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/// System diagnotics, process and logging helpers
namespace Microsoft.FSharpLu.Diagnostics
open System
open System.Security.Principal
open Microsoft.FSharpLu.Platform
module Elevation =
/// Determine if the process runs elevated
let isElevated () =
use user = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent()
let principal = WindowsPrincipal(user)
/// ensure that the process runs with elevated permissions
let ensureElevated () =
if not (isElevated ()) then
invalidOp "Elevated privileges required."
/// Process execution helpers
module Process =
open System.Diagnostics
open Microsoft.FSharpLu.Logging
/// Process information returned by startProcessAsync
type ProcessResult =
ProcessExited : bool
ExitCode : int
StandardOutput : string
StandardError : string
ExecutionTime : TimeSpan
ProcessId : int
/// Process start flag parameters for startProcessAsync
type ProcessStartFlags =
| None = 0x0
| Elevated = 0x1
| Minimized = 0x2
| RedirectStandardOutput = 0x4
| RedirectStandardError = 0x8
/// Arguments contain sensitive information like passwords that should not be printed out to logs
| SensitiveArguments = 0x10
/// Environment variables contain sensitive information like passwords that should not be printed out to logs
| SensitiveEnvironmentVariables = 0x20
/// Run command elevated if environment supports elevation, otherwise run as regular user
| ElevatedIfSupported = 0x40
/// Process timeout option
type ProcessTimeoutAction =
| AttemptToKillProcessAfterTimeout of TimeSpan
| KeepTheProcessRunningAfterTimeout of TimeSpan
| NoTimeout
/// Kills the process by process unique identifier - pid.
let killProcess (pid:uint32) =
let ps = Process.GetProcessById (int pid)
if not <| isNull ps then
ps.Kill ()
| :? System.ArgumentException ->
Trace.warning "Could not kill process %d" pid
/// Kills the process by process name.
let killProcessByName (name: string) =
if name.EndsWith(".exe") then
Trace.warning "Killing a process by name expects a friendly name without .exe to be used"
let ps = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(name)
Trace.info "Trying to find process %s, found processes to kill: %A" name ps
ps |> Array.iter(fun p ->
let processExited = p.WaitForExit(int (TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.0).TotalMilliseconds))
if processExited then
// From MSDN: When standard output has been redirected to asynchronous event handlers,
// it is possible that output processing will not have completed when p.WaitForExit() returns.
// To ensure that asynchronous event handling has been completed, call the WaitForExit() overload
// that takes no parameter after receiving a true from this overload.
p.WaitForExit() |> ignore
Trace.error "Process %s, pid: %d was not terminated after attempting to kill it." name p.Id
| :? System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception as ex ->
// This is a warning, because it may be expected, e.g. when the process is terminating when killed.
Trace.warning "Failed to kill %s, pid: %d with exception: %A" name p.Id ex
| :? System.InvalidOperationException as ex ->
Trace.info "Did not kill %s, pid: %d because it has already exited. Exception: %A" name p.Id ex
| :? System.SystemException as ex ->
// May be thrown by WaitForExit if the process no longer exists.
Trace.info "Caught exception %A while waiting for the process to exit. Process %s, pid: %d" ex name p.Id
/// Create a Process instance based on the specified parameters
let createProcessInstance command arguments workingDir (flags:ProcessStartFlags) =
if flags.HasFlag(ProcessStartFlags.Minimized)
&& (flags.HasFlag(ProcessStartFlags.RedirectStandardOutput)|| flags.HasFlag(ProcessStartFlags.RedirectStandardError)) then
Trace.failwith "Incompatible switches: running minimized requires starting the process through ShellExecute while RedirectStandardOutput or RedirectStandardError requires starting the process directly."
let useShellExecute =
if flags.HasFlag ProcessStartFlags.Minimized then
Trace.warning "Important: Shell execute may pop-up the IE security zone window which synchronously blocks the call to Start()! To run minimized shell execute has to be used"
new Process(
StartInfo =
FileName = command,
WorkingDirectory = workingDir,
Arguments = arguments,
CreateNoWindow = false,
// Important: Shell execute may pop-up the
// IE security zone window which synchronously blocks the call to Start()!
