{" + (Lib.display_float r.rate) + "} " + (mkStr r.products)
| Transport r -> let reactantStr,productStr =
match r.direction with
| Ast.In -> Ast.complexString r.reactant, Ast.compartmentString r.compartment (Ast.complexString r.product)
| Ast.Out -> Ast.compartmentString r.compartment (Ast.complexString r.reactant), Ast.complexString r.product
reactantStr + " ->{" + (Lib.display_float r.rate) + "} " + productStr
(* Are two reactions equal? Must consider reordering of reactions/products/catalysts and the ordering of species within complexes themselves... *)
let equal (r1:t) (r2:t) =
match r1,r2 with
| Normal r1, Normal r2 -> (Lib.is_permutation Ast.complexesEqual r1.catalysts r2.catalysts) &&
(Lib.is_permutation Ast.complexesEqual r1.reactants r2.reactants) &&
(Lib.is_permutation Ast.complexesEqual r1.products r2.products) &&
(r1.rate = r2.rate)
| Transport r1, Transport r2 -> (Ast.complexesEqual r1.reactant r2.reactant) &&
(Ast.complexesEqual r1.product r2.product) &&
(r1.rate = r2.rate) &&
(r1.compartment = r2.compartment) &&
(r1.direction = r2.direction)
| _,_ -> false
(* Get all species names from a GEC reaction. *)
let species (r:t) : string list list =
let allRawSpecies =
match r with
| Normal r -> r.catalysts @ r.reactants @ r.products
| Transport r -> [r.reactant; r.product]
Lib.remove_duplicates Ast.complexesEqual allRawSpecies
(* Apply a substitution to a GEC reaction. *)
let applySubst (theta:Subst.t) (r:t) : t =
match r with
| Normal r -> Normal { r with catalysts = (Subst.applyToComplex theta) r.catalysts;
reactants = (Subst.applyToComplex theta) r.reactants;
products = (Subst.applyToComplex theta) r.products }
| Transport r -> Transport { r with reactant = Subst.applyToComplex theta r.reactant;
product = Subst.applyToComplex theta r.product }
let lookaheadLinebreak = Parser.pTry (Parser.linebreak >>. Parser.failParser "" <|> Parser.satisfy Parser.isWhiteSpace >>. preturn ())
let lookaheadDashSeparator = Parser.pTry(Parser.pstring "->" >>. failParser "" <|> Parser.pstring "-")
// Parser.satisfy (fun c -> Parser.isWhiteSpace c && c <> '\n')
//let whiteSpacenlb : t<unit> = skipChar isWhiteSpace <?> "a white space"
let spacesnlb :t<string> = fun st ->
match many (commentLine <|> commentMultiline () <|> lookaheadLinebreak) <| st with
| OkEmpty (_, st') -> OkEmpty ("", st')
| OkConsumed (_, st') -> OkEmpty ("", st')
| FailEmpty _ -> OkEmpty ("", st)
| FailConsumed (e, p) -> FailConsumed (e, p)
let kwnlb s = pstring s .>> spacesnlb
let gecName = (Parser.sepBy (Parser.pstring "::")) .>> spacesnlb
let bracketnlb l r = Parser.between (Parser.pstring l) (Parser.spaces >>. kwnlb r)
let parennlb a = bracketnlb "(" ")" a
let sqBracketnlb a = bracketnlb "[" "]" a
let bracesnlb a = bracketnlb "{" "}" a
let compartmentParser = (sqBracketnlb gecName)
let rateParser = bracesnlb Parser.pfloat
let chainNames = Parser.sepBy gecName ( "+")
let parseReaction = chainNames >>= fun n ->
compartmentParser .>> "->" .>>. rateParser .>>. gecName |>> fun(((reactant:string list),rate:float),(product:string list)) -> Transport {reactant = reactant; product=product;rate = rate;compartment = n.Head.Head; direction = Ast.direction.Out}
Parser.skw "~" >>.
|||| "->" >>. rateParser .>>. chainNames |>> fun((rate:float),(products:string list list)) -> Normal {catalysts=n;reactants = [];rate=rate;products=products}
chainNames .>> "->" .>>. rateParser .>>. chainNames |>> fun(((reactants:string list list),rate:float),(products:string list list)) -> Normal {catalysts=n;reactants = reactants;rate=rate;products=products}
|||| "->" >>. rateParser .>>. chainNames >>= fun (r,x) ->
compartmentParser |>> fun(product) -> Transport {reactant = n.Head;product=product;rate=r;compartment=x.Head.Head;direction=Ast.direction.In}
Parser.preturn (Normal {catalysts=[];reactants = n;products=x;rate=r})
//let parseTransportOut = compartmentParser .>> "->" .>>. rateParser .>>. gecName |>> fun ( ((compartment:string, (reactant:string list)), rate:float), (product: string list)) -> Transport {reactant=reactant; product=product; rate=rate; compartment=compartment; direction=Ast.direction.Out}
//let parseTransportIn = gecName .>> "->" .>>. rateParser .>>. compartmentParser |>> fun(((reactant:string list),rate:float),(compartment:string,(product:string list))) -> Transport {reactant=reactant; product=product; rate=rate; compartment=compartment; direction=Ast.direction.In}
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.Gecreaction
open Microsoft.Research.GEC
(* Opaque reaction datatype. *)
type t
(* Functions to create GEC reaction datatypes. *)
val makeNormal : string list list -> string list list -> string list list -> float -> t
val makeTransport : string list -> string list -> float -> string -> Ast.direction -> t
(* Decide whether a reaction is a normal or a transport reaction... *)
val isNormal : t -> (string list list * string list list * string list list * float) option
val isTransport : t -> (string list * string list * float * string * Ast.direction) option
(* Produce a string representation of a GEC reaction. *)
val display : t -> string
(* Are two reactions equal? *)
val equal : t -> t -> bool
(* Get all species names from a GEC reaction. *)
val species : t -> string list list
(* Apply a substitution to a GEC reaction. *)
val applySubst : Subst.t -> t -> t
val parseReaction : Parser.t<t>
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.GecSpecies
open Parser
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
type species = string list
let species_to_gecAbstractComplex (sp:species) =
sp |> (fun x ->
match x with
| "_" -> Ast.WildCardVal
| _ -> Ast.IdVal(x))
type t = {
compartment: string option
static member empty_Species =
{species = []; compartment=None}
member s.to_string() =
match s.compartment with
| Some(comp) -> comp + "[" + (Lib.string_of_list (fun x -> x) "::" s.species) + "]"
| None -> (Lib.string_of_list (fun x -> x) "::" s.species)
member s.to_crn_string() =
match s.compartment with
| Some(comp) -> comp + "_" + (Lib.string_of_list (fun x -> x) "_" s.species)
| None -> (Lib.string_of_list (fun x -> x) "_" s.species)
member s.to_crn_species() = Species.create(s.to_crn_string())
member s.to_ast_gecSpecies() =
match s.compartment with
| Some(x) -> Ast.CompartmentSpecies(x,species_to_gecAbstractComplex s.species)
| None -> Ast.SimpleSpecies(species_to_gecAbstractComplex s.species)
let SPECIES_SEP = Parser.pstring "::"
let pName = Parser.name_kw Keywords.kwList
let parse_species_ns = Parser.sepBy (pName) SPECIES_SEP
let parse_species = parse_species_ns .>> Parser.spaces
let parse_kw (keywords:string list) =
Parser.pTry((Parser.name_kw keywords) .>> Parser.pstring "[" >>= fun _ -> Parser.preturn true)
Parser.preturn false
fun (hasCompartment) ->
if hasCompartment then
pName .>> Parser.pstring "[" .>>. parse_species_ns .>> Parser.pstring "]" .>> Parser.spaces |>> fun(x,y) -> {species=y;compartment=Some(x)}
parse_species |>> fun y -> {species=y;compartment=None}
let parse = parse_kw Keywords.kwList
let parse_crn_species = parse |>> fun x -> x.to_crn_string() |> Species.create
let parse_gec_to_crn_species = parse_species |>> fun x -> Lib.string_of_list (fun x -> x) "_" x |> Species.create
@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.Hypothesis
open Parser
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
type parser<'a> = Parser.t<'a>
type HypothesisDirective =
| Devices of (string list)
type HypothesisSettings =
devices : string list
static member defaults = {
devices = []
member setting.from_directive (directive:HypothesisDirective) =
match directive with
| Devices(x) -> {setting with devices=x}
member setting.from_directiveList (directives:HypothesisDirective list) =
directives |> List.fold (fun (s:HypothesisSettings) (d:HypothesisDirective) -> setting.from_directive d) setting
type arguments = (string list)
type crndirective = string
type crnmodule = string * arguments * string
//type device = string * arguments * string
type crnModules = ((string * string list) * Instruction list) list * Instruction list
type igPriorType =
| Fixed
| Normal
| TruncatedNormal
type igPriorOption =
| HasPrior of igPriorType
| NoPrior
type igPrior = string * igPriorOption
type igName = string list
type igedge = igName * (igPrior list) * igName
type ignode = string * (string list) * (Inference_settings option)
type igraphElement =
| Node of ignode
| Edge of igedge
type moduleDefinition = string * (arguments)
type deviceDefinition = moduleDefinition * (moduleDefinition list)
type systemReference =
| System of string
| NoSystem
type crnSystem = string * systemReference * Crn_settings<Functional> * HypothesisSettings * crnModules
type hypothesis = Crn_settings<Functional> * (crnModules) * (deviceDefinition list) * (crnSystem list) * (igraphElement list)
let kwList = ["module";"system";"inference";"directive";"device"]
//Parsers Start here:
let parse_species = Parser.(|>>) (Parser.name_kw kwList) Species.create
let pcomma = ","
let pPipe = "|"
let pDot = "."
let argumentsParser = Parser.paren (Parser.sepBy pcomma)
let parse_crnDirective = Directive<Functional>.parse Functional2.parse Functional2.parse_plot
let parse_hypothesisDirective = "device" >>. Parser.list_of .>> Parser.opt ( ";") |>> Devices
let parse_crnSettings = Crn_settings<Functional>.parse Functional2.parse Functional2.parse_plot
let parse_moduleInvocation = .>> Parser.spaces .>>. argumentsParser
let parse_device = "device" >>. parse_moduleInvocation .>> "="
.>>. Parser.braces (Parser.sepBy parse_moduleInvocation pPipe)
let parse_instructions pspecies settings =
let zero =
let unitVal =
let pname = Parser.name_kw kwList .>> Parser.spaces
let pvalue = Expression.parse pname
let pexpr = Expression.parse (Key.parse pspecies)
let pcomma = ","
// crn parsers
let pinitial = Initial<Species,Value>.parse pspecies pvalue zero |>> Instruction.Initial2
let preaction = Reaction.parse pspecies pvalue pexpr unitVal |>> Instruction.Reaction
let pinvoke = Parser.pTry( pname .>> "(")
.>>. Parser.sepBy pvalue pcomma
.>> ")"
|>> Module
let pline = pinvoke <|> preaction <|> pinitial
let pbar = "|"
// module definitions parser
let pmodule =
|||| "module"
>>. .>>. Parser.paren (Parser.sepBy pcomma) // module_name(comma-separated args)
.>> "="
.>>. Parser.braces (Parser.opt pbar >>. Parser.sepBy pline pbar)
// full CRN parser
>>. Parser.many pmodule
.>> Parser.opt pbar
.>>. Parser.sepBy pline pbar
let parse_crnModules crnSettings = parse_instructions parse_species crnSettings
let crnDirectiveChoice = parse_crnDirective |>> Choice1Of2
let hypothesisDirectiveChoice = parse_hypothesisDirective |>> Choice2Of2
let pfixed = "Fixed" |>> fun _ -> Fixed
let pnormal = "Normal" |>> fun _ -> Normal
let ptruncatedNormal = "TruncatedNormal" |>> fun _ -> TruncatedNormal
let parse_priorType = pfixed <|> pnormal <|> ptruncatedNormal
let parse_priorOption:Parser.t<igPriorOption> = (Parser.plookAheadWith (
Parser.pTry ( "=" >>. parse_priorType >>= fun _ -> Parser.preturn true)
Parser.preturn false
>>= fun hasPriorType ->
if hasPriorType
then "=" >>. parse_priorType |>> fun (x:igPriorType) -> HasPrior(x)
else Parser.preturn(NoPrior)
let parse_prior:t<igPrior> = .>> Parser.spaces .>>. parse_priorOption
let parse_igInferenceSettings = ";" >>. "inference" >>. "=" >>. (Inference_settings.parse)
let parse_igName = Parser.sepBy ( .>> Parser.spaces) pDot
let parse_edge = "edge" >>. parse_igName .>> "->" .>>.
Parser.list_of parse_prior .>>. parse_igName |>> fun ((x,y),z) -> Edge(x,y,z)
let parse_node = "node" >>. ( .>> Parser.spaces) .>>
|||| "{" .>>. ( "systems" >>. "=" >>.
Parser.list_of ( .>> Parser.spaces)) >>= fun (x,y) ->
Parser.pTry( ";" >>. "inference" >>= fun _ -> Parser.preturn true)
Parser.preturn false
>>= fun hasInference ->
if hasInference
parse_igInferenceSettings .>> "}" |>> fun (z) -> Node(x,y,Some(z))
|||| "}" |>> fun _ -> Node(x,y,None)
let parse_igraphElement = parse_edge <|> parse_node
let parse_withSystem = (Parser.plookAheadWith (
Parser.choice [
Parser.pTry( .>> Parser.spaces .>> "with" >>= fun _ -> Parser.preturn true)
Parser.preturn false
>>= fun hasWith ->
if hasWith
then .>> Parser.spaces .>> "with" |>> fun x -> System(x)
else Parser.preturn(NoSystem))
let parse_hybridDirective = Parser.many ( "directive" >>. (crnDirectiveChoice <|> hypothesisDirectiveChoice)) |>>
(fun hybridList ->
let crnList = hybridList |>
List.filter (fun x ->
match x with
| Choice1Of2 t -> true
| _ -> false) |>
|||| (fun x ->
match x with
| Choice1Of2 t -> t
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected choice2 in parse_hybridDirective")
let hypList = hybridList |>
List.filter (fun x ->
match x with
| Choice2Of2 t -> true
| _ -> false) |>
|||| (fun x ->
match x with
| Choice2Of2 t -> t
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected choice1 in parse_hybridDirective")
let crn_settings = Crn_settings.defaults.from_directive_list crnList
let hypothesis_settings = HypothesisSettings.defaults.from_directiveList hypList
let (parse_crn_system:t<crnSystem>) = "system" >>. .>> Parser.spaces .>> "="
.>> "{" .>>. parse_withSystem .>>. parse_hybridDirective >>= fun((systemName,withSystem),(crnSettings,hypothesisSettings)) ->
parse_crnModules crnSettings .>> ( "}") >>= fun y -> Parser.preturn(systemName,withSystem,crnSettings,hypothesisSettings,y)
let (parse_hypothesis_content:t<hypothesis>) =
parse_crnSettings >>= fun (crnSettings) ->
(parse_crnModules crnSettings)
.>>. (Parser.many parse_device)
.>>. (Parser.many parse_crn_system)
.>>. (Parser.many parse_igraphElement)
|>> fun (((modulelist:crnModules,deviceDefinitions: deviceDefinition list),systemlist:crnSystem list),igraph) -> (crnSettings,modulelist,deviceDefinitions,systemlist,igraph)
//To String Methods
let fold_string_list (strList:string list) (folder:string) =
match strList.Length with
| 0 -> ""
| 1 -> strList.Head
| _ -> strList.Tail |> List.fold (fun f s -> (f + folder + s)) strList.Head
let crnDirectives_to_string (crnSettings:Crn_settings<Functional>) = crnSettings.to_string Functional2.to_string Functional2.to_string_plot
let args_to_string (args: arguments) = fold_string_list args ","
let modules_to_string initial_time (modules:crnModules) =
let moduleList,externalInstructions = modules
let instructionList_to_string (instructions:Instruction list) =
let instructionStringList = instructions |> (fun x -> ("| " + (Instruction.to_string initial_time x)))
fold_string_list instructionStringList "\n"
let module_to_string (((moduleName:string),(moduleArgs:string list)),(instructions:Instruction list)) =
let str = "module " + moduleName + "(" + (args_to_string moduleArgs) + ") = {\n" +
(instructionList_to_string instructions) + "\n}\n"
let str =
let moduleListString = moduleList |> (fun x -> (module_to_string x))
let moduleStr = fold_string_list moduleListString ""
moduleStr + (instructionList_to_string externalInstructions)
let moduleDefinition_to_string (moduleDef:moduleDefinition) =
let (moduleName,moduleArgs) = moduleDef
moduleName + "(" + (args_to_string moduleArgs) + ")"
let deviceDefinition_to_string (device:deviceDefinition) =
let ((deviceDef),deviceBody) = device
let deviceBodyString = "{" + (fold_string_list (deviceBody |> (fun x -> moduleDefinition_to_string x)) " | ") + "}"
let str = "module " + (moduleDefinition_to_string deviceDef) + " = " + deviceBodyString
let igNode_to_string (node:ignode) =
let (nodeName,nodeSystems,iSettings) = node
let str = "node " + nodeName + " { systems = [" + (fold_string_list nodeSystems ";") + "]"
match iSettings with
| Some(x) -> str + ";" + "inference " + "=" + (Inference_settings.to_string(x)) + "}"
| None -> str + "}"
let igEdge_to_string (edge:igedge) =
let edgeNameString edgelist = fold_string_list edgelist "."
let priorType_to_string (ptype:igPriorType) =
match ptype with
| Fixed -> "Fixed"
| Normal -> "Truncated"
| TruncatedNormal -> "TruncatedNormal"
let prior_to_string ((p,ptype):igPrior) =
match ptype with
| HasPrior(x) -> p + "=" + (priorType_to_string x)
| NoPrior -> p
let (fromNode,priorlist,toNode) = edge
let str = "edge " + (edgeNameString fromNode) + " -> " + "["+
(fold_string_list (priorlist |> (fun x-> prior_to_string x)) ";") +
"]" + (edgeNameString toNode)
let igElement_to_string (elem:igraphElement) =
match elem with
| Node(x) -> igNode_to_string x
| Edge(x) -> igEdge_to_string x
let hypothesisSettings_to_string (hypSettings:HypothesisSettings) (devices:Database.device list) (deviceDefs:moduleDefinition list) (moduleDefs:moduleDefinition list) =
let deviceList = hypSettings.devices
let rec device_unroll (dev:string) (devices:Database.device list) (deviceDefs:moduleDefinition list) (moduleDefs:moduleDefinition list) =
let deviceDefOpt = deviceDefs |> List.tryFind (fun (x,y) -> x=dev)
match deviceDefOpt with
| Some(a) -> [a]
| None ->
let modOpt = (moduleDefs |> List.tryFind (fun (x,y) -> x=dev))
match modOpt with
| Some(a) -> [a]
| None ->
let devOpt = (devices |> List.tryFind (fun (x,y) -> x=dev ))
match devOpt with
| Some (devName,devComps) ->
let deflist = devComps |> (fun x -> device_unroll x devices deviceDefs moduleDefs)
match deflist.Length with
| 0 -> []
| _ -> deflist |> List.reduce (fun x y -> x@y)
| None ->
raise (System.ArgumentException("Device in System Directive must be defined."))
let mdeflistlist = deviceList |> (fun x -> device_unroll x devices deviceDefs moduleDefs)
let mdeflist =
match mdeflistlist.Length with
| 0 -> []
| _ -> mdeflistlist |> List.reduce (fun x y -> x@y)
fold_string_list (mdeflist |> (fun x -> "| " + (moduleDefinition_to_string x))) "\n"
let system_to_string (sys:crnSystem) (devices:Database.device list) (deviceDefs:moduleDefinition list) (moduleDefs:moduleDefinition list)=
let (sysName,sysRef,crnSettings,hypSettings,crnMods) = sys
let sysRef_to_string (sysRef:systemReference) =
match sysRef with
| System(x) -> x + " with "
| NoSystem -> ""
let str = "system " + sysName + " = { " + (sysRef_to_string sysRef) + "\n" +
(crnDirectives_to_string crnSettings) + "\n" +
hypothesisSettings_to_string hypSettings devices deviceDefs moduleDefs +
(modules_to_string crnSettings.simulation.initial crnMods) + "\n" + "}\n"
let hypothesis_to_crn_program (h:hypothesis) (devicelib:Database.device list)=
let (crnSettings,moduleDefs,deviceDefs,systemDefs,igraph) = h
let (modules,_) = moduleDefs
let moduleDefinitions = modules |> fst
let deviceDefinitions = deviceDefs |> fst
let str = crnDirectives_to_string crnSettings + "\n" +
(modules_to_string crnSettings.simulation.initial moduleDefs) + "\n" +
(fold_string_list (deviceDefs |> deviceDefinition_to_string) "\n") + "\n" +
(fold_string_list (systemDefs |> (fun x -> system_to_string x devicelib deviceDefinitions moduleDefinitions)) "\n") + "\n" +
(fold_string_list (igraph |> igElement_to_string) "\n")
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.JSAPI
open Microsoft.Research.GEC.GECEngine
#if JavaScript
open WebSharper
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.JSAPI
open FSBOL
open FSBOL.Component
open FSBOL.ComponentDefinition
open FSBOL.Sequence
open FSBOL.Range
open FSBOL.Location
open FSBOL.SequenceAnnotation
open FSBOL.FunctionalComponent
open FSBOL.Interaction
open FSBOL.ModuleDefinition
open FSBOL.Participation
open FSBOL.TopLevel
open FSBOL.SBOLDocument
open FSBOL.JsonSerializer
type ClassicResult = { solution : t
; solutionCount: int
; model : GuiIG
; jsbol : rSBOLDocument
; sbol : SBOLDocument }
type LogicResult = { solution : t
; solutionCount: int
; model : GuiIG
; jsbol : rSBOLDocument
; sbol : SBOLDocument }
type solve_result = ClassicGEC of ClassicResult | LogicGEC of LogicResult
let compile (program:string) (dbParts:string) (dbReactions:string) : solve_result =
let output = GECEngine.solveGEC (ref false) program dbParts dbReactions
let graph = GuiIG.from_ig output.graph
let jsbol = JsonSerializer.sbolToJson output.sbol
let scount =
match output.solution.solution with
| Some(_,sol,_,_,_) -> sol.numSolutions
| None -> failwith "Output of solution is null"
ClassicGEC { model = graph; solution = output.solution; solutionCount= scount; jsbol = jsbol; sbol = output.sbol }
type solution_result = { model : GuiIG
; jsbol : rSBOLDocument
; sbol : SBOLDocument
; crnstring : string}
let get_solution (so:solve_result) (i:int) : solution_result =
match so with
| ClassicGEC o ->
let model = o.model.to_ig()
//let model = o.model.nodes |> Map.toSeq |> Seq.head |> snd
//let gmodel = model.to_model()
let result = GECEngine.getCrnAssignment model o.solution (i-1)
let model = GuiIG.from_ig result.model
let jsbol = JsonSerializer.sbolToJson result.sbol
{ model = model ; jsbol = jsbol ; sbol = result.sbol ; crnstring = result.model.to_string()}
| LogicGEC o -> failwith "Logic GEC solution selection not implemented yet."
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.Keywords
let kwList = [
@ -0,0 +1,911 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.LogicGEC
open RulesDSD.Syntax
open RulesDSD.Substitution
open RulesDSD.Resolution
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
open Parser
// variable, wildcard or identifier parser
let pname = (name .>> spaces) <|> kw "_"
let noTypePart = "%NoTypePart"
type Element = Part of Part // e.g. r0040::prom<neg(tetR)>
| Var of Var // X
with static member wildcard = Var (-1, "_")
static member doParse domainKeywords postParsingDisambigation idProvider : Parser.t<Element> =
Parser.plookAheadWith (pname >>= fun str ->
if domainKeywords |> List.contains str
then preturn None
else choice [ kw "(" >>. preturn None
kw "[" >>. preturn None
kw "[[" >>. preturn None
kw "::" >>. preturn (Some true)
preturn (if str = "_" || System.Char.IsUpper (str.Chars 0) then Some false else Some true) ])
>>= fun isPart ->
match isPart with
| None -> failParser ""
| Some isConcrete -> if isConcrete
then Part.doParse idProvider domainKeywords postParsingDisambigation |>> Element.Part
else pname |>> fun x -> Element.Var (idProvider x)
static member parse domainKeywords idProvider = Element.doParse idProvider false domainKeywords
static member ToString e =
match e with
| Element.Var v -> printVar v
| Element.Part p -> Part.ToString p
and Part = { name : Term<Element> // either a variable or a string. CS: I set Element as parametric value just to make unification and resolution more uniform
; type_ : Term<Element> } // either a variable or a string
with static member Create (name : Term<Element>, type_ : Term<Element>) = { name = name; type_ = type_ }
static member CreateByName (name:string) = Part.Create(Term.Const name, Term.wildcard)
static member CreateByType (type_:string) = Part.Create(Term.wildcard, Term.Const type_)
static member doParse idProvider domainKeywords postParsingDisambiguation : Parser.t<Part> =
Parser.plookAheadWith (pname >>= fun str ->
if domainKeywords |> List.contains str
then preturn None
else choice [ kw "(" >>. preturn None
kw "[" >>. preturn None
kw "[[" >>. preturn None
kw "::" >>. preturn (Some true)
preturn (Some false)])
>>= fun isPart ->
match isPart with
| None -> failParser ""
| Some isConcrete ->
let toTerm (s) : Term<Element> =
if s = "_" then Term.wildcard
elif System.Char.IsUpper (s.Chars 0)
then idProvider s |> Term.Var
else Term.Const s
// let pterm = RulesDSD.Parser.pterm (Element.parse domainKeywords idProvider) idProvider domainKeywords
pname >>= fun partName ->
let nameTerm = toTerm partName
if isConcrete
then kw "::" >>. pname >>= fun partType ->
let typeTerm = toTerm partType
preturn (Part.Create(nameTerm, typeTerm) )
else preturn (Part.Create(nameTerm, if postParsingDisambiguation then Term.Const noTypePart
else Term.wildcard))
static member parse idProvider domainKeywords : Parser.t<Part> = Part.doParse idProvider domainKeywords false
static member ToString p = // TODO: add cle
let stringTerm t =
match t with
| Term.Const x -> x
| _ -> Term.ToString t
stringTerm + "::" + stringTerm p.type_
type Engine = RulesDSD.Syntax.CLE<Element, unit>
type Semantics = RulesDSD.Syntax.RulesProgram<Element>
// find all concrete parts mentioned in the semantics (concrete meaning no open Prolog variable, each term is ground)
let getParts (s:Semantics) : Part list =
|> Seq.collect(Set.toList >> List.collect Clause.Species >> List.distinct)
|> Seq.distinct
|> Seq.choose (fun e ->
match e with
| Element.Part p -> match, p.type_ with
| Term.Var _, _
| _, Term.Var _ -> None
| _ -> Some p
| Element.Var _ -> None)
|> Seq.toList
let PREDEFINED_PART_TYPE_NAMES = ["ter"; "prom"; "rbs"; "pcr"; "cds"]
type Rate = Term<Element>
type Complex = Element Mset
let toComplex x : Complex = [1, x]
let mapComplex (f:Element -> Element) (c:Complex) : Complex =
// let g = Process.Map f
let g = Term.Map f
c |> (fun (i, t) -> i, t |> Term.Map f) // |> Term.Map g)
let termToDevice cle t : Element list =
let err x = failwithf "Unexpected term %s is not a device (a list of parts <p1 ... pN>)." (Term.ToStringWith cle x)
match t with
| Term.Proc p -> match Process.ToList p with
| [x] -> x
| _ -> err t
| _ -> err t
type Instruction = Device of Element list
| Constraint of Literal<Element>
| Reaction of Complex option * Complex * Complex * Rate * Rate option // cata, react, prod, rate, bw rate
| Initial of Term<Element> * Complex // concentration, molecule
static member Map (f:Element -> Element) i =
match i with
| Device d -> d |> f |> Device
| Constraint c -> c |> Literal.Map (Term.Map f) |> Constraint
| Reaction (a,b,c,d,e) -> let g = mapComplex f
let h = Rate.Map f
Reaction (a |> g, g b, g c, h d, h e)
| Initial (pop, t) -> Initial ((pop |> Term.Map f), mapComplex f t)
static member Species i : Element list =
let f = List.collect (snd >> Term.Species)
match i with
| Device d -> d
| Constraint c -> Literal.Species c
| Reaction (a,b,c,d,e) -> let s1 = a |> Option.toList |> List.collect f
let s2 = f b
let s3 = f c
let s4 = d |> Term.Species
let s5 = e |> Option.toList |> List.collect Term.Species
s1 @ s2 @ s3 @ s4 @ s5 |> List.distinct
| Initial (pop, t) -> (Term.Species pop @ f t) |> List.distinct
static member Apply (cle:CLE<Element, unit>) (Sub s:Substitution<Element, unit>) i =
match i with
| Device d -> Device (d |> (fun x -> cle.applySub s x))
| Constraint c -> Constraint (c |> applyL cle (Sub s))
| Reaction (a,b,c,d,e) -> failwith "Reactions not supported yet"
| Initial (pop, t) -> let pop' = Substitution.Apply(Sub s, pop, cle)
let t' = t |> (fun (i,x) -> i, Substitution.Apply(Sub s, x, cle))
Initial (pop', t')
static member ToString (cle:CLE<Element, unit>) i : string =
let printDevice d = d |> Element.ToString |> String.concat " " |> sprintf "<%s>"
match i with
| Instruction.Device d -> printDevice d
| Instruction.Constraint c -> Literal.ToStringWith cle c
| Reaction (a,b,c,d,e) -> failwith "Reactions not supported yet"
| Initial (pop, t) -> sprintf "%s %s" (Term.ToStringWith cle pop) (Term.ToStringWith cle (TMSet t))
static member GetParts (i:Instruction) =
let f e = match e with
| Element.Part p -> match, p.type_ with
| Term.Var _, _
| _, Term.Var _ -> None
| _ -> Some p
| Element.Var _ -> None
match i with
| Device d -> d |> List.choose f
| Constraint c -> c |> Literal.Species |> List.choose f
| Initial (c, i) -> let x = c |> Term.Species |> List.choose f
let y = i |> List.collect (snd >> Term.Species >> List.choose f)
x @ y
| Reaction _ -> failwith "Reactions are not supported yet"
|> List.distinct
// Disambiguation step:
// if X is both a term var and an element var, turn Term.Var X into Term.Pattern [Pattern.Inner [Element.Var X, Locatiom.wildcard]]
// create var to assignments map
let rec updateMap (m:Map<Var, bool * bool * Term<Element> option * bool * bool>) // what has v been used for so far? As a term, a part, a part name (store the part type if so, so that var and part type can reconstruvct the full type), a part type, a location?
(arg:Choice<unit, unit, Term<Element>, unit, unit>) = // what is v being used for?
if m.ContainsKey v
then m.Add (v, (match m.[v] with
(a,b,c,d,e) ->
match arg with
| Choice1Of5 _ -> (true,b,c,d,e)
| Choice2Of5 _ -> (a,true,c,d,e)
| Choice3Of5 t ->
// TODO: check if c or t are Term.wildcard
(a,b,Some t,d,e)
| Choice4Of5 _ -> (a,b,c,true,e)
| Choice5Of5 _ -> (a,b,c,d,true) ))
else m.Add (v, match arg with
| Choice1Of5 _ -> (true,false,None,false,false)
| Choice2Of5 _ -> (false,true,None,false,false)
| Choice3Of5 t -> (false,false,Some t,false,false)
| Choice4Of5 _ -> (false,false,None,true,false)
| Choice5Of5 _ -> (false,false,None,false,true)
and getMapElement m (e:Element) =
match e with
| Element.Var v -> updateMap m v (Choice2Of5 ())
| Element.Part p ->
let m' = match with
| Term.Var (i,v) -> updateMap m (i, v) (Choice3Of5 p.type_)
| _ -> getMapTerm m
match p.type_ with
| Term.Var (i,v) -> updateMap m' (i, v) (Choice4Of5 ())
| _ -> getMapTerm m'
and getMapLocation m l =
match l with
| Location.Var (x, y) -> let v = (x,y) in updateMap m v (Choice5Of5 ())
| Location.Loc _ -> m
and getMapHole m (s:Element, l:Location) = getMapLocation (getMapElement m s) l
and getMapPattern m =
| Pattern.Inner hs -> hs |> List.fold getMapHole m
| Pattern.Nihil -> m
| Pattern.FivePrime hs -> hs |> List.fold getMapHole m
| Pattern.ThreePrime hs -> hs |> List.fold getMapHole m
| Pattern.Nicking(hs1, hs2) -> let m' = hs1 |> List.fold getMapHole m
hs2 |> List.fold getMapHole m'
| Pattern.Strand hs -> hs |> List.fold getMapHole m
and getMapProcess m =
| Process.Proc strandsMap -> strandsMap
|> Map.toList
|> snd
|> List.fold (fun acc s -> s |> List.fold getMapElement acc) m
and getMapComplex m (c:Complex) =
c |> List.fold (fun acc x -> getMapTerm acc (snd x)) m
and getMapTerm m =
| Term.Var (x, y) -> updateMap m (x, y) (Choice1Of5 ())
| Term.Const _
| Term.Float _ -> m
| Func (_, ts)
| TList ts -> ts |> List.fold getMapTerm m
| TCons (t1, t2) -> let m' = getMapTerm m t1
getMapTerm m' t2
| Proc p -> getMapProcess m p
| Pat p -> getMapPattern m p
| Term.TMSet ts -> ts |> List.fold (fun acc (_,v) -> getMapTerm acc v) m
| Term.TCRN ts -> ts |> List.fold getMapTerm m
and getMapPredicate m = function
| Predicate.Pred(_, args) -> args |> List.fold getMapTerm m
and getMapLit m = function
| Pos p -> getMapPredicate m p
| Neg p -> getMapPredicate m p
let zzz (cle:Engine) m xmap xapply =
Map.fold (fun x varName assignments ->
// disambiguate each variable
if varName = (-1, "_")
then x // skip wildcards
match assignments with
// skip unambiguous variables
| false, false, None, false, false
| true, false, None, false, false
| false, true, None, false, false
| false, false, Some _, false, false
| false, false, None, true, false
| false, false, None, false, true -> x
| _(*hasTVar*), hasEVar, nameVar, hasTypeVar, hasLocVar ->
let hasNameVar = Option.isSome nameVar
let p' = match nameVar with
| Some ty -> { name = Term.Var varName; type_ = ty }
| None -> { name = Term.wildcard; type_ = Term.Var varName }
if hasLocVar
if hasEVar || hasNameVar || hasTypeVar
then failwith <| sprintf "Cannot unify location variable \"%s\" with a %s variable" (snd varName)
(if hasTypeVar then "part type"
elif hasNameVar then "part name"
else "part")
else // must be TVar too
let pattern = Term.Pat <| Pattern.Inner [Element.Var (-1,"_"), Location.Var varName]
let sub = Substitution<Element,_>.Create(varName, pattern).Add(varName, Choice2Of4 <| Location.Var varName, cle)
xapply x sub
// disambiguate variable <varName>
elif hasNameVar || hasTypeVar
if hasEVar
// Consider this example: P = C[X], P = [X::Y]
// Disambiguation interprets X in the first term a part with name X and type Y
|> xmap (fun t ->
|> Term.Map (fun e ->
match e with
| Element.Var (x,y) -> if (x,y) = varName then Part p' else e
| Element.Part p'' -> Part <| if hasNameVar && p''.name = p'.name then p' else p''
else x // if it's a TVar, nothing to do
else // not a LocVar, NameVar or TypeVar: must be a TVar and EVar
let rec f (term:Term<Element>) =
match term with
| Term.Var (x,y) -> if (x,y) = varName
then Term.Pat <| Pattern.Inner [Part p', Location.wildcard]
else term
| Term.Const _
| Term.Float _
| Term.Pat _
| Term.Proc _ -> term
| Term.Func (n, ts) -> Term.Func (n, ts |> f)
| Term.TCons (t1, t2) -> Term.TCons (f t1, f t2)
| Term.TList ts -> Term.TList (ts |> f)
| Term.TCRN ts -> Term.TCRN (ts |> f)
| Term.TMSet ts -> Term.TMSet (ts |> (fun (i, x) -> i, f x))
x |> xmap f
// Logic GEC Custom Logic Engine //
and fvPart (p:Part) =
[; p.type_]
|> (fvt cle)
|> Set.unionMany
and fvElement (e:Element) =
let rec fv t =
match t with
| Term.Var (-1, "_") -> Set.empty
| Term.Var (x,y) -> Set.singleton (TVar (x,y))
| Term.Const _ -> Set.empty
| Term.Float _ -> Set.empty
| Term.Func (_, ts) -> ts |> unionFold fv
| Term.TList ts -> ts |> unionFold fv
| Term.TCons (t,t') -> [t;t'] |> unionFold fv
| Term.Pat _ -> Set.empty // p |> fvPattern cle
| Term.Proc _ -> Set.empty // TODO
| Term.TCRN ts -> ts |> unionFold fv
| Term.TMSet ts -> ts |> snd |> unionFold fv
match e with
| Part p -> fvPart p
| Var x -> if x = (-1, "_") then Set.empty else Set.singleton (SVar (x, e))
and elemToString (x : Element) : string =
let toString t = match t with
| Term.Const x -> x
| _ -> Term.ToStringWith cle t
match x with
| Part p -> let typ = match p.type_ with
| Term.Var (-1, "_") -> ""
| _ -> " : " + toString p.type_
toString // + typ
| Var (_, y) -> y
and elemCompare (x:Element) (y:Element) =
match x, y with
| Part _, Var _ -> RulesDSD.Syntax.LT
| Var _, Part _ -> RulesDSD.Syntax.GT
| Part p1, Part p2 -> Term.Compare cle
| Var (v1, _), Var (v2, _) -> compare v1 v2
and elemCanonicalForm (x:Element) = x
and elemUnderscore () = Var (-1, "_")
and elemRefresh (idProvider : string -> int) e =
match e with
| Part p ->
let refresher = Term.refresh cle idProvider
let n = refresher
let t = refresher p.type_
Part (Part.Create(n, t))
| Var (_, y) -> Var (idProvider y, y)
and unimplemented _ = failwith ""
and deviceComposition p q = Process.ToList p @ Process.ToList q |> Process.OfList
and elemResolveGoal (p, args) _ =
match (p, args) with
| _ -> None
and elemDisambiguateVarsWith m (c:Clause<Element>) : Clause<Element> =
// TODO: is this still necessary?
