
717 строки
29 KiB

# Copyright (c) eBPF for Windows contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $Admin,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [SecureString] $AdminPassword,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $WorkingDirectory,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $LogFileName)
$sleepSeconds = 10
Push-Location $WorkingDirectory
Import-Module .\common.psm1 -Force -ArgumentList ($LogFileName) -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
# VM Initialization functions
function Wait-AllVMsToInitialize
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)][string] $UserName,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)][SecureString] $AdminPassword)
$totalSleepTime = 0
$ReadyList = @{}
do {
foreach ($VM in $VMList) {
$VMName= $VM.Name
if ($ReadyList[$VMName] -ne $True) {
$HeartBeat = (Get-VMIntegrationService $VMName | ?{$_.name -eq "Heartbeat"}).PrimaryStatusDescription
if ($HeartBeat -eq "OK") {
$ReadyList += @{$VMName = $True}
} else {
Write-Log "Heartbeat OK on $VMName" -ForegroundColor Green
if ($ReadyList.Count -ne $VMList.Count) {
Write-Log ("{0} of {1} VMs are ready." -f $ReadyList.Count, $VMList.Count)
# Sleep for sleepSeconds seconds.
Start-Sleep -seconds $sleepSeconds
$totalSleepTime += $sleepSeconds
until (($ReadyList.Count -eq $VMList.Count) -or ($totalSleepTime -gt 5*60))
if ($ReadyList.Count -ne $VMList.Count) {
throw ("Did not get heartbeat from one or more VMs 5 minutes after starting")
$TestCredential = New-Credential -Username $UserName -AdminPassword $AdminPassword
$totalSleepTime = 0
do {
foreach($VM in $VMList) {
$VMName = $VM.Name
if ($ReadyList[$VMName] -ne $True) {
Write-Log "Poking $VMName to see if it is ready to accept commands"
$ret = Invoke-Command -VMName $VMName -Credential $TestCredential -ScriptBlock {$True} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($ret -eq $True) {
$ReadyList += @{$VMName = $True}
} else {
Write-Log "VM $VMName is ready" -ForegroundColor Green
if ($ReadyList.Count -ne $VMList.Count) {
Write-Log "Waiting $sleepSeconds seconds for $VMName to be responsive."
# Sleep for sleepSeconds seconds.
Start-Sleep -seconds $sleepSeconds
$totalSleepTime += $sleepSeconds
until (($ReadyList.Count -eq $VMList.Count) -or ($totalSleepTime -gt 5*60))
if ($ReadyList.Count -ne $VMList.Count) {
throw ("One or more VMs not ready 5 minutes after initial heartbeat")
# Enable guest-services on each VM.
$totalSleepTime = 0
do {
foreach($VM in $VMList) {
$VMName = $VM.Name
if ((Get-VMIntegrationService $VMName | ?{$_.name -eq "Guest Service Interface"}).PrimaryStatusDescription -ne "OK") {
Write-Log "Enabling guest services on $VMName"
Enable-VMIntegrationService -VMName $VMName -Name "Guest Service Interface"
if ((Get-VMIntegrationService $VMName | ?{$_.name -eq "Guest Service Interface"}).PrimaryStatusDescription -eq "OK") {
$ReadyList += @{$VMName = $True}
} else {
Write-Log "Guest services enabled on $VMName" -ForegroundColor Green
} else {
Write-Log "Guest services already enabled on $VMName"
$ReadyList += @{$VMName = $True}
if ($ReadyList.Count -ne $VMList.Count) {
# Wait one second for guest services to start.
Start-Sleep -seconds 1
$totalSleepTime += 1
until (($ReadyList.Count -eq $VMList.Count) -or ($totalSleepTime -gt 1*60))
if ($ReadyList.Count -ne $VMList.Count) {
throw ("Guest service failed to get enabled on one or more VMs after waiting for 1 minute.")