// To run minimized shell execute has to be used
UseShellExecute = useShellExecute,
RedirectStandardOutput = flags.HasFlag ProcessStartFlags.RedirectStandardOutput,
RedirectStandardError = flags.HasFlag ProcessStartFlags.RedirectStandardError,
WindowStyle = (
if flags.HasFlag ProcessStartFlags.Minimized then
Verb = (
if flags.HasFlag(ProcessStartFlags.Elevated) then
match Platform.Current with
| Platform.Linux -> invalidOp "option elevated not supported on Linux"
| Platform.Windows -> "runas"
else if flags.HasFlag(ProcessStartFlags.ElevatedIfSupported) then
match Platform.Current with
| Platform.Linux -> String.Empty
| Platform.Windows -> "runas"
EnableRaisingEvents = true)
/// Starts a process and asynchronously wait
/// for it to terminate
let startProcessAsync command arguments workingDir (flags:ProcessStartFlags) (timeout:ProcessTimeoutAction) (environmentVariables:List<string*string> option) =
async {
let maskedArguments = if flags.HasFlag(ProcessStartFlags.SensitiveArguments) then "***MASKED***" else arguments
let redirectOutput = flags.HasFlag ProcessStartFlags.RedirectStandardOutput
let redirectErrors = flags.HasFlag ProcessStartFlags.RedirectStandardError
use instance = createProcessInstance command arguments workingDir flags
|> Option.iter
(fun d -> // UseShellExecute must be false if environment variables are set
instance.StartInfo.UseShellExecute <- false
let sensitiveVariables = flags.HasFlag ProcessStartFlags.SensitiveEnvironmentVariables
d |> List.iter(fun (k,v) ->
if instance.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables.ContainsKey(k) then
if sensitiveVariables then
Trace.info "Remove environment variable '%s' with sensitive content" k
Trace.info "Remove environment variable '%s' with value <%s>" k instance.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables.[k]
if sensitiveVariables then
Trace.info "Set environment variable '%s' with sensitive content" k
Trace.info "Set environment variable '%s' to <%s>" k v))
Trace.info "Launching '%s %s'" command maskedArguments
let timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch()
use instanceExit = new System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(false)
// Note: it's important to register this event __before__ calling instance.Start()
// to avoid a deadlock if the process terminates too quickly...
(fun _ ->
// ... but this handler still gets called if the process instance gets killed
// (e.g. using .Kill() function) before the underlying OS process gets actually
/// started with .Start()!
/// This then causes below evaluation of property `.ExitCode` to throw with:
// `System.InvalidOperationException: No process is associated with this object`
// we thus wrap the handler within a try .. catch block.
Trace.info "Process execution terminated in %O with exit code 0x%X: '%O %O'" timer.Elapsed (int32 instance.ExitCode) command maskedArguments
with :? System.InvalidOperationException ->
Trace.info "Process execution terminated abruptly in %O with no exit code: '%O %O'" timer.Elapsed command maskedArguments
if not instanceExit.SafeWaitHandle.IsClosed then
instanceExit.Set() |> ignore)
// It is tempting here to use
// Async.AwaitEvent(instance.Exited)
// to detect when the process ends, instead of relying on
// an extra System.Threading.AutoResetEvent.
// However this can hang when stars don't align...
// (See unit test `NoHangInStartProcessLogic` for details.)
// Also, awaiting with process.Wait also leads to hang when
// attempting to capture stdout/stderr.
let waitAsync =
match timeout with
| NoTimeout ->
| AttemptToKillProcessAfterTimeout t
| KeepTheProcessRunningAfterTimeout t ->
Async.AwaitWaitHandle(instanceExit, int <| t.TotalMilliseconds)
// Standard output must be read prior to waiting on the instance to exit.
// Otherwise, a deadlock is created when the child process has filled its output
// buffer and waits for the parent to consume it, and the parent waits for the
// child process to exit first.
// Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/139593/processstartinfo-hanging-on-waitforexit-why?lq=1
let standardOutput = System.Text.StringBuilder()
let standardError = System.Text.StringBuilder()
use noMoreOutput = new System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(false)
use noMoreError = new System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(false)
let appendHandler
(args:DataReceivedEventArgs) =
if isNull args.Data then
if not endOfStreamEvent.SafeWaitHandle.IsClosed then
endOfStreamEvent.Set() |> ignore
aggregator.AppendLine(args.Data) |> ignore
if redirectOutput then
instance.OutputDataReceived.Add(appendHandler noMoreOutput standardOutput)
if redirectErrors then
instance.ErrorDataReceived.Add(appendHandler noMoreError standardError)
if not (instance.Start()) then
let message = sprintf "Could not start command: '%s' with parameters '%s'" command maskedArguments
return raise <| System.InvalidOperationException(message)
if redirectOutput then
if redirectErrors then
let! exitedBeforeTimeout = waitAsync
let exitCode =
if exitedBeforeTimeout then
Trace.info "(%d) %s %s exited with code: %d" instance.Id command maskedArguments instance.ExitCode
match timeout with
| NoTimeout ->
failwith "Impossible case: waitAsync timed out with an infinite timeout value!"
| AttemptToKillProcessAfterTimeout t
| KeepTheProcessRunningAfterTimeout t ->
Trace.info "Process (%d) [%s %s] did not exit within allocated time out of %f seconds." instance.Id command maskedArguments t.TotalSeconds
// Note: calling instance.ExitCode would throw:
// System.InvalidOperationException: Process must exit before requested information can be determined.
