flag.BoolVar(&config.AutoRestart,[]string{"#r","#-restart"},true,"--restart on the daemon has been deprecated in favor of --restart policies on docker run")
flag.StringVar(&config.BridgeIP,[]string{"#bip","-bip"},"","Use this CIDR notation address for the network bridge's IP, not compatible with -b")
flag.StringVar(&config.BridgeIface,[]string{"b","-bridge"},"","Attach containers to a pre-existing network bridge\nuse 'none' to disable container networking")
flag.StringVar(&config.FixedCIDR,[]string{"-fixed-cidr"},"","IPv4 subnet for fixed IPs (ex:\nthis subnet must be nested in bridge subnet (which is defined by -b or --bip)")
flag.StringVar(&config.GraphDriver,[]string{"s","-storage-driver"},"","Force the Docker runtime to use a specific storage driver")
flag.StringVar(&config.ExecDriver,[]string{"e","-exec-driver"},"native","Force the Docker runtime to use a specific exec driver")
flag.BoolVar(&config.EnableSelinuxSupport,[]string{"-selinux-enabled"},false,"Enable selinux support. SELinux does not presently support the BTRFS storage driver")
flag.IntVar(&config.Mtu,[]string{"#mtu","-mtu"},0,"Set the containers network MTU\nif no value is provided: default to the default route MTU or 1500 if no default route is available")
opts.IPVar(&config.DefaultIp,[]string{"#ip","-ip"},"","Default IP address to use when binding container ports")