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366 строки
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from functools import lru_cache
import torch
from torch import einsum
from torch.cuda.amp import autocast
class SlidingChunk2D(torch.autograd.Function):
Class to encapsulate for sliding chunk implementation of vision longformer
mode_dict = {
1: (1, 1), # -1, -1
2: (1, 0), # -1, 0
3: (1, -1), # -1, 1
4: (0, 1), # 0, -1
5: (0, -1), # 0, 1
6: (-1, 1), # 1, -1
7: (-1, 0), # 1, 0
8: (-1, -1), # 1, 1
def slidingchunk_qk(q_img: torch.Tensor, k_img: torch.Tensor, mode: int):
q_img x k_img = attn11 ==> Useful for query x key = attention_scores
The cyclic padding strategy
q_img, k_img: (B * H, M, mx, my, W**2)
attn11: (B*H, mx, my, W**2, 9*W**2), mode=0
(B*H, mx, my, W**2, W**2), mode=-1
(B*H, mx, my, W**2, 2*W**2), mode=i>0
mode: 0 -> full, -1 -> only self, i (>0) -> self+block_i
if mode == 0:
return torch.cat([
# -1, -1
einsum('b c m n l, b c m n t -> b m n l t', q_img,
torch.roll(k_img, shifts=(1, 1), dims=(2, 3))),
# -1, 0
einsum('b c m n l, b c m n t -> b m n l t', q_img,
torch.roll(k_img, shifts=1, dims=2)),
# -1, 1
einsum('b c m n l, b c m n t -> b m n l t', q_img,
torch.roll(k_img, shifts=(1, -1), dims=(2, 3))),
# 0, -1
einsum('b c m n l, b c m n t -> b m n l t', q_img,
torch.roll(k_img, shifts=1, dims=3)),
# 0, 0
einsum('b c m n l, b c m n t -> b m n l t', q_img,
# 0, 1
einsum('b c m n l, b c m n t -> b m n l t', q_img,
torch.roll(k_img, shifts=-1, dims=3)),
# 1, -1
einsum('b c m n l, b c m n t -> b m n l t', q_img,
torch.roll(k_img, shifts=(-1, 1), dims=(2, 3))),
# 1, 0
einsum('b c m n l, b c m n t -> b m n l t', q_img,
torch.roll(k_img, shifts=-1, dims=2)),
# 1, 1
einsum('b c m n l, b c m n t -> b m n l t', q_img,
torch.roll(k_img, shifts=(-1, -1), dims=(2, 3))),
], dim=-1)
elif mode == -1:
return einsum(
'b c m n l, b c m n t -> b m n l t', q_img, k_img
) * 1.0
shift = SlidingChunk2D.mode_dict[mode]
return torch.cat([
# 0, 0
einsum('b c m n l, b c m n t -> b m n l t', q_img, k_img),
# x, x
einsum('b c m n l, b c m n t -> b m n l t', q_img,
torch.roll(k_img, shifts=shift, dims=(2, 3))),
], dim=-1)
def slidingchunk_av(attn: torch.Tensor, v_img: torch.Tensor, mode: int):
attn x v_img = x ==> Useful for attn x value = context
The cyclic padding strategy
v_img, context: (B * H, M, mx, my, W**2)
attn: (B*H, mx, my, W**2, 9*W**2), mode=0
(B*H, mx, my, W**2, W**2), mode=-1
(B*H, mx, my, W**2, 2*W**2), mode=i>0
mode: 0 -> full, -1 -> only self, i (>0) -> self+block_i
w2 = v_img.shape[-1]
if mode == 0:
attnn1n1, attnn10, attnn11, attn0n1, attn00, attn01, attn1n1, attn10, attn11 = torch.split(
attn, w2, dim=-1
elif mode == -1:
attn00 = attn
attn00, attnxx = torch.split(
attn, w2, dim=-1
output = einsum('b m n l t, b c m n t -> b c m n l', attn00, v_img) # 0,0
if mode == 0:
output = output + einsum('b m n l t, b c m n t -> b c m n l', attnn1n1,
torch.roll(v_img, shifts=(1, 1), dims=(2, 3))) # -1,-1
output = output + einsum('b m n l t, b c m n t -> b c m n l', attnn10,
torch.roll(v_img, shifts=1, dims=2)) # -1,0
output = output + einsum('b m n l t, b c m n t -> b c m n l', attnn11,
torch.roll(v_img, shifts=(1, -1), dims=(2, 3))) # -1,1