function Restore-AllVMs
param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] $VMList)
foreach ($VM in $VMList) {
$VMName = $VM.Name
Write-Log "Restoring VM $VMName"
Restore-VMSnapshot -Name 'baseline' -VMName $VMName -Confirm:$false
function Start-AllVMs
param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] $VMList)
foreach ($VM in $VMList) {
$VMName = $VM.Name
Write-Log "Starting VM $VMName"
Start-VM -VMName $VMName -ErrorAction Stop 2>&1 | Write-Log
function Initialize-AllVMs
param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] $VMList)
# Restore the VMs.
Restore-AllVMs -VMList $VMList
# Start the VMs.
Start-AllVMs -VMList $VMList
# Wait for VMs to be ready.
Write-Log "Waiting for all the VMs to be in ready state..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Wait-AllVMsToInitialize -VMList $VMList -UserName $Admin -AdminPassword $AdminPassword
# VM Cleanup Functions
function Stop-AllVMs
param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] $VMList)
foreach ($VM in $VMList) {
# Stop the VM.
$VMName = $VM.Name
Write-Log "Stopping VM $VMName"
Stop-VM -Name $VMName -Force -TurnOff -WarningAction Ignore 2>&1 | Write-Log
# Export build artifacts.
function Export-BuildArtifactsToVMs
param([Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] $VMList)
$tempFileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() + ".tgz"
Write-Log "Creating $tempFileName containing files in $pwd"
&tar @("cfz", "$tempFileName", "*")
Write-Log "Created $tempFileName containing files in $pwd"
# Copy artifacts to the given VM list.
foreach($VM in $VMList) {
$VMName = $VM.Name
$TestCredential = New-Credential -Username $Admin -AdminPassword $AdminPassword
$VMSession = New-PSSession -VMName $VMName -Credential $TestCredential
if (!$VMSession) {
throw "Failed to create PowerShell session on $VMName."
} else {
Invoke-Command -VMName $VMName -Credential $TestCredential -ScriptBlock {
if(!(Test-Path "$Env:SystemDrive\eBPF")) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$Env:SystemDrive\eBPF"
return $Env:SystemDrive
$VMSystemDrive = Invoke-Command -Session $VMSession -ScriptBlock {return $Env:SystemDrive}
Write-Log "Copying $tempFileName to $VMSystemDrive\eBPF on $VMName"
Copy-Item -ToSession $VMSession -Path $tempFileName -Destination "$VMSystemDrive\eBPF\ebpf.tgz" -Force 2>&1 -ErrorAction Stop | Write-Log
Write-Log "Copied $tempFileName to $VMSystemDrive\eBPF on $VMName"
Write-Log "Unpacking $tempFileName to $VMSystemDrive\eBPF on $VMName"
Invoke-Command -VMName $VMName -Credential $TestCredential -ScriptBlock {
cd $Env:SystemDrive\eBPF
&tar @("xf", "ebpf.tgz")
Write-Log "Unpacked $tempFileName to $VMSystemDrive\eBPF on $VMName"
