BasedOnStyle: LLVM IndentWidth: 4 ColumnLimit: 120 AlignEscapedNewlines: Left AlignAfterOpenBracket: AlwaysBreak # # Bind * to the type rather than the name. PointerAlignment: Left # # Put function name on separate line from return type. AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: All # # Put arguments either all on same line or on separate lines. BinPackArguments: false # # Put function parameters on separate lines. BinPackParameters: false # # Open brace goes on new line only when starting a new struct, enum, or func. BreakBeforeBraces: Mozilla # # Special include file sort ordering rules. # Priority indicates the "group" (where groups are separated by a blank line). # SortPriority indicates the overall order when we need to override alphabetical # order due to Windows header dependencies. SortIncludes: 'true' IncludeBlocks: Regroup IncludeIsMainRegex: "UNUSED$" IncludeCategories: # winsock2.h must be before in6addr.h or windows.h - Regex: '^<[Ww]insock2.h>' Priority: 2 SortPriority: 2 - Regex: '^' Priority: 2 SortPriority: 3 # windows.h must be before ElfWrapper.h or netsh.h - Regex: '^<[Ww]indows.h>' Priority: 2 SortPriority: 3 # ws2def.h and ws2ipdef.h must be before iphlpapi.h - Regex: '^<(ws2def|ws2ipdef).h>' Priority: 2 SortPriority: 3 # ws2tcpip.h must be before mstcpip.h - Regex: '^' Priority: 2 SortPriority: 3 - Regex: '^(<|")ElfWrapper.h' Priority: 2 SortPriority: 4 # ntifs.h must be before ntddk.h - Regex: '^