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// Deploy ADX clusters with multiple databases
// ready to accomodate integration tests
var intTestDbCountPerPrefix = 150
var uniqueId = uniqueString(resourceGroup().id, 'delta-kusto')
var prefixes = [
resource intTestCluster 'Microsoft.Kusto/clusters@2022-12-29' = {
name: 'intTests${uniqueId}'
location: resourceGroup().location
tags: {
'testLevel': 'integration'
sku: {
'name': 'Dev(No SLA)_Standard_E2a_v4'
'tier': 'Basic'
'capacity': 1
properties: {
enableStreamingIngest: true
resource intTestDbs 'Microsoft.Kusto/clusters/databases@2022-12-29' = [for i in range(0, length(prefixes) * intTestDbCountPerPrefix): {
name: '${prefixes[i / intTestDbCountPerPrefix]}${format('{0:D8}', i % intTestDbCountPerPrefix + 1)}'
location: resourceGroup().location
parent: intTestCluster
kind: 'ReadWrite'