if exitedBeforeTimeout then
// Read the stdout and stderr
if redirectOutput then
let! _ = Async.AwaitWaitHandle noMoreOutput
Trace.verbose "Standard output captured (%d) [%s %s]" instance.Id command maskedArguments
if redirectErrors then
let! _ = Async.AwaitWaitHandle noMoreError
Trace.verbose "Standard error captured (%d) [%s %s]" instance.Id command maskedArguments
// We should not read stdoud/stderr since the time out period is already exceeded,
// and reading the standard outputerror would indirectly wait for the process to terminate!
match timeout with
| KeepTheProcessRunningAfterTimeout _
| NoTimeout -> ()
| AttemptToKillProcessAfterTimeout t ->
Trace.info "Killing timed-out process (%d) [%s %s]" instance.Id command maskedArguments
Trace.info "Process killed (%d) [%s %s]" instance.Id command maskedArguments
with _ ->
Trace.warning "Failed to kill process (%d) [%s %s]" instance.Id command maskedArguments
ProcessResult.ProcessExited = exitedBeforeTimeout
ProcessId = instance.Id
ExitCode = exitCode
ExecutionTime = timer.Elapsed
StandardOutput = standardOutput.ToString()
StandardError = standardError.ToString()
// Start a process and returns an asynchronous workflow that waits
// for it to terminate and return the process exit code
let startProcessAsyncAndWait command arguments workingDir flags =
async {
let! processResult = startProcessAsync command arguments workingDir flags NoTimeout None
return processResult.ExitCode
/// Start a process and asynchronously wait for it to terminate
/// redirect stdout and stderr to Trace.info and Trace.error
let startProcessWithStdTracingAsync command arguments workingDir (flags:ProcessStartFlags) =
async {
use resetEvent = new System.Threading.ManualResetEvent false
let maskedArguments = if flags.HasFlag(ProcessStartFlags.SensitiveArguments) then "***MASKED***" else arguments
use p = createProcessInstance
||| ProcessStartFlags.RedirectStandardOutput
||| flags)
|> Event.add (fun dataReceived ->
if isNull dataReceived.Data then
() // There is no more standard error
Trace.error "%s" dataReceived.Data)
|> Event.add(fun dataReceived ->
if isNull dataReceived.Data then
// There is no more standard output
Trace.info "%s" dataReceived.Data)
p.Exited.Add (fun _ -> resetEvent.Set() |> ignore)
if not (p.Start()) then
let message = sprintf "Could not start command: '%s' with parameters '%s'" command maskedArguments
raise <| System.InvalidOperationException(message)
let! _ = resetEvent |> Async.AwaitWaitHandle
return p.ExitCode
/// Start an external command, Powershell script or batch file and asynchronously wait for it to terminate.
let startScriptAsyncAux (script:string) additionalParameters workingDir flags runAsNative timeout environmentVariables =
let batchScriptCommand scriptFileName =
"cmd.exe", sprintf "/c %s %s" scriptFileName additionalParameters
let powershellScriptCommand scriptFileName =
let systemDir =
if runAsNative && Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem && not Environment.Is64BitProcess then
System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("windir") + "\\sysnative"
System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SystemRoot") + "\\system32"
let powershell = sprintf @"%s\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" systemDir
powershell, sprintf "-nologo -NoProfile -executionpolicy bypass -Command \"& { %s %s } ; exit $LASTEXITCODE\"" scriptFileName additionalParameters
let bashScriptCommand scriptFileName =
"/bin/bash", (sprintf "-c \"chmod +x %s; %s %s\"" scriptFileName scriptFileName additionalParameters)
let command, parameters =
if script.EndsWith(".cmd", System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) then
batchScriptCommand script
else if script.EndsWith(".ps1", System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) then
powershellScriptCommand script
else if script.EndsWith(".exe", System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) then
script, ""
else if script.EndsWith(".sh", System.StringComparison.InvariantCulture) then
bashScriptCommand script
invalidArg "script" "Unsupported script file"
startProcessAsync command parameters workingDir flags timeout environmentVariables
/// Start an external command, Powershell script or batch file, asynchronously wait for it to terminate.
/// Return the process exit code.
let startScriptAsync script additionalParameters workingDir flags runAsNative =
async {
let! processResult = startScriptAsyncAux script additionalParameters workingDir flags runAsNative NoTimeout None
return processResult.ExitCode
module Assembly =
open System.Reflection
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
/// Get path of the currently executing assembly
let getCurrentAssemblyPath() =
let callingAssembly = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()
module Extensions =
/// Extension to use Stopwatch to measure performance of async computations
type System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch with
member x.Measure(task:Async<'t>) =
async {
let! r = task
return r