## Copyright Broad Institute, 2019 ## ## This WDL pipeline implements data pre-processing according to the GATK Best Practices. ## ## Requirements/expectations : ## - Pair-end sequencing data in unmapped BAM (uBAM) format ## - One or more read groups, one per uBAM file, all belonging to a single sample (SM) ## - Input uBAM files must additionally comply with the following requirements: ## - - filenames all have the same suffix (we use ".unmapped.bam") ## - - files must pass validation by ValidateSamFile ## - - reads are provided in query-sorted order ## - - all reads must have an RG tag ## ## Output : ## - A clean BAM file and its index, suitable for variant discovery analyses. ## ## Software version requirements ## - GATK 4 or later ## - BWA 0.7.15-r1140 ## - Picard 2.16.0-SNAPSHOT ## - Samtools 1.3.1 (using htslib 1.3.1) ## - Python 2.7 ## ## Cromwell version support ## - Successfully tested on v37 ## - Does not work on versions < v23 due to output syntax ## ## Runtime parameters are optimized for Broad's Google Cloud Platform implementation. ## ## LICENSING : ## This script is released under the WDL source code license (BSD-3) (see LICENSE in ## https://github.com/broadinstitute/wdl). Note however that the programs it calls may ## be subject to different licenses. Users are responsible for checking that they are ## authorized to run all programs before running this script. Please see the dockers ## for detailed licensing information pertaining to the included programs. # WORKFLOW DEFINITION workflow PreProcessingForVariantDiscovery_GATK4 { String sample_name String ref_name File flowcell_unmapped_bams_list String unmapped_bam_suffix File ref_fasta File ref_fasta_index File ref_dict File dbSNP_vcf File dbSNP_vcf_index Array[File] known_indels_sites_VCFs Array[File] known_indels_sites_indices String? bwa_commandline_override String bwa_commandline = select_first([bwa_commandline_override, "bwa mem -K 100000000 -p -v 3 -t 16 -Y $bash_ref_fasta"]) Int compression_level String? gatk_docker_override String gatk_docker = select_first([gatk_docker_override, "broadinstitute/gatk:"]) String? gatk_path_override String gatk_path = select_first([gatk_path_override, "/gatk/gatk"]) String? gotc_docker_override String gotc_docker = select_first([gotc_docker_override, "broadinstitute/genomes-in-the-cloud:2.3.1-1512499786"]) String? gotc_path_override String gotc_path = select_first([gotc_path_override, "/usr/gitc/"]) String? python_docker_override String python_docker = select_first([python_docker_override, "python:2.7"]) Int flowcell_small_disk Int flowcell_medium_disk Int agg_small_disk Int agg_medium_disk Int agg_large_disk String? preemptible_tries_override Int preemptible_tries = select_first([preemptible_tries_override, "3"]) String base_file_name = sample_name + "." + ref_name Array[File] flowcell_unmapped_bams = read_lines(flowcell_unmapped_bams_list) # Get the version of BWA to include in the PG record in the header of the BAM produced # by MergeBamAlignment. call GetBwaVersion { input: docker_image = gotc_docker, bwa_path = gotc_path, preemptible_tries = preemptible_tries } # Align flowcell-level unmapped input bams in parallel scatter (unmapped_bam in flowcell_unmapped_bams) { # Get the basename, i.e. strip the filepath and the extension String bam_basename = basename(unmapped_bam, unmapped_bam_suffix) # Map reads to reference call SamToFastqAndBwaMem { input: input_bam = unmapped_bam, bwa_commandline = bwa_commandline, output_bam_basename = bam_basename + ".unmerged", ref_fasta = ref_fasta, ref_fasta_index = ref_fasta_index, ref_dict = ref_dict, docker_image = gotc_docker, bwa_path = gotc_path, gotc_path = gotc_path, disk_size = flowcell_medium_disk, preemptible_tries = preemptible_tries, compression_level = compression_level } # Merge original uBAM and BWA-aligned BAM call MergeBamAlignment { input: unmapped_bam = unmapped_bam, bwa_commandline = bwa_commandline, bwa_version = GetBwaVersion.version, aligned_bam = SamToFastqAndBwaMem.output_bam, output_bam_basename = bam_basename + ".aligned.unsorted", ref_fasta = ref_fasta, ref_fasta_index = ref_fasta_index, ref_dict = ref_dict, docker_image = gatk_docker, gatk_path = gatk_path, disk_size = flowcell_medium_disk, preemptible_tries = preemptible_tries, compression_level = compression_level } } # Aggregate aligned+merged flowcell BAM files and mark duplicates # We take advantage of the tool's ability to take multiple BAM inputs and write out a single output # to avoid having to spend time just merging BAM files. call MarkDuplicates { input: input_bams = MergeBamAlignment.output_bam, output_bam_basename = base_file_name + ".aligned.unsorted.duplicates_marked", metrics_filename = base_file_name + ".duplicate_metrics", docker_image = gatk_docker, gatk_path = gatk_path, disk_size = agg_large_disk, compression_level = compression_level, preemptible_tries = preemptible_tries } # Sort aggregated+deduped BAM file and fix tags call SortAndFixTags { input: input_bam = MarkDuplicates.output_bam, output_bam_basename = base_file_name + ".aligned.duplicate_marked.sorted", ref_dict = ref_dict, ref_fasta = ref_fasta, ref_fasta_index = ref_fasta_index, docker_image = gatk_docker, gatk_path = gatk_path, disk_size = agg_large_disk, preemptible_tries = 0, compression_level = compression_level } # Create list of sequences for scatter-gather parallelization call CreateSequenceGroupingTSV { input: ref_dict = ref_dict, docker_image = python_docker, preemptible_tries = preemptible_tries } # Perform Base Quality Score Recalibration (BQSR) on the sorted BAM in parallel scatter (subgroup in CreateSequenceGroupingTSV.sequence_grouping) { # Generate the recalibration model by interval call BaseRecalibrator { input: input_bam = SortAndFixTags.output_bam, input_bam_index = SortAndFixTags.output_bam_index, recalibration_report_filename = base_file_name + ".recal_data.csv", sequence_group_interval = subgroup, dbSNP_vcf = dbSNP_vcf, dbSNP_vcf_index = dbSNP_vcf_index, known_indels_sites_VCFs = known_indels_sites_VCFs, known_indels_sites_indices = known_indels_sites_indices, ref_dict = ref_dict, ref_fasta = ref_fasta, ref_fasta_index = ref_fasta_index, docker_image = gatk_docker, gatk_path = gatk_path, disk_size = agg_small_disk, preemptible_tries = preemptible_tries } } # Merge the recalibration reports resulting from by-interval recalibration call GatherBqsrReports { input: input_bqsr_reports = BaseRecalibrator.recalibration_report, output_report_filename = base_file_name + ".recal_data.csv", docker_image = gatk_docker, gatk_path = gatk_path, disk_size = flowcell_small_disk, preemptible_tries = preemptible_tries } scatter (subgroup in CreateSequenceGroupingTSV.sequence_grouping_with_unmapped) { # Apply the recalibration model by interval call ApplyBQSR { input: input_bam = SortAndFixTags.output_bam, input_bam_index = SortAndFixTags.output_bam_index, output_bam_basename = base_file_name + ".aligned.duplicates_marked.recalibrated", recalibration_report = GatherBqsrReports.output_bqsr_report, sequence_group_interval = subgroup, ref_dict = ref_dict, ref_fasta = ref_fasta, ref_fasta_index = ref_fasta_index, docker_image = gatk_docker, gatk_path = gatk_path, disk_size = agg_small_disk, preemptible_tries = preemptible_tries } } # Merge the recalibrated BAM files resulting from by-interval recalibration call GatherBamFiles { input: input_bams = ApplyBQSR.recalibrated_bam, output_bam_basename = base_file_name, docker_image = gatk_docker, gatk_path = gatk_path, disk_size = agg_large_disk, preemptible_tries = preemptible_tries, compression_level = compression_level } # Outputs that will be retained when execution is complete output { File duplication_metrics = MarkDuplicates.duplicate_metrics File bqsr_report = GatherBqsrReports.output_bqsr_report File analysis_ready_bam = GatherBamFiles.output_bam File analysis_ready_bam_index = GatherBamFiles.output_bam_index File analysis_ready_bam_md5 = GatherBamFiles.output_bam_md5 } } # TASK DEFINITIONS # Get version of BWA task GetBwaVersion { Int preemptible_tries String mem_size String docker_image String bwa_path command { # Not setting "set -o pipefail" here because /bwa has a rc=1 and we don't want to allow rc=1 to succeed # because the sed may also fail with that error and that is something we actually want to fail on. ${bwa_path}bwa 2>&1 | \ grep -e '^Version' | \ sed 's/Version: //' } runtime { maxRetries: preemptible_tries docker: docker_image memory: mem_size } output { String version = read_string(stdout()) } } # Read unmapped BAM, convert on-the-fly to FASTQ and stream to BWA MEM for alignment task SamToFastqAndBwaMem { File input_bam String bwa_commandline String output_bam_basename File ref_fasta File ref_fasta_index File ref_dict # This is the .alt file from bwa-kit (https://github.com/lh3/bwa/tree/master/bwakit), # listing the reference contigs that are "alternative". Leave blank in JSON for legacy # references such as b37 and hg19. File? ref_alt File ref_amb File ref_ann File ref_bwt File ref_pac File ref_sa Int compression_level Int preemptible_tries Int disk_size String mem_size String num_cpu String docker_image String bwa_path String gotc_path String java_opt command <<< set -o pipefail set -e # set the bash variable needed for the command-line bash_ref_fasta=${ref_fasta} java -Dsamjdk.compression_level=${compression_level} ${java_opt} -jar ${gotc_path}picard.jar \ SamToFastq \ INPUT=${input_bam} \ FASTQ=/dev/stdout \ INTERLEAVE=true \ NON_PF=true \ | \ ${bwa_path}${bwa_commandline} /dev/stdin - 2> >(tee ${output_bam_basename}.bwa.stderr.log >&2) \ | \ samtools view -1 - > ${output_bam_basename}.bam >>> runtime { maxRetries: preemptible_tries docker: docker_image memory: mem_size cpu: num_cpu disk: disk_size + " GB" } output { File output_bam = "${output_bam_basename}.bam" File bwa_stderr_log = "${output_bam_basename}.bwa.stderr.log" } } # Merge original input uBAM file with BWA-aligned BAM file task MergeBamAlignment { File unmapped_bam String bwa_commandline String bwa_version File aligned_bam String output_bam_basename File ref_fasta File ref_fasta_index File ref_dict Int compression_level Int preemptible_tries Int disk_size String mem_size String docker_image String gatk_path String java_opt command { # set the bash variable needed for the command-line bash_ref_fasta=${ref_fasta} ${gatk_path} --java-options "-Dsamjdk.compression_level=${compression_level} ${java_opt}" \ MergeBamAlignment \ --VALIDATION_STRINGENCY SILENT \ --EXPECTED_ORIENTATIONS FR \ --ATTRIBUTES_TO_RETAIN X0 \ --ALIGNED_BAM ${aligned_bam} \ --UNMAPPED_BAM ${unmapped_bam} \ --OUTPUT ${output_bam_basename}.bam \ --REFERENCE_SEQUENCE ${ref_fasta} \ --PAIRED_RUN true \ --SORT_ORDER "unsorted" \ --IS_BISULFITE_SEQUENCE false \ --ALIGNED_READS_ONLY false \ --CLIP_ADAPTERS false \ --MAX_RECORDS_IN_RAM 2000000 \ --ADD_MATE_CIGAR true \ --MAX_INSERTIONS_OR_DELETIONS -1 \ --PRIMARY_ALIGNMENT_STRATEGY MostDistant \ --PROGRAM_RECORD_ID "bwamem" \ --PROGRAM_GROUP_VERSION "${bwa_version}" \ --PROGRAM_GROUP_COMMAND_LINE "${bwa_commandline}" \ --PROGRAM_GROUP_NAME "bwamem" \ --UNMAPPED_READ_STRATEGY COPY_TO_TAG \ --ALIGNER_PROPER_PAIR_FLAGS true \ --UNMAP_CONTAMINANT_READS true } runtime { maxRetries: preemptible_tries docker: docker_image memory: mem_size disk: disk_size + " GB" } output { File output_bam = "${output_bam_basename}.bam" } } # Sort BAM file by coordinate order and fix tag values for NM and UQ task SortAndFixTags { File input_bam String output_bam_basename File ref_dict File ref_fasta File ref_fasta_index Int compression_level Int preemptible_tries Int disk_size String mem_size String docker_image String gatk_path String java_opt_sort String java_opt_fix command { set -o pipefail ${gatk_path} --java-options "-Dsamjdk.compression_level=${compression_level} ${java_opt_sort}" \ SortSam \ --INPUT ${input_bam} \ --OUTPUT /dev/stdout \ --SORT_ORDER "coordinate" \ --CREATE_INDEX false \ --CREATE_MD5_FILE false \ | \ ${gatk_path} --java-options "-Dsamjdk.compression_level=${compression_level} ${java_opt_fix}" \ SetNmMdAndUqTags \ --INPUT /dev/stdin \ --OUTPUT ${output_bam_basename}.bam \ --CREATE_INDEX true \ --CREATE_MD5_FILE true \ --REFERENCE_SEQUENCE ${ref_fasta} } runtime { maxRetries: preemptible_tries docker: docker_image memory: mem_size disk: disk_size + " GB" } output { File output_bam = "${output_bam_basename}.bam" File output_bam_index = "${output_bam_basename}.bai" File output_bam_md5 = "${output_bam_basename}.bam.md5" } } # Mark duplicate reads to avoid counting non-independent observations task MarkDuplicates { Array[File] input_bams String output_bam_basename String metrics_filename Int compression_level Int preemptible_tries Int disk_size String mem_size String docker_image String gatk_path String java_opt # Task is assuming query-sorted input so that the Secondary and Supplementary reads get marked correctly. # This works because the output of BWA is query-grouped and therefore, so is the output of MergeBamAlignment. # While query-grouped isn't actually query-sorted, it's good enough for MarkDuplicates with ASSUME_SORT_ORDER="queryname" command { ${gatk_path} --java-options "-Dsamjdk.compression_level=${compression_level} ${java_opt}" \ MarkDuplicates \ --INPUT ${sep=' --INPUT ' input_bams} \ --OUTPUT ${output_bam_basename}.bam \ --METRICS_FILE ${metrics_filename} \ --VALIDATION_STRINGENCY SILENT \ --OPTICAL_DUPLICATE_PIXEL_DISTANCE 2500 \ --ASSUME_SORT_ORDER "queryname" \ --CREATE_MD5_FILE true } runtime { maxRetries: preemptible_tries docker: docker_image memory: mem_size disk: disk_size + " GB" } output { File output_bam = "${output_bam_basename}.bam" File duplicate_metrics = "${metrics_filename}" } } # Generate sets of intervals for scatter-gathering over chromosomes task CreateSequenceGroupingTSV { File ref_dict Int preemptible_tries String mem_size String docker_image # Use python to create the Sequencing Groupings used for BQSR and PrintReads Scatter. # It outputs to stdout where it is parsed into a wdl Array[Array[String]] # e.g. [["1"], ["2"], ["3", "4"], ["5"], ["6", "7", "8"]] command <<< python <>> runtime { maxRetries: preemptible_tries docker: