
63 строки
2.9 KiB

[Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] [ValidateSet("dev", "qa", "prod", "sandbox")] $Environment,
[string] $ClustersPath = "./infrastructure-as-code/databricks/$Environment",
[string] $DeploymentOutputFile,
[string] $DatabricksWorkspaceHost
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
if ($Environment -eq "sandbox") {
$tokenResponse = $(az account get-access-token --resource 2ff814a6-3304-4ab8-85cb-cd0e6f879c1d | ConvertFrom-Json)
$env:DATABRICKS_TOKEN = $tokenResponse.accessToken
$env:DATABRICKS_HOST = $DatabricksWorkspaceHost
Write-Host "Getting existing clusters..." -ForegroundColor Blue
$rawResponse = databricks clusters list --output json
$response = $rawResponse | ConvertFrom-Json
$existingClusters = $response.clusters
$files = Get-ChildItem "$ClustersPath/*.json"
Write-Host "The following cluster definitions were found:" -ForegroundColor Blue
$clustersOutput = @{}
foreach ($file in $files) {
$incomingCluster = Get-Content -Path $file -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
$existingCluster = $existingClusters | Where-Object { $_.cluster_name -eq $incomingCluster.cluster_name }
$count = $existingCluster | Measure-Object
if ($count.Count -gt 1) {
Write-Error "Multiple clusters with the same name were find. This is not allowed. Please rename one of the clusters."
if ($existingCluster) {
if ($existingCluster.state -eq "RUNNING" -or $existingCluster.state -eq "TERMINATED") {
Write-Host "Cluster $($incomingCluster.cluster_name) already exists. Updating..." -ForegroundColor Blue
$incomingCluster | Add-Member -NotePropertyName cluster_id -NotePropertyValue $existingCluster.cluster_id
$updatedCluster = $incomingCluster | ConvertTo-Json -Compress | % { $_.replace('"', '\"') }
databricks clusters edit --json $updatedCluster
Write-Host "Cluster $($incomingCluster.cluster_name) was updated." -ForegroundColor Green
else {
Write-Host "Cluster $($existingCluster.cluster_name) was in Restarting/Pending state and could not be updated." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$clustersOutput.Add($existingCluster.cluster_name, $existingCluster.cluster_id)
else {
Write-Host "Cluster $($incomingCluster.cluster_name) does not exist. Creating..." -ForegroundColor Blue
$rawResponse = databricks clusters create --json-file $file.FullName
$response = $($rawResponse | ConvertFrom-Json)
$clustersOutput.Add($incomingCluster.cluster_name, $response.cluster_id)
Write-Host "Cluster $($incomingCluster.cluster_name) was updated." -ForegroundColor Green
if ($DeploymentOutputFile) {
Write-Host "Saving outputs to $DeploymentOutputFile..." -ForegroundColor Green
$clustersOutput | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path $DeploymentOutputFile