// remove "noTypePart" types from parts (in patterns and processes)
let g(e:Element) =
match e with
| Element.Var _ -> e
| Element.Part p -> if p.type_ = Term.Const noTypePart
then { p with type_ = Term.wildcard }
else p
|> Element.Part
// turn all other "noTypePart" parts into (Term.Const
let rec f (e:Term<Element>) =
match e with
| Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner [Element.Part ({ name = n; type_ = Term.Const "%NoTypePart"}), Location.Var (-1, "_")]) -> n
| Term.Float _
| Term.Const _
| Term.Var _ -> e
| Term.Pat p -> p |> Pattern.Map (fun (x, y) -> g x, y) |> Term.Pat
| Term.Proc p -> p |> RulesDSD.Syntax.Process.Map g
|> Term.Proc
| Term.TList ts -> ts |> f |> Term.TList
| Term.TCons (t1, t2) -> Term.TCons (f t1, f t2)
| Term.TCRN ts -> ts |> f |> Term.TCRN
| Term.TMSet ts -> ts |> (fun (i, t) -> i, f t) |> Term.TMSet
| Term.Func (n, ts) -> Term.Func (n, ts |> f)
let c' = c |> Clause.Map f
match c'.head with
| Pred (_, lits) ->
// collect how each variable is used
|> List.fold getMapLit (lits |> List.fold getMapTerm Map.empty)
// m
|> Map.fold (fun (clause:Clause<Element>) varName assignments ->
// disambiguate each variable
if varName = (-1, "_")
then clause // skip wildcards
match assignments with
// skip unambiguous variables
| false, false, None, false, false
| true, false, None, false, false
| false, true, None, false, false
| false, false, Some _, false, false
| false, false, None, true, false
| false, false, None, false, true -> clause
| _(*hasTVar*), hasEVar, nameVar, hasTypeVar, hasLocVar ->
let hasNameVar = Option.isSome nameVar
let p' = match nameVar with
| Some ty -> { name = Term.Var varName; type_ = ty }
| None -> { name = Term.wildcard; type_ = Term.Var varName }
if hasLocVar
if hasEVar || hasNameVar || hasTypeVar
then failwith <| sprintf "Cannot unify location variable \"%s\" with a %s variable" (snd varName)
(if hasTypeVar then "part type"
elif hasNameVar then "part name"
else "part")
else // must be TVar too
let pattern = Term.Pat <| Pattern.Inner [Element.Var (-1,"_"), Location.Var varName]
let sub = Substitution<Element,_>.Create(varName, pattern).Add(varName, Choice2Of4 <| Location.Var varName, cle)
// disambiguate variable <varName>
elif hasNameVar || hasTypeVar
if hasEVar
// Consider this example: P = C[X], P = [X::Y]
// Disambiguation interprets X in the first term a part with name X and type Y
|> Clause<Element>.Map (fun t ->
|> Term.Map (fun e ->
match e with
| Element.Var (x,y) -> if (x,y) = varName then Part p' else e
| Element.Part p'' -> Part <| if hasNameVar && p''.name = p'.name then p' else p''
else clause // if it's a TVar, nothing to do
else // not a LocVar, NameVar or TypeVar: must be a TVar and EVar
let rec f (term:Term<Element>) =
match term with
| Term.Var (x,y) -> if (x,y) = varName
then Term.Pat <| Pattern.Inner [Part p', Location.wildcard]
else term
| Term.Const _
| Term.Float _
| Term.Pat _
| Term.Proc _ -> term
| Term.Func (n, ts) -> Term.Func (n, ts |> f)
| Term.TCons (t1, t2) -> Term.TCons (f t1, f t2)
| Term.TList ts -> Term.TList (ts |> f)
| Term.TCRN ts -> Term.TCRN (ts |> f)
| Term.TMSet ts -> Term.TMSet (ts |> (fun (i, x) -> i, f x))
clause |> Clause.Map f
) c'
//) c
and elemDisambiguateVars (c:Clause<Element>) : Clause<Element> =
let m = match c.head with Pred (_, lits) -> c.body |> List.fold getMapLit (lits |> List.fold getMapTerm Map.empty)
elemDisambiguateVarsWith m c
and elemApplySub (theta:Sub<Element, unit>) (e:Element) : Element =
match e with
| Var (-1, "_") -> e
| Var v -> if theta.ContainsKey v
then match theta.[v] with
| Choice1Of4 _ -> failwith ""
| Choice2Of4 _ -> failwith ""
| Choice3Of4 x -> x
| Choice4Of4 _ -> failwith ""
else e
| Part p -> let applier (x:Term<Element>) = Substitution.Apply(Sub theta, x, cle)
let n = applier
let t = applier p.type_
Part (Part.Create(n, t))
and elemApplyAll (theta:Sub<Element, unit>) (x:Choice<Element, unit>) =
match x with
| Choice1Of2 e -> elemApplySub theta e
| Choice2Of2 () -> failwith ""
and elemUnify (x:Element, y:Element) : Sub<Element, unit> list =
match x, y with
| Part p, Var x
| Var x, Part p -> [Map.ofList [x, Choice3Of4 <| Part p]]
| Var x, Var y -> [Map.ofList [y, Choice3Of4 <| Var x]]
| Part p1, Part p2 ->
let eq1 = RulesDSD.Unification.TEq (,
let eq2 = RulesDSD.Unification.TEq (p1.type_, p2.type_)
let eqs = [eq1; eq2]
RulesDSD.Unification.unify cle eqs
|> (fun (Sub x) -> x)
and cle : Engine =
{ toString = elemToString // print 's
toStringTempVar = unimplemented // print 'a
compare = elemCompare // compare two 's, used for sorting; the actual ordering is unimportant, as long as it is a partial order
cast = unimplemented // cast a 'a into a 's (e.g. a bond X can be cast into a site _!X); used in substitutions
toCanonicalForm = elemCanonicalForm // find the canonical form of 's
toCanonicalFormProcess = id // find the canonical form of a process. Since species 's might reference each other (e.g. as in bonds), it is necessary to have a Process level canonical form function
unify = elemUnify // species unification. The core algorithm that finds a 's and 'a variable substitution such that two species are equivalent after applying it
underscore = elemUnderscore // wildcard "_" for 's
applyAll = elemApplyAll // apply a substitution to a species or subspecies
applySub = elemApplySub // apply a species substitution
applySubVar = unimplemented // apply a substitution to a subspecies
fvs = fvElement // free variables in 's
refresh = elemRefresh // provide a copy of 's where variables have been renamed by an ID provider. Used in resolution
disambiguateVars = elemDisambiguateVars // post-parsing step applied to each parsed clause. In Logic DSD this is used to disambiguate the use of domain variables (e.g. in P = C[D][D!i], D can be cast down to an unbound domain rather than a generic site)
ComposeProcesses = deviceComposition // compose two processes together (possibly forming a complex in Logic DSD)
resolveGoal = elemResolveGoal // species-specific predicates resolution. The core resolution algorithm that executes custom predicates for species (e.g. "compl(D, E)" is a custom predicate in Logic DSD to find the complement E of a domain D)
domainKeywords = [] }
// free variables
let fvi (i:Instruction) =
let rec fvElement (e:Element) =
match e with
| Element.Part p ->
let f x = fvt cle x
Set.union (f (f p.type_)
| Element.Var v -> Set.singleton (Variable.SVar (v, e))
let rec fvComplex (c:Complex) =
c |> List.fold (fun acc (_, tp) ->
let t = tp |> Term.Species // |> List.collect (Process.ToList >> List.concat) |> List.distinct
Set.union acc (Set.unionMany (t |> fvElement))) Set.empty
match i with
| Device d -> d |> fvElement |> List.fold (Set.union) Set.empty
| Constraint c -> fvl cle c
| Initial (n,c) -> Set.union (fvt cle n) (fvComplex c)
| Reaction(a,b,c,d,e) ->
let av = a |> Option.toList |> fvComplex
let ev = e |> Option.toList |> (fvt cle)
let fvs = av @ ([b;c] |> fvComplex) @ [fvt cle d] @ ev
Set.unionMany fvs
type Program = Instruction list
let enumerateDeviceSubstitutions (cle:Engine) (db:Semantics) (prog:Program) =
let freevars =
|> fvi
|> Set.unionMany
let maxVar =
|> (fun x ->
match x with
| Variable.SVar ((n,_), _)
| Variable.IVar ((n,_), _)
| Variable.LVar (n,_)
| Variable.TVar (n,_) -> n)
|> fun s -> if s.IsEmpty then 0 else Set.maxElement s
let counter = ref (maxVar + 1)
let deviceEnumeration d sols =
d |> List.fold (fun acc elem ->
match acc with
| None -> None
| Some solutions ->
|> List.collect (fun (s:RulesDSD.Substitution.Substitution<Element, unit>) ->
match elem with
| Part part ->
// prepare device query
let pName = s.Apply( , cle)
let pType = s.Apply(part.type_, cle)
let qPart = Part { name = pName; type_ = pType }
let query = [ Pos (Pred ("part", [Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner [qPart, Location.wildcard]) ])) ]
// interrogate DB
let goal = RulesDSD.Resolution.Goal<Element, unit>.Create(query, cle)
match RulesDSD.Resolution.resolveInner [goal] cle counter db [] RulesDSD.Resolution.Mode.AllAnswers with
| None -> []
| Some newSols -> if solutions = []
then newSols
else newSols |> (fun s' -> RulesDSD.Substitution.Substitution.Compose s s' cle)
| Var v ->
// look for any part in the DB
let query = [ Pos (Pred ("part", [Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner [Var v, Location.wildcard]) ])) ]
let goal = RulesDSD.Resolution.Goal<Element, unit>.Create(query, cle)
match RulesDSD.Resolution.resolveInner [goal] cle counter db [] RulesDSD.Resolution.Mode.AllAnswers with
| None -> []
| Some newSols -> if solutions = []
then newSols
else newSols |> (fun s' -> RulesDSD.Substitution.Substitution.Compose s s' cle) )
|> fun x -> if x.IsEmpty then None else Some (x |> List.distinct)
) (Some sols)
prog |> List.fold (fun (solutionsSet:RulesDSD.Substitution.Substitution<Element, unit> list option) i ->
match solutionsSet with
| None -> None // some constraint is unsatisfiable; abort enumeration
| Some sols ->
match i with
| Initial (_, [1, Term.Proc p]) -> match p |> Process.ToList with
| [d] -> deviceEnumeration d sols
| _ -> failwithf "Unexpected multiple devices in initial %s." (Instruction.ToString cle i)
| Device d -> deviceEnumeration d sols
| Constraint c -> let sols' =
|> List.collect (fun (s:RulesDSD.Substitution.Substitution<Element, unit>) ->
let c' = s.Apply(c, cle)
let g = RulesDSD.Resolution.Goal<Element, unit>.Create([c'], cle)
match RulesDSD.Resolution.resolveInner [g] cle counter db [] RulesDSD.Resolution.Mode.AllAnswers with
| None -> []
| Some newSols -> if sols.IsEmpty
then newSols
else newSols |> (fun s' -> RulesDSD.Substitution.Substitution.Compose s s' cle) )
match sols' with
| [] -> None
| _ -> Some sols'
| Reaction _ -> solutionsSet // TODO: check that the interaction is in the DB?
| Initial _ -> solutionsSet
) (Some [])
let enumerateDevices (cle:Engine) (db:Semantics) (prog:Program) : Program list =
let maxVar =
|> fvi
|> Set.unionMany
|> (fun x ->
match x with
| Variable.SVar ((n,_), _)
| Variable.IVar ((n,_), _)
| Variable.LVar (n,_)
| Variable.TVar (n,_) -> n)
|> fun s -> if s.IsEmpty then 0 else Set.maxElement s
|> ref
let fullProgram =
|> (Instruction.Map (fun e ->
match e with
| Element.Var _ -> e
| Element.Part p -> if = Term.wildcard
let x = !maxVar
maxVar := !maxVar + 1
let freshVar = Term.Var(x, sprintf "X_%i" x)
Element.Part { p with name = freshVar}
else e))
let devs =
|> List.filter (fun i -> match i with
| Instruction.Device _ -> true
| Instruction.Initial _ -> true
| _ -> false)
match enumerateDeviceSubstitutions cle db fullProgram with
| None -> []
| Some sols ->
|> (fun (RulesDSD.Substitution.Substitution.Sub s) ->
|> (Instruction.Map (cle.applySub s)))
|> List.distinct
(* GEC calculus*)
let makeGecCalculus (db:Semantics) : Calculus<Term<Element>> =
// prepare the set of "reaction" predicates to run in the calculus
// collect all "reactions" signatures
// find all reactions predicate
let reactionsSigs = seq { for kv in db.Keys do
if fst kv = "reactions" then yield kv else () }
|> Seq.sortWith (fun (_, x) (_, y) -> compare x y)
|> Seq.toList
|> (fun x -> x, db.Item x)
{ react = fun (oldElements:Term<Element> list) (newElement:Term<Element>) ->
// find all query combos: reactions(CRN), reactions(newElement, CRN), reactions (newElement, oldElem, CRN), reactions (newElement, oldElem1, oldElem2, ..., CRN) ...
// run all queries
// create new reactions
let newProc = newElement |> Term.Canonical cle
let oldProcs = oldElements |> (Term.Canonical cle)
let rec combo n i : Term<Element> list list =
if n <= 0
then []
else let ccombo = if n = i
then [[newProc]]
else combo (n-1) i
if ccombo.IsEmpty
then [oldProcs]
|> List.collect (fun p ->
|> (fun ps -> p :: ps))
let queries =
|> Seq.filter (fun ((_, numberOfArguments), _) -> numberOfArguments >= 2 ) // take reactions(E1, ...., En, CRN) predicates
|> Seq.collect (fun ((queryName, numberOfArguments), preds) ->
match numberOfArguments with
| 2 -> preds |> (fun p -> match p.head.Args with [_; x] -> Pos (Pred(queryName, [newProc; x])) | _ -> failwith "") |> Set.toSeq
| n -> let allElementArgs = [1..n-1] |> List.collect (fun i -> combo (n-1) i)
|> (fun (p:Clause<Element>) -> allElementArgs
|> (fun args -> Pos (Pred(queryName, args @ [p.head.Args |> List.last] ))))
|> Set.toSeq
|> Seq.concat)
|> Seq.distinct
// query the Prolog engine and create CRN reactions if any "reactions()" predicate matched
|> Seq.choose (fun query ->
match RulesDSD.Resolution.resolveAll query db cle with
| None -> None
| Some sols ->
|> List.collect (fun theta ->
match theta.Apply(query, cle) with
| Pos p ->
// reactants are already in canonical form by construction
match p.Args |> List.last with
| Term.TCRN ts -> ts
|> (Term.Canonical cle)
|> List.collect Term.ToReactions
| _ -> let str = query |> Literal.ToStringWith cle
failwithf "Error: enumeration predicate %s generated a non-CRN term." str
| _ -> failwith "" )
|> Some
|> List.concat
|> List.distinct
|> List.filter (fun r -> r.reactants <> r.products)
//// Parser
let pInstruction (idProvider : string -> RulesDSD.Syntax.Var) =
let pElement = Element.doParse cle.domainKeywords true idProvider
let pDevice = Parser.between (kw "<") (kw ">") (Parser.many1 pElement)
let pDeviceAst = pDevice |>> Instruction.Device
let pConstraintAst = RulesDSD.Parser.pliteral cle pElement idProvider cle.domainKeywords |>> Instruction.Constraint
let pInitialAst = RulesDSD.Parser.pterm pElement cle idProvider cle.domainKeywords .>>.
choice [ pDevice |>> Choice1Of2
RulesDSD.Parser.pterm pElement cle idProvider cle.domainKeywords |>> Choice2Of2 ]
>>= fun (i, x) ->
match x with
| Choice1Of2 x -> preturn (Instruction.Initial (i, x |> List.singleton |> Process.OfList |> Term.Proc |> toComplex))
| Choice2Of2 x -> preturn (Instruction.Initial (i, x |> toComplex))
(choice [
// device
kw "<" >>. preturn (Choice1Of4 ())
// constraint
kw "not" >>. pname >>. kw "(" >>. preturn (Choice2Of4 ())
pname >>. kw "(" >>. preturn (Choice2Of4 ())
// reaction
// choice [ pdevice >>. choice [kw "+"; kw "->"; preturn Choice1Of4 ()] // last case is actually a device
// kw "->" ] // no reactants reaction
// initial
Expression.parse pname >>. preturn (Choice4Of4 ())
]) >>=
fun next ->
match next with
| Choice1Of4 _ -> pDeviceAst
| Choice2Of4 _ -> pConstraintAst
| Choice3Of4 _ -> failParser "Reactions not supported yet"
| Choice4Of4 _ -> pInitialAst
let generateCRN (cle:Engine) (db:Semantics) (prog:Program) =
// collect devices, initials and reactions // TODO: merge devices and initials into a single field initials of type (Term<Element> * Process<Element>)
let ps, is, rs =
prog |> List.fold (fun (ps, is, rs) instruction ->
match instruction with
| Constraint _ -> (ps, is, rs) // skip constraints
| Reaction (a,b,c,d,e) -> (ps, is, (a,b,c,d,e) :: rs)
| Device d -> (Process.OfList [d] :: ps, is, rs)
| Initial (a,b) -> if a <> Term.Float 0.0
then (ps, (a,b)::is, rs)
else (ps, is, rs)) ([], [], [])
// species namer
let default_namer () : (Term<Element> -> string) =
let cache = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Term<Element>, string>()
let names = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string>()
let namer species : string =
let sp = species |> Term.Canonical cle
if cache.ContainsKey sp then
cache.Item sp
let mutable unique_name = ""
let mutable c = names.Count + 1
while unique_name = "" do
if not (names.Contains ("sp" + string c)) then
unique_name <- "sp" + string c
else c <- c + 1
let name = unique_name
cache.Add(sp, name)
let namer = default_namer ()
// prepare initials and reactions for CRN enumeration
// TODO: get the initial concentration from the core GEC program after merging process and initials
let inits = (is |> (fun (n, i) -> let t = match i with
| [1, x] -> x
| _ -> Term.TMSet i
let c : Value =
match n with
| Term.Float x -> Expression.Float x
| Term.Const x -> Expression.Key x
| Term.Var (_, x) -> Expression.Key x
| _ -> failwithf "Initial condition %s must be a float, const or a variable." (Term.ToStringWith cle n)
c, t))
@ (ps |> (fun p -> Expression.Float 1.0, p |> Term.Proc))
|> Initial.create
let toMSet (x:Complex) : Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Mset.t<Term<Element>> =
x |> (fun (i, sp) -> { Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Mset.element = sp
; Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Mset.multiplicity = i})
let reacts = rs |> List.choose ( fun (catalysts,reactants,products,fwRate,bwRate) ->
let r = reactants |> toMSet
let p = products |> toMSet
match Term.ToRate fwRate with
| None -> None
| Some fr ->
let br = match bwRate with
| None -> None
| Some b -> Term.ToRate b
match catalysts with
| None -> Reaction.create([], r, br, fr, p) |> Some
| Some c -> Reaction.create(c |> toMSet, r, br, fr, p) |> Some )
// expand the GEC program into a CRN using the GEC calculus
let equalsSpecies p q = Term.Compare cle (p |> Term.Canonical cle) (q|> Term.Canonical cle) = EQ
let plotMatcher p q = Term.Compare cle p q = EQ
let gecCalculus = makeGecCalculus db
let gecRenderer (s:Term<Element>) : Attributes =
{ name = namer s
; structure = Term.ToStringWith cle s
; svg = "" }
let crn = Crn.from_calculus_translated
(fun p -> namer p |> Species.create)
(fun sp -> (fvt cle sp).IsEmpty)
|> Crn.group_reactions
let pGecProgram : Parser.t<Semantics> = RulesDSD.Parser.pprogram cle (Element.doParse cle.domainKeywords true)
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
Provides top-level access to LSB translation. Functions in this module
will invoke the LSB compiler, invoke the Prolog engine and parse the results
in to an appropriate .NET data structure.
Author: Michael Pedersen.
Copyright © Microsoft Research, 2008-2009.
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.Main
open Microsoft.Research.GEC.Ast
open Microsoft.Research.GEC.Trans
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
open Microsoft.Research.GEC.DirectivesParser
open Parser
//open Microsoft.FSharp.Compatibility.OCaml
//open Microsoft.Research.ModellingEngine
open System.IO
open Printf
// make LBS rate definition strings
let mkSingleLBSRateDef (r,f) = "rate " + r + " = " + (Lib.display_float f) + ";"
let mkLBSRateDefs rateDecs =
(Lib.string_of_list mkSingleLBSRateDef Lib.newline (expandRateDecs rateDecs)) + Lib.newline
// produce a string representation of an assignment...
let stringOfAss (xs:(string * string) list) =
Lib.brack (Lib.string_of_list (fun (x,y) -> Lib.paren(Lib.quote x + ", " + Lib.quote y)) "; " xs)
/// Input position range, this will likely be replaced by something from FParsec
type pos = {l1 : int; c1 : int; l2 : int; c2 : int}
// a solution type for passing back to a C# client:
type tSolution =
bbDevices : tBbDevices;
lbsProgram : tLBSProg;
rateDecs : tRateDecs;
// variable assignments represent solutions to constraints:
varAss : ((string * string) list * (string * string) list * (string * string) list) list;
substs : Subst.t list;
// an error option for reporting errors:
error : (string * pos option) option;
// the number of solutions to constraints:
numSolutions : int;
// get a specific instance of the device of a solution:
member v.getDevicesInstance(num) =
let devices = v.bbDevices
let (subst,_,_) = List.item num v.varAss
//let devices' = devices |> (fun device -> device |> (fun var -> if (List.mem_assoc var subst) then List.assoc var subst else var))
let devices' = devices |> (fun device -> device |> (fun var -> match Lib.try_assoc var subst with | Some x -> x | None -> var))
Lib.brack (Lib.string_of_list (fun xs -> Lib.brack(Lib.string_of_list "; " xs)) ";\r " devices')
// get a specific instance of the device of a solution as a string list list:
member v.getDevicesInstanceStructured(num) =
let devices = v.bbDevices
let (subst,_,_) = List.item num v.varAss
let devices' = devices |> (fun device -> device |> (fun var -> match Lib.try_assoc var subst with | Some x -> x | None -> var))
let devicesArray = List.toArray( (fun lst -> List.toArray(lst)) devices' )
// get a specific instance of the program of a solution:
member v.getProgramInstance(num) =
let prog = v.lbsProgram
let (_,substSpec,substRates) = List.item num v.varAss
let lbsProgStr = lbsProgToStr prog (substSpec@substRates)
(mkLBSRateDefs v.rateDecs) + lbsProgStr
// add a default declaration for mrna degradation:
//let mrnaDegRate = "rate RMRNADeg = " + (Lib.display_float default_RMRNADeg) + ";\n"
//mrnaDegRate + lbsProgStr
// get the program instance with declared rates assigned:
member v.getProgramDefault() =
//let lbsProgStr = lbsProgToStr v.lbsProgram v.rateDecs
let lbsProgStr = lbsProgToStr v.lbsProgram []
(mkLBSRateDefs v.rateDecs) + lbsProgStr
// get a specific instance of a species assignment:
member v.getSpecAss(num) =
let (l1, specVarAss, l3) = List.item num v.varAss
stringOfAss specVarAss
// get a specific instance of a species assignment:
member v.getRateAss(num) =
let (_, _, rateVars) = List.item num v.varAss
stringOfAss rateVars
member v.getVarAssString() =
Lib.brack (Lib.string_of_list (fun (xs,ys,zs) -> Lib.paren (stringOfAss xs + ", " + stringOfAss ys + "; " + stringOfAss zs )) ",\r " v.varAss)
// define an empty solution:
let emptySolution = { bbDevices = [];
lbsProgram = LBSNil
rateDecs = [];
varAss = [];
substs = [];
error = None;
numSolutions = 0; }
#if JavaScript
let Lexing_from_string = Microsoft.FSharp.Text.Lexing.LexBuffer<_>.FromString
let Lexing_from_string = Lexing.from_string
(* Parse the LSB program from the given string. *)
let parse (text:string) =
let prog =
// Create the lexer, presenting the bytes to the lexer as ASCII regardless of the original
// encoding of the string (the lexer specification is designed to consume ASCII)
let lexbuf = Lexing_from_string text
// Call the parser
let prog = GEC.Pars.start Lex.token lexbuf
with e ->
let bufPos1 = lexbuf.StartPos
let bufPos2 = lexbuf.EndPos
let pos = (bufPos1, bufPos2)
let err = "Parse error near line " + bufPos1.Line.ToString() + ", character " + bufPos2.Column.ToString() + "\n\n"
raise (LBS.Error.CompilerExPos(err, Some pos))
let parse (text:string) = Parser.from_string Program.parse text
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.Options
type t = { gecProgram:string
; simulationOnlyReactions:bool }
let default_options = { gecProgram=""
; simulationOnlyReactions=false }
let keep_ui_options (opts:t) = opts
let getGECProgramText (opts:t) = opts.gecProgram
let setGECProgramText (s:string) (opts:t) = {opts with gecProgram=s}
let getSimulationOnlyReactions (opts:t) = opts.simulationOnlyReactions
let setSimulationOnlyReactions (b:bool) (opts:t) = {opts with simulationOnlyReactions=b}
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.Options
type t
val default_options : t
val keep_ui_options : t -> t
val getGECProgramText : t -> string
val setGECProgramText : string -> t -> t
val getSimulationOnlyReactions : t -> bool
val setSimulationOnlyReactions : bool -> t -> t
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера
Загрузить разницу
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.Settings
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
open Microsoft.Research.GEC.Ast
open Parser
//open FsCheck
type crnModuleDefinition = (string * string list)
type crnInstructions = ((crnModuleDefinition * Instruction list) list) * Instruction list
let pSpecies = GecSpecies.parse_crn_species
type Directive =
| Crn of crnInstructions
| Override of crnInstructions
| RmrnaDeg of float
| Rules of LogicGEC.Semantics
static member parse_defaults (settings:Crn_settings<'e>) =
//let parse_species = pSpecies - Clashes with key words...