Write-Log "Export completed." -ForegroundColor Green
Remove-Item -Force $tempFileName
# Install eBPF components on VM.
function Install-eBPFComponentsOnVM
param([parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $VMName,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $TestMode,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][bool] $KmTracing,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $KmTraceType)
Write-Log "Installing eBPF components on $VMName"
$TestCredential = New-Credential -Username $Admin -AdminPassword $AdminPassword
Invoke-Command -VMName $VMName -Credential $TestCredential -ScriptBlock {
param([Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $WorkingDirectory,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $LogFileName,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [bool] $KmTracing,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $KmTraceType,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $TestMode)
$WorkingDirectory = "$env:SystemDrive\$WorkingDirectory"
Import-Module $WorkingDirectory\common.psm1 -ArgumentList ($LogFileName) -Force -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
Import-Module $WorkingDirectory\install_ebpf.psm1 -ArgumentList ($WorkingDirectory, $LogFileName) -Force -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
Install-eBPFComponents -KmTracing $KmTracing -KmTraceType $KmTraceType -KMDFVerifier $true -TestMode $TestMode -ErrorAction Stop
} -ArgumentList ("eBPF", $LogFileName, $KmTracing, $KmTraceType, $TestMode) -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Log "eBPF components installed on $VMName" -ForegroundColor Green
function Uninstall-eBPFComponentsOnVM
param([parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $VMName)
Write-Log "Unnstalling eBPF components on $VMName"
$TestCredential = New-Credential -Username $Admin -AdminPassword $AdminPassword
Invoke-Command -VMName $VMName -Credential $TestCredential -ScriptBlock {
param([Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $WorkingDirectory,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $LogFileName)
$WorkingDirectory = "$env:SystemDrive\$WorkingDirectory"
Import-Module $WorkingDirectory\common.psm1 -ArgumentList ($LogFileName) -Force -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
Import-Module $WorkingDirectory\install_ebpf.psm1 -ArgumentList ($WorkingDirectory, $LogFileName) -Force -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
} -ArgumentList ("eBPF", $LogFileName) -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Log "eBPF components uninstalled on $VMName" -ForegroundColor Green
function Stop-eBPFComponentsOnVM
param([parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $VMName)
Write-Log "Stopping eBPF components on $VMName"
$TestCredential = New-Credential -Username $Admin -AdminPassword $AdminPassword
Invoke-Command `
-VMName $VMName `
-Credential $TestCredential `
-ScriptBlock {
param([Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $WorkingDirectory,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $LogFileName
$WorkingDirectory = "$env:SystemDrive\$WorkingDirectory"
Import-Module $WorkingDirectory\common.psm1 `
-ArgumentList ($LogFileName) -Force -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
Import-Module $WorkingDirectory\install_ebpf.psm1 `
-ArgumentList($WorkingDirectory, $LogFileName) `
-Force -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
} -ArgumentList ("eBPF", $LogFileName) -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Log "eBPF components stopped on $VMName" -ForegroundColor Green
function ArchiveKernelModeDumpOnVM
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession] $Session
Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {
$KernelModeDumpFileSourcePath = "$Env:WinDir"
$KernelModeDumpFileDestinationPath = "$Env:SystemDrive\KernelDumps"
# Create the compressed dump folder if doesn't exist.
if (!(Test-Path $KernelModeDumpFileDestinationPath)) {
Write-Output "Creating $KernelModeDumpFileDestinationPath directory."
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $KernelModeDumpFileDestinationPath | Out-Null
# Make sure it was created
if (!(Test-Path $KernelModeDumpFileDestinationPath)) {
$ErrorMessage = `
"*** ERROR *** Create compressed dump file directory failed: $KernelModeDumpFileDestinationPath`n"
Write-Output $ErrorMessage
Start-Sleep -seconds 3
Throw $ErrorMessage
if (Test-Path $KernelModeDumpFileSourcePath\*.dmp -PathType Leaf) {
Write-Output "Found kernel mode dump(s) in $($KernelModeDumpFileSourcePath):"
$DumpFiles = get-childitem -Path $KernelModeDumpFileSourcePath\*.dmp
foreach ($DumpFile in $DumpFiles) {
Write-Output "`tName:$($DumpFile.Name), Size:$((($DumpFile.Length) / 1MB).ToString("F2")) MB"
Write-Output "`n"
Write-Output `
"Compressing kernel dump files: $KernelModeDumpFileSourcePath -> $KernelModeDumpFileDestinationPath"
# Retry 3 times to ensure compression operation succeeds.
# To mitigate error message: "The process cannot access the file 'C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP' because it is being used by another process."
$retryCount = 1
while ($retryCount -lt 4) {
Compress-Archive `
-Path "$KernelModeDumpFileSourcePath\*.dmp" `
-DestinationPath "$KernelModeDumpFileDestinationPath\km_dumps.zip" `
-CompressionLevel Fastest `
if ($error[0] -ne $null) {
$ErrorMessage = "*** ERROR *** Failed to compress kernel mode dump files: $error. Retrying $retryCount"
Write-Output $ErrorMessage
Start-Sleep -seconds (5 * $retryCount)
