зеркало из https://github.com/microsoft/docker.git
Introduce a typed command system and 2 phase parse/dispatch build
This is a work base to introduce more features like build time dockerfile optimisations, dependency analysis and parallel build, as well as a first step to go from a dispatch-inline process to a frontend+backend process. Signed-off-by: Simon Ferquel <simon.ferquel@docker.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -42,6 +42,26 @@ func newBuildArgs(argsFromOptions map[string]*string) *buildArgs {
func (b *buildArgs) Clone() *buildArgs {
result := newBuildArgs(b.argsFromOptions)
for k, v := range b.allowedBuildArgs {
result.allowedBuildArgs[k] = v
for k, v := range b.allowedMetaArgs {
result.allowedMetaArgs[k] = v
for k := range b.referencedArgs {
result.referencedArgs[k] = struct{}{}
return result
func (b *buildArgs) MergeReferencedArgs(other *buildArgs) {
for k := range other.referencedArgs {
b.referencedArgs[k] = struct{}{}
// WarnOnUnusedBuildArgs checks if there are any leftover build-args that were
// passed but not consumed during build. Print a warning, if there are any.
func (b *buildArgs) WarnOnUnusedBuildArgs(out io.Writer) {
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import (
@ -41,6 +41,10 @@ var validCommitCommands = map[string]bool{
"workdir": true,
const (
stepFormat = "Step %d/%d : %v"
// SessionGetter is object used to get access to a session by uuid
type SessionGetter interface {
Get(ctx context.Context, uuid string) (session.Caller, error)
@ -176,9 +180,7 @@ type Builder struct {
clientCtx context.Context
idMappings *idtools.IDMappings
buildStages *buildStages
disableCommit bool
buildArgs *buildArgs
imageSources *imageSources
pathCache pathCache
containerManager *containerManager
@ -218,8 +220,6 @@ func newBuilder(clientCtx context.Context, options builderOptions) *Builder {
Output: options.ProgressWriter.Output,
docker: options.Backend,
idMappings: options.IDMappings,
buildArgs: newBuildArgs(config.BuildArgs),
buildStages: newBuildStages(),
imageSources: newImageSources(clientCtx, options),
pathCache: options.PathCache,
imageProber: newImageProber(options.Backend, config.CacheFrom, options.Platform, config.NoCache),
@ -237,24 +237,27 @@ func (b *Builder) build(source builder.Source, dockerfile *parser.Result) (*buil
addNodesForLabelOption(dockerfile.AST, b.options.Labels)
if err := checkDispatchDockerfile(dockerfile.AST); err != nil {
stages, metaArgs, err := instructions.Parse(dockerfile.AST)
if err != nil {
if instructions.IsUnknownInstruction(err) {
return nil, validationError{err}
dispatchState, err := b.dispatchDockerfileWithCancellation(dockerfile, source)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if b.options.Target != "" && !dispatchState.isCurrentStage(b.options.Target) {
return nil, errors.Errorf("failed to reach build target %s in Dockerfile", b.options.Target)
if b.options.Target != "" {
targetIx, found := instructions.HasStage(stages, b.options.Target)
if !found {
return nil, errors.Errorf("failed to reach build target %s in Dockerfile", b.options.Target)
stages = stages[:targetIx+1]
dispatchState, err := b.dispatchDockerfileWithCancellation(stages, metaArgs, dockerfile.EscapeToken, source)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if dispatchState.imageID == "" {
return nil, errors.New("No image was generated. Is your Dockerfile empty?")
@ -269,61 +272,91 @@ func emitImageID(aux *streamformatter.AuxFormatter, state *dispatchState) error
return aux.Emit(types.BuildResult{ID: state.imageID})
func (b *Builder) dispatchDockerfileWithCancellation(dockerfile *parser.Result, source builder.Source) (*dispatchState, error) {
shlex := NewShellLex(dockerfile.EscapeToken)
state := newDispatchState()
total := len(dockerfile.AST.Children)
var err error
for i, n := range dockerfile.AST.Children {
select {
case <-b.clientCtx.Done():
logrus.Debug("Builder: build cancelled!")
fmt.Fprint(b.Stdout, "Build cancelled")
return nil, errors.New("Build cancelled")
// Not cancelled yet, keep going...
func processMetaArg(meta instructions.ArgCommand, shlex *ShellLex, args *buildArgs) error {
// ShellLex currently only support the concatenated string format
envs := convertMapToEnvList(args.GetAllAllowed())
if err := meta.Expand(func(word string) (string, error) {
return shlex.ProcessWord(word, envs)
}); err != nil {
return err
args.AddArg(meta.Key, meta.Value)
args.AddMetaArg(meta.Key, meta.Value)
return nil
// If this is a FROM and we have a previous image then
// emit an aux message for that image since it is the
// end of the previous stage
if n.Value == command.From {
if err := emitImageID(b.Aux, state); err != nil {
return nil, err
func printCommand(out io.Writer, currentCommandIndex int, totalCommands int, cmd interface{}) int {
fmt.Fprintf(out, stepFormat, currentCommandIndex, totalCommands, cmd)
return currentCommandIndex + 1
if n.Value == command.From && state.isCurrentStage(b.options.Target) {
func (b *Builder) dispatchDockerfileWithCancellation(parseResult []instructions.Stage, metaArgs []instructions.ArgCommand, escapeToken rune, source builder.Source) (*dispatchState, error) {
dispatchRequest := dispatchRequest{}
buildArgs := newBuildArgs(b.options.BuildArgs)
totalCommands := len(metaArgs) + len(parseResult)
currentCommandIndex := 1
for _, stage := range parseResult {
totalCommands += len(stage.Commands)
shlex := NewShellLex(escapeToken)
for _, meta := range metaArgs {
currentCommandIndex = printCommand(b.Stdout, currentCommandIndex, totalCommands, &meta)
opts := dispatchOptions{
state: state,
stepMsg: formatStep(i, total),
node: n,
shlex: shlex,
source: source,
if state, err = b.dispatch(opts); err != nil {
if b.options.ForceRemove {
err := processMetaArg(meta, shlex, buildArgs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fmt.Fprintf(b.Stdout, " ---> %s\n", stringid.TruncateID(state.imageID))
if b.options.Remove {
stagesResults := newStagesBuildResults()
for _, stage := range parseResult {
if err := stagesResults.checkStageNameAvailable(stage.Name); err != nil {
return nil, err
dispatchRequest = newDispatchRequest(b, escapeToken, source, buildArgs, stagesResults)
currentCommandIndex = printCommand(b.Stdout, currentCommandIndex, totalCommands, stage.SourceCode)
if err := initializeStage(dispatchRequest, &stage); err != nil {
return nil, err
fmt.Fprintf(b.Stdout, " ---> %s\n", stringid.TruncateID(dispatchRequest.state.imageID))
for _, cmd := range stage.Commands {
select {
case <-b.clientCtx.Done():
logrus.Debug("Builder: build cancelled!")
fmt.Fprint(b.Stdout, "Build cancelled\n")
return nil, errors.New("Build cancelled")
// Not cancelled yet, keep going...
currentCommandIndex = printCommand(b.Stdout, currentCommandIndex, totalCommands, cmd)
if err := dispatch(dispatchRequest, cmd); err != nil {
return nil, err
fmt.Fprintf(b.Stdout, " ---> %s\n", stringid.TruncateID(dispatchRequest.state.imageID))
if err := emitImageID(b.Aux, dispatchRequest.state); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := commitStage(dispatchRequest.state, stagesResults); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Emit a final aux message for the final image
if err := emitImageID(b.Aux, state); err != nil {
return nil, err
if b.options.Remove {
return state, nil
return dispatchRequest.state, nil
func addNodesForLabelOption(dockerfile *parser.Node, labels map[string]string) {
@ -380,39 +413,33 @@ func BuildFromConfig(config *container.Config, changes []string) (*container.Con
b.Stderr = ioutil.Discard
b.disableCommit = true
if err := checkDispatchDockerfile(dockerfile.AST); err != nil {
return nil, validationError{err}
commands := []instructions.Command{}
for _, n := range dockerfile.AST.Children {
cmd, err := instructions.ParseCommand(n)
if err != nil {
return nil, validationError{err}
commands = append(commands, cmd)
dispatchState := newDispatchState()
dispatchState.runConfig = config
return dispatchFromDockerfile(b, dockerfile, dispatchState, nil)
dispatchRequest := newDispatchRequest(b, dockerfile.EscapeToken, nil, newBuildArgs(b.options.BuildArgs), newStagesBuildResults())
dispatchRequest.state.runConfig = config
dispatchRequest.state.imageID = config.Image
for _, cmd := range commands {
err := dispatch(dispatchRequest, cmd)
if err != nil {
return nil, validationError{err}
return dispatchRequest.state.runConfig, nil
func checkDispatchDockerfile(dockerfile *parser.Node) error {
for _, n := range dockerfile.Children {
if err := checkDispatch(n); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Dockerfile parse error line %d", n.StartLine)
func convertMapToEnvList(m map[string]string) []string {
result := []string{}
for k, v := range m {
result = append(result, k+"="+v)
return nil
func dispatchFromDockerfile(b *Builder, result *parser.Result, dispatchState *dispatchState, source builder.Source) (*container.Config, error) {
shlex := NewShellLex(result.EscapeToken)
ast := result.AST
total := len(ast.Children)
for i, n := range ast.Children {
opts := dispatchOptions{
state: dispatchState,
stepMsg: formatStep(i, total),
node: n,
shlex: shlex,
source: source,
if _, err := b.dispatch(opts); err != nil {
return nil, err
return dispatchState.runConfig, nil
return result
Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера
Загрузить разницу
@ -1,60 +1,29 @@
package dockerfile
import (
type commandWithFunction struct {
name string
function func(args []string) error
func withArgs(f dispatcher) func([]string) error {
return func(args []string) error {
return f(dispatchRequest{args: args})
func withBuilderAndArgs(builder *Builder, f dispatcher) func([]string) error {
return func(args []string) error {
return f(defaultDispatchReq(builder, args...))
