update spec file to require docker-engine-selinux policy

Signed-off-by: Jessica Frazelle <acidburn@docker.com>
This commit is contained in:
Jessica Frazelle 2015-08-25 12:04:01 -07:00
Родитель 0b2cff35ba
Коммит df6d928370
1 изменённых файлов: 21 добавлений и 0 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -50,6 +50,27 @@ Requires: kernel-uek >= 3.8
Requires: device-mapper >= 1.02.90-2
# docker-selinux conditional
%if 0%{?fedora} >= 22 || 0%{?centos} >= 7 || 0%{?rhel} >= 7 || 0%{?oracle} >= 7
%global with_selinux 1
# start if with_selinux
%if 0%{?with_selinux}
# Version of SELinux we were using
%if 0%{?fedora} >= 22
%global selinux_policyver 3.13.1-119
%global selinux_policyver 3.13.1-39
%endif # with_selinux
# RE: rhbz#1195804 - ensure min NVR for selinux-policy
%if 0%{?with_selinux}
Requires: selinux-policy >= %{selinux_policyver}
Requires(pre): %{name}-selinux >= %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
%endif # with_selinux
# conflicting packages
Conflicts: docker
Conflicts: docker-io