let parse_species = (GecSpecies.parse_kw Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Keywords.kwList) |>> fun x -> x.to_string() |> Species.create
let CRN = "crn"
let OVERRIDE = "override"
let RULES = "rules"
let parse_crn = CRN
CRN >>. Parser.braces (Instruction.parse parse_species settings) |>> fun x -> Crn x
OVERRIDE >>. Parser.braces (Instruction.parse parse_species settings) |>> fun x -> Override x
RMRNADEG >>. Parser.pfloat .>> Parser.spaces |>> fun x -> RmrnaDeg x
RULES >>. Parser.braces (LogicGEC.pGecProgram) |>> Rules
static member parse =
Directive.parse_defaults Crn_settings.defaults
type Gec_settings = {directives:Directive<Functional> list; crn:crnInstructions; overrideCrn:bool; rmrnadeg:float; rules:LogicGEC.Semantics option}
static member default_settings = {directives=[]; crn=([],[]); overrideCrn=false;rmrnadeg=0.001;rules=None}
member default_settings.from_directive (gecDirective:Directive)=
match gecDirective with
| Crn (x) -> {default_settings with crn = x; overrideCrn = false}
| Override(x) -> {default_settings with crn = x; overrideCrn = true}
| RmrnaDeg(x) -> {default_settings with rmrnadeg = x}
| Rules x -> {default_settings with rules = Some x}
member default_settings.from_directive_list (ds:Directive list) =
ds |> List.fold (fun (acc:Gec_settings) s -> (acc.from_directive s)) default_settings
let parse_species:Parser.t<Functional> = Expression.parse (Key.parse pSpecies)
///Special case: a single name x is interpreted as a species instead of a parameter
///e.g. "plots = [x]"
let parse__species_plot:Parser.t<Functional> =
let species_from_string = Parser.from_string pSpecies
Expression.parse (Key.parse pSpecies)
|>> fun exp ->
match exp with
| Expression.Key (Key.Parameter s) -> Expression.Key (Key.Species (species_from_string s))
| _ -> exp
type directiveType =
| CRNDir of Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Directive<Functional>
| GECDir of Directive
let parseCrnDir = Directive<Functional>.parse parse_species parse__species_plot |>> CRNDir
let parseGecDir_defaults (settings:Crn_settings<Functional>) = Directive.parse_defaults settings |>> GECDir
let parseGecDir = parseGecDir_defaults Crn_settings.defaults
let parse_defaults (default_crn_settings:Crn_settings<Functional>) =
Parser.many ( "directive" >>. ( (parseGecDir_defaults default_crn_settings) <|> parseCrnDir))
|>> fun(dirlist) ->
let crnlist = dirlist |> List.choose(fun elem ->
match elem with
| CRNDir(x) -> Some(x)
| _ -> None)
let geclist = dirlist |> List.choose(fun elem ->
match elem with
| GECDir(x) -> Some(x)
| _ -> None)
//let crnSettings = default_crn_settings.from_default_directive_list crnlist
let settings = { Gec_settings.default_settings with directives = crnlist}
settings.from_directive_list geclist
let parse = parse_defaults Crn_settings.defaults
let convertExprToAst (exp:Functional) =
let gecExp = Parser.from_string (GecSpecies.parse)
let f s = gecExp (Species.to_string s) |> fun x -> x.to_ast_gecSpecies()
|||| ( f) exp
(*match exp with
| Expression (Key.Species s) ->
let gecExp = Parser.from_string (GecSpecies.parse)
let gecSpecies = gecExp (Species.to_string s) |> fun x -> x.to_ast_gecSpecies()
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected expression encountered in directive functional"*)
let convertCRNdirToGECdir (directive:Directive<Functional>) =
match directive with
| Simulation x ->
let plotSpecies = x.plots |> convertExprToAst
let plots = Ast.PLOT(plotSpecies)
let kinetics =
match x.kinetics with
| Kinetics.Contextual -> Ast.KINETICS(Ast.Contextual_kinetics)
| Kinetics.Stochastic -> Ast.KINETICS(Ast.Stochastic_kinetics)
| Kinetics.Deterministic -> Ast.KINETICS(Ast.Deterministic_kinetics)
| Units x -> [Ast.TIME(x.time);Ast.CONCENTRATION(x.concentration)]
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Directive.Deterministic x -> [Ast.ABSTOLERANCE(x.abstolerance);Ast.RELTOLERANCE(x.reltolerance)]
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Directive.Stochastic x -> [Ast.SCALE(x.scale)]
| _ -> []
(*| Samples(startVal,endVal,inc) ->
if(inc.IsSome) then
if(inc.Value = 0) then
| OldTime(sec) -> Ast.TIME(sec)
| Concentration(conc) -> Ast.CONCENTRATION(conc)
| Tolerance(value) -> Ast.ABSTOLERANCE(value)
| RelTolerance(value) -> Ast.RELTOLERANCE(value)
| Scale(value) -> Ast.SCALE(value)
| Kinectics(mode) ->
match mode with
| KContextual -> Ast.KINETICS(Ast.Contextual_kinetics)
| KStochastic -> Ast.KINETICS(Ast.Stochastic_kinetics)
| KDeterministic -> Ast.KINETICS(Ast.Deterministic_kinetics)
| Plot(expList) ->
let gecExpList = expList |> convertExprToAst
| _ -> failwith "Unknown Directive encountered"*)
let convert_crn_to_gec_directives (directives :Directive<Functional> list) =
let list = directives |> convertCRNdirToGECdir
list |> List.fold (fun acc x -> acc@x) []
@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.Solver
open Microsoft.Research.GEC
//open Microsoft.Research.ModellingEngine
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
(* ************************************************************************************************************ *)
(* Some helper functions. *)
(* NB: copied from trans.fs... NB: altered to handle complexes! *)
//let getComplexNamesFromStrings (prop:string * (string list list)) : string list = match prop with
// | (pname, x::xs) when pname = "pos" || pname = "neg" || pname = "pcr" || pname = "codes" -> [Ast.complexString x]
// | _ -> []
(* Get the COMPLEXES which exist in a list of part properties. *)
let getComplexesFromStrings (prop:string * (string list list)) : string list list =
match prop with
| (pname, x::xs) when pname = "pos" || pname = "neg" || pname = "pcr" || pname = "codes" -> [x]
| _ -> []
(* Compare a string and a partType to see if they match... *)
let typesAgree (t:string) (partTy:Database.partType) =
match t,partTy with
| "pcr", Database.PCR _ | "prom", Database.PROM _ | "rbs", Database.RBS _ | "ter", Database.TER _ -> true
| _,_ -> false
(* Find all substitutions that can unify two complexes, in any order... *)
let unifyComplexes ((*variables*)xs:string list) ((*species*)zs:string list) : Subst.t list =
let zs = (fun z -> Subst.SPECIES [z]) zs in
if not(List.length xs = List.length zs) then [] else
let assocLsts = (fun perm -> xs perm) (Lib.permutations zs) in
Lib.maybemap Subst.multiple assocLsts
(* Unify two (possibly empty) lists of complexes. *)
let unifyComplexLists ((*variables*)xss:string list list) ((*species*)zss:string list list) : Subst.t list =
match xss,zss with
| [],[] -> [Subst.empty]
| _::_,_::_ ->
if not(List.length xss = List.length zss) then [] else
let rec loop (thetas:Subst.t list) ((*variables*)qss:string list list) ((*species*)wss:string list list) =
match qss,wss with
| [],[] -> thetas
| (qs::qss, ws::wss) ->
let thetas' = Lib.collect (fun theta -> let qs' = Subst.applyToComplex theta qs in
let ws' = Subst.applyToComplex theta ws in
let thetas' = unifyComplexes qs' ws' in
let thetas' = Lib.maybemap (Subst.union theta) thetas' in
let str =
"Trying to unify " + (Ast.complexString qs) + " with " + (Ast.complexString ws) +
" when theta = " + (Subst.display theta) + " *** "+
" got thetas' = " + (Lib.string_of_list Subst.display " ~~ " thetas')
thetas') thetas
//let newLog = [] in
loop thetas' qss wss
| _,_ -> failwith "unifyComplexLists: outer lists must be the same length"
Lib.collect (fun zss -> loop [Subst.empty] xss zss) (Lib.permutations zss)
| _,_ -> []
(* ************************************************************************************************************ *)
(* Scan the database for matching parts. *)
(* Try to find substitutions which make a string-based promoter property match a ground one from the database. *)
let tryFindPromoterSubsts (theta_original:Subst.t) (bp:string * (string list list)) (pp:Database.promProperty) : Subst.t list =
let bp = Subst.applyToPartTypeStrings theta_original bp in
let unifyPP (xs,q1,q2,q3) (zs,r1,r2,r3) =
match Subst.multiple [(q1,Subst.NUMBER r1);(q2,Subst.NUMBER r2);(q3,Subst.NUMBER r3)] with
| None -> []
| Some theta' ->
match Subst.union theta_original theta' with
| None -> []
| Some theta''' -> Lib.maybemap (fun theta'' -> Subst.union theta'' theta''') (unifyComplexes xs zs)
match bp, pp with
| ("frate", [[q]]), Database.FRATE(a) ->
begin match (Subst.unify q (Subst.ALGEBRAIC_EXPRESSION a)) with
| None -> []
| Some theta ->
begin match Subst.union theta_original theta with
| None -> []
| Some theta' -> [theta']
| ("pos", [xs;[q1];[q2];[q3]]), Database.POS(zs,r1,r2,r3) //
| ("neg", [xs;[q1];[q2];[q3]]), Database.NEG(zs,r1,r2,r3) -> unifyPP (xs,q1,q2,q3) (zs,r1,r2,r3)
| ("con", [[q]]), Database.CON(r) ->
begin match (Subst.unify q (Subst.NUMBER r)) with
| None -> []
| Some theta ->
begin match Subst.union theta_original theta with
| None -> []
| Some theta' -> [theta']
| _,_ -> []
(* Try to find substitutions which make a string-based PCR property match a ground one from the database. *)
let tryFindPCRSubsts (theta_original:Subst.t) (bp:string * (string list list)) (pp:Database.pcrProperty) : Subst.t list =
let bp = Subst.applyToPartTypeStrings theta_original bp in
match bp, pp with
| ("codes", [xs;[q]]), Database.CODES(zs,r) ->
begin match (Subst.unify q (Subst.NUMBER r)) with
| None -> []
| Some theta ->
begin match Subst.union theta_original theta with
| None -> []
| Some theta' -> Lib.maybemap (fun theta'' -> Subst.union theta'' theta') (unifyComplexes xs zs)
| _,_ -> []
(* Try to find substitutions which make a string-based RBS property match a ground one from the database. *)
let tryFindRBSSubsts (theta_original:Subst.t) (bp:string * (string list list)) (rp:Database.rbsProperty) : Subst.t list =
let bp = Subst.applyToPartTypeStrings theta_original bp in
match bp, rp with
| ("rate", [[q]]), Database.RATE(r) ->
begin match (Subst.unify q (Subst.NUMBER r)) with
| None -> []
| Some theta ->
begin match Subst.union theta_original theta with
| None -> []
| Some theta' -> [theta']
| _,_ -> []
(* Try to find substitutions which make a string-based RBS property match a ground one from the database.
NB: this always returns an empty list because terminators don't have properties associated with them
(at least the one in the default database doesn't...) *)
let tryFindTerSubsts (theta_original:Subst.t) (bp:string * (string list list)) : Subst.t list = []
(* Compute a set of context-sensitive substitutions for a brick, relative to a database. *)
let matchParts (db:Database.t) (brick:string) (t:string) (props:(string * (string list list)) list) : Cssubst.t list * string list =
(* Recursive function for searching the parts database. *)
let find ((res,log):Cssubst.t list * string list) (partId:string) (entry:Database.partType Database.entry) : Cssubst.t list * string list =
let partTy = entry.value in
if not entry.enabled then (res,log) else
// NB: If we limited the input, could we make this simpler???
// NB: Should we avoid converting everything to strings in trans.fs???
// NB: Should we convert the "database" to use a string-based system so it's more flexible for the future?
let init = if not(typesAgree t partTy) then [] else
match (Subst.unify brick (Subst.PART partId)) with Some init -> [init] | None -> []
let rec expand ((thetas,log):Subst.t list * string list) (bps:(string * (string list list)) list) : Subst.t list * string list =
match bps with
| [] -> (thetas,log)
| (bp::bps) ->
let rec substLoop (new_thetas:Subst.t list) (thetas:Subst.t list) =
match thetas with
| [] -> new_thetas
| (theta::thetas) ->
let extra_thetas =
begin match partTy with
| Database.PROM(props) -> Lib.collect (fun pp -> tryFindPromoterSubsts theta bp pp) props
| Database.PCR(prop) -> tryFindPCRSubsts theta bp prop
| Database.RBS(prop) -> tryFindRBSSubsts theta bp prop
| Database.TER -> tryFindTerSubsts theta bp (* NB: no property to put here as terminators don't have any... *)
substLoop (new_thetas@extra_thetas) thetas
let new_thetas = substLoop [] thetas in
let extra_log = ["Thetas are:\n" + (Lib.string_of_list Subst.display"\n" thetas);
"New_thetas are:\n" + (Lib.string_of_list Subst.display"\n" new_thetas)] in
let new_log = log@extra_log in
expand (new_thetas,new_log) bps
let initString = "Initial subst: " + (match init with [init] -> Subst.display init | _ -> "*NO MATCH*") in
let propsString =
let inner (zs:string list) = "[" + (Lib.string_of_list ";" zs) + "]" in
"Properties: " + (Lib.string_of_list (fun (x,zss) -> x + "(" + (Lib.string_of_list inner "," zss) + ")") "; " props)
let thetas,expand_log = expand (init,[]) props in
// Eliminate any duplicate results from the list of substitutions
let thetas = Lib.remove_duplicates Subst.eq thetas in
let mkCSSubst (theta:Subst.t) : (Cssubst.t * string) option =
let rho = Subst.speciesDomain theta in
let ground_props = (Subst.applyToPartTypeStrings theta) props in
let sigma = Lib.collect_union Ast.complexesEqual getComplexesFromStrings ground_props in
let tau = Lib.difference Ast.complexesEqual (Database.speciesInPartType partTy) sigma in
let cs = Cssubst.make theta rho sigma tau in
let log = "Producing a CSSubst: " + Lib.newline +
Cssubst.display cs + Lib.newline +
"...where FS(Q_i) = " + Lib.string_of_list Ast.complexString ", " (Database.speciesInPartType partTy) + Lib.newline +
"...where ground_props = " + Lib.string_of_list (fun (x,ps) -> x+"("+(Lib.string_of_list Ast.complexString ", " ps)+")") ", " ground_props in
if Cssubst.isOK cs then Some (cs,log) else None
let new_csSubstsLogs = Lib.maybemap mkCSSubst thetas in
let new_csSubsts, new_CsLogs = Lib.unzip new_csSubstsLogs in
let new_log = propsString::new_CsLogs in
Stringmap.fold find ([],[])
(* Compute a set of context-sensitive substitutions for a normal reaction, relative to a database. *)
let matchNormalReactions (db:Database.t) (catalysts:string list list) (reactants:string list list)
(products:string list list) (rate:string) : Cssubst.t list * string list =
(* Recursive function for searching the reactions database. *)
let find ((res,log):Cssubst.t list * string list) (entry:Gecreaction.t Database.entry) : Cssubst.t list * string list =
if not entry.enabled then (res,log) else
let reac = entry.value in
match Gecreaction.isNormal reac with
| None -> (res,log)
| Some(r_catalysts,r_reactants,r_products,r_rate) ->
let log = log@["Trying reaction " + Lib.quote (Gecreaction.display reac)] in
// All substitutions that unify the catalysts
let thetasE = unifyComplexLists catalysts r_catalysts in
let log = log@["thetasE = " + Lib.string_of_list Subst.display " ~~ " thetasE] in
// Each substitution in thetasE may be expanded to multiple substitutions that also unify the reactants
let thetasER = Lib.collect (fun theta -> let reactants = (Subst.applyToComplex theta) reactants in
let thetas' = unifyComplexLists reactants r_reactants in
Lib.maybemap (Subst.union theta) thetas') thetasE
let log = log@["thetasER = " + Lib.string_of_list Subst.display " ~~ " thetasER] in
// Each substitution in thetasER may be expanded to multiple substitutions that also unify the products
let thetasERP = Lib.collect (fun theta -> let products = (Subst.applyToComplex theta) products in
let thetas' = unifyComplexLists products r_products in
Lib.maybemap (Subst.union theta) thetas') thetasER
let log=log@["thetasERP = " + Lib.string_of_list Subst.display " ~~ " thetasERP] in
// Each substution in thetasERP may be extended to also unify the rates
let thetasERPr = Lib.maybemap (fun theta -> match Subst.unify rate (Subst.NUMBER r_rate) with
| None -> None
| Some theta' -> Subst.union theta theta') thetasERP
// Eliminate any duplicate results from the list of substitutions
let thetasERPr = Lib.remove_duplicates Subst.eq thetasERPr in
let log = log@["thetasERPr = " + Lib.string_of_list Subst.display " ~~ " thetasERPr] in
let mkCSSubst (theta:Subst.t) : Cssubst.t option =
let ground_reaction = Gecreaction.applySubst theta reac in
let rho = Subst.speciesDomain theta in
let sigma = Gecreaction.species ground_reaction in
let cs = Cssubst.make theta rho sigma [] in
if Cssubst.isOK cs then Some cs else None
let new_csSubsts = Lib.maybemap mkCSSubst thetasERPr in
Lib.fold_left find ([],[]) db.reactions
(* Compute a set of context-sensitive substitutions for a transport reaction, relative to a database. *)
let matchTransportReactions (db:Database.t) (reactant:string list) (product:string list) (rate:string)
(compartment:string) (direction:Ast.direction) : Cssubst.t list * string list =
(* Recursive function for searching the reactions database. *)
let find ((res,log):Cssubst.t list * string list) (entry:Gecreaction.t Database.entry) : Cssubst.t list * string list =
if not entry.enabled then (res,log) else
let reac = entry.value in
match Gecreaction.isTransport reac with
| None -> (res,log)
| Some (r_reactant,r_product,r_rate,r_compartment,r_direction) ->
let log = log@["Trying reaction " + Lib.quote (Gecreaction.display reac)] in
if not(r_direction = direction) then (res,log@["...Directions don't match!"]) else
// All substitutions that unify the reactant
let thetasR = unifyComplexes reactant r_reactant in
let log = log@["thetasR = " + Lib.string_of_list Subst.display " ~~ " thetasR] in
// Each substitution in thetasR may be expanded to multiple substitutions that also unify the product
let thetasRP = Lib.collect (fun theta -> let product = Subst.applyToComplex theta product in
let thetas' = unifyComplexes product r_product in
Lib.maybemap (Subst.union theta) thetas') thetasR
let log = log@["thetasRP = " + Lib.string_of_list Subst.display " ~~ " thetasRP] in
// Each substution in thetasRP may be extended to also unify the rates
let thetasRPr = Lib.maybemap (fun theta -> match Subst.unify rate (Subst.NUMBER r_rate) with
| None -> None
| Some theta' -> Subst.union theta theta') thetasRP
// Eliminate any duplicate results from the list of substitutions
let thetasRPr = Lib.remove_duplicates Subst.eq thetasRPr in
let log = log@["thetasRPr = " + Lib.string_of_list Subst.display" ~~ " thetasRPr] in
let mkCSSubst (theta:Subst.t) : Cssubst.t option =
let ground_reaction = Gecreaction.applySubst theta reac in
let rho = Subst.speciesDomain theta in
let sigma = Gecreaction.species ground_reaction in
let cs = Cssubst.make theta rho sigma [] in
if Cssubst.isOK cs then Some cs else None
let new_csSubsts = Lib.maybemap mkCSSubst thetasRPr in
Lib.fold_left find ([],[]) db.reactions
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.Solver
open Microsoft.Research.GEC
//open Microsoft.Research.ModellingEngine
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
(* Compute a set of context-sensitive substitutions for a brick, relative to a database. *)
val matchParts : Database.t -> string -> string -> (string * (string list list)) list -> Cssubst.t list * string list
(* Compute a set of context-sensitive substitutions for a normal reaction, relative to a database. *)
val matchNormalReactions : Database.t -> string list list -> string list list -> string list list -> string -> Cssubst.t list * string list
(* Compute a set of context-sensitive substitutions for a transport reaction, relative to a database. *)
val matchTransportReactions : Database.t -> reactant:string list -> product:string list -> string -> string ->
Ast.direction -> Cssubst.t list * string list
@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.Subst
open Microsoft.Research.GEC
//open Microsoft.Research.ModellingEngine
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
module Expressions = Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression
(* ************************************************************************************************************ *)
(* A "normal" substitution can either produce a species name, a part id or a real number. *)
type target = SPECIES of string list
| PART of string
| NUMBER of float
type t = target Stringmap.t
(* The empty substitution and singleton substitution. *)
let empty : t = Stringmap.empty
let singleton (x:string) (t:target) : t = empty |> Stringmap.add x t
(* Produce a string representation of a substitution. *)
let displayTarget = function
| SPECIES ys -> Ast.complexString ys
| PART y -> y
| NUMBER n -> Lib.display_float n
| ALGEBRAIC_EXPRESSION(_) -> "(algebraic_expression)"
let display (theta:t) =
let body = Stringmap.fold (fun acc x tgt -> acc + "(" + Lib.quote x + ", " + Lib.quote (displayTarget tgt) + ")" + "; ") "" theta in
"[" + body + "]"
(* Find the result of looking up a variable (NB raises an exception if not found...) *)
let find (x:string) (theta:t) = Stringmap.find x theta
(* Try to find the result of lookup up a variable (returns an option type). *)
let tryFind (x:string) (theta:t) = Stringmap.tryFind x theta
(* An equality function on substitution targets, which accounts for complexes. *)
let targetEq (tgt1:target) (tgt2:target) : bool =
match tgt1, tgt2 with
| SPECIES xs1, SPECIES xs2 -> Ast.complexesEqual xs1 xs2
| PART p1, PART p2 -> p1=p2
| NUMBER f1, NUMBER f2 -> f1=f2
| _,_ -> false
(* An equality function on substitutions themselves. *)
let eq (theta1:t) (theta2:t) =
let dom1 = Stringmap.getKeys theta1 in
let dom2 = Stringmap.getKeys theta2 in
if (dom1=dom2) then
Lib.forall (fun x -> targetEq (find x theta1) (find x theta2)) dom1
else false
(* Compute the union of two substitutions, if possible. *)
let union (theta1:t) (theta2:t) : t option =
Stringmap.fold (fun acc x t ->
match acc with
| None -> None
| Some smap ->
match Stringmap.tryFind x smap with
| None -> Some(Stringmap.add x t smap)
| Some t' -> if t=t' then Some smap else None)
(Some theta1) theta2
(* Compute Dom_S(theta). *)
let speciesDomain (theta:t) =
let f snames x tgt : string list =
match tgt with
| SPECIES _ -> Lib.maybeappend (=) snames x
| _ -> snames
Stringmap.fold f [] theta
(* ************************************************************************************************************ *)
(* Does a string correspond to a meta-variable? (i.e. does it begin with a capital? *)
let isMetaVariable (x:string) : bool =
System.Char.IsUpper (x.[0])
(* Does a string correspond to a floating-point value? *)
let getFloat (x:string) : float option =
let ret = ref 0.0
if System.Double.TryParse(x, ret) then Some !ret else None
(* Implement a rudimentary "occurs check". Assumes that x is a metavariable. *)
let occursCheckPassed (x:string) (tgt:target) : bool =
match tgt with
| PART z -> not(x=z)
| SPECIES zs -> not(Lib.contains x zs)
| _ -> true
(* "Unify" a string from the program with a "substTarget" from the database. *)
let unify (x:string) (tgt:target) : t option =
if isMetaVariable x then
(if occursCheckPassed x tgt then Some(singleton x tgt) else None)
match tgt with
| PART z -> if x=z then Some empty else None
| SPECIES zs -> (if zs=[x] then Some empty else None)
| NUMBER f -> (match getFloat x with None -> None | Some f' -> if f=f' then Some empty else None)
| ALGEBRAIC_EXPRESSION a -> None // check this
(* Turn an association list into a substitution, if possible... *)
let multiple (prs:(string * target) list) : t option =
let rec loop (theta:t) (prs:(string * target) list) =
match prs with
| [] -> Some theta
| ((x,t)::prs) ->
begin match unify x t with
| None -> None
| Some theta' ->
begin match union theta theta' with
| None -> None
| Some theta -> loop theta prs
loop empty prs
(* Apply a substitution to a complex, represented as strings. *)
let applyToComplex (theta:t) (xs:string list) : string list =
Lib.collect (fun x -> match tryFind x theta with Some(SPECIES zs) -> zs | _ -> [x]) xs
(* Apply a substitution to a "part type" presented as in trans.fs, using strings... *)
let applyToPartTypeStrings (theta:t) (pt:string * (string list list)) : string * (string list list) =
let (brickType, brickProps) = pt in
let applySubst x = match tryFind x theta with None -> x | Some tgt -> displayTarget tgt in
(brickType, ( applySubst) brickProps)
(* Apply a substitution to a "gecSpecies" (for generic plotting). *)
let applyToGecSpecies (theta:t) (i:Ast.gecSimpleSpecies) : Ast.gecSimpleSpecies =
(* Apply a substitution to a value. *)
let applyToValue (theta:t) (v:Ast.value) : Ast.value list =
match v with
| Ast.IdVal x -> begin match tryFind x theta with
| Some (SPECIES(xs)) -> (fun x -> Ast.IdVal(x)) xs
| _ -> [v]
| _ -> [v]
(* Apply a substitution to a "simple" GEC species. *)
let applyToSimpleGecSpecies (theta:t) (i:Ast.gecSimpleSpecies) : Ast.gecSimpleSpecies =
match i with
| Ast.SimpleSpecies ac -> Ast.SimpleSpecies(Lib.collect (applyToValue theta) ac)
| Ast.CompartmentSpecies(c,ac) -> Ast.CompartmentSpecies(c, Lib.collect (applyToValue theta) ac)
(applyToSimpleGecSpecies theta) i
(* Apply a substitution to a directive data structure (for generic plotting). *)
let applyToDirective (theta:t) (d:Ast.directive) : Ast.directive =
(* Apply a substitution to a "plottable". *)
let applyToPlottable (theta:t) (p:Ast.gecSimpleSpecies Key Expression.t) = ( (applyToGecSpecies theta)) p in
let rec applyToPlottable (theta:t) (p:Ast.gecSpecies Plottable.t) : Ast.gecSpecies Plottable.t = match p with
| Expressions.PopulationAExp g -> Expressions.PopulationAExp (applyToGecSpecies theta g)
//| Plottable.PLOT_STRING s -> Plottable.PLOT_STRING s
| Expressions.SumAExp ps -> Expressions.SumAExp ( (applyToPlottable theta) ps)
in *)
match d with
| Ast.PLOT ps -> Ast.PLOT ( (applyToPlottable theta) ps)
| _ -> d
(* Apply a substitution to an arithmetic expression. *)
let rec applyToArithmeticExpression (theta:t) (a:Ast.aexp) : Ast.aexp =
match a with
| Ast.FloatAExp f -> Ast.FloatAExp f
| Ast.IdAExp x -> begin
match tryFind x theta with
| None -> Ast.IdAExp x
| Some (NUMBER f) -> Ast.FloatAExp f
| Some t -> failwith ("applyToArithmeticExpression: illegal substitution because " + x + " maps to " + (displayTarget t))
| Ast.PlusAExp (a1,a2) -> Ast.PlusAExp((applyToArithmeticExpression theta a1),(applyToArithmeticExpression theta a2))
| Ast.MinusAExp (a1,a2) -> Ast.MinusAExp((applyToArithmeticExpression theta a1),(applyToArithmeticExpression theta a2))
| Ast.MulAExp (a1,a2) -> Ast.MulAExp((applyToArithmeticExpression theta a1),(applyToArithmeticExpression theta a2))
| Ast.DivAExp (a1,a2) -> Ast.DivAExp((applyToArithmeticExpression theta a1),(applyToArithmeticExpression theta a2))
| Ast.PowAExp (a1,a2) -> Ast.PowAExp((applyToArithmeticExpression theta a1),(applyToArithmeticExpression theta a2))
(* ************************************************************************************************************ *)
(* Does a ground constraint hold between floating point values? *)
let groundConstraintHolds ((f1,op,f2):float*Ast.op*float) : bool =
match op with
| Ast.Lt -> f1<f2
| Ast.Gt -> f1>f2
| Ast.Eq -> f1=f2
(* Try to evaluate an algebraic expression to a float, using a given substitution. *)
let rec tryProduceFloat (theta:t) (a:Ast.aexp) : float option =
match a with
| Ast.FloatAExp f -> Some f
| Ast.IdAExp id -> if isMetaVariable id then begin match tryFind id theta with Some(NUMBER f) -> Some f | _ -> None end
else failwith ("Subst.satisfiesConstraint: " + id + " is not a metavariable.")
| Ast.PlusAExp (a1,a2) -> (match (tryProduceFloat theta a1, tryProduceFloat theta a2) with
| Some f1, Some f2 -> Some(f1 + f2)
| _,_ -> None)
| Ast.MinusAExp (a1,a2) -> (match (tryProduceFloat theta a1, tryProduceFloat theta a2) with
| Some f1, Some f2 -> Some(f1 - f2)
| _,_ -> None)
| Ast.MulAExp (a1,a2) -> (match (tryProduceFloat theta a1, tryProduceFloat theta a2) with
| Some f1, Some f2 -> Some(f1 * f2)
| _,_ -> None)
| Ast.DivAExp (a1,a2) -> (match (tryProduceFloat theta a1, tryProduceFloat theta a2) with
| Some f1, Some f2 -> Some(f1 / f2)
| _,_ -> None)
| Ast.PowAExp (a1,a2) -> (match (tryProduceFloat theta a1, tryProduceFloat theta a2) with
| Some f1, Some f2 -> Some(f1 * f2)
| _,_ -> None)
(* Check whether a substitution satisfies an arithmetic constraint. *)
let satisfiesConstraint (theta:t) ((a1,op,a2):Ast.aexp*Ast.op*Ast.aexp) : bool =
(* Turn a string into a float, using a given substitution, if possible... *)
match (tryProduceFloat theta a1),(tryProduceFloat theta a2) with
| Some f1, Some f2 -> groundConstraintHolds (f1,op,f2)
| _,_ -> true (* Constraints involving uninstantiated variables can always be satisfied. *)
(* Produce a "varAss" (variable assignments) from a substitution. *)
let mkVarAss (theta:t) : (string * string) list * (string * string) list * (string * string) list =
(fun (parts,species,rates) x tgt ->
match tgt with
| SPECIES ys ->
(parts,(species@[x,(Ast.complexString ys)]),rates)
| PART y ->
| NUMBER n ->
(parts,species,(rates@[x,(Lib.display_float n)]))
(parts,species,(rates@[x,(Ast.lbsStringOfAExp a)]))
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.Subst
open Microsoft.Research.GEC
//open Microsoft.Research.ModellingEngine
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
(* ************************************************************************************************************ *)
(* The target of a "normal" substitution can either produce a species name, a part id or a real number. *)
type target = SPECIES of string list
| PART of string
| NUMBER of float
type t = target Stringmap.t
(* The empty substitution. *)
val empty : t
(* An equality function on substitution targets, which accounts for complexes. *)
val targetEq : target -> target -> bool
(* An equality function on substitutions themselves. *)
val eq : t -> t -> bool
(* Produce a string representation of a substitution. *)
val displayTarget : target -> string
val display : t -> string
(* Compute the union of two substitutions, if possible. *)
val union : t -> t -> t option
(* Compute Dom_S(theta). *)
val speciesDomain : t -> string list
(* Find the result of looking up a variable (NB raises an exception if not found...) *)
val find : string -> t -> target
(* Try to find the result of lookup up a variable (returns an option type). *)
val tryFind : string -> t -> target option
(* Does a string correspond to a floating-point value? *)
val getFloat : string -> float option
(* ************************************************************************************************************ *)
(* "Unify" a string from the program with a "target" from the database. *)
val unify : string -> target -> t option
(* Turn an association list into a substitution, if possible... *)
val multiple : (string * target) list -> t option
(* Apply a substitution to a complex. *)
val applyToComplex : t -> string list -> string list
(* Apply a substitution to a "part type" presented as in trans.fs, using strings... *)
val applyToPartTypeStrings : t -> string * (string list list) -> string * (string list list)
(* Apply a substitution to a directive data structure (for generic plotting). *)
val applyToDirective : t -> Ast.directive -> Ast.directive
(* Apply a substitution to an arithmetic expression. *)
val applyToArithmeticExpression : t -> Ast.aexp -> Ast.aexp
(* ************************************************************************************************************ *)
(* Check whether a substitution satisfies an arithmetic constraint. *)
val satisfiesConstraint : t -> (Ast.aexp * Ast.op * Ast.aexp) -> bool
(* Produce a "varAss" (variable assignments) from a substitution. *)
val mkVarAss : t -> (string * string) list * (string * string) list * (string * string) list
Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера
Загрузить разницу
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Compile Include="gecspecies.test.fs" />
<Compile Include="gecreaction.test.fs" />
<Compile Include="database.test.fs" />
<Compile Include="hypothesis.test.fs" />
<Compile Include="programParser.test.fs" />
<Compile Include="main.test.fs" />
<Compile Include="transCrn.test.fs" />
<Compile Include="Program.fs" />
<None Include="paket.references" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\ClassicGECDotNet.fsproj" />
<Reference Include="Oslo.FSharp">
<Import Project="..\..\.paket\Paket.Restore.targets" />
@ -0,0 +1 @@
module Program = let [<EntryPoint>] main _ = 0
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.DatabaseTest
open Microsoft.Research.GEC.Database
open FSBOL
open FSBOL.SBOLDocument
open FSBOL.XmlSerializer
open Xunit
open FsUnit.Xunit
open System.Diagnostics
open System.Xml
open System.IO
open System.Text
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Database Parser")>]
let databaseParserText() =
let sampledb0 =
"b0015,ter\n" +
let sampledb1 =
"b0015,ter\n" +
"PRFP,device,components[P;R;RFP;T]\n" +
let from_string (s:string) = Parser.from_string parse s
let table0 = from_string sampledb0
let table1 = from_string sampledb1
let sbol = Database.convertTableToSBOLDocument table0
//Debug.WriteLine(sbolXmlString sbol)
let fwsw = new StreamWriter("gecSBOLdb.xml",false)
let fwxwSettings = new XmlWriterSettings()
fwxwSettings.Indent <- true
fwxwSettings.Encoding <- Encoding.UTF8
let fwxw = XmlWriter.Create(fwsw,fwxwSettings)
(XmlSerializer.sbolToXml sbol).WriteTo(fwxw)
Debug.WriteLine("END OF TEST")
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Database Parser - PCR")>]
let ``PCRParserTest``() =
let pcrEntry =
"i723017,pcr,codes(xylR; 0.001)"
let from_string (s:string) = Parser.from_string Database.partParser s
let dnacomp = from_string pcrEntry
let (id,pcr) = match dnacomp with
| Part(x,y) -> (x,y)
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected Device found"
match pcr with
| Database.PCR(Database.CODES(codes,rate)) ->
| _ ->
Debug.WriteLine("End of Test")
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Database Parser - Regulation promoter")>]
let ``RegulationPromParserTest``() =
let negativeRegulation =
let from_string (s:string) = Parser.from_string Database.partParser s
let dnacomp = from_string negativeRegulation
let (id,negProm) =
match dnacomp with
| Part(x,y) -> (x,y)
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected Device found"
match negProm with
| Database.PROM(props) ->
match props with
first::remaining ->
| _ -> failwith ""
| _ ->
Debug.WriteLine("Unexpected Part type found")
Debug.WriteLine("End of Test")
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Database Parser - Terminator")>]
let ``TerminatorParserTest``() =
let ter = "b0015,ter"
let from_string (s:string) = Parser.from_string Database.partParser s
let dnacomp = from_string ter
let (id,ter) =
match dnacomp with
| Part(x,y) -> (x,y)
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected Device found"
Debug.WriteLine("End of Test")
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.GecreactionTest
open Microsoft.Research.GEC.Gecreaction
open Xunit
open FsUnit.Xunit
open System.Diagnostics
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Reaction Parser - Transport")>]
let ``TransportParserTest``() =
let transportInReaction = "m3OC6HSL->{1.0}c[m3OC6HSL]"
let transportOutReaction = "c[m3OC12HSL] -> {1.01}m3OC12HSL"
let from_string (s:string) = Parser.from_string parseReaction s
let tir = from_string transportInReaction
let tirProps = Gecreaction.isTransport tir
if tirProps.IsSome then
let (reactant,product,rate,compartment,direction) = tirProps.Value
failwith("None encountered. Error.")
let tor = from_string transportOutReaction
let torProps = Gecreaction.isTransport tor
if torProps.IsSome then
let (reactant,product,rate,compartment,direction) = torProps.Value
failwith("None encountered. Error.")
Debug.WriteLine("END of Test")
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Reaction Parser - Normal")>]
let ``NormalParserTest``() =
let norNoReactants = "luxI ~ -> {1.0}m3OC6HSL"
let from_string (s:string) = Parser.from_string parseReaction s
let nnr = from_string norNoReactants
let nnrProps = Gecreaction.isNormal nnr
if nnrProps.IsSome then
let (catalysts,reactants,products,rate) = nnrProps.Value
failwith("None encountered. Error.")
let nor1Nocat = "lasR + m3OC12HSL->{1.0}lasR::m3OC12HSL"
let nor1nc = from_string nor1Nocat
let nor1ncProps = Gecreaction.isNormal nor1nc
if nor1ncProps.IsSome then
let (catalysts,reactants,products,rate) = nor1ncProps.Value
failwith("None encountered. Error.")
let nor2Nocat = "lasR::m3OC12HSL->{1.0}lasR+m3OC12HSL"
let nor2nc = from_string nor2Nocat
let nor2ncProps = Gecreaction.isNormal nor2nc
if nor2ncProps.IsSome then
let (catalysts,reactants,products,rate) = nor2ncProps.Value
failwith("None encountered. Error.")
let nor1 = "a::b+b::c+dc+e::f ~ i::j->{0.9}t::v+y::u"
let n1 = from_string nor1
let n1Props = Gecreaction.isNormal n1
if n1Props.IsSome then
let (catalysts,reactants,products,rate) = n1Props.Value
failwith("None encountered. Error.")