func defaultDispatchReq(builder *Builder, args ...string) dispatchRequest {
return dispatchRequest{
builder: builder,
args: args,
flags: NewBFlags(),
shlex: NewShellLex(parser.DefaultEscapeToken),
state: &dispatchState{runConfig: &container.Config{}},
func newBuilderWithMockBackend() *Builder {
mockBackend := &MockBackend{}
ctx := context.Background()
b := &Builder{
options: &types.ImageBuildOptions{},
docker: mockBackend,
buildArgs: newBuildArgs(make(map[string]*string)),
Stdout: new(bytes.Buffer),
clientCtx: ctx,
disableCommit: true,
@ -62,137 +31,84 @@ func newBuilderWithMockBackend() *Builder {
Options: &types.ImageBuildOptions{},
Backend: mockBackend,
buildStages: newBuildStages(),
imageProber: newImageProber(mockBackend, nil, runtime.GOOS, false),
containerManager: newContainerManager(mockBackend),
return b
func TestCommandsExactlyOneArgument(t *testing.T) {
commands := []commandWithFunction{
{"MAINTAINER", withArgs(maintainer)},
{"WORKDIR", withArgs(workdir)},
{"USER", withArgs(user)},
{"STOPSIGNAL", withArgs(stopSignal)},
for _, command := range commands {
err := command.function([]string{})
assert.EqualError(t, err, errExactlyOneArgument(command.name).Error())
func TestCommandsAtLeastOneArgument(t *testing.T) {
commands := []commandWithFunction{
{"ENV", withArgs(env)},
{"LABEL", withArgs(label)},
{"ONBUILD", withArgs(onbuild)},
{"HEALTHCHECK", withArgs(healthcheck)},
{"EXPOSE", withArgs(expose)},
{"VOLUME", withArgs(volume)},
for _, command := range commands {
err := command.function([]string{})
assert.EqualError(t, err, errAtLeastOneArgument(command.name).Error())
func TestCommandsAtLeastTwoArguments(t *testing.T) {
commands := []commandWithFunction{
{"ADD", withArgs(add)},
{"COPY", withArgs(dispatchCopy)}}
for _, command := range commands {
err := command.function([]string{"arg1"})
assert.EqualError(t, err, errAtLeastTwoArguments(command.name).Error())
func TestCommandsTooManyArguments(t *testing.T) {
commands := []commandWithFunction{
{"ENV", withArgs(env)},
{"LABEL", withArgs(label)}}
for _, command := range commands {
err := command.function([]string{"arg1", "arg2", "arg3"})
assert.EqualError(t, err, errTooManyArguments(command.name).Error())
func TestCommandsBlankNames(t *testing.T) {
builder := newBuilderWithMockBackend()
commands := []commandWithFunction{
{"ENV", withBuilderAndArgs(builder, env)},
{"LABEL", withBuilderAndArgs(builder, label)},
for _, command := range commands {
err := command.function([]string{"", ""})
assert.EqualError(t, err, errBlankCommandNames(command.name).Error())
func TestEnv2Variables(t *testing.T) {
b := newBuilderWithMockBackend()
args := []string{"var1", "val1", "var2", "val2"}
req := defaultDispatchReq(b, args...)
err := env(req)
sb := newDispatchRequest(b, '\\', nil, newBuildArgs(make(map[string]*string)), newStagesBuildResults())
envCommand := &instructions.EnvCommand{
Env: instructions.KeyValuePairs{
instructions.KeyValuePair{Key: "var1", Value: "val1"},
instructions.KeyValuePair{Key: "var2", Value: "val2"},
err := dispatch(sb, envCommand)
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", args[0], args[1]),
fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", args[2], args[3]),
assert.Equal(t, expected, req.state.runConfig.Env)
assert.Equal(t, expected, sb.state.runConfig.Env)
func TestEnvValueWithExistingRunConfigEnv(t *testing.T) {
b := newBuilderWithMockBackend()
args := []string{"var1", "val1"}
req := defaultDispatchReq(b, args...)
req.state.runConfig.Env = []string{"var1=old", "var2=fromenv"}
err := env(req)
sb := newDispatchRequest(b, '\\', nil, newBuildArgs(make(map[string]*string)), newStagesBuildResults())
sb.state.runConfig.Env = []string{"var1=old", "var2=fromenv"}
envCommand := &instructions.EnvCommand{
Env: instructions.KeyValuePairs{
instructions.KeyValuePair{Key: "var1", Value: "val1"},
err := dispatch(sb, envCommand)
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", args[0], args[1]),
assert.Equal(t, expected, req.state.runConfig.Env)
assert.Equal(t, expected, sb.state.runConfig.Env)
func TestMaintainer(t *testing.T) {
maintainerEntry := "Some Maintainer <maintainer@example.com>"
b := newBuilderWithMockBackend()
req := defaultDispatchReq(b, maintainerEntry)
err := maintainer(req)
sb := newDispatchRequest(b, '\\', nil, newBuildArgs(make(map[string]*string)), newStagesBuildResults())
cmd := &instructions.MaintainerCommand{Maintainer: maintainerEntry}
err := dispatch(sb, cmd)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, maintainerEntry, req.state.maintainer)
assert.Equal(t, maintainerEntry, sb.state.maintainer)
func TestLabel(t *testing.T) {
labelName := "label"
labelValue := "value"
labelEntry := []string{labelName, labelValue}
b := newBuilderWithMockBackend()
req := defaultDispatchReq(b, labelEntry...)
err := label(req)
sb := newDispatchRequest(b, '\\', nil, newBuildArgs(make(map[string]*string)), newStagesBuildResults())
cmd := &instructions.LabelCommand{
Labels: instructions.KeyValuePairs{
instructions.KeyValuePair{Key: labelName, Value: labelValue},
err := dispatch(sb, cmd)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Contains(t, req.state.runConfig.Labels, labelName)
assert.Equal(t, req.state.runConfig.Labels[labelName], labelValue)
require.Contains(t, sb.state.runConfig.Labels, labelName)
assert.Equal(t, sb.state.runConfig.Labels[labelName], labelValue)
func TestFromScratch(t *testing.T) {
b := newBuilderWithMockBackend()
req := defaultDispatchReq(b, "scratch")
err := from(req)
sb := newDispatchRequest(b, '\\', nil, newBuildArgs(make(map[string]*string)), newStagesBuildResults())
cmd := &instructions.Stage{
BaseName: "scratch",
err := initializeStage(sb, cmd)
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && !system.LCOWSupported() {
assert.EqualError(t, err, "Windows does not support FROM scratch")
@ -200,14 +116,14 @@ func TestFromScratch(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.True(t, req.state.hasFromImage())
assert.Equal(t, "", req.state.imageID)
assert.True(t, sb.state.hasFromImage())
assert.Equal(t, "", sb.state.imageID)
// Windows does not set the default path. TODO @jhowardmsft LCOW support. This will need revisiting as we get further into the implementation
expected := "PATH=" + system.DefaultPathEnv(runtime.GOOS)
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
expected = ""
assert.Equal(t, []string{expected}, req.state.runConfig.Env)
assert.Equal(t, []string{expected}, sb.state.runConfig.Env)
func TestFromWithArg(t *testing.T) {
@ -219,16 +135,27 @@ func TestFromWithArg(t *testing.T) {
b := newBuilderWithMockBackend()
b.docker.(*MockBackend).getImageFunc = getImage
args := newBuildArgs(make(map[string]*string))
require.NoError(t, arg(defaultDispatchReq(b, "THETAG="+tag)))
req := defaultDispatchReq(b, "alpine${THETAG}")
err := from(req)
val := "sometag"
metaArg := instructions.ArgCommand{
Key: "THETAG",
Value: &val,
cmd := &instructions.Stage{
BaseName: "alpine:${THETAG}",
err := processMetaArg(metaArg, NewShellLex('\\'), args)
sb := newDispatchRequest(b, '\\', nil, args, newStagesBuildResults())
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, expected, req.state.imageID)
assert.Equal(t, expected, req.state.baseImage.ImageID())
assert.Len(t, b.buildArgs.GetAllAllowed(), 0)
assert.Len(t, b.buildArgs.GetAllMeta(), 1)
err = initializeStage(sb, cmd)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, expected, sb.state.imageID)
assert.Equal(t, expected, sb.state.baseImage.ImageID())
assert.Len(t, sb.state.buildArgs.GetAllAllowed(), 0)
assert.Len(t, sb.state.buildArgs.GetAllMeta(), 1)
func TestFromWithUndefinedArg(t *testing.T) {
@ -240,74 +167,74 @@ func TestFromWithUndefinedArg(t *testing.T) {
b := newBuilderWithMockBackend()
b.docker.(*MockBackend).getImageFunc = getImage
sb := newDispatchRequest(b, '\\', nil, newBuildArgs(make(map[string]*string)), newStagesBuildResults())
b.options.BuildArgs = map[string]*string{"THETAG": &tag}
req := defaultDispatchReq(b, "alpine${THETAG}")
err := from(req)
cmd := &instructions.Stage{
BaseName: "alpine${THETAG}",
err := initializeStage(sb, cmd)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, expected, req.state.imageID)
assert.Equal(t, expected, sb.state.imageID)
func TestFromMultiStageWithScratchNamedStage(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
t.Skip("Windows does not support scratch")
func TestFromMultiStageWithNamedStage(t *testing.T) {
b := newBuilderWithMockBackend()
req := defaultDispatchReq(b, "scratch", "AS", "base")
require.NoError(t, from(req))
assert.True(t, req.state.hasFromImage())
req.args = []string{"base"}
require.NoError(t, from(req))
assert.True(t, req.state.hasFromImage())
func TestOnbuildIllegalTriggers(t *testing.T) {
triggers := []struct{ command, expectedError string }{
{"ONBUILD", "Chaining ONBUILD via `ONBUILD ONBUILD` isn't allowed"},
{"MAINTAINER", "MAINTAINER isn't allowed as an ONBUILD trigger"},
{"FROM", "FROM isn't allowed as an ONBUILD trigger"}}
for _, trigger := range triggers {
b := newBuilderWithMockBackend()
err := onbuild(defaultDispatchReq(b, trigger.command))
testutil.ErrorContains(t, err, trigger.expectedError)
firstFrom := &instructions.Stage{BaseName: "someimg", Name: "base"}
secondFrom := &instructions.Stage{BaseName: "base"}
previousResults := newStagesBuildResults()
firstSB := newDispatchRequest(b, '\\', nil, newBuildArgs(make(map[string]*string)), previousResults)
secondSB := newDispatchRequest(b, '\\', nil, newBuildArgs(make(map[string]*string)), previousResults)
err := initializeStage(firstSB, firstFrom)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.True(t, firstSB.state.hasFromImage())
previousResults.indexed["base"] = firstSB.state.runConfig
previousResults.flat = append(previousResults.flat, firstSB.state.runConfig)
err = initializeStage(secondSB, secondFrom)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.True(t, secondSB.state.hasFromImage())
func TestOnbuild(t *testing.T) {
b := newBuilderWithMockBackend()
req := defaultDispatchReq(b, "ADD", ".", "/app/src")
req.original = "ONBUILD ADD . /app/src"
req.state.runConfig = &container.Config{}
err := onbuild(req)
sb := newDispatchRequest(b, '\\', nil, newBuildArgs(make(map[string]*string)), newStagesBuildResults())
cmd := &instructions.OnbuildCommand{
Expression: "ADD . /app/src",
err := dispatch(sb, cmd)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "ADD . /app/src", req.state.runConfig.OnBuild[0])
assert.Equal(t, "ADD . /app/src", sb.state.runConfig.OnBuild[0])
func TestWorkdir(t *testing.T) {
b := newBuilderWithMockBackend()
sb := newDispatchRequest(b, '`', nil, newBuildArgs(make(map[string]*string)), newStagesBuildResults())
workingDir := "/app"
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
workingDir = "C:\app"
workingDir = "C:\\app"
cmd := &instructions.WorkdirCommand{
Path: workingDir,
req := defaultDispatchReq(b, workingDir)
err := workdir(req)
err := dispatch(sb, cmd)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, workingDir, req.state.runConfig.WorkingDir)
assert.Equal(t, workingDir, sb.state.runConfig.WorkingDir)
func TestCmd(t *testing.T) {
b := newBuilderWithMockBackend()
sb := newDispatchRequest(b, '`', nil, newBuildArgs(make(map[string]*string)), newStagesBuildResults())
command := "./executable"
req := defaultDispatchReq(b, command)
err := cmd(req)
cmd := &instructions.CmdCommand{
ShellDependantCmdLine: instructions.ShellDependantCmdLine{
CmdLine: strslice.StrSlice{command},
PrependShell: true,
err := dispatch(sb, cmd)
require.NoError(t, err)
var expectedCommand strslice.StrSlice
@ -317,42 +244,56 @@ func TestCmd(t *testing.T) {
expectedCommand = strslice.StrSlice(append([]string{"/bin/sh"}, "-c", command))
assert.Equal(t, expectedCommand, req.state.runConfig.Cmd)
assert.True(t, req.state.cmdSet)
assert.Equal(t, expectedCommand, sb.state.runConfig.Cmd)
assert.True(t, sb.state.cmdSet)
func TestHealthcheckNone(t *testing.T) {
b := newBuilderWithMockBackend()
req := defaultDispatchReq(b, "NONE")
err := healthcheck(req)
sb := newDispatchRequest(b, '`', nil, newBuildArgs(make(map[string]*string)), newStagesBuildResults())
cmd := &instructions.HealthCheckCommand{
Health: &container.HealthConfig{
Test: []string{"NONE"},
err := dispatch(sb, cmd)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, req.state.runConfig.Healthcheck)
assert.Equal(t, []string{"NONE"}, req.state.runConfig.Healthcheck.Test)
require.NotNil(t, sb.state.runConfig.Healthcheck)
assert.Equal(t, []string{"NONE"}, sb.state.runConfig.Healthcheck.Test)
func TestHealthcheckCmd(t *testing.T) {
b := newBuilderWithMockBackend()
args := []string{"CMD", "curl", "-f", "http://localhost/", "||", "exit", "1"}
req := defaultDispatchReq(b, args...)