} else {
# Compression succeeded.
if (Test-Path $KernelModeDumpFileDestinationPath\km_dumps.zip -PathType Leaf) {
$CompressedDumpFile = get-childitem -Path $KernelModeDumpFileDestinationPath\km_dumps.zip
Write-Output "Found compressed kernel mode dump file in $($KernelModeDumpFileDestinationPath):"
Write-Output `
"`tName:$($CompressedDumpFile.Name), Size:$((($CompressedDumpFile.Length) / 1MB).ToString("F2")) MB"
} else {
$ErrorMessage = "*** ERROR *** kernel mode dump compressed file not found.`n`n"
Write-Output $ErrorMessage
Start-Sleep -seconds 3
throw $ErrorMessage
} else {
Write-Output "`n"
Write-Output "No kernel mode dump(s) in $($KernelModeDumpFileSourcePath)."
# Import test logs and dumps from VM.
function Import-ResultsFromVM
param([Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] $VMList,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $KmTracing)
# Wait for all VMs to be in ready state, in case the test run caused any VM to crash.
Wait-AllVMsToInitialize -VMList $VMList -UserName $Admin -AdminPassword $AdminPassword
foreach($VM in $VMList) {
$VMName = $VM.Name
Write-Log "Importing TestLogs from $VMName"
if (!(Test-Path ".\TestLogs\$VMName")) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path ".\TestLogs\$VMName"
$TestCredential = New-Credential -Username $Admin -AdminPassword $AdminPassword
$VMSession = New-PSSession -VMName $VMName -Credential $TestCredential
if (!$VMSession) {
throw "Failed to create PowerShell session on $VMName."
$VMSystemDrive = Invoke-Command -Session $VMSession -ScriptBlock {return $Env:SystemDrive}
# Archive and copy kernel crash dumps, if any.
Write-Log "Processing kernel mode dump (if any) on VM $VMName"
ArchiveKernelModeDumpOnVM -Session $VMSession
$LocalKernelArchiveLocation = ".\TestLogs\$VMName\KernelDumps"
Copy-Item `
-FromSession $VMSession `
-Path "$VMSystemDrive\KernelDumps" `
-Destination $LocalKernelArchiveLocation `
-Recurse `
-Force `
-ErrorAction Ignore 2>&1 | Write-Log
if (Test-Path $LocalKernelArchiveLocation\km_dumps.zip -PathType Leaf) {
$LocalFile = get-childitem -Path $LocalKernelArchiveLocation\km_dumps.zip
Write-Log "`n"
Write-Log "Local copy of kernel mode dump archive in $($LocalKernelArchiveLocation) for VM $($VMName):"
Write-Log "`tName:$($LocalFile.Name), Size:$((($LocalFile.Length) / 1MB).ToString("F2")) MB"
} else {
Write-Log "`n"
Write-Log "No local copy of kernel mode dump archive in $($LocalKernelArchiveLocation) for VM $VMName."
# Copy user mode crash dumps if any.
Copy-Item `
-FromSession $VMSession `
-Path "$VMSystemDrive\dumps" `
-Destination ".\TestLogs\$VMName" `
-Recurse `
-Force `
-ErrorAction Ignore 2>&1 | Write-Log
# Copy logs from Test VM.
if (!(Test-Path ".\TestLogs\$VMName\Logs")) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path ".\TestLogs\$VMName\Logs"
$VMTemp = Invoke-Command -Session $VMSession -ScriptBlock {return $Env:TEMP}
Write-Log ("Copy $LogFileName from $VMTemp on $VMName to $pwd\TestLogs")
Copy-Item `
-FromSession $VMSession `
-Path "$VMTemp\$LogFileName" `
-Destination ".\TestLogs\$VMName\Logs" `
-Recurse `
-Force `
-ErrorAction Ignore 2>&1 | Write-Log
Write-Log ("Copy CodeCoverage from eBPF on $VMName to $pwd\..\..")
