981 строка
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981 строка
40 KiB
import os
import pandas as pd
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import logging
import numpy as np
import copy as copy
import random
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union
from omegaconf.listconfig import ListConfig
from pathlib import Path
logger = logging.getLogger("data_class")
class DataClass(object):
def __init__(self):
# Required fields that need to be filled every time we call load_csv as well.
# feature df original col naming, saved when renaming is performed --> concatenation
self.original_features = None
# label df original col naming, saved when renaming is performed --> diff
self.original_labels = None
# training variables - df
self.train_df_array = None
# training variables - numpy.array
self._X = None
self._y = None
# training variables - List[numpy.array]
self._X_train_seq = None
self._y_train_seq = None
# testing variables - df
self.test_df_array = None
# testing variables - numpy.array
self._X_test = None
self._y_test = None
# testing variables - List[numpy.array]
self._X_test_seq = None
self._y_test_seq = None
# sequential inference
self.last_X_d = None
self.new_y_d = None
def split(
"""Split the dataset by features and labels
df : [type]
iteration_col : [type]
episode_col : [type]
iteration_order : [type]
lagger_str : [type]
current_row : [type]
feature_cols : [type]
label_cols : [type]
f"Iteration order set to {iteration_order} so using {current_row} from {lagger_str} {iteration_order} row"
# We group by episode and iteration indices to make dataset episodic
df = df.sort_values(by=[episode_col, iteration_col])
# Create a lagged dataframe for capturing inputs and outputs
# when iteration_order < 0, this will consist of the features
# since we are doing a shift-backwards
# when iteration_order > 0, this will consist of labels
# since we are doing a shift-forward
lagged_df = df.groupby(by=episode_col, as_index=False).shift(
iteration_order * -1
if iteration_col not in feature_cols:
lagged_df = lagged_df.drop([iteration_col], axis=1)
# if iteration order is less than 1
# then the actions, configs should not be lagged
# only states should be lagged
# features = lagged_df[states] + df[actions, configs]
# labels = df[states]
if iteration_order < 0:
features_df = lagged_df[feature_cols]
features_df[augmented_cols] = df[augmented_cols]
# if iteration order is greater than 1
# then features = states, actions, configs from current row (df)
# labels = states from next row (lagged_df)
features_df = df[feature_cols]
# TODO: check, is this always redundant?
# i.e., is feature_cols is supset of augmented_cols
features_df[augmented_cols] = df[augmented_cols]
# eventually we will join the labels_df with the features_df
# if any columns are matching then rename them
if bool(set(feature_cols) & set(label_cols)):
features_df = features_df.rename(
columns=lambda x: "prev_" + x if x in label_cols else x
self.feature_cols = list(features_df.columns.values)
self.label_cols = list(label_cols)
self.augmented_cols = augmented_cols
logger.info(f"Feature columns are: {self.feature_cols}")
logger.info(f"Label columns are: {self.label_cols}")
# joined_df = df.join(features_df)
# in case iteration is in feature_cols, we don't want duplicated elements
# so we convert to a unique list
vars_to_keep = list(
set([episode_col, iteration_col] + self.feature_cols + self.label_cols)
if iteration_order < 0:
labels_df = df[[episode_col, iteration_col] + self.label_cols]
labels_df = df[[episode_col, iteration_col]].join(
# drop iteration from labels if it exists in features_df as well
if iteration_col in labels_df.columns and iteration_col in features_df.columns:
labels_df = labels_df.drop([iteration_col], axis=1)
return labels_df.join(features_df)[vars_to_keep]
def read(
df: pd.DataFrame,
iteration_order: int = -1,
episode_col: str = "episode",
iteration_col: str = "iteration",
feature_cols: List[str] = ["state_x_position"],
label_cols: List[str] = ["state_x_position"],
augmented_cols: List[str] = ["action_command"],
"""Read episodic data where each row contains either inputs and its preceding output or the causal inputs/outputs relationship
df : pdf.DataFrame
iteration_order : int, optional
[description], by default -1
episode_col : str, optional
[description], by default "episode"
