260 строки
7.2 KiB
260 строки
7.2 KiB
version 5.245.1
source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
framework: netstandard2.0
redirects: on
nuget FSharp.Core ~> 4.7.0 redirects: force
nuget WebSharper =
nuget WebSharper.FSharp =
nuget WebSharper.Core =
nuget System.Text.Encodings.Web >= 4.7.2
nuget FSharp.Collections.ParallelSeq ~> 1.1.2
nuget FSharp.Compiler.Service
nuget Giraffe >= 3.4.0
nuget Microsoft.AspNetCore >= 2.1.6
nuget Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles
nuget Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebSockets
nuget Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebSockets.Server
nuget WindowsAzure.Storage 9.3.3
nuget Microsoft.Azure.Batch ~> 10.1.0
nuget FSharpIDD >= 0.4.3
nuget FSharpIDD.WS >= 0.4.3
nuget FParsec = 1.1.1
nuget DynamicLanguageRuntime >= 1.1.2
nuget FSharp.Interop.Dynamic 4.0.3-beta95
nuget Python.Runtime.NETStandard
nuget Microsoft.Msagl
nuget Microsoft.Msagl.Drawing
nuget Microsoft.Msagl.GraphViewerGDI
nuget MathNet.Numerics >= 4.7.0
nuget MathNet.Numerics.FSharp >= 4.7.0
nuget MathNet.Symbolics ~> 0.20.0
nuget Argu 6.0.0
nuget Newtonsoft.Json = 12.0.2
nuget BenchmarkDotNet ~> 0.11.4
nuget Microsoft.Z3.x64 4.8.4
nuget Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic >= 0.3.1810.501
nuget Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Compiler
nuget Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Learners
nuget FsLexYacc >= 10.0.0
nuget FsLexYacc.Runtime >= 10.0.0
nuget XPlot.Plotly ~> 1.5.0
nuget System.Drawing.Common >= 4.5.1
nuget SixLabors.ImageSharp 1.0.0-beta0007
nuget FSBOL >=
nuget FSBOLJS >=
nuget Thoth.Json.net >= 2.5.0
source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
redirects: on
nuget FSharp.Core ~> 4.7.0 redirects: force
nuget Newtonsoft.Json
#Only existed as netframework or netcore
nuget FsLexYacc >= 10.0.0
nuget FsLexYacc.Runtime >= 10.0.0
# Dependencies for Turing-Z3 project
nuget Argu 6.0.0
nuget MathNet.Numerics >= 4.7.0
nuget MathNet.Numerics.FSharp >= 4.7.0
nuget MathNet.Symbolics ~> 0.20.0
nuget FParsec = 1.1.1
nuget Microsoft.Z3.x64 4.8.4
nuget DynamicLanguageRuntime
nuget Plotly.NET 2.0.0-alpha5
#Only existed as netframework currently, working on netstandard
nuget Microsoft.Msagl 1.1.3
nuget Microsoft.Msagl.Drawing 1.1.3
nuget Microsoft.Msagl.GraphViewerGDI 1.1.3
nuget XPlot.Plotly ~> 3.0.1
nuget FSharp.Compiler.Service ~> 28.0.0
nuget SixLabors.ImageSharp 1.0.0-beta0006
nuget SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing 1.0.0-beta0006
nuget System.Drawing.Common 4.6.0-preview5.19224.8
source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
framework: netcoreapp3.1
redirects: on
nuget Yarn.MSBuild 1.22.4
nuget Node.js.redist 14.2.0
nuget FSharp.Core ~> 4.7.0 redirects: force
nuget System.Text.Encodings.Web >= 4.7.2
nuget Fable.Core >= 3.1.2
nuget Fable.Elmish >= 3.0.6
nuget Fable.Elmish.React >= 3.0.1
nuget Fable.Elmish.HMR >= 4.0.1
nuget Fable.Elmish.Debugger >= 3.0.3
nuget Fable.Browser.WebSocket >= 1.0.0
nuget Fulma
nuget Fable.PowerPack >= 3.0.0
nuget Fable.React 5.3.5
nuget FSharpIDD >= 0.4.3
nuget FSharpIDD.WS >= 0.4.3
nuget FParsec = 1.1.1
nuget FsPickler >= 5.2.0
nuget FsPickler.Json >= 5.2.0
nuget FsCheck ~> 2.14.0
nuget FsUnit.xUnit ~> 3.8.0
nuget FSharp.Collections.ParallelSeq ~> 1.1.2
nuget xunit.runner.console ~> 2.4.1
nuget xunit.runner.visualstudio ~> 2.4.1
nuget Microsoft.Z3.x64 4.8.4
nuget MathNet.Numerics >= 4.7.0
nuget MathNet.Numerics.FSharp >= 4.7.0