err := healthcheck(req)
b := newBuilderWithMockBackend()
sb := newDispatchRequest(b, '`', nil, newBuildArgs(make(map[string]*string)), newStagesBuildResults())
expectedTest := []string{"CMD-SHELL", "curl -f http://localhost/ || exit 1"}
cmd := &instructions.HealthCheckCommand{
Health: &container.HealthConfig{
Test: expectedTest,
err := dispatch(sb, cmd)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, req.state.runConfig.Healthcheck)
expectedTest := []string{"CMD-SHELL", "curl -f http://localhost/ || exit 1"}
assert.Equal(t, expectedTest, req.state.runConfig.Healthcheck.Test)
require.NotNil(t, sb.state.runConfig.Healthcheck)
assert.Equal(t, expectedTest, sb.state.runConfig.Healthcheck.Test)
func TestEntrypoint(t *testing.T) {
b := newBuilderWithMockBackend()
sb := newDispatchRequest(b, '`', nil, newBuildArgs(make(map[string]*string)), newStagesBuildResults())
entrypointCmd := "/usr/sbin/nginx"
req := defaultDispatchReq(b, entrypointCmd)
err := entrypoint(req)
cmd := &instructions.EntrypointCommand{
ShellDependantCmdLine: instructions.ShellDependantCmdLine{
CmdLine: strslice.StrSlice{entrypointCmd},
PrependShell: true,
err := dispatch(sb, cmd)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, req.state.runConfig.Entrypoint)
require.NotNil(t, sb.state.runConfig.Entrypoint)
var expectedEntrypoint strslice.StrSlice
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
@ -360,99 +301,99 @@ func TestEntrypoint(t *testing.T) {
} else {
expectedEntrypoint = strslice.StrSlice(append([]string{"/bin/sh"}, "-c", entrypointCmd))
assert.Equal(t, expectedEntrypoint, req.state.runConfig.Entrypoint)
assert.Equal(t, expectedEntrypoint, sb.state.runConfig.Entrypoint)
func TestExpose(t *testing.T) {
b := newBuilderWithMockBackend()
sb := newDispatchRequest(b, '`', nil, newBuildArgs(make(map[string]*string)), newStagesBuildResults())
exposedPort := "80"
req := defaultDispatchReq(b, exposedPort)
err := expose(req)
cmd := &instructions.ExposeCommand{
Ports: []string{exposedPort},
err := dispatch(sb, cmd)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, req.state.runConfig.ExposedPorts)
require.Len(t, req.state.runConfig.ExposedPorts, 1)
require.NotNil(t, sb.state.runConfig.ExposedPorts)
require.Len(t, sb.state.runConfig.ExposedPorts, 1)
portsMapping, err := nat.ParsePortSpec(exposedPort)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, req.state.runConfig.ExposedPorts, portsMapping[0].Port)
assert.Contains(t, sb.state.runConfig.ExposedPorts, portsMapping[0].Port)
func TestUser(t *testing.T) {
b := newBuilderWithMockBackend()
userCommand := "foo"
sb := newDispatchRequest(b, '`', nil, newBuildArgs(make(map[string]*string)), newStagesBuildResults())
req := defaultDispatchReq(b, userCommand)
err := user(req)
cmd := &instructions.UserCommand{
User: "test",
err := dispatch(sb, cmd)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, userCommand, req.state.runConfig.User)
assert.Equal(t, "test", sb.state.runConfig.User)
func TestVolume(t *testing.T) {
b := newBuilderWithMockBackend()
sb := newDispatchRequest(b, '`', nil, newBuildArgs(make(map[string]*string)), newStagesBuildResults())
exposedVolume := "/foo"
req := defaultDispatchReq(b, exposedVolume)
err := volume(req)
cmd := &instructions.VolumeCommand{
Volumes: []string{exposedVolume},
err := dispatch(sb, cmd)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, req.state.runConfig.Volumes)
assert.Len(t, req.state.runConfig.Volumes, 1)
assert.Contains(t, req.state.runConfig.Volumes, exposedVolume)
require.NotNil(t, sb.state.runConfig.Volumes)
assert.Len(t, sb.state.runConfig.Volumes, 1)
assert.Contains(t, sb.state.runConfig.Volumes, exposedVolume)
func TestStopSignal(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
t.Skip("Windows does not support stopsignal")
b := newBuilderWithMockBackend()
sb := newDispatchRequest(b, '`', nil, newBuildArgs(make(map[string]*string)), newStagesBuildResults())
signal := "SIGKILL"
req := defaultDispatchReq(b, signal)
err := stopSignal(req)
cmd := &instructions.StopSignalCommand{
Signal: signal,
err := dispatch(sb, cmd)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, signal, req.state.runConfig.StopSignal)
assert.Equal(t, signal, sb.state.runConfig.StopSignal)
func TestArg(t *testing.T) {
b := newBuilderWithMockBackend()
sb := newDispatchRequest(b, '`', nil, newBuildArgs(make(map[string]*string)), newStagesBuildResults())
argName := "foo"
argVal := "bar"
argDef := fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", argName, argVal)
err := arg(defaultDispatchReq(b, argDef))
cmd := &instructions.ArgCommand{Key: argName, Value: &argVal}
err := dispatch(sb, cmd)
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := map[string]string{argName: argVal}
assert.Equal(t, expected, b.buildArgs.GetAllAllowed())
assert.Equal(t, expected, sb.state.buildArgs.GetAllAllowed())
func TestShell(t *testing.T) {
b := newBuilderWithMockBackend()
sb := newDispatchRequest(b, '`', nil, newBuildArgs(make(map[string]*string)), newStagesBuildResults())
shellCmd := "powershell"
req := defaultDispatchReq(b, shellCmd)
req.attributes = map[string]bool{"json": true}
cmd := &instructions.ShellCommand{Shell: strslice.StrSlice{shellCmd}}
err := shell(req)
err := dispatch(sb, cmd)
require.NoError(t, err)
expectedShell := strslice.StrSlice([]string{shellCmd})
assert.Equal(t, expectedShell, req.state.runConfig.Shell)
func TestParseOptInterval(t *testing.T) {
flInterval := &Flag{
name: "interval",
flagType: stringType,
Value: "50ns",
_, err := parseOptInterval(flInterval)
testutil.ErrorContains(t, err, "cannot be less than 1ms")
flInterval.Value = "1ms"
_, err = parseOptInterval(flInterval)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, expectedShell, sb.state.runConfig.Shell)
func TestPrependEnvOnCmd(t *testing.T) {
@ -469,8 +410,10 @@ func TestPrependEnvOnCmd(t *testing.T) {
func TestRunWithBuildArgs(t *testing.T) {
b := newBuilderWithMockBackend()
b.buildArgs.argsFromOptions["HTTP_PROXY"] = strPtr("FOO")
args := newBuildArgs(make(map[string]*string))
args.argsFromOptions["HTTP_PROXY"] = strPtr("FOO")
b.disableCommit = false
sb := newDispatchRequest(b, '`', nil, args, newStagesBuildResults())
runConfig := &container.Config{}
origCmd := strslice.StrSlice([]string{"cmd", "in", "from", "image"})
@ -512,14 +455,18 @@ func TestRunWithBuildArgs(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, strslice.StrSlice(nil), cfg.Config.Entrypoint)
return "", nil
req := defaultDispatchReq(b, "abcdef")
require.NoError(t, from(req))
b.buildArgs.AddArg("one", strPtr("two"))
req.args = []string{"echo foo"}
require.NoError(t, run(req))
from := &instructions.Stage{BaseName: "abcdef"}
err := initializeStage(sb, from)
require.NoError(t, err)
sb.state.buildArgs.AddArg("one", strPtr("two"))
run := &instructions.RunCommand{
ShellDependantCmdLine: instructions.ShellDependantCmdLine{
CmdLine: strslice.StrSlice{"echo foo"},
PrependShell: true,
require.NoError(t, dispatch(sb, run))
// Check that runConfig.Cmd has not been modified by run
assert.Equal(t, origCmd, req.state.runConfig.Cmd)
assert.Equal(t, origCmd, sb.state.runConfig.Cmd)
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ package dockerfile
import (
@ -23,10 +22,6 @@ func normalizeWorkdir(_ string, current string, requested string) (string, error
return requested, nil
func errNotJSON(command, _ string) error {
return fmt.Errorf("%s requires the arguments to be in JSON form", command)
// equalEnvKeys compare two strings and returns true if they are equal. On
// Windows this comparison is case insensitive.
func equalEnvKeys(from, to string) bool {
@ -94,25 +94,6 @@ func normalizeWorkdirWindows(current string, requested string) (string, error) {
return (strings.ToUpper(string(requested[0])) + requested[1:]), nil
func errNotJSON(command, original string) error {
// For Windows users, give a hint if it looks like it might contain
// a path which hasn't been escaped such as ["c:\windows\system32\prog.exe", "-param"],
// as JSON must be escaped. Unfortunate...