iteration_col : str, optional
[description], by default "iteration"
feature_cols : Union[List, str], optional
[description], by default "state_"
# CASE 1: rows are of the form {st+1, at}
# Append st into next row
# if iteration_order < 0 then drop the iteration - iteration_order iteration from each episode
# and append previous state columns into each row: {st+1, at} -> {st, at, st+1}
if all([episode_col, iteration_col, iteration_order < 0]):
lagger_str = "previous"
current_row = "inputs"
joined_df = self.split(
# skip the first row of each episode since we do not have its st
joined_df = (
joined_df.groupby(by=episode_col, as_index=False)
.apply(lambda x: x.iloc[iteration_order * -1 :])
return joined_df.drop(["level_0", "level_1"], axis=1)
# CASE 2: rows of the form {st, at}
# Append st+1 from next row into current row {st, at, st+1}
elif all([episode_col, iteration_col, iteration_order > 0]):
lagger_str = "next"
current_row = "outputs"
joined_df = self.split(
# truncate before the end of iteration_order for complete observations only
joined_df = (
joined_df.groupby(by=episode_col, as_index=False)
.apply(lambda x: x.iloc[: iteration_order * -1])
return joined_df.drop(["level_0", "level_1"], axis=1)
return df
def load_csv(
dataset_path: str,
input_cols: Union[str, List[str]] = "state",
augm_cols: Union[str, List[str]] = ["action_command"],
output_cols: Union[str, List[str]] = "state",
iteration_order: int = -1,
episode_col: str = "episode",
iteration_col: str = "iteration",
drop_nulls: bool = True,
max_rows: Union[int, None] = None,
test_perc: float = 0.15,
debug: bool = False,
diff_state: bool = False,
prep_pipeline: Optional[Callable] = None,
var_rename: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
concatenated_steps: int = 1,
concatenated_zero_padding: bool = True,
concatenate_var_length: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None,
exogeneous_variables: Optional[List[str]] = None,
exogeneous_save_path: Optional[str] = None,
reindex_iterations: Optional[bool] = False,
initial_values_save_path: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Read CSV data into two datasets for modeling
dataset_path : str
path to csv dataset
input_cols : Union[str, List[str]], optional
list of columns represent the inputs to the dynamical system in the raw dataset. Can either be a string which is then matched for all columns in the dataset, or a list of strings with exact matches, by default "state"
augm_cols : Union[str, List[str]], optional
Exact match of additional columns to use for modeling, such as the actions of the current iteration and any scenario/config parameters, by default ["action_command"]
output_col : Union[str, List[str]], optional
output columns of the dynamical system. Can either be a string which is then matched for any columns or a list of exact matches, by default "state"
iteration_order : int, optional
in the order of the raw dataset, what is the lag between iteration t and iteration t+1, by default -1
max_rows : Union[int, None], optional
max rows to read for a large dataset, by default None
test_perc : float [0, 1], optional
defines the percentage of the data to reserve for testing (from 0.1 == 10% test / 90% train)
debug : bool, optional
enables any changes useful for testing. For now, it disables shuffling the episodes prior to train/test split
diff_state : bool, default False
If enabled, calculate differential between current output_cols and past output_cols
concatenated_steps : int, optional
number of steps to concatenate as input to ddm (per inference run)
concatenated_zero_padding : bool, optional
true: initial state padding made with zeroes
false: initial state padding made copying initial sample 'concatenated_steps' times
concatenate_var_length : Optional[Dict[str, int]], optional
dictionary of variable names and their length to be concatenated. If None, ignored
exogeneous_variables : Optional[List[str]], optional
List of exogeneous variables which are read and saved to CSV with episode and iteration IDS. If None, ignored
exogeneous_save_path : Optional[str], optional
Path to save exogeneous variables to. If None, ignored
reindex_iterations : Optional[bool], optional
If True, reindex iterations to start at 0 for each episode. If False, ignore
initial_values_save_path : Optional[str], optional
Path to save initial values to. If None, ignored and no initial values are saved
Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]
Features and labels for modeling
Data not found
# define require fields
if not os.path.exists(dataset_path):
raise ValueError(f"No data found at {dataset_path}")
if max_rows < 0:
max_rows = None
df = pd.read_csv(dataset_path, nrows=max_rows)
if df[episode_col].dtype != int:
f"Episode column {episode_col} is not integer. Attempting to convert to integer"
df[episode_col], _ = pd.factorize(df[episode_col])
if reindex_iterations:
"Re-indexing iterations to start at 1 and increment by 1 for each episode"
df[iteration_col] = df.groupby(episode_col).cumcount() + 1
if var_rename:
logger.info(f"Renaming dataset using mapper: {var_rename}")
df = df.rename(var_rename, axis=1)
if prep_pipeline:
from preprocess import pipeline
logger.info(f"Applying preprocessing steps from pipeline.py")
df = pipeline(df)
if initial_values_save_path:
if os.path.dirname(initial_values_save_path) == "":
initial_values_save_path = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), initial_values_save_path
f"Saving initial episode values to {initial_values_save_path}"
# group by episode and take first row
initial_values = df.groupby(episode_col).first().reset_index()
initial_values.to_csv(initial_values_save_path, index=False)
if drop_nulls:
df = df[~df.isnull().any(axis=1)]
if type(input_cols) == str:
base_features = [str(col) for col in df if col.startswith(input_cols)]
elif isinstance(input_cols, (list, ListConfig)):
base_features = input_cols
raise TypeError(
f"input_cols expected type List[str] or str but received type {type(input_cols)}"
if not augm_cols:
logging.debug(f"No augmented columns...")
augm_features = []
elif type(augm_cols) == str:
augm_features = [str(col) for col in df if col.startswith(augm_cols)]
elif isinstance(augm_cols, (list, ListConfig)):
augm_features = augm_cols
raise TypeError(
f"augm_cols expected type List[str] or str but received type {type(augm_cols)}"
if augm_cols:
features = base_features + augm_features
features = base_features
self.features = features
logging.info(f"Using {features} as the features for modeling DDM")
if type(output_cols) == str:
labels = [col for col in df if col.startswith(output_cols)]
elif isinstance(output_cols, (list, ListConfig)):
labels = output_cols
raise TypeError(
f"output_cols expected type List[str] but received type {type(output_cols)}"
self.labels = labels
logging.info(f"Using {labels} as the labels for modeling DDM")
self.iteration_order = iteration_order
df = self.read(
if exogeneous_variables:
if not exogeneous_save_path:
fname, ext = os.path.splitext(dataset_path)
exogeneous_save_path = f"{fname}_exogeneous_vars{ext}"
if os.path.dirname(exogeneous_save_path) == "":
exogeneous_save_path = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), exogeneous_save_path
f"Saving exogeneous variables with episode and iteration indices to {exogeneous_save_path}"
df[[episode_col, iteration_col] + exogeneous_variables].to_csv(
exogeneous_save_path, index=False
# store episode_id to group_per_episode
self.episode_col = episode_col
self.iteration_col = iteration_col
self.episode_ids = df[episode_col].values
# Trim episodes
df_per_episode = self.trim_episodes(df)
# Diff generation
self.diff_state = diff_state
if self.diff_state:
self.df_per_episode = []
for df in df_per_episode:
aux_df = self.df_diff_predictions(df)
if aux_df is not None:
# Input-state concatenation
self.concatenated_steps = concatenated_steps
self.concatenated_zero_padding = concatenated_zero_padding
self.concatenate_var_length = concatenate_var_length
self.first_pass_concatenate = True
if self.concatenated_steps > 1 or self.concatenate_var_length:
f"Using previous {self.concatenated_steps} lags for all features as inputs and using padding: {self.concatenated_zero_padding}"
df_per_episode = copy.deepcopy(self.df_per_episode)
self.df_per_episode = []
for df in df_per_episode:
aux_df = self.df_concatenate_inputs(df)
if aux_df is not None:
# Splitting datasets
self.debug = debug
self.test_perc = test_perc
X_train, y_train = self.get_train_set()
X_test, y_test = self.get_test_set()
return X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test
def trim_episodes(self, df):
"""Split the array into episodes using iteration/episode provided in dataframe.
df: pd.Dataframe
Takes the set of dataframes and splits into a list of DFs per episode.