Copy-Item `
-FromSession $VMSession `
-Path "$VMSystemDrive\eBPF\ebpf_for_windows.xml" `
-Destination "$pwd\..\.." `
-Recurse `
-Force `
-ErrorAction Ignore 2>&1 | Write-Log
# Copy kernel mode traces, if enabled.
if ($KmTracing) {
$EtlFile = $LogFileName.Substring(0, $LogFileName.IndexOf('.')) + ".etl"
# Stop KM ETW Traces.
Invoke-Command -Session $VMSession -ScriptBlock {
param([Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $WorkingDirectory,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $LogFileName,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $EtlFile)
$WorkingDirectory = "$env:SystemDrive\$WorkingDirectory"
Import-Module `
$WorkingDirectory\common.psm1 `
-ArgumentList ($LogFileName) `
-Force `
-WarningAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Log "Query KM ETL tracing status before trace stop"
$ProcInfo = Start-Process -FilePath "wpr.exe" `
-ArgumentList "-status profiles collectors -details" `
-NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru `
-RedirectStandardOut .\StdOut.txt -RedirectStandardError .\StdErr.txt
if ($ProcInfo.ExitCode -ne 0) {
Write-log ("wpr.exe query ETL trace status failed. Exit code: " + $ProcInfo.ExitCode)
Write-log "wpr.exe (query) error output: "
foreach ($line in get-content -Path .\StdErr.txt) {
write-log ( "`t" + $line)
throw "Query ETL trace status failed."
} else {
Write-log "wpr.exe (query) results: "
foreach ($line in get-content -Path .\StdOut.txt) {
write-log ( " `t" + $line)
Write-Log ("Query ETL trace status success. wpr.exe exit code: " + $ProcInfo.ExitCode + "`n" )
Write-Log "Stop KM ETW tracing, create ETL file: $WorkingDirectory\$EtlFile"
wpr.exe -stop $WorkingDirectory\$EtlFile
$EtlFileSize = (Get-ChildItem $WorkingDirectory\$EtlFile).Length/1MB
Write-Log "ETL file Size: $EtlFileSize MB"
} -ArgumentList ("eBPF", $LogFileName, $EtlFile) -ErrorAction Ignore
# Copy ETL from Test VM.
Write-Log ("Copy $WorkingDirectory\$EtlFile on $VMName to $pwd\TestLogs\$VMName\Logs")
Copy-Item `
-FromSession $VMSession `
-Path "$VMSystemDrive\eBPF\$EtlFile" `
-Destination ".\TestLogs\$VMName\Logs" `
-Recurse `
-Force `
-ErrorAction Ignore 2>&1 | Write-Log
# Copy performance results from Test VM.
Write-Log ("Copy performance results from eBPF on $VMName to $pwd\TestLogs\$VMName\Logs")
Copy-Item `
-FromSession $VMSession `
-Path "$VMSystemDrive\eBPF\*.csv" `
-Destination ".\TestLogs\$VMName\Logs" `
-Recurse `
-Force `
-ErrorAction Ignore 2>&1 | Write-Log
# Compress and copy the performance profile if present.
Invoke-Command -Session $VMSession -ScriptBlock {
if (Test-Path $Env:SystemDrive\eBPF\bpf_performance*.etl -PathType Leaf) {
tar czf $Env:SystemDrive\eBPF\bpf_perf_etls.tgz -C $Env:SystemDrive\eBPF bpf_performance*.etl
dir $Env:SystemDrive\eBPF\bpf_performance*.etl
Remove-Item -Path $Env:SystemDrive\eBPF\bpf_performance*.etl
Write-Log ("Copy performance profile from eBPF on $VMName to $pwd\TestLogs\$VMName\Logs")