// Specifically looking for quote-driveletter-colon-backslash, there's no
// double backslash and a [] pair. No, this is not perfect, but it doesn't
// have to be. It's simply a hint to make life a little easier.
extra := ""
original = filepath.FromSlash(strings.ToLower(strings.Replace(strings.ToLower(original), strings.ToLower(command)+" ", "", -1)))
if len(regexp.MustCompile(`"[a-z]:\\.*`).FindStringSubmatch(original)) > 0 &&
!strings.Contains(original, `\\`) &&
strings.Contains(original, "[") &&
strings.Contains(original, "]") {
extra = fmt.Sprintf(`. It looks like '%s' includes a file path without an escaped back-slash. JSON requires back-slashes to be escaped such as ["c:\\path\\to\\file.exe", "/parameter"]`, original)
return fmt.Errorf("%s requires the arguments to be in JSON form%s", command, extra)
// equalEnvKeys compare two strings and returns true if they are equal. On
// Windows this comparison is case insensitive.
func equalEnvKeys(from, to string) bool {
@ -20,169 +20,79 @@
package dockerfile
import (
// Environment variable interpolation will happen on these statements only.
var replaceEnvAllowed = map[string]bool{
command.Env: true,
command.Label: true,
command.Add: true,
command.Copy: true,
command.Workdir: true,
command.Expose: true,
command.Volume: true,
command.User: true,
command.StopSignal: true,
command.Arg: true,
// Certain commands are allowed to have their args split into more
// words after env var replacements. Meaning:
// ENV foo="123 456"
// EXPOSE $foo
// should result in the same thing as:
// EXPOSE 123 456
// and not treat "123 456" as a single word.
// Note that: EXPOSE "$foo" and EXPOSE $foo are not the same thing.
// Quotes will cause it to still be treated as single word.
var allowWordExpansion = map[string]bool{
command.Expose: true,
type dispatchRequest struct {
builder *Builder // TODO: replace this with a smaller interface
args []string
attributes map[string]bool
flags *BFlags
original string
shlex *ShellLex
state *dispatchState
source builder.Source
func newDispatchRequestFromOptions(options dispatchOptions, builder *Builder, args []string) dispatchRequest {
return dispatchRequest{
builder: builder,
args: args,
attributes: options.node.Attributes,
original: options.node.Original,
flags: NewBFlagsWithArgs(options.node.Flags),
shlex: options.shlex,
state: options.state,
source: options.source,
type dispatcher func(dispatchRequest) error
var evaluateTable map[string]dispatcher
func init() {
evaluateTable = map[string]dispatcher{
command.Add: add,
command.Arg: arg,
command.Cmd: cmd,
command.Copy: dispatchCopy, // copy() is a go builtin
command.Entrypoint: entrypoint,
command.Env: env,
command.Expose: expose,
command.From: from,
command.Healthcheck: healthcheck,
command.Label: label,
command.Maintainer: maintainer,
command.Onbuild: onbuild,
command.Run: run,
command.Shell: shell,
command.StopSignal: stopSignal,
command.User: user,
command.Volume: volume,
command.Workdir: workdir,
func formatStep(stepN int, stepTotal int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", stepN+1, stepTotal)
// This method is the entrypoint to all statement handling routines.
// Almost all nodes will have this structure:
// Child[Node, Node, Node] where Child is from parser.Node.Children and each
// node comes from parser.Node.Next. This forms a "line" with a statement and
// arguments and we process them in this normalized form by hitting
// evaluateTable with the leaf nodes of the command and the Builder object.
// ONBUILD is a special case; in this case the parser will emit:
// Child[Node, Child[Node, Node...]] where the first node is the literal
// "onbuild" and the child entrypoint is the command of the ONBUILD statement,
// such as `RUN` in ONBUILD RUN foo. There is special case logic in here to
// deal with that, at least until it becomes more of a general concern with new
// features.
func (b *Builder) dispatch(options dispatchOptions) (*dispatchState, error) {
node := options.node
cmd := node.Value
upperCasedCmd := strings.ToUpper(cmd)
// To ensure the user is given a decent error message if the platform
// on which the daemon is running does not support a builder command.
if err := platformSupports(strings.ToLower(cmd)); err != nil {
return nil, validationError{err}
msg := bytes.NewBufferString(fmt.Sprintf("Step %s : %s%s",
options.stepMsg, upperCasedCmd, formatFlags(node.Flags)))
args := []string{}
ast := node
if cmd == command.Onbuild {
var err error
ast, args, err = handleOnBuildNode(node, msg)
func dispatch(d dispatchRequest, cmd instructions.Command) error {
if c, ok := cmd.(instructions.PlatformSpecific); ok {
err := c.CheckPlatform(d.builder.platform)
if err != nil {
return nil, validationError{err}
return validationError{err}
runConfigEnv := d.state.runConfig.Env
envs := append(runConfigEnv, d.state.buildArgs.FilterAllowed(runConfigEnv)...)
if ex, ok := cmd.(instructions.SupportsSingleWordExpansion); ok {
err := ex.Expand(func(word string) (string, error) {
return d.shlex.ProcessWord(word, envs)
if err != nil {
return validationError{err}
runConfigEnv := options.state.runConfig.Env
envs := append(runConfigEnv, b.buildArgs.FilterAllowed(runConfigEnv)...)
processFunc := createProcessWordFunc(options.shlex, cmd, envs)
words, err := getDispatchArgsFromNode(ast, processFunc, msg)
if err != nil {
return nil, validationError{err}
if d.builder.options.ForceRemove {
defer d.builder.containerManager.RemoveAll(d.builder.Stdout)
args = append(args, words...)
fmt.Fprintln(b.Stdout, msg.String())
f, ok := evaluateTable[cmd]
if !ok {
return nil, validationError{errors.Errorf("unknown instruction: %s", upperCasedCmd)}
switch c := cmd.(type) {
case *instructions.EnvCommand:
return dispatchEnv(d, c)
case *instructions.MaintainerCommand:
return dispatchMaintainer(d, c)
case *instructions.LabelCommand:
return dispatchLabel(d, c)
case *instructions.AddCommand:
return dispatchAdd(d, c)
case *instructions.CopyCommand:
return dispatchCopy(d, c)
case *instructions.OnbuildCommand:
return dispatchOnbuild(d, c)
case *instructions.WorkdirCommand:
return dispatchWorkdir(d, c)
case *instructions.RunCommand:
return dispatchRun(d, c)
case *instructions.CmdCommand:
return dispatchCmd(d, c)
case *instructions.HealthCheckCommand:
return dispatchHealthcheck(d, c)
case *instructions.EntrypointCommand:
return dispatchEntrypoint(d, c)
case *instructions.ExposeCommand:
return dispatchExpose(d, c, envs)
case *instructions.UserCommand:
return dispatchUser(d, c)
case *instructions.VolumeCommand:
return dispatchVolume(d, c)
case *instructions.StopSignalCommand:
return dispatchStopSignal(d, c)
case *instructions.ArgCommand:
return dispatchArg(d, c)
case *instructions.ShellCommand:
return dispatchShell(d, c)
err = f(newDispatchRequestFromOptions(options, b, args))
return options.state, err
type dispatchOptions struct {
state *dispatchState
stepMsg string
node *parser.Node
shlex *ShellLex
source builder.Source
return errors.Errorf("unsupported command type: %v", reflect.TypeOf(cmd))
// dispatchState is a data object which is modified by dispatchers
@ -193,10 +103,95 @@ type dispatchState struct {
imageID string
baseImage builder.Image
stageName string
buildArgs *buildArgs
func newDispatchState() *dispatchState {
return &dispatchState{runConfig: &container.Config{}}
func newDispatchState(baseArgs *buildArgs) *dispatchState {
args := baseArgs.Clone()
return &dispatchState{runConfig: &container.Config{}, buildArgs: args}
type stagesBuildResults struct {
flat []*container.Config
indexed map[string]*container.Config
func newStagesBuildResults() *stagesBuildResults {
return &stagesBuildResults{
indexed: make(map[string]*container.Config),
func (r *stagesBuildResults) getByName(name string) (*container.Config, bool) {
c, ok := r.indexed[strings.ToLower(name)]
return c, ok
func (r *stagesBuildResults) validateIndex(i int) error {
if i == len(r.flat) {
return errors.New("refers to current build stage")
if i < 0 || i > len(r.flat) {
return errors.New("index out of bounds")
return nil
func (r *stagesBuildResults) get(nameOrIndex string) (*container.Config, error) {
if c, ok := r.getByName(nameOrIndex); ok {
return c, nil
ix, err := strconv.ParseInt(nameOrIndex, 10, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil
if err := r.validateIndex(int(ix)); err != nil {
return nil, err
return r.flat[ix], nil
func (r *stagesBuildResults) checkStageNameAvailable(name string) error {
if name != "" {
if _, ok := r.getByName(name); ok {
return errors.Errorf("%s stage name already used", name)
return nil
func (r *stagesBuildResults) commitStage(name string, config *container.Config) error {
if name != "" {
if _, ok := r.getByName(name); ok {
return errors.Errorf("%s stage name already used", name)
r.indexed[strings.ToLower(name)] = config
r.flat = append(r.flat, config)
return nil
func commitStage(state *dispatchState, stages *stagesBuildResults) error {
return stages.commitStage(state.stageName, state.runConfig)
type dispatchRequest struct {
state *dispatchState
shlex *ShellLex
builder *Builder
source builder.Source
stages *stagesBuildResults
func newDispatchRequest(builder *Builder, escapeToken rune, source builder.Source, buildArgs *buildArgs, stages *stagesBuildResults) dispatchRequest {
return dispatchRequest{
state: newDispatchState(buildArgs),
shlex: NewShellLex(escapeToken),
builder: builder,
source: source,
stages: stages,
func (s *dispatchState) updateRunConfig() {
@ -220,12 +215,14 @@ func (s *dispatchState) beginStage(stageName string, image builder.Image) {
s.imageID = image.ImageID()
if image.RunConfig() != nil {
s.runConfig = image.RunConfig()
s.runConfig = copyRunConfig(image.RunConfig()) // copy avoids referencing the same instance when 2 stages have the same base
} else {
s.runConfig = &container.Config{}
s.baseImage = image
s.runConfig.OpenStdin = false
s.runConfig.StdinOnce = false
// Add the default PATH to runConfig.ENV if one exists for the platform and there
@ -244,84 +241,3 @@ func (s *dispatchState) setDefaultPath() {
s.runConfig.Env = append(s.runConfig.Env, "PATH="+system.DefaultPathEnv(platform))
func handleOnBuildNode(ast *parser.Node, msg *bytes.Buffer) (*parser.Node, []string, error) {
if ast.Next == nil {
return nil, nil, validationError{errors.New("ONBUILD requires at least one argument")}
ast = ast.Next.Children[0]
msg.WriteString(" " + ast.Value + formatFlags(ast.Flags))
return ast, []string{ast.Value}, nil
func formatFlags(flags []string) string {
if len(flags) > 0 {
return " " + strings.Join(flags, " ")
return ""
func getDispatchArgsFromNode(ast *parser.Node, processFunc processWordFunc, msg *bytes.Buffer) ([]string, error) {
args := []string{}
for i := 0; ast.Next != nil; i++ {
ast = ast.Next
words, err := processFunc(ast.Value)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
args = append(args, words...)
msg.WriteString(" " + ast.Value)
return args, nil
type processWordFunc func(string) ([]string, error)
func createProcessWordFunc(shlex *ShellLex, cmd string, envs []string) processWordFunc {
switch {
case !replaceEnvAllowed[cmd]:
return func(word string) ([]string, error) {
return []string{word}, nil
case allowWordExpansion[cmd]:
return func(word string) ([]string, error) {
return shlex.ProcessWords(word, envs)
return func(word string) ([]string, error) {
word, err := shlex.ProcessWord(word, envs)
return []string{word}, err
// checkDispatch does a simple check for syntax errors of the Dockerfile.