docker_image memory: mem_size } output { Array[Array[String]] sequence_grouping = read_tsv("sequence_grouping.txt") Array[Array[String]] sequence_grouping_with_unmapped = read_tsv("sequence_grouping_with_unmapped.txt") } } # Generate Base Quality Score Recalibration (BQSR) model task BaseRecalibrator { File input_bam File input_bam_index String recalibration_report_filename Array[String] sequence_group_interval File dbSNP_vcf File dbSNP_vcf_index Array[File] known_indels_sites_VCFs Array[File] known_indels_sites_indices File ref_dict File ref_fasta File ref_fasta_index Int preemptible_tries Int disk_size String mem_size String docker_image String gatk_path String java_opt command { ${gatk_path} --java-options "${java_opt}" \ BaseRecalibrator \ -R ${ref_fasta} \ -I ${input_bam} \ --use-original-qualities \ -O ${recalibration_report_filename} \ --known-sites ${dbSNP_vcf} \ --known-sites ${sep=" --known-sites " known_indels_sites_VCFs} \ -L ${sep=" -L " sequence_group_interval} } runtime { maxRetries: preemptible_tries docker: docker_image memory: mem_size disk: disk_size + " GB" } output { File recalibration_report = "${recalibration_report_filename}" } } # Combine multiple recalibration tables from scattered BaseRecalibrator runs # Note that when run from GATK 3.x the tool is not a walker and is invoked differently. task GatherBqsrReports { Array[File] input_bqsr_reports String output_report_filename Int preemptible_tries Int disk_size String mem_size String docker_image String gatk_path String java_opt command { ${gatk_path} --java-options "${java_opt}" \ GatherBQSRReports \ -I ${sep=' -I ' input_bqsr_reports} \ -O ${output_report_filename} } runtime { maxRetries: preemptible_tries docker: docker_image memory: mem_size disk: disk_size + " GB" } output { File output_bqsr_report = "${output_report_filename}" } } # Apply Base Quality Score Recalibration (BQSR) model task ApplyBQSR { File input_bam File input_bam_index String output_bam_basename File recalibration_report Array[String] sequence_group_interval File ref_dict File ref_fasta File ref_fasta_index Int preemptible_tries Int disk_size String mem_size String docker_image String gatk_path String java_opt command { ${gatk_path} --java-options "${java_opt}" \ ApplyBQSR \ -R ${ref_fasta} \ -I ${input_bam} \ -O ${output_bam_basename}.bam \ -L ${sep=" -L " sequence_group_interval} \ -bqsr ${recalibration_report} \ --static-quantized-quals 10 --static-quantized-quals 20 --static-quantized-quals 30 \ --add-output-sam-program-record \ --create-output-bam-md5 \ --use-original-qualities } runtime { maxRetries: preemptible_tries docker: docker_image memory: mem_size disk: disk_size + " GB" } output { File recalibrated_bam = "${output_bam_basename}.bam" } } # Combine multiple recalibrated BAM files from scattered ApplyRecalibration runs task GatherBamFiles { Array[File] input_bams String output_bam_basename Int compression_level Int preemptible_tries Int disk_size String mem_size String docker_image String gatk_path String java_opt command { ${gatk_path} --java-options "-Dsamjdk.compression_level=${compression_level} ${java_opt}" \ GatherBamFiles \ --INPUT ${sep=' --INPUT ' input_bams} \ --OUTPUT ${output_bam_basename}.bam \ --CREATE_INDEX true \ --CREATE_MD5_FILE true } runtime { maxRetries: preemptible_tries docker: docker_image memory: mem_size disk: disk_size + " GB" } output { File output_bam = "${output_bam_basename}.bam" File output_bam_index = "${output_bam_basename}.bai" File output_bam_md5 = "${output_bam_basename}.bam.md5" } }