List of dataframes, grouped by episode.
# We group by episode and iteration indices to make dataset episodic
df = df.sort_values(by=[self.episode_col, self.iteration_col])
# Create a lagged dataframe for capturing inputs and outputs
df_per_episode = df.groupby(by=self.episode_col, as_index=False)
# Remove indexer, and get only df list
# df_per_episode = list(map(lambda x: x[1], df_per_episode))
df_per_episode = [df_per_episode.get_group(x) for x in df_per_episode.groups]
self.df_per_episode = df_per_episode
f"Trimmed DataFrame across episodes. found ({len(self.df_per_episode)}) episodes."
return df_per_episode
def split_train_and_test_samples(self, test_perc=0.15):
"""Takes care of splitting test and train sets. The dataset is split without breaking episodes, but making the split at an iteration level.
split: float [0, 1]
Percentage of samples to keep for training.
# Get train split - but ensuring we do not divide by zero later
split = min(max(1 - test_perc, 0.01), 0.99)
# Update with validated test_perc
self.test_perc = 1 - split
episodes_len = []
# Randomize episodes prior to train/test split
if not self.debug:
self.test_len = 0
self.train_len = 0
self.test_df_array = []
self.train_df_array = []
for df in self.df_per_episode:
ep_len = len(df)
if self.train_len / split <= self.test_len / (1 - split):
self.train_len += ep_len
self.test_len += ep_len
# Extract episode length (mean & std dev)
self.mean_episode_len = np.mean(episodes_len)
self.std_episode_len = np.std(episodes_len)
f"Divided train & test set with ({self.train_len}) and ({self.test_len}) iterations, respectively. Chosen split == {split*100}%.\
\n >> Average episode length: ({self.mean_episode_len}). Average std dev: ({self.std_episode_len})"
# Reset training variables to None (in case this method is called after initialization)
self._X = None
self._y = None
self._X_train_seq = None
self._y_train_seq = None
self._X_test = None
self._y_test = None
self._X_test_seq = None
self._y_test_seq = None
def X(self):
if self._X is None:
# return value extracted on previous run
return self._X
def y(self):
if self._y is None:
# return value extracted on previous run
return self._y
def get_train_set(self):
# Prepares X and y training dataset, and retrieves after aggregation
if self._X is None or self._y is None:
self._X = []
self._y = []
for df in self.train_df_array:
self._X = np.array(self._X)
self._y = np.array(self._y)
self.input_dim = self._X.shape[1]
self.output_dim = self._y.shape[1]
return self._X, self._y
def get_train_set_per_episode(self):
# Prepares X and y training dataset, and retrieves after aggregation
if not self._X_train_seq or not self._y_train_seq:
self._X_train_seq = []
self._y_train_seq = []
for df in self.train_df_array:
X_episode = np.array(df[self.feature_cols].values)
y_episode = np.array(df[self.label_cols].values)
assert (
self.input_dim == self._X_train_seq[0].shape[1]
), "input dimension has changed between train ({self.input_dim}) and current train grouped-per-episode set ({self._X_train_seq[0].shape[1]})."
assert (
self.output_dim == self._y_train_seq[0].shape[1]
), "output dimension has changed between train ({self.output_dim}) and current train grouped-per-episode set ({self._y_train_seq[0].shape[1]})."