// Because some of the instructions can only be validated through runtime,
// arg, env, etc., this syntax check will not be complete and could not replace
// the runtime check. Instead, this function is only a helper that allows
// user to find out the obvious error in Dockerfile earlier on.
func checkDispatch(ast *parser.Node) error {
cmd := ast.Value
upperCasedCmd := strings.ToUpper(cmd)
// To ensure the user is given a decent error message if the platform
// on which the daemon is running does not support a builder command.
if err := platformSupports(strings.ToLower(cmd)); err != nil {
return err
// The instruction itself is ONBUILD, we will make sure it follows with at
// least one argument
if upperCasedCmd == "ONBUILD" {
if ast.Next == nil {
return errors.New("ONBUILD requires at least one argument")
if _, ok := evaluateTable[cmd]; ok {
return nil
return errors.Errorf("unknown instruction: %s", upperCasedCmd)
@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
package dockerfile
import (
@ -15,8 +11,9 @@ import (
type dispatchTestCase struct {
name, dockerfile, expectedError string
files map[string]string
name, expectedError string
cmd instructions.Command
files map[string]string
func init() {
@ -24,108 +21,73 @@ func init() {
func initDispatchTestCases() []dispatchTestCase {
dispatchTestCases := []dispatchTestCase{{
name: "copyEmptyWhitespace",
dockerfile: `COPY
quux \
expectedError: "COPY requires at least two arguments",
dispatchTestCases := []dispatchTestCase{
name: "ONBUILD forbidden FROM",
dockerfile: "ONBUILD FROM scratch",
expectedError: "FROM isn't allowed as an ONBUILD trigger",
files: nil,
name: "ONBUILD forbidden MAINTAINER",
dockerfile: "ONBUILD MAINTAINER docker.io",
expectedError: "MAINTAINER isn't allowed as an ONBUILD trigger",
files: nil,
name: "ARG two arguments",
dockerfile: "ARG foo bar",
expectedError: "ARG requires exactly one argument",
files: nil,
name: "MAINTAINER unknown flag",
dockerfile: "MAINTAINER --boo joe@example.com",
expectedError: "Unknown flag: boo",
files: nil,
name: "ADD multiple files to file",
dockerfile: "ADD file1.txt file2.txt test",
name: "ADD multiple files to file",
cmd: &instructions.AddCommand{SourcesAndDest: instructions.SourcesAndDest{
expectedError: "When using ADD with more than one source file, the destination must be a directory and end with a /",
files: map[string]string{"file1.txt": "test1", "file2.txt": "test2"},
name: "JSON ADD multiple files to file",
dockerfile: `ADD ["file1.txt", "file2.txt", "test"]`,
name: "Wildcard ADD multiple files to file",
cmd: &instructions.AddCommand{SourcesAndDest: instructions.SourcesAndDest{
expectedError: "When using ADD with more than one source file, the destination must be a directory and end with a /",
files: map[string]string{"file1.txt": "test1", "file2.txt": "test2"},
name: "Wildcard ADD multiple files to file",
dockerfile: "ADD file*.txt test",
expectedError: "When using ADD with more than one source file, the destination must be a directory and end with a /",
files: map[string]string{"file1.txt": "test1", "file2.txt": "test2"},
name: "Wildcard JSON ADD multiple files to file",
dockerfile: `ADD ["file*.txt", "test"]`,
expectedError: "When using ADD with more than one source file, the destination must be a directory and end with a /",
files: map[string]string{"file1.txt": "test1", "file2.txt": "test2"},
name: "COPY multiple files to file",
dockerfile: "COPY file1.txt file2.txt test",
name: "COPY multiple files to file",
cmd: &instructions.CopyCommand{SourcesAndDest: instructions.SourcesAndDest{
expectedError: "When using COPY with more than one source file, the destination must be a directory and end with a /",
files: map[string]string{"file1.txt": "test1", "file2.txt": "test2"},
name: "JSON COPY multiple files to file",
dockerfile: `COPY ["file1.txt", "file2.txt", "test"]`,
expectedError: "When using COPY with more than one source file, the destination must be a directory and end with a /",
files: map[string]string{"file1.txt": "test1", "file2.txt": "test2"},
name: "ADD multiple files to file with whitespace",
dockerfile: `ADD [ "test file1.txt", "test file2.txt", "test" ]`,
name: "ADD multiple files to file with whitespace",
cmd: &instructions.AddCommand{SourcesAndDest: instructions.SourcesAndDest{
"test file1.txt",
"test file2.txt",
expectedError: "When using ADD with more than one source file, the destination must be a directory and end with a /",
files: map[string]string{"test file1.txt": "test1", "test file2.txt": "test2"},
name: "COPY multiple files to file with whitespace",
dockerfile: `COPY [ "test file1.txt", "test file2.txt", "test" ]`,
name: "COPY multiple files to file with whitespace",
cmd: &instructions.CopyCommand{SourcesAndDest: instructions.SourcesAndDest{
"test file1.txt",
"test file2.txt",
expectedError: "When using COPY with more than one source file, the destination must be a directory and end with a /",
files: map[string]string{"test file1.txt": "test1", "test file2.txt": "test2"},
name: "COPY wildcard no files",
dockerfile: `COPY file*.txt /tmp/`,
name: "COPY wildcard no files",
cmd: &instructions.CopyCommand{SourcesAndDest: instructions.SourcesAndDest{
expectedError: "COPY failed: no source files were specified",
files: nil,
name: "COPY url",
dockerfile: `COPY https://index.docker.io/robots.txt /`,
name: "COPY url",
cmd: &instructions.CopyCommand{SourcesAndDest: instructions.SourcesAndDest{
expectedError: "source can't be a URL for COPY",
files: nil,
name: "Chaining ONBUILD",
dockerfile: `ONBUILD ONBUILD RUN touch foobar`,
expectedError: "Chaining ONBUILD via `ONBUILD ONBUILD` isn't allowed",
files: nil,
name: "Invalid instruction",
dockerfile: `foo bar`,
expectedError: "unknown instruction: FOO",
files: nil,
return dispatchTestCases
@ -171,33 +133,8 @@ func executeTestCase(t *testing.T, testCase dispatchTestCase) {
r := strings.NewReader(testCase.dockerfile)
result, err := parser.Parse(r)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error when parsing Dockerfile: %s", err)
options := &types.ImageBuildOptions{
BuildArgs: make(map[string]*string),
b := &Builder{
options: options,
Stdout: ioutil.Discard,
buildArgs: newBuildArgs(options.BuildArgs),
shlex := NewShellLex(parser.DefaultEscapeToken)
n := result.AST
state := &dispatchState{runConfig: &container.Config{}}
opts := dispatchOptions{
state: state,
stepMsg: formatStep(0, len(n.Children)),
node: n.Children[0],
shlex: shlex,
source: context,
_, err = b.dispatch(opts)
b := newBuilderWithMockBackend()
sb := newDispatchRequest(b, '`', context, newBuildArgs(make(map[string]*string)), newStagesBuildResults())
err = dispatch(sb, testCase.cmd)
testutil.ErrorContains(t, err, testCase.expectedError)
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
// +build !windows
package dockerfile
// platformSupports is a short-term function to give users a quality error
// message if a Dockerfile uses a command not supported on the platform.
func platformSupports(command string) error {
return nil
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
package dockerfile
import "fmt"
// platformSupports is gives users a quality error message if a Dockerfile uses
// a command not supported on the platform.
func platformSupports(command string) error {
switch command {
case "stopsignal":
return fmt.Errorf("The daemon on this platform does not support the command '%s'", command)
return nil
@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
package dockerfile
import (
@ -13,79 +10,6 @@ import (
type buildStage struct {
id string
func newBuildStage(imageID string) *buildStage {
return &buildStage{id: imageID}
func (b *buildStage) ImageID() string {
return b.id
func (b *buildStage) update(imageID string) {
b.id = imageID
// buildStages tracks each stage of a build so they can be retrieved by index
// or by name.