Debug.WriteLine("END of Test")
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.GecSpeciesTest
open Parser
open Xunit
open System.Diagnostics
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Species - To String")>]
let ``speciesToStringTest``() =
let species0 = {GecSpecies.t.empty_Species with species = ["a"]}
let species1 = {GecSpecies.t.empty_Species with species = ["a";"b"]}
let species2 = {GecSpecies.t.empty_Species with species = ["a";"b";"c";"d"]}
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Species - To CRN String")>]
let ``speciesToCrnStringTest``() =
let species0 = {GecSpecies.t.empty_Species with species = ["a"]}
let species1 = {GecSpecies.t.empty_Species with species = ["a";"b"]}
let species2 = {GecSpecies.t.empty_Species with species = ["a";"b";"c";"d"]}
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Species - Parse Tests")>]
let speciesParseTest() =
let species0 = "Signal"
let species1 = "Receiver::Signal"
let species2 = "cell[gfp]"
let species3 = "a::b::c"
let get_species (s:string) = Parser.from_string GecSpecies.parse s
let s0 = get_species species0
let s1 = get_species species1
let s2 = get_species species2
let s3 = get_species species3
//Compartment tests
//Length tests
@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.HypothesisTest
open Xunit
open FsUnit.Xunit
open System.Diagnostics
open Parser
open Microsoft.Research.GEC
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - GEC CRN Parser - Directives")>]
let ``directivesParser``()=
let directiveString = """directive simulator sundials
//directive simulator deterministic
//directive deterministic {stiff = true}
//directive inference {name=target; burnin=400000; samples=400000; thin=50; noise_model=proportional}
directive inference {name=target; burnin=10; samples=10; thin=1; noise_model=proportional}
directive sweeps [
sweepC6C12 = [
(condition,C6,C12) = [
(1,25000,0); (2,8333.33333333333,0); (3,2777.77777777778,0); (4,925.925925925926,0); (5,308.641975308642,0); (6,102.880658436214,0); (7,34.2935528120713,0); (8,11.4311842706904,0); (9,3.81039475689681,0); (10,1.27013158563227,0); (11,0.423377195210757,0); (12,0,0);
(13,0,25000); (14,0,8333.33333333333); (15,0,2777.77777777778); (16,0,925.925925925926); (17,0,308.641975308642); (18,0,102.880658436214); (19,0,34.2935528120713); (20,0,11.4311842706904); (21,0,3.81039475689681); (22,0,1.27013158563227); (23,0,0.423377195210757); (24,0,0);
sweepC6C12double = [
(condition,C6,C12) = [
(1,25000,0); (2,8333.33333333333,0); (3,2777.77777777778,0); (4,925.925925925926,0); (5,308.641975308642,0); (6,102.880658436214,0); (7,34.2935528120713,0); (8,11.4311842706904,0); (9,3.81039475689681,0); (10,1.27013158563227,0); (11,0.423377195210757,0); (12,0,0);
(13,0,25000); (14,0,8333.33333333333); (15,0,2777.77777777778); (16,0,925.925925925926); (17,0,308.641975308642); (18,0,102.880658436214); (19,0,34.2935528120713); (20,0,11.4311842706904); (21,0,3.81039475689681); (22,0,1.27013158563227); (23,0,0.423377195210757); (24,0,0);
(1,25000,0); (2,8333.33333333333,0); (3,2777.77777777778,0); (4,925.925925925926,0); (5,308.641975308642,0); (6,102.880658436214,0); (7,34.2935528120713,0); (8,11.4311842706904,0); (9,3.81039475689681,0); (10,1.27013158563227,0); (11,0.423377195210757,0); (12,0,0);
(13,0,25000); (14,0,8333.33333333333); (15,0,2777.77777777778); (16,0,925.925925925926); (17,0,308.641975308642); (18,0,102.880658436214); (19,0,34.2935528120713); (20,0,11.4311842706904); (21,0,3.81039475689681); (22,0,1.27013158563227); (23,0,0.423377195210757); (24,0,0);
directive simulation { final=20; points=250 }
directive rates [
boundLuxR = [luxR]^2 * ((KR6*[c6])^nR + (KR12*[c12])^nR) / ((1.0 + KR6*[c6] + KR12*[c12])^nR);
boundLasR = [lasR]^2 * ((KS6*[c6])^nS + (KS12*[c12])^nS) / ((1.0 + KS6*[c6] + KS12*[c12])^nS);
P76 = (e76 + KGR_76*[boundLuxR] + KGS_76*[boundLasR]) / (1.0 + KGR_76*[boundLuxR] + KGS_76*[boundLasR]);
P81 = (e81 + KGR_81*[boundLuxR] + KGS_81*[boundLasR]) / (1.0 + KGR_81*[boundLuxR] + KGS_81*[boundLasR]);
PBad = (Ara^nA+eA*KAra^nA)/(Ara^nA+KAra^nA);
PTet = 1/(1+[tetR]^nT);
PLac = 1/(1+[lacI]^nL);
plot_od = [x]+x0;
plot_fp = [x]*[fp]+f0;
plot_yfp = [x]*([yfp]+[f500])+yb0;
plot_cfp = [x]*([cfp]+[f430])+cb0;
directive parameters [
// Background
c0 = 0.001, { distribution=Uniform(1e-4,3e-1) };
x0 = 0.1, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0,0.2) };
f0=5000.0,{ interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.0,10000.0) };
yb0=1e3, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.0,5e3) };
cb0=1e3, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.0,1e4) };
// Autofluorescence
dfp=0.1, { distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e0) };
autoYFP=1e0, { distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e3) };
autoCFP=1e0, { distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e3) };
// Standard
dCFP=1e-2, { distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e0) };
dYFP=1e-2, { distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e0) };
// Receivers
KR6=1e-2, { distribution=Uniform(1e-8,1e0) };
KS6=1e-4, { distribution=Uniform(1e-8,1e0) };
KR12=1e-3, { distribution=Uniform(1e-8,1e0) };
KS12=1e-2, { distribution=Uniform(1e-8,1e0) };
nR=0.797, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.5,2.0) };
nS=0.797, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.5,2.0) };
aR33=1.0, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e2) };
aS175=1.0, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e2) };
aRS100=1.0, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e2) };
aS32=1.0, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e2) };
nL=0.797, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.5,2.0) };
nT=0.797, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.5,2.0) };
dR=0.1, { distribution=Uniform(1e-2,1e1) };
//dS=0.1, { distribution=Uniform(1e-2,1e2) };
e76=1e-2, { distribution=Uniform(1e-4,1.0) };
KGR_76=1e-2,{ distribution=Uniform(1e-4,1e0) };
KGS_76=1e-6,{ distribution=Uniform(1e-8,1e0) };
e81=1e-2, { distribution=Uniform(1e-4,1.0) };
KGR_81=1e-6,{ distribution=Uniform(1e-8,1e0) };
KGS_81=1e-2,{ distribution=Uniform(1e-4,1e0) };
aCFP=1e3, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e5) };
aYFP=1e3, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e5) };
// Relays
kC6=1e0, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e6) };
Klux=1.0, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e6) };
dluxI=0.1,{ distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e1) };
kC12=1e0, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e6) };
Klas=1.0, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e6) };
dlasI=0.1,{ distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e1) };
// Arabinose
KAra=1.0, { distribution=Uniform(1e-2,1e2) };
nA=1.0, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.5,3.0) };
eA=0.1, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.0,0.5) };
// Degrader
dA6=1e-1, { distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e1) };
dA12=1e-1, { distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e1) };
daiiA=0.1, { distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e1) };
C6=0.0; C12=0.0; tau=0.0; aR=1.0; aS=1.0; ATC=0.0; IPTG=0.0;
aYFP_PL=1000.0; aCFP_PL=1000.0; Ara=0.0; condition = 0;
let directives = Parser.from_string Hypothesis.parse_crnSettings directiveString
Debug.Write(directives.to_string Functional2.to_string Functional2.to_string_plot)
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - GEC CRN Parser - Modules")>]
let ``moduleParser``()=
let moduleString = """
module Control(growth,capacity) = {
//| Growth(growth,tlag)
| fp ->[[growth]*[fp]] // Dilution
| ->[[capacity]] fp // Transcription/translation
| fp ->{dfp} // Degradation
module cells(growth,tlag,capacity) = {
| init luxR 0 | init lasR 0 | init lacI 0 | init tetR 0
| init yfp 0 | init cfp 0 | init f430 0 | init f500 0
| init c6 C6 @ tau | init c12 C12 @ tau // Hack to prevent greedy evaluation of rates from hurting us
| Growth(growth,tlag)
// Autofluorescence
| ->[[capacity]*autoYFP] f500
| f500 ->[[growth]*[f500]]
| ->[[capacity]*autoCFP] f430
| f430 ->[[growth]*[f430]]
module AiiA(P,aI,growth,capacity) = {
| ->[[capacity]*aI*[P]] aiiA
| aiiA ->{daiiA}
| aiiA ->[[growth]*[aiiA]]
//| c6 -> [[x]*dA6*[c6]*[aiiA]/(1+KA6*[c6]+KA12*[c12])]
//| c12 -> [[x]*dA12*[c12]*[aiiA]/(1+KA6*[c6]+KA12*[c12])]
| c6 -> [[x]*dA6*[c6]*[aiiA]]
| c12 -> [[x]*dA12*[c12]*[aiiA]]
let modules = Parser.from_string (Hypothesis.parse_crnModules Crn_settings.defaults) moduleString
Debug.WriteLine(Hypothesis.modules_to_string 0.0 modules)
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - GEC CRN Parser - Directive Device Parser")>]
let ``deviceDirectiveParser``()=
let device0 = "device [LuxR]"
let device1 = "device [LuxR;pTet]"
let device2 = "device [cfp; gfp]"
let dev0 = Parser.from_string Hypothesis.parse_hypothesisDirective device0
let dev1 = Parser.from_string Hypothesis.parse_hypothesisDirective device1
let dev2 = Parser.from_string Hypothesis.parse_hypothesisDirective device2
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - GEC CRN Parser - Device Definition Parser")>]
let ``deviceDefinitionParser``()=
let device0 = "device PRFP(growth,capacity) = { Control(growth,capacity) }"
let device1 = "device PLacYFPCFP(growth,capacity) = { YFP(PLac,aYFP,growth,capacity) | CFP(PLac,aCFP,growth,capacity) }"
let dev0 = Parser.from_string Hypothesis.parse_device device0
let dev1 = Parser.from_string Hypothesis.parse_device device1
Debug.WriteLine(Hypothesis.deviceDefinition_to_string dev0)
Debug.WriteLine(Hypothesis.deviceDefinition_to_string dev1)
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - GEC CRN Parser - System Parser")>]
let ``systemParser``()=
let system0 = """system growth = {
directive simulation { final=20; points=250 }
| Growth(growth,tlag)
let sys0 = Parser.from_string Hypothesis.parse_crn_system system0
let system1 = """system growth = {
directive simulation { final=20; points=250 }
directive device [pTet];
| Growth(growth,tlag)
let sys1 = Parser.from_string Hypothesis.parse_crn_system system1
let system2 = """system growth = {
control with directive data [R33S175_Y81C76_mRFP1_proc141021]
directive device [pTet];
let sys2 = Parser.from_string Hypothesis.parse_crn_system system2
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - GEC CRN Parser - IGraph Element Parser")>]
let ``igElementParser``()=
let element0 = """edge Receivers_growth.Receiver0_growth ->[r=Fixed;K=Fixed;tlag=Fixed] Receivers_control.Receiver0_control"""
let element1 = """edge Relays ->[KR6;KS6;KR12;KS12;nR;nS;aR33;aS175;dR;e76;KGR_76;KGS_76;e81;KGR_81;KGS_81;aCFP;aYFP;] Degrader"""
let element2 = """edge Auto_control ->[dfp] Standard_control"""
let element3 = """edge Auto_control ->[r=Fixed;dfp] Standard_control"""
let element4 = """node Auto { systems = [Auto] }"""
let element5 = """node Receivers_growth { systems = [Receiver0_growth; Receiver1_growth; Receiver2_growth; Receiver3_growth] }"""
let element6 = """node Auto_Growth { systems = [growth]; inference = {burnin=1000; samples=1000; partial=true} }"""
let element7 = """node Auto_Target { systems = [auto]; inference = {burnin=50000; samples=50000} }"""
let elem0 = Parser.from_string Hypothesis.parse_igraphElement element0
let elem1 = Parser.from_string Hypothesis.parse_igraphElement element1
let elem2 = Parser.from_string Hypothesis.parse_igraphElement element2
let elem3 = Parser.from_string Hypothesis.parse_igraphElement element3
let elem4 = Parser.from_string Hypothesis.parse_igraphElement element4
let elem5 = Parser.from_string Hypothesis.parse_igraphElement element5
let elem6 = Parser.from_string Hypothesis.parse_igraphElement element6
let elem7 = Parser.from_string Hypothesis.parse_igraphElement element7
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Hypothesis Test")>]
let ``hypothesisTest``()=
let database = """i723017,pcr,codes(xylR;0.001)
let hypothesis_content = """directive simulator sundials
directive parameters [
C6=0.0; C12=0.0; c0 = 0.002; r = 1.0; K = 2.0; rc = 1000.0; tlag=0.0; tau=0.0;
// Autofluorescence
autoYFP=1e0, { interval=Log; distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e3); variation=Random };
autoCFP=1e0, { interval=Log; distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e3); variation=Random };
// FP
dRFP=0.1, { interval=Log; distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e0); variation=Random };
dCFP=1e-2, { interval=Log; distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e0); variation=Random };
dYFP=1e-2, { interval=Log; distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e0); variation=Random };
directive inference { thin=100; noise_model = proportional }
directive simulation {multicore=True}
directive rates [
growth = [grow]*r*(1 - [x] / K);
capacity = rc;
module CFP(a) = {
->[[capacity]*a] cfp |
cfp ->{dCFP} |
cfp ->[[growth]*[cfp]]
module YFP(a) = {
->[[capacity]*a] yfp |
yfp ->{dYFP} |
yfp ->[[growth]*[yfp]]
module cells() = {
init x c0 |
init grow 1 @ tlag |
init c6 C6 @ tau |
init c12 C12 @ tau |
->[[growth]*[x]] x
module autofluorescence() = {
->[[capacity]*autoYFP] f530 |
f530 ->[[growth]*[f530]] |
->[[capacity]*autoCFP] f480 |
f480 ->[[growth]*[f480]]
module Control() = {
//| Growth(growth,tlag)
| fp ->[[growth]*[fp]] // Dilution
| ->[[capacity]] fp // Transcription/translation
| fp ->{dRFP} // Degradation
device PRFP() = { Control() }
device PLPL() = { YFP(aYFP) | CFP(aCFP) }
system growth = {
directive simulation { final=36.0; points=250; plots=[[x]+x0] }
directive parameters [
r = 1, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.1,10); variation=Multiple };
K = 2, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.1,5); variation=Multiple };
tlag = 1, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0,10); variation=Multiple };
x0=0.1,{ interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.0,0.2); variation=Random };
directive rates [growth = [grow]*r*(1 - [x] / K)]
system control = {
directive simulation { final=36.0; points=250; plots=[[x]*[fp]+f0]; plotcolours=["#FF0000"] }
directive parameters [
r = 1, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.1,10); variation=Multiple };
K = 2, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.1,5); variation=Multiple };
tlag = 1, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0,10); variation=Multiple };
rc=1e2, { interval=Log; distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e5); variation=Multiple };
f0=100.0,{ interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.0,10000.0); variation=Random };
directive rates [growth = [grow]*r*(1 - [x] / K);capacity = rc]
directive device [PRFP]
system auto = {
directive simulation { final=36.0; points=250; plots=[[x]*[f530]+yb0; [x]*[f480]+cb0]; plotcolours=["#FFDF00"; "#ADD8E6"] }
directive parameters [
r = 1, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.1,10); variation=Multiple };
K = 2, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.1,5); variation=Multiple };
tlag = 1, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0,10); variation=Multiple };
rc=1e2, { interval=Log; distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e5); variation=Multiple };
yb0=1e3, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.0,5e3); variation=Random };
cb0=1e3, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.0,1e4); variation=Random };
directive rates [growth = [grow]*r*(1 - [x] / K);capacity = rc]
| cells()
| autofluorescence()
system prpr = {
directive simulation { final=36.0; points=250; plots=[[x]*([yfp]+[f530])+yb0; [x]*([cfp]+[f480])+cb0]; plotcolours=["#FFDF00"; "#ADD8E6"] }
directive parameters [
r = 1, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.1,10); variation=Multiple };
K = 2, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.1,5); variation=Multiple };
tlag = 1, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0,10); variation=Multiple };
rc=1e2, { interval=Log; distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e5); variation=Multiple };
aCFP=1e3, { interval=Log; distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e5); variation=Random };
aYFP=1e3, { interval=Log; distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e5); variation=Random };
yb0=1e3, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.0,5e3); variation=Random };
cb0=1e3, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.0,1e4); variation=Random };
directive rates [growth = [grow]*r*(1 - [x] / K);capacity = rc]
directive device [PLPL]
| cells()
| autofluorescence()
//node Auto_Growth { systems = [growth] }
//node Auto_Control { systems = [control] }
node Auto_Growth { systems = [growth]; inference = {burnin=1000; samples=1000; partial=true} }
node Auto_Control { systems = [control]; inference = {burnin=1000; samples=1000; partial=true} }
node Auto_Target { systems = [auto]; inference = {burnin=50000; samples=50000} }
node PRPR_Growth { systems = [growth]; inference = {burnin=1000; samples=1000; partial=true} }
node PRPR_Control { systems = [control]; inference = {burnin=100000; samples=100000; partial=true} }
node PRPR_Target { systems = [prpr]; inference = {burnin=100000; samples=100000} }
edge Auto_Growth.growth ->[r=Fixed;K=Fixed;tlag=Fixed] Auto_Control.control
edge Auto_Control.control ->[r=Fixed;K=Fixed;tlag=Fixed;rc=Fixed]
edge PRPR_Growth.growth ->[r=Fixed;K=Fixed;tlag=Fixed] PRPR_Control.control
edge PRPR_Control.control ->[r=Fixed;K=Fixed;tlag=Fixed;rc=Fixed] PRPR_Target.prpr
edge Auto_Control ->[dRFP=TruncatedNormal] PRPR_Control
edge Auto_Target ->[autoYFP=TruncatedNormal;autoCFP=TruncatedNormal] PRPR_Target
let lib = Parser.from_string Database.parse database
let hypothesis = Parser.from_string Hypothesis.parse_hypothesis_content hypothesis_content
Debug.WriteLine(Hypothesis.hypothesis_to_crn_program hypothesis lib.devices)
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.MainTest
open Microsoft.Research.GEC.Program
open Xunit
open FsUnit.Xunit
open System.Diagnostics
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Parser Directives")>]
let ``directivesParserTest``() =
let sampledir = "directive sample 100000.0"
let sampledir2 = "directive sample 100000.0 1"
let sampledir3 = "directive sample 100000.0 all"
let plotPredprey = "directive plot predator[ccdB]; prey[ccdB]"
let plotab = "directive plot A; B; C"
let plotcellsig = "directive plot cell[gfp]; Signal"
let plotrec = "directive plot receiver[gfp]"
let parseGECDirective (s:string) = Parser.from_string Program.directiveParser s
let sampledirfs = parseGECDirective sampledir
let sampledir2fs = parseGECDirective sampledir2
let sampledir3fs = parseGECDirective sampledir3
let plotPredpreyfs = parseGECDirective plotPredprey
let plotabfs = parseGECDirective plotab
let plotcellsigfs = parseGECDirective plotcellsig
let plotrecfs = parseGECDirective plotrec
Debug.WriteLine("Test completed")
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Parser Expression")>]
let ``expressionParserTest``() =
let exp0 = "a+ c"
let exp1 = "a+b"
let exp2 = "a+b+c"
let exp3 = "a+b+c+d"
let exp4 = "a+b-c"
let parseExpression (s:string) = Parser.from_string Program.expressionParser s
let exp0p = parseExpression exp0
let exp1p = parseExpression exp1
let exp2p = parseExpression exp2
let exp3p = parseExpression exp3
let exp4p = parseExpression exp4
Debug.WriteLine("Test Completed")
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Parser Brick")>]
let ``brickParserTest``() =
let test (s:string) = Parser.from_string Program.parse_brick s
let a = test "r0051:prom"
let b = test "rbs"
let c = test "pcr<codes(Q2b)>"
let d = test "r0051:prom<pos(Q2b-H2)>"
let e = test "ter"
let f = test "prom<con(RT), neg(i, RB, RUB, RTB)>"
let g = test "rbs<rate(R)>"
let h = test "pcr<codes(o,RD)>"
Debug.WriteLine("End of Test")
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Parser New")>]
let ``newparsertest``()=
let prog = "new RB. new RUB.\n" +
"prom<con(RT), neg(i, RB, RUB, RTB)>"
let test (s:string) = Parser.from_string Program.parse_new_outer s
let a = test prog
match a with
| Ast.New(id1,prog1) ->
match prog1 with
| Ast.New(id2,prog2) ->
match prog2 with
| Ast.Brick(t,v,propLst) ->
| _ -> failwith ""
| _ -> failwith ""
| _ -> failwith ""
Debug.WriteLine("end of test")
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Parser Reaction")>]
let ``ReactionCodeParserTest``() =
let rxn = "luxR + Signal -> luxR::Signal"
let test (s:string) = Parser.from_string Program.parse_reaction s
let res = test rxn
Debug.WriteLine("end of test")
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Parser Module Invocation ")>]
let modInvTest() =
let miprog = "gate(A,B)"
let test (s:string) = Parser.from_string Program.parse_ast_template_inv s
let a = test miprog
Debug.WriteLine("End of test")
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
@ -0,0 +1,747 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.ProgramParserTest
open Microsoft.Research.GEC.Program
open Xunit
open FsUnit.Xunit
open System.Diagnostics
open Parser
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
let basic_program = """//solution 1 Y = araC
directive simulation {final = 100000.0; points = 1000}
prom<neg(Y)>; rbs; pcr<codes(Y)>; ter"""
let basic_crn = """directive simulation {final = 100000.0; points = 1000}
directive crn {
module g2module(val) = {
| val g2
| 1 g4
| g2module(2)
x1:prom<neg(Y)>; rbs; pcr<codes(Y)>; ter
let repressilator = """directive simulation {final = 100000.0; points = 1000; plots = [A; B; C]}
prom<neg(C)>; rbs; pcr<codes(A)>; ter;
prom<neg(A)>; rbs; pcr<codes(B)>; ter;
prom<neg(B)>; rbs; pcr<codes(C)>; ter"""
let repressilator_similar = """directive simulation {final = 100000.0; points = 1000; plots = [A; B; C]}
rbs<rate(RA)>; pcr<codes(A,RdA)>; ter;
rbs<rate(RB)>; pcr<codes(B,RdB)>; ter;
rbs<rate(RC)>; pcr<codes(C,RdC)>; ter
| 0.4 < RubB | RubB < 0.6
| 0.4 < RubC | RubC < 0.6
| 0.4 < RubA | RubA < 0.6 """
let repressilator_modules = """directive simulation {final = 100000.0; points = 1000; plots = [A; B; C]}
template gate(i,o) {
prom<neg(i)>; rbs; pcr<codes(o)>; ter
gate(A,B) | gate(B,C) | gate(C,A)"""
let repressilator_modules_similar = """directive simulation {final = 100000.0; points = 1000; plots = [A; B; C]}
template gate(i,o) {
new RB. new RUB. new RTB. new RT. new R. new RD.
prom<con(RT), neg(i, RB, RUB, RTB)>;rbs<rate(R)>; pcr<codes(o,RD)>; ter
| 0.4 < RUB | RUB < 0.6
gate(A,B) | gate(B,C) | gate(C,A)"""
let repressilator_system = """//any solution
directive simulation {final = 100000.0; points = 1000; plots = [AF;B;C]}
template gate(i,o) {
new RB. new RUB. new RTB. new RT. new R. new RD.
prom<con(RT), neg(i, RB, RUB, RTB)>;rbs<rate(R)>; pcr<codes(o,RD)>; ter
| 0.4 < RUB | RUB < 0.6
system s1{
system s2{
system s3{
let reciever_device = """directive simulation {final = 100000.0; points = 1000; plots = [Signal]}
[ prom; rbs; pcr<codes(Receiver)>; ter
| prom<pos(Receiver::Signal)>;
rbs; pcr<codes(gfp)>; ter
| Receiver + Signal -> Receiver::Signal
| Receiver::Signal -> Receiver + Signal
| Signal -> cell[Signal]
| cell[Signal] -> Signal
| initPop Signal 100.0"""
let predator_prey = """directive simulation {final = 100000.0; points = 1000; plots = [predator_ccdB; prey_ccdB]}
[ r0051:prom; rbs; pcr<codes(Q2b)>
; rbs; pcr<codes(Q1a)>; ter
; prom<pos(Q2b::H2)>; rbs; pcr<codes(A)>; ter
; r0051:prom; rbs; pcr<codes(ccdB)>; ter
| Q1a ~-> H1 | Q2b + H2 <-> Q2b::H2
| A ~ ccdB ->
| H1 *->{10.0} | H2 *->{10.0}
| ccdB ~ Q1a *->{10.0}
] ||
[ prom<pos(H1::Q1b)>; rbs; pcr<codes(ccdB)>; ter
; r0051:prom; rbs; pcr<codes(Q1b)>
; rbs; pcr<codes(Q2a)>; ter
| Q2a ~-> H2 | H1 + Q1b <-> H1::Q1b
| H2 *->{10.0} | H1 *->{10.0}
| ccdB ~ Q2a *->{10.0}
] ||
predator[H1] -> H1 | H1 -> prey[H1]
| prey[H2] -> H2 | H2 -> predator[H2]"""
let band_detector = """directive simulation {final = 100000.0; points = 1000; plots = [receiver_gfp]}
[ runknown5:prom; rbs; pcr<codes(luxR)>; ter
| prom<pos(luxR::Signal)>; rbs; pcr<codes(lacI)>;ter
| prom<pos(luxR::Signal)>; rbs; pcr<codes(cI)>;ter
| prom<neg(cI)>;rbs; pcr<codes(lacI)>;ter
| prom<neg(lacI)>;rbs;pcr<codes(gfp)>;ter
| luxR + Signal -> luxR::Signal
| luxR::Signal -> luxR + Signal
| Signal -> receiver[Signal]
| receiver[Signal] -> Signal
| initPop Signal 100.0"""
let constant_ratiometric = """directive simulator sundials
directive plot_settings { x_label = "Time (h)"; y_label = "Fluorescence (a.u.)" }
directive parameters [
// Treatments
C6=0.0; C12=0.0; Ara=0.0; tau=0.0;
// Cell growth
c0 = 0.002;
// Autofluorescence
autoYFP=1e0, { distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e3) };
autoCFP=1e0, { distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e3) };
// FP
dRFP=0.1, { distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e0) };
dCFP=1e-2, { distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e0) };
dYFP=1e-2, { distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e0) };
// Double receiver
KR6=1e-2, { distribution=Uniform(1e-8,1e0) };
KS6=1e-4, { distribution=Uniform(1e-8,1e0) };
KR12=1e-3, { distribution=Uniform(1e-8,1e0) };
KS12=1e-2, { distribution=Uniform(1e-8,1e0) };
nR=0.797, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.5,2.0) };
nS=0.797, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.5,2.0) };
aRS100=1.0, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e2) };
aR33=1.0, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e2) };
aS32=1.0, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e2) };
aS175=1.0, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e2) };
dR=0.1, { distribution=Uniform(1e-2,1e1) };
//dS=0.1, { distribution=Uniform(1e-2,1e2) };
e76=1e-2, { distribution=Uniform(1e-4,1.0) };
KGR_76=1e-2,{ distribution=Uniform(1e-4,1e0) };
KGS_76=1e-6,{ distribution=Uniform(1e-8,1e0) };
e81=1e-2, { distribution=Uniform(1e-4,1.0) };
KGR_81=1e-6,{ distribution=Uniform(1e-8,1e0) };
KGS_81=1e-2,{ distribution=Uniform(1e-4,1e0) };
aCFP=1e3, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e5) };
aYFP=1e3, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e5) };
dCFP=1e-2, { distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e0) };
dYFP=1e-2, { distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e0) };
// Relay P81-LuxI
kC6=1e0, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e6) };
Klux=1.0, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e6) };
dluxI=0.1,{ distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e1) };
// Relay P76-LasI
kC12=1e0, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e6) };
Klas=1.0, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e6) };
dlasI=0.1,{ distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e1) };
// PBad
KAra=1.0, { distribution=Uniform(1e-2,1e2) };
nA=1.0, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.5,3.0) };
eA=0.1, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.0,0.5) };
// AiiA
dA6=1e-1, { distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e1) };
dA12=1e-1, { distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e1) };
daiiA=0.1, { distribution=Uniform(1e-3,1e1) };
directive inference { burnin=200; samples=200; thin=20; noise_model = proportional }
directive simulation {multicore=True}
directive rates [
growth = [grow]*r*(1 - [x] / K);
capacity = rc;
boundLuxR = [luxR]^2 * ((KR6*[c6])^nR + (KR12*[c12])^nR) / ((1.0 + KR6*[c6] + KR12*[c12])^nR);
boundLasR = [lasR]^2 * ((KS6*[c6])^nS + (KS12*[c12])^nS) / ((1.0 + KS6*[c6] + KS12*[c12])^nS);
P76 = (e76 + KGR_76*[boundLuxR] + KGS_76*[boundLasR]) / (1.0 + KGR_76*[boundLuxR] + KGS_76*[boundLasR]);
P81 = (e81 + KGR_81*[boundLuxR] + KGS_81*[boundLasR]) / (1.0 + KGR_81*[boundLuxR] + KGS_81*[boundLasR]);
PBad = (Ara^nA+eA*KAra^nA)/(Ara^nA+KAra^nA);
one = 1.0;
module CFP(P,a,growth,capacity) = {
->[[capacity]*a*[P]] cfp |
cfp ->{dCFP} |
cfp ->[[growth]*[cfp]]
module YFP(P,a,growth,capacity) = {
->[[capacity]*a*[P]] yfp |
yfp ->{dYFP} |
yfp ->[[growth]*[yfp]]
module LuxR(aR,growth,capacity) = {
->[[capacity]*aR] luxR |
luxR ->{dR} |
luxR ->[[growth]*[luxR]]
module LasR(aS,growth,capacity) = {
->[[capacity]*aS] lasR |
lasR ->{dR} |
lasR ->[[growth]*[lasR]]
module LuxI(P,growth,capacity) = {
->[[capacity]*[P]] luxI |
luxI ->{dluxI} |
luxI ->[[growth]*[luxI]] |
->[kC6*[capacity]*[x]*[luxI]/(1+[luxI]/Klux)] c6
module LasI(P,growth,capacity) = {
->[[capacity]*[P]] lasI |
lasI ->{dlasI} |
lasI ->[[growth]*[lasI]] |
->[kC12*[capacity]*[x]*[lasI]/(1+[lasI]/Klas)] c12
module AiiA(P,aI,growth,capacity) = {
->[[capacity]*aI*[P]] aiiA |
aiiA ->{daiiA} |
aiiA ->[[growth]*[aiiA]] |
c6 -> [[x]*dA6*[c6]*[aiiA]] |
c12 -> [[x]*dA12*[c12]*[aiiA]]
module cells(growth,tlag) = {
init x c0 | init grow 1 @ tlag |
init c6 C6 @ tau | init c12 C12 @ tau |
->[[growth]*[x]] x
module autofluorescence(growth,capacity) = {
->[[capacity]*autoYFP] f530 |
f530 ->[[growth]*[f530]] |
->[[capacity]*autoCFP] f480 |
f480 ->[[growth]*[f480]]
module doublereceiver(aR,aS,growth,capacity) = {
LuxR(aR,growth,capacity) |
LasR(aS,growth,capacity) |
YFP(P81,aYFP,growth,capacity) |
// Models of each GEC device
device prpr() = { YFP(one,aYFP,growth,capacity) | CFP(one,aCFP,growth,capacity) }
device drPcat() = { doublereceiver(1.0,1.0,growth,capacity) }
device drRS100S32() = { doublereceiver(aRS100,aS32,growth,capacity) }
device drR33S32() = { doublereceiver(aR33,aS32,growth,capacity) }
device drR33S175() = { doublereceiver(aR33,aS175,growth,capacity) }
device relayP76LasI() = { LasI(P76,growth,capacity) }
device relayP81LuxI() = { LuxI(P81,growth,capacity) }
device pBadYFP() = { YFP(PBad,aYFP,growth,capacity) }
device pBadAiiA() = { AiiA(PBad,1.0,growth,capacity) }
// Systems for growth and control that will be reused heavily
system growth = {
directive simulation { final=36.0; points=250; plots=[[x]+x0]; multicore=True; sweeps=[sweep_R33S175_PBadaiia_dataset7] }
directive plot_settings { y_label = "OD" }
directive parameters [
r = 1, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.1,10); variation=Multiple };
K = 2, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.1,5); variation=Multiple };
tlag = 1, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0,10); variation=Multiple };
x0=0.1,{ interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.0,0.2) };
directive rates [growth = [grow]*r*(1 - [x] / K)]
directive sweeps [
sweep_R33S175_PBadaiia_dataset7 = [(EtOH,chlor,C6,C12,Ara) = [(0,0,25000,0,5); (0,0,25000,0,2.5); (0,0,25000,0,1.25); (0,0,25000,0,0.625); (0,0,25000,0,0.3125); (0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,5); (0,0,0,25000,2.5); (0,0,0,25000,1.25); (0,0,0,25000,0.625); (0,0,0,25000,0.3125); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,5000,0,5); (0,0,5000,0,2.5); (0,0,5000,0,1.25); (0,0,5000,0,0.625); (0,0,5000,0,0.3125); (0,0,5000,0,0); (0,0,0,5000,5); (0,0,0,5000,2.5); (0,0,0,5000,1.25); (0,0,0,5000,0.625); (0,0,0,5000,0.3125); (0,0,0,5000,0); (0,0,1000,0,5); (0,0,1000,0,2.5); (0,0,1000,0,1.25); (0,0,1000,0,0.625); (0,0,1000,0,0.3125); (0,0,1000,0,0); (0,0,0,1000,5); (0,0,0,1000,2.5); (0,0,0,1000,1.25); (0,0,0,1000,0.625); (0,0,0,1000,0.3125); (0,0,0,1000,0); (0,0,200,0,5); (0,0,200,0,2.5); (0,0,200,0,1.25); (0,0,200,0,0.625); (0,0,200,0,0.3125); (0,0,200,0,0); (0,0,0,200,5); (0,0,0,200,2.5); (0,0,0,200,1.25); (0,0,0,200,0.625); (0,0,0,200,0.3125); (0,0,0,200,0); (0,0,40,0,5); (0,0,40,0,2.5); (0,0,40,0,1.25); (0,0,40,0,0.625); (0,0,40,0,0.3125); (0,0,40,0,0); (0,0,0,40,5); (0,0,0,40,2.5); (0,0,0,40,1.25); (0,0,0,40,0.625); (0,0,0,40,0.3125); (0,0,0,40,0); (0,0,8,0,5); (0,0,8,0,2.5); (0,0,8,0,1.25); (0,0,8,0,0.625); (0,0,8,0,0.3125); (0,0,8,0,0); (0,0,0,8,5); (0,0,0,8,2.5); (0,0,0,8,1.25); (0,0,0,8,0.625); (0,0,0,8,0.3125); (0,0,0,8,0); (0,0,1.6,0,5); (0,0,1.6,0,2.5); (0,0,1.6,0,1.25); (0,0,1.6,0,0.625); (0,0,1.6,0,0.3125); (0,0,1.6,0,0); (0,0,0,1.6,5); (0,0,0,1.6,2.5); (0,0,0,1.6,1.25); (0,0,0,1.6,0.625); (0,0,0,1.6,0.3125); (0,0,0,1.6,0); (0,0,0,0,5); (0,0,0,0,2.5); (0,0,0,0,1.25); (0,0,0,0,0.625); (0,0,0,0,0.3125); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,0,5); (0,0,0,0,2.5); (0,0,0,0,1.25); (0,0,0,0,0.625); (0,0,0,0,0.3125); (0,0,0,0,0)]];
directive data [R33S175_PBadaiia_OD_proc_PBadAiia_Ara_C6C12]
directive crn { cells(growth,tlag) }
system control = {
directive simulation { final=36.0; points=250; plots=[[x]*[fp]+f0]; plotcolours=["#FF0000"]; multicore=True; sweeps=[sweep_R33S175_PBadaiia_dataset7] }
directive plot_settings { y_label = "RFP fluorescence (a.u.)" }
directive parameters [
r = 1, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.1,10); variation=Multiple };
K = 2, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.1,5); variation=Multiple };
tlag = 1, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0,10); variation=Multiple };
rc=1e2, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e5); variation=Multiple };
f0=100.0,{ interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.0,10000.0) };
directive rates [growth = [grow]*r*(1 - [x] / K);capacity = rc]
directive sweeps [
