* Remove out of date "vacation mode"
* Fix my email address
* Remove infrastructure maintainers to reflect reality (core maintainers
are currently maintaining their own infrastructure).
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Solomon Hykes <solomon@docker.com> (github: shykes)
* Add notice in server/server.go explaining not to add stuff there, and
what to do instead.
* Make myself a sole maintainer of server/ to avoid concurrent edits
while refactoring.
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Solomon Hykes <solomon@docker.com> (github: shykes)
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: William Henry <whenry@redhat.com> (github: ipbabble)
Changes to be committed:
modified: contrib/man/md/README.md
modified: contrib/man/md/docker-build.md
modified: contrib/man/md/docker-cp.md
modified: contrib/man/md/docker-logs.md
modified: contrib/man/md/docker-push.md
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: William Henry <whenry@redhat.com> (github: ipbabble)
Changes to be committed:
modified: contrib/man/md/docker-build.md
modified: contrib/man/md/docker-commit.md
This also removes all the old man pages, .gitignores their directory, and updates the md2man-all.sh script to be easier to read and more friendly to being called within hack/make/ubuntu.
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Andrew Page <admwiggin@gmail.com> (github: tianon)
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: William Henry <whenry@redhat.com> (github: ipbabble)
All Docker commands have a Markdown page.
Dockerfile used to build a Fedora based pandoc container.
md2man-all.sh is used inside the container.
README.sh includes an explaination on how to build the fedora/pandoc
image and how to run the container directly.
Changes to be committed:
new file: contrib/man/md/Dockerfile
new file: contrib/man/md/README.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-attach.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-build.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-commit.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-cp.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-diff.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-events.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-export.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-history.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-images.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-import.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-info.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-inspect.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-kill.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-load.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-login.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-logs.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-port.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-ps.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-pull.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-push.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-restart.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-rm.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-rmi.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-run.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-save.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-search.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-start.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-stop.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-tag.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-top.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker-wait.md
new file: contrib/man/md/docker.md
new file: contrib/man/md/md2man-all.sh
This one is a problem because the most useful stat is a string and not a
float like verything else. We may have to change the return type
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Michael Crosby <michael@crosbymichael.com> (github: crosbymichael)
Lists with paragraphs as items need blank lines in between
items to generate correct layout.
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lance Chen <cyen0312@gmail.com> (github: Lance0312)
Elaborate on the volumes example to prevent confusion.
Update: Amend the example so it is executable by the reader.
This includes fixing the erring "/var/logs" statement with "/var/log".
Update: Fix sentence structuring to better suit the 80chrs. limit.
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: O.S. Tezer <ostezer@gmail.com> (github: ostezer)