return self._X_train_seq, self._y_train_seq
def X_test(self):
if self._X_test is None:
# return value extracted on previous run
return self._X_test
def y_test(self):
if self._y_test is None:
# return value extracted on previous run
return self._y_test
def get_test_set(self):
# Prepares X and y training dataset, and retrieves after aggregation
logger.info(f"Features: {self.feature_cols}")
if self._X_test is None or self._y_test is None:
self._X_test = []
self._y_test = []
for df in self.test_df_array:
self._X_test = np.array(self._X_test)
self._y_test = np.array(self._y_test)
assert (
self.input_dim == self._X_test.shape[1]
), "input dimension has changed between train ({self.input_dim}) and current test set ({self._X_test.shape[1]})."
assert (
self.output_dim == self._y_test.shape[1]
), "output dimension has changed between train ({self.output_dim}) and current test set ({self._y_test.shape[1]})."
return self._X_test, self._y_test
def get_test_set_per_episode(self):
# Prepares X and y training dataset, and retrieves after aggregation
if not self._X_test_seq or not self._y_test_seq:
self._X_test_seq = []
self._y_test_seq = []
for df in self.test_df_array:
X_episode = np.array(df[self.feature_cols].values)
y_episode = np.array(df[self.label_cols].values)
assert (
self.input_dim == self._X_test_seq[0].shape[1]
), "input dimension has changed between train ({self.input_dim}) and current test set ({self._X_test_seq[0].shape[1]})."
assert (
self.output_dim == self._y_test_seq[0].shape[1]
), "output dimension has changed between train ({self.output_dim}) and current test set ({self._y_test_seq[0].shape[1]})."
return self._X_test_seq, self._y_test_seq
def sequential_inference_initialize(self, ini_X: np.ndarray):
"""Takes care of initializing the features to the model for sequential prediction.
ini_X: np.ndarray
Set of initial features to store for subsequent updates.
self.last_X_d = OrderedDict(zip(self.feature_cols, list(ini_X)))
return None
def sequential_inference(self, new_y: np.ndarray, other_args: np.ndarray):
"""Takes care of processing the predicted outputs, and insert them on top of the previous step for sequential prediction.
At the moment we keep the input features static in between runs, only overwritting the labels that the model predicts sequentially.
- Note, "sequential_inference_initialize" needs to be called first when instancing a new prediction.
new_y: np.ndarray
Predictions made by DDM, to be used to overwrite initial X.
other_args: np.ndarray
Take all other values required, that are not being predicted as labels.
Note, it might contain additional features that are being predicted as labels and should not be used.
Array of next features, when receiving new_y for feature update.
When method "sequential_inference_initialize" has not been called prior to stepping.
if self.last_X_d is None:
raise Exception(
"Method 'sequential_inference_initialize' must be called prior to sequential prediction."
assert len(self.label_cols) == len(
), "new_y should have same length than labels provided during load_csv method."
# Store the received label values indexed by their corresponding label names
self.new_y_d = OrderedDict(zip(self.label_cols, list(new_y)))
other_args_d = OrderedDict(zip(self.feature_cols, list(other_args)))
# if new_state is not None:
# Extract the original set of features (without any subindices added when concatenating steps)
if self.concatenated_steps > 1:
feats_list = self.original_features
feats_list = self.feature_cols
# Extract the labels (without the "diff_" tag to match to features later)
if self.diff_state:
label_cols = self.original_labels
label_cols = self.label_cols
if type(self.concatenate_var_length) == dict:
for feat, conc_steps in self.concatenate_var_length.items():
for i in range(1, conc_steps):
concat_feat = feat + f"_{i}"
next_concat_feat = feat + f"_{i+1}"
self.last_X_d[next_concat_feat] = self.last_X_d[concat_feat]
# Modify the current state (features), with the updated states
for feat in feats_list:
# Move the concatenated states forward by 1 step (higher number == least recent)
if self.concatenated_steps > 1:
for i in range(1, self.concatenated_steps):
concat_feat = feat + f"_{i}"
next_concat_feat = feat + f"_{i+1}"
self.last_X_d[next_concat_feat] = self.last_X_d[concat_feat]
for feat in feats_list:
# Select the target feature to store the received values at
if type(self.concatenate_var_length) == dict:
if feat in list(self.concatenate_var_length.keys()):
target_feat = feat + "_1"
target_feat = feat
elif self.concatenated_steps > 1 and not self.concatenate_var_length:
target_feat = feat + "_1"
target_feat = feat
# Select the label that matches the feature
target_label = None
for label in label_cols:
# See if the label is contained within the feature name.
# Note, we assume features matching labels will always be named ["prev_" + label_name].
# > For both self.iteration_order > 0 and self.iteration_order < 0.
if label in feat:
target_label = label
# If there is no matching label to current feature, we take it from the set of other arguments (when given).
if target_label is None:
if target_feat in other_args_d.keys():
self.last_X_d[target_feat] = other_args_d[target_feat]
f"[dataclass: sequential_inference] updated value for feature ({target_feat}) was provided: ({self.last_X_d[target_feat]})."
f"[dataclass: sequential_inference] updated value for feature ({target_feat}) was not provided. Reusing previous value: ({self.last_X_d[target_feat]})."
# Update the state with the parsed new label values ("self.new_y_d")
if self.diff_state:
target_label = "diff_" + target_label
self.last_X_d[target_feat] += self.new_y_d[target_label]
self.last_X_d[target_feat] = self.new_y_d[target_label]
# Retrieve the set of updated values.
# Note, self.last_X_d is an ordered dictionary.
return np.array(list(self.last_X_d.values()))
def df_diff_predictions(self, df):
"""Take the dataframe and modify labels to be differential states.
df: pd.Dataframe
Dataframe with labels and features.
Dataframe with diff labels added on new column.
labels_matched_to_feats = True
# Save original labels and rename label_cols to point to the "diff" version
if not self.original_labels:
self.original_labels = copy.deepcopy(self.label_cols)
self.label_cols = ["diff_" + label for label in self.original_labels]
# Compute difference values for each label
for label in self.original_labels:
diff_label = "diff_" + label
diff_values = None
# Compute the difference between label and feature, when the feature exists
for feat in self.feature_cols:
# See if the label is contained within the feature name.
# Note, we assume features matching labels will always be named ["prev_" + label_name].
# > For both self.iteration_order > 0 and self.iteration_order < 0.
if label in feat:
# Compute the difference per row computed as: [label - feat]
diff_values = df[label].values - df[feat].values
# If no feature has been matched, compute the difference between rows
# > Note, the first row will have to be removed later
if diff_values is None:
if len(df) < 2:
log_message = f"Matching feature not found for label '{label}'."
log_message += f" And not enough rows to compute diff (minimum 2, but {len(df)} were given)."
return None
# Raise the flag to later remove the first row
labels_matched_to_feats = False
# Generate the difference between rows, and insert a zero (to be removed later)
diff_values = df[label].values[1:] - df[label].values[:-1]
diff_values = np.append([0], diff_values)
df[diff_label] = diff_values
# If all labels have been matched, we will not be losing any rows
if labels_matched_to_feats:
"delta states enabled, calculating differential between input and output values. note, no rows have been lost."
# If at least one label has not been matched, we will have to remove the first row
# drop last zeroed row
df.drop(df.head(1).index, axis=0, inplace=True)
"delta states enabled, calculating differential between input and output values. note, first row has been lost."
# y = y - X[:, : y.shape[1]] # s_t+1 - s_t
return df
def df_concatenate_inputs(self, df):
"""Take the dataframe and concatenate as many steps as defined.
Uses 'self.concatenated_steps' and 'self.concatenated_zero_padding', parsed during 'load_csv' method.
df: pd.Dataframe
Dataframe with labels and features.
