117 строки
4.1 KiB
Executable File
117 строки
4.1 KiB
Executable File
#' Create a tibble datamation
#' @importFrom dplyr any_of arrange bind_rows filter group_by group_size group_split group_vars is_grouped_df left_join mutate n n_groups pull select summarize ungroup group_indices
#' @importFrom gganimate anim_save ease_aes transition_states view_follow
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes element_blank geom_point ggplot ggtitle scale_color_manual theme
#' @importFrom magick image_read image_write
#' @importFrom purrr accumulate map map2 map2_dbl map2_dfr map_chr map_dbl map_dfr map_if pmap_dbl pmap_dfr reduce
#' @importFrom rlang parse_expr
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble tibble
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom purrr map map_chr
#' @importFrom rlang parse_expr
#' @param pipeline A tidyverse pipeline.
#' @param envir An environment.
#' @param output Path to where gif will be saved.
#' @param titles Optional titles for the datamation frames
#' @param xlim Optional x limits
#' @param ylim Optional y limits
#' @export
datamation_tibble <- function(pipeline, envir = rlang::global_env(),
output = "output.gif", titles = NA,
xlim = c(NA, NA), ylim = c(NA, NA)) {
# Specify which functions are supported, for parsing functions out and for erroring if any are not in this list
supported_tidy_functions <- c("group_by", "summarize", "filter")
# Convert pipeline into list
fittings <- pipeline %>%
data_states <- fittings %>%
snake(envir = envir)
if (length(data_states) < 2) {
stop("No data transformation detected by datamation_tibble", call. = FALSE)
tidy_functions_list <- fittings %>%
map(as.list) %>%
map(~ .x[[1]]) %>%
tidy_functions_list <- tidy_functions_list[-1]
supported_tidy_functions <- c("group_by", "ungroup", "summarize", "summarise", "filter")
map(tidy_functions_list, ~ if (!(.x %in% supported_tidy_functions)) {
stop(paste(.x, "not supported by datamation_tibble"), call. = FALSE)
anim_list <- list()
dimensions <- list(
xmin = xlim[1],
xmax = xlim[2],
ymin = ylim[1],
ymax = ylim[2]
current_state <- list(
df = data_states[[1]],
fitting = fittings[[2]],
title_state = list(titles = titles, current_title = 1),
coords = make_coords(data_states[[1]],
row_ceiling = dimensions$ymax
) %>%
mutate(Color = "#C0C0C0")
next_state <- list(df = data_states[[2]])
for (i in 1:(length(data_states) - 1)) {
if (tidy_functions_list[i] == "group_by") {
result <- dmta_group_by(current_state, next_state,
dimensions = dimensions, anim_title = titles[i]
anim_list <- c(anim_list, result$anim_path)
current_state <- result
current_state[["df"]] <- data_states[[i + 1]]
if (length(data_states) >= i + 2) {
current_state[["fitting"]] <- fittings[[i + 2]]
next_state <- list(df = data_states[[i + 2]])
} else if (tidy_functions_list[i] == "ungroup") {
result <- dmta_ungroup(current_state, next_state,
dimensions = dimensions,
anim_title = titles[i]
anim_list <- c(anim_list, result$anim_path)
current_state <- result
current_state[["df"]] <- data_states[[i + 1]]
if (length(data_states) >= i + 2) {
current_state[["fitting"]] <- fittings[[i + 2]]
next_state <- list(df = data_states[[i + 2]])
} else if (tidy_functions_list[i] %in% c("summarize", "summarise")) {
result <- dmta_summarize(current_state, next_state,
dimensions = dimensions, anim_title = titles[i]
anim_list <- c(anim_list, result$anim_path)
current_state <- result
current_state[["df"]] <- data_states[[i + 1]]
if (length(data_states) >= i + 2) {
current_state[["fitting"]] <- fittings[[i + 2]]
next_state <- list(df = data_states[[i + 2]])
anim_list <- unlist(anim_list)
if (length(anim_list) == 1) {
file.copy(anim_list[[1]], output, overwrite = TRUE)
} else if (length(anim_list > 1)) {
suppressWarnings(cat_gifs(anim_list, output = output))