type buildStages struct {
sequence []*buildStage
byName map[string]*buildStage
func newBuildStages() *buildStages {
return &buildStages{byName: make(map[string]*buildStage)}
func (s *buildStages) getByName(name string) (*buildStage, bool) {
stage, ok := s.byName[strings.ToLower(name)]
return stage, ok
func (s *buildStages) get(indexOrName string) (*buildStage, error) {
index, err := strconv.Atoi(indexOrName)
if err == nil {
if err := s.validateIndex(index); err != nil {
return nil, err
return s.sequence[index], nil
if im, ok := s.byName[strings.ToLower(indexOrName)]; ok {
return im, nil
return nil, nil
func (s *buildStages) validateIndex(i int) error {
if i < 0 || i >= len(s.sequence)-1 {
if i == len(s.sequence)-1 {
return errors.New("refers to current build stage")
return errors.New("index out of bounds")
return nil
func (s *buildStages) add(name string, image builder.Image) error {
stage := newBuildStage(image.ImageID())
name = strings.ToLower(name)
if len(name) > 0 {
if _, ok := s.byName[name]; ok {
return errors.Errorf("duplicate name %s", name)
s.byName[name] = stage
s.sequence = append(s.sequence, stage)
return nil
func (s *buildStages) update(imageID string) {
type getAndMountFunc func(string, bool) (builder.Image, builder.ReleaseableLayer, error)
// imageSources mounts images and provides a cache for mounted images. It tracks
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package dockerfile
package instructions
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package dockerfile
package instructions
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package instructions
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// KeyValuePair represent an arbitrary named value (usefull in slice insted of map[string] string to preserve ordering)
type KeyValuePair struct {
Key string
Value string
func (kvp *KeyValuePair) String() string {
return kvp.Key + "=" + kvp.Value
// Command is implemented by every command present in a dockerfile
type Command interface {
Name() string
// KeyValuePairs is a slice of KeyValuePair
type KeyValuePairs []KeyValuePair
// withNameAndCode is the base of every command in a Dockerfile (String() returns its source code)
type withNameAndCode struct {
code string
name string
func (c *withNameAndCode) String() string {
return c.code
// Name of the command
func (c *withNameAndCode) Name() string {
return c.name
func newWithNameAndCode(req parseRequest) withNameAndCode {
return withNameAndCode{code: strings.TrimSpace(req.original), name: req.command}
// SingleWordExpander is a provider for variable expansion where 1 word => 1 output
type SingleWordExpander func(word string) (string, error)
// SupportsSingleWordExpansion interface marks a command as supporting variable expansion
type SupportsSingleWordExpansion interface {
Expand(expander SingleWordExpander) error
// PlatformSpecific adds platform checks to a command
type PlatformSpecific interface {
CheckPlatform(platform string) error
func expandKvp(kvp KeyValuePair, expander SingleWordExpander) (KeyValuePair, error) {
key, err := expander(kvp.Key)
if err != nil {
return KeyValuePair{}, err
value, err := expander(kvp.Value)
if err != nil {
return KeyValuePair{}, err
return KeyValuePair{Key: key, Value: value}, nil
func expandKvpsInPlace(kvps KeyValuePairs, expander SingleWordExpander) error {
for i, kvp := range kvps {
newKvp, err := expandKvp(kvp, expander)
if err != nil {
return err
kvps[i] = newKvp
return nil
func expandSliceInPlace(values []string, expander SingleWordExpander) error {
for i, v := range values {
newValue, err := expander(v)
if err != nil {
return err
values[i] = newValue
return nil
// EnvCommand : ENV key1 value1 [keyN valueN...]
type EnvCommand struct {
Env KeyValuePairs // kvp slice instead of map to preserve ordering
// Expand variables
func (c *EnvCommand) Expand(expander SingleWordExpander) error {
return expandKvpsInPlace(c.Env, expander)
// MaintainerCommand : MAINTAINER maintainer_name
type MaintainerCommand struct {
Maintainer string
// LabelCommand : LABEL some json data describing the image
// Sets the Label variable foo to bar,
type LabelCommand struct {
Labels KeyValuePairs // kvp slice instead of map to preserve ordering
// Expand variables
func (c *LabelCommand) Expand(expander SingleWordExpander) error {
return expandKvpsInPlace(c.Labels, expander)
// SourcesAndDest represent a list of source files and a destination
type SourcesAndDest []string
// Sources list the source paths
func (s SourcesAndDest) Sources() []string {
res := make([]string, len(s)-1)
copy(res, s[:len(s)-1])
return res
// Dest path of the operation
func (s SourcesAndDest) Dest() string {
return s[len(s)-1]
// AddCommand : ADD foo /path
// Add the file 'foo' to '/path'. Tarball and Remote URL (git, http) handling
// exist here. If you do not wish to have this automatic handling, use COPY.
type AddCommand struct {
Chown string
// Expand variables
func (c *AddCommand) Expand(expander SingleWordExpander) error {
return expandSliceInPlace(c.SourcesAndDest, expander)
// CopyCommand : COPY foo /path
// Same as 'ADD' but without the tar and remote url handling.
type CopyCommand struct {
From string
Chown string
// Expand variables
func (c *CopyCommand) Expand(expander SingleWordExpander) error {
return expandSliceInPlace(c.SourcesAndDest, expander)
// OnbuildCommand : ONBUILD <some other command>
type OnbuildCommand struct {
Expression string
// WorkdirCommand : WORKDIR /tmp
// Set the working directory for future RUN/CMD/etc statements.
type WorkdirCommand struct {
Path string
// Expand variables
func (c *WorkdirCommand) Expand(expander SingleWordExpander) error {
p, err := expander(c.Path)
if err != nil {
return err
c.Path = p
return nil
// ShellDependantCmdLine represents a cmdline optionaly prepended with the shell
type ShellDependantCmdLine struct {
CmdLine strslice.StrSlice
PrependShell bool
// RunCommand : RUN some command yo
// run a command and commit the image. Args are automatically prepended with
// the current SHELL which defaults to 'sh -c' under linux or 'cmd /S /C' under
// Windows, in the event there is only one argument The difference in processing:
// RUN echo hi # sh -c echo hi (Linux)
// RUN echo hi # cmd /S /C echo hi (Windows)
// RUN [ "echo", "hi" ] # echo hi
type RunCommand struct {
// CmdCommand : CMD foo
// Set the default command to run in the container (which may be empty).
// Argument handling is the same as RUN.
type CmdCommand struct {
// HealthCheckCommand : HEALTHCHECK foo
// Set the default healthcheck command to run in the container (which may be empty).
// Argument handling is the same as RUN.
type HealthCheckCommand struct {
Health *container.HealthConfig
// EntrypointCommand : ENTRYPOINT /usr/sbin/nginx
// Set the entrypoint to /usr/sbin/nginx. Will accept the CMD as the arguments
// to /usr/sbin/nginx. Uses the default shell if not in JSON format.
// Handles command processing similar to CMD and RUN, only req.runConfig.Entrypoint
// is initialized at newBuilder time instead of through argument parsing.
type EntrypointCommand struct {
// ExposeCommand : EXPOSE 6667/tcp 7000/tcp
// Expose ports for links and port mappings. This all ends up in
// req.runConfig.ExposedPorts for runconfig.
type ExposeCommand struct {
Ports []string
// UserCommand : USER foo
// Set the user to 'foo' for future commands and when running the
// ENTRYPOINT/CMD at container run time.
type UserCommand struct {
User string
// Expand variables
func (c *UserCommand) Expand(expander SingleWordExpander) error {
p, err := expander(c.User)
if err != nil {
return err
c.User = p
return nil
// VolumeCommand : VOLUME /foo
// Expose the volume /foo for use. Will also accept the JSON array form.
type VolumeCommand struct {
Volumes []string
// Expand variables
func (c *VolumeCommand) Expand(expander SingleWordExpander) error {
return expandSliceInPlace(c.Volumes, expander)
// StopSignalCommand : STOPSIGNAL signal
// Set the signal that will be used to kill the container.
type StopSignalCommand struct {
Signal string
// Expand variables
func (c *StopSignalCommand) Expand(expander SingleWordExpander) error {
p, err := expander(c.Signal)
if err != nil {
return err
c.Signal = p
return nil
// CheckPlatform checks that the command is supported in the target platform
func (c *StopSignalCommand) CheckPlatform(platform string) error {
if platform == "windows" {
return errors.New("The daemon on this platform does not support the command stopsignal")
return nil
// ArgCommand : ARG name[=value]
// Adds the variable foo to the trusted list of variables that can be passed
// to builder using the --build-arg flag for expansion/substitution or passing to 'run'.
// Dockerfile author may optionally set a default value of this variable.
type ArgCommand struct {
Key string
Value *string
// Expand variables
func (c *ArgCommand) Expand(expander SingleWordExpander) error {
p, err := expander(c.Key)
if err != nil {
return err
c.Key = p
if c.Value != nil {
p, err = expander(*c.Value)
if err != nil {
return err
c.Value = &p
return nil
// ShellCommand : SHELL powershell -command
// Set the non-default shell to use.
type ShellCommand struct {
Shell strslice.StrSlice
// Stage represents a single stage in a multi-stage build
type Stage struct {
Name string
Commands []Command
BaseName string
SourceCode string
// AddCommand to the stage
func (s *Stage) AddCommand(cmd Command) {
// todo: validate cmd type
s.Commands = append(s.Commands, cmd)
// IsCurrentStage check if the stage name is the current stage
func IsCurrentStage(s []Stage, name string) bool {
if len(s) == 0 {
return false
return s[len(s)-1].Name == name
// CurrentStage return the last stage in a slice
func CurrentStage(s []Stage) (*Stage, error) {
if len(s) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("No build stage in current context")
return &s[len(s)-1], nil
// HasStage looks for the presence of a given stage name
func HasStage(s []Stage, name string) (int, bool) {
for i, stage := range s {
if stage.Name == name {
return i, true
return -1, false
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
// +build !windows
package instructions
import "fmt"
func errNotJSON(command, _ string) error {
return fmt.Errorf("%s requires the arguments to be in JSON form", command)
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package instructions
import (
func errNotJSON(command, original string) error {
// For Windows users, give a hint if it looks like it might contain
// a path which hasn't been escaped such as ["c:\windows\system32\prog.exe", "-param"],
// as JSON must be escaped. Unfortunate...
// Specifically looking for quote-driveletter-colon-backslash, there's no
// double backslash and a [] pair. No, this is not perfect, but it doesn't
// have to be. It's simply a hint to make life a little easier.
extra := ""
original = filepath.FromSlash(strings.ToLower(strings.Replace(strings.ToLower(original), strings.ToLower(command)+" ", "", -1)))
if len(regexp.MustCompile(`"[a-z]:\\.*`).FindStringSubmatch(original)) > 0 &&
!strings.Contains(original, `\\`) &&
strings.Contains(original, "[") &&
strings.Contains(original, "]") {
extra = fmt.Sprintf(`. It looks like '%s' includes a file path without an escaped back-slash. JSON requires back-slashes to be escaped such as ["c:\\path\\to\\file.exe", "/parameter"]`, original)
return fmt.Errorf("%s requires the arguments to be in JSON form%s", command, extra)
@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
package instructions
import (
type parseRequest struct {
command string
args []string
attributes map[string]bool
flags *BFlags
original string
func nodeArgs(node *parser.Node) []string {
result := []string{}
for ; node.Next != nil; node = node.Next {
arg := node.Next
if len(arg.Children) == 0 {
result = append(result, arg.Value)
} else if len(arg.Children) == 1 {
//sub command
result = append(result, arg.Children[0].Value)
result = append(result, nodeArgs(arg.Children[0])...)
