* feat(scripts-monorepo): re-implement getDependencies helper to use lerna v7 apis
* feat(scripts-projects-test): use new scripts-monorepo getDependency within packPackages to migrate to lerna v7 apis
* chore: remove lerna v6 packages as they are not needed anymore
* fix(apps/ts-minbar-*): disable type checking when invoking test script. will fail otherwise
* refactor(lerna): move typings to /typings folder and provide manual dts file for getDependencies to make it work in both js/ts modules
* feat(nx): turn off analyzeSourceFiles in order to create dep graph as old lerna/yarn workspaces would to avoid circular dependencies
* feat(scripts/monorepo): refactor getDependencies with collectDependencies function to return map array including tests
* feat(scripts/projects-test): remove unused lernaRoot parameter from packProjectPackages func
* refactor(cra-template): get rid of fs-extra usage
* feat(scripts/monorepo): remove package provided in getDependencies from result array to make the cleanup API
* feat(scripts/projects-test): restrict packProjectPackages func to be invoked only for single project
* chore(apps/ts-minbar-test-react): remove unused workspaceRoot import
* generate changefile
* chore: migrate to nx 15.9.4
* chore: apply nx migrations
* chore: update nxignore and codeowners to reflect nx migrations
* fix(tools): update unhandled async calls and make all test pass after migration
* fix: accomodate nx workspace.json replaced by project.json in all apis
* feat(tools): update v8,v9 migration generators to update npmignore
* fix: make in memory transpilation work again
* chore: update all v9 .npmignore to exclude project.json
* chore: update all v8 .npmignore to exclude project.json and project.json with tags and source root
* generate changefiles
* chore: pin tslib to 2.5.0 as higher version adds +3kb to v8 bundle
* chore: migrate to jest 29
* chore: apply legacy snapshot format to maintain same output for jest 29
* test(utilities): make Async test pass after jest 29 bump
* fix(scripts-jest): update ts-jest configuration introduce in v29
* test(react-portal): fix test and mitigate usage of problematic toMatchObject jest matcher used for DOM testing
* test(react): fix tests within ColorPicker caused by jest.fn cleanup changes introduced in new jest
* test(react-northstar): fix tests that have issues with jest.mock and jest.fn not being called properly
* chore(react-menu): implement in memory test execution
* fix(react-conformance): remove esModuleInterop so the package is compliant with other packages
* fix(utilities): make pkg compile in strict mode
* chore(make-styles): propagate deps to root and remove path overrides so the package can be properly consumed by ts path aliases converged packages
* chore(react-menu): add global types from dependant packages until we properly define globals type resolution for all
* chore: remove packages from path aliases that have been removed from convergence
* Change files