output = output + einsum('b m n l t, b c m n t -> b c m n l', attn0n1,
torch.roll(v_img, shifts=1, dims=3)) # 0,-1
output = output + einsum('b m n l t, b c m n t -> b c m n l', attn01,
torch.roll(v_img, shifts=-1, dims=3)) # 0,1
output = output + einsum('b m n l t, b c m n t -> b c m n l', attn1n1,
torch.roll(v_img, shifts=(-1, 1), dims=(2, 3))) # 1,-1
output = output + einsum('b m n l t, b c m n t -> b c m n l', attn10,
torch.roll(v_img, shifts=-1, dims=2)) # 1,0
output = output + einsum('b m n l t, b c m n t -> b c m n l', attn11,
torch.roll(v_img, shifts=(-1, -1), dims=(2, 3))) # 1,1
elif mode > 0:
shift = SlidingChunk2D.mode_dict[mode]
output = output + einsum('b m n l t, b c m n t -> b c m n l', attnxx,
torch.roll(v_img, shifts=shift, dims=(2, 3))) # 1,1
output = output * 1.0
return output
def slidingchunk_agrad(attn: torch.Tensor, grad_x: torch.Tensor, mode: int):
attn.t() x grad_x = grad_v ==> Useful for attn.t() x grad_x = grad_v
The cyclic padding strategy
grad_x, grad_v: (B * H, M, mx, my, W**2)
attn: (B*H, mx, my, W**2, 9*W**2), mode=0
(B*H, mx, my, W**2, W**2), mode=-1
(B*H, mx, my, W**2, 2*W**2), mode=i>0
mode: 0 -> full, -1 -> only self, i (>0) -> self+block_i
w2 = grad_x.shape[-1]
if mode == 0:
attnn1n1, attnn10, attnn11, attn0n1, attn00, attn01, attn1n1, attn10, attn11 = torch.split(
attn, w2, dim=-1
elif mode == -1:
attn00 = attn
attn00, attnxx = torch.split(
attn, w2, dim=-1
# 0,0
output = einsum('b m n l t, b c m n l -> b c m n t', attn00, grad_x)
if mode == 0:
# -1,-1
output = output + torch.roll(
einsum('b m n l t, b c m n l -> b c m n t', attnn1n1, grad_x),
shifts=(-1, -1), dims=(2, 3))
# -1,0
output = output + torch.roll(
einsum('b m n l t, b c m n l -> b c m n t', attnn10, grad_x),
shifts=-1, dims=2)
# -1,1
output = output + torch.roll(
einsum('b m n l t, b c m n l -> b c m n t', attnn11, grad_x),
shifts=(-1, 1), dims=(2, 3))
# 0,-1
output = output + torch.roll(
einsum('b m n l t, b c m n l -> b c m n t', attn0n1, grad_x),
shifts=-1, dims=3)
# 0,1
output = output + torch.roll(
einsum('b m n l t, b c m n l -> b c m n t', attn01, grad_x),
shifts=1, dims=3)
# 1,-1
output = output + torch.roll(
einsum('b m n l t, b c m n l -> b c m n t', attn1n1, grad_x),
shifts=(1, -1), dims=(2, 3))
# 1,0
output = output + torch.roll(
einsum('b m n l t, b c m n l -> b c m n t', attn10, grad_x),
shifts=1, dims=2)
# 1,1
output = output + torch.roll(
einsum('b m n l t, b c m n l -> b c m n t', attn11, grad_x),
shifts=(1, 1), dims=(2, 3))
elif mode > 0:
shift = SlidingChunk2D.mode_dict[mode]
shift = (-shift[0], -shift[1])
output = output + torch.roll(
einsum('b m n l t, b c m n l -> b c m n t', attnxx, grad_x),
shifts=shift, dims=(2, 3))
output = output * 1.0
return output
@autocast() # comment this out if AMP is not used
def forward(ctx, t1: torch.Tensor, t2: torch.Tensor,
is_t1_diagonaled: bool = False, mode: int = 0) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Compuates sliding chunk mm of t1 and t2.
t1: torch.Tensor = (B * H, M, mx, my, W**2) if is_t1_diagonaled = false,
= (B*H, mx, my, W**2, 9*W**2) if is_t1_diagonaled = true, mode=0.
= (B*H, mx, my, W**2, W**2) if is_t1_diagonaled = true, mode=-1.
= (B*H, mx, my, W**2, 2*W**2) if is_t1_diagonaled = true, mode=i>0.