return result
func newParseRequestFromNode(node *parser.Node) parseRequest {
return parseRequest{
command: node.Value,
args: nodeArgs(node),
attributes: node.Attributes,
original: node.Original,
flags: NewBFlagsWithArgs(node.Flags),
// ParseInstruction converts an AST to a typed instruction (either a command or a build stage beginning when encountering a `FROM` statement)
func ParseInstruction(node *parser.Node) (interface{}, error) {
req := newParseRequestFromNode(node)
switch node.Value {
case command.Env:
return parseEnv(req)
case command.Maintainer:
return parseMaintainer(req)
case command.Label:
return parseLabel(req)
case command.Add:
return parseAdd(req)
case command.Copy:
return parseCopy(req)
case command.From:
return parseFrom(req)
case command.Onbuild:
return parseOnBuild(req)
case command.Workdir:
return parseWorkdir(req)
case command.Run:
return parseRun(req)
case command.Cmd:
return parseCmd(req)
case command.Healthcheck:
return parseHealthcheck(req)
case command.Entrypoint:
return parseEntrypoint(req)
case command.Expose:
return parseExpose(req)
case command.User:
return parseUser(req)
case command.Volume:
return parseVolume(req)
case command.StopSignal:
return parseStopSignal(req)
case command.Arg:
return parseArg(req)
case command.Shell:
return parseShell(req)
return nil, &UnknownInstruction{Instruction: node.Value, Line: node.StartLine}
// ParseCommand converts an AST to a typed Command
func ParseCommand(node *parser.Node) (Command, error) {
s, err := ParseInstruction(node)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if c, ok := s.(Command); ok {
return c, nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("%T is not a command type", s)
// UnknownInstruction represents an error occuring when a command is unresolvable
type UnknownInstruction struct {
Line int
Instruction string
func (e *UnknownInstruction) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("unknown instruction: %s", strings.ToUpper(e.Instruction))
// IsUnknownInstruction checks if the error is an UnknownInstruction or a parseError containing an UnknownInstruction
func IsUnknownInstruction(err error) bool {
_, ok := err.(*UnknownInstruction)
if !ok {
var pe *parseError
if pe, ok = err.(*parseError); ok {
_, ok = pe.inner.(*UnknownInstruction)
return ok
type parseError struct {
inner error
node *parser.Node
func (e *parseError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Dockerfile parse error line %d: %v", e.node.StartLine, e.inner.Error())
// Parse a docker file into a collection of buildable stages
func Parse(ast *parser.Node) (stages []Stage, metaArgs []ArgCommand, err error) {
for _, n := range ast.Children {
cmd, err := ParseInstruction(n)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, &parseError{inner: err, node: n}
if len(stages) == 0 {
// meta arg case
if a, isArg := cmd.(*ArgCommand); isArg {
metaArgs = append(metaArgs, *a)
switch c := cmd.(type) {
case *Stage:
stages = append(stages, *c)
case Command:
stage, err := CurrentStage(stages)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return nil, nil, errors.Errorf("%T is not a command type", cmd)
return stages, metaArgs, nil
func parseKvps(args []string, cmdName string) (KeyValuePairs, error) {
if len(args) == 0 {
return nil, errAtLeastOneArgument(cmdName)
if len(args)%2 != 0 {
// should never get here, but just in case
return nil, errTooManyArguments(cmdName)
var res KeyValuePairs
for j := 0; j < len(args); j += 2 {
if len(args[j]) == 0 {
return nil, errBlankCommandNames(cmdName)
name := args[j]
value := args[j+1]
res = append(res, KeyValuePair{Key: name, Value: value})
return res, nil
func parseEnv(req parseRequest) (*EnvCommand, error) {
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return nil, err
envs, err := parseKvps(req.args, "ENV")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &EnvCommand{
Env: envs,
withNameAndCode: newWithNameAndCode(req),
}, nil
func parseMaintainer(req parseRequest) (*MaintainerCommand, error) {
if len(req.args) != 1 {
return nil, errExactlyOneArgument("MAINTAINER")
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &MaintainerCommand{
Maintainer: req.args[0],
withNameAndCode: newWithNameAndCode(req),
}, nil
func parseLabel(req parseRequest) (*LabelCommand, error) {
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return nil, err
labels, err := parseKvps(req.args, "LABEL")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &LabelCommand{
Labels: labels,
withNameAndCode: newWithNameAndCode(req),
}, nil
func parseAdd(req parseRequest) (*AddCommand, error) {
if len(req.args) < 2 {
return nil, errAtLeastTwoArguments("ADD")
flChown := req.flags.AddString("chown", "")
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &AddCommand{
SourcesAndDest: SourcesAndDest(req.args),
withNameAndCode: newWithNameAndCode(req),
Chown: flChown.Value,
}, nil
func parseCopy(req parseRequest) (*CopyCommand, error) {
if len(req.args) < 2 {
return nil, errAtLeastTwoArguments("COPY")
flChown := req.flags.AddString("chown", "")
flFrom := req.flags.AddString("from", "")
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &CopyCommand{
SourcesAndDest: SourcesAndDest(req.args),
From: flFrom.Value,
withNameAndCode: newWithNameAndCode(req),
Chown: flChown.Value,
}, nil
func parseFrom(req parseRequest) (*Stage, error) {
stageName, err := parseBuildStageName(req.args)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return nil, err
code := strings.TrimSpace(req.original)
return &Stage{
BaseName: req.args[0],
Name: stageName,
SourceCode: code,
Commands: []Command{},
}, nil
func parseBuildStageName(args []string) (string, error) {
stageName := ""
switch {
case len(args) == 3 && strings.EqualFold(args[1], "as"):
stageName = strings.ToLower(args[2])
if ok, _ := regexp.MatchString("^[a-z][a-z0-9-_\\.]*$", stageName); !ok {
return "", errors.Errorf("invalid name for build stage: %q, name can't start with a number or contain symbols", stageName)
case len(args) != 1:
return "", errors.New("FROM requires either one or three arguments")
return stageName, nil
func parseOnBuild(req parseRequest) (*OnbuildCommand, error) {
if len(req.args) == 0 {
return nil, errAtLeastOneArgument("ONBUILD")
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return nil, err
triggerInstruction := strings.ToUpper(strings.TrimSpace(req.args[0]))
switch strings.ToUpper(triggerInstruction) {
case "ONBUILD":
return nil, errors.New("Chaining ONBUILD via `ONBUILD ONBUILD` isn't allowed")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s isn't allowed as an ONBUILD trigger", triggerInstruction)
original := regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^\s*ONBUILD\s*`).ReplaceAllString(req.original, "")
return &OnbuildCommand{
Expression: original,
withNameAndCode: newWithNameAndCode(req),
}, nil
func parseWorkdir(req parseRequest) (*WorkdirCommand, error) {
if len(req.args) != 1 {
return nil, errExactlyOneArgument("WORKDIR")
err := req.flags.Parse()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &WorkdirCommand{
Path: req.args[0],
withNameAndCode: newWithNameAndCode(req),
}, nil
func parseShellDependentCommand(req parseRequest, emptyAsNil bool) ShellDependantCmdLine {
args := handleJSONArgs(req.args, req.attributes)
cmd := strslice.StrSlice(args)
if emptyAsNil && len(cmd) == 0 {
cmd = nil
return ShellDependantCmdLine{
CmdLine: cmd,
PrependShell: !req.attributes["json"],
func parseRun(req parseRequest) (*RunCommand, error) {
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &RunCommand{
ShellDependantCmdLine: parseShellDependentCommand(req, false),
withNameAndCode: newWithNameAndCode(req),
}, nil
func parseCmd(req parseRequest) (*CmdCommand, error) {
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &CmdCommand{
ShellDependantCmdLine: parseShellDependentCommand(req, false),
withNameAndCode: newWithNameAndCode(req),
}, nil
func parseEntrypoint(req parseRequest) (*EntrypointCommand, error) {
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return nil, err
cmd := &EntrypointCommand{
ShellDependantCmdLine: parseShellDependentCommand(req, true),
withNameAndCode: newWithNameAndCode(req),
return cmd, nil
// parseOptInterval(flag) is the duration of flag.Value, or 0 if
// empty. An error is reported if the value is given and less than minimum duration.
func parseOptInterval(f *Flag) (time.Duration, error) {
s := f.Value
if s == "" {
return 0, nil
d, err := time.ParseDuration(s)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if d < container.MinimumDuration {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Interval %#v cannot be less than %s", f.name, container.MinimumDuration)
return d, nil
func parseHealthcheck(req parseRequest) (*HealthCheckCommand, error) {
if len(req.args) == 0 {
return nil, errAtLeastOneArgument("HEALTHCHECK")
cmd := &HealthCheckCommand{
withNameAndCode: newWithNameAndCode(req),
typ := strings.ToUpper(req.args[0])
args := req.args[1:]
if typ == "NONE" {
if len(args) != 0 {
return nil, errors.New("HEALTHCHECK NONE takes no arguments")
test := strslice.StrSlice{typ}
cmd.Health = &container.HealthConfig{
Test: test,
} else {
healthcheck := container.HealthConfig{}
flInterval := req.flags.AddString("interval", "")
flTimeout := req.flags.AddString("timeout", "")
flStartPeriod := req.flags.AddString("start-period", "")
flRetries := req.flags.AddString("retries", "")
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return nil, err
switch typ {
case "CMD":
cmdSlice := handleJSONArgs(args, req.attributes)
if len(cmdSlice) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("Missing command after HEALTHCHECK CMD")
if !req.attributes["json"] {
typ = "CMD-SHELL"
healthcheck.Test = strslice.StrSlice(append([]string{typ}, cmdSlice...))
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown type %#v in HEALTHCHECK (try CMD)", typ)
interval, err := parseOptInterval(flInterval)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
healthcheck.Interval = interval
timeout, err := parseOptInterval(flTimeout)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
healthcheck.Timeout = timeout
startPeriod, err := parseOptInterval(flStartPeriod)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
healthcheck.StartPeriod = startPeriod
if flRetries.Value != "" {
retries, err := strconv.ParseInt(flRetries.Value, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if retries < 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("--retries must be at least 1 (not %d)", retries)
healthcheck.Retries = int(retries)
} else {
healthcheck.Retries = 0
cmd.Health = &healthcheck
return cmd, nil
func parseExpose(req parseRequest) (*ExposeCommand, error) {
portsTab := req.args
if len(req.args) == 0 {
return nil, errAtLeastOneArgument("EXPOSE")
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ExposeCommand{
Ports: portsTab,
withNameAndCode: newWithNameAndCode(req),
}, nil
func parseUser(req parseRequest) (*UserCommand, error) {
if len(req.args) != 1 {
return nil, errExactlyOneArgument("USER")
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &UserCommand{
User: req.args[0],
withNameAndCode: newWithNameAndCode(req),
}, nil
func parseVolume(req parseRequest) (*VolumeCommand, error) {
if len(req.args) == 0 {
return nil, errAtLeastOneArgument("VOLUME")
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return nil, err
cmd := &VolumeCommand{
withNameAndCode: newWithNameAndCode(req),
for _, v := range req.args {
v = strings.TrimSpace(v)
if v == "" {
return nil, errors.New("VOLUME specified can not be an empty string")
cmd.Volumes = append(cmd.Volumes, v)
return cmd, nil
func parseStopSignal(req parseRequest) (*StopSignalCommand, error) {
if len(req.args) != 1 {
return nil, errExactlyOneArgument("STOPSIGNAL")
sig := req.args[0]
cmd := &StopSignalCommand{
Signal: sig,
withNameAndCode: newWithNameAndCode(req),
return cmd, nil
func parseArg(req parseRequest) (*ArgCommand, error) {
if len(req.args) != 1 {
return nil, errExactlyOneArgument("ARG")
var (
name string
newValue *string
arg := req.args[0]
// 'arg' can just be a name or name-value pair. Note that this is different
// from 'env' that handles the split of name and value at the parser level.
