#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e # This script generates index files for the directory structure # of the apt and yum repos : ${DOCKER_RELEASE_DIR:=$DEST} APTDIR=$DOCKER_RELEASE_DIR/apt YUMDIR=$DOCKER_RELEASE_DIR/yum if [ ! -d $APTDIR ] && [ ! -d $YUMDIR ]; then echo >&2 'release-rpm or release-deb must be run before generate-index-listing' exit 1 fi create_index() { local directory=$1 local original=$2 local cleaned=${directory#$original} # the index file to create local index_file="${directory}/index" # cd into dir & touch the index file cd $directory touch $index_file # print the html header cat <<-EOF > "$index_file"
../ EOF # start of content output ( # change IFS locally within subshell so the for loop saves line correctly to L var IFS=$'\n'; # pretty sweet, will mimic the normal apache output. skipping "index" and hidden files for L in $(find -L . -mount -depth -maxdepth 1 -type f ! -name 'index' ! -name '.*' -prune -printf "%f|@_@%Td-%Tb-%TY %Tk:%TM @%f@\n"|sort|column -t -s '|' | sed 's,\([\ ]\+\)@_@,\1,g'); do # file F=$(sed -e 's,^.*@\([^@]\+\)@.*$,\1,g'<<<"$L"); # file with file size F=$(du -bh $F | cut -f1); # output with correct format sed -e 's,\ @.*$, '"$F"',g'<<<"$L"; done; ) >> $index_file; # now output a list of all directories in this dir (maxdepth 1) other than '.' outputting in a sorted manner exactly like apache find -L . -mount -depth -maxdepth 1 -type d ! -name '.' -printf "%-43f@_@%Td-%Tb-%TY %Tk:%TM -\n"|sort -d|sed 's,\([\ ]\+\)@_@,/\1,g' >> $index_file # print the footer html echo "