sweep_R33S175_PBadaiia_dataset7 = [(EtOH,chlor,C6,C12,Ara) = [(0,0,25000,0,5); (0,0,25000,0,2.5); (0,0,25000,0,1.25); (0,0,25000,0,0.625); (0,0,25000,0,0.3125); (0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,5); (0,0,0,25000,2.5); (0,0,0,25000,1.25); (0,0,0,25000,0.625); (0,0,0,25000,0.3125); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,5000,0,5); (0,0,5000,0,2.5); (0,0,5000,0,1.25); (0,0,5000,0,0.625); (0,0,5000,0,0.3125); (0,0,5000,0,0); (0,0,0,5000,5); (0,0,0,5000,2.5); (0,0,0,5000,1.25); (0,0,0,5000,0.625); (0,0,0,5000,0.3125); (0,0,0,5000,0); (0,0,1000,0,5); (0,0,1000,0,2.5); (0,0,1000,0,1.25); (0,0,1000,0,0.625); (0,0,1000,0,0.3125); (0,0,1000,0,0); (0,0,0,1000,5); (0,0,0,1000,2.5); (0,0,0,1000,1.25); (0,0,0,1000,0.625); (0,0,0,1000,0.3125); (0,0,0,1000,0); (0,0,200,0,5); (0,0,200,0,2.5); (0,0,200,0,1.25); (0,0,200,0,0.625); (0,0,200,0,0.3125); (0,0,200,0,0); (0,0,0,200,5); (0,0,0,200,2.5); (0,0,0,200,1.25); (0,0,0,200,0.625); (0,0,0,200,0.3125); (0,0,0,200,0); (0,0,40,0,5); (0,0,40,0,2.5); (0,0,40,0,1.25); (0,0,40,0,0.625); (0,0,40,0,0.3125); (0,0,40,0,0); (0,0,0,40,5); (0,0,0,40,2.5); (0,0,0,40,1.25); (0,0,0,40,0.625); (0,0,0,40,0.3125); (0,0,0,40,0); (0,0,8,0,5); (0,0,8,0,2.5); (0,0,8,0,1.25); (0,0,8,0,0.625); (0,0,8,0,0.3125); (0,0,8,0,0); (0,0,0,8,5); (0,0,0,8,2.5); (0,0,0,8,1.25); (0,0,0,8,0.625); (0,0,0,8,0.3125); (0,0,0,8,0); (0,0,1.6,0,5); (0,0,1.6,0,2.5); (0,0,1.6,0,1.25); (0,0,1.6,0,0.625); (0,0,1.6,0,0.3125); (0,0,1.6,0,0); (0,0,0,1.6,5); (0,0,0,1.6,2.5); (0,0,0,1.6,1.25); (0,0,0,1.6,0.625); (0,0,0,1.6,0.3125); (0,0,0,1.6,0); (0,0,0,0,5); (0,0,0,0,2.5); (0,0,0,0,1.25); (0,0,0,0,0.625); (0,0,0,0,0.3125); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,0,5); (0,0,0,0,2.5); (0,0,0,0,1.25); (0,0,0,0,0.625); (0,0,0,0,0.3125); (0,0,0,0,0)]];
directive data [R33S175_PBadaiia_mRFP1_proc_PBadAiia_Ara_C6C12]
directive crn {
| fp ->[[growth]*[fp]] // Dilution
| ->[[capacity]] fp // Transcription/translation
| fp ->{dRFP} // Degradation
system target = {
directive simulation { final=36.0; points=250; plots=[[x]*([yfp]+[f530])+yb0; [x]*([cfp]+[f480])+cb0]; plotcolours=["#FFDF00"; "#ADD8E6"] }
directive parameters [
r = 1, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.1,10); variation=Multiple };
K = 2, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.1,5); variation=Multiple };
tlag = 1, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0,10); variation=Multiple };
rc=1e2, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e5); variation=Multiple };
yb0=1e3, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.0,5e3) };
cb0=1e3, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.0,1e4) };
directive rates [growth = [grow]*r*(1 - [x] / K);capacity = rc]
directive crn { cells(growth,tlag) | autofluorescence(growth,capacity) }
system auto = { target with
directive simulation { final=36.0; points=250; plots=[[x]*[f530]+yb0; [x]*[f480]+cb0]; plotcolours=["#FFDF00"; "#ADD8E6"]; multicore=True; sweeps=[sweep_EC10G_dataset0] }
directive sweeps [
sweep_EC10G_dataset0 = [(EtOH,chlor,C6,C12,Ara) = [(1700000000,0,0,0,0); (170000000,0,0,0,0); (17000000,0,0,0,0); (1700000,0,0,0,0); (170000,0,0,0,0); (17000,0,0,0,0); (1700,0,0,0,0); (170,0,0,0,0); (17,0,0,0,0); (1.7,0,0,0,0); (0.17,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (1700000000,0,0,0,0); (170000000,0,0,0,0); (17000000,0,0,0,0); (1700000,0,0,0,0); (170000,0,0,0,0); (17000,0,0,0,0); (1700,0,0,0,0); (170,0,0,0,0); (17,0,0,0,0); (1.7,0,0,0,0); (0.17,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (1700000000,0,0,0,0); (170000000,0,0,0,0); (17000000,0,0,0,0); (1700000,0,0,0,0); (170000,0,0,0,0); (17000,0,0,0,0); (1700,0,0,0,0); (170,0,0,0,0); (17,0,0,0,0); (1.7,0,0,0,0); (0.17,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (1700000000,0,0,0,0); (170000000,0,0,0,0); (17000000,0,0,0,0); (1700000,0,0,0,0); (170000,0,0,0,0); (17000,0,0,0,0); (1700,0,0,0,0); (170,0,0,0,0); (17,0,0,0,0); (1.7,0,0,0,0); (0.17,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0)]];
directive data [EC10G_EYFP_ECFP_proc_EC10G_EtOH]
system prpr = { target with
directive simulation {multicore=True; sweeps=[sweep_PLPL_dataset1]}
directive parameters [
r = 1, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.1,10); variation=Multiple };
K = 2, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.1,5); variation=Multiple };
tlag = 1, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0,10); variation=Multiple };
rc=1e2, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e5); variation=Multiple };
aCFP=1e3, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e5); variation=Random };
aYFP=1e3, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e5); variation=Random };
yb0=1e3, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.0,5e3) };
cb0=1e3, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.0,1e4) };
directive sweeps [
sweep_PLPL_dataset1 = [(EtOH,chlor,C6,C12,Ara) = [(0,5,0,0,0); (0,5,0,0,0); (0,2.5,0,0,0); (0,2.5,0,0,0); (0,1.25,0,0,0); (0,1.25,0,0,0); (0,0.625,0,0,0); (0,0.625,0,0,0); (0,0.3125,0,0,0); (0,0.3125,0,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0)]];
directive data [PLPL_EYFP_ECFP_proc_PLPL_Chlor]
// DR (Pcat-Pcat)
system growth_PcatPcat = { growth with
directive simulation {multicore=True; sweeps=[sweep_Pcat_Y81C76_dataset4]}
directive sweeps [
sweep_Pcat_Y81C76_dataset4 = [(EtOH,chlor,C6,C12,Ara) = [(0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.33333333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.77777777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925925925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975308642,0,0); (0,0,102.880658436214,0,0); (0,0,34.2935528120713,0,0); (0,0,11.4311842706904,0,0); (0,0,3.81039475689681,0,0); (0,0,1.27013158563227,0,0); (0,0,0.423377195210757,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.33333333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.77777777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925925925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975308642,0); (0,0,0,102.880658436214,0); (0,0,0,34.2935528120713,0); (0,0,0,11.4311842706904,0); (0,0,0,3.81039475689681,0); (0,0,0,1.27013158563227,0); (0,0,0,0.423377195210757,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.33333333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.77777777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925925925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975308642,0,0); (0,0,102.880658436214,0,0); (0,0,34.2935528120713,0,0); (0,0,11.4311842706904,0,0); (0,0,3.81039475689681,0,0); (0,0,1.27013158563227,0,0); (0,0,0.423377195210757,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.33333333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.77777777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925925925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975308642,0); (0,0,0,102.880658436214,0); (0,0,0,34.2935528120713,0); (0,0,0,11.4311842706904,0); (0,0,0,3.81039475689681,0); (0,0,0,1.27013158563227,0); (0,0,0,0.423377195210757,0); (0,0,0,0,0)]];
directive data [Pcat_Y81C76_OD_proc141006]
system control_PcatPcat = { control with
directive simulation {multicore=True; sweeps=[sweep_Pcat_Y81C76_dataset4]}
directive sweeps [
sweep_Pcat_Y81C76_dataset4 = [(EtOH,chlor,C6,C12,Ara) = [(0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.33333333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.77777777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925925925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975308642,0,0); (0,0,102.880658436214,0,0); (0,0,34.2935528120713,0,0); (0,0,11.4311842706904,0,0); (0,0,3.81039475689681,0,0); (0,0,1.27013158563227,0,0); (0,0,0.423377195210757,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.33333333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.77777777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925925925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975308642,0); (0,0,0,102.880658436214,0); (0,0,0,34.2935528120713,0); (0,0,0,11.4311842706904,0); (0,0,0,3.81039475689681,0); (0,0,0,1.27013158563227,0); (0,0,0,0.423377195210757,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.33333333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.77777777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925925925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975308642,0,0); (0,0,102.880658436214,0,0); (0,0,34.2935528120713,0,0); (0,0,11.4311842706904,0,0); (0,0,3.81039475689681,0,0); (0,0,1.27013158563227,0,0); (0,0,0.423377195210757,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.33333333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.77777777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925925925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975308642,0); (0,0,0,102.880658436214,0); (0,0,0,34.2935528120713,0); (0,0,0,11.4311842706904,0); (0,0,0,3.81039475689681,0); (0,0,0,1.27013158563227,0); (0,0,0,0.423377195210757,0); (0,0,0,0,0)]];
directive data [Pcat_Y81C76_mRFP1_proc141006]
system dr_PcatPcat = { target with
directive simulation {multicore=True; sweeps=[sweep_Pcat_Y81C76_dataset4]}
directive sweeps [
sweep_Pcat_Y81C76_dataset4 = [(EtOH,chlor,C6,C12,Ara) = [(0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.33333333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.77777777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925925925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975308642,0,0); (0,0,102.880658436214,0,0); (0,0,34.2935528120713,0,0); (0,0,11.4311842706904,0,0); (0,0,3.81039475689681,0,0); (0,0,1.27013158563227,0,0); (0,0,0.423377195210757,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.33333333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.77777777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925925925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975308642,0); (0,0,0,102.880658436214,0); (0,0,0,34.2935528120713,0); (0,0,0,11.4311842706904,0); (0,0,0,3.81039475689681,0); (0,0,0,1.27013158563227,0); (0,0,0,0.423377195210757,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.33333333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.77777777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925925925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975308642,0,0); (0,0,102.880658436214,0,0); (0,0,34.2935528120713,0,0); (0,0,11.4311842706904,0,0); (0,0,3.81039475689681,0,0); (0,0,1.27013158563227,0,0); (0,0,0.423377195210757,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.33333333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.77777777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925925925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975308642,0); (0,0,0,102.880658436214,0); (0,0,0,34.2935528120713,0); (0,0,0,11.4311842706904,0); (0,0,0,3.81039475689681,0); (0,0,0,1.27013158563227,0); (0,0,0,0.423377195210757,0); (0,0,0,0,0)]];
directive data [Pcat_Y81C76_EYFP_ECFP_proc141006]
// DR (RS100-S32)
system growth_RS100S32 = { growth with
directive simulation {multicore=True; sweeps=[sweep_RS100S32_Y81C76_dataset3]}
directive sweeps [
sweep_RS100S32_Y81C76_dataset3 = [(EtOH,chlor,C6,C12,Ara) = [(0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.33333333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.77777777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925925925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975308642,0,0); (0,0,102.880658436214,0,0); (0,0,34.2935528120713,0,0); (0,0,11.4311842706904,0,0); (0,0,3.81039475689681,0,0); (0,0,1.27013158563227,0,0); (0,0,0.423377195210757,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.33333333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.77777777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925925925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975308642,0); (0,0,0,102.880658436214,0); (0,0,0,34.2935528120713,0); (0,0,0,11.4311842706904,0); (0,0,0,3.81039475689681,0); (0,0,0,1.27013158563227,0); (0,0,0,0.423377195210757,0); (0,0,0,0,0)]];
directive data [RS100S32_Y81C76_OD_proc140916]
system control_RS100S32 = { control with
directive simulation {multicore=True; sweeps=[sweep_RS100S32_Y81C76_dataset3]}
directive sweeps [
sweep_RS100S32_Y81C76_dataset3 = [(EtOH,chlor,C6,C12,Ara) = [(0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.33333333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.77777777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925925925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975308642,0,0); (0,0,102.880658436214,0,0); (0,0,34.2935528120713,0,0); (0,0,11.4311842706904,0,0); (0,0,3.81039475689681,0,0); (0,0,1.27013158563227,0,0); (0,0,0.423377195210757,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.33333333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.77777777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925925925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975308642,0); (0,0,0,102.880658436214,0); (0,0,0,34.2935528120713,0); (0,0,0,11.4311842706904,0); (0,0,0,3.81039475689681,0); (0,0,0,1.27013158563227,0); (0,0,0,0.423377195210757,0); (0,0,0,0,0)]];
directive data [RS100S32_Y81C76_mRFP1_proc140916]
system dr_RS100S32 = { target with
directive simulation {multicore=True; sweeps=[sweep_RS100S32_Y81C76_dataset3]}
directive sweeps [
sweep_RS100S32_Y81C76_dataset3 = [(EtOH,chlor,C6,C12,Ara) = [(0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.33333333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.77777777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925925925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975308642,0,0); (0,0,102.880658436214,0,0); (0,0,34.2935528120713,0,0); (0,0,11.4311842706904,0,0); (0,0,3.81039475689681,0,0); (0,0,1.27013158563227,0,0); (0,0,0.423377195210757,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.33333333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.77777777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925925925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975308642,0); (0,0,0,102.880658436214,0); (0,0,0,34.2935528120713,0); (0,0,0,11.4311842706904,0); (0,0,0,3.81039475689681,0); (0,0,0,1.27013158563227,0); (0,0,0,0.423377195210757,0); (0,0,0,0,0)]];
directive data [RS100S32_Y81C76_EYFP_ECFP_proc140916]
// DR (R33-S32)
system growth_R33S32 = { growth with
directive simulation {multicore=True; sweeps=[sweep_R33S32_Y81C76_dataset3]}
directive sweeps [
sweep_R33S32_Y81C76_dataset3 = [(EtOH,chlor,C6,C12,Ara) = [(0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.33333333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.77777777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925925925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975308642,0,0); (0,0,102.880658436214,0,0); (0,0,34.2935528120713,0,0); (0,0,11.4311842706904,0,0); (0,0,3.81039475689681,0,0); (0,0,1.27013158563227,0,0); (0,0,0.423377195210757,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.33333333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.77777777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925925925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975308642,0); (0,0,0,102.880658436214,0); (0,0,0,34.2935528120713,0); (0,0,0,11.4311842706904,0); (0,0,0,3.81039475689681,0); (0,0,0,1.27013158563227,0); (0,0,0,0.423377195210757,0); (0,0,0,0,0)]];
directive data [R33S32_Y81C76_OD_proc140916]
system control_R33S32 = { control with
directive simulation {multicore=True; sweeps=[sweep_R33S32_Y81C76_dataset3]}
directive sweeps [
sweep_R33S32_Y81C76_dataset3 = [(EtOH,chlor,C6,C12,Ara) = [(0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.33333333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.77777777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925925925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975308642,0,0); (0,0,102.880658436214,0,0); (0,0,34.2935528120713,0,0); (0,0,11.4311842706904,0,0); (0,0,3.81039475689681,0,0); (0,0,1.27013158563227,0,0); (0,0,0.423377195210757,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.33333333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.77777777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925925925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975308642,0); (0,0,0,102.880658436214,0); (0,0,0,34.2935528120713,0); (0,0,0,11.4311842706904,0); (0,0,0,3.81039475689681,0); (0,0,0,1.27013158563227,0); (0,0,0,0.423377195210757,0); (0,0,0,0,0)]];
directive data [R33S32_Y81C76_mRFP1_proc140916]
system dr_R33S32 = { target with
directive simulation {multicore=True; sweeps=[sweep_R33S32_Y81C76_dataset3]}
directive sweeps [
sweep_R33S32_Y81C76_dataset3 = [(EtOH,chlor,C6,C12,Ara) = [(0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.33333333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.77777777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925925925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975308642,0,0); (0,0,102.880658436214,0,0); (0,0,34.2935528120713,0,0); (0,0,11.4311842706904,0,0); (0,0,3.81039475689681,0,0); (0,0,1.27013158563227,0,0); (0,0,0.423377195210757,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.33333333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.77777777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925925925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975308642,0); (0,0,0,102.880658436214,0); (0,0,0,34.2935528120713,0); (0,0,0,11.4311842706904,0); (0,0,0,3.81039475689681,0); (0,0,0,1.27013158563227,0); (0,0,0,0.423377195210757,0); (0,0,0,0,0)]];
directive data [R33S32_Y81C76_EYFP_ECFP_proc140916]
// DR (R33-S175)
system growth_R33S175 = { growth with
directive simulation {multicore=True; sweeps=[sweep_R33S175_Y81C76_dataset2]}
directive sweeps [
sweep_R33S175_Y81C76_dataset2 = [(EtOH,chlor,C6,C12,Ara) = [(0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.33333333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.77777777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925925925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975308642,0,0); (0,0,102.880658436214,0,0); (0,0,34.2935528120713,0,0); (0,0,11.4311842706904,0,0); (0,0,3.81039475689681,0,0); (0,0,1.27013158563227,0,0); (0,0,0.423377195210757,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.33333333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.77777777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925925925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975308642,0); (0,0,0,102.880658436214,0); (0,0,0,34.2935528120713,0); (0,0,0,11.4311842706904,0); (0,0,0,3.81039475689681,0); (0,0,0,1.27013158563227,0); (0,0,0,0.423377195210757,0); (0,0,0,0,0)]];
directive data [R33S175_Y81C76_OD_proc141021]
system control_R33S175 = { control with
directive simulation {multicore=True; sweeps=[sweep_R33S175_Y81C76_dataset2]}
directive sweeps [
sweep_R33S175_Y81C76_dataset2 = [(EtOH,chlor,C6,C12,Ara) = [(0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.33333333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.77777777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925925925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975308642,0,0); (0,0,102.880658436214,0,0); (0,0,34.2935528120713,0,0); (0,0,11.4311842706904,0,0); (0,0,3.81039475689681,0,0); (0,0,1.27013158563227,0,0); (0,0,0.423377195210757,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.33333333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.77777777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925925925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975308642,0); (0,0,0,102.880658436214,0); (0,0,0,34.2935528120713,0); (0,0,0,11.4311842706904,0); (0,0,0,3.81039475689681,0); (0,0,0,1.27013158563227,0); (0,0,0,0.423377195210757,0); (0,0,0,0,0)]];
directive data [R33S175_Y81C76_mRFP1_proc141021]
system dr_R33S175 = { target with
directive simulation {multicore=True; sweeps=[sweep_R33S175_Y81C76_dataset2]}
directive sweeps [
sweep_R33S175_Y81C76_dataset2 = [(EtOH,chlor,C6,C12,Ara) = [(0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.33333333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.77777777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925925925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975308642,0,0); (0,0,102.880658436214,0,0); (0,0,34.2935528120713,0,0); (0,0,11.4311842706904,0,0); (0,0,3.81039475689681,0,0); (0,0,1.27013158563227,0,0); (0,0,0.423377195210757,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.33333333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.77777777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925925925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975308642,0); (0,0,0,102.880658436214,0); (0,0,0,34.2935528120713,0); (0,0,0,11.4311842706904,0); (0,0,0,3.81039475689681,0); (0,0,0,1.27013158563227,0); (0,0,0,0.423377195210757,0); (0,0,0,0,0)]];
directive data [R33S175_Y81C76_EYFP_ECFP_proc141021]
// Timed additions circuit (for prediction)
system doublereceiverTimed = { dr_R33S175 with directive parameters [ sigma = 1.0 ] }
// Relays
system growth_P76LasI = { growth with
directive simulation {multicore=True; sweeps=[sweep_R33S175DR_P76LasI_dataset5]}
directive sweeps [
sweep_R33S175DR_P76LasI_dataset5 = [(EtOH,chlor,C6,C12,Ara) = [(0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975,0,0); (0,0,102.880658,0,0); (0,0,34.293553,0,0); (0,0,11.431184,0,0); (0,0,3.810395,0,0); (0,0,1.270132,0,0); (0,0,0.423377,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975,0); (0,0,0,102.880658,0); (0,0,0,34.293553,0); (0,0,0,11.431184,0); (0,0,0,3.810395,0); (0,0,0,1.270132,0); (0,0,0,0.423377,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975,0,0); (0,0,102.880658,0,0); (0,0,34.293553,0,0); (0,0,11.431184,0,0); (0,0,3.810395,0,0); (0,0,1.270132,0,0); (0,0,0.423377,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975,0); (0,0,0,102.880658,0); (0,0,0,34.293553,0); (0,0,0,11.431184,0); (0,0,0,3.810395,0); (0,0,0,1.270132,0); (0,0,0,0.423377,0); (0,0,0,0,0)]];
directive data [R33S175DR_P76LasI_OD_proc_Relays_RemovedOutlier]
system control_P76LasI = { control with
directive simulation {multicore=True; sweeps=[sweep_R33S175DR_P76LasI_dataset5]}
directive sweeps [
sweep_R33S175DR_P76LasI_dataset5 = [(EtOH,chlor,C6,C12,Ara) = [(0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975,0,0); (0,0,102.880658,0,0); (0,0,34.293553,0,0); (0,0,11.431184,0,0); (0,0,3.810395,0,0); (0,0,1.270132,0,0); (0,0,0.423377,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975,0); (0,0,0,102.880658,0); (0,0,0,34.293553,0); (0,0,0,11.431184,0); (0,0,0,3.810395,0); (0,0,0,1.270132,0); (0,0,0,0.423377,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975,0,0); (0,0,102.880658,0,0); (0,0,34.293553,0,0); (0,0,11.431184,0,0); (0,0,3.810395,0,0); (0,0,1.270132,0,0); (0,0,0.423377,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975,0); (0,0,0,102.880658,0); (0,0,0,34.293553,0); (0,0,0,11.431184,0); (0,0,0,3.810395,0); (0,0,0,1.270132,0); (0,0,0,0.423377,0); (0,0,0,0,0)]];
directive data [R33S175DR_P76LasI_mRFP1_proc_Relays_RemovedOutlier]
system relay_P76LasI = { dr_R33S175 with
directive simulation {multicore=True; sweeps=[sweep_R33S175DR_P76LasI_dataset5]}
directive sweeps [
sweep_R33S175DR_P76LasI_dataset5 = [(EtOH,chlor,C6,C12,Ara) = [(0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975,0,0); (0,0,102.880658,0,0); (0,0,34.293553,0,0); (0,0,11.431184,0,0); (0,0,3.810395,0,0); (0,0,1.270132,0,0); (0,0,0.423377,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975,0); (0,0,0,102.880658,0); (0,0,0,34.293553,0); (0,0,0,11.431184,0); (0,0,0,3.810395,0); (0,0,0,1.270132,0); (0,0,0,0.423377,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975,0,0); (0,0,102.880658,0,0); (0,0,34.293553,0,0); (0,0,11.431184,0,0); (0,0,3.810395,0,0); (0,0,1.270132,0,0); (0,0,0.423377,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975,0); (0,0,0,102.880658,0); (0,0,0,34.293553,0); (0,0,0,11.431184,0); (0,0,0,3.810395,0); (0,0,0,1.270132,0); (0,0,0,0.423377,0); (0,0,0,0,0)]];
directive data [R33S175DR_P76LasI_EYFP_ECFP_proc_Relays_RemovedOutlier]
system growth_P81LuxI = { growth with
directive simulation {multicore=True; sweeps=[sweep_R33S175DR_P81LuxI_dataset5]}
directive sweeps [
sweep_R33S175DR_P81LuxI_dataset5 = [(EtOH,chlor,C6,C12,Ara) = [(0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975,0,0); (0,0,102.880658,0,0); (0,0,34.293553,0,0); (0,0,11.431184,0,0); (0,0,3.810395,0,0); (0,0,1.270132,0,0); (0,0,0.423377,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975,0); (0,0,0,102.880658,0); (0,0,0,34.293553,0); (0,0,0,11.431184,0); (0,0,0,3.810395,0); (0,0,0,1.270132,0); (0,0,0,0.423377,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975,0,0); (0,0,102.880658,0,0); (0,0,34.293553,0,0); (0,0,11.431184,0,0); (0,0,3.810395,0,0); (0,0,1.270132,0,0); (0,0,0.423377,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975,0); (0,0,0,102.880658,0); (0,0,0,34.293553,0); (0,0,0,11.431184,0); (0,0,0,3.810395,0); (0,0,0,1.270132,0); (0,0,0,0.423377,0); (0,0,0,0,0)]];
directive data [R33S175DR_P81LuxI_OD_proc_Relays_RemovedOutlier]
system control_P81LuxI = { control with
directive simulation {multicore=True; sweeps=[sweep_R33S175DR_P81LuxI_dataset5]}
directive sweeps [
sweep_R33S175DR_P81LuxI_dataset5 = [(EtOH,chlor,C6,C12,Ara) = [(0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975,0,0); (0,0,102.880658,0,0); (0,0,34.293553,0,0); (0,0,11.431184,0,0); (0,0,3.810395,0,0); (0,0,1.270132,0,0); (0,0,0.423377,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975,0); (0,0,0,102.880658,0); (0,0,0,34.293553,0); (0,0,0,11.431184,0); (0,0,0,3.810395,0); (0,0,0,1.270132,0); (0,0,0,0.423377,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975,0,0); (0,0,102.880658,0,0); (0,0,34.293553,0,0); (0,0,11.431184,0,0); (0,0,3.810395,0,0); (0,0,1.270132,0,0); (0,0,0.423377,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975,0); (0,0,0,102.880658,0); (0,0,0,34.293553,0); (0,0,0,11.431184,0); (0,0,0,3.810395,0); (0,0,0,1.270132,0); (0,0,0,0.423377,0); (0,0,0,0,0)]];
directive data [R33S175DR_P81LuxI_mRFP1_proc_Relays_RemovedOutlier]
system relay_P81LuxI = { dr_R33S175 with
directive simulation {multicore=True; sweeps=[sweep_R33S175DR_P81LuxI_dataset5]}
directive sweeps [
sweep_R33S175DR_P81LuxI_dataset5 = [(EtOH,chlor,C6,C12,Ara) = [(0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975,0,0); (0,0,102.880658,0,0); (0,0,34.293553,0,0); (0,0,11.431184,0,0); (0,0,3.810395,0,0); (0,0,1.270132,0,0); (0,0,0.423377,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975,0); (0,0,0,102.880658,0); (0,0,0,34.293553,0); (0,0,0,11.431184,0); (0,0,0,3.810395,0); (0,0,0,1.270132,0); (0,0,0,0.423377,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,8333.333333,0,0); (0,0,2777.777778,0,0); (0,0,925.925926,0,0); (0,0,308.641975,0,0); (0,0,102.880658,0,0); (0,0,34.293553,0,0); (0,0,11.431184,0,0); (0,0,3.810395,0,0); (0,0,1.270132,0,0); (0,0,0.423377,0,0); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,0,8333.333333,0); (0,0,0,2777.777778,0); (0,0,0,925.925926,0); (0,0,0,308.641975,0); (0,0,0,102.880658,0); (0,0,0,34.293553,0); (0,0,0,11.431184,0); (0,0,0,3.810395,0); (0,0,0,1.270132,0); (0,0,0,0.423377,0); (0,0,0,0,0)]];
directive data [R33S175DR_P81LuxI_EYFP_ECFP_proc_Relays_RemovedOutlier]
// PBad
system pbad = { target with
directive simulation { final=36.0; points=250; plots=[[x]*([yfp]+[f530])+yb0]; plotcolours=["#FFDF00"]; multicore=True; sweeps=[sweep_PBad_eYFP_dataset6] }
directive parameters [
r = 1, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.1,10); variation=Multiple };
K = 2, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.1,5); variation=Multiple };
tlag = 1, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0,10); variation=Multiple };
rc=1e2, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e5); variation=Multiple };
aYFP=1.0, { distribution=Uniform(1e0,1e5) };
yb0=1e3, { interval=Real; distribution=Uniform(0.0,5e3) };
directive sweeps [
sweep_PBad_eYFP_dataset6 = [(EtOH,chlor,C6,C12,Ara) = [(0,0,0,0,25); (0,0,0,0,0.78); (0,0,0,0,12.5); (0,0,0,0,0.39); (0,0,0,0,6.25); (0,0,0,0,0.195); (0,0,0,0,3.125); (0,0,0,0,0.0975); (0,0,0,0,1.5625); (0,0,0,0,0.04875); (0,0,0,0,0.78125); (0,0,0,0,0.024375)]];
directive data [PBad_eYFP_EYFP_proc_PBadYFP]
// AiiA
system aiia = { dr_R33S175 with
directive simulation {multicore=True; sweeps=[sweep_R33S175_PBadaiia_dataset7]}
directive deterministic {reltolerance=1e-12; abstolerance=1e-10}
directive sweeps [
sweep_R33S175_PBadaiia_dataset7 = [(EtOH,chlor,C6,C12,Ara) = [(0,0,25000,0,5); (0,0,25000,0,2.5); (0,0,25000,0,1.25); (0,0,25000,0,0.625); (0,0,25000,0,0.3125); (0,0,25000,0,0); (0,0,0,25000,5); (0,0,0,25000,2.5); (0,0,0,25000,1.25); (0,0,0,25000,0.625); (0,0,0,25000,0.3125); (0,0,0,25000,0); (0,0,5000,0,5); (0,0,5000,0,2.5); (0,0,5000,0,1.25); (0,0,5000,0,0.625); (0,0,5000,0,0.3125); (0,0,5000,0,0); (0,0,0,5000,5); (0,0,0,5000,2.5); (0,0,0,5000,1.25); (0,0,0,5000,0.625); (0,0,0,5000,0.3125); (0,0,0,5000,0); (0,0,1000,0,5); (0,0,1000,0,2.5); (0,0,1000,0,1.25); (0,0,1000,0,0.625); (0,0,1000,0,0.3125); (0,0,1000,0,0); (0,0,0,1000,5); (0,0,0,1000,2.5); (0,0,0,1000,1.25); (0,0,0,1000,0.625); (0,0,0,1000,0.3125); (0,0,0,1000,0); (0,0,200,0,5); (0,0,200,0,2.5); (0,0,200,0,1.25); (0,0,200,0,0.625); (0,0,200,0,0.3125); (0,0,200,0,0); (0,0,0,200,5); (0,0,0,200,2.5); (0,0,0,200,1.25); (0,0,0,200,0.625); (0,0,0,200,0.3125); (0,0,0,200,0); (0,0,40,0,5); (0,0,40,0,2.5); (0,0,40,0,1.25); (0,0,40,0,0.625); (0,0,40,0,0.3125); (0,0,40,0,0); (0,0,0,40,5); (0,0,0,40,2.5); (0,0,0,40,1.25); (0,0,0,40,0.625); (0,0,0,40,0.3125); (0,0,0,40,0); (0,0,8,0,5); (0,0,8,0,2.5); (0,0,8,0,1.25); (0,0,8,0,0.625); (0,0,8,0,0.3125); (0,0,8,0,0); (0,0,0,8,5); (0,0,0,8,2.5); (0,0,0,8,1.25); (0,0,0,8,0.625); (0,0,0,8,0.3125); (0,0,0,8,0); (0,0,1.6,0,5); (0,0,1.6,0,2.5); (0,0,1.6,0,1.25); (0,0,1.6,0,0.625); (0,0,1.6,0,0.3125); (0,0,1.6,0,0); (0,0,0,1.6,5); (0,0,0,1.6,2.5); (0,0,0,1.6,1.25); (0,0,0,1.6,0.625); (0,0,0,1.6,0.3125); (0,0,0,1.6,0); (0,0,0,0,5); (0,0,0,0,2.5); (0,0,0,0,1.25); (0,0,0,0,0.625); (0,0,0,0,0.3125); (0,0,0,0,0); (0,0,0,0,5); (0,0,0,0,2.5); (0,0,0,0,1.25); (0,0,0,0,0.625); (0,0,0,0,0.3125); (0,0,0,0,0)]];
directive data [R33S175_PBadaiia_EYFP_ECFP_proc_PBadAiia_Ara_C6C12]
| pBadAiiA:device
// Auto
node Auto_Growth { systems = [growth]; inference = {partial=true} }
node Auto_Control { systems = [control]; inference = {partial=true} }
node Auto_Target { systems = [auto] }
edge Auto_Growth.growth ->[r=Fixed;K=Fixed;tlag=Fixed] Auto_Control.control
edge Auto_Control.control ->[r=Fixed;K=Fixed;tlag=Fixed;rc=Fixed]
node PRPR_Growth { systems = [growth]; inference = {partial=true} }
node PRPR_Control { systems = [control]; inference = {partial=true} }
node PRPR_Target { systems = [prpr] }
edge PRPR_Growth.growth ->[r=Fixed;K=Fixed;tlag=Fixed] PRPR_Control.control
edge PRPR_Control.control ->[r=Fixed;K=Fixed;tlag=Fixed;rc=Fixed] PRPR_Target.prpr
edge Auto_Control ->[dRFP] PRPR_Control
edge Auto_Target ->[autoYFP;autoCFP] PRPR_Target
// DR
node DR_Growth { systems = [growth_PcatPcat; growth_RS100S32; growth_R33S32; growth_R33S175]; inference = {partial=true} }
node DR_Control { systems = [control_PcatPcat; control_RS100S32; control_R33S32; control_R33S175]; inference = {partial=true} }
node DR_Target { systems = [dr_PcatPcat; dr_RS100S32; dr_R33S32; dr_R33S175] }
edge DR_Growth.growth_PcatPcat ->[r=Fixed;K=Fixed;tlag=Fixed] DR_Control.control_PcatPcat
edge DR_Growth.growth_RS100S32 ->[r=Fixed;K=Fixed;tlag=Fixed] DR_Control.control_RS100S32
edge DR_Growth.growth_R33S32 ->[r=Fixed;K=Fixed;tlag=Fixed] DR_Control.control_R33S32
edge DR_Growth.growth_R33S175 ->[r=Fixed;K=Fixed;tlag=Fixed] DR_Control.control_R33S175
edge DR_Control.control_PcatPcat ->[r=Fixed;K=Fixed;tlag=Fixed;rc=Fixed] DR_Target.dr_PcatPcat
edge DR_Control.control_RS100S32 ->[r=Fixed;K=Fixed;tlag=Fixed;rc=Fixed] DR_Target.dr_RS100S32
edge DR_Control.control_R33S32 ->[r=Fixed;K=Fixed;tlag=Fixed;rc=Fixed] DR_Target.dr_R33S32
edge DR_Control.control_R33S175 ->[r=Fixed;K=Fixed;tlag=Fixed;rc=Fixed] DR_Target.dr_R33S175
edge PRPR_Control ->[dRFP] DR_Control
edge PRPR_Target ->[autoYFP; autoCFP; dYFP; dCFP] DR_Target
// Relays
node Relays_Growth { systems = [growth_P76LasI; growth_P81LuxI]; inference = {partial=true} }
node Relays_Control { systems = [control_P76LasI; control_P81LuxI]; inference = {partial=true} }
node Relays_Target { systems = [relay_P76LasI; relay_P81LuxI] }
edge Relays_Growth.growth_P76LasI ->[r=Fixed;K=Fixed;tlag=Fixed] Relays_Control.control_P76LasI
edge Relays_Growth.growth_P81LuxI ->[r=Fixed;K=Fixed;tlag=Fixed] Relays_Control.control_P81LuxI
edge Relays_Control.control_P76LasI ->[r=Fixed;K=Fixed;tlag=Fixed;rc=Fixed] Relays_Target.relay_P76LasI
edge Relays_Control.control_P81LuxI ->[r=Fixed;K=Fixed;tlag=Fixed;rc=Fixed] Relays_Target.relay_P81LuxI
edge DR_Control ->[dRFP] Relays_Control
edge DR_Target ->[
] Relays_Target
// PBad
node PBad_Growth { systems = [growth]; inference = {partial=true} }
node PBad_Control { systems = [control]; inference = {partial=true} }
node PBad_Target { systems = [pbad] }
edge PBad_Growth.growth ->[r=Fixed;K=Fixed;tlag=Fixed] PBad_Control.control
edge PBad_Control.control ->[r=Fixed;K=Fixed;tlag=Fixed;rc=Fixed] PBad_Target.pbad
edge PRPR_Control ->[dRFP] PBad_Control
edge PRPR_Target ->[autoYFP;dYFP] PBad_Target
// AiiA
node AiiA_Growth { systems = [growth]; inference = {partial=true} }
node AiiA_Control { systems = [control]; inference = {partial=true} }
node AiiA_Target { systems = [aiia] }
edge AiiA_Growth.growth ->[r=Fixed;K=Fixed;tlag=Fixed] AiiA_Control.control
edge AiiA_Control.control ->[r=Fixed;K=Fixed;tlag=Fixed;rc=Fixed] AiiA_Target.aiia
edge DR_Control ->[dRFP] AiiA_Control
edge DR_Target ->[
] AiiA_Target
edge PBad_Target ->[KAra; nA; eA] AiiA_Target"""
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Program Parser - Basic")>]
let ``progBasicTest``() =
let prog = basic_program
let testprog (s:string) = Parser.from_string Program.parse s
match testprog prog with
| ClassicGec gecprog ->
let crn_settings = Crn_settings.defaults.from_default_directive_list gecprog.settings.directives
match gecprog.prog with
| Ast.Seq(p1,brick) ->
match brick with
| Ast.Brick(Ast.WildCardVal,str,props) -> Assert.Equal(str,"ter")
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected Type found"
| _ ->
Debug.WriteLine("Error. Seq expected")
Debug.WriteLine("End of Test")
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected Logic GEC program."
