* Remove wfp compression

* Move the timestamp calculation.

* wip

* feedback

* Update scripts/ebpf_tracing.cmd

Co-authored-by: Dave Thaler <dthaler@microsoft.com>

* Setting max_file_size_mb to the final max allowed.

* maximize sizes


Co-authored-by: Dave Thaler <dthaler@microsoft.com>
This commit is contained in:
Gianni Trevisiol 2023-05-30 15:33:39 -07:00
Родитель f3affe6a7b
Коммит eab9bbe74d
2 изменённых файлов: 94 добавлений и 45 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,18 +1,6 @@
@rem Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
@rem SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
@rem Script behavior:
@rem - When called with 'start', it will:
@rem - Setup the logman session named as defined in 'trace_name', capping circular-log file size to 'max_file_size_mb', and generating every 'rundown_period'.
@rem - Configure the WFP/eBPF events to be monitored
@rem - Start the session within the given 'trace_path' directory.
@rem - When called with 'stop', it will:
@rem - Stop then delete the logman session, and finally deletes the 'trace_path' directory.
@rem - When called with 'periodic', it will:
@rem - Run 'netsh wfp show state' into the 'trace_path' directory, and if the file is under 'max_file_size_mb', it will move it into the '.\committed' subfolder, adding a timestamp to its name.
@rem - Iterate over all the '.etl' files in the 'trace_path' directory, sorted in descending order by "date modified", skip the first 'num_etl_files_to_keep' files and move the others into the '.\committed' subfolder.
@rem - Iterate over all the '.etl' and '.xml' files in the '.\committed' subfolder and delete files older than 'files_max_age_days' days.
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
@ -21,7 +9,7 @@ set "command="
set "trace_path="
set "trace_name=ebpf_diag"
set "rundown_period=0:35:00"
set "max_file_size_mb=20"
set "max_file_size_mb=30"
set "max_committed_folder_size_mb=200"
set "max_committed_wfp_state_files=1"
@ -54,7 +42,7 @@ if "%trace_path%" == "" (
@rem Uncomment ECHOs below for debugging purposes.
@rem Uncomment the ECHOs below for debugging purposes.
@rem ----------------------------------------------
@rem echo Running with the following parameter values:
@rem echo command=%command%
@ -67,7 +55,7 @@ if "%trace_path%" == "" (
@rem Internal constants
set /a num_etl_files_to_keep=1
set /a max_file_size_bytes=!max_file_size_mb!*1000000
set /a max_file_size_bytes=!max_file_size_mb!*1024*1024
if not exist "!trace_path!" (
echo Creating trace_path "!trace_path!"
@ -82,44 +70,93 @@ if "%command%"=="periodic" (
mkdir "!traceCommittedPath!"
@rem Get the current date and time in a format suitable for appending to file names.
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime /value') do (
set "dt=%%a"
set "YYYY=!dt:~0,4!" & set "MM=!dt:~4,2!" & set "DD=!dt:~6,2!"
set "HH=!dt:~8,2!" & set "Min=!dt:~10,2!" & set "Sec=!dt:~12,2!"
set "timestamp=!YYYY!!MM!!DD!_!HH!!Min!!Sec!"
@rem Run down the WFP state.
pushd "!trace_path!"
netsh wfp show state
set "wfp_state_file_cab=!trace_path!\wfpstate.cab"
makecab "!trace_path!\wfpstate.xml" "!wfp_state_file_cab!"
if exist "!wfp_state_file_cab!" (
set "wfp_state_file_xml=!trace_path!\wfpstate.xml"
if exist "!wfp_state_file_xml!" (
@rem If the file size is less or equal than 'max_file_size_mb', then move it to the 'traceCommittedPath' directory.
for %%F in ("!wfp_state_file_cab!") do (
for %%F in ("!wfp_state_file_xml!") do (
if %%~zF LEQ %max_file_size_bytes% (
@rem Get the current date and time in a format suitable for file names.
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime /value') do (
set "dt=%%a"
set "YYYY=!dt:~0,4!" & set "MM=!dt:~4,2!" & set "DD=!dt:~6,2!"
set "HH=!dt:~8,2!" & set "Min=!dt:~10,2!" & set "Sec=!dt:~12,2!"
set "timestamp=!YYYY!!MM!!DD!_!HH!!Min!!Sec!"