Copy-Item `
-FromSession $VMSession `
-Path "$VMSystemDrive\eBPF\bpf_perf_etls.tgz" `
-Destination ".\TestLogs\$VMName\Logs" `
-Recurse `
-Force `
-ErrorAction Ignore 2>&1 | Write-Log
# Move runner test logs to TestLogs folder.
Write-Host ("Copy $LogFileName from $env:TEMP on host runner to $pwd\TestLogs")
Move-Item "$env:TEMP\$LogFileName" -Destination ".\TestLogs" -Force -ErrorAction Ignore 2>&1 | Write-Log
# Configure network adapters on VMs.
function Initialize-NetworkInterfacesOnVMs
param([parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $VMMap)
foreach ($VM in $VMMap)
$VMName = $VM.Name
Write-Log "Initializing network interfaces on $VMName"
$TestCredential = New-Credential -Username $Admin -AdminPassword $AdminPassword
Invoke-Command -VMName $VMName -Credential $TestCredential -ScriptBlock {
param([Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $WorkingDirectory)
Push-Location "$env:SystemDrive\$WorkingDirectory"
Write-Host "Installing DuoNic driver"
.\duonic.ps1 -Install -NumNicPairs 2
# Disable Duonic's fake checksum offload and force TCP/IP to calculate it.
Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty duo? -DisplayName Checksum -RegistryValue 0
} -ArgumentList ("eBPF") -ErrorAction Stop
function Get-ZipFileFromUrl {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)][string] $Url,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)][string] $DownloadFilePath,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)][string] $OutputDir
for ($i = 0; $i -lt 5; $i++) {
try {
Write-Log "Downloading $Url to $DownloadFilePath"
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Url -OutFile $DownloadFilePath
Write-Log "Extracting $DownloadFilePath to $OutputDir"
Expand-Archive -Path $DownloadFilePath -DestinationPath $OutputDir -Force
} catch {
Write-Log "Iteration $i failed to download $Url. Removing $DownloadFilePath" -ForegroundColor Red
Remove-Item -Path $DownloadFilePath -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
function Get-LegacyRegressionTestArtifacts
$ArifactVersionList = @("0.11.0")
$RegressionTestArtifactsPath = "$pwd\regression"
if (Test-Path -Path $RegressionTestArtifactsPath) {
Remove-Item -Path $RegressionTestArtifactsPath -Recurse -Force
mkdir $RegressionTestArtifactsPath
# verify Artifacts' folder presense
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $RegressionTestArtifactsPath)) {
$ErrorMessage = "*** ERROR *** Regression test artifacts folder not found: $RegressionTestArtifactsPath)"
Write-Log $ErrorMessage
throw $ErrorMessage
# Download regression test artifacts for each version.
foreach ($ArtifactVersion in $ArifactVersionList)
Write-Log "Downloading legacy regression test artifacts for version $ArtifactVersion"
$DownloadPath = "$RegressionTestArtifactsPath\$ArtifactVersion"
mkdir $DownloadPath
$ArtifactName = "v$ArtifactVersion/Build-x64-native-only-Release.$ArtifactVersion.zip"
$ArtifactUrl = "https://github.com/microsoft/ebpf-for-windows/releases/download/" + $ArtifactName
for ($i = 0; $i -lt 5; $i++) {
try {
# Download and extract the artifact.
Get-ZipFileFromUrl -Url $ArtifactUrl -DownloadFilePath "$DownloadPath\artifact.zip" -OutputDir $DownloadPath
# Extract the inner zip file.
Expand-Archive -Path "$DownloadPath\build-NativeOnlyRelease.zip" -DestinationPath $DownloadPath -Force
} catch {
Write-Log -TraceMessage "Iteration $i failed to download $ArtifactUrl. Removing $DownloadPath" -ForegroundColor Red
Remove-Item -Path $DownloadPath -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Move-Item -Path "$DownloadPath\NativeOnlyRelease\cgroup_sock_addr2.sys" -Destination "$RegressionTestArtifactsPath\cgroup_sock_addr2_$ArtifactVersion.sys" -Force
Remove-Item -Path $DownloadPath -Force -Recurse
function Get-RegressionTestArtifacts
param([Parameter(Mandatory=$True)][string] $Configuration,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)][string] $ArtifactVersion)
$RegressionTestArtifactsPath = "$pwd\regression"
$OriginalPath = $pwd
if (Test-Path -Path $RegressionTestArtifactsPath) {
Remove-Item -Path $RegressionTestArtifactsPath -Recurse -Force
mkdir $RegressionTestArtifactsPath
# Verify artifacts' folder presence
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $RegressionTestArtifactsPath)) {
$ErrorMessage = "*** ERROR *** Regression test artifacts folder not found: $RegressionTestArtifactsPath)"