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Program Parser - Repressilator")>]
let ``progRepressilatorTest``() =
let progRepressilator = repressilator
let testprog (s:string) = Parser.from_string Program.parse s
let gecprog = testprog progRepressilator
Debug.WriteLine("End of Test")
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Program Parser - RepressilatorSimilar")>]
let ``progRepressilatorSimilarTest``()=
let progRepressilatorSimilar = repressilator_similar
let testprog (s:string) = Parser.from_string Program.parse s
let gecprog = testprog progRepressilatorSimilar
Debug.WriteLine("End of Test")
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Program Parser - Repressilator Modules")>]
let ``progRepressilatorModulesTest``()=
let progRepressilatorModules = repressilator_modules
let testprog (s:string) = Parser.from_string Program.parse s
let gecprog = testprog progRepressilatorModules
Debug.WriteLine("End of Test")
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Program Parser - Repressilator Modules Similar")>]
let ``progRepressilatorModuleSimilarTest``()=
let progRepressilatorModuleSimilar = repressilator_modules_similar
let testprog (s:string) = Parser.from_string Program.parse s
let gecprog = testprog progRepressilatorModuleSimilar
Debug.WriteLine("End of Test")
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Program Parser - Receiver Device")>]
let ``progReceiverDeviceTest``()=
let progReceiverDevice = reciever_device
let testprog (s:string) = Parser.from_string Program.parse s
let gecprog = testprog progReceiverDevice
Debug.WriteLine("End of Test")
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Program Parser - Predator Prey")>]
let ``progPredatorPreyTest``()=
let progPredatorPrey = predator_prey
let testprog (s:string) = Parser.from_string Program.parse s
let gecprog = testprog progPredatorPrey
Debug.WriteLine("End of Test")
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Program Parser - CRN Directive with Program")>]
let crnDirectiveProgTest() =
let progWithCrn = basic_crn
let testprog (s:string) = Parser.from_string Program.parse s
match testprog progWithCrn with
| ClassicGec gecprog ->
let crn_settings = Crn_settings.defaults.from_default_directive_list gecprog.settings.directives
let (moduledefs,instructions) = gecprog.settings.crn
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected Logic GEC program."
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Program Parser - Sandbox")>]
let ``progSandboxTest``()=
let get_obj s = Parser.from_string Program.pInnerParallelContent s
let str0 = "4 * x > 5"
let str1 = "b5:rbs;b1:ter"
let str2 = "a > 6"
let str3 = "m(a::g,6+C)"
let obj = get_obj str0
let obj = get_obj str1
let obj = get_obj str2
let obj = get_obj str3
let str = "cell[signal] -> signal"
let reac = get_obj str
let str4 = "a + b + c > t + 6 - g"
let reac4 = get_obj str4
let str5 = ""
let reac5 = get_obj str5
let nilprog = Parser.from_string Program.parse_new_outer ""
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Program Parser - Band Detector")>]
let ``progBandDetectorTest``()=
let progBandDetector = band_detector
let testprog (s:string) = Parser.from_string Program.parse s
let gecprog = testprog progBandDetector
Debug.WriteLine("End of Test")
@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.TransCrnTest
open Microsoft.Research.GEC.GECEngine
open Microsoft.Research.GEC.JSAPI
open Microsoft.Research.GEC.TransCrn
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
open Xunit
open FsUnit.Xunit
open System.Xml
open System.Diagnostics
open Parser
open FSBOL
let databaseText = """i723017,pcr,codes(xylR;0.001)
let reactions = """toluene + xylR ->{1.0} toluene::xylR
phzM ~ pca ->{1.0} metPCA
phzS ~ metPCA ->{1.0} pyo
luxR + m3OC6HSL ->{0.5} luxR::m3OC6HSL
lasR + m3OC12HSL ->{0.5} lasR::m3OC12HSL
cviR + m3OC6HSL ->{0.5} cviR::m3OC6HSL
cviR + m3OC12HSL ->{0.5} cviR::m3OC12HSL
luxI ~ ->{1.0} m3OC6HSL
lasI ~ ->{1.0} m3OC12HSL
ccdA ~ ccdB ->{1.0}
c[m3OC6HSL] ->{0.5} m3OC6HSL
m3OC6HSL ->{0.5} c[m3OC6HSL]
c[m3OC12HSL] ->{0.5} m3OC12HSL
m3OC12HSL ->{0.5} c[m3OC12HSL]
luxR::m3OC6HSL ->{1.0} luxR + m3OC6HSL
cviR::m3OC6HSL ->{1.0} cviR + m3OC6HSL
cviR::m3OC12HSL ->{1.0} cviR + m3OC12HSL
lasR::m3OC12HSL ->{1.0} lasR + m3OC12HSL
ccdA2 ~ ccdB ->{0.00001}
lacI + iptg ->{1.0} lacI::iptg
tetR + aTc ->{1.0} tetR::aTc"""
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Constant Ratiometric Test")>]
let constantRatiometricTest() =
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture <- System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
let (cancel_flag: bool ref) = ref false
let devices = """device prpr() = { cells() | autofluorescence() | YFP(aYFP) | CFP(aCFP) }
device drPcat() = { cells() | autofluorescence() | LuxR(1.0) | LasR(1.0) | YFP(P81,aYFP) | CFP(P76,aCFP) }
device drRS100S32() = { cells() | autofluorescence() | LuxR(aRS100) | LasR(aS32) | YFP(P81,aYFP) | CFP(P76,aCFP) }
device drR33S32() = { cells() | autofluorescence() | LuxR(aR33) | LasR(aS32) | YFP(P81,aYFP) | CFP(P76,aCFP) }
device drR33S175() = { cells() | autofluorescence() | LuxR(aR33) | LasR(aS175) | YFP(P81,aYFP) | CFP(P76,aCFP) }
device relayP76LasI() = { cells() | autofluorescence() | LuxR(aR33) | LasR(aS175) | LasI(P76) | YFP(P81,aYFP) | CFP(P76,aCFP) }
device relayP81LuxI() = { cells() | autofluorescence() | LuxR(aR33) | LasR(aS175) | LuxI(P81) | YFP(P81,aYFP) | CFP(P76,aCFP) }
device pBadYFP() = { cells() | autofluorescence() | YFP(PBad,aYFP) }
device lactonase() = { cells() | autofluorescence() | LuxR(aR33) | LasR(aS175) | AiiA(PBad,1.0) | YFP(P81,aYFP) | CFP(P76,aCFP)}
let d = Parser.from_string (Parser.many Program.parse_device) devices
let prog = Parser.from_string Program.parse ProgramParserTest.constant_ratiometric
let basicsolution = GECEngine.solveGEC cancel_flag ProgramParserTest.constant_ratiometric databaseText reactions
(*match basicsolution.solution.solution with
|Some(_,sol,_,_,_) -> Assert.Equal(4,sol.numSolutions)
| _ -> failwith "Error in solving basic program"*)
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Solution Count Test")>]
let gecSolutionCount() =
let db_from_string (s:string) = Parser.from_string Database.parse s
let partstable = db_from_string databaseText
let reactionListParser = Parser.sepBy Gecreaction.parseReaction Parser.newline
let reactiondb_from_string (s:string) = Parser.from_string reactionListParser s
let createReactionEntry reaction =
let (reactionEntry:Gecreaction.t Database.entry) ={value=reaction;enabled=true;comments=""}
let reactiondb = reactiondb_from_string reactions |> (fun(x) -> createReactionEntry(x))
let table = {partstable with reactions = reactiondb}
let (cancel_flag: bool ref) = ref false
let basicsolution = GECEngine.solveGEC cancel_flag ProgramParserTest.basic_program databaseText reactions
match basicsolution.solution.solution with
|Some(_,sol,_,_,_) -> Assert.Equal(4,sol.numSolutions)
| _ -> failwith "Error in solving basic program"
let repressilatorsolution = GECEngine.solveGEC cancel_flag ProgramParserTest.repressilator databaseText reactions
match repressilatorsolution.solution.solution with
| Some(_,sol,_,_,_) -> Assert.Equal(24,sol.numSolutions)
| _ -> failwith "Error in solving repressilator program"
let repressilatorSimilarsolution = GECEngine.solveGEC cancel_flag ProgramParserTest.repressilator_similar databaseText reactions
match repressilatorSimilarsolution.solution.solution with
| Some(_,sol,_,_,_) -> Assert.Equal(6,sol.numSolutions)
| _ -> failwith "Error in solving repressilator Similar program"
let repressilatorModulessolution = GECEngine.solveGEC cancel_flag ProgramParserTest.repressilator_modules databaseText reactions
match repressilatorModulessolution.solution.solution with
| Some(_,sol,_,_,_) -> Assert.Equal(24,sol.numSolutions)
| _ -> failwith "Error in solving repressilator Modules program"
let repressilatorModulesSimilarsolution = GECEngine.solveGEC cancel_flag ProgramParserTest.repressilator_similar databaseText reactions
match repressilatorModulesSimilarsolution.solution.solution with
| Some(_,sol,_,_,_) -> Assert.Equal(6,sol.numSolutions)
| _ -> failwith "Error in solving repressilator Modules similar program"
let receiverDevicesolution = GECEngine.solveGEC cancel_flag ProgramParserTest.reciever_device databaseText reactions
match receiverDevicesolution.solution.solution with
| Some(_,sol,_,_,_) -> Assert.Equal(34,sol.numSolutions)
| _ -> failwith "Error in solving receiver Device program"
let predatorPreysolution = GECEngine.solveGEC cancel_flag ProgramParserTest.predator_prey databaseText reactions
match predatorPreysolution.solution.solution with
| Some(_,sol,_,_,_) -> Assert.Equal(16,sol.numSolutions)
| _ -> failwith "Error in solving predator-Prey program"
let bandDetectorsolution = GECEngine.solveGEC cancel_flag ProgramParserTest.band_detector databaseText reactions
match bandDetectorsolution.solution.solution with
| Some(_,sol,_,_,_) -> Assert.Equal(1,sol.numSolutions)
| _ -> failwith "Error in solving band Detector program"
Debug.WriteLine("End of test")
[<Fact(DisplayName="GEC - Abstract CRN Template Test JSAPI")>]
let ``CrnTemplateTest_JSAPI_AbstractCRN``() =
let prog = ProgramParserTest.basic_program
match Microsoft.Research.GEC.JSAPI.compile prog databaseText reactions with
| (ClassicGEC solve_result) as sr ->
let crngec = solve_result.model.nodes |> Map.toSeq |> Seq.head |> snd
(*let crngec =
match solve_result.model with
| CRNgui(x) -> x*)
let validateReaction (r:Reaction<string,string,string>) =
let validateSpecies sp = List.exists (fun (i:Initial<string,string>) -> i.species = sp) |> Assert.True
List.iter validateSpecies (Mset.elements r.reactants)
List.iter validateSpecies (Mset.elements r.products)
List.iter validateSpecies (Mset.elements r.catalysts)
List.iter validateReaction
let crn =
let solution_result = Microsoft.Research.GEC.JSAPI.get_solution sr 1
let crn =
Debug.WriteLine("End of test")
| LogicGEC _ -> failwith "Unexpected Logic GEC program."
@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
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GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
Debug|x64 = Debug|x64
Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
Release|x64 = Release|x64
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{2F3B8603-CFF1-4946-B242-6F848801B49A}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{2F3B8603-CFF1-4946-B242-6F848801B49A}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{2F3B8603-CFF1-4946-B242-6F848801B49A}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{2F3B8603-CFF1-4946-B242-6F848801B49A}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{2F3B8603-CFF1-4946-B242-6F848801B49A}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{2F3B8603-CFF1-4946-B242-6F848801B49A}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{2F3B8603-CFF1-4946-B242-6F848801B49A}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{2F3B8603-CFF1-4946-B242-6F848801B49A}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{B234C1D7-96F4-40A2-A323-3B18646BF95C}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{B234C1D7-96F4-40A2-A323-3B18646BF95C}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{B234C1D7-96F4-40A2-A323-3B18646BF95C}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{B234C1D7-96F4-40A2-A323-3B18646BF95C}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{B234C1D7-96F4-40A2-A323-3B18646BF95C}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{B234C1D7-96F4-40A2-A323-3B18646BF95C}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{B234C1D7-96F4-40A2-A323-3B18646BF95C}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{B234C1D7-96F4-40A2-A323-3B18646BF95C}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{6DF7A0C1-2048-4A51-8599-E1C0B958A5E2}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{6DF7A0C1-2048-4A51-8599-E1C0B958A5E2}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{6DF7A0C1-2048-4A51-8599-E1C0B958A5E2}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{6DF7A0C1-2048-4A51-8599-E1C0B958A5E2}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{6DF7A0C1-2048-4A51-8599-E1C0B958A5E2}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{6DF7A0C1-2048-4A51-8599-E1C0B958A5E2}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{6DF7A0C1-2048-4A51-8599-E1C0B958A5E2}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{6DF7A0C1-2048-4A51-8599-E1C0B958A5E2}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{179FDF3E-67B8-4E2F-9089-650BB1319AF2}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{179FDF3E-67B8-4E2F-9089-650BB1319AF2}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{179FDF3E-67B8-4E2F-9089-650BB1319AF2}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{179FDF3E-67B8-4E2F-9089-650BB1319AF2}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{179FDF3E-67B8-4E2F-9089-650BB1319AF2}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{179FDF3E-67B8-4E2F-9089-650BB1319AF2}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{179FDF3E-67B8-4E2F-9089-650BB1319AF2}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{179FDF3E-67B8-4E2F-9089-650BB1319AF2}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{0ECCE305-85C0-403F-A980-EEB9379BD5A4}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{0ECCE305-85C0-403F-A980-EEB9379BD5A4}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{0ECCE305-85C0-403F-A980-EEB9379BD5A4}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{0ECCE305-85C0-403F-A980-EEB9379BD5A4}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{0ECCE305-85C0-403F-A980-EEB9379BD5A4}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{0ECCE305-85C0-403F-A980-EEB9379BD5A4}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{0ECCE305-85C0-403F-A980-EEB9379BD5A4}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{0ECCE305-85C0-403F-A980-EEB9379BD5A4}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{836AF075-6448-4CD9-8020-434B963FF5E2}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{836AF075-6448-4CD9-8020-434B963FF5E2}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{836AF075-6448-4CD9-8020-434B963FF5E2}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{836AF075-6448-4CD9-8020-434B963FF5E2}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{836AF075-6448-4CD9-8020-434B963FF5E2}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{836AF075-6448-4CD9-8020-434B963FF5E2}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{836AF075-6448-4CD9-8020-434B963FF5E2}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{836AF075-6448-4CD9-8020-434B963FF5E2}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{4DF94589-6870-4A4C-BFAE-5825EF4634E7}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{4DF94589-6870-4A4C-BFAE-5825EF4634E7}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{4DF94589-6870-4A4C-BFAE-5825EF4634E7}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{4DF94589-6870-4A4C-BFAE-5825EF4634E7}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{4DF94589-6870-4A4C-BFAE-5825EF4634E7}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{4DF94589-6870-4A4C-BFAE-5825EF4634E7}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{4DF94589-6870-4A4C-BFAE-5825EF4634E7}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{4DF94589-6870-4A4C-BFAE-5825EF4634E7}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{2EED2DFA-7D94-4E12-ADC5-455FC9F85BF9}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{2EED2DFA-7D94-4E12-ADC5-455FC9F85BF9}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{2EED2DFA-7D94-4E12-ADC5-455FC9F85BF9}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{2EED2DFA-7D94-4E12-ADC5-455FC9F85BF9}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{2EED2DFA-7D94-4E12-ADC5-455FC9F85BF9}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{2EED2DFA-7D94-4E12-ADC5-455FC9F85BF9}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{2EED2DFA-7D94-4E12-ADC5-455FC9F85BF9}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{2EED2DFA-7D94-4E12-ADC5-455FC9F85BF9}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{FB1F1936-AC22-41B4-AF2F-E20A486E3416}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{FB1F1936-AC22-41B4-AF2F-E20A486E3416}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{FB1F1936-AC22-41B4-AF2F-E20A486E3416}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{FB1F1936-AC22-41B4-AF2F-E20A486E3416}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{FB1F1936-AC22-41B4-AF2F-E20A486E3416}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{FB1F1936-AC22-41B4-AF2F-E20A486E3416}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{FB1F1936-AC22-41B4-AF2F-E20A486E3416}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{FB1F1936-AC22-41B4-AF2F-E20A486E3416}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{1CF4EE5A-8217-4D9A-89DE-55F8D01ACD40}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{1CF4EE5A-8217-4D9A-89DE-55F8D01ACD40}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{1CF4EE5A-8217-4D9A-89DE-55F8D01ACD40}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{1CF4EE5A-8217-4D9A-89DE-55F8D01ACD40}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{1CF4EE5A-8217-4D9A-89DE-55F8D01ACD40}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{1CF4EE5A-8217-4D9A-89DE-55F8D01ACD40}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{1CF4EE5A-8217-4D9A-89DE-55F8D01ACD40}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{1CF4EE5A-8217-4D9A-89DE-55F8D01ACD40}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{512586EF-5357-49E1-A5A0-71B4389589A2}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{512586EF-5357-49E1-A5A0-71B4389589A2}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{512586EF-5357-49E1-A5A0-71B4389589A2}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{512586EF-5357-49E1-A5A0-71B4389589A2}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{512586EF-5357-49E1-A5A0-71B4389589A2}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{512586EF-5357-49E1-A5A0-71B4389589A2}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{512586EF-5357-49E1-A5A0-71B4389589A2}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{512586EF-5357-49E1-A5A0-71B4389589A2}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{A7A666E0-2ADE-4496-A84A-267BBE68B5A1}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{A7A666E0-2ADE-4496-A84A-267BBE68B5A1}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{A7A666E0-2ADE-4496-A84A-267BBE68B5A1}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{A7A666E0-2ADE-4496-A84A-267BBE68B5A1}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{A7A666E0-2ADE-4496-A84A-267BBE68B5A1}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{A7A666E0-2ADE-4496-A84A-267BBE68B5A1}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{A7A666E0-2ADE-4496-A84A-267BBE68B5A1}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{A7A666E0-2ADE-4496-A84A-267BBE68B5A1}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{CBC756D7-8BB7-4CEC-95C7-FDB9363BAC63}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{CBC756D7-8BB7-4CEC-95C7-FDB9363BAC63}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{CBC756D7-8BB7-4CEC-95C7-FDB9363BAC63}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{CBC756D7-8BB7-4CEC-95C7-FDB9363BAC63}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{CBC756D7-8BB7-4CEC-95C7-FDB9363BAC63}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{CBC756D7-8BB7-4CEC-95C7-FDB9363BAC63}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{CBC756D7-8BB7-4CEC-95C7-FDB9363BAC63}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{CBC756D7-8BB7-4CEC-95C7-FDB9363BAC63}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{2574F603-4B6C-4A30-BFDD-E3BC09EEDFDF}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{2574F603-4B6C-4A30-BFDD-E3BC09EEDFDF}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{2574F603-4B6C-4A30-BFDD-E3BC09EEDFDF}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{2574F603-4B6C-4A30-BFDD-E3BC09EEDFDF}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{B4C3F008-B6CA-4D63-9B98-6AC2D97B4E9B}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{B4C3F008-B6CA-4D63-9B98-6AC2D97B4E9B}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{B4C3F008-B6CA-4D63-9B98-6AC2D97B4E9B}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{B4C3F008-B6CA-4D63-9B98-6AC2D97B4E9B}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{B4C3F008-B6CA-4D63-9B98-6AC2D97B4E9B}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{B4C3F008-B6CA-4D63-9B98-6AC2D97B4E9B}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{B4C3F008-B6CA-4D63-9B98-6AC2D97B4E9B}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{B4C3F008-B6CA-4D63-9B98-6AC2D97B4E9B}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{4A5FC975-B3C1-4C89-967A-A146DED20962}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{4A5FC975-B3C1-4C89-967A-A146DED20962}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{4A5FC975-B3C1-4C89-967A-A146DED20962}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{4A5FC975-B3C1-4C89-967A-A146DED20962}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{4A5FC975-B3C1-4C89-967A-A146DED20962}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{4A5FC975-B3C1-4C89-967A-A146DED20962}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{4A5FC975-B3C1-4C89-967A-A146DED20962}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{4A5FC975-B3C1-4C89-967A-A146DED20962}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{8B8E819B-1BA1-4559-BE26-FF0215614921}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{8B8E819B-1BA1-4559-BE26-FF0215614921}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{8B8E819B-1BA1-4559-BE26-FF0215614921}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{8B8E819B-1BA1-4559-BE26-FF0215614921}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{8B8E819B-1BA1-4559-BE26-FF0215614921}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{8B8E819B-1BA1-4559-BE26-FF0215614921}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{8B8E819B-1BA1-4559-BE26-FF0215614921}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
{4CD88A62-7023-4216-B37F-02FD6AF0595F}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{4CD88A62-7023-4216-B37F-02FD6AF0595F}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{4CD88A62-7023-4216-B37F-02FD6AF0595F}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{4CD88A62-7023-4216-B37F-02FD6AF0595F}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{4CD88A62-7023-4216-B37F-02FD6AF0595F}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{4CD88A62-7023-4216-B37F-02FD6AF0595F}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{4CD88A62-7023-4216-B37F-02FD6AF0595F}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{4CD88A62-7023-4216-B37F-02FD6AF0595F}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{37984538-A573-4A89-9EA7-AEAF95D2806A}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{37984538-A573-4A89-9EA7-AEAF95D2806A}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{37984538-A573-4A89-9EA7-AEAF95D2806A}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{37984538-A573-4A89-9EA7-AEAF95D2806A}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{37984538-A573-4A89-9EA7-AEAF95D2806A}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{37984538-A573-4A89-9EA7-AEAF95D2806A}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{37984538-A573-4A89-9EA7-AEAF95D2806A}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{37984538-A573-4A89-9EA7-AEAF95D2806A}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{1203D047-DFC7-4F75-B232-F5F1479DF687}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{1203D047-DFC7-4F75-B232-F5F1479DF687}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{1203D047-DFC7-4F75-B232-F5F1479DF687}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{1203D047-DFC7-4F75-B232-F5F1479DF687}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{1203D047-DFC7-4F75-B232-F5F1479DF687}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{1203D047-DFC7-4F75-B232-F5F1479DF687}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{1203D047-DFC7-4F75-B232-F5F1479DF687}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{1203D047-DFC7-4F75-B232-F5F1479DF687}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE
GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution
SolutionGuid = {B7CBE076-B324-473D-9A42-7AE164D8F1E0}
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#residual files from before webpack
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">
<!-- Prevents CS5001 -->
<YarnBuildCommand>--mutex file install</YarnBuildCommand>
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\HTML5SharedGUI\CodeEditor\CodeEditor.csproj"/>
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\HTML5SharedGUI\CRNComponent\CRNComponent.csproj"/>
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\HTML5SharedGUI\HTML5CRN_Lib\HTML5CRN_Lib.csproj"/>
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\HTML5SharedGUI\InferenceViewer\InferenceViewer.csproj"/>
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\HTML5SharedGUI\MSAGL_JS\MSAGL_JS.csproj"/>
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\HTML5SharedGUI\SimulationViewer\SimulationViewer.csproj"/>
<ProjectReference Include="..\ClassicGECTSWrapper\ClassicGECTSWrapper.csproj"/>
<Target Name="Webpack" AfterTargets="PostBuildEvent">
<!-- This runs Webpack. -->
<Exec Command="$(NodeJsExecutablePath) ..\..\node_modules\webpack\bin\webpack.js --env.mode=production" Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Release'" />
<Exec Command="$(NodeJsExecutablePath) ..\..\node_modules\webpack\bin\webpack.js --env.mode=development" Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'" />
<!-- This means "you must run the CollectWebpackOutput target before the collecting files step can be considered done". -->
<Target Name="CollectWebpackOutput">
<!-- This means "add everything in the dist folder to the list of files for packaging". -->
<_CustomFiles Include="dist\**\*" />
<FilesForPackagingFromProject Include="%(_CustomFiles.Identity)">
<Message Text="CollectWebpackOutput list: %(_CustomFiles.Identity)" />
<Import Project="..\..\.paket\Paket.Restore.targets" />
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера
Загрузить разницу
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import Editor from '../GECCodeEditor';
import * as ModificationIndicator from '../../../../HTML5SharedGUI/GenericComponents/Scripts/ModificationIndicators';
import * as Features from '../Features';
import * as KOCodeEditor from '../../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Adapters/KnockoutBasedCodeEditor';
import * as GenericParseOperation from '../../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Operations/GenericCodeParsing';
import { INamedMonarchLanguage } from '../../../../HTML5SharedGUI/CodeEditor/Scripts/CodeEditor';
import * as ko from 'knockout';
export class CodeEditor extends KOCodeEditor.KOCodeEditor<{}> implements GenericParseOperation.ICodeSource<{}>, GenericParseOperation.IErrorDisplay, Features.IUIAutoBindable {
constructor(private language: INamedMonarchLanguage, private examples: Array<ExamplesGroup>, modifIndicator: ModificationIndicator.IModificationIndicator, options: {}) {
super(modifIndicator, options);
//Features.IUIAutoBindable implementation
public AutoBind() {
//CodeEditor create
var codeEditor = new Editor(this.language, this.examples);
ko.applyBindings(this.vm, document.getElementById('gecCode'));
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import Editor from '../PartsCodeEditor';
import * as ModificationIndicator from '../../../../HTML5SharedGUI/GenericComponents/Scripts/ModificationIndicators';
import * as Features from '../Features';
import * as KOCodeEditor from '../../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Adapters/KnockoutBasedCodeEditor';
import * as GenericParseOperation from '../../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Operations/GenericCodeParsing';
import { INamedMonarchLanguage } from '../../../../HTML5SharedGUI/CodeEditor/Scripts/CodeEditor';
import * as ko from 'knockout';
export class CodeEditor extends KOCodeEditor.KOCodeEditor<{}> implements GenericParseOperation.ICodeSource<{}>, GenericParseOperation.IErrorDisplay, Features.IUIAutoBindable {
constructor(private language: INamedMonarchLanguage, private examples: Array<ExamplesGroup>, modifIndicator: ModificationIndicator.IModificationIndicator, options: {}) {
super(modifIndicator, options);
//Features.IUIAutoBindable implementation
public AutoBind() {
//CodeEditor create
var codeEditor = new Editor(this.language, this.examples);
ko.applyBindings(this.vm, document.getElementById('gecParts'));
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import Editor from '../ReactionsCodeEditor';
import * as ModificationIndicator from '../../../../HTML5SharedGUI/GenericComponents/Scripts/ModificationIndicators';
import * as Features from '../Features';
import * as KOCodeEditor from '../../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Adapters/KnockoutBasedCodeEditor';
import * as GenericParseOperation from '../../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Operations/GenericCodeParsing';
import { INamedMonarchLanguage } from '../../../../HTML5SharedGUI/CodeEditor/Scripts/CodeEditor';
import * as ko from 'knockout';
export class CodeEditor extends KOCodeEditor.KOCodeEditor<{}> implements GenericParseOperation.ICodeSource<{}>, GenericParseOperation.IErrorDisplay, Features.IUIAutoBindable {
constructor(private language: INamedMonarchLanguage, private examples: Array<ExamplesGroup>, modifIndicator: ModificationIndicator.IModificationIndicator, options: {}) {
super(modifIndicator, options);
//Features.IUIAutoBindable implementation
public AutoBind() {
//CodeEditor create
var codeEditor = new Editor(this.language, this.examples);
ko.applyBindings(this.vm, document.getElementById('gecReactions'));
@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
/*import { ServiceWorker } from './Scripts/ServiceWorker';
let serviceWorker = new ServiceWorker();*/
import "jqueryui";
import * as $ from 'jquery';
import "../Styles/App.css";
import "../../../node_modules/jquery-ui/themes/base/all.css"
import "../../../node_modules/katex/dist/katex.min.css"
import "../../../HTML5SharedGUI/KnockoutGrid/table.css"
// We override IDD styles with General.css, so we require IDD styles to be loaded prior to General.css.
import "../../../node_modules/interactive-data-display/dist/idd.css"
import "../../../HTML5SharedGUI/CodeEditor/Styles/codepad.css"
import "../../../HTML5SharedGUI/SimulationViewer/Styles/simulation.css"
import "../../../HTML5SharedGUI/InferenceViewer/Styles/inference.css"
import "../../../HTML5SharedGUI/CRNComponent/Styles/crn.css"
import "idd";
declare var InteractiveDataDisplay: any;
import * as visbol from '../../../node_modules/visbol/index.js';
import * as visbolfont from '../../../node_modules/visbol/font/sbolv/main.js';
import * as Utils from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Utils';
import "pathseg";
import { jsbolToObject } from "../../ClassicGECTSWrapper/Scripts/JSBOL";
// import convertJsonToXml from './json2xml';
import GECLanguage from './GECLang';
import PartsLanguage from './PartsLang';
import ReactionsLanguage from './ReactionsLang';
import Options from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/GenericComponents/Scripts/Options';
import "../../../HTML5SharedGUI/GenericComponents/Scripts/Dropdown";
import * as CodeEditor from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Adapters/KnockoutBasedCRNCodeEditor';
import { CodeEditor as GECCodeEditor } from './Adapters/GECCodeSource';
import { CodeEditor as PartsDBCodeEditor } from './Adapters/PartsDBCodeSource';
import { CodeEditor as ReactionsDBCodeEditor } from './Adapters/ReactionsDBCodeSource';
import * as CodeStorage from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Adapters/CodeEditorStorageDecorator';
import * as CodeParser from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Adapters/ModellingEngineCRNParser';
import * as CrnEditor from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Adapters/KnockoutBasedCRNViewer';
import * as CrnExport from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Adapters/KnockoutBasedCRNExport';
import * as SimRunner from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Adapters/ModellingEngineSimulationRunner';
import * as SimRunnerSpat1D from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Adapters/ModellingEngineSpatial1DSimulationRunner';
import * as SimRunnerSpat2D from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Adapters/ModellingEngineSpatial2DSimulationRunner';
import * as InferenceRunner from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Adapters/ModellingEngineInferenceRunner';
import { Adapter as SSARunner } from "../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Adapters/ModellingEngineSSA";
import { Viewer as SSASummaryViewer } from "../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Adapters/KnockoutBasedSSASummaryViewer";
import * as SimViewer from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Adapters/SimViewerAdapter';
import { StoredSettings as SpatialViewerSettings } from "../../../HTML5SharedGUI/SimulationViewer/Scripts/SpatialViewerSettings";
import SpatialViewer1D from "../../../HTML5SharedGUI/SimulationViewer/Scripts/Spatial1DViewer";
import SpatialViewer2D from "../../../HTML5SharedGUI/SimulationViewer/Scripts/Spatial2DViewer";
import * as HintScreen from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/GenericComponents/Scripts/HintScreen';
import * as ModificationIndicator from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/GenericComponents/Scripts/ModificationIndicators';
import * as SVF from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/SimulationViewer/Scripts/SimulationViewerFramework';
import CRNEngine from '../../../CRNEngine/CRNEngineTSWrapper/Scripts/CRNEngine';
import ClassicGEC from '../../ClassicGECTSWrapper/Scripts/ClassicGEC';
import * as InferenceParametersViewer from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/InferenceViewer/Scripts/InferredParametersViewer';
import * as InferenceModelDynamicsViewer from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/InferenceViewer/Scripts/ModelDataDynamics';
import * as InferencePosteriorViewer from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/InferenceViewer/Scripts/PosteriorViewer';
import * as InferenceSummary from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/InferenceViewer/Scripts/InferenceSummary';
import * as InferenceCompositeViewer from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/InferenceViewer/Scripts/CompositeViewer';
import { Viewer as SSATextViewer } from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Components/SSATextViewer';
import { Viewer as SSACompoundViewer } from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Components/SSACompoundViewer';
import * as SumToVum from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Adapters/SumToVum';
import { Viewer as PMViewer } from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Adapters/ProbabilityMapsAdapter';
import SSAGraphViewer from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Adapters/SSAGraphAdapter';
import CRNCompoundViewer from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Components/CRNCompoundViewer';
import CRNGraphViewer from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Adapters/CRNGraphAdapter';
import * as LongOperations from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Operations/LongOperations';
import * as LongOperationsKO from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Operations/LongOperationsKO';
import * as ParseOperation from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Operations/ParseCodeFillCRN';
import * as ExportOperation from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Operations/ModellingEngineExporter';
import * as GecParseOperation from './Operations/GecParseOperation';
import * as GetSolutionOperation from './Operations/GetSolutionOperation';
import * as SimulateOperation from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Operations/SimulateParsedCRN';
import * as Spatial1DSimulation from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Operations/Spatial1DSimulation';
import * as Spatial2DSimulation from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Operations/Spatial2DSimulation';
import { SimulationType, Operation as DispatchedSimulateOperation } from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Operations/AutoChoiceSimulation';
import * as InferOperation from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Operations/Inference';
import * as TabSelectOperation from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Operations/TabSelect';
import { Operation as SSAOperation } from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Operations/StateSpaceAnalysis';
import { Operation as SynthesisOperation } from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Operations/Synthesis';
import CRNSelector from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/CRNComponent/Scripts/CRNSelector';
import InferenceGraphAdapter from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Adapters/InferenceGraphAdapter';
import SynthesisAdapter from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Adapters/ModellingEngineSynthesis';
import { SynthesisViewer } from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/SimulationViewer/Scripts/SynthesisViewer';
import { KnockoutBasedDataSetsList as DataSetList } from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/CRNComponent/Scripts/crnDataSets';
import { KnockoutGridDataSetViewer as DataSetViewer } from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/CRNComponent/Scripts/crnDataSets';
import { ObservationsSource } from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Adapters/MultipleDataSetObsSource';
import { MemoryDataSetStorage, LocalStorageDataSetStorage, IndexedDBDataSetStorage } from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/CRNComponent/Scripts/DataSetStorage';
import * as GECInterfaces from '../../ClassicGECTSWrapper/Scripts/Interfaces';
import IDDTabs from "../../../HTML5SharedGUI/GenericComponents/Scripts/IDDTabs";
var examplesPath = "./Examples/GECModels/";
var examples: ExamplesGroup[] = [
// NOTE: the URLs here are supposed to be resolved relativly to the HTML page that runs the script. Usually it is ($app_root)/index.html.
