Something changed, broke the docs release script, and it seems that --exclude still doesn't work, so I'm removing it

Signed-off-by: Sven Dowideit <>
This commit is contained in:
Sven Dowideit 2014-12-04 16:05:45 +10:00
Родитель e15ffa45a6
Коммит 6d560e197c
2 изменённых файлов: 8 добавлений и 29 удалений

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@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ Once the PR has the needed `LGTM`s, merge it, then publish to our beta server
to test:
git fetch upstream
git checkout post-1.2.0-docs-update-1
git reset --hard upstream/post-1.2.0-docs-update-1
git checkout docs
git reset --hard upstream/docs
make BUILD_ROOT=yes docs-release
Then go to
@ -141,6 +141,8 @@ to view your results and make sure what you published is what you wanted.
When you're happy with it, publish the docs to our live site:
make BUILD_ROOT=yes docs-release
Test the uncached version of the live docs at
Note that the new docs will not appear live on the site until the cache (a complex,
distributed CDN system) is flushed. This requires someone with S3 keys. Contact Docker

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@ -88,36 +88,13 @@ upload_current_documentation() {
# a really complicated way to send only the files we want
# if there are too many in any one set, aws s3 sync seems to fall over with 2 files to go
# versions.html_fragment
endings=( json txt html xml css js gif png JPG ttf svg woff html_fragment )
for i in ${endings[@]}; do
for j in ${endings[@]}; do
if [ "$i" != "$j" ];then
include="$include --exclude *.$j"
include="--include *.$i $include"
include="--recursive --include \"*.$i\" "
echo "uploading *.$i"
run="aws s3 sync $OPTIONS --profile $BUCKET --cache-control \"max-age=3600\" --acl public-read \
$include \
--exclude *.text* \
--exclude *.*~ \
--exclude *Dockerfile \
--exclude *.DS_Store \
--exclude *.psd \
--exclude *.ai \
--exclude *.eot \
--exclude *.otf \
--exclude *.rej \
--exclude *.rst \
--exclude *.orig \
--exclude *.py \
$src $dst"
run="aws s3 cp $src $dst $OPTIONS --profile $BUCKET --cache-control \"max-age=3600\" --acl public-read $include"
echo "======================="
echo "$run"
echo "======================="
#echo "$run"
#echo "======================="
if [ "$OPTIONS" != "--dryrun" ]; then