[![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/microsoft-dia.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/microsoft-dia) ## Rust for Debug Interface Access (DIA) SDK The Microsoft Debug Interface Access Software Development Kit (DIA SDK) provides access to debug information stored in program database (.pdb) files generated by Microsoft postcompiler tools. Start by adding `windows` and `microsoft-dia` dependencies to Cargo.toml: ```toml [dependencies.windows] version = "0.58.0" features = [ "Win32_System_Com" ] [dependencies.microsoft-dia] version = "0.11.0" ``` Make use of any DIA SDK APIs as needed. ```rust use microsoft_dia::{nsfRegularExpression, DiaSource, IDiaDataSource, SymTagFunction}; use windows::{core::*, Win32::System::Com::{CoInitializeEx, COINIT_MULTITHREADED}}; fn main() -> windows::core::Result<()> { unsafe { CoInitializeEx(None, COINIT_MULTITHREADED)?; let source: IDiaDataSource = microsoft_dia::helpers::NoRegCoCreate(s!("msdia140.dll"), &DiaSource)?; let executable = std::env::current_exe().unwrap(); source.loadDataForExe(&HSTRING::from(executable.as_os_str()), None, None)?; let session = source.openSession()?; let symbols = session.globalScope()?.findChildren(SymTagFunction, w!("sample_functions::*"), nsfRegularExpression.0 as u32)?; println!("Function symbols found in sample_functions::* ({}):", &executable.to_string_lossy()); for i in 0..symbols.Count()? { println!("\t{}", symbols.Item(i as u32)?.name()?); } Ok(()) } } ```