// As the path to the code is $app_root/CodeExamples/* the relatice url here is CodeExamples/*
Name: "Examples",
Correspondence: {
"Basic": examplesPath + "basic.txt",
"Repressilator Similar": examplesPath + "repressilator_similar.txt",
"Repressilator Modules": examplesPath + "repressilator_modules.txt",
"Repressilator Modules Similar": examplesPath + "repressilator_modules_similar.txt",
"Receiver Device": examplesPath + "receiver_device.txt",
"Predator-Prey": examplesPath + "predator_prey.txt",
"Band Detector": examplesPath + "band_detector.txt"
//Phase 1. Creating the functional components
let dataSetStorage = (() => {
var ret: IndexedDBDataSetStorage | MemoryDataSetStorage = null;
if (window.indexedDB !== undefined)
ret = new IndexedDBDataSetStorage("CRNdb");
ret = new MemoryDataSetStorage(); //e.g. Edge InPrivate
return ret;
var dataSetList = new DataSetList(dataSetStorage);
var longOperationsManager = new LongOperationsKO.LongOperationsKO();
var gecCodeModificationIndicator = new ModificationIndicator.TabSuffixIndicator($(".j-gec-tab-header"));
var codeModificationIndicator = new ModificationIndicator.TabSuffixIndicator($(".j-code-tab-header"));
var crnModificationIndicator = new ModificationIndicator.TabSuffixIndicator($(".j-crn-tab-header"));
var classicGEC = new ClassicGEC(Options.Server());
var gecCodeSource = new GECCodeEditor(<any>GECLanguage, examples, gecCodeModificationIndicator, {});
var partsDBCodeSource = new PartsDBCodeEditor(<any>PartsLanguage, [], gecCodeModificationIndicator, {});
var reactionsDBCodeSource = new ReactionsDBCodeEditor(<any>ReactionsLanguage, [], gecCodeModificationIndicator, {});
var codeSource = new CodeEditor.KOCRNCodeEditor(codeModificationIndicator);
var codeStorage = new CodeStorage.CodeEditorStorageDecorator(codeSource, "CRN");
var gecCodeStorage = new CodeStorage.CodeEditorStorageDecorator(<any>gecCodeSource, "GEC");
var partsCodeStorage = new CodeStorage.CodeEditorStorageDecorator(<any>partsDBCodeSource, "GECParts");
var reactionsCodeStorage = new CodeStorage.CodeEditorStorageDecorator(<any>reactionsDBCodeSource, "GECReactions");
var crnExport = new CrnExport.CRNExport(classicGEC);
var options = new Options(classicGEC);
var codeParser = new CodeParser.Parser(classicGEC);
var crnEditor = new CrnEditor.CRNEditor<void>(dataSetList, crnModificationIndicator);
var currentlySelectedDataSetSource = new ObservationsSource(dataSetStorage);
var infRunner = new InferenceRunner.Adapter(classicGEC, currentlySelectedDataSetSource);
var ssaRunner = new SSARunner(classicGEC);
var ssaSummaryViewer = new SSASummaryViewer();
var crnVM = crnEditor.GetVM();
var inferenceGraphViewer = new InferenceGraphAdapter<void>(crnVM);
var ssaGraphViewer = new SSAGraphViewer(crnVM);
var crnGraphViewer = new CRNGraphViewer<void>(crnVM);
var simViewer = new SimViewer.Viewer();
var spatialViewerSettings = new SpatialViewerSettings("black,green");
var spatialViewer1D = new SpatialViewer1D(spatialViewerSettings);
var spatialViewer2D = new SpatialViewer2D(spatialViewerSettings);
var dataSetViewer = new DataSetViewer();
var probabilityMapsViewer = new PMViewer(classicGEC, spatialViewerSettings);
var simRunner = new SimRunner.SimulationRunner(classicGEC, currentlySelectedDataSetSource);
var spat1DSimRunner = new SimRunnerSpat1D.SimulationRunner(classicGEC);
var spat2DSimRunner = new SimRunnerSpat2D.SimulationRunner(classicGEC);
var crnSelector = new CRNSelector(crnVM);
var synthesisAdapter = new SynthesisAdapter(classicGEC);
//var crnSettings = new CRNSettingsVM();
//inference viewers:
var infParamViewer = new InferenceParametersViewer.InferredParametersViewer(crnSelector);
var infDynamicsViewer = new InferenceModelDynamicsViewer.ModelDataDynamics(crnSelector);
var infPosteriorViewer = new InferencePosteriorViewer.PosteriorViewer(crnSelector);
var infSummary = new InferenceSummary.InferenceSummary(crnSelector);
var infViewer = new InferenceCompositeViewer.Viewer([infParamViewer, infDynamicsViewer, infSummary, infPosteriorViewer]);
var synthesisViewer = new SynthesisViewer(classicGEC);
//SSA viewers
var ssaTextViewer = new SSATextViewer();
var ctmcCompoundViewer = new SSACompoundViewer(ssaGraphViewer, ssaTextViewer, ssaSummaryViewer);
var crnCompoundViewer = new CRNCompoundViewer(crnEditor);
var unitsExtractor = function (): SVF.IVisualizationUpdateMessage {
return {
MessageType: SVF.VisualizationUpdateMessageType.UnitsInformation,
EncapsulatedUpdate: Utils.ExponentToConcentrationString(crnEditor.GetConcentrationUnits())
var plotSettingsExtractor = function (): SVF.IVisualizationUpdateMessage {
return {
MessageType: SVF.VisualizationUpdateMessageType.PlotSettingsInfo,
EncapsulatedUpdate: crnEditor.GetPlotSettings()
var plotSettingsExtractorForInference = function (): InferOperation.IPlotSettingsValues {
return crnEditor.GetPlotSettings();
var currentCRNSimulationType = function () {
var ig = crnEditor.getModel();
var model = null;
for (var n in ig.nodes) {
model = ig.nodes[n];
if ( != "PDE")
return SimulationType.nonspatial;
if ( == 1)
return SimulationType.spatial1D;
if ( == 2)
return SimulationType.spatial2D;
throw "unsupported operation type";
var solutionSelector: HTMLSelectElement = <HTMLSelectElement>$("#solution-selector")[0];
function setSolutionsCount(count: number) {
while (solutionSelector.hasChildNodes())
for (var i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
var opt = document.createElement("option");
opt.text = i.toString();
opt.value = i.toString();
var getSolutionIdx = () => {
var idx = solutionSelector.selectedIndex;
if (idx < 0)
return -1;
return parseInt(solutionSelector.options[idx].value);
//Start JSBOL -> SBOLJS Conversion
var visbolDesign: any;
function showSBOL(jsbol: GECInterfaces.jSBOLDocument) {
try {
var sbolobj = jsbolToObject(jsbol);
var visbolDiv = $("#visbolContainer")[0];
while (visbolDiv.children.length > 0)
//var index = $("#resultsTabs").find("#visbolTab").index() - 1;
//$("#resultsTabs").tabs("option", "active", index);
//var xmlsbol = convertJsonToXml(jsbol);
//console.log("Start printing XML version");
//console.log("Finished printing XML version of SBOL")
var component: any = {
segments: []
//console.log("About to print the display list for each component definition...");
//sbolobj.componentDefinitions.forEach( (componentDefinition:any) => console.log(visbol.getDisplayList(componentDefinition)));
//console.log("All display lists printed.");
sbolobj.componentDefinitions.forEach((componentDefinition: any) => {
if ( == 'device') {
var fullseq = visbol.getDisplayList.getDisplayList(componentDefinition).components[0].segments[0].sequence
var firsthalf = fullseq.slice(0, fullseq.length / 2)
var halfseg = visbol.getDisplayList.getDisplayList(componentDefinition).components[0].segments[0]
halfseg.sequence = firsthalf
component.segments = component.segments.concat(halfseg)
//component.segments = component.segments.concat(visbol.getDisplayList.getDisplayList(componentDefinition).components[0].segments[0])
//xmlsbol.componentDefinitions.forEach(componentDefinition => component.segments = component.segments.concat(visbol.getDisplayList(componentDefinition).components[0].segments[0]));
var displayList: any = { version: 1, components: [component] };
var font: any = visbolfont;
visbolDesign = new visbol.Design({ element: visbolDiv, font: font });
/*var xml = json2xml(jsbol);
console.log(visbol != null);
var xmlstring = JSON.stringify(xml);
} catch (e) {
//Phase 2. Assembling higher level functionality from the components above
var parseCrnOperation = new ParseOperation.Operation<void, void>(codeStorage, codeParser, crnCompoundViewer, codeSource);
var parseGecOperation = new GecParseOperation.Operation<void>(classicGEC, gecCodeStorage, partsCodeStorage, reactionsCodeStorage, setSolutionsCount, showSBOL, crnExport, gecCodeSource, partsDBCodeSource, reactionsDBCodeSource);
var selectSolutionOperation = new GetSolutionOperation.Operation(getSolutionIdx, classicGEC, codeSource, crnCompoundViewer, showSBOL, crnExport);
var exportOperation = new ExportOperation.Exporter(classicGEC, crnEditor, crnSelector, crnExport);
var simulateOperation = new SimulateOperation.Operation<SimRunner.ISimulationMessage, SVF.IVisualizationUpdateMessage, void>(crnEditor, crnSelector, simRunner, simViewer, ctmcCompoundViewer, probabilityMapsViewer, crnCompoundViewer, crnExport, unitsExtractor, plotSettingsExtractor, SumToVum.getModelfromSim, SumToVum.getExportsFromSim, SumToVum.getStateSpaceFromSim, SumToVum.Convert);
var simulateSpatial1DOperation = new Spatial1DSimulation.Operation(crnEditor, crnSelector, spat1DSimRunner, spatialViewer1D);
var simulateSpatial2DOperation = new Spatial2DSimulation.Operation(crnEditor, crnSelector, spat2DSimRunner, spatialViewer2D);
var synthesisOperation = new SynthesisOperation(crnEditor, synthesisAdapter, synthesisViewer);
var autoChoiceSimulationOperation = new DispatchedSimulateOperation(
simulateSpatial1DOperation, $('#spatial1dViewer'),
simulateSpatial2DOperation, $('#spatial2dViewer'),
simulateOperation, $('#simulationViewer'));
var inferOperation = new InferOperation.Operation(crnEditor, currentlySelectedDataSetSource, infRunner, infViewer, crnExport, plotSettingsExtractorForInference);
var ssaOperation = new SSAOperation(crnEditor, ssaRunner, ctmcCompoundViewer, false);
var selectGECCodeTab = new TabSelectOperation.Operation($("#gecTabs"), "#gecCode");
var selectCRNDirectivesTab = new TabSelectOperation.Operation($('#inputTabs'), "#crnDirectives");
var selectInferTab = new TabSelectOperation.Operation($('#resultsTabs'), "#inferenceViewer");
var selectModelDynamicsTab = new TabSelectOperation.Operation($('#inferenceViewer'), "#inferenceDynamics");
var selectSimulationTab = new TabSelectOperation.Operation($('#resultsTabs'), "#simulationViewerTab");
var selectSSATab = new TabSelectOperation.Operation($('#resultsTabs'), "#StatesViewerTab");
var selectSSATextTab = new TabSelectOperation.Operation($('#StatesViewerTab'), "#ssaTextTab");
var selectSBOLTab = new TabSelectOperation.Operation($('#resultsTabs'), '#visbolTab');
var selectSynthesisTab = new TabSelectOperation.Operation($('#resultsTabs'), "#synthesisTab");
//var simHintScreen = new HintScreen.HintScreen(autoChoiceSimulationOperation);
//var graphHintScreen = new HintScreen.HintScreen(new HintScreen.CombinedHintRemoveNotifier([parseCrnOperation]));
//Phase 3. Setting up the layout
// Turn the main areas into tabs.
IDDTabs(null, (newPanel => {
// Force redraw of visbol when the relevant tab is focused (workaround for issue where visbol doesn't draw on hidden tabs).
if (newPanel[0].id == 'visbolTab')
//bind functional components
var exportAreas = $(".c-export").get();
for (var c in exportAreas)
ko.applyBindings(crnVM, document.getElementById('crnInferenceGraphTab'));
dataSetList.getSelectedObservable().subscribe((val) => {
val ? dataSetViewer.Show(val) : dataSetViewer.Show(null);
var files = ["TestInference.txt", "Join_Simulated.txt", "AM_obs.csv", "AM_obs_noised.csv",
dataSetList.Initialize("Examples/Observations/", files);
$("#gecTabs").tabs("option", "active", 2);
function getActiveTabID(tabName: string) {
return $("#" + tabName + " .ui-tabs-panel:visible").attr("id");
function getActiveInputTabID() {
return getActiveTabID("inputTabs");
function getActiveCrnTabID() {
return getActiveTabID("crnTabs");
function getActiveGECTabID() {
return getActiveTabID("gecTabs");
axis: "x",
containment: "parent",
scroll: false,
drag: (event, ui) => {
var pos = ui.position.left;
var percLeft = 100 * pos / ui.helper.parent().width();
var percRight = 100 - percLeft;
$("#input-area").css({ width: "calc(" + percLeft + "% - 5px)" });
$("#output-area").css({ width: "calc(" + percRight + "% - 15px)" });
stop: (event, ui) => {
let left = 100 * ui.position.left / ui.helper.parent().width();
$("#separator").css({ left: left + "%" });
axis: "y",
containment: "#crnData",
cursorAt: { top: 4 },
scroll: false,
drag: function (event, ui) {
var pos =;
var percTop = 100 * pos / ui.helper.parent().height();
var percBottom = 100 - percTop;
$("#datasets-viewer").css({ height: "calc(" + percTop + "% - 4px)" });
$("#dataset-viewer").css({ height: "calc(" + percBottom + "% - 4px)" });
$("#dataset-separator").css({ position: "static" }); // jqueryui draggable sets position to relative automatically
//Phase 4. Setting up button handlers
var isSelectingSolution = false;
longOperationsManager.CanStartNewAction.subscribe(val => {
if (isSelectingSolution && val) {
setTimeout(() => solutionSelector.focus());
isSelectingSolution = false;
solutionSelector.onchange = () => {
var operations = [selectSolutionOperation, exportOperation];
isSelectingSolution = true;
document.getElementById('parseButton').onclick = function (e) {
var tabID = getActiveInputTabID();
var operations: Array<LongOperations.IOperation> = []
switch (tabID) {
case "gecTabs":
tabID = getActiveGECTabID();
switch (tabID) {
case "gecParts":
case "gecReactions":
case "gecCode":
operations = [parseGecOperation, selectGECCodeTab, selectSBOLTab, selectSolutionOperation, exportOperation];
throw "not implemented yet";
case "crnTabs":
tabID = getActiveCrnTabID();
switch (tabID) {
case "crnData":
case "crnCode"://code
operations = [parseCrnOperation, exportOperation, selectCRNDirectivesTab];
case "crnDirectives"://directives
case "crnParameters"://parameters
case "crnSpecies"://species
case "crnReactions"://reactions
case "crnInferenceGraph": // inference graph
operations = [parseCrnOperation];
throw "not implemented yet";
document.getElementById('exportButton').onclick = function (e) {
var tabID = getActiveInputTabID();
var operations: Array<LongOperations.IOperation> = [];
switch (tabID) {
case "gecTabs":
switch (getActiveGECTabID()) {
case "gecParts":
case "gecReactions":
case "gecCode":
operations = [parseGecOperation, selectGECCodeTab, selectSolutionOperation, exportOperation];
throw "not implemented yet";
case "crnTabs":
switch (getActiveCrnTabID()) {
case "crnData":
case "crnCode"://crn code
operations = [parseCrnOperation, exportOperation];
case "crnDirectives"://directives
case "crnParameters"://parameters
case "crnSpecies"://species
case "crnReactions"://reactions
case "crnInferenceGraph": // inference graph
operations = [exportOperation];
throw "not implemented yet";
document.getElementById('simulateButton').onclick = function (e) {
var tabID = getActiveInputTabID();
var operations: Array<LongOperations.IOperation> = []
switch (tabID) {
case "gecTabs":
tabID = getActiveGECTabID();
switch (tabID) {
case "gecParts":
case "gecReactions":
case "gecCode":
operations = [parseGecOperation, selectGECCodeTab, selectSolutionOperation, parseCrnOperation, selectSimulationTab, autoChoiceSimulationOperation];
throw "not implemented yet";
case "crnTabs":
tabID = getActiveCrnTabID();
switch (tabID) {
case "crnData":
case "crnCode"://code
operations = [parseCrnOperation, exportOperation, selectSimulationTab, autoChoiceSimulationOperation];
case "crnDirectives"://directives
case "crnParameters"://parameters
case "crnSpecies"://species
case "crnReactions"://reactions
case "crnInferenceGraph": // inference graph
operations = [exportOperation, selectSimulationTab, autoChoiceSimulationOperation];
throw "not implemented yet";
document.getElementById('synthesisButton').onclick = function (e) {
if (!longOperationsManager.CanStartNewAction())
var tabIndex = getActiveInputTabID();
var operations: Array<LongOperations.IOperation> = []
switch (tabIndex) {
case "sgTab":
switch (getActiveGECTabID()) {
case "gecParts":
case "gecReactions":
case "gecCode":
operations = [parseGecOperation, selectGECCodeTab, selectSolutionOperation, parseCrnOperation, selectSynthesisTab, synthesisOperation];
throw "not implemented yet";
case "crnTabs":
switch (getActiveCrnTabID()) {
case "crnData":
case "crnCode"://code
operations = [parseCrnOperation, exportOperation, selectSynthesisTab, synthesisOperation];
case "crnDirectives"://directives
case "crnParameters"://parameters
case "crnSpecies"://species
case "crnReactions"://reactions
case "crnInferenceGraph"://inference graph
operations = [selectSynthesisTab, synthesisOperation];
throw "not implemented yet";
document.getElementById('statesButton').onclick = function (e) {
var tabID = getActiveInputTabID();
var operations: Array<LongOperations.IOperation> = []
switch (tabID) {
case "gecTabs":
tabID = getActiveGECTabID();
switch (tabID) {
case "gecParts":
case "gecReactions":
case "gecCode":
operations = [parseGecOperation, selectGECCodeTab, selectSolutionOperation, parseCrnOperation, selectSSATab, selectSSATextTab, ssaOperation];
throw "not implemented yet";
case "crnTabs":
tabID = getActiveCrnTabID();
switch (tabID) {
case "crnData":
case "crnCode"://code
operations = [parseCrnOperation, exportOperation, selectSSATab, selectSSATextTab, ssaOperation];
case "crnDirectives"://directives
case "crnParameters"://parameters
case "crnSpecies"://species
case "crnReactions"://reactions
case "crnInferenceGraph": // inference graph
operations = [exportOperation, selectSSATab, selectSSATextTab, ssaOperation];
throw "not implemented yet";
document.getElementById('inferButton').onclick = function (e) {
var tabID = getActiveInputTabID();
var operations: Array<LongOperations.IOperation> = []
switch (tabID) {
case "gecTabs":
tabID = getActiveGECTabID();
switch (tabID) {
case "gecParts":
case "gecReactions":
case "gecCode":
operations = [parseGecOperation, selectGECCodeTab, selectSolutionOperation, parseCrnOperation, selectInferTab, selectModelDynamicsTab, inferOperation];
throw "not implemented yet";
case "crnTabs":
tabID = getActiveCrnTabID();
switch (tabID) {
case "crnData":
case "crnCode"://code
operations = [parseCrnOperation, exportOperation, selectInferTab, selectModelDynamicsTab, inferOperation];
case "crnDirectives"://directives
case "crnParameters"://parameters
case "crnSpecies"://species
case "crnReactions"://reactions
case "crnInferenceGraph": // inference graph
operations = [exportOperation, selectInferTab, selectModelDynamicsTab, inferOperation];
throw "not implemented yet";
document.getElementById('stopButton').onclick = function (e) {
console.log("ClassicGEC loaded");
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
//bind to specific DOM element and occupy it
export interface IUIBindable {
Bind(elem: HTMLElement): void;
//bind to the DOM, but automatically finds out a place to bind (e.g. by predefined element id)
export interface IUIAutoBindable {
AutoBind(): void;
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
import CodePad from "../../../HTML5SharedGUI/CodeEditor/Scripts/CodePad";
import { INamedMonarchLanguage } from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/CodeEditor/Scripts/CodeEditor';
class GECCodeEditor extends CodePad {
constructor(language: INamedMonarchLanguage, examples: Array<ExamplesGroup>) {
super(language, "gec-editor-widget", examples);
export default GECCodeEditor;
@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
var GECLanguage = {
displayName: 'GEC', // start by writing your language name here
name: 'GEC',
mimeTypes: ['text/x-crn'],
fileExtensions: ['crn'],
// used in the editor to insert comments (ctrl+/ or shift+alt+A)
lineComment: '// ',
blockCommentStart: '(*',
blockCommentEnd: '*)',
// Set defaultToken to invalid to see what you do not tokenize yet
//defaultToken: 'invalid',
keywords: [
/*builtins: [
'rank', 'rankdir', 'ranksep', 'size', 'ratio',
'label', 'headlabel', 'taillabel',
'arrowhead', 'samehead', 'samearrowhead',
'arrowtail', 'sametail', 'samearrowtail', 'arrowsize',
'labeldistance', 'labelangle', 'labelfontsize',
'dir', 'width', 'height', 'angle',
'fontsize', 'fontcolor', 'same', 'weight', 'color',
'bgcolor', 'style', 'shape', 'fillcolor', 'nodesep', 'id',
attributes: [
'doublecircle', 'circle', 'diamond', 'box', 'point', 'ellipse', 'record',
'inv', 'invdot', 'dot', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'filled', 'back', 'forward',
// we include these common regular expressions
symbols: /[=><!~?:&|+\-*\/\^%]+/,
// The main tokenizer for our languages
tokenizer: {
root: [
// identifiers and keywords
[/[a-zA-Z_\x80-\xFF][\w\x80-\xFF]*/, {
cases: {
'@keywords': 'keyword',
//'@builtins': 'predefined',
'@attributes': 'constructor',
'@default': 'identifier'
// whitespace
{ include: '@whitespace' },
// html identifiers
//[/<(?!@symbols)/, { token: 'string.html.quote', bracket: '@open', next: 'html' }],
// delimiters and operators
[/[{}()\[\]]/, '@brackets'],
[/@symbols/, {
cases: {
'@keywords': 'keyword',
'@default': 'operator'
// delimiter
[/[;|]/, 'delimiter'],
// numbers
[/\d*\.\d+([eE][\-+]?\d+)?/, 'number.float'],
[/0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+/, 'number.hex'],
[/\d+/, 'number'],
// strings
[/"([^"\\]|\\.)*$/, 'string.invalid'], // non-teminated string
[/"/, { token: 'string.quote', bracket: '@open', next: '@string' }],
comment: [
[/[^\/*]+/, 'comment'],
[/\/\*/, 'comment', '@push'], // nested comment
["\\*/", 'comment', '@pop'],
[/[\/*]/, 'comment']
/*html: [
[/[^<>&]+/, 'string.html'],
[/&\w+;/, 'string.html.escape'],
[/&/, 'string.html'],
[/</, { token: 'string.html.quote', bracket: '@open', next: '@push' }], //nested bracket
[/>/, { token: 'string.html.quote', bracket: '@close', next: '@pop' }],
string: [
[/[^\\"&]+/, 'string'],
[/\\"/, 'string.escape'],
[/&\w+;/, 'string.escape'],
[/[\\&]/, 'string'],
[/"/, { token: 'string.quote', bracket: '@close', next: '@pop' }]
whitespace: [
[/[ \t\r\n]+/, 'white'],
[/\/\*/, 'comment', '@comment'],
[/\/\/.*$/, 'comment'],
[/#.$/, 'comment'],
export default GECLanguage;
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
import * as $ from 'jquery';
import GEC from '../../../ClassicGECTSWrapper/Scripts/ClassicGEC';
import * as Interfaces from '../../../ClassicGECTSWrapper/Scripts/Interfaces';
import * as CRN from '../../../../CRNEngine/CRNEngineTSWrapper/Scripts/Interfaces';
import * as Operations from "../../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Operations/LongOperations";
import * as GenericParsing from "../../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Operations/GenericCodeParsing";
export interface IExportsViewer {
ShowExport(update: CRN.ExportDef): void;
export class Operation<TOptions> implements Operations.IOperation {
private gec: GEC,
private codeSource: GenericParsing.ICodeSource<void>,
private partsSource: GenericParsing.ICodeSource<void>,
private reactionsSource: GenericParsing.ICodeSource<void>,
private showSolutionsCount: (count: number) => void,
private showSBOL: (jsbol: Interfaces.jSBOLDocument) => void,
private exports: IExportsViewer,
private codeErrorDisplay: GenericParsing.IErrorDisplay,
private partsErrorDisplay: GenericParsing.IErrorDisplay,
private reactionsErrorDisplay: GenericParsing.IErrorDisplay) {
public Initiate(): JQueryPromise<any> {
this.gec.Parts = this.partsSource.GetCode();
this.gec.Reactions = this.reactionsSource.GetCode();
var code = this.codeSource.GetCode();
var observables = this.gec.UserCompile(code);
var deferred = jQuery.Deferred<any>();
observables.solution_count.subscribe(next => {
this.exitMessage = "completed with " + (next == 0 ? "no" : next.toString()) + " solution" + (next == 1 ? "" : "s");
}, error => {
var errorString: string = error.message == null ? JSON.stringify(error) : error.message;
this.exitMessage = "failed with " + errorString;
var errorObj: GenericParsing.IError = { text: errorString };
if (error.positions != null && error.positions.length > 0) {
var row = error.positions[0].row;
var column = error.positions[0].column + 1;
errorObj.text += " at row " + row + ", column " + column;
var len = error.positions[0].text.length;
errorObj.location = { rowStart: row, rowEnd: row, colStart: column, colEnd: column };
if (errorString.substr(0, 5) == "parts")
else if (errorString.substr(0, 9) == "reactions")
}, () => { });
observables.jsbol.subscribeOnNext(jsbol => this.showSBOL(jsbol));
observables.exports.subscribe(exp => this.exports.ShowExport(exp), err => { }, () => { });
return deferred;
public Abort(): void {
public GetName(): string {
return "GEC parsing";
private exitMessage: string;
public GetExitMessage(): string {
return this.exitMessage;
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
import * as $ from 'jquery';
import GEC from '../../../ClassicGECTSWrapper/Scripts/ClassicGEC';
import * as Interfaces from '../../../ClassicGECTSWrapper/Scripts/Interfaces';
import * as CRN from '../../../../CRNEngine/CRNEngineTSWrapper/Scripts/Interfaces';
import * as Operations from "../../../../HTML5SharedGUI/HTML5CRN_Lib/Scripts/Operations/LongOperations";
import * as HintScreen from "../../../../HTML5SharedGUI/GenericComponents/Scripts/HintScreen";
//Dependencies to be injected
export interface ICodeViewer {
ShowCode(code: string): void;
/** Displays the CRN entities with GUI */
export interface ICRNViewer {
UpdateValuesWith(update: CRN.IG, customSettings: void, fromJIT: boolean): void;
export interface IExportsViewer {
ShowExport(update: CRN.ExportDef): void;
* Gets the code from the CodeEditor, passes it to the parser, receives CRN entities, updates CRN viewer with them, updates data files selecting control with parsed "data directive" files.
