require 'rubygems' require 'bundler' require 'erb' Bundler.setup Bundler.require env_index = ARGV.index("-e") env_arg = ARGV[env_index + 1] if env_index environment = env_arg || ENV["SINATRA_ENV"] || "development" RACK_ENV = environment module CommentService class << self attr_accessor :config attr_accessor :blocked_hashes end API_VERSION = 'v1' API_PREFIX = "/api/#{API_VERSION}" end if ENV["ENABLE_GC_PROFILER"] GC::Profiler.enable end application_yaml ="config/application.yml")).result() CommentService.config = YAML.load(application_yaml).with_indifferent_access Tire.configure do url CommentService.config[:elasticsearch_server] logger STDERR if ENV["ENABLE_ELASTICSEARCH_DEBUGGING"] end Mongoid.load!("config/mongoid.yml", environment) Mongoid.logger.level = Logger::INFO Mongo::Logger.logger.level = ENV["ENABLE_MONGO_DEBUGGING"] ? Logger::DEBUG : Logger::INFO # set up i18n I18n.load_path += Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'locale', '*.yml').to_s] I18n.default_locale = CommentService.config[:default_locale] I18n.enforce_available_locales = false I18n::Backend::Simple.send(:include, I18n::Backend::Fallbacks) use Rack::Locale helpers do def t(*args) I18n.t(*args) end end Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib/**/*.rb'].each {|file| require file} Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/models/*.rb'].each {|file| require file} Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/presenters/*.rb'].each {|file| require file} # Ensure elasticsearch index mappings exist. Comment.put_search_index_mapping CommentThread.put_search_index_mapping # Comment out observers until notifications are actually set up properly. #Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/models/observers/*.rb'].each {|file| require file} #Mongoid.observers = PostReplyObserver, PostTopicObserver, AtUserObserver #Mongoid.instantiate_observers APIPREFIX = CommentService::API_PREFIX DEFAULT_PAGE = 1 DEFAULT_PER_PAGE = 20 before do pass if request.path_info == '/heartbeat' api_key = CommentService.config[:api_key] error 401 unless params[:api_key] == api_key or env["HTTP_X_EDX_API_KEY"] == api_key end before do content_type "application/json" end # use yajl implementation for to_json. # # # In addition to performance advantages over the standard JSON gem, # this avoids a bug with non-BMP characters. For more info see: # require 'yajl/json_gem' # patch json serialization of ObjectIds to work properly with yajl. # See!topic/mongoid/MaXFVw7D_4s # Note that BSON was moved from Moped::BSON::ObjectId to BSON::ObjectId module BSON class ObjectId def to_json self.to_s.to_json end end end # Patch json serialization of Time Objects class Time # Returns a hash, that will be turned into a JSON object and represent this # object. # Note that this was done to prevent milliseconds from showing up in the JSON response thus breaking # API compatibility for downstream clients. def to_json(*) '"' + utc().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") + '"' end end # these files must be required in order require './api/search' require './api/commentables' require './api/comment_threads' require './api/comments' require './api/users' require './api/votes' require './api/flags' require './api/pins' require './api/notifications_and_subscriptions' require './api/notifications' if RACK_ENV.to_s == "development" get "#{APIPREFIX}/clean" do [Delayed::Backend::Mongoid::Job, Comment, CommentThread, User, Notification, Subscription, Activity].each(&:delete_all).each(&:remove_indexes).each(&:create_indexes) {}.to_json end end error Mongo::Error::InvalidDocument do error 400, [t(:requested_object_not_found)].to_json end error Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound do error 400, [t(:requested_object_not_found)].to_json end error ArgumentError do error 400, [env['sinatra.error'].message].to_json end CommentService.blocked_hashes = Content.mongo_client[:blocked_hash].find(nil, projection: {hash: 1}).map {|d| d["hash"]} def get_db_is_master Mongoid::Clients.default.command(isMaster: 1) end def get_es_status res = Tire::Configuration.client.get Tire::Configuration.url JSON.parse res.body end get '/heartbeat' do # mongo is reachable and ready to handle requests db_ok = false begin res = get_db_is_master db_ok = res.ok? && res.documents.first['ismaster'] == true rescue end error 500, JSON.generate({"OK" => false, "check" => "db"}) unless db_ok # E_S is reachable and ready to handle requests es_ok = false begin es_status = get_es_status es_ok = es_status["status"] == 200 rescue end error 500, JSON.generate({"OK" => false, "check" => "es"}) unless es_ok JSON.generate({"OK" => true}) end get '/selftest' do begin t1 = status = { "db" => get_db_is_master, "es" => get_es_status, "last_post_created" => (Content.last.created_at rescue nil), "total_posts" => Content.count, "total_users" => User.count, "elapsed_time" => - t1 } JSON.generate(status) rescue => ex [ 500, {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'}, "#{ex.backtrace.first}: #{ex.message} (#{ex.class})\n\t#{ex.backtrace[1..-1].join("\n\t")}" ] end end