Write-Log $ErrorMessage
throw $ErrorMessage
# Download regression test artifacts for each version.
$DownloadPath = "$RegressionTestArtifactsPath"
$ArtifactName = "Release-v$ArtifactVersion/Build-x64.$Configuration.zip"
$ArtifactUrl = "https://github.com/microsoft/ebpf-for-windows/releases/download/" + $ArtifactName
if (Test-Path -Path $DownloadPath\Build-x64.$Configuration) {
Remove-Item -Path $DownloadPath\Build-x64.$Configuration -Recurse -Force
Get-ZipFileFromUrl -Url $ArtifactUrl -DownloadFilePath "$DownloadPath\Build-x64.$Configuration.zip" -OutputDir $DownloadPath
$DownloadedArtifactPath = "$DownloadPath\Build-x64 $Configuration"
if (!(Test-Path -Path $DownloadedArtifactPath)) {
throw ("Path ""$DownloadedArtifactPath"" not found.")
# Copy all the drivers, DLLs, exe and .o files to pwd.
Write-Log "Copy regression test artifacts to main folder" -ForegroundColor Green
Push-Location $DownloadedArtifactPath
Get-ChildItem -Path .\* -Include *.sys | Move-Item -Destination $OriginalPath -Force
Get-ChildItem -Path .\* -Include *.dll | Move-Item -Destination $OriginalPath -Force
Get-ChildItem -Path .\* -Include *.exe | Move-Item -Destination $OriginalPath -Force
Get-ChildItem -Path .\* -Include *.o | Move-Item -Destination $OriginalPath -Force
Remove-Item -Path $DownloadPath -Force -Recurse
# Delete ebpfapi.dll from the artifacts. ebpfapi.dll from the MSI installation should be used instead.
Remove-Item -Path ".\ebpfapi.dll" -Force
# Copied from https://github.com/microsoft/msquic/blob/main/scripts/prepare-machine.ps1
function Get-Duonic {
# Download and extract https://github.com/microsoft/corenet-ci.
$DownloadPath = "$pwd\corenet-ci"
mkdir $DownloadPath
Write-Host "Downloading CoreNet-CI to $DownloadPath"
Get-ZipFileFromUrl -Url "https://github.com/microsoft/corenet-ci/archive/refs/heads/main.zip" -DownloadFilePath "$DownloadPath\corenet-ci.zip" -OutputDir $DownloadPath
Move-Item -Path "$DownloadPath\corenet-ci-main\vm-setup\duonic\*" -Destination $pwd -Force
Move-Item -Path "$DownloadPath\corenet-ci-main\vm-setup\procdump64.exe" -Destination $pwd -Force
Move-Item -Path "$DownloadPath\corenet-ci-main\vm-setup\notmyfault64.exe" -Destination $pwd -Force
Remove-Item -Path $DownloadPath -Force -Recurse
# Download the Visual C++ Redistributable.
function Get-VCRedistributable {
$url = "https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe"
$DownloadPath = "$pwd\vc-redist"
mkdir $DownloadPath
Write-Host "Downloading Visual C++ Redistributable from $url to $DownloadPath"
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile "$DownloadPath\vc_redist.x64.exe"
Move-Item -Path "$DownloadPath\vc_redist.x64.exe" -Destination $pwd -Force
Remove-Item -Path $DownloadPath -Force -Recurse
# Download and extract PSExec to run tests as SYSTEM.
function Get-PSExec {
$url = "https://download.sysinternals.com/files/PSTools.zip"
$DownloadPath = "$pwd\psexec"
mkdir $DownloadPath
Write-Host "Downloading PSExec from $url to $DownloadPath"
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
Invoke-WebRequest $url -OutFile "$DownloadPath\pstools.zip"
cd $DownloadPath
Expand-Archive -Path "$DownloadPath\pstools.zip" -Force
cd ..
Move-Item -Path "$DownloadPath\PSTools\PsExec64.exe" -Destination $pwd -Force
Remove-Item -Path $DownloadPath -Force -Recurse