@rem Move the .CAB file to the 'traceCommittedPath' directory.
move /y "!wfp_state_file_cab!" "!traceCommittedPath!\wfpstate_!timestamp!.cab" >nul
@rem Move the .XML file to the 'traceCommittedPath' directory.
move /y "!wfp_state_file_xml!" "!traceCommittedPath!\wfpstate_!timestamp!.xml" >nul
) else (
@rem If the .CAB file size is greater than 'max_file_size_mb', then delete it.
del "!wfp_state_file_cab!"
@rem If the .XML file size is greater than 'max_file_size_mb', then delete it.
del "!wfp_state_file_xml!"
@rem Run down the program state using bpftool
pushd "!trace_path!"
@rem Capture program output
echo bpftool.exe -p prog >> bpf_state.txt
bpftool.exe -p prog >> bpf_state.txt
@rem Capture link output
echo bpftool.exe -p link >> bpf_state.txt
bpftool.exe -p link >> bpf_state.txt
@rem Capture map output
echo bpftool.exe -p map >> bpf_state.txt
bpftool.exe -p map >> bpf_state.txt
@rem Capture map content output. This requires the map id value to be passed in.
@rem This script parses the 'Bpftool.exe map' output to extract the map ids to be passed into the 'bpftool.exe map dump' command
@rem Store 'bpftool.exe -j map' output
for /F "usebackq" %%A in (`bpftool.exe -j map`) do set "jsonString=%%A"
@rem Clean the output to parse it.
@rem Remove the outer brackets '[' and ']'
set "jsonString=!jsonString:~1,-1!"
@rem Remove other characters from the output: '{', '}', and '"'
set "jsonString=!jsonString:{=%!"
set "jsonString=!jsonString:}=%!"
set "jsonString=!jsonString:"=%!"
@rem Split the string into key,value pairs
for %%A in ("!jsonString:,=" "!") do (
set "jsonKeyValue=%%~A"
@rem Split each pair into separate key and value variables
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%B in ("!jsonKeyValue!") do (
set "key=%%B"
set "value=%%C"
@rem If the 'key' is 'id', then use the 'value' (id value) to capture the output of 'bpftool.exe map dump'
if "!key!"=="id" (
echo bpftool.exe map dump id !value! >> bpf_state.txt
bpftool.exe map dump id !value! >> bpf_state.txt
set "bpf_state_file=!trace_path!\bpf_state.txt"
if exist "!bpf_state_file!" (
@rem If the file size is less or equal than 'max_file_size_mb', then move it to the 'traceCommittedPath' directory.
for %%F in ("!bpf_state_file!") do (
if %%~zF LEQ %max_file_size_bytes% (
@rem Move the file to the 'traceCommittedPath' directory.
move /y "!bpf_state_file!" "!traceCommittedPath!\bpfstate_!timestamp!.txt" >nul
) else (
@rem If the file size is greater than 'max_file_size_mb', then delete it.
del "!bpf_state_file!"
@rem Iterate over all the .etl files in the 'trace_path' directory, sorted in descending order by name,
@rem and skip the first 'num_etl_files_to_keep' files (i.e., the newest 'num_etl_files_to_keep' files).
for /f "skip=%num_etl_files_to_keep% delims=" %%f in ('dir /b /o-n "!trace_path!\*.etl"') do (
move /y "!trace_path!\%%f" "!traceCommittedPath!" >nul
@rem Iterate over all the WFP-state files in the 'traceCommittedPath' directory, and delete files overflowing `max_committed_wfp_state_files`.
for /f "skip=%max_committed_wfp_state_files% delims=" %%f in ('dir /b /o-d "!traceCommittedPath!\wfpstate*.cab"') do ( del "!traceCommittedPath!\%%f" )
@rem Iterate over all the WFP-state files in the 'traceCommittedPath' directory, and delete files overflowing `max_committed_rundown_state_files`.
for /f "skip=%max_committed_rundown_state_files% delims=" %%f in ('dir /b /o-d "!traceCommittedPath!\wfpstate*.xml"') do ( del "!traceCommittedPath!\%%f" )
@rem Iterate over all the .ETL files in the 'traceCommittedPath' directory, and delete the older files overflowing `max_committed_folder_size_mb`.
set size=0
@ -170,18 +207,30 @@ echo Usage: ebpf_tracing.cmd command /trace_path path [/trace_name name] [/rundo
echo Valid parameters:
echo <command> - (mandatory) Valid values are: [start, stop, periodic]