// The reason for doing it differently for 'arg' is that we support just
// defining an arg and not assign it a value (while 'env' always expects a
// name-value pair). If possible, it will be good to harmonize the two.
if strings.Contains(arg, "=") {
parts := strings.SplitN(arg, "=", 2)
if len(parts[0]) == 0 {
return nil, errBlankCommandNames("ARG")
name = parts[0]
newValue = &parts[1]
} else {
name = arg
return &ArgCommand{
Key: name,
Value: newValue,
withNameAndCode: newWithNameAndCode(req),
}, nil
func parseShell(req parseRequest) (*ShellCommand, error) {
if err := req.flags.Parse(); err != nil {
return nil, err
shellSlice := handleJSONArgs(req.args, req.attributes)
switch {
case len(shellSlice) == 0:
// SHELL []
return nil, errAtLeastOneArgument("SHELL")
case req.attributes["json"]:
// SHELL ["powershell", "-command"]
return &ShellCommand{
Shell: strslice.StrSlice(shellSlice),
withNameAndCode: newWithNameAndCode(req),
}, nil
// SHELL powershell -command - not JSON
return nil, errNotJSON("SHELL", req.original)
func errAtLeastOneArgument(command string) error {
return errors.Errorf("%s requires at least one argument", command)
func errExactlyOneArgument(command string) error {
return errors.Errorf("%s requires exactly one argument", command)
func errAtLeastTwoArguments(command string) error {
return errors.Errorf("%s requires at least two arguments", command)
func errBlankCommandNames(command string) error {
return errors.Errorf("%s names can not be blank", command)
func errTooManyArguments(command string) error {
return errors.Errorf("Bad input to %s, too many arguments", command)
@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
package instructions
import (
func TestCommandsExactlyOneArgument(t *testing.T) {
commands := []string{
for _, command := range commands {
ast, err := parser.Parse(strings.NewReader(command))
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = ParseInstruction(ast.AST.Children[0])
assert.EqualError(t, err, errExactlyOneArgument(command).Error())
func TestCommandsAtLeastOneArgument(t *testing.T) {
commands := []string{
for _, command := range commands {
ast, err := parser.Parse(strings.NewReader(command))
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = ParseInstruction(ast.AST.Children[0])
assert.EqualError(t, err, errAtLeastOneArgument(command).Error())
func TestCommandsAtLeastTwoArgument(t *testing.T) {
commands := []string{
for _, command := range commands {
ast, err := parser.Parse(strings.NewReader(command + " arg1"))
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = ParseInstruction(ast.AST.Children[0])
assert.EqualError(t, err, errAtLeastTwoArguments(command).Error())
func TestCommandsTooManyArguments(t *testing.T) {
commands := []string{
for _, command := range commands {
node := &parser.Node{
Original: command + "arg1 arg2 arg3",
Value: strings.ToLower(command),
Next: &parser.Node{
Value: "arg1",
Next: &parser.Node{
Value: "arg2",
Next: &parser.Node{
Value: "arg3",
_, err := ParseInstruction(node)
assert.EqualError(t, err, errTooManyArguments(command).Error())
func TestCommandsBlankNames(t *testing.T) {
commands := []string{
for _, command := range commands {
node := &parser.Node{
Original: command + " =arg2",
Value: strings.ToLower(command),
Next: &parser.Node{
Value: "",
Next: &parser.Node{
Value: "arg2",
_, err := ParseInstruction(node)
assert.EqualError(t, err, errBlankCommandNames(command).Error())
func TestHealthCheckCmd(t *testing.T) {
node := &parser.Node{
Value: command.Healthcheck,
Next: &parser.Node{
Value: "CMD",
Next: &parser.Node{
Value: "hello",
Next: &parser.Node{
Value: "world",
cmd, err := ParseInstruction(node)
assert.NoError(t, err)
hc, ok := cmd.(*HealthCheckCommand)
assert.True(t, ok)
expected := []string{"CMD-SHELL", "hello world"}
assert.Equal(t, expected, hc.Health.Test)
func TestParseOptInterval(t *testing.T) {
flInterval := &Flag{
name: "interval",
flagType: stringType,
Value: "50ns",
_, err := parseOptInterval(flInterval)
testutil.ErrorContains(t, err, "cannot be less than 1ms")
flInterval.Value = "1ms"
_, err = parseOptInterval(flInterval)
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestErrorCases(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
name string
dockerfile string
expectedError string
name: "copyEmptyWhitespace",
dockerfile: `COPY
quux \
expectedError: "COPY requires at least two arguments",
name: "ONBUILD forbidden FROM",
dockerfile: "ONBUILD FROM scratch",
expectedError: "FROM isn't allowed as an ONBUILD trigger",
name: "ONBUILD forbidden MAINTAINER",
dockerfile: "ONBUILD MAINTAINER docker.io",
expectedError: "MAINTAINER isn't allowed as an ONBUILD trigger",
name: "ARG two arguments",
dockerfile: "ARG foo bar",
expectedError: "ARG requires exactly one argument",
name: "MAINTAINER unknown flag",
dockerfile: "MAINTAINER --boo joe@example.com",
expectedError: "Unknown flag: boo",
name: "Chaining ONBUILD",
dockerfile: `ONBUILD ONBUILD RUN touch foobar`,
expectedError: "Chaining ONBUILD via `ONBUILD ONBUILD` isn't allowed",
name: "Invalid instruction",
dockerfile: `foo bar`,
expectedError: "unknown instruction: FOO",
for _, c := range cases {
r := strings.NewReader(c.dockerfile)
ast, err := parser.Parse(r)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error when parsing Dockerfile: %s", err)
n := ast.AST.Children[0]
_, err = ParseInstruction(n)
if err != nil {
testutil.ErrorContains(t, err, c.expectedError)
t.Fatalf("No error when executing test %s", c.name)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package dockerfile
package instructions
import "strings"
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package dockerfile
package instructions
import "testing"
@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ func (b *Builder) commitContainer(dispatchState *dispatchState, id string, conta
dispatchState.imageID = imageID
return nil
@ -164,7 +163,6 @@ func (b *Builder) exportImage(state *dispatchState, imageMount *imageMount, runC
state.imageID = exportedImage.ImageID()
b.imageSources.Add(newImageMount(exportedImage, newLayer))
return nil
@ -460,7 +458,6 @@ func (b *Builder) probeCache(dispatchState *dispatchState, runConfig *container.
fmt.Fprint(b.Stdout, " ---> Using cache\n")
dispatchState.imageID = cachedID
return true, nil
@ -438,6 +438,82 @@ func (s *DockerSuite) TestBuildChownOnCopy(c *check.C) {
assert.Contains(c, string(out), "Successfully built")
func (s *DockerSuite) TestBuildCopyCacheOnFileChange(c *check.C) {
dockerfile := `FROM busybox
COPY file /file`
ctx1 := fakecontext.New(c, "",
fakecontext.WithFile("file", "foo"))
ctx2 := fakecontext.New(c, "",
fakecontext.WithFile("file", "bar"))
var build = func(ctx *fakecontext.Fake) string {
res, body, err := request.Post("/build",
require.NoError(c, err)
assert.Equal(c, http.StatusOK, res.StatusCode)
out, err := request.ReadBody(body)
ids := getImageIDsFromBuild(c, out)
return ids[len(ids)-1]
id1 := build(ctx1)
id2 := build(ctx1)
id3 := build(ctx2)
if id1 != id2 {
c.Fatal("didn't use the cache")
if id1 == id3 {
c.Fatal("COPY With different source file should not share same cache")
func (s *DockerSuite) TestBuildAddCacheOnFileChange(c *check.C) {
dockerfile := `FROM busybox
ADD file /file`
ctx1 := fakecontext.New(c, "",
fakecontext.WithFile("file", "foo"))
ctx2 := fakecontext.New(c, "",
fakecontext.WithFile("file", "bar"))
var build = func(ctx *fakecontext.Fake) string {
res, body, err := request.Post("/build",
require.NoError(c, err)
assert.Equal(c, http.StatusOK, res.StatusCode)
out, err := request.ReadBody(body)
ids := getImageIDsFromBuild(c, out)
return ids[len(ids)-1]
id1 := build(ctx1)
id2 := build(ctx1)
id3 := build(ctx2)
if id1 != id2 {
c.Fatal("didn't use the cache")
if id1 == id3 {
c.Fatal("COPY With different source file should not share same cache")
func (s *DockerSuite) TestBuildWithSession(c *check.C) {
testRequires(c, ExperimentalDaemon)
@ -1173,12 +1173,13 @@ func (s *DockerSuite) TestBuildForceRm(c *check.C) {
containerCountBefore := getContainerCount(c)
name := "testbuildforcerm"
buildImage(name, cli.WithFlags("--force-rm"), build.WithBuildContext(c,
build.WithFile("Dockerfile", `FROM `+minimalBaseImage()+`
r := buildImage(name, cli.WithFlags("--force-rm"), build.WithBuildContext(c,
build.WithFile("Dockerfile", `FROM busybox
RUN true
RUN thiswillfail`))).Assert(c, icmd.Expected{
ExitCode: 1,
RUN thiswillfail`)))
if r.ExitCode != 1 && r.ExitCode != 127 { // different on Linux / Windows
c.Fatalf("Wrong exit code")
containerCountAfter := getContainerCount(c)
if containerCountBefore != containerCountAfter {
@ -4542,7 +4543,6 @@ func (s *DockerSuite) TestBuildBuildTimeArgOverrideEnvDefinedBeforeArg(c *check.
func (s *DockerSuite) TestBuildBuildTimeArgExpansion(c *check.C) {
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux) // Windows does not support ARG
imgName := "bldvarstest"
wdVar := "WDIR"
@ -4559,6 +4559,10 @@ func (s *DockerSuite) TestBuildBuildTimeArgExpansion(c *check.C) {
userVal := "testUser"
volVar := "VOL"
volVal := "/testVol/"
if DaemonIsWindows() {
volVal = "C:\\testVol"
wdVal = "C:\\tmp"
buildImageSuccessfully(c, imgName,
@ -4594,7 +4598,7 @@ func (s *DockerSuite) TestBuildBuildTimeArgExpansion(c *check.C) {
res := inspectField(c, imgName, "Config.WorkingDir")
c.Check(res, check.Equals, filepath.ToSlash(wdVal))
c.Check(filepath.ToSlash(res), check.Equals, filepath.ToSlash(wdVal))
var resArr []string
inspectFieldAndUnmarshall(c, imgName, "Config.Env", &resArr)
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