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221 строка
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#' data_tabs UI Function
#' @description A shiny Module.
#' @param id,input,output,session Internal parameters for {shiny}.
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom shiny NS tagList
mod_data_tabs_ui <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
shiny::tabsetPanel(id = ns("data_tabs_panel"))
#' data_tabs Server Functions
#' @noRd
mod_data_tabs_server <- function(id, inputs, pipeline, slider_state, tab_change) {
shiny::moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
ns <- session$ns
shiny::observeEvent(pipeline(), {
# Clear existing tabs - note that this still tries to remove the tabs at the very beginning even if they don't exist - might need to look into this to see if it's causing any issues or if we can set to remove them only if they actually exist.
# Doesn't seem to be causing issues though, just a warning in the console
purrr::walk(c("1", "2", "3"), ~ shiny::removeTab(
inputId = "data_tabs_panel",
target = .x, session = session
# Generate the data, and render DTs for them
pipeline_group_by <- !is.null(inputs$group_by())
supported_tidy_functions <- c("group_by", "summarize", "filter", "count")
fittings <- pipeline() %>%
data_states <- fittings %>%
snake(envir = rlang::global_env())
data_states_tabs <- vector("list", length = ifelse(pipeline_group_by, 3, 2))
# State 1: Just the data on its own - full data? Relevant columns only?
data_states_tabs[[1]] <- data_states[[1]]
# No group by
# State 2: summarized data
if (!pipeline_group_by) {
data_states_tabs[[2]] <- data_states[[2]]
names(data_states_tabs) <- c("Initial data", "Summarized data")
data_states_titles <- c("Initial data", glue::glue("{inputs$summary_function()} {inputs$summary_var()}"))
# Yes group by
if (pipeline_group_by) {
# State 2: Grouped data, ordered by group - full data? Relevant columns only?
state_2 <- data_states[[2]]
# Get grouping variables to select and arrange by
grouping_vars <- group_vars(state_2)
grouping_vars <- rlang::parse_exprs(grouping_vars)
data_states_tabs[[2]] <- state_2 %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(!!!grouping_vars, rlang::parse_expr(inputs$summary_var())) %>%
# State 3: summarised data, ordering columns and data just in case
data_states_tabs[[3]] <- data_states[[3]] %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(!!!grouping_vars, rlang::parse_expr(inputs$summary_function())) %>%
names(data_states_tabs) <- c("Initial data", "Grouped data", "Summarized data")
data_states_titles <- c("Initial data", glue::glue("Group by {paste0(inputs$group_by(), collapse = ', ')}"), glue::glue("{inputs$summary_function()} {inputs$summary_variable()} in each group"))
# Create tabs and generate tables for them
function(i) {
# Generate content
content <- data_states_tabs[[i]] %>%
dplyr::mutate_if(is.numeric, round, 3)
if (i == 1) {
content <- content %>%
fullWidth = FALSE,
width = 600
} else {
content <- content %>%
fullWidth = FALSE
# Create and append tab
tab <- shiny::tabPanel(names(data_states_tabs)[[i]], shiny::h3(shiny::p(data_states_titles[[i]])), content, value = i)
shiny::appendTab(inputId = "data_tabs_panel", tab, select = i == 1, session = session)
# Change the tab shown based on the slider ----
shiny::observeEvent(slider_state(), {
selected_tab <- determine_tab_from_slider(slider_state(), inputs$group_by())
selected_tab <- as.character(selected_tab)
session = session,
inputId = "data_tabs_panel",
selected = selected_tab
# Listen to changes to the tab from clicking, and update tab_change if that's the case
shinyjs::onclick("data_tabs_panel", tab_change("click"))
# Change the slider based on the tab selected ----
shiny::observeEvent(input$data_tabs_panel, {
# This will actually happen when the tabs are first inserted, since the first is selected - and so slider_state() and tab_change() haven't triggered yet, and are NULL - in this case, don't update anything, just return
if (is.null(tab_change()) & is.null(slider_state())) {
# If it was the slider that changes the tab, *don't* have the tab change the slider -- circular, messy logic!
if (tab_change() == "slider") {
# Match the tab to the slider! Opposite logic as above
tab_state <- input$data_tabs_panel
selected_slider <- determine_slider_from_tab(tab_state, inputs$group_by())
selected_slider <- as.character(selected_slider)
session$sendCustomMessage("slider-from-tab", selected_slider)
determine_tab_from_slider <- function(slider, group_by) {
# Determining the tab from the slider position
# Add 1 since javascript is 0 indexed, and 1 indexing makes more sense to me for creating logic with :)
slider <- as.numeric(slider) + 1
# If the slider is in the first position, then this is the initial data and the tab is also the initial data
if (slider == 1) {
tab <- 1
# If there are grouping variables, then:
# The first "group by" frame is the second slider, and the last is 1 (initial data) + n_groups + 1 (distribution)
# So the slider range is 2:(1 + 1 + n_groups), and this should go to the second tab
# And the "summarize" range is (3 + n_groups):end, and this should go to the third tab
if (!is.null(group_by)) {
group_by_slider_range <- 2:(1 + 1 + length(group_by))
if (slider %in% group_by_slider_range) {
tab <- 2
} else if (slider > max(group_by_slider_range)) {
tab <- 3
# If there are no grouping variables, then the first frame is the initial data, the second frame is the distribution, and anything beyond is the summarize range
if (is.null(group_by) & slider != 1) {
if (slider == 2) { # The distribution
tab <- 1
} else if (slider > 2) {
tab <- 2
determine_slider_from_tab <- function(tab, group_by) {
# Determining the slider position from the tab selected
# If the tab value is 1 (the initial data), then the slider is always 1
if (tab == 1) {
slider <- 1
# If there are grouping variables, then:
# The first frame of the "group by" is in the second position - after the initial data, and just go to that
# There is 1 frame per grouping variable, plus one frame for the distribution
# So the first frame of the "summarize" is in: 1 (initial frame) + 1 (distribution) + n_groups + 1 (after all those)
if (!is.null(group_by)) {
if (tab == 2) { # The second tab is group by
slider <- 2
} else if (tab == 3) {
slider <- 3 + length(group_by)
# If there is no grouping variable, then:
# There is 1 frame for the initial data, and 1 frame for the distribution
# So the first frame of the "summarize" step is 3
if (is.null(group_by) & tab != 1) {
slider <- 3
# Handle 0 indexing in javascript
slider - 1