
338 строки
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
## Echo if verbose flag (ignores quiet flag)
function log_verbose()
if ($verbose) {
Write-Host "$args"
## Echo if whatif flag is specified but not quiet flag
function log_whatif()
if ( $whatif -and -not $quiet)
Write-Host "$args"
## Process command-line options
## Note that in Powershell syntax, fallthrough does not work as such,
## instead one must compare against multiple values. For a discussion, see
## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3493731/whats-the-powershell-syntax-for-multiple-values-in-a-switch-statement
foreach ($opt in $args)
switch -regex ($opt) {
{ @("-h", "--help") -contains $_ }
{ @("-q", "--quiet") -contains $_ }
{ @("-s", "--staged") -contains $_ }
$userFiles=@(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR);
{ @("-v", "--verbose") -contains $_ }
{ @("-w", "--whatif") -contains $_ }
"--exclude-dirs=*" {
$userExcludeDirs=($opt -split "=")[1];
"--include-exts=*" {
$userIncludeExts=($opt -split "=")[1];
"--files=*" {
$userFiles=($opt -split "=")[1];
default {
Write-Error "$PSCommandPath unknown option: $opt"
exit 1
## Display help
if ( $usage ) {
$usageMessage = @'
Formats all C/C++ source files based on the .clang-format rules
$ format-code [-h] [-q] [-s] [-v] [-w] [--exclude-dirs="..."] [--include-exts="..."] [--files="..."]
-h, --help Print this help message.
-q, --quiet Display only clang-format output and errors.
-s, --staged Only format files which are staged to be committed.
-v, --verbose Display verbose output.
-w, --whatif Run the script without actually modifying the files
and display the diff of expected changes, if any.
--exclude-dirs Subdirectories to exclude. If unspecified, then
./external, ./packages and ./x64 are excluded.
All subdirectories are relative to the current path.
--include-exts File extensions to include for formatting. If
unspecified, then *.h, *.hpp, *.c, *.cpp, *idl, and
*.acf are included.
--files Only run the script against the specified files from
the current directory.
To determine what lines of each file in the default configuration would be
modified by format-code, you can run from the root folder:
$ ./scripts/format-code -w
To update only all .c and .cpp files in src/ except for src/tools/netsh, you
can run from the src folder:
src$ ../scripts/format-code --exclude-dirs="tools/netsh" \
--include-exts="c cpp"
To run only against a specified set of comma separated files in the current directory:
$ ./scripts/format-code -w --files="file1 file2"
Write-Host "$usageMessage"
exit 0
## Determine parameters for finding files to format
function get_find_args()
$defaultExcludeDirs=@( ".git", "external", "packages", "x64" );
$defaultIncludeExts=@( "h", "hpp", "c", "cpp", "idl", "acf" )
$findargs='get-childitem -Recurse -Name "*" -Path "." '
if ( !($userIncludeExts) ) {
# not local as this is used in get_file_list() too
log_verbose "Using user extension inclusions: $userIncludeExts"
$findargs+=" -Include @( "
foreach ($ext in $includeExts)
if ($includeExts.IndexOf($ext) -lt $includeExts.count-1)
$findargs+=", "
$findargs+=") "
if ( !($userExcludeDirs) ) {
else {
log_verbose "Using user directory exclusions: $userExcludeDirs"
$findargs+=" | where { "
foreach ($dir in $excludeDirs)
$findargs+='$_ -notlike '
$findargs+= "'$dir"+"\*'"
if ($excludeDirs.IndexOf($dir) -lt $excludeDirs.count-1)
$findargs+=" -and "
$findargs+="} "
return $findargs
function get_file_list()
if ( !($userFiles) ) {
$file_list = Invoke-Expression($findargs)
if ( $file_list.count -eq 0 ) {
Write-Host "No files were found to format!"
exit 1
else {
log_verbose "Using user files: $userfiles"
foreach ( $file_name in $userfiles ) {
$user_file_name = get-ChildItem -Path '.' -Name $file_name
$file = New-Object System.IO.FileInfo($user_file_name)
foreach ( $ext in $includeExts ) {
if ( $file.Extension -eq ".$ext" ) {
$file_list += $file_name
log_verbose "Checking user file: $file_name"
return $file_list
## Check for installed clang-format tool
function check_clang-format()
# Windows does not have a clang-format-7 executable
try {
$cfver=(( Invoke-Expression "clang-format --version" 2> $null ) -split " ")[2]
catch {
Write-Host "clang-format not installed"
return $false
$req_ver = $required_cfver -split '.'
$cf_ver = $cfver -split '.'
for ($i = 0; $i -lt 3; $i++)
if ( $cf_ver[$i] -gt $req_ver[$i])
return $true
if ( $cf_ver[$i] -lt $req_ver[$i])
Write-Host "Required version of clang-format is $required_cfver. Current version is $cfver"
return $false
# Equal just keeps going
return $true
## Mainline: Call clang-format for each file to be formatted
if (!(check_clang-format)) # getting the filelist takes a few seconds. If we cant format we may as well exit now.
exit -1
$findargs = get_find_args;
$filelist = get_file_list;
$cfargs="$global:cf -style=file"
if ( !$whatif ) {
$cfargs="$cfargs -i"
foreach ( $file in $filelist ) {
$cf="$cfargs $file"
if ( $whatif ) {
log_whatif "Formatting $file ..."
( Invoke-Expression ($cf) ) | Compare-Object (get-content $file)
else {
if ( $verbose ) {
log_verbose "Formatting $file ..."
Invoke-Expression $cf
else {
Invoke-Expression $cf > $null
if ( $? ) {
if ( $whatif ) {
else {
Write-Host "clang-format failed on file: $file."
log_whatif "$filecount files processed, $changecount changed."
# If files are being edited, this count is zero so we exit with success.
exit $changecount