List of dataframes with concatenated steps.
concatenated_steps = self.concatenated_steps
zero_padding = self.concatenated_zero_padding
# Only do this once per dataload, otherwise feature_cols will
# have already been augmented with the concatenated features.
if self.concatenate_var_length and self.first_pass_concatenate:
concatenate_var_length = dict(self.concatenate_var_length)
for feat in list(concatenate_var_length.keys()):
if feat in self.feature_cols:
feat_name = feat
self.first_pass_concatenate = False
elif "prev_" + feat in self.feature_cols:
feat_name = "prev_" + feat
concatenate_var_length[feat_name] = concatenate_var_length.pop(feat)
self.first_pass_concatenate = False
raise ValueError(f"Feature '{feat}' not found in feature_cols.")
max_value_concatenate = max(list(concatenate_var_length.values()))
vars_to_concatenate = list(concatenate_var_length.keys())
self.concatenate_var_length = concatenate_var_length
elif not self.first_pass_concatenate and self.concatenate_var_length:
concatenate_var_length = copy.deepcopy(self.concatenate_var_length)
max_value_concatenate = max(list(concatenate_var_length.values()))
vars_to_concatenate = list(concatenate_var_length.keys())
max_value_concatenate = concatenated_steps
vars_to_concatenate = self.feature_cols
concatenate_var_length = {
feat: concatenated_steps for feat in self.feature_cols
# save it so you don't repeat the calculation after feature_cols
# are updated to include lagged_feature_cols
self.concatenate_var_length = concatenate_var_length
self.first_pass_concatenate = False
# Drop episode if number of iterations is lower than number of desired concatenated steps.
# - Dropped no matter if zero_padding is enabled or disabled -
# if len(df) < concatenated_steps:
if len(df) < max_value_concatenate:
f"Concatenated inputs enabled, attempting to concatenate {max_value_concatenate} steps. However, input data is of length ({len(df)}) which is lower than number of steps to concatenate ({max_value_concatenate}). Please lower or turn off concatenated steps to use dataset."
raise ValueError("Not enough data to use with concatenated lagged features")
# Redefine input states to ensure input state names are unique
# - Note, state names are used on predict_sequentially_all method (and possibly others)
if not self.original_features:
self.original_features = copy.deepcopy(self.feature_cols)
# Note, naming convention needs to honor the way it is done in the subsequent loop
self.lagged_feature_cols = [
feat + f"_{i}"
for feat in vars_to_concatenate
for i in range(1, concatenate_var_length[feat] + 1)
self.no_lag_feature_cols = [
feat for feat in self.feature_cols if feat not in vars_to_concatenate
# leave self.original_features alone!
# self.original_features = no_lag_feature_cols + lagged_feature_cols
self.feature_cols = self.no_lag_feature_cols + self.lagged_feature_cols
f"Features after incorporating lagged features: {self.feature_cols}"
if not hasattr(self, "aux_concat_index"):
self.aux_concat_index = 0
self.aux_concat_index += 1
self.concatenated_feature_list = []
for feat, conc_steps in concatenate_var_length.items():
for i in range(1, conc_steps + 1):
concat_feat = feat + f"_{i}"
# Concatenate steps >> i == 1: has the newest value; i == conc_steps: has the oldest value
if i == 1:
feat_array = df[feat].values
feat_array = df[feat].values[: -i + 1]
# pad with zeros by default (remove later if undesired)
feat_array = np.array(list(np.zeros(i - 1)) + list(feat_array))
df[concat_feat] = feat_array
# Removing zero padded rows, if padding with zeros is disabled.
if not zero_padding:
df.drop(df.head(max_value_concatenate - 1).index, axis=0, inplace=True)
# Store information on transformation performed on debugger.
if zero_padding:
f"concatenated inputs enabled, concatenating {max_value_concatenate} steps. zero_padding: {zero_padding}. no rows have been lost."
f"concatenated inputs enabled, concatenating {max_value_concatenate} steps. zero_padding: {zero_padding}. initial ({concatenated_steps-1}) rows are dropped."
return df
if __name__ == "__main__":
data_dir = "csv_data"
logger.info(f"Using data saved in directory {data_dir}")
data_class = DataClass()
df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_dir, "cartpole-log.csv"), nrows=1000)
df = data_class.read(df, iteration_order=-1)
df2 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_dir, "cartpole_at_st.csv"), nrows=1000)
df2 = data_class.read(df2, iteration_order=1)