* If any parsing error occurs, displays it with errorDisplay
export class Operation implements Operations.IOperation, HintScreen.IHintRemoveNotifier {
private getIdx: () => number,
private gec: GEC,
private crnCodeViewer: ICodeViewer,
private crnViewer: ICRNViewer,
private showSBOL: (jsbol: Interfaces.jSBOLDocument) => void,
private exports: IExportsViewer) {
public Initiate(): JQueryPromise<any> {
var deferred = $.Deferred();
var idx = this.getIdx();
if (idx == -1) {
this.m_ExitMessage = "no solutions found";
else {
var observables = this.gec.UserGetSolution(idx);
var error = (err: any) => {
this.m_ExitMessage = JSON.stringify(err);
observables.solution.subscribe(solution => {
this.m_ExitMessage = "Solution " + idx + " selected";
}, error, () => { });
observables.jsbol.subscribe(jsbol => this.showSBOL(jsbol), err => { }, () => { });
observables.exports.subscribe(exp => this.exports.ShowExport(exp), err => { }, () => { });
return deferred;
public Abort() {
this.m_ExitMessage = "Aborted";
//defining abstract functions
public GetName() {
return "Retrieving GEC solution";
private m_ExitMessage: string;
public GetExitMessage() {
return this.m_ExitMessage;
protected InterpretSuccessfulResults(solution: Interfaces.GECSolution) {
this.crnViewer.UpdateValuesWith(solution.model, null, false);
this.notificationCallbacks.forEach(c => { c() }); // notifing that hints now can be removed
//HintScreen.IHintRemoveNotifier implementation
private notificationCallbacks: Array<() => void> = [];
public SubscribeRemoveHint(callback: () => void) {
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
import CodePad from "../../../HTML5SharedGUI/CodeEditor/Scripts/CodePad";
import { INamedMonarchLanguage } from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/CodeEditor/Scripts/CodeEditor';
class GECCodeEditor extends CodePad {
constructor(language: INamedMonarchLanguage, examples: Array<ExamplesGroup>) {
super(language, "parts-editor-widget", examples);
export default GECCodeEditor;
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
var PartsLanguage = {
displayName: 'GECParts', // start by writing your language name here
name: 'GECParts',
mimeTypes: ['text/x-crn'],
fileExtensions: ['crn'],
// used in the editor to insert comments (ctrl+/ or shift+alt+A)
lineComment: '// ',
blockCommentStart: '(*',
blockCommentEnd: '*)',
// Set defaultToken to invalid to see what you do not tokenize yet
//defaultToken: 'invalid',
keywords: [
/*builtins: [
'rank', 'rankdir', 'ranksep', 'size', 'ratio',
'label', 'headlabel', 'taillabel',
'arrowhead', 'samehead', 'samearrowhead',
'arrowtail', 'sametail', 'samearrowtail', 'arrowsize',
'labeldistance', 'labelangle', 'labelfontsize',
'dir', 'width', 'height', 'angle',
'fontsize', 'fontcolor', 'same', 'weight', 'color',
'bgcolor', 'style', 'shape', 'fillcolor', 'nodesep', 'id',
attributes: [
'doublecircle', 'circle', 'diamond', 'box', 'point', 'ellipse', 'record',
'inv', 'invdot', 'dot', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'filled', 'back', 'forward',
// we include these common regular expressions
symbols: /[=><!~?:&|+\-*\/\^%]+/,
// The main tokenizer for our languages
tokenizer: {
root: [
// identifiers and keywords
[/[a-zA-Z_\x80-\xFF][\w\x80-\xFF]*/, {
cases: {
'@keywords': 'keyword',
//'@builtins': 'predefined',
'@attributes': 'constructor',
'@default': 'identifier'
// whitespace
{ include: '@whitespace' },
// html identifiers
//[/<(?!@symbols)/, { token: 'string.html.quote', bracket: '@open', next: 'html' }],
// delimiters and operators
[/[{}()\[\]]/, '@brackets'],
[/@symbols/, {
cases: {
'@keywords': 'keyword',
'@default': 'operator'
// delimiter
[/[;|]/, 'delimiter'],
// numbers
[/\d*\.\d+([eE][\-+]?\d+)?/, 'number.float'],
[/0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+/, 'number.hex'],
[/\d+/, 'number'],
// strings
[/"([^"\\]|\\.)*$/, 'string.invalid'], // non-teminated string
[/"/, { token: 'string.quote', bracket: '@open', next: '@string' }],
comment: [
[/[^\/*]+/, 'comment'],
[/\/\*/, 'comment', '@push'], // nested comment
["\\*/", 'comment', '@pop'],
[/[\/*]/, 'comment']
/*html: [
[/[^<>&]+/, 'string.html'],
[/&\w+;/, 'string.html.escape'],
[/&/, 'string.html'],
[/</, { token: 'string.html.quote', bracket: '@open', next: '@push' }], //nested bracket
[/>/, { token: 'string.html.quote', bracket: '@close', next: '@pop' }],
string: [
[/[^\\"&]+/, 'string'],
[/\\"/, 'string.escape'],
[/&\w+;/, 'string.escape'],
[/[\\&]/, 'string'],
[/"/, { token: 'string.quote', bracket: '@close', next: '@pop' }]
whitespace: [
[/[ \t\r\n]+/, 'white'],
[/\/\*/, 'comment', '@comment'],
[/\/\/.*$/, 'comment'],
[/#.$/, 'comment'],
export default PartsLanguage;
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
import CodePad from "../../../HTML5SharedGUI/CodeEditor/Scripts/CodePad";
import { INamedMonarchLanguage } from '../../../HTML5SharedGUI/CodeEditor/Scripts/CodeEditor';
class GECCodeEditor extends CodePad {
constructor(language: INamedMonarchLanguage, examples: Array<ExamplesGroup>) {
super(language, "reactions-editor-widget", examples);
export default GECCodeEditor;
@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
var ReactionsLanguage = {
displayName: 'GECReactions', // start by writing your language name here
name: 'GECReactions',
mimeTypes: ['text/x-crn'],
fileExtensions: ['crn'],
// used in the editor to insert comments (ctrl+/ or shift+alt+A)
lineComment: '// ',
blockCommentStart: '(*',
blockCommentEnd: '*)',
// Set defaultToken to invalid to see what you do not tokenize yet
//defaultToken: 'invalid',
keywords: [
/*builtins: [
'rank', 'rankdir', 'ranksep', 'size', 'ratio',
'label', 'headlabel', 'taillabel',
'arrowhead', 'samehead', 'samearrowhead',
'arrowtail', 'sametail', 'samearrowtail', 'arrowsize',
'labeldistance', 'labelangle', 'labelfontsize',
'dir', 'width', 'height', 'angle',
'fontsize', 'fontcolor', 'same', 'weight', 'color',
'bgcolor', 'style', 'shape', 'fillcolor', 'nodesep', 'id',
attributes: [
'doublecircle', 'circle', 'diamond', 'box', 'point', 'ellipse', 'record',
'inv', 'invdot', 'dot', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'filled', 'back', 'forward',
// we include these common regular expressions
symbols: /[=><!~?:&|+\-*\/\^%]+/,
// The main tokenizer for our languages
tokenizer: {
root: [
// identifiers and keywords
[/[a-zA-Z_\x80-\xFF][\w\x80-\xFF]*/, {
cases: {
'@keywords': 'keyword',
//'@builtins': 'predefined',
'@attributes': 'constructor',
'@default': 'identifier'
// whitespace
{ include: '@whitespace' },
// html identifiers
//[/<(?!@symbols)/, { token: 'string.html.quote', bracket: '@open', next: 'html' }],
// delimiters and operators
[/[{}()\[\]]/, '@brackets'],
[/@symbols/, {
cases: {
'@keywords': 'keyword',
'@default': 'operator'
// delimiter
[/[;|]/, 'delimiter'],
// numbers
[/\d*\.\d+([eE][\-+]?\d+)?/, 'number.float'],
[/0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+/, 'number.hex'],
[/\d+/, 'number'],
// strings
[/"([^"\\]|\\.)*$/, 'string.invalid'], // non-teminated string
[/"/, { token: 'string.quote', bracket: '@open', next: '@string' }],
comment: [
[/[^\/*]+/, 'comment'],
[/\/\*/, 'comment', '@push'], // nested comment
["\\*/", 'comment', '@pop'],
[/[\/*]/, 'comment']
/*html: [
[/[^<>&]+/, 'string.html'],
[/&\w+;/, 'string.html.escape'],
[/&/, 'string.html'],
[/</, { token: 'string.html.quote', bracket: '@open', next: '@push' }], //nested bracket
[/>/, { token: 'string.html.quote', bracket: '@close', next: '@pop' }],
string: [
[/[^\\"&]+/, 'string'],
[/\\"/, 'string.escape'],
[/&\w+;/, 'string.escape'],
[/[\\&]/, 'string'],
[/"/, { token: 'string.quote', bracket: '@close', next: '@pop' }]
whitespace: [
[/[ \t\r\n]+/, 'white'],
[/\/\*/, 'comment', '@comment'],
[/\/\/.*$/, 'comment'],
[/#.$/, 'comment'],
export default ReactionsLanguage;
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#solution-selector-container {
margin-left: 20px;
margin-right: 20px;
display: inline;
#solution-selector {
min-width: 50px;
@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Classic GEC Tool</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="shared.css" />
<div id="app-cover"><!-- captures user's mouse events. hides app from the user during the load in IE --></div>
<div id="loading-screen">
<div id="loading-screen__inner">
<div id="app">
<div id="header">
<div id="toolbar">
<button id="parseButton" class="c-action-button" data-bind="enable:CanStartNewAction" title="Parses the current model code">Parse</button>
<button id="exportButton" class="c-action-button" data-bind="enable:CanStartNewAction" title="Generates exports for the current model">Export</button>
<button id="simulateButton" class="c-action-button" data-bind="enable:CanStartNewAction" title="Runs a simulation of the current model">Simulate</button>
<button id="inferButton" class="c-action-button" data-bind="enable:CanStartNewAction" title="Runs inference on the current model">Infer</button>
<button id="statesButton" class="c-action-button" data-bind="enable:CanStartNewAction" title="Generates the state space of the current model">CTMC</button>
<button id="synthesisButton" class="c-action-button" data-bind="enable:CanStartNewAction" title="Runs Z3 analysis on the current model">Synthesis</button>
<button id="stopButton" class="c-action-button" data-bind="enable:CanStopOngoingAction" title="Stops the current operation">Stop</button>
<div id="solution-selector-container">
<label for="solution-selector">Solutions:</label>
<select id="solution-selector" data-bind="enable:CanStartNewAction"></select>
<crnselector id="CRNSelector"></crnselector>
<label id="execution-status" data-bind="text: ExecutionStatus"></label>
<div id="options" style="display: none" data-bind="visible: IsCloudCapable">
<div class="c-dropdown__item">
<input type="checkbox" id="cloud" data-bind="checked: Cloud" />
<label for="cloud"><strong>Cloud</strong> <span data-bind="text: '('+Account()+')'"></span></label>
<div class="c-dropdown__item">
<label for="pools">Pool:</label>
<!-- ko foreach: Pools -->
<input name="Pool" type="radio" data-bind="value: $data, checked: $root.Pool" />
<label data-bind="text: $data"></label>
<!-- /ko -->
<div class="c-dropdown__item">
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<!-- ko if: offlineStatus-->
<span id="offline-text" data-bind="text: 'Offline ready |', attr: {title: hint}"></span>
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<div id="input-area">
<div id="inputTabs" class="j-has-tabs">
<li><a href="#gecTabs">GEC</a></li>
<li><a href="#crnTabs">CRN</a></li>
<div id="gecTabs" class="j-has-tabs">
<li><a href="#gecParts" class="j-gec-tab-header">Parts</a></li>
<li><a href="#gecReactions" class="j-gec-tab-header">Reactions</a></li>
<li><a href="#gecCode" class="j-gec-tab-header">Code</a></li>
<div id="gecParts">
<parts-editor-widget id="parts-editor" params="editorText: editorText, errors: errors, editorLoadEvents: editorLoadEvents"></parts-editor-widget>
<div id="gecReactions">
<reactions-editor-widget id="reactions-editor" params="editorText: editorText, errors: errors, editorLoadEvents: editorLoadEvents"></reactions-editor-widget>
<div id="gecCode">
<gec-editor-widget id="gec-editor" params="editorText: editorText, errors: errors, editorLoadEvents: editorLoadEvents"></gec-editor-widget>
<div id="crnTabs" class="j-has-tabs">
<li><a href="#crnData">Data</a></li>
<li><a href="#crnCode" class="j-code-tab-header">Code</a></li>
<li><a href="#crnDirectives" class="j-crn-tab-header">Directives</a></li>
<li><a href="#crnParameters" class="j-crn-tab-header">Parameters</a></li>
<li><a href="#crnSpecies" class="j-crn-tab-header">Species</a></li>
<li><a href="#crnReactions" class="j-crn-tab-header">Reactions</a></li>
<li id="crnInferenceGraphTab" data-bind="visible: Nodes().length > 1"><a href="#crnInferenceGraph" class="j-crn-tab-header">Inference Graph</a></li>
<div id="crnData">
<div id="datasets-viewer">
<div id="dataset-separator"></div>
<div id="dataset-viewer">
<div id="crnCode">
<crn-editor-widget id="crn-editor" params="editorText: editorText, errors: errors, editorLoadEvents: editorLoadEvents"></crn-editor-widget>
<div id="crnDirectives">
<div id="crnParameters">
<div id="crnSpecies">
<div id="crnReactions">
<div id="crnInferenceGraph">
<inferencegraph id="inferenceGraph"></inferencegraph>
<div id="separator"></div>
<div id="output-area">
<div id="resultsTabs" class="j-has-tabs">
<li><a href="#crnExport">Export</a></li>
<li><a href="#simulationViewerTab">Simulation</a></li>
<li><a href="#inferenceViewer">Inference</a></li>
<li><a href="#StatesViewerTab">CTMC</a></li>
<li><a href="#synthesisTab">Synthesis</a></li>
<div id="crnExport" class="s-full-height j-has-tabs">
<li><a href="#crnGraphTab">Network</a></li>
<li><a href="#visbolTab">VisBOL</a></li>
<li><a href="#export-code">Code</a></li>
<li><a href="#export-initials">Initials</a></li>
<li><a href="#export-finals">Finals</a></li>
<li><a href="#export-reactions">Reactions</a></li>
<div id="crnGraphTab">
<crnreactiongraph id="crnGraph"></crnreactiongraph>
<div id="visbolTab">
<div id="visbolContainer"></div>
<div id="export-code" class="c-export" data-bind="with: byID('code')">
<div id="export-initials" class="c-export" data-bind="with: byID('initials')">
<div id="export-finals" class="c-export" data-bind="with: byID('finals')">
<div id="export-reactions" class="c-export" data-bind="with: byID('reactions')">
<div id="simulationViewerTab" style="padding: 0" class="s-full-height">
<div id="simulationViewer" class="s-full-height"></div>
<div id="spatial1dViewer" class="s-full-height" style="display: none"></div>
<div id="spatial2dViewer" class="s-full-height" style="display: none"></div>
<div id="inferenceViewer" class="s-full-height j-has-tabs">
<li><a href="#inferenceParameters">Parameters</a></li>
<li><a href="#inferenceDynamics">Model-Data dynamics</a></li>
<li><a href="#inferencePosterior">Posterior</a></li>
<li><a href="#inferenceSummary">Summary</a></li>
<div id="inferenceParameters">
<div id="inferenceDynamics">
<div id="inferencePosterior" class="j-has-tabs">
<li><a href="#posteriorTable">Table</a></li>
<li><a href="#posteriorScatterPlot">Scatter Plot</a></li>
<li><a href="#posteriorDensity">Density</a></li>
<div id="posteriorTable">
<div id="posteriorScatterPlot">
<div id="posteriorDensity">
<div id="inferenceSummary">
<div id="StatesViewerTab" class="s-full-height j-has-tabs">
<li><a href="#ssaGraphTab">Graph</a></li>
<li><a href="#ssaTextTab">Text</a></li>
<li><a href="#ssaSummaryTab">Summary</a></li>
<li><a href="#probabilitiesTab">Probabilities</a></li>
<div id="ssaGraphTab">
<statespacegraph id="ssaGraph"></statespacegraph>
<div id="ssaTextTab">
<p>GEC Tool</p>
<div id="ssaSummaryTab">
<ssa-summary-viewer id="ssaSummary" params="initialState:initialState, terminalStates:terminalStates"></ssa-summary-viewer>
<div id="probabilitiesTab">
<div id="synthesisTab" class="s-full-height j-has-tabs">
<li><a href="#SynthesisViewer-values-tab">Values</a></li>
<li><a href="#SynthesisViewer-equations-tab">Equations</a></li>
<li><a href="#SynthesisViewer-jacobian-tab">Jacobian</a></li>
<li><a href="#SynthesisViewer-dispersion-tab">Turing</a></li>
<li><a href="#SynthesisViewer-bistability-tab">Bistability</a></li>
<li><a href="#SynthesisViewer-code-tab">Updated CRN Code</a></li>
<div id="SynthesisViewer-values-tab">
<div id="SynthesisViewer-equations-tab" class="s-full-height">
<div id="SynthesisViewer-jacobian-tab" class="s-full-height">
<div id="SynthesisViewer-dispersion-tab" class="s-full-height">
<div id="SynthesisViewer-bistability-tab" class="s-full-height">
<div id="SynthesisViewer-code-tab" class="s-full-height">
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#r "paket: groupref Build //"
#load "./.fake/build.fsx/intellisense.fsx"
#if !FAKE
#r "netstandard"
open Fake.Core
open Fake.Core.TargetOperators
#load "../../Builds/Builds/BuildHelper.fs"
open BuildHelper
let localPort = "18852"
let projectFile = "ClassicGECHTML5.csproj"
let projectFolder = "."
Target.create "Run" (fun _ ->
runDotNet ("serve -d dist -p "+localPort+" -o") projectFolder
Target.create "Clean" (fun _ ->
runDotNet "clean" projectFolder
Target.create "Build" (fun _ ->
runDotNet "build" projectFolder
Target.create "Yarn" yarnInstall
==> "Yarn"
==> "Build"
==> "Run"
Target.runOrDefault "Build"
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
declare module "*.html"
declare module "idd" {
var InteractiveDataDisplay: any;
export = InteractiveDataDisplay;
declare module "tinycolor" {
var tinycolor: any;
export = tinycolor;
declare module "worker-loader*" {
class WebpackWorker extends Worker {
export default WebpackWorker;
declare module "*index.js"
declare module "*main.js"
declare module "sboljs"
Двоичный файл не отображается.
После Ширина: | Высота: | Размер: 198 B |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
group JavaScriptBuild
@ -0,0 +1 @@
dotnet fake build --target run
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"extends": "../../tsconfig.common",
"include": [
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Per ulteriori informazioni sull'utilizzo della trasformazione web.config, visitare -->
<configuration xmlns:xdt="">
Nell'esempio seguente, la trasformazione "SetAttributes" modifica il valore di
"connectionString" in modo da utilizzare "ReleaseSQLServer" solo quando il localizzatore "Match"
individua un attributo "name" con valore "MyDB".
<add name="MyDB"
connectionString="Data Source=ReleaseSQLServer;Initial Catalog=MyReleaseDB;Integrated Security=True"
xdt:Transform="SetAttributes" xdt:Locator="Match(name)"/>
Nell'esempio seguente, la trasformazione "Replace" sostituisce l'intera
sezione <customErrors> del file web.config.
Poiché è presente un'unica sezione customErrors nel
nodo <system.web>, non è necessario utilizzare l'attributo "xdt:Locator".
<customErrors defaultRedirect="GenericError.htm"
mode="RemoteOnly" xdt:Transform="Replace">
<error statusCode="500" redirect="InternalError.htm"/>
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Per ulteriori informazioni sull'utilizzo della trasformazione web.config, visitare -->
<configuration xmlns:xdt="">
Nell'esempio seguente, la trasformazione "SetAttributes" modifica il valore di
"connectionString" in modo da utilizzare "ReleaseSQLServer" solo quando il localizzatore "Match"
individua un attributo "name" con valore "MyDB".
<add name="MyDB"
connectionString="Data Source=ReleaseSQLServer;Initial Catalog=MyReleaseDB;Integrated Security=True"
xdt:Transform="SetAttributes" xdt:Locator="Match(name)"/>
<compilation xdt:Transform="RemoveAttributes(debug)" />
Nell'esempio seguente, la trasformazione "Replace" sostituisce l'intera
sezione <customErrors> del file web.config.
Poiché è presente un'unica sezione customErrors nel
nodo <system.web>, non è necessario utilizzare l'attributo "xdt:Locator".
<customErrors defaultRedirect="GenericError.htm"
mode="RemoteOnly" xdt:Transform="Replace">
<error statusCode="500" redirect="InternalError.htm"/>
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
For more information on how to configure your ASP.NET application, please visit
For a description of web.config changes see
The following attributes can be set on the <httpRuntime> tag.
<httpRuntime targetFramework="4.7.2" />
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.7.2" />
<httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5.1" />
<remove fileExtension=".crn" />
<remove fileExtension=".eot" />
<remove fileExtension=".ttf" />
<remove fileExtension=".woff" />
<remove fileExtension=".woff2" />
<remove fileExtension=".wasm" />
<mimeMap fileExtension=".crn" mimeType="text/plain" />
<mimeMap fileExtension=".eot" mimeType="application/" />
<mimeMap fileExtension=".ttf" mimeType="application/font-sfnt" />
<mimeMap fileExtension=".woff" mimeType="application/font-woff" />
<mimeMap fileExtension=".woff2" mimeType="application/font-woff" />
<mimeMap fileExtension=".wasm" mimeType="application/wasm" />
<add name="Cache-Control" value="no-cache, no-store" />
<add name="Pragma" value="no-cache" />
<add name="Expires" value="-1" />
<clear />
<rule name="Redirect HTTP to HTTPS" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="^(.*)$" />
<add input="{HTTPS}" pattern="^OFF$" />
<add input="{HTTP_HOST}" matchType="Pattern" pattern="^localhost(:\d+)?$" negate="true" />
<add input="{HTTP_HOST}" matchType="Pattern" pattern="^127\.0\.0\.1(:\d+)?$" negate="true" />
<action type="Redirect" url="https://{HTTP_HOST}/{R:1}" redirectType="SeeOther" />
<rule name="dist serve" stopProcessing="true">
<match url=".*" />
<add input="{PATH_INFO}" pattern="^/dist/" negate="true" />
<!-- this is to manage dev/deploy, move everything to ASP.NET Core to resolve this sensibly -->
<add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="" negate="true" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="\dist\{R:0}" />
<runtime><assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
<assemblyIdentity name="FSharp.Core" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
/// <binding AfterBuild='Run - Development' />
"use strict";
var webpack = require('webpack');
var HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
var CleanWebpackPlugin = require('clean-webpack-plugin');
var WorkboxPlugin = require('workbox-webpack-plugin');
var path = require('path');
var MonacoWebpackPlugin = require('monaco-editor-webpack-plugin');
var CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = env => {
if (env === undefined || env === null)
env = {};
if (env.mode === undefined || env === null)
env.mode = "development";
console.log("Mode is set to " + env.mode);
return {
mode: env.mode,
entry: {
app: "./Scripts/app.js"
output: {
filename: "./[name].[chunkhash].js",
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist')
optimization: {
splitChunks: {
chunks: 'all'
// Suppress warnings about large file sizes. This is a complex app and we have a lot of code. That's why we have a loading screen.
performance: { hints: false },
resolve: {
alias: {
idd$: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../node_modules/interactive-data-display/dist/idd_knockout.js'),
svg$: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../node_modules/svgjs'),
filesaver$: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../node_modules/file-saver'),
jquery$: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../node_modules/jquery')
node: {
fs: 'empty'
module: {
rules: [
// Possible long-term fix: switch from KO to TKO.
test: require.resolve('jquery'),
use: [{
loader: 'expose-loader',
options: 'jQuery'
test: /\.css$/,
use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader']
test: /\.(woff(2)?|ttf|eot)(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
use: [{
loader: 'file-loader',
options: {
name: '[name].[ext]',
outputPath: 'fonts/'
test: /\.(svg|png)(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
use: [{
loader: 'file-loader',
options: {
name: '[name].[ext]',
outputPath: 'img/'
test: /\.wasm$/,
type: "javascript/auto",
loader: "file-loader"
plugins: [
new CleanWebpackPlugin(['dist']),
new CopyWebpackPlugin([{
from: 'Examples/**',
to: '.',
context: '../',
flatten: false
}, {
from: 'Examples/**',
to: '.',
context: '../../CRNEngine/',
flatten: false,
}, {
from: '../../HTML5SharedGUI/GenericComponents/Styles/shared.css',
to: 'shared.css',
flatten: true
}, {
from: '../../HTML5SharedGUI/SimulationViewer/Img/refresh_icon.png',
to: 'img/refresh_icon.png',
flatten: true
}, {
from: '../../CRNEngine/HTML5CRN/favicon.ico',
to: 'favicon.ico',
flatten: true
}, {
from: './web.config',
to: '.',
flatten: true
new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
$: 'jquery',
jQuery: 'jquery',
Rx: 'rx',
ko: 'knockout',
SVG: 'svgjs',
saveAs: 'file-saver',
jQuery_mousewheel: 'jquery-mousewheel'
new MonacoWebpackPlugin({ languages: [] }),
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
template: './Templates/index.html',
filename: './index.html' //relative to root of the application
new WorkboxPlugin.GenerateSW({
swDest: './service-worker.js',
clientsClaim: true,
skipWaiting: true,
// We have quite a lot of code, but we still want to precache it.
maximumFileSizeToCacheInBytes: 5 * 1024 * 1024
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
namespace ClassicGECIntegrationTests.AssemblyInfo
open System.Reflection
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
open System.Runtime.InteropServices
// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following
// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information
// associated with an assembly.
[<assembly: AssemblyTitle("ClassicGECIntegrationTests")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyDescription("")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyCompany("")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyProduct("ClassicGECIntegrationTests")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © Microsoft Research Cambridge 2019-2020")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyCulture("")>]
// Setting ComVisible to false makes the types in this assembly not visible
// to COM components. If you need to access a type in this assembly from
// COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type.
[<assembly: ComVisible(false)>]
// The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM
[<assembly: Guid("02883acf-2e55-42e6-b437-ae8446695435")>]
// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:
// Major Version
// Minor Version
// Build Number
// Revision
// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers
// by using the '*' as shown below:
// [<assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyVersion("")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")>]
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<None Include="build.fsx" />
<Compile Include="AssemblyInfo.fs" />
<Compile Include="Tests.fs" />
<Compile Include="Program.fs" />
<None Include="paket.references" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\CRNEngine\CRNIntegrationTestLib\CRNIntegrationTestLib.fsproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\ClassicGECWebServer\ClassicGECWebServer.fsproj" />
<Reference Include="Oslo.FSharp">
<Target Name="AfterBuildFAKE" AfterTargets="AfterBuild">
<Message Importance="high" Text="Running FAKE target Build" />
<Exec Command="dotnet tool restore" />
<Exec Command="dotnet fake build --target Build ProjectDir='$(ProjectDir)' Configuration=$(Configuration) OutDir='$(OutDir)'" />
<Target Name="PublishFAKE" AfterTargets="Publish">
<Message Importance="high" Text="Running FAKE target Publish" />
<Exec Command="dotnet tool restore" />
<Exec Command="dotnet fake build --target Publish ProjectDir='$(ProjectDir)' Configuration=$(Configuration) PublishDir='$(PublishDir)'" />
<Import Project="..\..\.paket\Paket.Restore.targets" />
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
open System
open System.IO
open Expecto
open canopy
open canopy.classic
open canopy.types
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngineServerLib
open Microsoft.Research.ClassicGECWebServer
open Microsoft.Research.CRNIntegrationTestLib
let main args =
System.Globalization.CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture <- System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
let (groups,timeout,args) = Program.separateArgs args
let server = Server.startWebServer Program.processRequest Program.homeFolder Program.jobsFolder Program.port
let result =
let url = Server.starturl Program.port
BrowserSetup.configureCanopy timeout
let tests = Tests.tests groups Tests.Localhost url
|||| args tests
printfn "Shutting down server..."
server.StopAsync() |> ignore
if System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached then
printf "Press any key to exit"
System.Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
module Tests
open Expecto
open canopy
open canopy.classic
open OpenQA.Selenium
open Microsoft.Research.CRNIntegrationTestLib.Tests
let testCaseExample address = testCaseExample address "#gec-editor"
let tests groups mode address =
let groups = if groups = [||] then [|"default"|] else groups
printfn "Testing: %s" (System.String.Join(", ",groups))
testList "UI" [
if Array.contains "all_examples" groups then yield testList "all_examples" [
load address
let options = (element "#gecCode").FindElement(By.CssSelector ".c-examples").FindElements(By.CssSelector "option") |> (fun (opt:IWebElement) -> opt.Text) |> Seq.skip 1
for ex in options do yield testCaseExample address ex
if Array.contains "default" groups then yield testList "default" [
//Direct URL request
(*yield testCase "Smoke" <| fun _ ->
let body =
Request.createUrl Get Microsoft.Research.ClassicDSDServer.Program.url
|> Request.responseAsString
|> run
Expect.stringContains body "<title>Classic DSD Tool</title>" "It really should"*)
//Canopy browser automation
yield testCase "Canopy Smoke" <| fun _ ->
load address
yield testCase "Simulation Smoke" <| fun _ ->
load address
selectExample "#gec-editor" "Basic"
simulate false
(*yield testCase "Inference Smoke" <| fun _ ->
load ()
selectExample "Join - Inference"
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
#r "paket: groupref Build //"
#load ".fake/build.fsx/intellisense.fsx"
open Fake.Core
open Fake.DotNet
open Fake.IO
open Fake.IO.FileSystemOperators
open Fake.IO.Globbing.Operators
open BlackFox.Fake
#load "../../Builds/Builds/PublishHelper.fs"
open PublishHelper
#load "../ClassicGECWebServer/BuildSettings.fs"
let copyRequiredFilestoOutput projectDir outDir configuration =
copySundials projectDir outDir configuration
copyWebStuff projectDir outDir ClassicGECServer.BuildSettings.homeFolder
copyJobStuff projectDir outDir ClassicGECServer.BuildSettings.jobsFolder
let build = BuildTask.createFn "Build" [] (fun args ->
let settings = parseSettings args.Context.Arguments
copyRequiredFilestoOutput settings.["ProjectDir"] settings.["OutDir"] settings.["Configuration"]
//dotnet fake build --target Publish ProjectDir="E:\dev\biocomputing\ClassicGEC\ClassicGECServer\" PublishDir="bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.0\publish\" Configuration=Debug
let publish = BuildTask.createFn "Publish" [] (fun args ->
let settings = parseSettings args.Context.Arguments
copyRequiredFilestoOutput settings.["ProjectDir"] settings.["PublishDir"] settings.["Configuration"]
let nothing = BuildTask.createEmpty "Nothing" []
BuildTask.runOrDefaultWithArguments nothing
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|AnyCPU'">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|AnyCPU'">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\logicGEC.fs">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\options.fsi">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\options.fs">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\keywords.fs">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\ast.fs">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\subst.fsi">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\subst.fs">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\gecspecies.fs">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\gecreaction.fsi">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\gecreaction.fs">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\directivesParser.fs">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\settings.fs">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\database.fsi">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\database.fs">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\cssubst.fsi">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\cssubst.fs">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\solver.fsi">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\solver.fs">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\NumUtil.fs">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\trans.fs">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\hypothesis.fs">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\program.fs">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\main.fs">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\transCrn.fs">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\gec.fs">
<Compile Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\jsapi.fs">
<Compile Include="jsonapi.fs" />
<None Include="paket.references" />
<None Include="wsconfig.json" />
<Content Include="app.config" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\FSBOLWrapper\FSBOLWrapperJS\FSBOLWrapperJS.fsproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\PDESolvers\ReactionDiffusionJS\ReactionDiffusionJS.fsproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\CRNEngine\CRNEngineJS\CRNEngineJS.fsproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\Filzbach.FSharp.JS\Filzbach.FSharp.JS.fsproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\ParserCombinators\ParserCombinatorsJS\ParserCombinatorsJS.fsproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\RulesDSD\RulesDSDJS\RulesDSDJS.fsproj" />
<Reference Include="Oslo.FSharp.WebSharper">
<Import Project="..\..\.paket\Paket.Restore.targets" />
@ -0,0 +1 @@
// This file takes the place of the W# output, in cases where W# is not invoked (i.e. server mode). A file must exist, even if it's empty, so that Webpack can handle references properly.
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2" />
<runtime><assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
<assemblyIdentity name="FSharp.Core" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
module Microsoft.Research.GEC.JSONAPI
open WebSharper
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
let compile (code:string) (parts:string) (reactions:string) : obj =
let result = JSAPI.compile code parts reactions
WebSharper.Json.Encode result
let get_solution (o:obj) (idx:int) : obj =
let o = WebSharper.Json.Decode<JSAPI.solve_result> o
let result = JSAPI.get_solution o idx
WebSharper.Json.Encode result
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"project": "bundle",
"outputDir": "Content",
"javascriptExport": ["Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.JSONAPI"]
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Compile Include="Program.fs" />
<None Include="paket.references" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\MomentClosure\MomentClosure\MomentClosure.fsproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\CRNEngine\CliLibrary\CliLibrary.fsproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\CRNEngine\CRNEngineDotNet\CRNEngineDotNet.fsproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\ClassicGECDotNet\ClassicGECDotNet.fsproj" />
<Reference Include="Oslo.FSharp">
<Target Name="Copying Sundials" AfterTargets="AfterBuild" Condition="$(OS) == Windows_NT">
<Exec Command="xcopy /y /q /d "$(ProjectDir)..\x64\$(Configuration)\SundialsSolver15.dll" "$(OutDir)"" />
<Exec Command="xcopy /y /q /d "$(ProjectDir)..\x64\$(Configuration)\SundialsSolver15.pdb" "$(OutDir)"" />
<Import Project="..\..\.paket\Paket.Restore.targets" />
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
module Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.RunAllExamples.Program
open Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine
open Microsoft.Research.CliLibrary.Testing
// Here we assume that we are only interested in the first solution, equivalent to how the GUI handles inference from a GEC program
let parser code =
let solveResult = Microsoft.Research.GEC.GECEngine.solveGEC (ref false) code Microsoft.Research.GEC.Databases.defaultParts Microsoft.Research.GEC.Databases.defaultReactions
let firstSolution = Microsoft.Research.GEC.GECEngine.getCrnAssignment solveResult.graph solveResult.solution 0
let main(args) =
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture <- System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture <- System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
testValidate (fun _ -> None) parser args
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio Version 16
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{529BEDB7-C73A-4A77-BFD9-1628D75C321B}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
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{529BEDB7-C73A-4A77-BFD9-1628D75C321B}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
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{866880DC-BF1E-4C12-8238-72E7EFF44AFB}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
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{1DE5B345-EA66-4B52-8807-8E115F666215}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
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{74DDCD31-9968-4B9B-8E5D-F07EDB7CE332}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
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{74DDCD31-9968-4B9B-8E5D-F07EDB7CE332}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
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{CBC756D7-8BB7-4CEC-95C7-FDB9363BAC63}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
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{CBC756D7-8BB7-4CEC-95C7-FDB9363BAC63}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{179FDF3E-67B8-4E2F-9089-650BB1319AF2}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{179FDF3E-67B8-4E2F-9089-650BB1319AF2}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
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{179FDF3E-67B8-4E2F-9089-650BB1319AF2}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
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{0ECCE305-85C0-403F-A980-EEB9379BD5A4}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
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{0ECCE305-85C0-403F-A980-EEB9379BD5A4}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{2F3B8603-CFF1-4946-B242-6F848801B49A}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{2F3B8603-CFF1-4946-B242-6F848801B49A}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{2F3B8603-CFF1-4946-B242-6F848801B49A}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{2F3B8603-CFF1-4946-B242-6F848801B49A}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
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{B234C1D7-96F4-40A2-A323-3B18646BF95C}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
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{B234C1D7-96F4-40A2-A323-3B18646BF95C}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
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{6DF7A0C1-2048-4A51-8599-E1C0B958A5E2}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{6DF7A0C1-2048-4A51-8599-E1C0B958A5E2}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{6DF7A0C1-2048-4A51-8599-E1C0B958A5E2}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{FB1F1936-AC22-41B4-AF2F-E20A486E3416}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{FB1F1936-AC22-41B4-AF2F-E20A486E3416}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{FB1F1936-AC22-41B4-AF2F-E20A486E3416}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{FB1F1936-AC22-41B4-AF2F-E20A486E3416}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
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{4522F647-5919-41E3-82E7-F886A640680B}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{4522F647-5919-41E3-82E7-F886A640680B}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{4522F647-5919-41E3-82E7-F886A640680B}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{A7A666E0-2ADE-4496-A84A-267BBE68B5A1}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{A7A666E0-2ADE-4496-A84A-267BBE68B5A1}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{A7A666E0-2ADE-4496-A84A-267BBE68B5A1}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{A7A666E0-2ADE-4496-A84A-267BBE68B5A1}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{EEF843A3-43F8-4E6B-AB7F-9ADE3A5AF022}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{EEF843A3-43F8-4E6B-AB7F-9ADE3A5AF022}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{EEF843A3-43F8-4E6B-AB7F-9ADE3A5AF022}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{EEF843A3-43F8-4E6B-AB7F-9ADE3A5AF022}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{B4C3F008-B6CA-4D63-9B98-6AC2D97B4E9B}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{B4C3F008-B6CA-4D63-9B98-6AC2D97B4E9B}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{B4C3F008-B6CA-4D63-9B98-6AC2D97B4E9B}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{B4C3F008-B6CA-4D63-9B98-6AC2D97B4E9B}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{AD19FE90-3663-4161-AC2D-08B4381D4808}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{AD19FE90-3663-4161-AC2D-08B4381D4808}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{AD19FE90-3663-4161-AC2D-08B4381D4808}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{AD19FE90-3663-4161-AC2D-08B4381D4808}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{0278F0E2-D752-47C1-A2E5-EF4BB7828C93}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{0278F0E2-D752-47C1-A2E5-EF4BB7828C93}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{0278F0E2-D752-47C1-A2E5-EF4BB7828C93}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{0278F0E2-D752-47C1-A2E5-EF4BB7828C93}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
{20DDF233-1536-4C13-92E1-B2F578142811}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{20DDF233-1536-4C13-92E1-B2F578142811}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{20DDF233-1536-4C13-92E1-B2F578142811}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{20DDF233-1536-4C13-92E1-B2F578142811}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{B1130E5F-166A-45BC-A966-EA9053557788}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{B1130E5F-166A-45BC-A966-EA9053557788}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{B1130E5F-166A-45BC-A966-EA9053557788}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{B1130E5F-166A-45BC-A966-EA9053557788}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{0A50EC28-1F57-483F-809F-3153BD887261}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{0A50EC28-1F57-483F-809F-3153BD887261}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{0A50EC28-1F57-483F-809F-3153BD887261}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{0A50EC28-1F57-483F-809F-3153BD887261}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{66A501F9-427B-4DB8-9C72-9A844D917D2A}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{66A501F9-427B-4DB8-9C72-9A844D917D2A}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{66A501F9-427B-4DB8-9C72-9A844D917D2A}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{66A501F9-427B-4DB8-9C72-9A844D917D2A}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE
GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution
SolutionGuid = {E643CAE2-AD10-4B8C-ADD6-C5A3EC142FAE}
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
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