echo /trace_path path - (mandatory) Path into which the tracing will be located (creates it if it does not exist).
echo /trace_name name - Name of the logman trace (Default: "ebpf_diag")
echo /rundown_period period - Period, expressed as (H:mm:ss), for saving and generating a new ETL log, and for generating a WFP state snapshot (Default: 0:35:00).
echo /max_file_size_mb size - Maximum size set for an ETL log (Default: 20).
echo /max_committed_folder_size_mb count - Maximum overall size for (most recent) .ETL files to keep in the main 'trace_path\committed' (Default: 200)
echo /max_committed_wfp_state_files count - Number of (most recent) WFP-state .CAB files to keep in the main 'trace_path\committed' (Default: 1).
echo <command> - (mandatory) Valid values are: [start, stop, periodic]
echo /trace_path path - (mandatory) Path into which the tracing will be located (creates it if it does not exist).
echo /trace_name name - Name of the logman trace (Default: "ebpf_diag")
echo /rundown_period period - Period, expressed as (H:mm:ss), for saving and generating a new ETL log, and for generating a WFP state snapshot (Default: 0:35:00).
echo /max_file_size_mb size - Maximum size set for an ETL log (Default: 20).
echo /max_committed_folder_size_mb size - Maximum overall size for (most recent) .ETL files to keep in the main 'trace_path\committed' (Default: 200)
echo /max_committed_rundown_state_files count - Number (most recent) of each type of rundown state file to keep in the main 'trace_path\committed' (Default: 1).
echo Examples (overriding defaults):
echo Behaviour:
echo - When called with the 'start' command, it will:
echo - Set up the logman session named as defined in 'trace_name', capping circular-log file size to 'max_file_size_mb', and generating every 'rundown_period'.
echo - Configure the WFP/eBPF events to be monitored
echo - Start the session within the given 'trace_path' directory.
echo - When called with the 'stop' command, it will:
echo - Stop then delete the logman session, and delete the 'trace_path' directory.
echo - When called with the 'periodic' command, it will:
echo - Run 'netsh wfp show state' into the 'trace_path' directory, and if the file is under 'max_file_size_mb', it will move it into the 'trace_path\committed' subfolder, adding a timestamp to its name.
echo - Run down the program state using bpftool, to capture the program output: link, map, and map content outputs, and store them in "bpf_state.txt". Like done for the WFP state, if the file is under 'max_file_size_mb', it will move it into the 'trace_path\committed' subfolder, adding a timestamp to its name.
echo - Iterate over all the '.xml' files in the 'trace_path\committed' subfolder and delete the older files overflowing 'max_committed_rundown_state_files'.
echo - Iterate over all the '.etl' files in the 'trace_path' directory, sorted in descending order by 'date modified', skip the first files summing up to 'max_committed_folder_size_mb' and move the others into the 'trace_path\committed' subfolder.
echo ebpf_tracing.cmd start /trace_name ebpf_diag /trace_path "%SystemRoot%\Logs\eBPF" /rundown_period 0:35:00 /max_file_size_mb 20
echo ebpf_tracing.cmd stop /trace_name ebpf_diag /trace_path "%SystemRoot%\Logs\eBPF"
echo ebpf_tracing.cmd periodic /trace_path "%SystemRoot%\Logs\eBPF" /max_file_size_mb 20 /max_committed_folder_size_mb 30 /max_committed_wfp_state_files 1
echo Examples:
echo ebpf_tracing.cmd start /trace_name ebpf_diag /trace_path "%SystemRoot%\Logs\eBPF" /rundown_period 0:35:00 /max_file_size_mb 20
echo ebpf_tracing.cmd stop /trace_name ebpf_diag /trace_path "%SystemRoot%\Logs\eBPF"
echo ebpf_tracing.cmd periodic /trace_path "%SystemRoot%\Logs\eBPF" /max_file_size_mb 20 /max_committed_folder_size_mb 30 /max_committed_rundown_state_files 1
exit /b 1

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