t2: torch.Tensor = (B * H, M, mx, my, W**2). This is always a
non-diagonaled tensor, e.g. `key_layer` or `value_layer`
is_t1_diagonaled: is t1 a diagonaled or a regular tensor
mode: 0 -> full, -1 -> only self, i (>0) -> self+block_i
is_t1_diagonaled = true:
torch.Tensor = (B * H, M, mx, my, W**2)
mode=0, is_t1_diagonaled = false:
torch.Tensor = (B*H, mx, my, W**2, 9*W**2)
mode=-1, is_t1_diagonaled = false:
torch.Tensor = (B*H, mx, my, W**2, W**2)
mode=i>0, is_t1_diagonaled = false:
torch.Tensor = (B*H, mx, my, W**2, W**2)
ctx.save_for_backward(t1, t2)
ctx.is_t1_diagonaled = is_t1_diagonaled
ctx.mode = mode
if is_t1_diagonaled:
return SlidingChunk2D.slidingchunk_av(t1, t2, mode)
return SlidingChunk2D.slidingchunk_qk(t1, t2, mode)
@autocast() # comment this out if AMP is not used
def backward(ctx, grad_output):
t1, t2 = ctx.saved_tensors
is_t1_diagonaled = ctx.is_t1_diagonaled
mode = ctx.mode
if is_t1_diagonaled:
grad_t1 = SlidingChunk2D.slidingchunk_qk(grad_output, t2, mode)
grad_t2 = SlidingChunk2D.slidingchunk_agrad(t1, grad_output, mode)
grad_t1 = SlidingChunk2D.slidingchunk_av(grad_output, t2, mode)
grad_t2 = SlidingChunk2D.slidingchunk_agrad(grad_output, t1, mode)
return grad_t1, grad_t2, None, None
def _get_invalid_locations_mask_cyclic(nx: int, ny: int, padx: int, pady: int,
w: int, device: str):
w2 = w ** 2
mask = torch.BoolTensor([
(i // ny + (j // w2) // 3 == nx and
(nx - 1) * w + (j % w2) // w >= nx * w - padx) or
(i % ny + (j // w2) % 3 == ny and
(ny - 1) * w + (j % w2) % w >= ny * w - pady)
for j in range(9 * w2)
for i in range(nx * ny)
], device='cpu')
# We should count the w2 in the query here
num_invalid = w2 * mask.sum()
return mask.to(device), num_invalid.to(device)
def _get_invalid_locations_mask_zero(nx: int, ny: int, padx: int, pady: int,
w: int, device: str):
w2 = w ** 2
mask = torch.BoolTensor([
i // ny + (j // w2) // 3 - 1 < 0 or
i // ny + (j // w2) // 3 - 1 >= nx or
(i // ny + (j // w2) // 3 - 1) * w + (j % w2) // w >= nx * w - padx or
i % ny + (j // w2) % 3 - 1 < 0 or
i % ny + (j // w2) % 3 - 1 >= ny or
(i % ny + (j // w2) % 3 - 1) * w + (j % w2) % w >= ny * w - pady
for j in range(9 * w2)
for i in range(nx * ny)
], device='cpu')
# We should count the w2 in the query here
num_invalid = w2 * mask.sum()
return mask.to(device), num_invalid.to(device)
def _get_invalid_locations_mask_exact(nx: int, ny: int, padx: int, pady: int,
w: int, device: str):
w2 = w ** 2
nx_max = nx * w - 1 - padx
ny_max = ny * w - 1 - pady
mask = torch.BoolTensor([
(i // ny + (j // w2) // 3 - 1) * w + (j % w2) // w < max(0, (
i // ny - 1) * w + l // w) or
(i // ny + (j // w2) // 3 - 1) * w + (j % w2) // w > min(
nx_max, (i // ny + 1) * w + l // w) or
(i % ny + (j // w2) % 3 - 1) * w + (j % w2) % w < max(0, (
i % ny - 1) * w + l % w) or
(i % ny + (j // w2) % 3 - 1) * w + (j % w2) % w > min(
ny_max, (i % ny + 1) * w + l % w)
for j in range(9 * w2)
for l in range(w2)
for i in range(nx * ny)
], device='cpu')
num_invalid = mask.sum()
return mask.to(device), num_invalid.to(device)
def mask_invalid_locations(input_tensor: torch.Tensor, nx: int, ny: int,
padx: int, pady: int, w: int,
exact: int, mode: int = 0) -> torch.Tensor:
1: exact sliding window
0: blockwise sliding chunk with zero padding
-1: blockwise sliding chunk with cyclic padding
mode: 0 -> full, -1 -> only self, i (>0) -> self+block_i
w2 = w ** 2
if exact == 1 and mode == 0:
mask, num_invalid = _get_invalid_locations_mask_exact(
nx, ny, padx, pady, w, input_tensor.device)
mask = mask.view(1, nx, ny, w2, -1).expand(input_tensor.size())
if exact == 0:
mask, num_invalid = _get_invalid_locations_mask_zero(
nx, ny, padx, pady, w, input_tensor.device)
elif exact == -1:
mask, num_invalid = _get_invalid_locations_mask_cyclic(
nx, ny, padx, pady, w, input_tensor.device)
raise ValueError("longsc exact should be in [0,1,-1]!")
if mode == -1:
mask = mask[:, 4 * w2:5 * w2]
num_invalid = w2 * mask.sum()
elif mode > 0:
chunk_id = mode if mode > 4 else mode - 1
mask = torch.cat([
mask[:, 4 * w2:5 * w2],
mask[:, chunk_id * w2:(chunk_id+1) * w2],
], dim=-1)
num_invalid = w2 * mask.sum()
mask = mask.view(1, nx, ny, 1, -1).expand(input_tensor.size())
input_tensor.masked_fill_(mask, -float('inf'))
return num_invalid
def slidingchunk_2dautograd(t1: torch.Tensor, t2: torch.Tensor,
is_t1_diagonaled: bool = False, mode: int = 0) -> torch.Tensor:
if is_t1_diagonaled:
return SlidingChunk2D.slidingchunk_av(t1, t2, mode)
return SlidingChunk2D.slidingchunk_qk(t1, t2, mode)
slidingchunk_2d = SlidingChunk2D.apply