nuget MathNet.Symbolics ~> 0.20.0
nuget DynamicLanguageRuntime >= 1.1.2
nuget FSharp.Interop.Dynamic 4.0.3-beta95
nuget Python.Runtime.NETStandard
nuget Microsoft.Msagl
nuget Microsoft.Msagl.Drawing
nuget Microsoft.Msagl.GraphViewerGDI
nuget canopy >= 2.1.1
nuget Selenium.WebDriver >= 3.141.0
nuget Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver ~> 83.0.4103.3900
nuget Selenium.WebDriver.GeckoDriver.Win64 ~> 0.26.0
nuget Selenium.WebDriver.MicrosoftWebDriver ~> 10.0.17134
nuget Giraffe >= 4.0.1
nuget Saturn >= 0.11
nuget Fable.JsonConverter
nuget Microsoft.AspNetCore >= 2.1.6
nuget Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer = 3.1.18
nuget Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles
nuget Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebSockets
nuget Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebSockets.Server
#Need to keep Fable.Remoting compatible
nuget Fable.Remoting.Giraffe = 3.9.0
nuget Fable.Remoting.Client = 5.10.0
nuget Fable.Remoting.Server = 4.9.0
#nuget WindowsAzure.Storage-PremiumTable
# Need to migrate to the split Azure storage in future, they haven't really finished yet, no table support...
nuget Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob >= 11.1.0
nuget WindowsAzure.Storage 9.3.3 # <- needs to go
nuget Newtonsoft.Json = 12.0.2
nuget Argu 6.0.0
nuget Microsoft.NETCore.App >= 2.2.0
nuget TaskBuilder.fs 2.1.0
nuget Thoth.Json.net >= 2.5.0
nuget Microsoft.Azure.Storage.DataMovement >= 0.9
nuget Microsoft.Azure.Batch ~> 10.1.0
nuget Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory ~> 4.5.1
nuget Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault ~> 3.0.3
nuget Expecto ~> 8.13.1
nuget Expecto.Diff ~> 8.13.1
clitool dotnet-fable >= 2.0.9
#clitool dotnet-fake >= 5.12.4
nuget BenchmarkDotNet ~> 0.12.0
nuget FSharp.Configuration >= 2.0.0-alpha2
nuget WebSharper =
nuget WebSharper.FSharp =
nuget WebSharper.Core =
nuget FSharp.Data >= 3.3.3
group Build
source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
nuget Yarn.MSBuild 1.22.4
nuget Node.js.redist 14.2.0
nuget WindowsAzure.Storage 9.3.3
nuget FSharp.Core ~> 4.7.0 redirects: force // https://github.com/fsharp/FAKE/issues/2001
nuget System.Text.Encodings.Web >= 4.7.2
nuget Fake.DotNet.Paket >= 5.20.0
nuget Fake.Core.Target >= 5.20.0
nuget Fake.Core.Process >= 5.20.0
nuget Fake.Core.String >= 5.20.0
#nuget Fake.Core.ReleaseNotes
nuget Fake.IO.FileSystem >= 5.20.0
nuget Fake.Tools.Git >= 5.20.0
nuget Fake.IO.Zip >= 5.20.0
nuget BlackFox.Fake.BuildTask
#These need moving together... can we avoid fragility?
nuget fantomas 3.2.0
nuget FSharp.Compiler.Service >= 33.0.0
group JavaScriptBuild
//We make use of these packages via MSBUILD which currently requires knowing where node.js is, that's most easily done by
//putting it in the source tree.
//TODO: It would be cleaner and faster to get node.js.redist from the global NuGet location
source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
nuget Yarn.MSBuild 1.22.4
nuget Node.js.redist 14.2.0 storage:packages
nuget Microsoft.TypeScript.MSBuild 3.0.3
nuget TypesTSFS ~> 0.4.0 storage:packages
github SharpKit/SharpKit-SDK Frameworks/JsClr/res/jsclr.js
github SharpKit/SharpKit-SDK Frameworks/JsClr/res/jsclr.min.js
github microsoft/automatic-graph-layout GraphLayout/MsaglSharpkit/WebMsagl/Scripts/src/Microsoft.Msagl.js
github microsoft/automatic-graph-layout GraphLayout/MsaglSharpkit/WebMsagl/Scripts/src/Microsoft.Msagl.min.js |